Thoroughbred Bucks.... Bast stock on the Coast Telephone connection ,:it ranch. circus Pilot Hock or Pendleton. Chas. Cunningham. feast Qmtt WKDNKHDAY, AIHMIfT 1901. DAILY. WEEKLY AID SKMI-WKKKI.V BY TMB Bait Orrsonlan PttbllahttiK Company, 1 AT FFNDLnTON. . . OKI (.ON. iiil . BOMC mrrioH rath: . y mail onthi. i v mail par tiM . ty tarrtti nil tuhacrtption u-itt MMI WIIILV HUBBCRimoN IATI), I in - fl f ytr On copy tl month. T'tftl 1 rtptton Bine ombart WBBKt.V MIMCIIfTMM Hr Oaa roy oar t l)ae tapr months Trtal ' i 1 nf i copy ADVIiTIIIV. RATH. ItNal 11 A.tff miftii eBU I Oft inch, of Ifftt . In Mmi-Weaalf pat monih Oaa tnca. f Im, In daily par munth 1 wi Incatc, or Imb. in I)ii an1 Werb I pr tnnnitt . . 0ar thraa ln ht, Simi Wffl l. per in h pat month . . i " thraa la Mt, PBHTi p In.H pat month O'ti '.hrtaiiuhai.ln luiii indWrrk ly.pai loch prr inoati Una in h. ot leat. In Wfklv per tn I r 1 1 ' ta run. in Wrn U . if Iim h iaf month . . . . AJrer thraa Inihaa. In Ttiaaday'-. ttau rf tw-mi-Wa)y i . 9 . H . . I i $. a a !3 par inch pr acMith . n S In.Tpl'fil UtrfirmiTi, - ' ""II' Daily. hrtt inaarttoa. prr in. I . Man, . Local notkM. Itn ni par lawnlna.. aach t RAMIFICATIONS OF STBKL struck. i mis r If one will study a iimi ihowini painti at which arc located the plant of tlif Html trust, tin will gam a faint concept ioi. of the treineailoiin scopa Ol l hat great industrial organ inn . In three status, I'ennsyl vauia, Ohm an. I Indiana, the trust ha pn.seuion ol the uitaiiiiriK industries of more than fifty towns, some of them large cities. There are also plants in Now York state, and vast mining interests in tn Oreat Lakes region, as well as fleets of steamers on the lakes to carry ON t" the reducing point!. Iron ami steel are the commercial thermometers of this country' llenc. , this trust, controlling the iron and ateel industries, controls largely the commercial movement of tin- times. In New York at his desk sits .1. I'. Morgan, master of this wonderful combination. !! dictates its policy. Iledelivers ultimatums to the hundred of thousands of workiuguien who la bor in these mills ami factories, lie, therefore, is the ciiiiiiiereial weather tiureao of the United Ntates. In the present struggle between tin trust and the union, the strike of the Amalgamated Association of Iron, Htael ami Tin Workers, it is a contest of the ery incarnation of allied can ml and employer, .1. I'. Morgan, and the man who represents the laborer, President Shaffer, the two backed hv all the resources of their classes. It is well, perhaps, that thin steel trust was formed , that the Amalgam ated association was organised ; that the question of the r. gnition .if un ions in all the mills of the trust M raised: and that this battle be waged as one final anil leterminativ of the future status of the union as relate.i to employers in large branches of I ad Of trial production. Statesmen have considered argil lators have debated. Political parti.v have resolved. Citiseus have irembl ed for tne onicouie. Hut it now rests with the trust incarnate and tin- gn I tutivu union of lahor.-is I" solve in practical manner the problen that has patad i in- men al laaor. ACTION INSTKAD OK INDECISION. I'll r... asnasMlltlnaa are lielore the .... , - r town for immediate consideration The Y. M. 0. A.i Nadlatoc Aoad emy ami (he hospital. Little is heard of them. Much should be heard of all of them. If aiiuareiii indecision be due to differences of opinion, let those who have, moved in these inai- ters get together in the spirit thai hai always animated I'endlelon'- fjllla and do that whicli is wise ami Mr lbs best interesU of the town. Not only because this plac i reputation to sustain, but clue cause coustam progress is essential ti the social health of a municipiilit. should some one or all of these enn r prises lie carrieil to a successful in. liaa. This town has been too successful in the past in setting on foot public en terprises to permit anything now to in terfere with its forward movement -Something should be done each year as a definite imnrnveuieiit oi a substantial nature. When January the first comes it should always be a day ot record of new institutions achieved during the twelvemonth that has gone. The com ing New Year should not be an excep tion. However, some things have been done that are of value, not least of which is the securing of a fund tor the S rinkliug of the residence portion of the town. This fias added to the com fort of living, an. I the experiment of this year will be a permanent feature loi Die luture. Also, araiigeuiunts are being made for free postal delivery which is a step forward. Tl flier matters mentioned slum id not long remain undecided. Action is needed and prompt action. HAS MARK II ANN A BKKN DKTHRONKD? Only ii few months ago Mark Man na was the inline with which politi cal writers , .injured. Now scarce any one is so humble as to do him the homage to attribute to him the irnvern ance of the country. The prints are filled w ith t he name of .1. I'. Morgan and he seems tn have supplanted tiie czar from Ohio, Kven the name of the president of the 1'nited Stales pales into insignificance besides that of the New York magnate' and ii history ac cept thi current comments of this per iod as indicative of actual status then Morgan will he set down by them as the great pooh hah of the opening days of the twentieth century. MORGAN AND SHAFFER Theodore .1. Shaffer president ol the Amalgamated as-o'iation of iron, steel and tin plate workers was formerly a Methodist minister That very fact is more than ol little importance. Mr. HhaBtr is pitted against Mr. Morgan. .1. l'ierMni Morgan is the head of the steel trust, the greatest comhiliatinn ol capital in the history of the world. Mr. Morgan is an Kpiscopaliau. One of them- men. Mr. Shaffer, is the head of the richest labor union in America 11.- save.! hi pennies to go to college. While there he studied to he a Metlpslmt preacher and sav ed to aid in supporting his mother and sister. M. Morgan was born nioder- ilteh wealthy. lie became a lui-ino-- inan and alliliatcd himself with the Bpiaooaal church. Mr. Morgan has become ope of the strongest lav sup porters of bis church. As In- business increased his contributions to hi- church became larger. In the na tional conferences ol his church he leased magnificent private residences and had (or his guest- the chief iligm taries of his church. He entortaine.l these in splendid style. lie I- prince Iv in his donations; he has been more than princely in his charities. s While this was going on Mr. Shaffer who is a little younger was ierspiring in . steel rolling mill earning money to get a standing in a small college in western Pennsylvania. lie went through the college and afterward got a church in a small village in Soiner -el ci nnty. I Vuiisvlvaiiia lie Mail a scattered flock ol ssir tanners and miners among the blue hills. It was here that he married his wile. His health deserte.l him and he weiii back to the mill, lie made ii living in the mills while .1. I'ierpunt Morgan be came the greatest tinancier of the world. At the same time Mr. Shaffer was advancing iu the union cause Three years ago when Muhlou II. Oar land, president of the Amalgamated, was made surveyor of the port of Pittsburg hv President McKinlev, Theodore. I. -dialler was elected to the vacancy. There they stand facing one another; Theodore .1. Shaffer 01 f the strong est leaders of organized labor giving deathlike combat to J. Pterpont Mor gan, the chief leader of capital in the world, urn .1 Methodist preacher who i.e. am. a labor leader and the other a strung and influential layman ot the I pis. opal church. Within two weeks the writer has bad interviews with both of there men. (lae sees in an insLant they are strong, bold, self-reliant and fearless men. Mr. Morgan strikes one as standing four-square In all questions and propositions which may come, lie is big-bd led, tall, compact, fear bis.-, ..-run., cohllv diplomatic With .1 reserve power which is confident of its own force and lineal, lie is tons. pi. to the impertinent but fair for even and proper questioning. At no time was lie afraiil of what he should not do. Ills plans were made. The whole aorl.l could not bother him except in a convent mnal and financial way. Mr. Shaffer I met iu the third story of the Hliss building in Pittsburg, the lir-t is taken up by a saloon and restaurant. The elevator is pokey and there is nothing of the air ol busi ness about the place. 1 went there one evening and no one was around, and no one seemed to know why the Amal gamated associate was not to be found w lieu such an important light was oil hand. The waiter iu the saloon sug gested that possibly the union leaders objected to working more than eight hours a dav. . . Next morning 1 learned that the Methodist preaclier was as easy In ap proach as the Kpiscopal layman. When 1 entered the office looms of the Amalgamated Assoc. at ion i was curious to see the man who was lighting Mor gan. I hail seen more than a nine ot the leader ol the steel trust. ror three year. 1 had been going to New York to tind out about thiugs. Many and many a time had I learned that tie- only man who really knew was Morgan. And more ofleu would not tell. That big, square, steady-looking inau. tie would not tell, lie looked like a monument He was so sturdy. He was so sure. s 1 went into the modest othoeof the third story of the Hliss building. There was no row of messengers and secretaries to .top me aud to inquire my business. In fact there was no one. 1 found the offices in an 1- shape form. Poors from the hall entered into all, private aud public. 1 went into a main room lined with a great number of hooks. 1 lounged around there lor snvorsl nilnuteii before any OM gave me nnv nttcnttoii. Final I J a six-footer, with half-red hair, broad shoulders, muscular frame ami blue eyes came to me and asked me what I j w a n ted . "I would like to have a lew minutes with the president"" "He is very busy," came the prompt answer. "TbatO let RM see hi- secretary. Hfl can answer mv qttaftlOO." "What are vonr questions"" "I am a newspaper man from Wash ington. I Ml to understand the strike." At this moment I had some dilhctiltv in making it clear that my business was as I represented. When I hail suc ceeded he said : "All right. Come this way. I am President Shaffer." The big fellow with a leather belt around his waist, with heavy, coarse, half red hair, with the smiling blue eyes, that was Hhaffer. He was n ad to talk with the man who had business with him. There was no machinery of expedience. We had our talk. 1 was iresn irom Wall street. 1 bad been talking to the magnate in the white marble build ing at Hroad and Wall He knew Un meaning and trend ol the Morgan mi no. Hefore 1 went to see Mr. Milliter I hsd called on Pittsburg men who knew what was going on. They told me many things Among these was the lacf that Shaffer was honest I won dered if il was so. In many years ol reporting I had found many labor leaders who were otherwise. "TImh man cautiol be handled" said the business men and speculators with whom I talked. I thought of that when 1 met Pre-i dent Shaffer. He SUM no coat and was verv earnest. I had seen ibal be fore. His brow was broad, his eve were deep set. his look was most ser ious, his mouth was .tea ly and stern, he was not bothered about foolish and serious things. I had seen the false front of labor leaders. It was not here. He told me what be had to say. His secretary was called to give tignres when he could not remember. I knew this man. He was the city editor, the managing editor. He was the cashier, the president of a bank. He did not try to fool me. lie was big with understanding, he was large with capacity to know. ... The man who deals with public men as a daily hit ol work learns to know them Here was one who was plaving fair. There was no doubt alsnil It. Hut that did not tell the whole story. The mind hurried to Morgan at (.'ragston. Ttiere was a man big and strong who knew the whole world. He had the machinery to do things. It was the machines of generation's practice. Here was a man who did tl.intf. I talked to a man wlm though) of things. One was the man who moved men by the force pi abso lute control . The other depended up on friendlv or sympathetic spirit. One had the capacity to think and know. The other had the capacity to do and act. Which was the stronger Here was the man at Hroad and Wall; with the monev force ol a continent at his hack Here was a plain, honest man at a wooden desk in a homely district of Pittsburg, with the spirit of labor un looiaai at his back. Kx. Ait Ladies llko soff, think. glomay hair sue 1 1 II Si BEuS Hi ioi ci nt. produces, Iternuse they realize that It In tliclr beauty full; 100 isr unl All lad 1.' who ul.h to five Nkwsbo's lit Mi l I Hit II III. I Will MKS1 leeni I'onvnictst ol tin Let. tn-euuw. I.v .leslmv lux Ifis dead ly germ st work up on tiie root It milk, il.n.lrulT. (ill : Ills sml thin, brittle lisir ltiiKslbtliUe. Gonth -v "Ti i . j m 1 VM tW AH VI tln.t iit-piady an valuable, for il work, like uctiarui.uveii up on Isil.l I., .id- formal .1 .11 1 o si i la. Orug Morai Oregon's Most I amous Resort. The Hotel Flavel Is now BBBB -IB" 0--' BMtOfl Knu'ie .-i .1.1' r. unit', ol Moutorsy. Kvsry room electric lighted aud .team tiealud. Hoieiii batlnug beach on Nullli PaC.ll OOSSj l.uiuilou i lull House, Includiiin bowllUK al lays, bllli.r.l h.lU sud tide br. Tenui. cxiurU au.l many uxvelleut sttrsctimis . One huudrod room., aruaiK-1 carpvlcd aud contain tug bo.1 furniture money could buy Ixtug di.laiii .- lelephoue in ottic. Hotel uuder of I ol. 4- W. H.r yi raie el. addruM. Hoiel Havel, rtaval. Oregon, or nddrets 1 U Mitchell, . Maru,uaui hull. Hug, Portland. omgou I h Al. It lH s EXAMINATION. CATARRH A Constitutional Affection. Sprnys, washes, powders, salves, medicated tobacrnand cigarettes, however lonjr and ptndatently used, lo not cure Catarrh. They relieve temporarily the inflammation in the throat nnd nose, and enable you to breathe more i-.i-ih and freely, hut flic con timinl nish of impure Mood to these parti keeps up Oie irritation anil ultimately produces ulctratfofi ol the glands, whrti the Ine.itli herotnes UCCcdittgly offensive and thesoft botteaof the nose are frequently i . Mti . i . . . - .,1 . . . . , , , . I . M.r ucstrovco. i ne vaoirTM.ii oi e ,. in.-. ...v . Llilnamw the entire surface of the mucous membrane, or inner skin : 0i stnnincn. kionerB and lungs are often involved ; the whole system soon becomes affected hy tnc rapio absorption ot rsii-mou- matter into the blood, and the di-r.ise that you nan nopeu to cure with simple local remedies, assumes a danperous form. I had Catarrh about IB years, and I I had Catarrh so bad was entirely . .... ZiT . . .i.i..t..,.ij ,lof ... n..i on i and all the In. inn inaaaunug m ura vot ji,ii " th At last I came to the conclusion that Catarrh must be a blood disease, and decided to alv B. B. 8. a trial. I OOttld aee a Uttln Improvement from the first bottle, and continued It thrno or four months, or until I was cured. Have not taken anything for six years, and am Just as well as 1 ever was. -M. MAT BOM, Lapeei, Mich. . ,. ...1, 1m . . . ... cl i 1 ., I . 1 fliaoncn. V.HU1IIII 1. , -Fl,r.v..... ........ ..Mn - " ----- . inheritetl, and only a blood nicillcine, such as S. S. S., cm rrmovc tni nt n altary Uint destroy the poisons that have been nrctimulalim in thi m n " '' perhaps, an.l restore the blood to n healthy Mid pun condition, l"hc m.l.imei membranes and di cased glands arc healed bv tin rich. pur. blooil which to to them nnd the offensive discharges from the BOM, and the terribli hi ...I ichc nml neuralgic pains cease. Chronic cases of the most dt- y rite, hat icti rand apparent ly hopeless, have been cured completely nnd perm tin ntlv hv tin i ' ol B. B. S. rite our tmytiiid.ins luiiv annul vour case nun inei hui.h. i- by their advlix, Wt clhU;c Uutlun:: what application. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO hone slouirhnd off. Thn physician Ky me up as Incurabln. I doterminod to try 8. B. 8.. and beiran to Improve at once. It seomd to not at the sfnt of tho dlsaase, nnd attor a few weeks treatment I was entirely cured, and for morn than soven year n ' no slR-n of the disease. MRS. JOM PHINE POLHILL. Due West, 8. C. t blood disease which is frequently J hue irec i ATLANTA, OA. The Domestic Steam Laundry Thlt'R all. KILL - :j!Tary mmd union Pacific i start Tl-ns Sehodul, son Prom Psndleton tl!'" " r.0. Chieagn lko, HoiiTer rM Portland i aorth. iim.h. k21 Hpeelsl sas City, Ht. l2S 1t P tl . hleao and R.t ' a via Hunt- inytou I Atlantic Halt Lake, Denver ft Kxpress Worth, Om.h. ' Kan tlfta. m. .as City, Ht.lxuit, Ch".' I, via Hunt eairo and Katt "H Inston Ht. Paul Walla Walla. L-wlMon fast Mall MpoBanv.Wallc h,i silAs.m. man, Mlnnp.i.iii, vis Paul, Ihiluth.MllW., Hjioksiis. liee.ChleasfianitEMi Ocean and River Schedule I SWtl p. 111. ON K LINK time life limes IV limes Ml 4' each etr. insertion. CLASSIFIED ADS. tlOCNT 8BVKN WORbH To fHl Ult one line, or more, per week, at ths ratnofl'i pet line. ,r 1 1 - ITIilf. I-.'I HI- ' . ' i rwo links i dm" lie I time 'AS' i lintel JfS' us- each elra last rllou. IIIIIKK LINKS I time 'JUo j times.... ICS! S times RN I0e esch a'trlltlonal Inserllnii rooR links I time 4 itBaMS. c .lllil.'- fc'H' I.V' each a.l.lltt.iiisl inseriiini KI v'K LINKS t lime B)0 Utlttss ' .1 tl men s- i. h ad itliinal Iniwrtloii MJ LINKS I lime j ti ins. ' i times OM each aildllliiiial Innvrlloii. POR SALK OR 8XCHANUK. A NKW HIX MOR8K POWBB QAHO- line engine and all Hvtures cmuplcU. tanks, .plng. battery and tlsstrte .parkcr, at a low price, or will exchange for . .irdwisid l ' love, ruu.llelnu, Uregon. PHYItOIAMS. I ODD ; I to I DB. w. i ii-K. orftun is nullillng Office houra. 10 to Vi a n p m. Telephone 77. K. W. VINCKST, M. U, OKKICK BKAh of Klrtt National Hank. Office n.iurs 10 to 1. a. B). i 1 to a p m ImThTiTmTtH A HKNDKIttiON . OKKIUK over I'sadleuui Saving lUuk. Ttlephouu U, rnlilenei' telephone K H. b. UARKIKU), M. 1) . HUM K I'A I'll 1c fhrilclan ami Surgeon (Nil's II had Building. Tslephone: olllit. Iilack 71; ret itaaii black 24. I. I MILI.KK. M. I).. DKSI'AIN IIUjiIK. treats an. I corrects ero trouble., catarriial couilllionii and impaired Hearing. tllassSi properly fttled lor refractive error. DB D, J. M'KAl'l.. BOOM IT, ABHOOIA lion block Telephone all re.idtnce . .e phone, black 111. OBTBoFaTUIU PHY8I0IANB, l)Bj. Keyea , Keye. Office, oue block wei o! Mos ton Store AKCHITKCTS ANU UUILfJKRS. M Al: i in Ml ULBR, l n rilAi fOB and lunlder. Plant and IpSI HoaUoai IMdS. Job work h !'' islt. simp ou ' olloinossl .tract. USX I to isaa. no - lo,. kam : 1 0 "hop. T. r. HOWABD, Alll'HIThtT ANU Bl perlntaoileoi make compljte ami roiiabe plans Ik 1. 1.'.. ling In in- clt) oi cmutry. aoom 17. Ju.l-i bulnliug. MHIiKK . rol. I.. ON I K A' l"0Bfl AND hu. Piers Ksliinati- luruislnd on uori 60 lice. Job work k .peciaity. I'. uapl iUrTiC.. Shop on Blufl lrel. near Mala atieat DB, LYNN Kl. MbAKlOSbKi:, UUBONI0 ami uervoua .il.eae. and dissasgt 01 Sfoa Opp. Hotel, cor. Waier and Maui lta.i ccidli' ton, ore. OKN f ISTS B. A. VAUUHAN. DKNTISl. 0I I riHRT NATIONAL BANK OF PBNDLB in JU.I'I BullillUg ,.. , . ii.M.n Iran. 1) A,. BAY, 00NTBA0TOB ABU builder. Mtimaies lurniined ou all km i- oi inss.,11', uieiil walk., utouc walls, etc. Or .leia cau be lei', at tnc Kant oregouian office. 1, .INKS ANU Jlld.4oH. I UK KARMKK'H HANK Oh WKHION, CeiUiu, oreguu. lasts a g-.u ts, bankiu. uuaiaesa. Kxv.iaugc bougin aud win. 091' li i .I i promptly attended w. Aftaira in mo, si I'tu'ii. twuditiuu, aa i -i rvporied tpou b invuangallvu i ouiutlvieo ol ...isiuaiuiecillteaa lllU.ra: K., BMstvVSIIti lieo. , t'rouustal, vice ,,reaidvui ; c. 11 l ivrvv, uai-uiei J. M. Miigon , aaaialaui oasfsMT) dirvvVurs 0. A. iiauuau, M. M. Jouu .. I . J I'ricu, U, 1' ursw, J. r auigor-. .toisin Jametwu, R, W I'roebalel. riBBT KATIUMAX BAM KOI m l'HKN a. Oltaaa. i tvpltal, lAU.uuu, aurpiu and pioHla, le.OUU. luleiuat ou tiu ilt'iaMiu. Ueala In lorelgu an i .;uLioll. exv'Uauge. t'ollsctloua piouipily aiumle.l lu. Henry i AUamt. prea idem, 1. J. Klrg, uv president, t. I. ttsr t:. 'ti. sasLtari Mr. i aatuutt. sattiisnt ' ualnef. A. L. UKAT1K, I). D. S. 0VFI0B OVKlt naviugs Hank da. A. If ANN. UBNTIUf. IN AHHOC I A lloi Hlook. orer P. B IdODlou'a offli ATTUHNB UABTEK 4 KAI.KY ATTOBNBYH AT L . Otttce in aaviug Bauk Buildmg. IIK.tN A l.HVVBbb. ATTOUNKYh AT Law Boom l Ataotlttlon Block I'eudle ton. oregou. T. O.HAIKKY, LAVVYKK. OKKHIK IN j ii-i.t Buililiag. Pvudletou, Oregon. N. IIKKKKI.K Y ATTOKNKY A I ..A VN office lu lallon block ton. acta . guuvrai 0411.0 sud U.'le.trapun tr I Si Kraut a o Now Vu. tiie Nudtoveat nrali and kuropu. Hsksa 1 leruia Levi Ankeny. 1 reatlvut ouuruauv. assistant cashier. isj.ouo. 1 raus Kxvn.iigi 1,1 is oaicaavi .an pou.... .. poillta 111 wu on i.'niua, Jspat. 'lloua ou reawouabii dent, W. If Msi.... . K, cuhisr, (a. 0 TBB rKNJH.KTON bAVl.Nim HANK u4p,lal, gKi,uuo . aiirplua, lao.iaai Interest al lowed on lime il-potiu. axchange boight and aolfl uu all priuclpal potnu. Special at leutlon .iveu to DollscUtMU. W. J. Purnlil.. preai'leut I N lea. msspret'dsul ; T. J. Morris, . ..... K. 1). BOYD. ATTOBNBY AT l-AW. Ill Oaart at. L. II. BBBDBB, ATTOKNKY AT LAW, I'eudletuu, Oregon. Subscribers to Magazines I JA.MKH A Bulldiug HTU.I.MAN A al law Kooiua bltMk. KKK LAW OKKU'K IN J !' IM P1BB0B ATTOBNBYH 10, li, li aud II Aaaoeialloii n. lite Ktsl OSatsjslAN deduct t.-u p"f i.-ill Irol IK YOI WAN I TO HUB s rits' lot m.gaiiuea or uewapapora In Hie L'nlted Statea or kurope, remit by postal acts, cases or M-ml to the bUst oastsi NIN Hie uel uublialiers price ol lit- 1 yo.i ueaire, aud we will au I s.- 11. 1. all ruk of tht emails. It will save you 11 yon are a auiia. ni.ei it. reuniting you can 11, e (.iit.naiiera price A.I Ire.- K'.t.HI oBKiiO.NU.N PUB. t'O . I'eudlt ion, Oregon lyon's French Periodical Drops Strictly vevetahle, perfectly harmless, sure to accomplish DBMRBD KliiilJLTS. Greatest known fatnala rcmcay. R -ef: m 1 11 i a. l.-lltlll U If m 1 19 1 1 11 1 111 1 ' 1 ftc FROM I'ORTLANh. All sailing flatea aub Jeet to change. Por Han Fratn ar Hall evsry .rlayi. P a. a t. t mo.iv nrlyats irtlfa1 boarillna nnd day ; I'rrmraa grtmlssfon to any r jienooi v IIM. I I'l" -' - . vv nnd i.-iv etiulppau Thorntifh . niftlnt! i al rosthodi . . . .rler. .1 HO"' -'... m '':. !r',,::,:r ... . hrnti MTB . ii -1 .. ... , ntainina .. Dally sacspl H11 inlay s p lit. lararoay in p. m. Dally ex. Huuitay 6 a m. 6 a. m. l ues. Thrs. and Bat. 7 a. m. Tuos. Thrs. and Hat. ColUmblS In V, ", Ksmltnga rillsmstts River Oregon City Newberg, MIS. a. ' "' .i! ' and w.y. Ijindlngi l:l f a I snl m Willamette xndYsm iitvsrt Haiu, ,,1v.m.e"K& I j W HILL. Hi Plaaaal ; re vr 1 7. Iave Rlparla :t :i a. m Daily. Ptl Snaks Rlvsr. : Uvimm lllparla to LswUton "uiV' P. P. Wka.LBV. Ageut. PM4MS, ! i I. Or Diversity of Oregon. Kuitene, OreRon. Hlghoat ataiiilar.l in Hi. talu 1o RBMrsd courses 111 Mfmoir". m n-nc aiei inv ". s, isin v an t KimnicTing and Milan Nei. 1. nil. lings and ilpin.'iit. aeicn ie' in.lru. l' or;iisariv 00 vuliinc - sud. d I " uurarj 111 "JOI Mummer Hehisil with Unlverain ereuit; IB. , coiirai) for loaehura, lor law and in .ileal ludenta Is.piiftmcnt of education lor teaelteri, principal, and iiierlnt'in.l. nl a...M 1 Iivlnif lou I lnc aliidents granted aehlilaralilpa 111 isrg. uisteri uiiivei allies la ItMH. Send name 1,. Presldonl or itegisirar lor circular. sud caUlogue., Kuguue, Oregon. liislmp Scoti Academy. PORTLAND) OREGON. f-oouded 1ST0. A Home Sthuul for Boys. Military anJ .riiiiiunl training Fall tarn opani Sapt. isi i9oi grlllt a Igeait ..i Iwslw 1 agtpetanl taaaiiarg who iiuil.Tstand tsiya and take an uitereil both In tin work and 111 they play of puplla. The aim of tlis priuolpal and laaSfMfl ts to doveloii character as well a. 10 prepare buys lor colfcg- uel tu. 1 i .. .. 11I limine. s kvooallom of life. Tile Inn I. lings are being thorouglily reno vatt d on the utoal appioved misl -rn inclliod sml sr.. Itghlcl by slsctltttll. II inner Isiv tecelf. car lul atlelltlotl (rein a coiusieni matron Por illustrated caialcwn" writ, hi ARTHUR i NKWILL, Principal Take the BBS Washington & Columbia River Railway Hot 0h0 Bt, I'aul, Mt. Ijhii. Ki. sas Ut7i nt. Joe, OmaliB, M 4ll Points Last and South fortune and points on the Sound. ii;.. a m iiieanavs. t nursii.aa .ni si-.iir .11 at 'i:.a. oi. Deiwris daily ocepl Hunday .1 a inodatloua call 011 or address W AHAMH Aflli Psmllston. Orrioi S H. CAI.DKKHK All li. P. A.. vs .lis Utalln. Waali NORTHERN W PACIFIC RUNS Pull imtii Sleeping Cars. Lleptnt DiiiuiK Curs, TltB I ill Sleeping Oirs rri It II. 1 I IHNVlKlletOIl AQUeill) To I'ltKI'AUKK KOIl- College, Teaching. Business. TflRoi TKSJE16 ST. PAUL M1SNKAP0IJ' 1. 11. nn I ,K(i( CKtM)KhTi WINSKPth 1 1 KI.KNA b BDTTB. Sotic. i hereby givn lli.i Hi inteiideiil of I'liistllla eonuly conuly .up. 1 ulll hold the iceulsi evaiiiiualloil oi appllcaiila lu, stale an. I county paiK'ra, al I'eiidlcniii, as foilowa lor couiiiienciug Wed ncs. lav . Auguat Itlli. at 11 o clock a. IU., mid contluuiiiK atsic pspcr- Inw until .saturd.iy. August I'lh. at i o'clock HIH 1 lit SAI'KBs. Wediitsiat I'tumHusliip, history, spclUaii algebra, rea.lint and 1 Oegoii a, his. I law Thura Js -Written srlihiuellc. Ihcort ol isarlnug, grauiiuar, bookkecp'ug, physles, civil govern in. hi. Kii.Ib I'liysiiilog) , gcograplt) . itieiusl .nilliinelie. loinpositioii aud pliyalcal geog i.phv Saiiirdat B.1IS11) . plane geomei r , gen eral litalot) , UffllsB lltcrstiirc and iwycholog) SOM COCSTV I'.I'KSH. W cdiiiiailay I'euwBiiahlp, hiatory. orlhog r.phy and readtug Tburaday Written arlth uietlc, tn. -i of teaehlug. grammar and Ore gou ;hisl law Kit. lay ilcograpov , uieuisl arlllimeltc. phy.lology and civil gotcriiuieut unit 1, arks. Wednesday Pauiiaaushtp. oilkogiaphy and reading An ol uitsstloqTug sad lit. or. ol leaching and Kriday Arltbuietic sud physiology J. f. NOW LIN. ( ounly School Huseriuteadeut. IN POUNl THK KOLLDWINU 1)K s. iiis-t annual, have beeu taken up by the City Marshal au.l will be .old .t lUe expiration of leu daya (or coats aud expeuM. 1 uie aorrel horse, tvitb a blase lace, weight about aaj pounds, about III yesra old. branded with an lua braud oil left ahoulder Dated Aug. t, 1901. 1. at. UKATHMAN, City Marshal Pendleton Ukiah Stage Line rttAStoa drop's. leave feiitlleton every day at 7 o'clock extwpt Sunday, for Pilot Hock, Nyo, Kidge, Alba aud Ukiah. liuiud ac tointuodatioiis. Heasoiiahle freight anil uaasenger rates. City oiiice at Talluian .V Qo's ilrug store. aailTIAM Bew.rn of ixiBBlerfeli. snd lailui 1 1- c ainsl.pst mi uolr lo piti. r vailllUR i -. ffc. 1M eaedfor Clrsalar to WIUdAMs MfrU.Co.awie Ageou. i'i.-iaud.uBto. jS- ' Ko.f -.i.i II V T V i I. M .v.N A CO., DBUOOtaXR. PR M i.i: I iN . ill: KO in CRESCENT BICYCLES The Whttel that ia 9kv High in Quality Pricos From $22 to $G0. Hoad wheols; - $35. Raoer, - - - - $50. Chain I oss Crescents $60. Boys and Girls Wheels $22. 1900 Models as low as $Lb, $20. $25. ( THsi'ont WliewU supplied with iprini frumi ami Morrow QQBJtBf brakes m w i 1 1 eitlu-r. Ib1I of payniHiit to unit Oltoroiaat. witli im InlBIBiti (;ull and got catalogue CBESGEBT AGENCY. Eaat Orouunian Buiidinu. The I'lti-sslcill eolirse irei.ile for ell (nun c ti. Prashman ihtgr in luoli oal IcKes its Vale, I'rlliceloli ailtl HtailfOKj, 'I'll institution hits Is'eti plaoad lipau the tVeeradltad M hy tin- stui.- itiairil ot ImIiii'iiIIhii. so thut k-ruiliiities are ad Daliaad lo sun rtlfloatai A hnsiiii-ss ooum e.iml lo the buaiucai oollajai la oflarad. Kail lerin iBagillsl Najptamber RUl, A t hi l eas BBV. K L. KORBBH, M I'h., I'einlleliiii. fJJiafata, 11 iln i (ml . CAIN I Hlil.liN S HAI i 3 PORTLAND, OKI.. Itn NUKII IsCii nonicanu Dt) School Iorliirls Ml'UC, Alt l ani ELOCUTION Utaaiar raalnttR, hii. D Principal Fhla SelitMil og.ra lu glrla 4 i.r...l and lliorougli MlueaUuu, laaabiasil alia Us i auiages g hvaltlt lul in, I reliuetl linuic. It tieciipiva Urge aiei at-Inaclio-i.uil.liiig in th. v icinltv of the Ollj Hark TTM BkBllaQ ilMBaltaSa of thr prtnutaua has kssa taadi nudler f apc.ial .utcnl ,.n ll,i cluiulsirs, t'lia. 4ii. I reel utt lull rouin. rt Urge mil tl i ull.h ii-iitiUU'd 411.I the cunalriictioii of Hi. tiiiiUllae i auli that evr leoiit ia otieii u. the aun light. lie ,rlt tare luw ne.ii taken Uipri.iuli all Uu sMMgan laailBlaiiaa ul wU atialptja-al whwui, a ui gitc llior.ugli and Well or. Ire . I instruction, u, "' aad loUUu wi.oieu, at f IIM Hull, fol cllcgv .hn Ui.r la le.ired, au.l t.. aid m the d.vlopui7il I true 4U.I a. .manly tbanaeler ' 1 ""'" "S'pttmla-r 16, ltg)l. A lat in. ..I twenty eulupeleul teatht ra llWttrM (of vi.lld i.iiu. .1 ,ollli; a. .in en that individual cure all.! In hirueuiiu uetiiaairy Ui tht bv-st ruaulu I In re arc l.nir .killed IBBSBSSI ii tiie Music Is '" ' "' )"Ut, specialist, iu Art sud Ontlur .. im Uachcra iii I'rt' ieli and I.efni4ii Provini i. , tut all alhUUt gautts suitable lo a. liieli. 4. tennis ,r,H,i,.l I...L..II II i . .. 0U0AU0 WABH1NUT0M PHILADELPHIA NKW YORK HOfs'lit.N anil all isiintf Ksst ami hoall.. luniugli in .eta to Ja-aau and I'klja ......... n,l Norm..: e.. ill Straia.l and Auiencali Huu. tlUK bLHUUUlK. . . ...ii. . .1 hi : .iraiu IC4VUS reno lemii ua..i . , . a ..I .. n. Koi further luloruialiou i""' - j., 'tun ticaota can on oi ....- '.u . u fyV i.m, wregon. or - Qkal -TU.r.l and M.lflls.lll U. hTUa a am a. al at a Bt B g l isl iwnite -oosiaii-i" ltirtlaiilAstorla Koutt Str. " Tahoina " rtU'l a I ( Ut'rt - AH"' - The Uallss-Hortland Kouu .. ,.. to i Uaih-WK oir. oaurjjf uauofi c.p' i.. ...ii. I i.i i, res". uioii spriugs. Hood Kivcr, VVh u planned lor gga IjHtllirlllBaa.l I lor ill.i.ii..!. eatalitgile 4ppl U KI RAMUS Ki i KBUK la, Prlu. aa staviiitoli. U'e lie. Ualltla. -.oft TIMS, ajaiaaw Leave Portland Arrive Thu Oallsa . Leave The llellea Arrive Portland . . . k. . t Dallea to I'orll.n 1 1 ARt Dalles to rtirUan l au l retm Meal, nn ran J I( Suielaj triua a leading i.a" ;- ,411. liaa t lie uraudttat 'u" ITurTlra.' j. ..line' r".. - T ...u, u Both I'Uouoa Main .1.1 "JJ" A. J. TVVLOK. Agl , -"'"Vnl uLllsi.y'; illH.N M rilXOON, Aft "IS CJltSS i'it. 1 HEli & BAttNrJ. Ags g'tf. .-.I HEI. Mcurrtra, Agi . j on t NV. t'KlHHTON, Agl.. I'orlUao . aks kl a Blw rr m vroi i si VHI.laHHIl lsa7. English and Busittf YAMHILL AND ELEVENTH STS., P0KTLAND. OB- Indorsed by Influential business men. who atpplor 'l" "' 1 " ( 0 Pacllic Norlhwest. Ttioroughly trains young men and woiiu n fo' " CIVIL V i 'K bxitiiilnuilons uu.i RKllR RITUATlONa l""rl" or In per. uli k.ud lor lllti.traled . 1.. ... autl lull lul" """""' i