East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 10, 1901, Image 1

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BUT1 ri mm
NO. 41H9
... 14.
The Place
To buy Groceries
rock t" sel,'ct ,r'"n' Ca"
ruc. M "took if
both in hncj and P'
0. R. Demott
Wash Skirts
Price : : :
AH the Late Bookl IM 14
wtaasateat Jl.-t
'Mo of old incunnts."
Like Another Helen."
Trie lum 0f the Kuad. ' Etc.
" complete Line
ft 5,,cs Horkaway Series
0'"r.es LainhridgeSer.es
. , Caldwell Seriaa.
Bftf l"r BoolM at oue-
!MiMnto price ,
jfJS Ur BWpMMBl Ml
ew Tki . . '
-"'cis and Stationery
send ' S, ?,rch' "Oriental
beautiful u. ,.
no.v (,uods I c
IU 111. HI
book ?. O huok- Mau.
' c,c M unsuspassed,
a Hi 3c to 75c each
w Stand Murors i5c
1 klel
C'"' Vuur l,e, S
W"a, Merlin ,,klw Kl,
tSllaiw U , .
'i warranted
. r-r I ill! Plilmi-ir
lift-. b-v....
Hlkiki .....
'- u,.i, Peua,
Mil I
NtVtf before in the liistorv ol this great country
were such rare chances offered to the consumer to Imy
HM I'.KST BATA1LBS in the market lor such LOW
We don't put forward a few articles and make a Inn
talk al.out REDUCED PRICES.
Every article in our stock the largest in Pendleton
We candidly helieve we are offering the GREAT
Alexander & Hexter.
The Boston
Pendleton's Big Busy Store.
m sm v aa 'SjM; J 1
To make good bread uae Byers' Hgt Flour. It took brat
premium at the Chicago World' Fair overall uoinpeti
UoB aud give excellent satisfaction wherever uaed.
Kvery sack ia guaranteed. We have the heal Hteani
Hulled Barley, Sewd Kye ami Keardleaa Barley.
W. S. BYLRS, Proprietor.
See Dem
Ijhave a full line of
The Peerless Ice Cream Freezers
from one piut to ten quarto, will freeze cream
in from three to five minutes; no have a full
line of fishing tackle, hammocks, etc. See my
line before buying
T. C, TAYLOR, the Hardware Man.
Shirt Waists
in the latest patterns are shuwn at
Kohnian's store. Tier upon tier of
glittering glassware ver useful
and ornamental kind. Handsome
berry and water sets in every new de
sign. Hand painted china. The
daintiest of porcelain ware. What
ever you want for use or ornament is
This luu plu r .tinner wim arr show
lug ut tlO.OU nr.- uiiewiiall-rt talue
Jelly glaaaes . . tic pur do.
In th Weal Siberia and VoIkm pfo
vlMM, an nlmnat total orop failure ia
The OOBttOMrJ drouth in HinwiH hsa
'XlHiid1 the area of crop damage,
whirh include the Baltic province.
Peter .lackaon, the OOlwai ex-chm-pion,
died July at a private aani
tarnim near Svdncv, N. S. W., of ran
Hiitnption. Mim Mary 1'irken, grand daughter
of the famous war gOTWOf ol "iitlt
Carolina, was rnarriet Thnrrlav to
Arthur Shilrey, at Coventry, Kngland.
lavid K. Searcv, gramf aei'retary of
the Knighta of Honor, and connected
prominently With other fraternal or
ders, died Thurstlav night in New Or
leans, aged 4U year.
The Alahama Constitutional conven
tion at Montgomery adopted, : toil!,
h -ection providing that women tax
payers should have the privilege Of
voting on questions of issuing hondu
or incurring obligations
It i developed that the government
of Hawaii lias twice promised the it
BM of bonds to effect needed pabllt
improvements. The secretary of the
interior on both occasions declined to
entertain the plan.
The Ktissian government will here
after limit the number of Jewish stud
ents in Russian universities to i,r
cent i.f the total number of student,
except in the University of MotCOW,
where thev are entirely prohibited.
Judge Lindsay, of the police court,
at Topeka Kansas, fined W. L. Dick
ey, manager of the People's lie com
pany. IStMt for maintaining a trust
contrary to the city ordinance Mr.
Pickev appealed from the dociliofl to
the district BOJft
A fortune of H,000000( now in lh.
I'nited States treasury awaits a fuODfl
I'ole nanietl lVnibitsky provided lie
can trace his relationship to Huron
Ludwig Napoleon Pcmhitsky, who
fought with the Cn ion army and died
on the battlefield during the civil war
Mavid Nation at Medicine Lodge,
Kansas, on Friday, brought suit (or a
divorce from hi wife, Mr. Carrie Na
tion, the temperance crusader. Mr.
Nation, who is now visiting in Iberia,
Ohio, alleges that bit wife held him
up to public ridicule, neglected her
family duties and abandoned bin home.
Cattle plague in the provinces of
CamaraiiiHs Canix Ho I In ami Pan,,
panga, I'hilippines, has decimated
the cariboos and the planters are un
able to cultivate their crops. Civil
Governor Taft ha million rod the gov
ernors of the affected provinces lo
open up public works in order to pre
vent mi Baring.
William A. Newell, whose death in
announced from New York, was gov
ernor ot Washington when it wax a ter
ritory, irom IIM to IHH4.
Tlir Oregon Cit Southern railway
company wax denied a franci.it- to
build an electric railway on the coun
ty road irom Haleni to Silverton. The
opinion ol the coiintv court was that
the county road is no place lor an eh-r-trie
Albany buaineas men have failml to
put up sultifieritly for the proposed
Woodmen of America carnival and har
vest bonis feotival September 4 and ft,
and unless something is done at one- it
will go elsewhere. Koaeburg is red-hot
after the carnival in connection with
the Koaetiurg atreet fair.
Arthur Hampton, aged I years, sou
of I). M. Hampton, n Monmouth, Or.,
died at The Dalles, Thuraday, Of acute
peritonitis. Pillowing an operution (or
aptiendicilia performed a week ago.
lie was brought to the hospital laat
Friday from Wasco, where he hail
been at work in the harvest fields.
Owing to the uuprecedentedly heavy
trafiic the Northern Pacific will on
August lb inaugurate a triple passen
ger train service weal of Billings.
Two of these will be regular Northern
Pacific trains, the third being a Hur
lington train which will run through
solid irom St. Louis arid Kansas City
to the coast.
The Weddinif of Kdlfltlll l K Carleton,
of Joseph, Or., aud Miss Lilian Acker
man, of Salem is announced lor next
Moiidav noon. Mr. Carleton ia princi
ple of the schools of Joseph Or., and
an educator of high staudiug. Miss
Ackermau ia the ehleat daugb r of
I'roiossor .1 . H. Ackerman, MpariO'
tendeut ot public iuatructor.
Common sense
Is tlx motto ol the tiKslern woman.
The thick aoled ahur and th lain) d.iy
skill are w(lllcv- to the wise aiijilli a
tiou ol the motto ill matters ol dreaa.
Hut thin is no
common st-nsi in
ueglt-tlug woman,
ly dlarasi M in
e x pe i i in u 1 1 ng
wltil oUMM lllrdl
cinea when it Is a
matter ot tornroB
knowit dg- thai i
piori i ararito
1'reM-riptioii makes
weak w O B4 n
atroag nd lit k
women well It
establish' a u-ga-larit
v dr: - i.U e-
hling dram i, h. Is
loliauiPiation and
ulceration aud
cures Icm lit wtvK
lie as
It IX not ' oi moon
H Ils4- to Bfwll lord
l at ailvii e ol th'
who an not phy
ii kuis wh ii Dr.
I'lercc, not only a
doctor, but a
HUM i that in t h e
t. atmafll and ure
of diaraaes of
woman, offer a i onsiill..! ion i li-Ut-r
frtf rilr to Dr PiaffOt, AuWO kl V.
"I li.it Ullma "' luitinal k ' "' aaO lu
go lo IkiI . ' ri v rooutli . In'l y-ra"Ui ni. nllily
peri xU whkh would anasauiui laal
fwcUr lay " writaa Mr. I. ftabMS ol CtMM
son... nlorri I uiootuau I'i una 'Hud ' i
imliur.lio:i s. Uel llial 1 '.uld ii .i ai aulliii ,:
burills Or Picrtr J-avolilr I'l -nuliou ...i i
t. ol.fr ii Mcdkal iMasuvrtv ' iur..t iui I l"4
Ibrn balllca uf lb PavurUe l o .riaiuu and
our ol irn i. olden Mcdi. ul liiavovrry
For 11 on l ent suui to pay ex
pense of mailing onl you can j;et 'if
a pa pel covered copy of Dr I'len t't
Common Si-nae Medical Adusrr The
book tXluUill IUu8 agea Addicaa iJr.
R. V. Hcrce, Butlulo, N. V.
Thousands Outside the A ma I
gamated Association.
The United Mine Win km Piss Resolutions of
Sympathy With ShilW's Men.
Pittsburg, Ang. 10. Miccess or fail
ure the great steel strike is in the
hands of the workers todav. If I'reai
dent Shatter' order le ucncrailv ola'.
iil an army nf ttVODO to to, (km men
will join these a I read v out on the
strike. Nearly 100,000 men not con
nc. ted witii the Amalgamated will he
rendered idle it the mills tie up. It
will be impossible to calculate the ex
tent of the strike accurately before to
morrow. In many of the mills the
men have, made no declaration of their
intentions. They will go off turn a
usual today and it may not be known
even then what they will do. An air
of cheerfulness prevails at Amalgamat
ed headquarters That good news is
anticipated from all quarter where tie
sirike was ordered there is no doubt.
PitUbarg. Aug. 10, - Word has reach
ed here that the work ol removing the
Deweea wood mill from McKeeaport
to a new site near Vandergrifl was
bagHn this morning The ow tiers of
the mill say thev are leaving McKees-
port baaaaw oi loa boatlflty the
paoplo ol thai oily Baaratary IdaaM
of the Analgaa atisi riaalatad this
morning that, it this intention he ful
ly carried out, and they ruin the town
in retaliation agaiuat the men who
stood III) for their caow it WOW Id
as a laiomerang on the trusts, shatter
left tor Newcastle this momma to
sneak at a great mass meeting there
this afternoon. Tonight, he speaks
in McKeesport. AHairs are iiiiet at
tin- Amalgamated haadqitaiiati this
morning, (tfticials during the foremsui
re I II sis I in disc ll us the strike
Whsallns Man Slruok.
Wheeling. W. 'a. , Aug. 10. -The
men in the large Itiversnlc iron works
struck this morning. ITie plant was
balBg operated as a non-union mill.
'Frisco snort on Coal.
San I ram isco, Aug. In. Sett lenient
of the strike i a apparently as tar oft as
ever. Kmplovers refuse a conference.
The supply of coal is nearly exhaust
ed. Hut one vesrel is being unloaded,
and that slow ly.
shaftar Datliisi Cotillon.
Newcastle, I'a., Aug. 10. A thousand
ted workers Irom all surround lag
towns reinforced by men from i.ther
laUir ofgaaisetioae gathered hem to
day to hear President Shaffer discuss
the steel strike. 'I he great crow I gate
him an ovation. i..ith-r delivered a
fervid address on the situation, de
scribing the course of the conlereuce
ami declared the A iiialgamated
forced to take the stepa it had taken.
Lindsay Mill closed.
Pittsburg, Aug 10. Information
from (lie Lindaev Mct'iitcheon plant
this BOralag M that not a WasMl was
turning owing to the efforts of strik
en since last night and the mill is
lied Up. I'll loll workers still believe
the order to move the Dewees mill a
bluff. The National tube plant la
running as usnal. What stand the
men will take on Kbarier'a strike or
der is a matter of conjecture.
To l lum Larneal Mill.
Pittsburg, Aug. 1(1. It was stated
tins afternoon that the Amalgamated
is uoutident of closing both the upper
ami lower union mills of the Carnegie
company at Pittsburg.
Sympathetic Slrlko.
Inilaaapolltj Did , Aug. 10, The
initial steps toward what may he a
great sympathetic atrike were taken
today by the national aieeative hoard
ol the t inted Mine Workers in sessiou
here. A resolution was passes! endors
ing the steel strike ami caalliug for a
BOB Iteil ol tradea unions lo devise
plana for aaeisling the strikers. The
re-olutlolis declare that "(' iiiditii as
generally are now such that preserva
tion of organ i .nd lalsir baa la-come an
issue paramount to all contracts and
other coliaideratlous. "
Arrest uf Alleged Mint Huuuer Accua
pllshed Thla Murnlna.
han Kranciaco, Vug 10. Waller
Dimmick, ea-chief clerk at the mint
act used of stealing, l,U0U in gold
from that institution, was arrested
early this morning.
iMsgeaa Leaves Cbariemowii Navynard.
lioalou, Aug. !. - Admiral sampaou
will be detachuil from command ol
the Charlestowu uavyyard about Hep.
Uunber I. Poor health aud the fact
that he will reajn appear liefore thu
Hchley boaltl of iiupnry make this ac
tion Hop. ia- .
Lsnnery touiblue Aseompllshsd.
Portland, Aug lo. All the big
fisheries of the Pacini coast and Alaska
effected a combine today. The value
of the property trauaferred to the Pa
ciflc Packing and Navigation company
is lift, ouu, ooo.
Tbis Lady Gels Many oiauioods.
Kimberly, AuH. lu. The Deb. r
Diamond company will preaeiit to the
Ducheaa of Cornwall on her arrival in
South Africa 173 diamonds weighing
Ml carats, stones valuetl at 70,000.
For the first time since the outbreak
of the Spanish war President McKin
ley has approved a ieatli sentence, in
the case of an enlisted man. The oaae
is that of Private Pbiueas FuuW, com
pany K, loth infantry. Tbie soldier
was convicted by a general court mar
tial, at Cebu, P. 1., for the luuidui of
a native Filipino girl, by stabbing her
lo death
Reported by I. L. Ray Co., Pendleton.
Catsate Hoard of Trade and Raw York
stock Rxehange Brokers.
New York, Aug. 10. The wheat
market was strong todav anil closed a
full cent over vcaterdav Heavy el-
poti demaml, ami light i-ountr ofTer
I ings totfether with the strength in com
were the main influences. The export
shipments for the week were H,;JtH),lkk',
. making the total since July I, W.OOO,.
000) compared with less than half
this amount for seme time last vear.
Die aspOHa this week were record
breaker, being the heaviest known.
New York opened 'v higher, 7' 1-H,
and closed ,ll g, Liverpool was :t-H
higher, ft 8 l-H
Stocks lower.
Wheat :
Close yeaterdav, 7ft 7-H.
(pen tialay, .li :l-H.
Kange tialay, 7U !-S to 7 7-R.
t'loe Malay, 7U 7-R.
Mooaai Sugar, gg steel, UH
Paul. Igajk! ; V. P., H4 7-H.
Wheat in thleaao.
Chioago Aag, 10. wheal 71 t 7 1 w
Crossed the Line Two Minutes Ahead
last Kelore Shamrock Comas.
Broatoa'l Point, K. 1., Aug. It).
I he Oolombia and the Constitution
itartad la what may ia the last rare
In lore the challenger comes. It began
at 1 lock this afternoon. The t'o
lamblO got over the hue first.
Oonatftatloa w .n, crossing the lin
o minutes abend of Columbia
Chicago, Aug 10. With a alight ea
ami a light northeast wind the start in
the lirst race of the aeriea for the Can
ada nap betweea the Cadillac ol Detroit
aid Invader of Toronto was made
promptly at 11 a'ataai tins morning.
The Invader was llrat acmaa the Hue,
being four lengths ahead ol Cad lac.
The i ballet ger continued to increase
the lead, lint when the first mile of the
c orse had la-en covered, ahe encoun
tered rough eeaa and a aail MM
broke, causing her to fall back a little,
hut this 1 1 ins was mi Mir, .gft fn "d .
Cadillac Won Prom Invader.
Just before the llrat mark was
reached, Cadillac look the lead ami
turned the buoy minute am) a
half ahead. Che Cadillac llnally won
D) alamt five minutes.
Crltlclrad Parmer Navy Secretary ( han
dlec In a Book
Washington, in Pha uaw de
partinaal has raprimaaded tdmiral
F.vana lor slrn lures made by him In
Ins hook "A rlailor's Log" uaui ea-
ftaorelapy of Im Navy Chandler, In a
letter from Acting Secretary ol the
llaekatt, Kvaai is lalupmed that
the piihln almn of strictures on Chand
ler has Inaarrad the displeasure o(
lb" departmaal and that he has wil
lillly abamblm-il the coiirteav that
should alwaya characterise an officer of
I he oavv w hell he puts his opla lona
and criticisms of Chandler into print,
therefore, il is the secretary's dat la
censure him.
Horns Hoar s mpathl sr kuspeeled of
Ihrowlna It lor Revenge.
New Orleans, Aug. 10. Iloer eym
patbfaafl or a revengeful mul. t... i is
suspectial, bill whoever threw the bomb
bee so far made giaal hid esca.. The
affair lias caused a sensation in the
city, and, while llritiah army nllicers
stalio I here are trying to hush up
jha matter, it is known attacks of this
sort have baea aipaatad Tl iplq
siou shook hmldinga for hall a mile
around The work was done with a
bomb and time fuse on thu outside of a
Vessel No one was injured. The u s
sel i an he repaired.
The llritiah muleahip Mechanician
in this port was the one dvnau I
last muht
Jeek b. Wilson Poraed an Order on Will
Kupers. of Hell a.
Jack It Wilson waa errealed at I
o'clock ihia afternoon , harg.d with
having lorgod an order for &J on Will
Kapera, of Hells, Upon being Intej
a ad by Denaty sheriff c. p. Ikitia
and hpei lal ( unstable Kee alter arrest.
in Boafeaaad that the u barge was well
founded. Wilson had been ai ,,r,
for Kupera at Helix up to laat We. lues
day, August 7, when be aail and was
.... i.l .m ii ...... . . I
lai.i on. ii. iame in reini lelou (in
same da and on Widnesday or I burs
day evening went to llm Red Ham ol
W. W. Sample, on OoAtOMWOOd slraet,
and had him cash the order. He re
BWlaad around Pendleton ever since
a- d made no ellorl to go! away, ap.
,ar. nil. laboring; under one ol two
wrong fninraaalfHU. either that the lor-
gary wouhi not ba dlaooraead, or thai
DOtning would lie done lu him lor such
a smell amount. He will change hie
oravel Car oH the Traek.
Au an Ideal occurred early i hie
morning bewtecu Nolin aud I oater 'lh
miles weat ol 1'einlleton A broken
wheel on one of the care threw lour or
five cars ol the gravel train at work
there off the track. No person was In
j -nd The passenger nam from the
Fast, due here at H:Uft, was late on at
i mat of an aii idem on the Denver A
Klo (fraude. ami did not arrive until
after 1U o'clock, ll was sent around
by Walla Walla, on account of the
gravel train pile up. The w linking
train from La U Panda passed through
Pendleton at 1I:H0 this morning on ita
way to the scene of the wreak.
- e e w ,
District Aaaemblv No mi u i .
d Labor, at Washington, authorised
its legislative committee to bring ouo
warrant to proceedings against the at
torney general ol the United Statee to
show cause why he baa not en forced
the proviaione oi the anti-trust law,
known as the Sherman act Tina aa.
tion, which was instituted Friday ia
aimed at the Cuited Statea st.,.d .-..r.
p. uatnm which is charged, it is al-
legod with oiieratinu uli.i, I
,W . . . .W.MVl.'ll O,
the hhurmaii act 'PL. I.l,... i.i
- - - i.-uocio
aay Lbia will hasten the eoluiiou of the
The Gold Bars Secured From
Waters of the Baj,
Pollen Swpeti He Hid Acrooiplicas tad Art?
Look Inn for Tbou Wbo AltM Hloi.
San KranciHco, Aug Id gg win
tera hn.kfiiown ami con ktmi earl v
this BMniiag as Mis result of many '
hours of severe cross .pieatioumg in
which his statements bees tangled
He volunteered o show the place i he
gold waa hid. II,. wa. proiniae.1 no
reward and will be punished M UM
full eitent uf the law. He will he
r leal at Yallejn.
Orat kail, tag 10. If I a'aleak tins
I morning, Jack Winters Im-atral the
spot in the bay half a mile out from
I the Selbv smelter where he had drop
i Hil Us gold that he Mule lt, worth
,"H,(kHi wen- re, ovens! immeiliately.
A total of I Mat) three bars valued
al I Inn. ma' hail been laaotafad when
high tide stopped the work. A diver
Will have to I" emnlovi'd to bum thm
balance. The plav was a pour one to
hide the treasure, which is at the end
Ol the railway whan in a depth of wa-
icr in eigni reel Winters states flat
the balance is in the same place.
Saya He Worked Alone.
San Krauciscu, Aug, u m
o'cIim k this BtOPalna detectives arrivral
in the citv with Winters and the bul
lion. Winters made a complete con
laaaioa Ha states he was aim
plan g and eiecntiug the work, and
look sii weeks t nslruct the tunnel
and drill the vault.
Toe police are t oiitident Wiutera had
an accompli. aid art l -oking for a
machinist with whom he formerly
Reports are ol a OtrTerent renor Prom
Those ot Pour Weekn Ago.
W I Bigbs has .ikm acres of wheat
on Hie riservalloii, which be aaya will
average M hushcla lo the acre, or a
little more He said "I have three
Ileitis harvested, one of NO, M I
INI, and one of IMI which go all the
wav Irom Ul to III hllshels to the sere
Ml wneat is making pist what I eeli-
matetl o eek ago i eeref waa as
badiv ivaraa a aama There is hum
gisst thing about it. we are having au
eitellenl ipialitv of wheat this year."
Itev ( W Itighy has ggg ecree
wheal oil the reservation an ti, eigh'
miles esat of Pendleton He has kgaj
Completed the harvest!-g id UtU acres,
a t.i. h went iii the nelgnbmbood as u
bushels tu the acre.
II. .1. Taylor has '."Jo acres of wheal
ami harlat eight miles north east of
Pendleton From 1.1 acrea ol barley
lie gol lis..; sacks, au average of rift
bushels to the acre Krom hla Itai
acres of wheat he got JW.I7 sat ka, au av
erage of H ,, U htlshels per acre.
Iieorge Haker has 'Att ecree ol wheel
adjoining danm He has airea.iv
Ihleshed II, and wis Ihe h ret man III
that section to gel his wheal into the
wan-house It averaged .Ml hoehele to
the acre and he has it atorcd hi the
Halfour liathrla warebouee
A. Itilppe, id 1 tl I loll, seven miles
noriheanf oi Paadleeoa, la la town to.
day. He has I to acrea ol wheat
which went I I hushels id thla year s
crop, be has iUi bushels aaved over
Irom last vear, all of which he hopes
lo sell for ill cents per bushel.
Mesohsm eaaurslon.
femerroWi Handay, then k. a n.
Co. will sell regular OWaPaiOM Uukela
to llaaobam and return at l Tram
leaves Pendleton at 0; IA a. in , return
ing arrives al 10:40 p in
For the Dog Days
N( 'an make life c-iitltirulilr
duriai lho hut dayb if you will
comuIi ua ahum your FOOT-
WBAR n. cds
How about a pair ol OX
PORD! OH Mi I I it ,n 1' TAN
IHOBI I Im will h. l,. yog .!
iy ih hot weather.
R hlRMBKR i His is noi
Mid Summer Sale
U Still doing On
The Peoples Warehouse
7ih Main Street. I'ciuUetou, Or.