Mil if itf DAILY EVENING EDITION J5 EASTf.RV MM WUTM. I 'iii" 5 Tailareonir 1 rt"" "M, PACT. I MiL'K Pair lnnlht Mid Tn.Hy PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, ORKferON, MONDAY. AUGUST 12, 1901. NO. 4800 he Place buv Groceries von can havi select from Call Mv k is UK' Ml in fancy and sia ; l Demott Wash Skirts AT- One-Half Price : : : WIDTH SALK OF us..... m Lute 1. mks $1.24 . . .including floUid VMeanoei.' ""nof the Road, Etc. BOOKS Rib uivc $LT H'',w) Series ru 5amhr'le S,;ries at one- KW-' prici i r Large Shipmeut of ' UiMlks 111; to NSI" VOl ON BOOKS ,J ud BUtiOMVf tw line of,., , ' 1 "Old Jklri! uast in flJT"." oriental yai, -I 'am etc ntui bo a Goods 4 5- HcHorunrl...... ' . -"""is " '"ie rW h ai. - u y mm mm emu. ",e unsurpassed, C to 75c each 'ccentiy lnd ftTT i 1 reived of WJjT" ft0ln thu factory Si t"ie, pi, Hiau.. . in,.. .""Cl oui ,l'r . All Wmrr '.'A Z"m utcu gUOUS 'etittu. .u, ''".-.iiui. . NOLF. A Mighty Clearance Sale - - - Cool and Pretty SHIRT WAISTS - - At Half Price - - LESS I II m i i vc I i RERS FIRST COST OF MAI BRIAL tLONE ..... Our Styles Are Better Our Prices Are Lower Than Anywhere Else Alexander & Hex ter. The Boston AND- Pendleton's Big Busy Store. BYERS' BES T FLOUR To make guud t tread uw Byert' Uflja Hour. It took Aral premium at the Chicago World's fair overall compel i tioa, and given excellent satisfaction wherever used. Kvery sack is guaranteed. We have the beat steam Boiled Bailey, See J Rye and Beardless Barley. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. BVLRS, Proprietor. "See Dem Freezers I' have a full line of The Peerless Ice Cream Freezers froiu one pint to ten quarts, will freeze cream in from three to five minute ; alao have a full line of filming tackle, hammot kB, etc. See my line hefore buying T. C. TAYLOR, the Store Shirt Waists 49c 79c CHINA AND GLASSWARE in the latest patterns are shown at Kuhman's store Tier upon tier of Klitterinu glassware every useful ;tnd ornamental kind Handsome bagfj and water sets in e.ery new de ligB. Hand painted china The daintiest of porcelain ware. What ever you want for use r ornament is here , I In lim j. n i r hu we arc liua lug 1 IIO.Uu are una, nailed veluw Jelly glasses i C. ROHRMAN. Hardware Man. GENERAL NEWS. It hat been practically agreed to move the heaqduartera oi' the Trans continental Passenger association from Oenver to ChtafD, The shortage 01 the wheat ir.. in France will he larger than lm DM etimatel. The phortage in now placet I at 30.000,000 hnnhelii. The Boer are reported to have rap tured and shot in cold blood a IfwtM ant and a trooper ol Steinacker' Morse in revenge for their instrument ality in shooting a Boer dispatch rider The eighteith anniversary of the state of Mianonri was celeharted in Kanass City Saturday. A .l-y-ii congressmen were present and each made brief speech. Klsie and Imogene Wallace, sisters Hgt il repeecitvelv Its and IS yeari, ana Cora Wallace, tiieir conain, agcl Ml, were drownetl while in bathing at Aabarjf Park, Calif.. Saturday. A strong undertow swept them oft tneir feet. Hie Havana UisctiMion, a t'nlian newsiaper, says: The ortfer lor the enrollment of a Cuttan artillery corps, by only permitting whiles to enlist, will sow the germs of discord between the whitea and the black ami estab lish a precedent both dangerous and unjust. , M. Mecartey 01 San Juan, San Benito comity, says he haa inventcil a method of making a magnet which will attract gold ami silver. The mag net used was a common steel chisel drawn down to a point. To this gold and silver shavings adhereil tena ciously. A tew days ago a tormal anriounie merit was made to the effect that the American Sugar Betlning company, commonly known as the sugar trust, was about to increaae ita capital stock hv the amount of 15,000,000, and there has leen much speculation in DOtlMM and linai cial circles aa to what purpose the company kas in view. It now seems probable that one of ttie objects of the company in to hinder the nteadiU growing lieet sugar industry nl the t'nited States. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. Cherries are just coming to market around Knterpriae, Wallowa county. I he liaUurc of tne $ ;(i,lNH mortgage on the Oregon Im builtling in I'.utl n.l has been iaid. John and Tom Consuline, chargiti with the murder ol Chiel ot Police Meredith, were arraigned at Seattle before Judge Ktnory, of the npwiot court and boMi having pleail not guiltv the trial was aet tor Hi. The salmon cannery combine is com plete. The details were all couinleted Saturday in Portland anil the aWNM paid by the oOBblM to the various (aimers who have entered thecomhuie. The Doaapaaj is oapitaliaad at i2.r,otx), 000. Altera trial lasting os.-r two days at Siaikane, .Mrs. J. Q, havis, the Christian Science healer, was found guilty ol failure to report a caae of scarlet lever, as required bj law, and was given the minimum line o : and cost. W. II. Bruuiiiiond oi Council, QrSMl county, reoently killed two coyotes with one rille shot. One ol the var mints was standing 10 teet to one side oi the due be aimed at. He claims a barbed wire split the ball in its tlight and thus slew tbein liuth. Slier.'' Potter, of Carbon county, near Bed Lodge Montana, shot ami killed Tod Sloan, who was wanted by the authorities of Big Horn county, Wyoming, fur stealing boraes. sloan drew a gun. but Sheriff Potter awaa too (juick tor bfaVi shooting him through lite breast. A large part of the busim-a section of Armstrong, B, 0,, was huruisl -at urday. The total hiss is W),000 ami the iuauraiiue KM.Otsi The origin ol the tire was incendiary, a halt willed man named P.aglrs havlug started the blate with the aid ol coal oil. Kagle cuii fessed . 1 lo- preliminary exauiiuaiioii of Mrs. C. A. ioholl lor the murder ol A. A. Bn hmond at Yakima City on the J&lh id last month was concluded Saturday, and the defendant was dis charged The eiau .mat extended through two days and into a third. tat court was of the opinion that Mrs Schulea was j null tied iu shooting Kicli moud, who was drunk at the time he attacked her. The Engineer Leaning trom flu Bafe wiuthiw dOBd more with Uu amfB tttaai Ins eyes. Tin-" nuii lle BBal gminblc ami rtatr" of bu ciiKiut are la HBl artn uUU- BPBBClL and a falae llotr In '..hi hlr ol Mound- would t ati b hu ear a BJBBCkl aa a diacord would strike tlie BBJ of the trailer of an i heatra. He thinks more Ol blk ellglie I hall hiniMrlt Thai M wii) he ftvgtecta to uotiii syuiu toiiik which arc full of warning. The foul loligur, the hiiirr last, aour risings, and undue fill 1 lit BJ at U-r eating aie but lyilBSTBBI ot lk DBJawB or some form of disease in volviug the stom ach and orgBBM of digeatioii and mi heart, liter, lungs, iuvolvetl and the tritiou In time the or other organs are engineer has to la it on. Or l'ieice. C J den Mi dual lUsiovcry cures disoast'N nl tbe stomach and orgaua uf digeatiou and uutriliaM. it wuSue the bluod and build up the ljd with aound hcaltht flesh "I um-iI ten lutllrs ol In Mrdltjl ln.A,i. a lid mt vers I rt i - I .ol.le u - ol hi. Pitas I iiaw had muI Prllst ii year ago this spring aiei n. no trouble wiili iiiaiarsiuiii .in. "1 W. T Thomj.iii of TowiiM-ii.l Hio.elu., guiiUii " Wurits fail to It II how thai am tr Ihr irlirl as I hail SHaVicd Hi" il Menu I lln tlwlol- !! ll I .ud .-I I got ilown in Mi-iatll lo ws liounit- Sad a "ol able to work at all Now I wt'tgti sua t" 4u a Jay's worW on Hit lanu I liavi moiii meudr.l viau inoltmu W tone -oi.l I'-l' always hair a goil oit u loi In Hicrcc anil tils medicine ' Ur. HbJB' Pleeaaut Pclleta cure tou-Upaliuu. SHAFFER NOW FEELS CONFIDENT o But Trust Thinks Strike Won't Last Long. o FEDERAL STEEL ACTION SIGNIFICANT o Failure of the Men lo Go Out Is the Tbing tbe Kmployers Say Will Fnd ritup. Pittsburg, Aug. t President Bbafl er expressed biuiseifas (dea-etl w th tbe strike situation tins morning. He says the Amalgamated has lost nothing by the refusal of the in I the Federal it OB I danl o ome out. All mills iu this part ol tha onntrv have proved loyal. In spite of Shaffer's air of confidence there is a (eel mg of unceriainty about the A umlgiimaied lieaqduarlers thi- morning. In the ab sence of authentic reports from the afhi ied districts, ollicials are rather at sea regarding the real situation. Regarding Chicago, M ilwaukee and Juliet nulls two of (hem said their re fusal to join tlie strike would have but little actual Itesrin. on the sitna lion. The general public as well at a number of labor organisations evert where are asked to snhscrilie in the netsls of the striker-. Pittsburg, Aiir. 12. A statement made hv the I 'lilted Mates Steel OOP f oration official (hi- morning that tbe ederal steel employes stand will re tail in breaking tbe strike within a week Whan Reports Came. A full rejsirt trom steel strike DM ters indicate that 15,11) men failed lo go to work tins morning The Kcnuh lic, Painter, Lindsay, McCutcheon and the h'rankslown puddling and roll mg mills Of (he continental di pari meiit of the National Tube coinpunt in this district were closed. An at tempt was made to start up the Repub lic works, but tbe men refused to work and the tires were hanked. The Amal gamated failed to make good its to close the upper and lower Carnegie union nulls. iisp4clbes from Juliet and I Imago mills and Milwaukee say that tlie men in those plants went to work as usual this urn mug in accordance with I he action laken Sunday at M ous m, Pa. The strike leaders this morning decided to abandon all opposition lor the present. Non-union tin workers went into the mills without molesta tion. The nulla of the American heet Meel . ..Illpallt' at Yandegrilt, Appolo, l.eecbhillg, H vde Park ami Sallshurg were all running lull. None of (he oi men failed to report for work . Bhaffar a Earntsl Words. MckeeeMirt, IV, Aug. IJ. In (be course of Ins Saturday address Presi dent Shatter made the following state ment "I have receives I from some one a letter saying that the working men have a lot oi money in the bunks which it ladng used by the trusts. This is true. The trusts are supported by the bunks. 'Men. draw out your money, not to tiring trouble on the lianks or imiatir the cretin of the house, but to assert yunr right to de fend yourself and you rights. In, not let your money be used against you." Speaking of the threat to dismantle t he mills, Shaffer said : "Tha meu who made Ki ktscpaorl made tlie trust. They now threaten our rights and deny our liberties. I call on you, men of MckeesMirl, Iu throw off tbe oppressors and tbe sys tem tjf spoliation, revenge ami repris al. This ia no time tor weakness, no tune lor truce, no lime lor cowardice You can tiot yi.dd ; Bdjp will mil sur render, for it meant reduction of wages an I ignominious slavery. Let our ar garments become thread hare; let some of us toil until we fall into our graves, but remember tint, even if the A In a I gamated -s... laduu should lie over thrown, it would only mean a greater brotherhood of man which would at tain a glorious victory." Dubois Wains mi its. A committee represent lug the citi zens of liuhom, pa., have forwarded a statement to J. p. Morgau offering to give a boOBJd d one mil lion dollars lo have the Mckeetiort mills moved to Ouhoit. Wants Polite Proiotllon. Wheeling, W. Vs., Aug 12. The manager ol Bivertide steel plant here haa appealed to the police lor silet -lion. The mayor hat replied that there - no on a a ion lor such action on his part at prewtnt. Opinion at NUuu. Plttahurg. Aug. 12.- At BdkMi Shalt er said: Summing up the situation, we have M reason to he discouraged this moruiug. Later in the week there uiuv be more developments. " LaBorort Against Mewnaii Sau Krancisco, Aug. 12. The execu tive committee ol tbe labor council last night pars.-l a ruaoluliou calling on Mayor Pbelau lo remove Police Comin isioi.. r NvbaJI on the ground that the police are being ueed to tub serve tin interests ol the KuPjilo). rs' ussut latlou Till: AUSIROITAIJAN WAR Prodltlod oy a Vienna Newspaper Pub lUbod Tsday. Vienna, Aug. 12. -A local news paper gives prominence lo B Borne dla patch predicting war bewtoe.ii Austria ami Italy over the Balkan troubles. Tbe ditpi Ich says laitb count r lea are showing unusual military activity and that hoth are selling their Adriatic Heels in order. Iowa ooos 10 Panama. Washington, Aug. 12. the navy de partment this morning tent orders to the hattleebip Iowa now oil the North ern Pacific coast lo pr.aeod lo San Fraav iapO preiaratory to probable de parture for Panama, instead of tlie battleship Witwxiusiu. uraiod aaooo. Aabury Park, N. J., Aug. 12. four masked men blew up a aale attached to the Coast Klectnc railway and eacaped with fdOOO. THE NBW YORK MARKET Reported by I. t. Rav m Co., Pendleton. Chleato Board of Trad and Now York Stock laehanBO rokoro. New York, Aug. 12. -The grain mar kets were all strong this morning, wheat iening I'-, ami com I (MM "". ' s-day. .iing tm iH-ing influenced tv tlie putdicattoo ot the government rcort showing a re- duct urn of lifteen sdn(s in the OOHdl to B of spring wheat and twenty veu pdnts on corn since July 10. The ex port demand continues enormous, which confirms the serious tfOf M ditionson the other side. It is now estimated that France will require ttf fv million bushels of wheal frmu ex porting mtries. New York opened at 78 .is, BOM up to 7U, ami closed 7 tic The visible supidy shows a de crease for the week Ol 1,8110,000, Stocks higher Wheat: Close Saturday, 70 7-. Open tialav, 7K :i-. Hange tmlsy. 7S4 to 7 ('b.-e ttaiay, 79. Mocks: ugar, 181; steel, N M St. Paul, 1'; C. P., Oft fV-H. Crop Report a Bull Foaturo. Chicago, Aug. 12. The governitienl crop reMirt was disaMiintiiig to the tiears and BAMBjd a sharp adavm in price- of all grams on the Board of Trade this morning SeptcmlaM w heat wen: in .(', cent" over satnrla s close, May wheal (rom 72 i H lo 7(1, September corn up VA to 61o. May HP VH to ii."'. Seiite'nbtr oats minced fr IB 7 I to 17 1 i, May from M to 10. Whoal San Franoiteo. San Francisco, Aug. 12. Wheal, to I DM 7-8. Whoal in Chisago. Chicago, Aug. 12 Wheal, 74 to 7:. STEAMER ON lafiDQE STRUCK Halifax on Rooks at Mlnoi't Clhl USB Passonsort saved. I'ost Aug. 12. Steamer Haltlax -truck the ledge at M mot's Light In a thick ("g ibis inoniinc and was beach d in a sinking comlition, hut may lie saved. Her 22ft '.passengers landed m safely. Ml! WAS A KAI) K(M)DIJ:R Policeman Blssori Sonlonooa In Ntw York ror OfTlalal Corruption. New York, Aug. 12 Police Ward man Blssori, whose trial for extorlin Ibb ill money Irom a keeper ol a bouse ol fame attracted wide attention as show-in,- corrupt Ion in the. (sdlce depart i t in (hit t 1 1 v , wat sentenced to live wars Mm! six monlba' impr n onmenf and it line of fllliSl this morning. SBIONU IANADIAN RACE RUN. Invadar Won by Seven Mlnulss IH0 See ond Time, Chhago, Aug. 12. rhe Cadillac and Invaders tlarted on the second race for the Canadian tup Ifl almost a dead calm. Before two. thirds of the first leg was covered the Invader bad as sumed a mile lead Invader won by aeveu mlnuteo. shamrook II Arrives. Sew York, Aug. 12. Shamrock sec ond went into ipiarant me this morning and half an hour later went lo I'.rie basin, wle r. the work ol pulling her into shape lor the cup races began. VaaaluB all along the route from ouar- antine tti the hasm greet, d the vitiUir. VliTliRANS Ml I I TOMORROW Spanish Volunteers In sstsion at Ball Cako, Army of iho Philippines. Salt Lake, Aug. 12. Kveryth mg points to a succeaaful meeting of the uai. mil aociett, Army of the Philip nines, which will bold its second an nual encampment and reunion in this city on tomorrow and two days billow ing, August S M and 0. It will he t e first great gathering of army men m IbjJI Lake and Will bring lo gulher soldiers id rank and file from every ijuarler of the I'nion. roily -isxi veturaiiB ol I be Bpdmiah ami Phlliipiue wars are eEpBcted to alien. I the reunion and elaborate arrange meiiti have U-en made fur thel. en lort..iiimeut. The fir at buaiueaa session ol the an en ty will be held in assembly hall I M flay afltijmxiU. This will I at (ol lowetl bv a patriotic mewling in the talairiiacle. the dub gales being Wei- ooaad to the state by (inventor Welti tit her speakera at this meeting will be Brigailler leiieral Irvlug Hale of DoJ ia to Hrlgatiier deneral W. r Mat call of K us..- and Captain P. J . Cosgrovc of Nebraska. Tlie priiiciul vent on the program lor Wednesday wili he the grand military and itfM parade of which (ieneral William H. PttOfuaw, U S. A , .retired, will lie grand marshal following the pa rade a special organ recital will be given in the tabernacle, after which tbe visitors will spend the balam . of the .lay al Salt Air Wall Known boldlort 1 1 ursday will Is- devoted to the elec tion of utfjceri and lo aeeuig tbe priu t I pa I Dallai of inlereol in and about the city. Among ttie in. ire prominent military .il ii-ra who will be in alien. lanre are ...neral Irving Hale, Clonal Boy I a and l.ioiileiiaiii I OMOl Llpninuott of I ol or ad", Colonel ThoiUBB It Hauler ol Idaho, I ieneral H C kenaler and Major J B Miller, Montana; Captain P. M. I.iuacott, .'Nevada. eneral H. 1 1 ui is ami Maior V. J. rlrioe,, Cali fornia; ieneral Owen Sumuiera, lire BMi Colonel W I. Kile, Washington Colonel tiracey, lenuesaee ; Majors C A Vickcrs and J. N. Kilhau, Nehra ka; l ieutenant Colonel Lee Stover and Ma p. is Howard aud Worne. South lia- kota; Colonel William Truemau North Dakota, General C. Met,'! Beeves and Colonel F. W. Ameo, Miu uoaola: Mjoar F. M. foote, Wyoming Colonel J. C, Lofsar and Major T. A. Hum. of Iowa, i.eueral W. S. Motcalf and I leutenailt Colonel K. C. Little of kausas, and Uolosai Pop former iiuartermaster geueral under deueral Otia at Manila. Major (ieoeral Frau oi Y. txreeue, the pieaideul of the or gauiaaliou, is iu Kurope ai preaeui and will be uuable to attend ihe re- UU lull MORE GOLD WAS FOUND TODAY Divers Du Up About $65,000 From the Waters. WINTERS ISSUES SIGNED STATEIENT Deulas Report That He Was Offtrtd Hwam and No Funtahiiimit If Hi Would lonfiwv San Krancia.!.., Aug. I2.-Jark Win """ I" B -inge. I statement Ibis in. ru ing detailing the -tort .1 hi. arieat ami coiivp t ion and states that B MWArtl was offertsl him f,,r - ri ft-nf - I'rocketl, Aug , I h vers this morning hr ought up an Id it mnal 0uf. iMW in bullion. CRABBIi IS AFTtK THI M NOW Another Haiti Betwton Rnillsh Portoi and South Arrltan Boost. Middlebnrg, Transvaal, lug , OoBBBiaadaai Craitalaiaf has been driven to the northward of this place Oait UrabbB (ought Craltalafjer'i forra two hours and routed (hem is now pa rail ifj the aaatai Loudon. Aug. Pi. -An fflrial dis patch trom Pretoria tislay stalee that AndrioM VaaaalB, tin Bom )h.h wvtn reMirtel several months ago a- having been shot hv order nl fteneral I lew el, is alive. A Raid Wan Madt Pretoria, Aug 12 Ki f I of the burgher's is i lice t ..lav made a foraging expedition and captunsl a herd of rat tle. When tint force was returning to camp a parti of liners ambushed them ami killed four, wounded two and cap tured (our. Twn Boers were wounded Protocol Monad. Washington, tug , Ihr state de partment received a telegram If Special I hllsslolle's Kocklllll at IV kin reporting that (he draft of the final protocol has In en agrcid upon. Bot Burned In Pols tounly. Salem, Aug I " The I J vear old EM ol V llavnlsoii. I'olk . .unit, was burn ed Itslav from a powder BipioflOBI He mat lose his i t . mi poim: PRAYS I ok crisim Hits Now Mrs Rome, Allg 12 file tislav of eretl prayer (or tbe soul of Crispi who had httOR bis enemy for decades. PRE IN COIMMrCK 111:1.1) Only a row Basks ol lira in Utklrtyad lo Save Uroalar Amounl. Athena, Aug. 12. n Satunlay af terms. n a tire broke out in Alf Cop pock's atuhhlc lichi So ureal damage is reported, only a f a. ks .1 grain which were thrown in the track of Ihe lire to extinguish H were burned It wat a verv rinse call lor his grain, aa the thresher slid just lelt the field. lieorge W Hausell, who had the contract to ..instruct P J. kirk's line t.taOtl residence, will hate BQBBplatokJ it Wednesday, ami will at once leave (or Walla Walla Iu erect a , ris.m Bui lage for Mihhs Wisalard Die contract pn.e (or this home is H7QU Ira Kemp and Kred Harnett viaitml relatives at Milton smnlat . Francis Marraj was a I'eudleloii visitor Friday J. W was a Walla Walla visitor Saturday. T. P Page and tau.iU Mrs Krel Rom.nneig and IbBhIIi d Una city ami Mr and Mrs C W UaAat at tdams. left here Saturday for a leu day outing at Bingham springs A big prairie lire raged near KHa. Iu Morrow BlMMly, oaaaad by small boys playing with mat. hes li burned aeveral sections oi huuehgraan, and would prohehl v have buriil several set lions ol gram had not men, women ami children toiigbl .leasarteiy tit check it SHOES. For the Ook Days We .an liuk. i ill- i ndiiralile. dUFUMJ 'I BB4 in. i days if yuti will . on .oil I. ilnoii sum p ()( ) J WKAK in cK Huw about a jia,r ul OX P0RD8 i N( R 1. 11,11 an RHOB& I Iu Will help ,, ,1,. I, lh I, i tvi alher REMUMU1 imis is Nor A STORK 4 WHBRI THI PRH i HARGBD FOR COO 8HOR8 WILL MAKI will HO 1. LADIES' WHITE OXPORDS 50c A PAIR. i' , Mid Summer Sale U Still doing On The Peoples Warehouse TUB FITTBItS OF PtiBT. 716 Maui Stiect. I'uudUlun, Or,