East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 12, 1901, Image 3

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    All c
Bnl 2ic Lnwna to go at
Y.f 1
,uU 2$c tfoodn will be Mold at
O v m 1
nncr Vet, to ctoOBC
2 5 EDflto!
leaver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
"ADOLST 13. 101-
aa siuriv and tha
4 v"
Home Him
. -ITli l.r ic still MWIBI
"""' . . ... ,.... I'll,. tl'HIII
re ss vyiim.
-..lv Mill .?".' i
itokfrOitv ken, " lT
r ..m,i'' TIi'iiiiiikod intul.-
' v- -. i. ,lf.
U itmte tli'- Brat
.. . .!... ...... i, tin- rnni mi
LkIi rjiur ,, ,
' b Mttclmll. MMMtoa. Hrml
I MnJlw Hti.l .Iniibh- by Ki
. uowwl utaiif r",",
La mnin. Tlif IBM 0B8g
...;lt! i" viotory tor Haknr
M Mr Of U tn -.
,uitwniii- playerf art' n i.-ktiHin-
i-wi rullerii bf tin- n.-wspap-ra,
...... li.b.r fill- IlllVH lire I'Hlll'll
..B ' 'a ' "
UMIni M Houri r Day.
... ...i Inf Ilium. limit's lit-
, ,,. lr. Knit:
Millions HI always uy. our
iri.iil liver jmimlii'i'. tn ImiMimBH,
nil tuiie. Tik'v bullish nick
,riTf out inaluria. Nvnr
. I w f II U 1 11 I i i . -
fOMiri. Try tot-in . .ii' ui
law & Co. '.
urru 'KAY NOTKS.
ui u ProirSH A Whaal Lrou
But half to mo Acrt.
Nr McKav. Auk. 11. Wh nath-
LL , . .iili.il i.. in i .liiviii. tKtti
W HifHlllllJ l." a .
i i .i I.
Huif iriiiuii uir in1 1 u ii nun iii-igii-
J (( mis." Urui in tlua
m 01 Ihf iHiilnln .iri nun n hi
Bii idwI wliii-li will itii J.' i tin h! -
V' is? acre.
H KiiuImIIi U'vrii'lf iu iiailinu
MMr, J. (i. Mvttri.
. tUm liw turti'il u or i t k yard at
if . ti.ler.iili mill i uili. nt.ir l.l -
ti' mi riiurMlay for runJlutuu,
Uwtn lo Kclm an KiiHti of Mrn.
Ubb, tin- i. inner rtituriiiiiit.
Ii.!'' rHiiimiiiiii. until Mfiitiini .r
hall at l'ortland.
Water ia i ttnit lo 1' a vrry ii'4rr'
rtiolt nf IctM in thin pari of tIM noun
try. Clprenrf A Hen anil Torn Vangbao
rami' up from Penilletun on their
wIhhiIh Monday and NN SMtl "t
Charlie Patanoa.
Tha Dapartraent at Last Payi Altantlon
to Thalr Dapradallons.
The petition of 417 citizena oi Wal
lowa county to GOV. ieer regarding
tin- ilepredatioiiH of Indiana from the
N.v riflll and I' mat ilia reHervatione,
hae at last received a definite reply.
aya the Salem Journal. Oofi Ueer
referred the matter to the department
ui the interior, who in turn qOMtlOMd
i In. aetitx at theae reapective renerva
I tun.
The agent at U.natilla, Charled Wtl
kina. deniea that hie Indian are guil
ty of thecharuoH hrotight againat tlieni.
C. ti. Stranalian agent at Ne I'erce
fMe adiuita that hie Indian are
guilty and aaya that the only recourie
the Wallowa county citiaeua . m. have
ia in enforcing the law in the amalledt
It in charged that between Auguat l.'i
ami NiiMimiiiT 1 of each year theae In
itiaiiH go to Wallowa county and in
ilultfc in wild (eHtivitien and debauch
rial rbajf drink, gamhle, horae race,
cti . . hut the gruatuNt oflenae ia in
breaking the game lawH. Laat year
doling theae feativitiee two Net I'erce
IndlajU loat their liven from the ex
ceaaive uae of liijuor and another wan
lined $100 for killing game nut of aea-00,
Yon ir not prepared for
' liAVKoought a jiair of our
Colored Qlasses
, w, w ami 7.h
" i run in, in
ami III,
Bye Protectors
H CLOCKS. laj) t.,.. thing for
"ion. 7.V. ll.fi, $1.60.
P l"l ul we will Nil your
auu upucian..,
' to AiijiuilMr .V " -
Daatnosi Lannot oa Curad
hy local appllratioun. an they cauuol roaeb the
.lunuaMtU portion ol tUe oar. Thoru In ouly uur
way to euru dualnii, huiI that In by eiimutu
HiiiihI ruinoaio. ImmIuvm it. i auiil by au iu
... in. . ..ui) urn ill tbv iuui'ouk llnlug ol iiu
KuaUeblau tubo. Wbou tbl tube goU In
llmauil you bave a ruiubllug miiiihI ur iiuh i
loot buarniK, ami w liou it I- unllrely closed
iliialiieiw l the remill. ami nine tbe lutlaiuiua
lion ean be takou out ami tliln tube roatoreil lo
It ii OttadlUOBi livarlug will be deitrnyeil
lorever : nine caiwa out ol teu are cauaed by
. in i. ii In. ii la uotbllig but hii lullaiueil
eondltiou of tbe luuooun ur(aee Wr will give
one buudred doilam lor any cane ol doaluena
(eauaed by ualarrh) that eauuul be cured by
Itali a l.atarrb Cure. Houd lor elroulara. tree.
. J. ('IIENKY A CO., Toledo, (
Hold by all drugglata, M,
ii..- i nil.. Pilla are tbe beat.
"Tha Klki Carnival At Straai fair."
For the above tlie WaHliington Jt
i ui u uibia river railway will aell tick
eta to I .u una and return lor $U. Tick
eta on aale Auguat 16 goial returning
up to ami including the 10th. The
Northern 1'acitn haa beeu declared the
ofUcial route by tbe Spokaue Klka, and
a large excuraion train will leave ibat
cily Auguat the l.itb t'ir lacoiua. r.ir
full information call at tbe city ticket
i inn About It.
If you will only think it over you
will go to aee Martin when you waut
to buy grocenua. Hia motto ia "beat
gooda at loweat pricea." Hia atock ia
very large and well aelected. Martin
haa the beat bakery departuien I in the
For Sala.
About ;00 bead of cowih, calvea aud
yearliuga, about 70 bead of beef cattle
in the band; aluo, the tineat Hummer
rauge in tbe mountain for aaie.
Teriiia, half caah, balance in one vuar.
Tliia ia a bargain. Inquire at thin
For bale.
u n ii. of departure 1 offer (or
aale my private teniae, corner Jobuaou
aud Webb alreet, containing eight
roouia, alao a four room cottage ami
two lota near achool bouae.
ii ki . . .
ii ' i i- i . i i a a a i T l
IMtlttmaa'l and ladies' gold and silver watches,
7C u" knui t-r,'Ks. chains and great variety of Jewelry
r-- at exlr,;l", y low prices during the month of August.
f2rt for tha bityial
Jf MMt complata Itock of furniture, linoleum, stoves,
Q&2Cke, H"1 tarPets'
cr3'0r Pluabini and tinning given prompt attention.
Joe Basler,
Main Street, lJendleton,
Opera Hoube block.
Ful1 Line of Teats, Wagon
(:,,vers, Anti-rust Tinware,
General Hardware.
Many War Thara Prom Pandlaton Ra
port or a Holdup or tha Slaaa
Saturday Night.
Ringham Spring, Aug. 13. Spatial
Oorniipoadarica. It w aumewhat
disappointed crowd of guetand canip
er here that at up Saturday night
until nearly midnight awaiting the ar
rival of about l'.S people who were on
the train from Pendleton and Walla
Walla, and who were expected to liven
things up a trille f..r the regular
a.'ue-t. The people here went to bod
bortl) before 12 o'clock, and had not
yet rapoaad thamaalavi to ilonbat ba-
Ion the stages drove into the rrondl
With those Noorilhai of rein and whip
M iraoaulljj amtmplialMR he tka man
ager, 0. W. Averv, aini tiie driver,
Walter Marble.
I'.ingham Spring! acquired a new
name, on this occasion, for the 26 ar
rivals were singing lustily "Benlah
hand," a song understood to be the
Hiacial paaaion of John Kyke Robin
on. The chorus was compoaed of
theae, all celebrated vocalists Willi rep
utations spread lar and wide:
Ur. J, K. Bingham ..f Walla Walla,
.lohn K. Kobinaon, I. eon Cohen, Judge
1 1. A. Ilartman, who also aDg some
aolo that everyone should hear, L,
i. Kraiier, K. L. Tatom, K. G. Mont
ginnery, Arthur Knight, Mark M.M.r
nonta, J. B, Ijitiirop, Oliver Kelsay,
Karl Horie, 0. J. Ferguson, the ladies
Obatlaatalf reinsing assistance.
Tha Raporiad Holdup.
The train was late, and it was deep
midnight when the stages rounded the
sharp turn in the mad a few miles Ite
low the springs, and plunged into the
dark shadows that lie there in the
night time. There waa a sharp call of
"halt"' and the passengers saw close
to the foot of the mountain, ten feet
away, a solitary horseman sitting his
saddle w ith an equestrian grace worthy
a picture by Remington, and clad in
the hahiliament 01 the rough and
ready man of the wet. In the party
were L'.'i people, adults excepting one
baby, and those people were just about
a scared us any people ever were in all
tbe history of this world.
"Holy No shirt, a highwayman'"
said I'iiarle herguson, noted for ex
ploit in the Spanish war. "Let. me
at him and I will run my balo througn
hi robber ions laidy."
"Hold"' commanded Judge Hart
maii, ' here is a dead soldier 1 will
hurl at him, and make him faint to
th ink it is empty. "
lir.Hingham hv this time had nulled
out a piatnl.aud several othera produc
ed them, and just as they were about
to tire, some one discovered that it wai
lay l.e Grow, a well known Walla
Walla young man who has livestock
interests in that ha'ality, and who
nad kindly ridden hia saddle horse
down the gulcii to inform Mr. Avery
that the third wagon the latter had
telephoned for, lay a disreputable wreck
larther up tbe canyon, one ol the
wheels broken.
It was a narrow eacape and would
have laen a rich haul for a sure
enough roblmr. There was, on actual
count, exactly i.l." in the crowd.
Soma Paopla Who War Thara.
Mr and Mrs. U, K. Waggoner of
Portland are here for lew weeks.
Mr. Waggoner was chief of the staff of
engineers under John 1'. Arnold, sur
veyor-general Up to the time ol the lat
ter1! death. Me is now in the nihce
ol the present incumbent.
Mr. and Mrs. uoaa oi Portland are
also here. Mr. imss came I mm a sick
bed where he had been for three
months, and is already recovering
'trough the hatlo- and the exh i lerat ing
mountain air.
Jo. McUabe and K. ti. Wilson are
two well known railroaders who were
here last week.
Mr. aud Mrs. Tom Montgomery,
Mr". Hobs and Arthur Knight came up
Irom I'endletou and spent Sunday here.
Mr. Irvin left this morning tor
her home in Walla Walla. She goes
to attend tbe wedding on Wedneaday
of her sister, and will return here on
C. J. I'arguson killed a
bag oi grouse y water-day. Df Van
Patten still hold the tishing rwcord.
Kecen; arrivals have been: Geo. K.
Waggoner and wife, Mr. T. J. Black,
Mr. M. at. Tobiu, Mrs. I i.-i lrake,
It. B. Wiiaou, Portland.
I'r. J. K. Bingham aud wile, Joa
euh McCabw, Harry Paxtou, jr., K. C.
McAJaualand, Mr. Tbouiaa Lyons, Miaa
Annie Lyoua, Mra. Struthef. Miaa
Struther, Fav LvGrow, Mra. Archie
Duutitgan and three children, Walla
II. F. Johnaou, wife and daughter,
J. F. Kobiuaon, wife and son, Mra.
Jam Ilartman. Jaums feiturgis, I ' r
Hturgis, B. V. J add, llaldaoe Ifnksoii ,
wife ami two children, L Fraitier,
F;. L. Tatom, Loon Cohen, . A. Hart
man, T. Q, Montgomery and wile,
Mrs. Uoaa, Arthur Knight, Mark Mis,r
houaw, K. Di Burie, J. FJ. Latbrop. ('.
J. Fwrguaou, W. F;. imuld, Oliver
Kelaav, I'endletou.
A. A. Foa, T. f, I'age, Athena.
Henry Heppuer, Mrs. Henry Black
man, A. B. Blackmail, Heppner Black
mail, Heppuer.
Mm. J. M. Johns, Arliugtou.
Touy lleauaon, Wettou.
Judas Lowall Makaa a Mil
The Cove correspondent ol tbe La
Grande Ubrouicle, under dale of the
luth instant, aav: Judge Hiwphwu A.
Lowell delivered an addreaa last night
in Hi Qofl opera bouse which waa at
tend. I by moat of tbe uttople oi tlie
luw J tbe aurrouudiug country It
wa of the ablest addressee ever
heard in this place aud has excited al
moin unlimited comment of a favor
able cba i 4Cter.
lu the afternoon Judge Lowell ad
dressed the students of IT d. Q M .
(arduer's summer normal school,
. was concluded here Friday after
a very succeaeful term.
Mayor v meant Is Ulvao Cradll tor Muel
Good Work
A great many papers throughout tlie
state poiut lo reu. Melon as a niooei oi
ui.uiautii. and at the same lime Dure.
uiuniciual goverumeut. I'eudlwlon'a
push, vigor aud activity aa a city is
pretty geuerally attributed to tb all
wiae deliueratioua oi a oraiuy uouueu.
Hi., facta are Feudlelou'a city couucil
in a moat ordinary body of meu ol
much the same atriue as tboae nlliug
l...ilv .w.aiMnnM in MiiLon and a hun
dred other Oregon town, but she bas
a mayor, auu il is to u is wiauow auu
clearsigbledueaa that all her prosper
ity ia due. 1'euiiletoii ia practically a
"oue-mau-towu." It is aimoai aoao
lulely ooutrolled by tbe mayor, and in
aucb a way that everybody la glad they
live under hia mild deauotiem. Wbeu
tbe preaeut incumbent took bis office
t .... 1 1 two veuraauo a chaotic couditiou
existed there iu city affairs. The town
waa heavily in uebt ana uau oesiue an
ita chief aaaet a dilapidated syatein of
water works that waa entirely inade
quate to the ueed oi the people.
Mayor Viucwut at onoe assumed full
management ol the city's tiuauce and
bar run down resources), lie provided
h fown with goivrl water ami at th
same time placed the water system on
a safe financial haais. In short he
soon reduced the whole municipal ma
chine to run in a manner similar to a
well conducted private enterprise.
Therein lies his success. He permit
no "graft" In anv department it
requires other qtMl iflcaiion beside
Iwing a good fellow who hod in with
the gang" to secure city contract it
require merit and honest work. Mil
ton F'agle.
Jamas D. Lannan Bsaapad From Aeeldant
With silaht Injury.
A James I). Lannan and hi brother
Pat were crossing Alta street near
Main at 8 o'clock Sunday evening,
August 11, the former wa knocked
down and run over by a h re and
huggy. In the vehicle were two ladies
and two s -'all girls. While Mr. Lan
nan was prostrate, the driver checked
the horse. As the animal wa about
to place one of it hoofs on Mr. Lan
nan' face, he grabbed it with bottl
hand and managed to keep it away
from him.
The ladle then drove on without
stopping to see whether the man was
hurt or not.
He received a cut just in front at
hia right ear, so that it became neces
sary to apply a piece of court plaster".
Mr. Lannan is blind a regard hi
left eye and the rig approached from
that side, consequently lie saw it not.
The witnesses of the affair, when they
aaw the man down and the horse
prancing over and around him, expect
ed to pick him up badly hurt, but his
good luck came to his aid a an offset
M) the hud luck which had got him
into his dangerous predicament , and
he escaped almost miraculously with
out any severe hurt.
About 200,000 Pounds Remaining- Thara
In Hand or Grower.
Ilenrv Heppner. who is called the
lather ol Heppner because he gave the
town it name and owns a large
amount of property there and in Mor
row county, is at Bingham Bpflagl
with Ins sister. Mrs. Henry Blarkmau
and her children. Mr. Heppner has
been for a nutnlMT of years a ware
house man in Heppner, and knows the
status of the wool industry there as
well aa any man in the country. He
whs asked by a representative nt the
I'.ast oregnntan regarding the amount
of wool unsold at that point, and he
repl leu :
' In the warehouses of Heppner
there is not more than Jlltl,U0O pounds
unsold out oi a total of four or dve mil
lions handled this season. The prices
ranged from i'4 cents for the heavy
wool to 12 lor those that were lighter.
Wool men, both growers and buyers
and warehousemen congratulate th ni
sei ves thai the season was one ol mu-
. Two Strangers Olva an Exhibition of the
Art of lair Daren.
Sunday forenoon in I'endletou wa
a reasonably busy season, considering
tbe fact (that o many people are out of
town at tile different watering place.
Great interest centered in the action
of lour strange meu. A couple of
them got into an altercation at the
poetofflc between 10 and 11 o'clock,
and it i said both were armed with
knive ready for action, hut a tem
porary peace wa patched up. Alxuit
an hour afterward 1he came together
at the Oi K. A N. depot and pfOOMd
ed to sett tie their dispute acconlilf) to
the rule of the prise ring. Another
t ranger At ted a referee and a fourth
one kept the crowd back antt allowed
none to Interfere. A crowd of near I
100 gathered And watched the mill for
several minute, until one at kuowleg
ed he was whipped alter he hail been
knix-ked down a number of limes.
Daring the progress oi the tight one
ol the combatant attempted to get a
large stone lying near and use it to a
sitt him in demolishing hi adversary,
but the referee ruled him out
AsOtticer William J. Seheor was seen
to approach the tighter ran away and
escaped arrest. Tbnj who tight and
run awav mav live to tight another
Says Ha Was Tortured.
"I ai'ffered such pain imiii corns 1
could hardly walk." writes H Rubin
son. Hillsborough. Ills., "hut Buck
len's Arnica Salve completely cure. I
loan." Acts like magic on sprains
bruise, cut, sores, scalds, burns
boils, ulcers. Pot fOCi healer of skill
diseases and plies. Cure gUMWntM I
bv Tallman iV. Co. 2V.
dial profit, and all seem
satisfied with the outcome.
to Is
Arrivals at Hotel Pendleton.
Paul l'leper. I'enver.
R T On. oily
W C Werge, Kansas fity.
Mrs T llailev and family
W I Kurt, Portland.
I I QUI, Spokane
S A Frans, Sfaikane.
QaO Mciiiiverv, Spokane.
A Nylander, Portland.
H J Mann, city.
K W Faulkner,' Portland.
i. W Ashford, Portland.
Miss Venue Weddell, Hllard.
C I) Knox, San Francisco
(ieo Harris, l'ortland.
W H Col well, Arlington.
Win Smith, Arlington.
Marugerite M Painter, Walla Walla
Josephine Nixon, Waitsburg
A Perfect Food Drink
Made from the choicest
fruits and cereals grown
in California
Possesses a delicate flavor
and aroma not found in
any other Cereal Coffee.
All grocers sell it.
tt., 1 1. in m II.- and in. .c II laavr brru
ulu, i ii AKI I H ami L a lbs beat
oitHlh ins w bare er ban hi be Uou Lal
vans my wife Iraium wilb beadkibn Jul
iwodays ale n e.l aoiueuf joui I'ASCA KtTS.
aud ibey rehsvix! Hit pain In bsr bead u.oal
iu.u.rdlally ' ' 'u- u ninunimia
On an S iaioM -ai'
fllWburg Salt a 1H uoail USJ PtlMburg, fa
raaot ataaa
PuMwaul Paitiaiila P'Srin Taal Ouu4 Do
UuTsiimi i..e i Wsassu i.ii.nn US- tUt it
...oi.. lasi raaNsaw ,kla. "!., a., iwi in
MTA Blaf BaW -o..i a..iuld W aililiu
TO-IAC a ' i 'la' liabll
SALE . . .
a a
A- kftar a bis Mrv you'll Hud heapi rj
;i-!n's, (Itiritig our salt' wt Imvi- gc-
oumulated a !f f
Father Dunean.
Those who are interested in the mis
sion work of "Father" DVDOM among
the Indians at Metlakathla, Alaska,
will be gratiticd to learn that it was
not his nresent in.-anm that suffered
in the Hre reairtel in the AnoeiafMaJj
Pre ilispatclies recentlx The scene
of the tire was Did Meltakathla, where
Puugan's mission station was ui.nl
lib ut I:: years ago. Old Meltakathla
i in Itriti-di t'olumhia. while the pre
ent missi n i in American territory,
on Annette Island.
a a
I'on't be satisfied with temiiorarv
relief from indigestion, Kodol I (v s -apsia
cure prmanentl and eom
pletelv removes this complaint. It re
1 1 1 i . n periininentl v because it allow
the tinsl stomach aerfect rest. I ' i-t
ing won't rest tlie stomach Nature
receueh Hllpplies Irom the food we en I
The sensible way lo help the slum
ach is to use Koilol Hyspepsia cure, i
which digests what yon eat and can't
help hut do von Hiatal, rail man A Co.
Calico, Gingham, Outing
Flannel, Dross Goods
dotfiif of dilfefanl k i i i - ol matt
Thty ar piled on m r large nidrlle
oountar In tht Diy Qoodi lection
Tho pricea on then tnaku tale men tin
I AM, A N 1 1 BEE
fVgenta Butterwiok i Paiterni
Mormon aiahopa' PMI0 k " "
Cl.ur.il anil ilia.i i ... . i.T INill.y . ' He
ft fr.ll I , II.. Ir.k. ..I i'.. M.n..h
ia .4.1 .ml ...ii atiia I. a aS i
4 i.k. diui.,i. - ... ar iwjwiw. . eui.i uosi ssannood, im
potanr', Lost Power. lBn,-tOft.a, Bparmalorrhoaa InaomnU, PwJns
. 1. P ,.i T.".,T. a ..... ii ' ..i. nnn ....n. I
. ..... .. ... ... .... .'. WHW I .. . ' .
! xMaM, mm ana c m ulu. rma. AOdraaw, aianop Namely Co., Ban Pranciawe. Owl.
Vi.it -.ill- n I' v I . I , v KM t OOa. mi' 'linn Pit, i I no DRMMiin.
Call up:
No. 5
and Sand.
Heavy Hauling
K. -'i lal attention glvsn
in l iiliaimmelil
Laatz Bros.
I U. Ray ct Co.,
Huy n i sell
stock, Bonds)
II A Kl w A Hi' MBItOM iMTl
Main Slrccl, I'endlcton. (rc.
S.L00 per Day and Upwards
I Ineat Mutal
In th 'a. in.
i -i 1 1 i t a N i ORBQON
iininerclal travelers.
speil Hatsi to liaatarn Dragon paopU visiting l'ortland. fteaJmiaitjrs
n. V.- OUWBIIS Tiaoagvr.
iii ti I .mm
lor eaali ill nil uia'Xlna
New Vork Stock hschange
Chicago Stock t'.achangc.
Chicago Hoard ol TraiU.
I ..... I Mi. ...
-....iii..ii. I trm.
m YKAKS, uv is, M VKAKS
of Sloinacli 1 rouble. No mat
hi how Lm Maadiaf.
WILL U kl aooooooa
vi, want tA waaaesi aioioailis to
treat, fall remedy mil reauiro til
aloiuaeli Ui uoruutl and i.elitij
eoadltion 11 you bane Oesu auVaf
m wtili LiMtl ovglu ukliiK
ipia reiuady, aaii see " ib
gradually Iuijxoik.
Vot sale by i allinan Co. and
all first class druggists, or end to
Frank Nau, Portland Hotel lJbar
niacy, Portland, Oregon. Price
ji oo a bottle, o bettVai fof lb.
express prepaid.
Farmers Custom Mill
Fra4 WalUra, Proyrtatar.
i a&. ity, inu barrel, a day
riuui ei liau(od lor wtanal
flour, Mill road, i inieed VmhI. ale . alwajra
ou baud
Oregon Lumber Yard
Pot barua uJ ilwollniKs
Chaar than ttu.
Mm iik I cm,
BuildioK I' m .
Tar Faper.
Lime aud (ieuieot,
Hrick and ttand,
Screen Doumk WiuduWH,
Saali and Iuont,
Terra Cotta Pipe.
Borie & Light, Prop'
Alta St , opp. Court Hooae.
Hole! 1 mm
ui ii DAHVIUtl, Prop
KleMotlyurohbed SImui Heated
European flan
Mi . a anil a hall Iroiai depot
Mamplr w nun in tonaaOoa
RtMiin Rite
5Uc. 7Sc, SI.M
Hotel Pendleton
Under New riariaKement
StrlCtiy rlfit lid,
Kzcelieot CuLiuu
tnt) Modtro
Bar and Billiard ttootma.
Tha Boat
Van Dran Brut., Propa
Glif Ui i Trial.
Riles $1.00 i day
Special Kites by
Veil or moiitb
Hott In fc stern Oregon.
Succeeeore to J. C. Moore
For Health, Strength and f
Pleasure Drink ::::::: 1
Polydore Moens, Proprietor. J