lYEPPLUiiiiw c .mnrii i hi mi x hwbh DAILY EVENING EDITION EASTERN mm WEATHER. "- MARK THIS r-Jjj PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OBBttON, THURSDAY, AUUUST 8, 1901. NO. 4H7 e Place l.i fifnrprip 10 nuv wiv. :,hffeyo..csn hsve I M :9fk B sel-ct from. Call ,p. My Btock ! (tn m1 lP IfJI IIOIII I" rnfi. i. R. Demott Wash Skirts AT. One-Half Price : : : I) visiting turds in nuieuwith your address V UAl 1 rEM8. piwa wagons, .,.,.,, j, (n) sty carriages ami m, , ..m. "4$5 3y o , j ,J(, line lahUr. i . i ... i i i u, oiailh HOOKS PK)' stationery. KMClU l8r ,!.,.. PftUvywhW for c bmmcub v i doiceo r " toys, mmm 1mm. ... C. ruck horse, and slm... r c"Uo select from,,.,4 "lirlfci 2 Pltes,cks pl.U., t-AMiii v -La qual,,y i - . r","ui...oii,.,v..... Ptt NOLF. IT'S A HARVEST TIME HERE FOR THE ECONOMICAL Mover loforc in the history ol this great country were such rare chances offered to the ronsumer to htiy the BEST EATAHLKS in the market for such LOW PRICES. We don't put forward a few articles nnd make a big talk about REDUCED PRICES. Every article in our stock the largest in Pendleton IS SOLD AT ITS LOWEST PRICK We candidly k-lieve we are offering the GREAT EST VALUES EVER OFFERED IN : GR OCER I E 8 Alexander & Hexter. The Boston Shirt Waists AND- Pendleton's Big Busy Store. BYERS' BEST FLOUR To make grxxl broad use Byers' Bunt Flour. It look tirsl premium at tlio Chicago World 'a Fair overall coin pet i lion, aud gives excellent satisfaction wherever used. K verv sacx is guaranteed. We have the beat Steam Knllest liar ley, rieed Rye aud Beardless Barley. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. BYERS, Proprietor. "See Dem Freezers" I have a full line of The Peerless Ice Cream Freezers from one pint to ten quarts, will freeze cream in from three to five miuuteu; also have a full line of liuhing tackle, hammocks, etc. See my line before buying T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man. Store 49c 79c ..Bound to Make an Impression.. vol should tr uui pastries i you P will surely be impressed by their goodness, Tbsy .ire the p rle lion of baking dsllCSOVi SD( are the most appetizing ( .f luxuries. We use the best Hour, and ripe, sound, perfect fruits and bsfriss. 1 lit sc pastries are healthful as well as appetizing, and we take special pride in making them so. C. ROHRMAM. GENERAL NEWS. A financial and industrial crisis ia reported to be spreading in Germany. The walla of 8t. Paul's cathedral, London, are nettling from the vibra tions of the underground train which pass near it. With the exception of the (irewt Wettern, the I iab railways will not pay dividends thia year on account of great decrease in trallic during the past six montha. As a reault of the recent breaks, plana for incmaains the strength and practically doubling the carrying ca pacity ol the Brooklyn bridge have been prepared by William llildehrand, superintendent . Lord Cnrr.on, governor general of In dia, telegraph that the total rain in ti e inland districts is only half the normal fall, hut that the crop prospects are fair. The total number of persons on the relief rolls is (V.Y1.000. Secretary Root's order cutting off the use of commissary supplies by civilian employes in the I'liilippines is caus ing consternation among the minor clerks, whose expenses are thus doubled. Danny Maher, the American jockey, will probably never re-enter the race BOMIBB. Owing to a serious hemor rhage i the lung, hia phystcans have cautioned hint that a further attempt to ride would be fatal The directors of tin standard Oil enmpanv of New Jersey have declared S quarterly dividend of 8 per cent. This compares with a declaration of 1- per cent in .lone and M per cent in March. Nearly L'OO miles on one battery chaw is the latest performance of an electric automobile, setting a new mark for these vehicles. The machine is the joint output of two Cleveland companies and a Chicago com pan v. The military government of Manila ceased on Wednesday and the munici pal affairs were taken over by the three commissioners, similar to the novern ment in the District ol Columbia. The president is the Filipino Colonel llerera. Judge William Cecil I'rice, I nited States treasurer under President Itn chauaD, died at Chicago Tuesday at the, home ol Ins son-in-law . William S. Newherrv, aged 8i years. Judge I'rice settled in Springfield, Mo., in the early BO'l The Central Labor Union at Kaston, Fa., has adopted a resolution denounc ing Andrew Carnegie as "a foe to la Isjr," and iirotesting against the school board of Kaston acceiting I'd. (SK) from Mr. Carnegie for a librarv . PACiriL MORTHWKST NKWS. There are heavy lires in the Hlue Mountains, north of The board of public works of I'oit laud has granted a ten year franchise to the I'acitic Slates Telephone com pany in consideration of J.VMi a tear to be pa id to the city. I'errv I'ix, a boy of 11', was run oer and killed by a freight train pulling "it of the Northern I'acitic yards at Tacouia, Tuesday. The tsy was rid ing on a switch engine and jumped off iu front of the freight. I ire on Wednesday morning destroy ed the livery and feed stable, corner of sixth and Cuucli street, Portland, and 40 horses were burned to death. The loss is i.iu.ixai, partly covered hv su ranee. Northern Pacific officials report s forest tires rain in Missoula county. No great damage ha as yet tioeu done, hut owing to the unusual dry condition of vegetation the outlook is regarded as serious. Three Oregon text iss.ks are among those adopted by the commission. They are Mr- F.inerj Dye's "Stories of Oregou", Wui. K. Lord's book M urnithology and Mrs. Kamiie Hardy Fckatrou'a "Bird Book." John Keuimctt, father ol Mis. Wil liam Van de Water, of Walla Walla, was seriously hurt by a vicious hull Wednesday on Maurne Powers' farm i miles south from Walla Walla. Hit In juries are serious but lie will recover. The proposition is before Baker City people to organize an athletic club and pr.svide a bume lor tbe many youug aud old men who have a few hours to spare during the day or evening and no particular place in which to spend the tune, thus being open to the tempts t i. of places not good for tl cm. Tumor cured. " By their fruits yr shall know them " Tlu SfS) u iuo ut tin- vslMS of any uicdi. nit is L its cures. A,pl hat t. -,1 lo In Pierie's 1'avoritc Prescription and it is at ome lilted high als.vt all other put-up medicines ili-kigucd tor tbe cure ol womanly discaaes C bionu forms ot di-A-a which nhyweian have tailed to cure, aud winch have yietUed tft no other treatment have Is en p. riccily and pemwneDtb cured by the in- of I'r 1'ierce's l avorite Prescription. It M lilies inoutbl.N regularity. It dries debilitating drains, n heals in flammation aud ulceration die I cures HMBtSSt wcakueaa. Mis. ahouirnie of Hslluu blicll.y Co (lino writrs '' M luutht-r had su overiee tuniitf whicli wr thouglil would rtnuli ill her druth but we hud read uur udvc-rlu-iULUI aud wt tounuruic-d iisiuy your ' Favorite rveecriptioe We su! ollt 'Iceu botlle Iu Qomaicecc with ud hefor sac had tak-n ihrrt U.ltl.s ke tjrgsn lo uupiove she ib living tu (In) aud wr have given youi loedi.ine the credit My muii..i was ataty-eia yeare oid whrn th. tassoj ll grow : hr is M-vrlity aix uow aud th, luiuoi is ah gum slu had goiUee awfully Later, aud hn liuiU. btgaii to iwefl urloir wi urgau to im vuui Favoritr Pre- acrlpiiuu 1 " Dr. Pierce's Plcaaaul Fellels cure bilt-HSJBJSSj FEDERATION AND AMALGAMATED Gompers and Shaffer Hold Earnest Conference. an FORMER SAID HE IS WITH STRIKERS Will Mike i hV Tleup of tbe Industries in I he Kaslfrn States. Pittsburg, Aug. I, Snorllv before noon, QaSSpSIS ami Shaffer went into conference and at 1 :. to o'clock were still talking. At that time, Shaffer announced lie did not know when the conference would terminate. Hefore the meeting, (tompers said his first endeavor would be to review the attel strike in ita entirety, lie wants to learn the cause that led up to the trouble ami the present status of the struggle to secure a basis for future in telligent act ion. The conference adjourned at SlM (or luncheon. Shaffer seemed happy when he emerged from the conference rOOSt, but refilled to talk, linmpcra I Stl Basted he will make a settlement when the DOtMUltStioO terininatixl No Defection From Strikers' Ranks. Pittsburg, Aug. 8. There have not liecn any defection-, from the strikers' ranks so far a can le learned, but notwithstanding this fact the niana gers of some ol the trust mills have been successin! in placing a portion of tbe plants in operation. The success of the management in opening the Clark mills was a great surprise to tbe workmen ami the throngs of strik ers who gathered to discus-, tbe itua UOS were deeplv char,; I tied There are mi indications of trouble. Arehblshop Irstaml a Psaesmaksr. New York, Aug. M. Archihsbop John Ireland of St. Paul, who has Is-en here for several days, is en deavoring hi bring about a settlement of the steel strike, according to a close personal friend, who says the acrhbishop will soon visit Mckinley in the interest ol the steel Workers. Archbishop Ireland desires to see .1. P. M i;iin this evening or tomorrow. Hartford, Conn,. Aug. M, -Archbishop Ireland tma denied the Now York story that he is seekingto bring alsillt settlement of the steel strike. Clark HUH Don't Worry Shaffer. Pittsburg, Aug M. -Shaffer does not take the starting of Clark's mill ser iously. He says there is a gnat dif SIMMS between throwing coal into a furnace to make smoke and opSfStlug a mill with steady hands. One Non-Union Mill starts. Pittsburg, Aug. 8. - One mill started here this mnrning with nonunion men. Want Kxeluilon or ( hlnese Act. New Yolk, Aug. K. - The American Federation ot Labor has issues! an ap ieal to the people of the ( lilted States to assist the organization in securing the passage by congress of a rigid Chi liese exclusion act . Gompers at Plllsburai. Pittsburg, Aog. 8. Samuel (iompers arrives! here this morning lor the conference with the Amalgamated As sociation official. bompers and federation to Assist. Chicago, Aug. H.--A Pittsburg spe cial quotes IseSMI iompers as saving: "1 am here to couler with President Shaffer. The American Federation of l.abor is heart and soul with the steel workers in the present light. The Amalgamated association wilt get from I the outside moral and financial assist ant c, ami, il necessary, our active co oeration Just what course the Fed eration will pursue I cannot as yet say , ! but, whatever .-halter asks of us, be can le aasure.l it will not Is. rsraSBB Sanvulne at MeKeesporl. McKeesport, Pa , Aug. S The strike situation here is unchanged. No attempts have been made to start nnv of the mills. All is iliut. The strik ers are most sanguine j( success. A Trust Labor Union. New York, Aug. 8. -A report is iu circulation in Wall street this alter noon that the steel trust proposes to I fight tbe Amalgamated association by forming a rival asaoc;altoo ol iron, i steel and tin workers. It was said I he trust would endeavor to enroll in its membership all its non union employ- iAVOKHISM AT l0KII AND Charaed by Drivers In the Plre Dsparl minl There ' Portland, Aug. I, A number of drivers in the Are department have tendered their resignation, which j were accepted, and thereby hangs a i tale. The charge ot rank lavorltisio is being made by some of the late drivers against the liard of lire BBSS' uilaalouer. Under the provision ul ii , , bSPtSf. drivers ase entities! to t7 per month The assertion is made that, through favoritism, some driven were paid 17. a month, while others were given but loo. D was tins uu eual uirthud of paying all the men claaaesi by llieuteelvea that raised dia eention and reaultesl in half a doien drivers withdrawing Irom the service. When the matter was laid before tbe commissioners, they are rearted lo have ultimate! to the men that resig nations would i.e accepted as there was a good reserve of applicants for job in the department. Soyaa Had a Wife In Portland. Portland, Aug. 8. -Kbeu 1.. Boyoa, tbe murderer who was hanged in Ta nnine today, has an ex-wjle living in Portland. Uocye was a musician aud was considered quite proficient on the cornet. tie married his first wife bere, but was aftewrards divorced. The second wife he married while on tbe .-'.uii I aud it was this woman whom he murdered anil for whose death he today paid the jamalty. A Fued la Kentucky. Louisville. Ky . , Aug. 8. Because his 18-year-old daughter would not abumit to him, Clement buchter shot and killed her thia morning. The wife waa also shot by the unnatural tathei , al though not fataily. The murderer was arroeUsi . lTHE N':w V0RK MARKBT Reported by I. L. Ray ( o . Pendleton. ChlBBo Board of Trade and New York Stock Bxehanare Broker. New York, Aug. 8. -The wheat market was higher early, but on the advance here was considerable wheat for sale and tbe close was .r-8 under vesterdav. Liverpool closed :t-8 high er. t s. New York BfMJMd lower. 7t 1-8, sold up to 77 and closed 7,'14. Corn was strong Closing f-8 higher, 81 3-8. Htocks higher. Wheat Close vesterdav, 7t Open tislav, 1 1-8. Range balay, 74 to 77. Cloe today, 7M4. taskSI Sugar, ItMl steel, 43; St. Paul, M 1-8; V. P., 1'4. Wheal In ( hleaao. Chicago, Aug. 8. -Wheat. 71 ' to 70 :-8. Wheal In San Franelseo. San l-ranctsco, Aug. 8. Wheat, 101, 'REOOONrttONOI I Hli UNION" TKXT OF TUB CALL TO TRD. r H h AMAt.UA- Asioelatlon ot Iron, mssi and Tin Work en. Calling lOO.OOO Men to Strike Aumu 10. "Brethren -The olllcials of the I sited tates sleel trust have rsfnsed to r guise a union men thoe who are cow striving for the right to organ ize. I be executive bOSfd ba author Issd BM t" issue a call on all Amalga tna'co men in name and heart t join tn tb. movement to tight for labor's rights. "Ws inns, tight or give up forever our personal liberties. Son will he told that you have llgBSd contracts, hut you never agreed to MrrsndsT thosa contract to tin- I'niteil -lutes Sfeel corporation. Its otlicers i: 'nk you were aold to them i ii -1 us the mills were, contract and all. "RsBMMlbSf, before you agreed to Snj i on Intel voti look an obligation to the A iiialgaiuattsl association. It now calls yon to help in the hour of n I. I nlcss the trout, Ii' is settled on or bofore Satunlav. August 10, 118)1, the mills will close when the last tun I made mi that day. "Brethren, till! i the call to prt serve our organ iat ion. We trust vou and need vou. "Coiue aud help us and may right come to a just cause "Fraternally POMPS. "T. .f. 1HAFFIB." BAKER CITY BUYS VVAAIiR Counell Purchazes Nelson Plaoer System Paying Thoreror S I a, 000. l aser City, Aug. a. Last evening the cite council passed an ordinance authorizing the mayor to purchase the Nelson PISCM Mining company water system Kir the sum ol f Ift.iXHI. I bis is an additional supply to Ilk creek which is now tapped hv the new gravi ty water system. It gives to Tlaker Citv from MSI lo its) inches of the pur est mountain water during the lowest season and several thousand inches, it desired, during much of the year. I he system purchased is known as the old Auburn canal system, which was used by the earliest placer miners lo eating around Auburn iu the 001 COUNT WAI.DIiKSI.i: AT HOME Beaches the Fatherland From Hit Cam palan In China. Ilamhii'u, Aug. H Count Wahlcr- s.-e landed here todav . He was met by army ofltSSPI aud relative and at tended to the city by five thousand troops and a large crowd ol civilians. The royal faintly was unrepresented in the welcome, but will receive the re turning held marshal In Cnmhlirg on SSBSSI A brilliant military re ception had boats planned, but was abandoned on account of the dowager empress deal b. STEAMER KINCARA IS SUNK Collided With the Oseanlsa off Water ford, Ireland, Lives Lost. ,, , i, slow ii Aug. a I he While -star liner l leeaiiic which sailed from Livnrpis.l vesterdav collided III a dense log near Walerford with the steamer Kincara I be latter sank and manv of her crew are missing The collision caused a j aim on the Ocean ii -oven ol the Kincsra's crew were drowitsd A REPUBLIC YICi: KINO DOM Socialist of Bulgaria Demand Dethrone ment of Perdluaud. lolgti Hulgaira, Aug. 8. Ihe BObIsI' ,si BQMMfSSI this morning adopted a resolution demanding the removal ol King Icrdiiiaie! ami the BBtStbl isbuieiil ol a llulgarian republic Most ol the delegalea have great influence among 'I,, masses. COLLISION NBAB PIT f tMUBM. bout Were Hilled When the Ba surslon Trains Cane Toaelher. Pittsburg, Aug. 8. - Two Mictions Ba an excursion train c, Hides! a short distance from the city this morning Light pasaeugers and two traiuiueu were seriously Injured Some arc not , (.,, I, d to I. I Kl:NCH SQUAUK0N IS kliADY Detnonstrailon Agaloat CoDsiauiioopia Aaaot Quay Ownership. Ville Praui he, Frame, Aug. 8. 1 be I rencli squadron here ha received or ders to nreoare to leave at a moment's I notice. 'The destination is not known, but is believed to be Constantinople. Qpuesome Seattle Dlasovary. Seattle, Aug. 8. Laborers excavat ing near Hie race track in the aouth ol the city thia afternoon found an iron cheat co. taming tbe remains of a girl aged fifteen. The ribs were broken aud tbe skull crushed. It waa evi dently the reeult of a murder some years ago. Scottish Urauditaad Collapaed Paisley, Scotland, Aug. 8 At a raaie uieeliug here today, the grand stand crowded with people collapaed Manv ' peraous are repo'ted injured. 'FRISCO STREETS DUSTY, UNSWEPT o Teamsters Join Those Already on (he Strike. HBKCE CLEANING GANGS ARE IDLE liny Ships Krmilo Id the Hirbor jUiiiin SeltNinnl ol lb. Troubles. San Francisco. Aug. t. The team iters of ihe street weeping and sprinkling forces joined the strikers bslay. The streets therefore are BM swepi iiint uiisprinklrd. Ninety coasters, and twenty deep water vessel, are idle iu the barlsir It I- expected the wholesalers tumor row will refuse to credit the retail grocer- in Month Market street, whe,,. a majority of IBS strikers reside. No disturbance, have occurred AN BX-SMBLTER BMPLOVE Arrested Under Suspicion of Implication in Hold Bobbery. Sun Francisco, A MB. 8. - n ex em ployee of the Mbl -rneller. John Win ter was arrested last night and subject ed to an lBiMSitl0H b the BOltSS all I g It is thought ha made a confession rtajjSfdlsaj IM gold rob bery t.reat SBBPSS1 II maintained r. gardtug the result ,, attempt was made at the smeller tins morning to nit blood hounds on the trail, but it is (eared il will Iss unsuccessful , owing to the lapse of time. no Winter's cabin near the smelter works was a posted sign warning h.,. iile not to enter on pain oi being killed. An ftfSSllBSllOM of IMS cabin is la-lug made, THE Wisconsin WILL 00 she is to Look Alter American Interest! on the lithmui. Washington, Aug 8. I be navy de pari incut selected t he halt lesh 1 1, Wis 1011111 to proceed to Panama ll devel opment there warrant the presence of an American vessel on that side ol the Isthmus. Order were sen! tin alter noon lo tlu Wisi sin to proceed IfMBB BPSSSBfiOB, Wish., to mii Francis... when- she will aw ait furl her nisfrm thins Crtapi s Heart Urowi Weaker. Naples, Aug. N. -signer Crispi has hail another Uttt lor the worse. Mis heitrl is growing weaker . HIS AIRSHIP HAS I AIM 01)1 1) Preneh Aeronant Nana Suspended Prom Housetop for Ten Minute. Pa i re, Aog. 8. Tbo bsllooM ol Hsm Ins Diitioiit eiplmleil tin morning while the iMfSMtCB was trying to win the DiHtsh prlas of ioo - IrsMss, The aeronaut hung in the haakei of the damaged airship suseiiiled Irom a house ',,p for ten minutes. Dimmit lierformed Ibe wonderful fwl . i .... circling the I Iffel tower while going t w.-iitv miles an hour When DISKMl leachtsl the atreet al ter l-eiou rent lie. I he sk ,I..s,m,I l, tbe spectators Many women pressed their arm about him and kiss.. I him. itrsi States Billed. Salem, Aug I Abraiu Mevher wa vesterdav near here, being hit on the bead hv a piece o( burning tree. He was seventy four veer of age and an old soldier Henry Avertll, BfJSd tl war, who wa in pued by Is-iiiu run over by a trolley car , n Portland July 'M, died luosdav iu 81, Y inceiit 'a leaipital. fbe proh i lo si- ol Maryland held their atale volitional Haiti more, I'ueadav Ibe plallortn adopted reatlirins the devotion of local prohi bitionist to the tenets ol the national organisation an I BSteads thanks and congratulations kl BOHMrsSB lor having alsdishisl the army canteen. SHOES... For the Dog Days Wi- tan make lib- endurable (luring ibcst but tlaya il you will COM silt IM about your FOOT WKAK nte.lh How about a pan oi OX FORDS u M i LIGHT I AN SHOES' They will help you df iy tbe bol weather. R mi MBRR I His is so i si oki WHERE THR PR1CR CHARGI t POR I OOL. BHOK8 Wll.i MAKR mm HOT. LAI) I l:S ' WMITK OXHOkDS 50c A PAIR. Mid Summer Sale IStill Going On The Peoples Warefiotise I iif. PITTHliS OF FfiKT. 716 Main Stncl. Ptn4Ttffli Oti