East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 06, 1901, Image 1

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Pair tonight nd Wf,i,,y
NO. 419?
Ike Place
r0 buy Groceries
iirrr von
hav .i !)ig
elect from.
(U K
in f.-iiic ami Btapll
L R. Demott
Ncvfr before in the Instorv of this great country
were such rare ihancps otfereil to the consumer to buy
the BEST EATABLES in the market for vucfi LOW
We ilon't put forward a few articles and make a big
talk about REDUCED PRICES.
Every article in our stock -the
largest in Pendleton
We candidly believe we are offering the GREAT
Alexander & Hexter.
The Boston Store
Sale of Fancy Hosiery.
530 pairs Fancy Lisle
Hose, were 75c, now
240 pairs Fancy Silk
and Lisle Hose, were
$1.00 per pair, now
Sale Commences Tuesday Morning.
Pendleton's Big Busy Store.
F. xCongreenian James H. Mount of
ienrgia ha suffered a stroke of paralv
The Rev. rn K. Hancock, pastor
of the Went Park M. K. church at
Abnry Park. N. J., was stricken hy
death while preaching in hi imlpit.
I Math wan due to para lyfla.
Four highwaymen enttrel the power
house of the aurhurhan electric railway
company at (Chicago Monday, hound'
and gagged two employe, blew open
tlie safe and escaped with I7ii.
The comptroller of the currency has
appointed Wll liam 1 . Yerke receiver
of First National Imnk of Austin.
Txa. National Rank F.xaininer
gait report- it insolvent "II account of
excoive loans.
The Kteel trust's firm determination
to stand nut against unionization of
ita non-union milh in partly explained
in the fact that tlie mill have pursu
ed a conainrat polieji ol lojatoliloaj
new machinery in the non-union plant
and letting the uninnir.ed plant run
In the lloue of Commons, Lofti
Stanle, v,tinancialecretarv of the war
office, replying to a question, paid trie
coat ol the war in. Ninth Africa (foa
April 1 to July 11 wa 85.700,000.
partly chargeable againt the deficit of
last vear. Tlie actual OOtt in .lulv wan
H,2n0,lJ00 weekly.
i. ov. Yate of lllinoi i aaid to favor
Roosevelt' nomination for president
in 11(04, and tlie impression i an road
that he wishes to lie known a the
leader of the Kooevelt boom in Illi-noi-,
in the hel lef that thi ditmc
tion may lead to hi own renomina
tionii 'or governor.
Mil Carrie .lone, daughter of Qov
ernor Thoina .lone, wa c rushed to
death at Montgomerv , Mabama, hy a
street -car. She wa attempting
cro tlie street in Iront ol the oar.
The accident occurred in front of the
executive manainn, and wa witnessed
hy (tovernor .lone. -he wa 2U year
of age.
Mr. Pick Chatham .lied at her home
in (iaitieville, (ieorgia, Sunday of
hydrophobia. She wa bitten bv a
mad dog several dav auo. She stilter
ed intensely until death relieved her.
Her daughter wa bitten by the Maine
pel pug at the Maine time and it
icarcd that Mhe tisiwill have hydrophobia.
ShafTer Says the Strike Will
Be General.
Prepares i Stit.rnerit Which Will Include In,
KadrratloD of Labor. Joining the
luality vlaitlng cards
Wiled with your lUrUJ
wagons, Ii.io, fi (v
' v"svs ami e,u ' urts
31'IUlhuickv mr-
I" labtetO, blank books
4 Maiioner) .
incils j8c a rJoxon for
mm everywhere lor cc
pancila Si doxia
if. gaum,, Uncy good,
"""is, one madolions,
..Bound to Make an Impression..
VOl should try our pastries; you
will surds lu- impressed by tlieir
goodness. Thev are tlie perfection
of LakniK delicacy, anil are the most
appetizing of luxuries. We use the
best Hour, and ripe, sound, perfect
fruits and berries. These pastries are
healthful as well as appetizing, and we
take special pride in making them so
Irenv ,1U.L l.. . . .
.llru.l "U,bl s " SllOO-
11 i- I,.
Ui6 aaawJl troni
I Plates, take plates,
- R'SN vase-
and jug,
I 5C to 69c
u. ;",,u ,ur lane
extra i
y imperials,
ii 77"
D'vuro'1 school books tons.
"feLSei" 1 so,,
f0 make good bread uae Byer' beat Klour. It took hrwt
preuiiuiu at the Uliicago World' Fair over all com peti
tion, aud gives excellent aat iBfaction wherever uaed.
Kvery Haea i guaranteed We have the beat Hteam
Rolled Bailey, Seed Hye aud Beardleee Barley.
W. S. BYERS, Proprietor.
Alfred Keldeman, age. I Is vear-,
Ron of Mr. T. Print of The f'alle
died Saturday of appendicitii. after an
operation had lieon perlorineil.
Ralph I.. Ro, alio tor more than a
year past ha occupied tlie position of
Mtamp deputy in the internal revenue
oflice in Seattle, lit abort about t-i(K)l)
in In- account with the government.
M J. t'rowley, a farmer ol Mon
mouth, I'ulk county, ha tiled a peti
tion in bankruptcy in the federal court
Hhoing hi aaattt- to l- 170, Hith
liabilitiee, 1HC B0.
The guarantee fund of the Walla
Walla fruit fair ia now complete and
the date of the lair will he from Sep
tember U.'t to H incliiMive. Wagner'
band from Beattle ha been engaged
While Charlee Koiter of BonptOI
wa driving a aix horae freight outlit,
in making a cum- OM wagon wa up
aat. It com, 1 : in- I 4.c in,.!- hi dyna
mite and nart of the atuff wa broken
open ami ground up line. It wa hard
breathing while the accident wa in
motion, nut nothing hapMued.
Inforuiation ia wauUtd regariliug the
whereabuuU ol F.ugene Mcliauiel, 37
yeara old; workd for a while near the
Cornucopia mine Baker county, after
ward went to Antelope, Or.; enlisted
with the First Wai-bingion regiment
and went to the Philippines. Any in
formation regarding him will lat ap
preciated hy hi father, iMaac Mcliau
iel, Cottage lirove avenue, Chi
cago, III.
Mrs. John B. Vaile, who.- huaband
wa killed on the Wallace branch of
the (I It. A Mm Allllgst I, It' bf
the wretkiitg of a train on who h be
was conductor, ha com prom aed a suit
aganiMt the railroad company receiving
117') 111 full ettleiiiHiit of all claims,
".lack" Vaile, as he was known by
all railroad men, wa a popular freight
conductor. While his train wa hack
ing onto a high bridge near Chatcolot
it was thrown to the rocks at the bot
tom of the canyon.
"See Dem Freezers
I have a full line of
The Peerless Ice Cream Freezers
from one pint to ten quarts, will freeze cream
in from three to live minutes; also have a full
line of fishing tackle, hammocks, etc. See my
line before buying
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man.
In Dsnger.
Everyone is 111 U.inei who ueg rets
tin warnings of declining health. The
warnings an- not .in startling as the Mid
dao khntfc of .1 Us onanllva but Uu- are
jm.1 .n oiinnoiin. When the ll bagint
to low 111 in-sti,
v. lu n the 1 haoll is
llolli.w alio tin-
SB5 v .ii,,,.- v. itoi
......... mm
Ulat tile laod) i
falling ol propM
llouilsbini ill It
ia a condilion of
" weak " til b,
and " weak " Ktoin-
acb kcaui involvaa
other organ. Dr.
Plene'h (i olden
.Mriln al Diacuvi ry
cure disi ,m of
the stoma, h ami
ol her organs of
dig. M ion and 1111
tritioii and runt
thlollgh tilt- ktOIU-
ai 11 iiv i-es m . in
uigU remote, but which have llu-ir
Mriglll 111 the lUonaO "' the stomal b aud
11- ..Hud organs.
There is no alcohol in the " I)im overy "
anl it is aliduU-l) free fioin opium,
cocaine, and all other narcotics.
"lu-tuir 1 cuiuinrncrd to u-.- youi nirdicinc 1
lu '4 I'.al catihiMJii nor iig-tii ei.t -.9 aud
four doctor ir.-Mi.U 1114 " writt Mi- lit Itic-
.ki m a UatyaMUgi Mertkauiptoa 0 h C
"Thci .'i tour- kvc iuc i 1!. tlaa - 1 M
rcUci, I. it a did not lot t.'iu 1 was Maui days
iu 111 v otd aud ouic d - 1 draiiit-d uU.iit ifa
hoiiM 1 leave UMrd bv. buttle oi Hit .'..iMcn
Mt.li.al Uisoovery 1 aud nvr ol the 'favurwU
frcMcriptiou ' aud tour viaU ui the Pellet.
Now 1 feel like ut-w woman and 1 wuiit tin
world lo kuow it
Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser, ns
laige pages, paper binding, Sent on
receipt of H out cent -tainp.- to pa
eapeiiM- ol mailing oiiit, or jl stamps
for 11 in cloth binding. Addict Dr.
K V .'leice, SuSalo, X. V.
Pittsburg, tug. i. President Shaf
fer lasuetl a tatement thin afteriiiMin
in which he ay he will have noth
ing more to do with peace talk, unle
it come from the other side. "There
im nothing left now," he say, "but to
tight, and we will not hirk the con
Pittsburg, Aug. it. Thi afternoon
Shaffer began work On an order call
ing out the Aina Igamated association
to take effect tonight instead of Fri
day, it will be attached to a call
asking the member of the l-ederation
Of Labor not t handle anv of thi wteel
corporal ion 's product.
ShalTer Makes a Visit.
I'lttshurg, Aim. n. It was conlblent
Iv expected that a statement of some
kind would be issued from the Ainaltta-
to I mated beadoiiarters'iit noon, hut the
lad thiil nch statement was not UV
Rtlil leads to the la'lief that Hometbillg
out o the ordinary occurred. At that
time a rumor i current that settle
meut wa on. chaffer paid a myster
ious vicit to the Carnegie building and
i Mil id tn have seen President Carv, of
the Steel Hoop company. Shaffer de
nied the storv ami Cary would not dis
cus it.
Mitchell against Strikes.
Pittsburg, Aug. '. t'p lo lusih no
word bad been received by ShalTer from
PrfJlidOBt QoBpOrl Ol the Kedorat inn
nt l.alr. When he arrives, a numlatr
of weighty propositions will be conaid-
.-re. I in f the most tangled QsVet
timiM 1- neitintf men go on a Mtrike who
are working under contract. Toil par
ticularly applied to the coal miners.
I'reident Mitch.-ll, ol the I'nited
Mine Workers, im on record againt
the system of strike because they bring
too much bar llnp on those not di
rectly affected ami cause too much sill
ering to innocent women ami children.
Dtssalltried With Horaan's Poller.
Plttabnrg, Aug. . - An Amalgamat
ed uSolal aaOOtUMOd that he bad I men
nntifjeil there woilbl lie no general
strike, and that the -teel magnate are
diMsatiMlh-d with Morgan's attitude and
are inakiiii.' ever) elTort to reopen M
gotiatiou with the Mtrikers
ShafTer Kitends Haminsatlons.
Milwaukee, Aug. . It is rumored
in the Lake BDparlor iron country that
Shaffer it the Anialgama iil has had
the situation there canvassisl, wnh a
view to iiriiiginix about a strike of
the steel corporation minors in the
event ol a general strike of the asso
ciation At the steel workers' conven
tion in Milwaukee last Mav he ouilin
ml precisely such a plan.
Lost Some More Suuportars.
Wellaville, O., Aug H Deaertera
(rum the strikers' rank continue. A
mill ran lat night with a fair compli
ment of men.
Drop in Value Steel securities.
New York, Aug. M. --There ia a drop
Of almost !,(M),00() 111 the value of
Mteel securities on the "lock Klchenge.
James R. Keene, Held marshal of Hit
steel -w dual.-, has exMiided, it Is
otlmatad, IS.000,000 lo an effort to
limit the drop.
Proipast or toast Tleup.
San Francisco, Aug. t. Mayor Pbe-
1 nn has abandoned BWIftl to MMlli the
water front strike. It is now expo ted
that the San Hancisco latsir council
will begin to call out it men aud tie
up a majority of the indur-lrie ol the
city. i.atMir laadtri bo) lava that iat
wiae ahlpiiing will Im. tnl up from
Puget SoBDd to l.owi-r I'alilornia A
larger fori ol men is working on 1 he
water (rout tialay, but the congest inn
of traffic still exists.
iiovernor (iaiie is here trying to act
in as pacificator of the strike. Land
teams will ! called out and will tie
up the building.
I-our hundred Isix makers went out
today to assist tin- striker
soak orHka siataas.
Reported or I. L. Rar Co., Pendleton.
Chisaao Board of Trad and Raw Torh
Stoak Biehanae Brohart.
New Vork, Aug. 11. I'be wheat mar
ket was qftlot toilay, without much
change in value. 1,iveraml eloeexl
B I li, comtmred with . -7 :t-R last
Friday. New York onel higher,
7 1-8, and closed at fl M. The
rejsirt from the corn belt are gbsunv
in the extreme, and wheat will be
largely used in theee districts to re
(dace corn for fel
StiH'ks steady.
CrOOl vestenlay, 7.r ft-H.
iln tialay, 7t 1-H.
Kmc. toilay, ... ;.S to ft l-H.
Cloae tialay, lb :t-H.
BtOOkOI Sugar, I II '., . steel. 10. St.
Paul, 1154 ; I'. P.. t44.
Wheat In San Franelseo.
sun Krancisro, Aug. M. Wheat,
L00j . t,. 101
Wheat in Ihleaao.
t'Jncago, ua. ii Wheat, 70 :I-H to
711 i.
STOLE $316,000
Robbery of the Selby Smelting
Greatrsl Sleal la ibr History ol Uliloroli
Thp Bim Wort All lirkurl Willi
the Flrm'i Ntnif
Han Francisco, ng. u. rbe most
daring rnhliery In the Instorv of thp
ta'e was MMMBralh oinnntlrd last
night. The rokkOfl lande.1 from a
laal above the -elbr melting work
at Vol la Jo lun.tion approaching the
work through 0 railway tunnel Kr m
Iho tiiiim 1 thev nnmfrmtsal n short
Quastton as to tha Allaaed Red'Roy Clean-I tunnel nmler -be vaults and succeeded
up Haul. h getting awav with gold bar of va-
Maker City, ug . 0c The conumlruin ( , t ,B,t , . , , , ll(.v r(r,.,
in ibis region 1 whether the three .
bigbwavmen Saturday secured lb tP WtlOf (fOMt, spnnk
mOflthlj cleanup, or a portion ol it, I llOg cayenne m-pper to deatrov u,,.
Iroin the Ked Bo mine. Two men be went. Thev droMMsj OM bar while
lleved to have heeii 1 lllpl lea led were
arrested vesterdav. I'heir name are 1
Phil Mcilinnell and Henry llauihert.
mm, Jttsr . -
llotb an miners, and have worked
at the Ked Hnv 111 the past. I'be third
parte, who 1 MBJMOOd 09 bo the lead
er, 1- out vet. Tlie shoe of one o( the
captured men make track identical
with a d the tracks found at the
scene of the holdup. I hesi track
sart kreaad lO the place where UM rob
brs' borses were tied, and the horse
track were followed eleven mile
across counlr to the camp where the
men were arrested The supposed
leader wa followed through tbeUrmui
horn mountains fruitlessK, but mav
be captured yet
the people of tin community, how
ever, do not know, hut would cnjoi
the information, whether the buMiun
was stolen. Sheriff Huntington states
DOOltifOly. on the authority ol the
owners, that the bullion wa 111 a
buggy ahead, 111 charge of K. .1. Qod
trey's brother, and that fl'JO in cash
whs the haul made by the higwhay-
1 brother of one of the owners
ha statinl equally ponivelv. and with
full detail, that the bullion was se
cured hy the rolilier. Neither owner
will alio in or deny. Ainidt oonlliet
nig report, the people do not know
Pobei I Luuan, a Popular Youna Man,
Killed Near Hunllnictoii.
1 1 out 1 ngtoii , Ore , Aug. II. Word
reachisl here of a terrible accident that
bated one of the le.st known and most
Hipular young men in thi section of
country on friilaynf last week. I'be
part iculars as gleamsl from authentic
00)1 - m are thai Kobert. or as he was
known, I'ant Logan, was riding along
the road about eight mile from Hunt
ington in the direction ol live Valley.
He jumped off hi horse, to III the
saddle holding the halter rope 111 his
band In some manner the POM be
came wound around his baud and the
horse mi omnia frightened, started
down the road, at a terrible nace,
dragging the unfortunate man along
Ion neveral hundred yard the b.aly
cam- in contact with hruh aud IQOOu
until finally death came to the rescue
When found the ho.lv was lying on
the ground badly bruised, showing the
terrible experience to winch imor Lo
gan had he. n subjected Iwfore death
en (ted b is suiter nigs.
K 1 oat Kdward boas lu Oormanv.
Cowes, Aug. h. King Kdward start
od at noon (or linrinanv, to attend the
funeral of his sister, the Dowageir
I impress I- rederick.
- tiuarded the Body with Soldiers
lOtllMj Aug. It It is in it yet olh.ial
ly stated what caused the death ol the
liowager Kmpreaas Frederick. Im
mediately after her death, two -.pnl
rous ol hussar and OM of infantry
were posted about the castle,willl glllis
loaded with ball cartridges, and with
,iimI 11. Hons lo sbiMit aaf unaillhorued
ia.rs.ui who should try to enter
Swarms ol detectives were also about
the castle and grounds It was daoid
ed that the body shall not Im in state
i'be remains will la. interred at I'ota-
lain near that -a her biisband
re emliarkiug. I'be rohlierv was not
discovered until morning. The result
leave. lews. I'be nam all have a
sp.-. ml murk with the tlnn's name on
them. I hey were the property of the
Batbj MnellniK . ouipam . NatMMa ha
koMBl 'en! ihroiighout the country lo
look out for Hie plunder.
The police think the rohiwrv the
work of a notorious hank safe robber,
Jimmy Hope, of international (auir,
for similar work, lie 1 BOOJ at lib-
Report lata llowlion Will Serve.
Washington, aojfl 0. - Hear-dmiral
llenr llowison is reportisl as detailed
to take Admiral k nntierly's place iu
the lovloj coorl of iniinr llowison
is satislactury to Schley.
Those or J. H. MaBroom and William
The wills of .1. II M broom and
William Kwing have bOBM admitied lo
t initiate. To tDO llrt document I. I
.ink and l F. VoffnOM were witne
ses. Kmily McltriMiui and till
MoBrOOID, widow and. sou resiaH-tiveli
of Ilia deceased, were aplsuuied eiecu
trie ami executor ol said wOOMBMSl ni
accordance Willi the wish of deceawsl
exprosHeil therein
lliraiu Kllckiuger and s. . New
berry witnesw to the will of the late
William Kwlna Naao) lao Fwing,
Widow ol dei used, was appointed etc
cutnx of me dodOBtaat, Hiram l in k
iliger, .1. I- 'temple and W II. Joue
were Bppoinle.1 appraisers ol tl stale
I he aaaWMtrla wa granted the powci
to sell the rmiel pro.rty heloiiglug
to the estate lii the tt advantage.
San fraucisco and Thai Port's Tleup
of MslMM Other Dues AOselsd.
San I raucisi o, Aug. U. I'be bin Id
ing trader hum il has ordered a strike
ol the cartaiiilers ol this city and Oak-
laud in accordance w ith the notice ol
the demand last spring for an increase
ol wage from I to ( B0 per day.
Ten tliousaud men were affected. A
majority of the large linns tomci. 1
the demand. The ship owners claim
that more men are working, but the
tleup is so complete thai no snips were
able to leave the harbor yesterday.
i here was little hoj the employers
would inodily their terms.
Senator Clark's Manifesto.
Jerome, Ari., Aug. n Senator
Clark is uiioted assaying: "Jerome
will grow up 111 grass before I accede
to the requests of the atriker." Tl
smeMerr- are closed strikers are cou-
tideiit ol w lulling
Miller ( rum l.oiisrnanon Aniona
Bathers Sunday.
V number ol bathers in the Umatil
la river in Fast Pendleton near the
railroad bridge on nudav afternoon,
August I, were tilled Willi consleru
lion at Hie appearance of Mrs. Miller
ilourishing a revolver. That HOf
were nut hlhl With lead instead of
consternation should l fur them a
matter of hearty congratulation Mrs
Miller lives uear a lavorile iHXtlnug r
sort o young men, and she had warn
ed 1 In-in time aud again nut to come
there to bath without the semblance of
a hatbillg Slllt lo le. ided on -no
ilay that the IIOJM had come for her to
act, and sin BPlOTi with all the prompt
mas and courage ol 4 Spartan mother
II laplt) tb which the bathers
got lulo their clothes would have ri
valed the adtlOBd ol a lightning chauge
artist. It is a sale assertion to mala
that not one of the young men preemil
during Holiday 'l excitement will
again 08 in thai halhing pool sTitkOMl
I suing clothed 11, appropriate regalia
Capital to be Hundred Million and 200
r ii-ii. are In It.
Philadelphia, Aug. fl. It ia learned
here that there ia to be a gigantic BOOB
binatiou ol wholeaale grocery bouses,
taking 111 about 25U0 establishments
iu various part of the country , The
capitalization ia to be lU),UOO,0l)n.
aere or People.
Law ion Okla., Aug. 6. The auctiou
aale of town lota iu I awion began this
: a.iu 1 T
uiuruius. nguu acres 01 people
before tlie auctioneer.
Result or the Kxploslen.
I'biladelubia. Aug n. I p lo tl
O'olooh tins iiiorniug It was impo-sihle
accurately lo estimate the .lUliitair ol
caaualtiee in last night's explosion,
but the .b ad were variously est 1 mated
at (rum hfleeii to twenty-two. The lu-
jiiretl were more than seventy -five.
All night long policemen and ttremeu
were at work tearing Hie debris apart
111 an effort to recover the dead.
Up to 0000 life bodies had beeu re-
Santa rs Washout.
Los Angele-, Aug. It. Four steel
bridges and several miles of track on
the -aula Ka ayatem ware waabel out
wesi from AlliUiiueroue, N. M , in a
terrlhle atOVB. Tratflc has been sus
pended Hauiage is heavy.
To Vina South Pol.
Cowee, Aug. ii. -The Hriliah ship
Discovery started on us long expedi
tion in search of the south pole at noon
balay. King Kdward sigualed farewell
and a happy and prosperous voyage
to the departing expedition
Are you going
tor a vacation t II o you should
call in and M our shoos. We
have llaMM loi the mountains, lur
the heai h and lor overy kind ol
The Pope ill.
Route, Aug. fl. The pope was again
coufiued to bis room yesterday by III'
ueaa, which, however, tUe physician
aaya is uo alarming.
1 I
Marvettt Shoes.
. Law the largest stm k id
ihOMI IM BeVFVMl weal III I'endle
ton and guttiautcc every oair we
Never Swore AllaBianaa.
Chicago, Aug. li. Judge Win H.
Price, se. letarv of the treasury under
Buchanan's administration and who hae
resigned hia portlolio lo cast ins lor
tunes with the confederacy, died here save you from J 5c to f.Q0
today, lie uever took the oath of al . , 1
leigai.ee after ll.e war. - very pan of shoes you buy.
IS 111
our mid BUMIUM
blast ami wo cau
BrIUab Miu sisr Wouldn't Sign.
Pekiu, Aug. fl. -The foreign miiiia- 1
ters had ai ranged to sign the suit In-
meul protocol today, but the British
uiiuisler uotiiied Ins uoileaguea ba
was uuable to aigu. He gava u raa- I
sou and Hi3 meet ina is indefinitely , (j Mal,,
poaApoueai . j
Ik Peoples Wareliouse
TUB PITTB8 OF 1 1 1 1
Street. I'eudleloii, Or.
1 mi