East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 07, 1901, Image 3

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    T IV I i I II ' r.
and i-2ic Uwns to go at
llUl ggC good will be wold ot
lO V 3 I"' 1
iincr Vest, to close
eaver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
, ,..v uuiivr r, moi.
in.. . l.'L AS4 W
ik ill nnn.ii iuii "
... - - kltiiria to
...... Kr flfl BBIU' "" "
Fn.l. Aimunt h n.urriHge ll
..,..,,.,. ... ,.rr.l .-and..
' 9m .V I.... rim i ltlli (if
drk' .ill. 'nn'" "
...U, ill I- IX. WOII KIHI-II
..... ... iii nvci n ' ' ' 1 "'
.Vi lie i m""- ! 'j
... I ...... lillVllllt I'M II "''I
ile snti siisres
,.r lierseli .'.ningea
iliteoiilum. No person
nili ciuatv knew the prospec
kf,jr, Dai snr mi , ,
i i I,... . .in. iv iii iikkv 1 1 r
ma iin iii"nt "! --- - ----
10-1 MHHMf wwi
I,riinn ill! tl tmilHttaU. 1 IIM
L. uJ ..,!..( tflui U illl ll tint
Ht I. prfHWul. oils WYwm
- ... ll s kit in l . In I ill I lllk
tlfltt tier lack liomr. Mm
Hotel 1'enillHtou mi Satiir-
IT t I lie UMiriuiiK
r. . ... ij .i i.... .i ..I
I ilin i'lirk tliut h hi'
i dick to liud's country.
. 1 .1 . .... .. ; I a.
Ultt IIMrM 1 1 IM I n I" f nillllll.
... .. J I Vml ttr 1.1 U 'I I'l
if iioiiie ;i inn -Minnas, nun
Ml iKjiit II. hlie tub! tlitim
iikiihItoI true. They wauled
wtnuuei. r-cic m.iru ntt. mi-
i.ume ami kuhI : "It in in
... I. .in ..... i... ti
ojKfuii'i.i Man the result (if
knre upon liilurmat inn eon-
Ncli ullier tlrnt received
aiultriin.iiiu! Iiiiri'itu. I'hulo-
tffr eicluuxvil mill ill I the
w - - ... i -. ii..
i I ...ill i ... i .1 L i ... i ii - i.. n
Mr. nilo'- I'ximrniiuc m
BMthiM to him uliilM lim
.in- Homi Pftndislon.
V Bruch, Portland.
I. .urn. Moateitli, Purtluiul.
tiau, Portland.
I- WML I'ortlaud.
""tt. Baki-r Citv.
Vfi ire uot pre.HirMi lor
P luve-uoiia-lit .1,111 ill our
Colored Glassy
'. i ami 7.ri.
m nmie ur MMUM I",
mti 'k.
Eye Protectors
jiiii inn iiiutu inr
mm Mi wu WI, ,, yoUr
onu vpuciaii..,
'toAlaxaudur .V ll..i-,'.
OIiuh. tinrev, Troy, N Y.
W K WiIIihiiih, I'nrl land.
ObM l.uiiKBrt. Ubteigd.
lre Wstroy. N"W rk.
Mri Knuia Kivnra, ColiMt.
hurl A Nelaon, i'ortlMini .
omi ltd .ilvery, Sfiokano.
I' Mi-iiiIkIshoIiii, Man PfMOlMO.
Y 8 Youuitiiiaii, 1'ortlainl.
i I, Coman, I'ortlan.l.
S s dill, Hokan.
A .1 Mall, pokani.
C A I-i.hi it. Lowitll, MattN.
lid Hlarkliurn, llninli i.
Kilward SikitH, San PnnoiMO.
.lamnH I' Slmndan, I'tina, .N V.
A Flraman's cioac Call.
"1 atuck to my Hiium, althoiigli
Hvury joint aulutd and xvury nervti wan
r.it-k.'ii with pain," writHH C W. Hrll
tuy, Iowa, "1 waH weak and palo,
witliout any appelitu and kll run
d IWfli Ah 1 wii about to up, I
got a bottle uf Kluctrir BittttM and. af
ter taking it, 1 lull ai wll an I ever
II I in my lifit." Wttuk. aiukly, run
down people alwayH gum new hit',
Hireugtii and vigor from their uae. fry
IhW . Satiafaetiuu guaranteed by
rallman A Oo. Prit;e Ml centN.
Hn Work Will it i Carrlod on by His Ral
atlvaa. Kliaa Hevel, father of Alia lievel,
win. wan killed while at work oiling a
combine harvoHtor m Tueiiday, .lulv
IK), north ol Yoakum, reHidea in I'en
.lletoii. Me hi ate.- that the relativen of
the young inuu will carry bin work for
ward to (lie heHt advHiitagi' of the Hnr
vivorn. Mrn. Anna Hevel, the widow,
wan in I'endleton on Mnoday. Her
brother llerui CraHMinger will runt nine
to run the combine barventer until (lie
gruiu ban been taken care ol. fining
lli'vt'l wuh ntpidly coining to the iron'
hh one of the big wheat raiaem of
l iiiiitillii county, in 1UU0 he had troiu
UHHJ to lUUt) ut-reH ol wheat, ftrbiU fchat
vear lie had Iroiu HUO to f.'iOi) acre, all
on the HhnreH, n he did uot own the
laud. Tbil year, 111 atldition, he bad
bttlMM 1700 laud IHIHI acren ..I Numiuei
fallow ground which wan to have been
OVn to wheat tin (all. To harvest
the grain it will be nauenHary to run
Ibc con. bine for about five weekn long
ir. It haH already been in operation
H.-veral weekH, but it taken o.ouaider
able time to barvitHt audi larae tractM
of grain. The deceaHed carried no
Uaatnaai Cannot o lurid
by local aiillcUoii, ..- tlit-y cuiiiol roach the
tli'Mi.Kiil portiou ol Ibc car. Tliero ll only OM
way u cure U.mlnc.., ami that i iy c.tuatitu
tluual ruuiwllua. DvalucM i cmumi.I by an ll.
lii.ni. tl . tin. Iili. in ol Um 001 I1UIIIK ol Um
bu.UcUlaii HltMi Wliuu tin. tube tolM IU
llametl uu bavc a rioiibliUK .ouml or iuix-t
If.-l hearing, ami nUuii ll l uullroly oloao
ilcalnou U the ru.ull, ami uulo the lullamiua
lion can be taken out atnl ilur luiw ruatoruU to
1U normal condition, hearing will tWdaalTOfM
lotever , ullle raici. out ot leu nri- cmumi.I by
ualarrlt. which i. nothing bul an lullauieil
comlltlou ol the mueou. nuriacov We will give
one liumlrutl dollar, tor auy uaav ol ilealuu..
: by catarrh) thai otiiuol be cured b)
llall h Catarrh t.urc. Uuud lor circular.., true.
F J CIIKNICy k CO., t'oludu. U.
Mold by all drugglaU, Tie.
Hall'. Family I'llU are the beat.
Notts to Contractor.
Sealutl propoaaln will be reveievd at
Wbeeler'H photo Htudio up Id I o'clock
p. in. of August ri, for the jfMMOsI
of a two Hlory building according to
plauiH ami HpeciticatloiiH ou exhibition
at Wheeler's photo studio. I In right
in reserved to reject any or all bidl L.r
the work.
Dated AugiiHl I, 1UU1.
Think About It.
If you will ouly think it over you
will go to see Martin when ti want
to buy groceries. His motto is "best
goodn al lowest prices." His stock is
very large and well selected. Martin
has the best bakery department iu the
I '"K llnen i and iadies' gohl and silver watches,
MimUi rr'Ogi chains and great variety of Jewelry
Com ,at , xtr,',ael' low prices during the inonili of August.
ft,"'1 ,U th rga.ns
iiinif W(!st LU"Mlte stock of furniture, linoleum, stoves,
2;--k. r, and carpets.
Jlr plUMDiag and tinning given prompt attention
Joe Basler,
Main Street, Pendleton.
OjHiiii House block.
Ful1 Line of Tents, Wagon
Covers, nti-rust Tinware,
General Hardware.
northern pacifics dainty bit or
book art.
Story or How s Clark Mad t h Trad
Mark Whlla Serlbbhnt at
His Dask.
From A. 1). Charlton, asaiatant. gen
eral paaannger agent of the Northern
I'atiHr, coineH a daintv aample of
typographic art, enihodving the excel
lent work of Olin I). Wheeler, who
ban made himself famous in the adver
tising world by writing" Wonderland."
"Wonderand" is the Northern's pretty
annual, describing the country tapped
by the company's lines, and "Wonder
Ind" in a wonderful I v tine bit ..f hook
work. This 'Miniature Wonderland " is one
chapter from the larger bonk, and tells
only the "Story of a Trade Mark."
In this short storv BpDSJftn the name of
Kev. W. S. Holt, D. I)., well known
in raildltcOII as the state aynotlical
missionary of the I'resbvterian church,
and us having for many cars lieen a
missionary in China.
Mr. Holt furnished to Mr. Charlton
at I'ortlan.l a valuable comment M the
trade mark ol the .Northern I'acilic,
which in lonnd to resemble closely cer
tain ligaiflOMt symbols an. I designs of
various nations the world over. The
trademark was suggested by the Mag of
Korea, and is tamiliar to everyone in
this region.
Cradll for a Clark.
A story has gone the round of the
country, apearing in print nowhere,
probably, hut credited quite general
iy. it is that a clerk in the North
ern's general ollicen in St. Paul made
the trade mark one day on a sheet 4
panel . while sitting nllv for a moment
and scribbling with a pencil. He had
no intention ol evolving a trade mark,
ami paid no heed to what he was draw
ing. One ol his superiors passed hi
desk, Hinl looked down, perhaps in a
spirit ot inquiry as in what thai clerk
was doing to earn the check that
would he handed him Hie first uf the
next month, when the company's
"pay wagon" came around.
The general otlicials of the Northern
had for some time been working on
tlte proposition as to what would he a
good trade mark for the extensive
system embraced under the name of
the Northern I'acilic. This official
looketl a second time at the scrihlbing
of the idle clerk, and an idea -truc k
"That would he a jolly good trade
mark," thought he. "I'll just sit
dowu at my desk and make one care
fully and see what it will look like."
Adopted it Enthusiastically.
This tie ditl, and the result was that
lie was convinced that that was the
trade mark the company wanted. It
was proposed to the other officials, and
they enthusiastically adopted it.
Mien came the discovery that it re
sembled the design upon the llag of
Korea. Tins tlag was displayed at the
exhibit of the island of Korea at the
Chicago World's Columbian exposition,
and this was utilised to lend romantic
interest to the new trade mark.
Later, Mr. Holt saw that he could
contribute to the interest centering
around it, and volunteered his valu
able lulurmation. Farther study re
vealed that in many count ries, civili
ed and savage, bad been symbolic de
signs like it, ami thus was brought out
the material for the deeply interesting
Chapter M "Wonderland" that now
appears as "M. mature Wonderland."
S , il there be truth in this story .
that clerk did imt get it lair deal.
I'erhapH the Northern I'acilic will OfB
cially notice the story, antl clear up
the mystery.
'.until im. OF FRANK HADDOCK.
0. F. Thompson;Says That Hank Vaughn
l hougln Ha Was Firing at an Indian.
O, K. Thompson of Itulter creek who
left for h ime this uioruiug, while
her. ...it- OMftd mi . on vernal ion with
some friends uu the subject ol the
shooting of Sheriff Frank Maddock by
Hank augbn, Maddock, then sheriff,
tieiug in pursuit of Vaughn to arrest
him for stock steal iug. The story is
familiar to moat i .. - hereatmut.
"Hank Vaughn," said Mr. Tbomp
sou, who himself was the sheriff of
this county in an early day, "shot
Maddock hecause be thought the lat
ter was oue of a baud of Indiaus.
Maddock and bis companion (uuud
Yaqghn aud Ins pal asleep in a gulch
near the lxpreas ranch in the Burnt
river country, aud went up boldly aud
pulled off the blankets that covered
Vaughn. At that lime we were all
watching for ludiaus, antl I was com
pelled to Hlancl .Jiiiir.l every night over
the pajk tram 1 was ruuuiug.
"Vaughn, rouaed from sleep iu the
early dawn, seized his weapou aud
bred' an l tlid uot know until ihe next
day that he had nut shot at ami
wounded an Indian. Most ptsiple do
not know this, and think that Saiighu
tried to kill sheriff Maddouk lo avoid
urreht. aihihii at that linn- war. a
Isiy ol seventeen. "
A Man Purenasad Two Stamps and Warn
ed the One Canl i hangs.
I'endleton is slowly hut surely be
coming I-. .... t . -1 1 1 . . It so happened
on a recent night at 10 o'clock, Is fore
the departure of the Irani for the west
ibat a man had two letters to mail, aud
didn't have lauiua. He ruahad iuto
ration's cigar it of as being a place
most likalv where he coultl buy what
be ueeded lot hit urgent wauls, threw
down a uickel mil asked for change.
i..-orge Lash proceeded to wait upon
him and was about to touch the cast
register for five dollars in silver, wbeu
be sued uu the nickel. He tixed bis
iraze tiriuh upon the piece of money,
than shifted it aud riveted it upon the
man who was giviug Into tfie rush act
for change, and said- "Ho. we can
not change auv piece of money like
If this kind of business keeps OU
Pendleton will get uu a reputation as
a small change town.
i no Sams Old Trlsk.
ben Oppeuheimer, who was at
Hums, says the Timea-Herald, last
week working life insurance, in uite
likelv to get into trouble uuleas he can
make some good explanation While
here iie ran short of funds aud issued
some sight drafts on the First Nation
al bank at Baker City for various
l sums, aggregating about !. on which
he obtained the cash from some of
our busiuess men The drafts have
' been returned with the information
thai they codld mil be paid for lack ol
fuuds. Mr. OpoeuUeimer is uow in
Prairie City where he will have lo
square things.
Mupckn's lvnrding bona, pnrnar rf
lOhatKM and Water streets, at which
place for a long time he has mule hi
home while in I'endleton. W. It. Con
nerley, father of the young man, who
was stopping with his nephew William
Connerfey, on McKav creek, came in
Monday in response to message sent
to him. Lm Connerlev was placet!
under charire of Dr. C. .f. Smith, and
rapidly improving today. He
tates that when stricken he
powerless and fell heavily, but did
not lose consciousness, lie remained
very weak for two days, hut is regain
ing ins strength and was able to;
stand imbS feet this forenoon for j ,n'or:" th"n ,wo ""mtbs ag... andfron,
the first time since stricken.
Adores Newspaper Profession.
Miss Fav Fuller has in a recent
nambf Oi ibt Portland Kvening Tele
gram, a story of the "K .ycrofters. "
The Koycrofters are that strange colo
ny oi people at Fast Aurora. New
York, ot whom F'.lbert Hubbard is the
head, ami from which issues each
month "The Philistine." a small ma
gazine that serves as a delightful liter
ary sauce for many people.
Miss Miller was privileged to visit
the Koycrofters recently, ami tells
what she saw.
The account is written in a stvle
that has given Miss Fuller a permanent
place among I'acilic coast writers. It
ims aniiuv lo treat interesting sun
iects quicklv and in good literarv form
that constitutes the valuable news
paper man or woman, and this abilitv
she posesaes to an unusual degree.
Those who work in the held of news
willingly accord to Miss Fuller a very
high pi see.
The I'acilic coast would lone a valu
able writer if she were to return to
the east.
Night Was Har Terror.
'I would cough nearly all night
long, " writes Mrs. Chas. Apt legate, . i
Alexandiia, Ind., "and could hardly
et any sleep. 1 had consumption o
.ad lhal if I walked a block i would
ougn frightfully anil spit hints!, but,
when all other medicines failed, three
tl bottles of lr. Kliig'n New DlBOOTCTV
wholly cured me and I gained H
pounds." It's absolutely guaranteed
0 cure coughs, colds, la grippe, hmn-
hltis and all throat, and lung trou
bles. Price BOt and f I. Trial bottles
free at Tallman A 0o. 'l drug store.
No Faith in Banks.
(or some time Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
lam lavlor ol M lensl.iirg, mash.,
lacking faith in hanks, have kept in
their home a sum of money wrapped
in a paper behind a trunk in a store
room. A lew dsvn ago Mrs. lavlor in
house cleaning swept the package of
money out with a lot ol rubbish ami
threw it on a pile ..I refuse in the alley .
Wtcr ii couple of davs she thought ot
the MM and carefully investigated
the refuse heap, but the money was
golie Ihe package contained two 11011
nil", and tMM in Inlln of smaller value
' l he satisbe.l with temporary re-
ief from indigestion, Kodol I)yn'pin
nr.- permanently aud cciinpletely re
moves thin complaint. It relieves per
manently hecause it allows the tired
stomach perfect rest. I beting won't
rest the stomach. Nature receives sup
plies from ihe loot! we eat. The senai-
le wav to help the stomach is to use
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which digests
what you eat and can't help but do you
g 1. I H 1 1 III 111 A l o.
Attempt to Maka It Appear that Trouble
Is Imminent.
A communication from Pendleton
under date of August t, in the Port
land Telegram, attempts to make it ap
pear that blood ia going to (low by the
bucketful down the canyons loading
into peaceful Camas prairie. The ar-.:..i-
... . i . i .... i ii. .1..
,111.1- iroeenin in ii.row m iiiihi limn
net ame I : . . : J t . ... i
tin toe villiniit.o an. ret ntw a mi 01
ancent history in regard to a hand of
Charles Cunningham's sheep having
been tired upon. That trouble occurred
SALE . .
Lost His Fool.
ndrew Fvans, a v.. nth about ID
years of age and the stepson of .1. I .
Ward, the Walla Walla butcher, had
hia right foot crushed while working
with the .arihg thresher on the
grounds of the penitentiary Monday
morning. He accidental ly got hi- loot
caught in the cylinder crushing it aud
mangling it so badly that it wan louuu
decennary to amputate It ahoe the an
The scientific blending of
California figs and prunes with
carefully selected grain makes
A perfect cereal coffee
of delicate flavor and
fragrant aroma.
A delicious beverage having
til the satisfying qualities of
coffee and tea.
Boil from
5 to lO
i.i si
the best sources of informal ion there is
no probablity of a bloody clash be
tween the different kinds of stockmen.
Cattlemen and shepmen Imv their
rights and know how to maintain
tbein Neither side will infringe to
any great extent upon the rights of the
other. Cattlemen. horsemen antl
sheepmen recently interviewed, some
ol them lieing the most prominent in
the county, say they know nothing of
a "bloody" or any other kind of a
war being imminent.
The situation is not sized up by the
Fast Oregon in by a reporter sitting in
a revolving chair. It is gained from
personal talks with the stockmen, from
a trip through Ihe alleged battle
ground, ami with other stockmen
when met at I kiah, Alba. Pilot Kock
and I'endleton.
As ftfter a liti lire yott'H
ashes, o during our salt1
oumul&vtod a big lot of . .
ln'ajis of
hlVJ ftr-
P. r.Thomas.Snmterville, Ala.,"l was
suffering from dyspepsia when I cni
ineiiced taking Kislol Pyepcpsia Cure.
I took several Isittles and can digest
anything." Kislol lvsHMisia Old ll
the only preparation contain iug al I the
natural digestive thuds. It given weak
stomachs entire rest, restoring their na
tural condition, Tallman A Do
Tacoma Street Fair and Carnival Aug. 14
to 24lh.
F'or the above the W. A C. K. K.
will tell round trio tickets to Taconia
on August I I returning August
IU for t'l
Calico. Gingham, Outing
Flannel, Dross Goods am!
dozens of difTrmit kinds t matfl
Thay arc
oountsr In
The prioei
piled on our
tin' I rv ( tixid-j
I jirki inul
on I hstn make Ralesmen nn
CALL. AND ski:
Attentfl Butterwick - Patterm
In cases of cough or croup give the
Utile one One Minnie Cough Cure.
Then rest eany anil have no fear. The
child will he all right in a little while.
1 1 never fails. Pleasant to take.alwa vs
safe sure and almost instantautc.ms g
effect. Tallman .V Co.
Lots'.' ami I iu block 140, Reserve
addition above St. .1. .soph's academy
for sale cheap Innnire nf Peter West.
Mormon !
sllls ..
or son
nous Twllo
... v t
tSY.n. IMSMSlSSM Ih. I. n nj If". "
m Mlll irluwAnl. Will. S U... Cll'sl...
n itla. ".Uetltnaas
una i inn, lluipa flu
.Itohlna Of EralldS.
-f y rut sy in. irw.. ..i th M.
... i. i. .. i .ii.i i -ii .. i . ... i.
Cut.i Lost ssnnhc
noaa inaomni
a nnB. l ama dun. a.rvttu
or nai man, vsricoeaiSi
, aiops met
Loaaas, Sparmatorr
nai am
o Marry, Loaf o
loknaaat or Di
hood, Im
nla, Vales
o.. .i Da-
.ii.i i-
AUdrasa, ansnoo Ssmidi Co., Ian franclsoo, Oak
.M N t 131 .. I It DUO I IN. fKN III I I'll V, tlltKOIlN
Call up:-:::::
No. 5
and Sand.
Main Street. Pendleton. (Ire
Heavy Hauling
K.M-elal atlruin.li given
in t .luslgnnianta
Laatz Bros.
I. U. Ray ri Co.,
"MtCTllClBldaJB K
Haiui SI Mi
0S0. OAKVL4.ll, Mrop
Kleatlyuraiitisd Stoiai, Haated
I hi .pen. i Plan.
Illojk aiJa hslf Iran depot.
Sunilt- U ' n in t MO'ieclbin
A I Ml ( I
gfc, 7St, $1.00
$.1.00 per Day and Upwards
in. t ami
StoeltH, HoikIh
HI 1(1 .l.iiii
fur eaah ui eu marglus
New York Stock Hachanga
Chicago Stock tiachange.
Chicago Hoaril of Trad.
Telephone 72. ,
"II. .ii. hi wile aud myself liavr brru
lux i AAIU'l at.d the) ae tutt
mMl.-iik we ti.vc- avi-r Lad In Ihe house
an my wife was frantic with headache for
twodava ant- tne.i i.imt- i.i your. .
sad they telle red the pala la bar head almost
lu.uiedlaia.y vt nun rrt-umciua eiKi.n
UUAk Mli'ir i-i-iiiai.
-.ii bait 4 Deposit t o rllUtur(. fa
k raao son aaasarsaao S'
jO Nei or si
Paiatatiie fotai
keii weaken
or ... n iu.
lrmt l-ee.l. I U.... MMl,.l. ft..
luU Oood Uu
'its. asv
Wood and
jl m l ineal Hulcl
In Ihe I'atllk
TLiV 11 Northvirsl
"D4H.UI Kale, to I ailci o Oregon people visiting Portland llcaJouai t j. .
l. . sareii i i ton kii
rir au.l i . hi ii. i c i I ...i.
en... iiii.i
.i.i ttej .us it.
lor tourists aud luiuincrvlal travelers
C. BOWKHS, Maiuigei
Sola inul ...Htai
gliu to I I Ml
Lee toiinerley hell lo Ihe UruuuO
Splitting Wood.
A peculiar caae is that of Lee Con
nerlev, wbo was stricken witb an uu-
jcoiuuiou malady at ft: Jo o'clock on Sal
urday morilingi August $, while at
work splitting wood for Artie Ander
son, eight miles weat of Helix. Mr.
Connerlev was brought to Peudlelou
on the W. sV 0. K. tram Monday fore
noon anil taken to Mra. M. J.
dealer in
Wood and
Henry Kopittke
Ollice.rear.ol havinga-.liauk
Oregon Lumber Yard
For barns aud dwellings.
Cheaper than liu.
HuildiiiK Pa per i
Tar Paper.
Brick and iiand,
Screen Doors At Windows,
Sash and Ioor,
Terra Cotta Pipe.
Hotel Pendleton
Under New rUuiagement
Strictly Fiht Cid.
KitelloDt Calsine.
Hit and Kllllard Uooms
The Heit Hole
Van Dran Bros., Props
Glvr Us i Trial.
Hutu $1.00 i day
Special LUUs by
imi ur uiuotti
lleadguartcra for Traveling Men
In hasten! Oregon.
Succeitit.org to J. E. Moor
expeit people to
you have to eell
know .vhdi
It you don't
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