I i THURSDAY, AUGUST h, 1901. OUR CLEARANCE SALE STOPS AUGUST 15 t x t t I unit Fail to See Us and Oet a Pair of Shoes for 50c For House Wear CLEAVER BROS Practical Boot and Hho" Men. BRIVITIBS. Jas. A. Howanl. Kami loan. I,arge shipment lead pencil. Nolls. Hack for Teal sprinii, telephone Main 7. $1 atlirt waists, now 4ttc. Cleaver Bros. Dry Hootis Co. Ill duck suits, now $2. PH. OlttTtl Bros. Dry 1. I- l!n. let rent 4 -room house MNN toe river. impure at this ollim We are closing out (nut afl nt OOtf At the Standard (Grocery Co, You can UN money now by buying your jara at the Standard grocery. 'Joe auninier kkmIn m .lime at III1... per yard. Cleaver Broa. Irv ' i Co. Midaummer sale of whnIi gooils, one hull (inc. Cleaver MM, DtJ (tooda Co. r'or aale t70Ut) ideal home. Modem ten room houae, 21 lota, north tide B. T. Wade. Ice cieam for partiea and lodge aociablea at special prices, qoalllj guaranteed. Candy Diitton. The Owi Tea House ad wax overlook ed yesterday. They are olotlag (Ml one line at a price that makea tmyinu easy. Creacent bicycles on the installment plan at the Creacent agency in the fa OreKonian buildinK, paymenta (I a week, no interett. Lost, a law gold miguei until an a watch charm, probably between Baker iy. Oggx saloon and .Mark Cation's cigar atoru. William Baker will reward the Under. Cantaloupe, delicate in flavor, Iron the celebrated l'ayette region. Noth ing better can be obtained. Bend in irdera to Standard (irocery company. K. J. Murphy haa now the BOtt complete line 01 wall paperH and herd era ever ahown in Pendleton. All the lateat ahadea and designs. You ahouhl see the atock. If the action ol your bowels in not eaay and regular aerioua cuuipl icatioiiN uuat be the Una I reault. DeWitt In tie Karly Kiaera will remove thin dan trer. Bale, pleasant and effective. Tall man ii Co. Dr. M. 11. Walker, palmist and medium, can read your entire lift, Ifl cate uiiuea, adriaea in business affairs, marriages, love, makeH peace between aching tiearta. Located in tent BOM O. It. A N. depot. A few daya only. '1'he business oltice of the Northwest livestock and Woolgrowers' Journal haa been removetl from tin- Makloek buildiug on Court atreet, to Uhi office recently vacate) by ft. W. lltOOBM, in the postolliro hiiildmg, Main streit. The bomelieat man in I'endleton aa well aa the handaomeat, and others are invited p call on any drogglll and get free a trial bottle ol Kemp's Balaam for the throat ami lung-, a remedy that ia guaranteed to cure and relieve all eh route aad testa poagba aatbma, broncihtia and OOOtOmptioo I'rice 25c and 60c. Kor aale hy Tall man A Co., eole agenta. SpokesmanUeview "Dla ain't no (tall game; ir'aan argument , " waa the comment a local comedian paaaed upon the exhibition yesterday after noon, wherein Seattle scored 18 rnna and Spokane 4. Tush ami Olover were threshing wheat on their place near the month of Blue creek near Walla Walla, Tues day, when the knuckle" of the tumbler became hot and net lire to a bundle of wheat being run through the machine. Forty sack" of grain were consumed and "three bortM were burned to death. Prompt action prevented the lire from spreading and igniting other bundles that lay on the Held. Columbia Colleirs, Milton. Oregon. Thia school ia located in the safest town in the Northwest lor young peo ple. A population 01 KHsl, and not a saloon. College haa departments of literature, KittMt, elocution, business, music, and preparatory courses. K11II lacnitv. Separate ami ilirst class dor- 1 initory accommodations lor boys and girl:-. LOW terms. Send lor catalogue. Aihlress the agent. SPBAKINQ ABOUT DASBBAU A Uamt to bs Played lunday, August 18, Tor Camatiry Road Fund. At a meeting of William Martin en campment, No. 1, Pioneer. Ol the I'a- cine, held 011 Wednesday evening, August 7, Boy Bitner was appointed chairman of a committee by Com mander Kirkman to organize a hase ball club to l' composed of members of that order. It is proposed to have another game ol baseball, the net re ceipts to he added to the (mid lor the improvement of the roail leading to Olney cemetery. Sunday, August 18, ia the date, and 2:.'lil p. 111. the hour. The opnslng nines are to he compos ed of Knights ol of the Pacific respect ively . The Knight- already have their nine well organized and in practice. The Pio neers will gt into as ginl shape as possible. President W. H. Lucas, of the Pa cific Northwest Baseball League, ami President C. A. Wnitemore, of the Portland Baseball club, are already at work on baseball pinna for next year, says the Oregonlan. The plan that ia protmsed is to form an eight-team league, taking in Portland. Seattle. Spokane and Tacnma, of the present league, ami adding Butte and Hole mi, while one team would represent Walla Walla and Pendleton and another would do the same for Vancouver and Victoria. If the railroads grant what are considered fair rates, in all proha iblity this league will be formed. An other proposed project is the invasion of California territory hy locating teams at San .lose, Stockton, Sacra mento and San Francisco. PKRSOHAL MBNTION. Miss Margaret Downey is enjoying a vacation at llidaway. Mrs. Dean Tatom has gone to llid away springs for an outing. John Wilson has taken a position with Hawlev Botherrs, grocers. Dallas O'llarra will arrive in Pen dleton this evening from Lehman springs. Mrs. Victor llniuiker of Walla Walla is a guest of her sister, Mrs L. Hnntiktr. Walla Walla Union : Miss Kva Jus tice of this city has returned from a visit with friends in Pendleton. Mrs. T. 0. Taylor and Miss Ida Thompson will leave this evening for a two weeks' visit to the seashore. Charles Clement and Kred l.nalz expect to leave tonight for Seattle, from whence they will sail on Monday for Alaska. Will Moore has returned from Port land, whence he accompanied Mrs. Moore and son who went. SB to thi coast. Mrs. T. W Ayers, jr., has gone to Portland. With Mrs. B, A. Vaughan and Mrs. Al Roberta she will visit the seashore. Walla Walla Union: Mrs. Sarah I gg-Thompson and Miss ft. Wilson of l endleton are in the city the guests of Mrs. .1. W. Cookerly. Gtorte Darveau, proprietor of tl SUPREME COURT OPINIONS I.OSKH AT GAMBLING MAY RKCOVRR TWICR AMOUNT LOST. The Appropriation of Water From Flow Inn Spring Wat Sustained Four Raitarn Oregon Cases Dscldsd Tbt opinion- in lour cases as an nounced by the supreme court Si Ore gon have been received by Deputy BO" preme Clerk Lee Moorhouse: A Loser May Recover. John Meyers, respondent, vs. John Dillon and Charles Melhpiist, appel lants, from Union county ; Rohan I'.u kin, judge; affirmed. Opinion hy Chit I Justice Bean. This actlcu was brought under sec tion .:.V;h 01 Dill's Annotated Laws, to recover double the amount Ol IWO tl leged to have been lost hy plaintiff at a game si "twenty-one" carried on at the time hy the defendants as proprie tors. The jury found that plaintiff had lost 2())l, 'and the court entered iudgment lor $40(), from which Dillon appealed. The supreme court, in atlirinini: Ihll judgment holds that under citioii 77H, subdivision 12, Ot Dill's code, common re nil it inn wa competent evidenced li e ownership nt f he Mtttbllng dm ire. D is also held that when a di lvndant has pleaded guilty to a charge In a criminal action, his plea mnv he intro tinted In evidence in ,1 civil action to allOW tU admission ol the Mil-'. The jnrv's flinliug tl at UO WM Inst hy th Oraml water was off his stun 01 that his Hotel St. iiorge, returned on Wednes- nlnintiff is held to ne proper and ill Ml Stomach Difficulty In Curing Chronic Troubla Overcome. The medicines used hy physicians ami in the many dyspepsia tablets are what may he called "Relief inedi cities," like Pepsin, and the many ar t i tic i it I digcttors, and soda, charcoal etc., which act II anti-acids. They relievi the symptoms, like fullneaa, bloating, and belching alter eating, but that is all ihey do. The real trouble remains, the sufferers go on tor years ami years taking this class of medicines, resorting to extreme diet ing and washing of the stomach. VVh.11 ih needed is something that will have a healing action "t the inflamed mucous membrane, ami restore the peptic glands to their normal condi tion, and this is what Nan'- Dyspep sia cure will do, no matter how long standing the case is. It is a new ami successful treatment. It has cured cases of A ami 2" years' standing. It is absolutely necessary for the patient to be persistent in the uae of it, and lo take it for aouie time after the symptoms of the trouble all disappear. For sale hy all first class druggists. AN ART DISPLAY. Feather Dusters. The largest ami lest line of feather dusters ever displayed in I Vndleton. TALLMAN & CO CAMPSgLL-JORDAN. The Wedding or Two Popular Pendleton Young People Gceured Wednesday. The wedding of tieorge . Campbell ami Miaa Ktta M. Jordan occurred at It o'clock 111 the evening 011 Wednesday, August 7, al the home of the Rev. it. A. Copple comer of Mark and Per kins streets, ju North Pendleton. A iiuminw of intimate friends were in at tendance and extended hearty congrat ulations. The ceremony waa perform ed by Rev. if. A. Copple, the new ly installed pastor ot the Christian church. I be bride has made her home in recent years with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. WelU, her parents reaiding at Albany, Or. The groom bus resided in Pendleton for yuara and is well known aud trust ed in buaiueas circles, ile ia at pres ent holding a responsible situation with the St.. Joe store of' the K. M. Lyons company. The contracting par ties stand high in Una community, aud receive the best wishes of many friends for uiibouuded iiappiness dur ing their lives. They will reside upon West Webb street. Itv evening from a business trip of four days to Spokane. Mrv C. B. Wade and her nephew, 81 Bi Bearce, the latter from LtWit ton, Me., leave tonight (or Portland to remain lor a few daya. Win. W. Iteinhart. who has been a Pythias and Pioneers nIUJgl nf Ralph Wade during the past three weeks, lalt this morning for his home in Olympia, Wash. Koherl Potwine came imme b team IrOtB Warren 'a Union county ranch on Wednesday evening, making the jour ney in one day, 72 miles across the mountain-. Mrs , P. Marshall and Miss Bell Bishop leave this evening at 6 o'clock via the W. 0i R. R. and N. P. roads, going to Victoria, B. C They will remain (or about one mouth. Miss Blanche Lar.gd n, who has bttfl the guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. K. I). Weaver, returned thi morning to her home at Colfax, Wah. Mrs. Dart Casey and her daughter, Miss Delia Casey, are visiting in la coma with Mrs. Maggie Hummers ami Miss Nelile Lindsny, Mrs. Casey ' daughters. A. Meyerheim, I be dash ing and DOS' nlar representative of S. Rat. Blitt works. New York, is a guest at the Hotel Pendleton, on his quarterly vis it to this city. Salem Statesman: Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Kennedy of Pendleton are in the city today, en route to Newport (or an outing. Mr. Kennedv is SBllntN manager of the Pendleton Tribune. Miss Lura Sharon an i veil home WeiL uesclav, and has resumed her dutie- as stenographer (or still man A. Pierce, temporarily performed hv Mis- Delia Beagle. Miss Sharon was absent in Portland (or a month. District Attorney T. (i. Ilailey wil leave (or Boise, Idaho, this evening in response in a telegram from his brother, (ieorge llailev, telling him toe nine on account oi the illness of his lather, John llailev, jr. Spokesman-Review: Charle Down er, conductor on l. K. A . passenger trams out ut Spokane, has returned to bit run, after an absence of six weeks, which he and Mrs. Downer and their little daughter spent in the east, visit ing the Pan-American exposition ami other points of interest. Baker City Herald: Mrs. Alice Smith of Pendleton state organizer (or the order of Ladies of the Maccabees, who was here a few weeks since, will arrive in a few days in company with two ladies from the east to renew the work here, afterwards gicng to Sump ter. Mrs. W. II. Jones ami daughters Pauline ami Minnie left on the W. j Oi R. train Wednesday evening fur Seattle, where they make their head uuartera lor a month. Thev will be mined there by Miss Maude Jones and Oi '. White and will take a trip to Victoria and other British Columbia ports. T. Oi Tavlor writes from Colorado that in company with James II. Kale he visited the property, including the spring, of tlie oil well company in which Pendleton capitalists are inter ested and lound it just as represented. They are now engaged in selecting a suitable location to bON a well. They are expected to arrive in I'endleton in about one week I Judge W R. Rllii came up Wednes day night from Newport, on Vaiilina bay, where his family are, spent tialav in Peudleton attending to matter- in connection with the building oi his new residence at the northwest corner of Lewis and Lee streets, and will leave tonigh' at U)l40 on his return trip. 1 he judge reports that tin' Pen dleton people at Newport, including I., lirock and family, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Reeder, Charles Wilkiai and family, as being in pssd health and en joying themselves. Miss Bertha Alexander and Miss I. Ha iiexter have returned to their homes, accompanied by Miaa Teresa Adler, Miss l.liie Baer, Mis- Char lotte Lppiugcr and Mist Anna McKas. Miss Alexander had been at Baker City, Sumpter and other point- for two months Miaa Dexter had been visit ing for two weeks at Baker Citv. Miaa Adler ia the guest ot Miss Ktta Hu ter, Miss Baer ia at the home of Mr. and Mi- IftJ Baer; Mish Rppiagtr and Miaa McK.u are guesir. of Miss Bertha Alexander Walter Fell ia in receipt of a letter from bis brother, Theron K. Fell, dat ed July 2 and mailed at Circle Citv, Alaska, July o. Mr. aud Mrs. How ard Dodsoii have arrived at Circle City. Mr. Fell aud John DudtSfl are at No. o on Bachelor's creek, gfi miles from Circle City. The last two expect to come out about September I ami will .-pen. I the winter at Portland and Pendleton Mr Full .- Hi. grttttti annoyance oouies from BMMBflitOtt. wilich are large and numerous. I h. v semi back for iBtptttloB a number of photograph- taken by Mr. Dodson oi views at and near Circle Cm Lse Northouso Makes a Vary Pleating Una Fine Indian Studies. I ee Moorhouse, facile princeps, I u diau photographer, haa some pictures on display that are better than any ever before shown here from his gal lerj of Indian laces. Some of the best known lndiaua shown are Chiet Pen, Mrs. Chief I'eo, Stella Tu-clans, White Thunder, Black Thunder, Sabine and papisioae, Columbia tieorge and Toy Toy, and A-loni-iui, the last named one of the converts to the faith of Mar cus Whitman. The most celebrated Indian of Hu m all is l'e-tow-ya. Pe-tow-va is 111 years obi. She tells a story corrobo rative ol this assertion, to the effect that she waa fifteen veara old when Lewis and (Mark paaaed through thia ccountry in 1H05. The new title earned by Mr. Moor house, "facile princeps," "easily chief" as it means, will not he denied hv rational people who appreciate the high stand. n 1 of art attained hv him. it ia the common concession that his Indian pictures are tin best in the United States. A neat booklet containing some poems written by lendleton peode has been issued by the Tribune The poems were written with the Moor house pictures aa themes. The book let ia neat ami attractive ami has been highly praised hv very many persons. lent to warrant the court in enteril i: judgment lor double the tmOflnt. May Looate a Spring. Tliema J. Brosnau, antieilatit, v- W. P. Harris, respondent, irnm .Mal heur COBJltr M. U. Clifford, judge, reversed. Opinion by CIipo Inslne Bean. This was a suit to restrain I he diver sion ot and inter h rem e w it Ji the Wtttl oi a certain ring in Malheur lunnfv. known as I ,x spring. I he opinion nt Chit I Justice Lean Ms in part: "The argument is that the water perennial spring are not subject to ap propriatiop unless they flow in a nat ural channel or form pbM ol water course. "Whatever doubt may exist else where upon the qntttlon, it would seem that the right to make such an appropriation oi waste, spring or Ntp age water finds recognition in the leg islation oi this state session law-in IH:i, page IMOh The decree Ol the court h'dow is reversed and one entir eil here in plaintiff's favor. Psrtonal or Rett Propsrty. J. I. Alhersnu, respondent, v- tbt Klk Creek Gold Mining company, ap pellant, irnm Union county, Robtrl Kakin, judge; alllrmed. Opinion by .iut ice wolxtrton The principal qBtttioB involved in this case is oureruing the circum stances which warrant the tonalttJtOM that fiersoual property haa btCOBIt part of the really hy being taxed I hereto. Damages to Rett Propsrty. L. (Ildenburg, ri'spiuuleitt , . i gop Sugar company, appellant. Iron Union county; Robert Kakin, judge: allirined. (Ipiinon hy Justice Hoort Tina was an action to recover damag es to real property. Piaintilf allege that he ia the owner i certain land tr Union county, and thai the deicu lant, a corporation, unlawfully placed a dam In Hm channel of o I.. rrv..r hcridiv the , dec.ed and over.b his ..rem ses bordering on -aid stream, wash. Rg " .i i . I .... I r, i c i ne till o- U H I ne " riga'ting ditche IBO carrying lences, to Lis damage in the "'H0t . , . in .:..: I..., in,, testified I IHIMI 111 o,.o land before the damage was worth f." per acre, and that be had BOTjr WW R so low a.20per tOTt, tb ;ltndi then undertook to show by the COttnl BMttMr's record- that plain tiff I MM sworn thai Ids Inn.l was worth lWj The court rejected Ihll evidence, and the supreme court sustains the ruling upon the gr. und that the value exress e, on the assessment blank It plttHKl there hv the llttl or. fhllt W ""Ml owner;-wear- only to the M Ol his property and not to it- value. Several other tttigntnttill "! error are consnlereil, bill the sunn me COBfl sustains Isdft Batkln In imtj particu lar. Don't he Mtllftd with ten ran re lief (ruin indige-tp n. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure permanently and completely rt move- Mill complaint. It relieve- per manently btOSBSt It allows the fired ItOmtOh ptrfttt ret. Dieting won t rtSl the Itonattti Nat.tr receive- iup plies from the loop we eat. I he hie WilV to help t'e e ' i to use K nihil DvaniMisia ( nf what you eat and ctn i good i rtllmtn Co ST. JOE STORE FOR BARGAINS a a 273 PAIRS I, A DIRS, MISSS8 ANJi OHnPRBN'S SHOES, WORTH FROM $1.00 TO $3.6 PA A 111 PRICE THIS WEEK ONLY. )o not misH this goldoti opportunity. LYONS MERCANTILE CO., do voll SELLING OUT BARGAINS IN SHOES Wl art- closing out Ladies' Orfords, Men's Tan Shoes ami All Short Lines AT COST i will close out our WHITE .... MOUNTAIN tod ARCTIC eg Cream Freezers at a discount of 5 Ml CgQl Tin Whitr Mountain ib so well idvgf tisatd through all the leading nagtsiacg that it needs no further lomment. Owl Tea House. Jelly Glasses jje a dOMQ. "Nerve Waste." line m ine inoti lui prill bunks on iivrvo vttkatittftr itsttd i that eutuiuii HHtrvt Wattv," by Ui. riawjrur ol Sun fttl flsOO, tot In Hi tlltli ttaouauii.1. Tills work of mi expr eriuiiiKil ml repuulilu pliymuac U In SgstSS utile c.nilr.iM to Ilic ml miiii of faur ncUlilK wliicli pruvalla on ttol iDlvruttiiiK nl. uri boiiiuU in oarslully uouaMervil tint ursi tlial UttlttitBsl lisa the Wt srsnt met Us of wl dom ainl tliueruy. It It uixtorHi'l by both tbo i. ... ut Sttt ulur pru. Tbo t Ulcugo .V.fvncu nyt: "A Sjejgttl ti Hi" book null tbc tBgtlttlltl ol Us brim iplsn will put bunltli, liopc u.l beart Into thuuMu.fi ol llvvn tbsl ar now stgerttg iBMtgh lnrvoua it tpao iiieul.' 1'Uii book la II On by mall postpsiJ oueof Uio noat nuvreatliig cliapu-r. cuapuir xx, on Nrruiiui ami .Servo Toniia bat been prlule l teparalely aa a aauipls cbapter, amt will be tvul to any aililnsu lor atamp by the publiabera, THE PACIFIC M HI.ISMI.Nc, ((.., tioi ti , San Kraucltco. TWA N 8 F ER, THUC K I N(;, ST OR JCG E. I hr cmintv arc the other In i thetu. .t II tl riHtT'CLASS ii OOBSplSUl 1 Wblpti twsat ItatBi r, tents JUST THINK O IT! fotrtpl of He ptopls in I'uintiliij in-lining inn iiiirii"'- mnl 'a lillii ami nir lire III ; carry lira, llritubrii, has. "tritiK .aa, all . r. I- J08EPH ELL. Leading Marnesfi and Saddlery. Our midsummer Furniture sale fttrartion attention Shaili fg. . ut t. in: Points Mirrors. is thfl center ol serves unusual or you intend to furnish r,(ir , complete or ubi conn l i r '. i i .'Kuiiiion ot ;i few tins is your opportunity, twenty five different styles of Iron Reds l ressers, Commodes, Paiiti nitnre. Oarnaita Mn , , -limns. mi I'lcturers, Main ah . (,,, (; at niplate lllll'.ir. Undertalcing Parlora in Connection A. RADER Main and Webb Si 4t mm Rl.-Tlkl -IMl m. la ii a ihm inlly OI whccla, or Jiiat repairing tin mm. mi. 1 wo 'In nil n imir work tliormiKbly ami In Hi.' h"l p nl'i... Manner i pu ton Ursa to stay, ami t lie mi iUk' wc repair wa tend out tottl i wltta n n ol thai miuioTuk rattle I inn OOtSU I from lOOSt paila. II you have ua ilo your work ret oat StPlteltlS hou koml ll la ami liuw amall lm OOtl U NEAOLE BROS. YEARS No mat C YEARS, of Stomach 1 rouble ter liOv lone; ,. iiiliiij;. NAU'S DYSPEPSIA CURL WILL CUKI o o o ( mm aud examine jooUm aud gvl prices. THE PEMDLETOM SHOE GO. Win. Fitzgoruld, MaiittK" Arasrlsan prlnkllnic Wskoos. Siriiikliiiu wauoiis arn um-il nowail.iv- ODUiuiiiiilv in in. nr. suiallur tnwiis ami villamid, wliern tlmy were never tliouirlit of sunie years sku. .Vuierivan ipriag liflg waxoiiH are now loiiml all over tlie world wherever suriukliiikt wanin- are used. Tliev are exuorted to Australia Cuba, Porto Kico, Houtli Auierica, BOttlB Alrica ami IfiUrope. Hie uiikI ern sprinkling waKon that tlie traveler chances to see in Paris or Berlin tr Hamburg came very likely Irani the same factory as the one he saw here before he led houie Koiug through hi- own home street. CROWNER & SON. We want the ueakell tnuiacha In Heat. TBU ri'ineily w ill KttMt the alomaeli to BttBatl h ml heallhi tteilHte II von hav bean tesTtfi Utt "'Ih DrsptgSlt hvKlus taklnit lbl lelueity, aO'l ee Imn ynn will grtdtaUi itigttw lor sale l Tallnian A Co. ami all Hnt-clug iliunKists, or semi to Prank N.iu. Porttaad Hotel Phtr nuusy, Poftland, Oregon. Price fi.oo a bottli . 6 bottlea for express prepaid. OREGON.. I l-LKPUONE MAIN 4. First class wheat pasture lor cattle ami horses. Inquire ol I'eter Watt. SEALS! Notary and Corporation ill! ...SALEM... Sopta 23-28, 1901 Great Agricultural AnJ Industrial Fair BIG LIVE STOCK mow Good Racing in the Afternouns i. wait itf liorioNi i hhvaoo rroaii m in iloiwu gveav kvim ixii. wiin oo in Muato ItttMIti Oassg fltetatA gets special gssial ttaic. on Oatttwrs1 rtokais. I " It ttSl HrinK- Ynin Kauiiln - Heduvd Kales on all Kuilroads Laurels Attain ! The raria F.KiiUon h i III. .1.' Ill' I'OllJ rlerfal Aw .ml to I.W.HARPER KENTUCKY WfllSKEY fiol1 ninlnle CoHi-r- .in ' Mofltlt I I In. If WM duel by JOHN si IIMII1T The l.ouvre 5uloon PKNIII.KTON OKKUON You get Qood Beer.. When you drink PILSNER BEER. Qtuurantow not to OtUie headache or dUiineu The Columbia Lodging House NKWLY KURNIBHKl) U H IN CONNECTION IN CENTKR OK KI.ik k BET. A I .'I'A A WKUItKTs P. X. SCHBMPP, Pnp, M ! V I itMIM . '., ., i iri i.i n.i . Ask for It. Schult Brewing Co. The Place to Buy : : : : Is where you can oet quirk mil ah tap prltm. iut m v.nir order inr htadar badi water tankh iiinl atd r.u k-. Bent I llll' nf Lumber, Lath, paper. Tar paper.Iam and oemant, Pioksti Platter, Brick, Band, Biouldina Boraan Doom 2 v indowi, Sasli CI DOON, Terra ColU r'ipe. Metoo Pbrim Mil Lumber Van!. R. F0R8TER, . Pfopflatof. Help or Situation Wantod. ( F. Cook's LkplxJnt Agency - 0f" Maiu ud 411a Street. CURE YOURSELF! i iii j u i, rr" Cor. Court and Johnson! PENDLETON. OWEUOf! Mli'ain hi'at Kli'drlr Lllhla. aVmsrloan Plan, rat.a ii.ii ioi sstt Kiirnia'aii plan. 'K . i'. rtpm ial rataa by wttitri Pree Bus rieets all 1 relet. Ci.mmen.ial I rsue SollduJ Fine Sample Kuoros Special Attention Ulvrnlu Country I rtJe. ciimi ai) koiii i:k. m LOI for sale: ! BLOCK 81. Pol sali-, hit In alO I reei4ence lot at a low priH ply to c .111(1 N, BERKS. Has tlie loilowiei hatjl LOANS 11 .50n tO $5 Uclivm'd VVIIWAT I A Vixn PaemA.n ..... and save money. " At luwest ralus J. K. DICKSON. tir.ler of us an.l save money. Orders fur Kubuei tSuuips Jio solicited. I.ASTOKM.ONIAN HUB. CO B 1 a. aa BaW . 1 BalBaa '... Imr iuVi'.. n .1.11, I.. ,7r . I. .' " lu"' f i u iK-.H a 4M0 iom A I 890 anrai Al wlieat laiiJ w heat Ilia of laolil t,, UruggUu. ii i.! m1 ju'imrki iNUoai. mi i. .ii.. - - ... i ..I . ''...tirauwi. ,.fs Wl' Ofalt'tl 1 lot lownr Wold, street: i in. i,t .i i., oi. 1 'fcular arul mi reU Walters. Wreprletoi. :ai)cUy, ifto barrelt a U lourxcliauBa lor whw JXZ', SIC Al o I. i.i list 0l 0,1 uiau ia '(- counts Dropuriv cheP' alwayt Daily Bast O.ck""1'' tin . i cairiar, only is csut. s wo.