East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 09, 1901, Image 1

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    UILY EVENING tUl l m I jr - 1
"'""""mark this fact.
Kalr tiMilchi .1.4 i. - .
PEKDLJTOy, UMATILLA OPtHTY, OMCrON, Fin DAY, aimutst 9, 1901.
VOL. 1
NO. 4198
" ,i
The Place
To buy Groceries
, where yon can hav- I U
lied m ,r"m Ca"
ja,i m M s,0,;k is
imrMh "i ,;IMlA ,Bd
fl, R. Demott
Never before in the history of this great country
were such rare chances offered to the consumer to buy
the BEST EATABLES in th market tor such LOW
We don't put forward a few articles and make I bin
talk about REDUCED PRICES,
Every article in our stock the largest in Pendleton
is sold at its LOWEST PRICE.
We candidly btlieva we are offering the GREAT
Alexander & Hexter.
The Boston Store
Wash Skirts
Price : : :
Shirt Waists
Pendleton's Big Busy Store.
I "Mulit .MthiK tarda ii
Printed with your aUUn-s t
m iron wagons, J,. ,, jti .
V 45-
Ml arriajjt s .u go i .u is
tH is la to . , ....
VjtuOllipu.ks. v t
- leuicis, lii, ml, ,0ks
J"4"1-) statiou. r .
' fmm J (JaMfl for
1 Mil everywhere lor 5i
' IMM ptw ili s, , doxen
ys, tBM, Itncy gooils,
ai"iis, rinc madolioni.
..Bound to Make an Impression..
V(l should tr v out pastries; )ou
I will sun l be iWPWIfd b tlnir
goodness, The are t tie prrleition
of btkinf delicacy, and are the most
tppetlSlOg ol luxuries, We use the
lu st Hour, and ripe, sound, perfect
fruits iiu J bernt s. 1 liesi pastries are
healthful as well as appetizing, and we
take special pride in making tliem so.
n s rock horses and shoo.
JJJPWHOMlect (rom,.84
mmm toe to yoc
"0 ,ake plates.
lfckv I'
5 4 ! i .
f"idy Ior ext" quality
PMlfJ for U . . .
yUroll school book. tout.
lo make good bread use Byers' Boat Flour. It took first
lirounuui at the Chicago World's air overall com pet i
i ion, aud give excellent satisfaction wherever used.
F, very sacs in guaranteed. We have the lieat Hteam
Hulled barley, Heed Rye aud Beardless Barley.
W. S. BYEKS. Proprietor.
See Dem Freezers
I have a full line of
The Peerless Ice Cream Freezers
from one piut to ten quarts, will freeze cream
in from three to live minute; aUo have a full
line of fishing tackle, hammocku, etc. See my
line before buying
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man.
International complications have
arisen Iretween the I'nited State and
Italy on account of the dee in inn of the
court that a non-resident alien is not
entitled to suffer damage in the OOOrtl
of folorad
M ajor General JaM S. Neler died
suddenly at Plainrleld, N. J., TfwtW
day. General Nef ley waa a veteran o(
the Meiiean and civil warn. He waa
born in Pittnhnrn in lLti He waa
MM a major general ol volnnteera
for gallantry at Stone River in MM.
reat tloola, caumsl hy t tie overflow -ing
of the Yangtae, have cauntnl the
death oi many thonaanda in China.
The river haa riaen 40 feet, and tof
hundreda of milea the cminlrv ia a
gret lake, with onlv the top of tNW
and an oceaaional roof ahoarinir.
President McKinley haa eOBBIIttd
the sentence of Private Frederick Mor
ris, company K, Forty-ninth volun-
teerw, to no InprlaooBMot, irhlefa be
will xerve in the enitentiar al Fori
Leavenworth, Kan. Morris wa 0OB
vii led of murder hv court-martial at
Tngoagro, La am, and sratmtced to
Meetings wer held in U
Neb., Wednesdav night, hv the deino
cralii, popuhst MMf iree lllfOf re
puhlican state i-entral conunittee-i, and
fusion of the three arties waa pnctb
caly agreed upon, the state convention
of all being fixed for September 17 at
Llnooln. W. J. Brvan addresxed the
democratic and popoliat OOttmltteei
and spoke stronglv ior fusion.
Mrs. Philip llitchciick. wife of a
prominent railroau man in Denver,
entered the candv store of .lames W
Roherts, and shot" Mrs. Rolierts, in
ItictiniiR wound which will probtlbl
orove latal. She was followed (n the
sidewalk hv Mr. Roherts. when she
turned and shot him three timet'.
The man fell dead. Mrs. Hit, h
was arrested. The cause of the slenit
ing is not known.
The Iowa republicans, in Mate nm
vetitioii at Cedar Rapids, nominated
the following ticket : (iovernnr, A. H.
Cummins, of Ies Moines, lieutenant
governor, John Herriott, oi Stuart;
judge of supreme court, S. M. Weaver,
o Iowa Kails; railroad commissioner,
K. ('. Hrown, of Sheldon; auperinten
dent of puhlic instruction, R. ('. Har
rettt of ( aage.
The Oregon state fair for 11)01 liegins
at Salem on sHptemher 1':! and closes
September IW.
Cabin paaaage, incuding u;eals and
herth, on the steamers hetweeu Port
land and San Francisco has t B r.i ,1
to I.r; steerage fiassage, 10.
A field ol wheat near Alhany vield
ed .'t.') hushels to the acre, which m one
of the few big yields of wheat in the
Willamette valley this season.
Ir. Jay i. hldridge. a mtBIPel ol
the Ya'e faculty, has Nehned bit po
sition t,. accejit the chair of ne lcrn
languages at the I niversitv of Idaho.
2 F.dward A. Spangler, a well known
miner, died at his home in Raker City,
Wednesday. "! miner's consumption,
age, l M wars. He leaves win ami
four children.
C. K. McUuire, an aged pioneer of
the summerville precinct, died of can
c -r at the home of bis daughter, Mrs.
Wm. Woodell, near Summerville,
Momlay evening.
The output ol gold la laska this
season will he greatly I ;.. . ......
of ttie lack of water on the creeks. In
short a drouth prevails throughout
No trace ol "old man" Hough, who
was lost in the mountains north of l a
Camas July 10, nor of Abide (ioidaten,
who lost bis way at the base of Mount
St. Helens, July II, has been found.
All bOWO of finding either tias lieen
MoHec Hart, an old pioneer ol Mal
heur county lit ing near Weslfall, ia
in Portland to have his eyes oerated
upon. The i.ils attending him
fear that oue of bis eyes will nave to
be removed. The development within
the next lew days will Determine this
Mrs. Angle Feu ton, wife of II. II
Feulon, of HiUlsoro, diei Weilueadav
of consumption Id-ceased was born
iu Miami county, Indiana, Novem
ber , IM , ami was the dauifhier I
an Indiana pioneer bv the name of An
derson In ISM she was married to
Mr. Fenton. They came to Oregon iu
1M7, settling at Carlton
Confident All Men Will Quit
Common sense
, tMteej wheo H i
) uetti r af omn
k hum U dg.-
I'lcr. r l .ioii
li. til. mull i ul the IIKstrru vmiiii.iii.
The thick w.lct ahoe and tie laim day
skill arc witnoM-s to tin him- ui.plii.i
tion ol the motlo in mutters of .lrca
Hut there i no
, oininon scum in
neglt i ting woman
ly diae.iM-s or in
esperitn entitae
. .'li othci Dtedl-
elites u lit n il Ik a
. ,
, ( IVM I :ii,.,ll I. tv 3
f 1 t a k H o in i II
? - 1 1 ..ilk; ,ii.,: i , k
M . .ell well It
eetahHaher. i.g.i-
larils . ilrics ci.Ue
bliug draius, beals
Inflammation and
H lee ration and
cuuv. female week
It is not oininon
s.-11-a; lo sc-k in.-d
ICel ad ice ot th.
who an- mm phy
tic iana when Dr.
Pierce, not only a
doctor, but a
apecialiht i ii the
treatment ami cure
of diseases of
woman, offers a collsillt.it ion In letter
fitt Write to Or. Pierce, Buflalo, N.V.
"1 hail fulliug of Internal IMpUM ana ha. I Iu
go tu 1k it rvci y asOSnb ; had Urrgulaf luontltly
pcriuiU which woutrl sosaatiia. H ia i Urn r
Iwelvs daa." wvtlas klrs I. Itfliaiss of Cool,
priii atrcct. I'ltiosttowa Penaa "Had il u
iniliut-ntion mi U..1 Ui.it 1 rauld ni.i i al uuytttlua
haolli lr I'i. rtr - Favorite ir, - ip-.ion muI
'Oetosu Mcitical Otaoovcri curcl tuc I tiM.k
Ikies boUIca of I he Favorite Prckcriptkat ' aud
ont of ihi i.olilcn atseff si DtaeovaryT"
For n out , cut slumps to pe ex
peuse of mailing cor you t un am iit
a ),.ia-i covered copy pi In Pierce I
Common St I isa- Meiucal Adviser I'hc
book contains louri paes. Addict Or
K. V. Pierce, UufiuJo, N. Y.
I ' I A
Will Br tbe Signal for the AnulflimiN Men :o
Stop Work Id All Trust Mills.
Pittsburg, Aug. V. -OlM. tals of the
Amaltntmatel eeneletion were cnti
dent this morn inn of tbe success of the
irreat strike to he miinuriitcil tumor
row. No hitch in the plans ol Pfeeji
dent Shaffer ami his aides has vet oc
i iirred. It was hinted that the plan lo
organize the men of the Carnegie com
pany's mills was successful booynd
hope ior the organisers. The chance
of tieiug up these plants tomorrow is
excellent, and report., from the trust
mills in Ohio, Indiana and Illinois
are tjuu 1 1 v encouraging. Fverv on
ion plant affected hv the strike order
will close with the' last blast of the
whistle tomorrow evening, nOBOtdlM
to the predictions of the A malgmniile.l
ili. i. ils. Horn per appeared at head
quarters early to resume the confer
ence with Shaffer. He refused to
mske a statement until conclusion of
the conference.
Trust Hon Arrlva.
I'uriug th" morning, liompers, it is
said, was in communication with the
officials of the organ i.'at ions alllliated
with tbe Federation of Labor. Y,
Preston and William I la, trust rep
resentatives, have arrived. They deny
the visit is lor the purpose of securing
am, ther conference, hut claim they
are here for the purphsc of tilling the
places to lie made scant hv tbe Atnal
wan, me, I men Saturday night.
No attempt was made to atari tbe
Painter mills last night. The furnaces
indicate nothing is to be done totlav.
thai-gad With Halplng- t M. Mattdk st.al
bad Roy Amalgam.
Raker City, Aug. V. i.eorge Clem
ents, the trusted millman of the Red
Roy mine, was arrested this morning
lor aiding one r m Mnddj In steal
amalgam from the mill. Madtly waa
lOOOOWlth a -in ill OOtMtitt oi amal
gam two days ago, claiming it was a
placer cleanup Further teats proved
it came from the Rial Boy. and in
iluceinchta were brought to bear uhui
him for a confession, which be made,
implicating Clements. In tins confes
sion, Ma ili revealed that a conspiracy
existed for st"al ing ainalgaui Irom the
Red It. iV
Owltei to Una tht ft and revelation of
a conspiraci Pillowing . loselv upon
the holdup ol ittslfrey A lata-r, in an
effort to secure the inoiithlv clean-up,
it is believed by many that Clements
was lileutlfied with the higbwayilien to
soine extent at least. It has lateu sug
gested that he could have given in
forinaloli as lo tin- time of aeinling the
bullion, amount ami other facts,
which, he, in hit confidential poeitioO,
was able to give.
There is no positive evidence that
the conspiracy had such wide acope,
but it is apparent that a conspiracy
minted for stealing amalgam. The
two men were arraigned at .ramie
and will lie taken lo Canyon City,
w I til I rail fixed at IL'IIOO each. Clem
ents has a family, and haa for a long
time been a trusted employe of the
queues oi rue momouans
Order Said lo Have Come lo Chinese to
Hire a Harbor.
Portland, Aug. V Among the press
dispatches Irolo the Fast Ibis week
was one (bat created a sensation among
the Chinese residents here. Iu brief,
the telegram slated that tbe Chinese
Reforui Aaaot lalu.n in New York has
iasued an order to all ineinla.rs of the
stM'iety to remove their .pieties as ataui
as poamlde. The How trVoug Wil. or
"Protect the Kuia-ror," as the Wallet Jf
is calletl in hi nose and literally
translated, ia a strong organisation
throughout tbe country aud t-aai-ially
10 the Northwest where tbe I'miinse
are numerous At the headquarters ill
this . Hy the leaulers of tbe relormers
I. tiled having received any such order
from the Rwat aud declared that the)
placed no credit in tbe press notice.
While declaring that they could cut off
tbeir queues ami it would Ite iiolsaly'a
business, they intimated that they
have no intention of ao doing as they
fail to (.receive how that would assist
the eiuieror in any manner.
It is p. .ni i. thai such an order did
emanate in the Kaat hut has not tieeu
transmitted through the mails yet, or
atuny rale has not arrived on tbe Pa
cini coast. The more intellgent men
among the local reformer stale that
as far as lliey are aide to comnreh. n.l ,
such a radical order would lie of uo
lauietit even if fulfilled. They are now
awaiting authentic advices from New
York ami expect lo have a denial or
continuation of the press dlsnatcl
within few days.
Mors Hon blrl go In 'frlseo.
San Frauciaco, Aug. Jr. Marine
cooks and waiters, 7o0 strong went
out from all coasting veasels this
uioruiug l" assist tbe strikers. A con
ference willbe held this afternoon be
tween the grain merchants and the fed
eration, when it will lie known where
the employers will confer. Little haa
been done to relieve the congestion in
freight shipping.
Wrosk on Lohlgb Valley Road.
Rochester, N.Y., Aug. ".-The Black
Diamond express, the fastest train on
the Lehigh Yalley road, waa wrecked
near North Leroy by a spreading rail
this afternoon. Right persons were
injured, probably fatally.
Anoinsr tuvasloo By Colombians.
Willeniatad, Island of Ouracoa, Aug.
U The Venezuelan government an
nounces that a new Colombian inva
sion occurred yesterday near Colon,
tbe invaders leu by the Colombia miu
i ntcr of war
Reported by I. L. Ray Co.. Psndlaton,
i hleato Board of Trade and Now Vork
Stoek Riehanno Brokers,
Ken ork. Aug. t. The wheat mar
!:! was very quiet today with searce
Ij iinvthing tloing. The government
reHirt tomorrow is expected to show
a high percentage for wheat hut low
for corn and oats. Liverpool dosed
at 7'4 compared with .VR .t-K ester
day. New York opened 7f4, sold n
to 7i 1-H and Bloned 7,'i 7-H. Com strong
at 11 1-8.
stocks lower.
Money, IM per cent.
Close vesterdav, 7M4 .
pen ttalay, 7ft- .
Range i.alav. 7.M to ; .R.
OltNie unlay, 7ft 7-fl.
"t.cks: Sugar. 1M ateel, , St.
Paul, 1"7 ; V. P., Wft :t-R.
Eben L. Boyce Was Executed
OoDilrinosd Mm Wis DttliDl aud Usclirsd He
Wis Bi'inr Judlcltlli lurdrJ.
John SJrDirnald Mays In Lonfon Ho Took
Monsy In Portland.
Portlend, tug !. -The police have
been Botifled thai John ManDonold
confesses in I on. Ion that he roblaal the
Western IniulaT mills here last fall.
The Mlice here never heard ol Mac
DotMldj the ..... n .-ae.l highway
man. I'hey tliink it la a scheme to
get traneporiation to tins onantry.
Deeembef I. Hkki, three masketl men
held up the Western luoiher mills, se
curing Maki in cash, the monthly pay
roll, when the 0000 was tilled with
London. Aug In the pollOO
court t.slay. a wutttr named .lames
Mae Donald gave himself up, confes
sing he had robbed an oflOB in Port-
latal, reg last Deeeaiber, ..f iMJiHt.
Want ths uovernmenl to Unllo With
Amorlea Against Usrmany.
vt Petersburg, Aug. II. The news-
pnperi today nnTte In urging the gov
am men I t,. nflnol a s ay inMh t
with America in the tariff matter, in
order to concentrate all efforts B
the Herman tariff war, which they say
now paean inevitable They alao
urge Ruaaia to combine with America
and against I .ermanv.
Portland Klovalor Poll al iho Artinsial
loo Works.
Portland, Aug. An elevator fell
at the Portland artificial ice works
this morning and Instantly killed
rbeodore Brown, en old nnJoyo. He
leaves a widow and children
Ail i (il l) hi: STOLE S.IH.IMMI
Wsltar Ulnimlok lo Bo Arroslsd as Mint
Loolsr Was llilef Clerk.
-an rrnneieeo, Aug. u. warrant
Will he issued lodat liy I be secret ser
vice n.r the arrest of Waiter N DlBR-
mick, who until r IU wa chief
clerk in the baa Francisco mint,
charging him with the theft ol the
mieslna fSO.OUO, and also with using
government funds for private ends
Tib was OM ol f.mr known to nave the
combination ol the vault.
Kltohsnsr Hays Thoy Musi Surrender Hy
ssplsinbor Ik.
London, Aug. U - A parliamentary
PB0f was issinal l.slay which contains
ICfieuener'a proelanxatlon ol August .
1 1..- Beoelnatatioa inyi Brltiah troupe
in toOUl Africa i tr d th als .,1
government and the principal loWBR
ami railways. Itoers who are ttiil
lighting have lost almost all their guns
and munitions u, an- devoid of or
ganisation The prta lamation .in
cludes hy warning all iioers still in
ih.. field that they will ha DnffMIBBBIlt
ly hanlehed fron Booth tlrlea if they
do not surrender hi HB I ite III her 16.
Laugh al II In Amsterdam
Amsterdam Aug. tl lull era l..r
regard kit. heiier's r.., lamat ion as
an attempt to inspire terror ami alale
it will i. laeMective in sohdnlng ibe
Aust alien firs Utkiruyt a Uoi.srinisnl
stars Pisa Loss Lives.
Victoria, ii. C , Aug. HV. The
steamer M'.aiia brings the details of
the homing .I the luiuiuuat. depart
cent stores ol Hordou .V Hon, Hv.li.ev ,
Australia. The entire establishment
waa destroyed, four employes burned
lo deatli ami another killed hv mini,
ing from a fourth Rtorj window.
Prohal.lv the losa exceeded three lull
Seattle, tug. . Rbea wo
exeruled t.alat lor the murder of his
Boyce was hanged at 7 : SI o'cha-k.
He i luted the scaiinhi deflantly ami
met death without a treejor, .hslaring
that he waa being murdered
Portland, Aug. M.-Fhen L BOMB
made his lieml.piartera here for a BOBR
her of yean, He marritsl his tirat
wife here and also stvnretl a divorce
Hi s a BMRsDBI ol the Portland Mil
itan hand and was haritone soloist at
at i position loyoa is , re,iit...i
with laong ..tie of the v. ri het cruet
ista that BVOI Visited the .nasi He
could piny anv score on a cornel with
out s moment's hesitation, uhother it
was written tor a vmlin or a baas
drum. The mnnlerer joined the hiur
teenth Infantry band at Vaneonjrei Bad
Breorapnnled that organwat to the
Philippines. At the expiration of his
service he returned to San Francis,.,
and it waa there lie met and manual
the woman whom he afterwards slew.
Once again he came to Portland,
playing in mush halls and theaters,
lor lie had no dilHcultv in securing a
positl be waa such a llrsl claaa mu
sician. While here he was considered
somewhat Irresiauislhle, tie ing addict
ed lo drink and going on snrees peri
.aliealh From Portland lloyce went
to Puget Hoand and finally to Victoria,
where Ins wile left lilin on account of
his inteniarate habits. line night
while walking along a street in Ta
coma he saw his wife hehiml a counter
in a restaurant and enleriug, attempt
ed a rcci.ni iliatiuu. The w.iinau refus
ed, lloyce then secured a revolver,
and returning, shot his wife three
times killing tier
Wished lo las. Arssnls and lomiiiil
Portland, Aug. II -Hut n.r I he ails-
Ideloaa of a yen eg drug eleth c. w.
laswell" would now la- giving the cor
oner a job, lor BO all pled ti i
lint suicide hy the poison route. Ilsa
well walked into a drustore at Park
and letferaon streets, ami, after pur
chaaing a lew simple remedied, he
said lie was aiiltenug Ir.un rlieuiuatiem
and tbOMgbl he would make an aranic
plaster. n arsenic plaster waa aoioe
thing the clerk had never heard of u
hla stlltlies and ! I m ausidcioiii .
ale ugh he now declares he does m '
know why.
A hov was waiting BB llaawell and
when about to measure the poison, tbe
head clerk said ' V on would lietler
give Mr llaawell the beat grade oi
arsenic for the plaster," ami then he
gave the l.aliu name ..r prepared
chalk Arsenic and prepared chalk
have a , lose resemblance ami cannot
la diatlliguiahed hy one not accustom
ed to handling the two.
With liia package ol supposed araeh
ii , llaawell departed for his farm,
three miles west of thia city, and
that waa the last seen of him until he
apMared at the drugstore again yaler
dav The lanner enlend the place
Out of breath and foaming al the
in,, on. Irons eicitement In ingbteu
ed tones he .let lared that lie hail tried
to commit aun ide and had swallowtal
the enl ire contents of Iho package
learning that llaswcll had Is.ught ar
Ball at mi other place, the head clerk
fait reassured, and giving the aupaar
ed dying man a drink of wh skey de
clared blai cored Haewell .Lata not
know .f th,. Mbalitatieo,
!he free swimming i all, tuud III
Portland has reached MNSi I,, ooi
piste the fond '.si uioru la notes art
I ...I,. J 'I. ...a A.... u P. .......
w n . ..... , ' w . ...11 .1
Henry ol Orleans dual here thia after-
Paris Auir. U A dlaiiateh froiii
HaigM ststes that Prince Heury ol Ol
leans liau a aevere hemorrhage ami
was sinking rapidly.
May Plnd field in Ibe Bay.
Vallejo, Aug li. -The systematic
declining of tbe waters of the bay, be
gun this morning, causes the hope ol
locating the stolen gold.
McKlnlev Mot lo Allsud.
Canton, Aug. t, President M, Km
ley has declined to attend the Knights
lumpier conclave al Louisville, Ky.
Bssapsd a Hanging
Norfolk, Va. Aug. V. fltaig Foaque,
who was to have been hanged lb is
morning, broke jail shortly after mid
night ami is uucapture.l
U. W. Mount, secretary of the
Lewistou inior state fair ami race
meeting, has written to Dr. C. J.
Wbitaker, asking upon what terms the
Pendleton cornet baud of M or fj
pieces could be induced to go there to
play for a week. The l.ewitstou lair is
a great one, the second one being giv
en tins year, the oue last year was a
great success. If the Pendleton baud
be secured, tbe Lewistou people will
have tbe pleasure of listening to some
good music
I or the Dog Days
We t an make lib endurable
during these hot days if you will
tuiisult us atitiui VOW FOOT'
WBAI "ecu
How about a pair ol (
FORDS "i mi i i. ii, ii i i m
SIIOKs - I bey will heap rgej da
ty the In.t weather.
a s i OR B WHRRS THi
50c A PAIR.
Mid Summer Sate
I Still doing On
Ik Peoples Warehouse
716 Mam Street. I'eudleloa, Ol. 1