East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 03, 1901, Image 4

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    feast (veKvvj
Ladies' Button Shoes
Slsws 1!',., to :p, at
50c Per Pair
MO Pairs Luidies' Klack
. . OXFORDS . .
Hiimi 2S, to 6 at
wok eh most r.'.oo to r pais
Why woar your nice ihOM
to the mountains when you
can bay shoes at these
Practical Boot and Shot- Men.
is- A. Howard. Farm loans.
Books (or boys and mrl-. Nolf'a,
Hack (or Tal springs, Uiluplioiio
Main 7tt.
Buy your window shade at
Murphy 'a.
fl thirt waists, now 4ttc. Cleaver
Bros Dry Goods Co.
$ duck suits, now 2.VH. Cleaver
Bros. Dry nx.il Co.
Have your picture (ramed . I t -
tyla at Murphy 'a.
Ili-yu aquaw k loves, moccasin and
leaded bag at Haw ley 'a.
Fre concert at Wuketii-M i Fall
lug's every evening.
New designs in wall paxr at
Murphy'a paint store.
See the $1401) bahy grand ' W I
(ield A Failing's music store.
Harvest and camping supplies of .ill
kimlN and low prices at HhwIhv's.
We are closing out (run jurs at oosf
at the Standard Grocery Oo.
Claims and organ sold on easv pay
menu at Wakefield & Fai'ing'.
You can save money now by tun 1 nit
your jars at the Standard grocery.
26c summer goods to close Bl 1-".-per
yard. Cleaver Bros. Ir Qoodl
See the largest stock of pianos aver
exhibited in this city at Wakefield .
Midsummer sale of wash giMi.li,
hal( price. Cleaver Up.- Iry
iooda Co.
Boiled ham, root laser in package
peaches, apricots, blackberries, water
and uiuskuielons at Hawley's.
Finest hams and lard on the market.
Home product; try it, its guarant.-wi.
Bchwara A (ireulich.
Lota 2 and 'A in block 140, Keserv.
addition above St. Joseph' BdBSVtBij
(or sale cheap. Inquire of I'etei We.i
lee cream (or partie and lodgs
sociables at special prices, qaallij
guaranteed. Candy Dutton.
Crescent bicycles on the Install im-ie
plan at the Crescent agency in ttV I M
Oregonian building, payments fl a
week, no interest.
Another case of smallpox il reportol,
that of Fete VanOradall. He has had
the diseaae several days ami I getting
aloug well.
One of the moat popular pieces ol
music to be heard in the ballroom at
I.eiiman springs is a two-step and
march entitled "The Outing," which
waa composed especially (or John I n
I icon by Charles S. Benson, f Walla
Walla. Mr. Benson as pianist and
Mr. Wells as violinist are the Lai u
springs orchestra.
The homelieat man in Fendleton as
well as the handsomest, and uthor
are invited to call on any dfOffial
and get (ree a trial Ixittie of Kamp'l
Balsam for the throat and lungs, a
remedy that is guaranteed to cur. EM
relieve all chronii and acute cough
astlima, broucihtis and consumption,
f'rice 2fn- and 60c. For aale by Tall
man A Co. , sole agents.
Dr. 0 Ji Himth has ton case of ty
phoid fever under his rare.
First class wheat pasture lor rattle
and horses. Inquire of I'eter West.
A statement of the First National
hank of lleppner shows deposits of
510, 061. '-'4. the largest in it history.
bdtt, belwaag I'endleton anil Helix,
one sorrel horse with harness on.
Kinder please bring said animai in to
the Fnt OragOlllEtl and get reward.
A sorrel horse with huggv harness
on bin came to C II. Uosenlierg'
ranch, five mile north of fendleton
on Thursday. Owner can recover blBfl
hy railing at the ranch.
Marriage license were issued on
August I, trf fount v Clerk W. f.
ObsUDberlain tO A. J. Allison and An
nie H. Ward, ami to Alfred Sando
and Ida II. Ilarrigan.
Portland Oregonian: A 10-year-old
Pendleton hoy, F.ddie Kllis, while
Halting off the Newport ilocks, caught a
skate weighing 100 pound, consider
ably more than his own avoirdupois.
The business ollice of the Northwest
Livestock and Woolgrowers' Journal
has been removed from the Matlock
building on Court street, to the ollice
recently vacated tiy K. W. MrComas,
in thepostofllce building, Main strett.
Q New wheat is seliing in the local
market at fl to 46 cents. In order t
get the latter ligtirr the wheat must be
bluestem, 60 pounds or better to fhe
bushel, and must be delivered at the
George 1 1 ray. an old pioneer of Mor
row conntv, died in St. Vincent's hos
pital in Portland, of meningitis,
brought on bv neglect of a gathering
in In- ear lie w.f .i member of the
Masonic lodge at lleppner and leaves a
wife and mother.
lleppner Times: .las. Sharp, one of
Heppner's popular barber, returtMd
home on Monday afternoon's train
from a month's visit at Pendleton,
Portland and Astoria. Jim says he
saw lot of old time lleppner people
during his absence, ami that he had a
swell time.
In the circuit court, Mary L, Taraad
through her attorney, Peter West,
tile. I her complaint against William J.
Tweedy for a divorce. The j.urtiow
were married December '."J, I HUM, at
Moscow, Idaho. Plaintiff alleges de
sertion over a vear ago.
A horse belonging to I.. D. Fa ton,
standing in front oi a meat market
Fridav evening, started to run while
Mrs. Katun wa in the store, and her
veiling son made a gallant escape hv
climbing over the rear end of the bug
gy, landing safely on the ground. No
damage was done.
A traiuload of beef cattle is Iteing
nicked up here hv John Kennedv, who
is buying (or F'rye, liriihn V Co., of
Seattle. Mr. Kennedy and Dots
swearingen will leave on Saturday
morning (or the range, with the ex
pectation of making a deal (or some of
the cattle owned hy Swearingeii Brothers.
saletn State-man: 1 r . K. A. Mann
.il I'endieton f here for a (e days'
visit with triend uinl to look after In
Polk ccainty farm. Dr. Maun was, (or
a tunc, turnkey at the pen uent mry ,
hut has for several year resided in
Pendleton, where he i very -tieeessli:l
in the practice of his profession, that
of dentistry.
Athena Press: Harry Manella of
Portland a one-time resident of Mil
ton, and an employee in the Bergevin
Hr..i ' general merchandise store in
this ciiv alMiut II vear ago, ha taken
the clerkship in tin- Pacific Coast Kle
vator company's ollice in this citv,
made vacant hy the resignation o( T.
P. Page.
The Brook home will he relieved
from iiiarantiue tin afternoon or very
I toon, John M. Brinkley having recov
er. .1 from the smallpox. The officials
trod Id not let Mr. Brinkley out this
morning, .hut a- danger of contagion
ha apparently passed, he will lie al
lowed to go hy Sunday. It is hi inten
tion to take a trip immediately , leav
ing Monday morning lor the Willam
ette valley.
It is wortli while to take a trip out
Co the wheat Dehls to watch a combine
at work. Little Henry, Pat Glbbou.
I J. Chestnut and Steve Noble went
' through the experience on Friday
and the arst-named says he wouldn't
have missed it fur considerable. They
went to the home ..I (ieorgc Case, In
miles north of Pendleton, in Cold
i Spring. Mr. Case has a combine
which lie purchased new this summer.
! and it ruot as swoothly a a wacth or a
' sewing machine. The power to run it
i furnished hy 11U horses. The dinner
gotten up in honor of tbe visitors wa
pronounced by them to be the be
1 hey had ever eaten.
Feather Dusters.
The i. Hi" -ii and best line
of feather dusters rvir
displayed in fendleton
Thundsr Mountain Ores.
Butte, Idaho, Aug, J. The recent
rich strike in the Thunder Mountain
district have aroused great interest in
mining i ircles here S. I). Kdwards,
a pioneer prospector of the district,
aays that "Thunder Mountain itself, is
nothing but a mas of ore rivaling the
famous ore mountain of Tread well 's
island in Alaska." This has also been
fully demonstrated by the operations
ol Col. Oewey. the celebrated Idaho
mi llionaire ami his associates. Thun
der Mountain promises to be a second
. . I. I I. .Ill . I
v rippie i roe k or i.eauviiic, ami gini
values have been fouud in the sur
rounding country (or miles. Assays
made on ore from claims 36 miles
from Thunder Mountain gave values
ranging irom $44 to flOO in gold, 40 to
4H ounces in silver and from mi to ,il
per cent lead. There are about 400
men there at this time, but the coun
try is not half prospected. Boise is
the nearest town of any size and it is
I here that most of the supplies are pur-.'ha.-ed
and freighted to the new camp.
; From present indications it is eatimal-
I ed thai probably lOOU men will out
lit here during the summer and fall.
Poor facilities for transportation have
1 (.rovcd a great barrier to growth and
development and Boise is seriously
considering a proposition to tut t Id a
road to the new camp.
B. Klijah is here from Pilot Kpck .
Miss Nell Cameron arrived at home
Friday night from Portland.
Pete Allen, son of Kd C. Allen, has
returned from a visit at lawton.
Clarence Adams will leave tonight
for Teal springs for a week of outing.
A. Schilller and son Can left on this
morning's train for the seashore at
Newport on an noting.
Jacob SliPtiermsn and family will
leave shortly to make their permanent
home at San PnUMIbBO.
Jim Kstes returned early Friday
morning from a very pleasant 10 .(ays'
outing at Lehman springs.
J. C. William of the Palace lodging
B4MIW ha returned from an extended
pleasure trip to San Francism
Thomas Mrijnoweu of Hkiah cream
erv, Frank W. Hoynton, who runs the
I'kiah meat market, accompanied by
WarnicGibh are in Pendleton today.
Mrs W. T. Bothbv, wife of the rail
road contractor, has gone to Lehman
springs with the three children to re
main a month.
J. A, Gibson is on a trip to the
southern part of I'matilla county.
He will tune the pianos at Lehman
and llidaway springs.
Otto Hoetteher is at Meacliam, from
which point he will ship a traiuload
ol sheep Sunday. He is expected to re
turn home Sunday evening.
B. F. Beck and sun F'red arrived at
Lehman springs on Thursday and will
continue their journey to the south,
with the intention of being awo six
Lee W. Held, Fred Schmeer and
Luke llawley will leave tonight at.
about H o'clock, destined for Lehman
springs with the intention of remain
nig 10 days.
William Slusher and son Allen
Slusher arrived at Lehman springs on
Thursday afternoon. Hale Slusher
started at 4 o'clock Friday morning for
the same place.
William Furnish, n cousin ,d W. J.
Furnish, president Ol the I'endleton
saving- Lank, left I ridic, morning lor
Lehman springs. Mr. Furnish came
her. ,i t . m mouths agi i Irom Cal itnrnis
John Yatighau, of tbe Pendleton
Llectric Light A Power company, ha
returned irom a trie to the seaside ami
Portland. Mrs. Vaughan accompany
ing him.
Mis Mary Bituer and Miss liozene
F.pplc have returned from Pullman,
Wash., where they attended the sum
mer school in connection with the state
agricultural college Tl. were ab
sent five weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Hoetteher of Chi
cago, who are visiing their sou, Otto
Boe.ttcher. expect to tour the Yellow
tone park while en route homo, and to
leave that city during Septcmtier with
a party of friends for a journey to Buf
falo. Tom Swearingeii arrived home on
I riday from a visit with his parents
at Whatcom, on the foot of Puget
SmM Mrs. swearingeii accompanied
her husband and will remain there for
a couple of weeks longer.
J. L Hutchinson ha returned from
the Western Shoshone agency, Nevada,
and will cnpiy a vacation here l. r K)
days, having obtained a leae of al ienee
for that length of time. He
agency carianter in the employment .,i
the (inrted States government.
Will Koesch and Oeorgc Gillette, the
Western I'nion Telegraph hoy, left
tin- morning at '.' o'clock for Lehman
spring, to remain (or a couple of
weeks. Bismarck Koesch i already
there, encamped with I d Barr, so the
new arrival won't have anything to
do hut commence eating.
L. (.'. Boger. the Butter creek stock
man, and who has .piite a reputation
a- a breeder ol f il 1 1 -blood Hereford cat
tie, is ill at the Pendleton Sanitar
ium. No alarm is occasioned by his
sickness, and it i exected that he
will be able in a lew days to return to
hi business..
Toward Lehman spring the follow
ing party of camper tin evening will
wend their way, with I 'an Downey
holding the ribbons over the team:
Clarence Adam, Chick Humphrey and
Master Davis. Robert Adams, a broth
er of Clarence, who in a lireman on
the Northern Pacific, with heaiLpiart
ern at Tacoma, is exacted to arrive
and join the party.
A. L. Knight, represeii t nig the Bal
four-iiuthrie company, left on Friday
t.ir an extended trip through tile I'ma
tilla county wheat field and returned
late thin forenoon He i o! the opin
ion that the crops are going to ie fair
ly large. The returns from the bar
vesting outfit at work which lie visit
ed, are satisfactory, the yield being
satislactory per acre, and the grain
mostly No. 1 in ijuality.
lami .on. ami 1 K. Buy ol Pilot
Lock are in Pendleton today Mr
(iaillt has sold III second and lust
baud of l-"o sheep fur shipment to the
sound markets. He will immediately
purchase another hand ol pjtsi, put
them on the range- until snow Mies
in. 'i. i in. o then iiuring the winter lit
corrals. It ha been Mr Gdiilt's cus
loin to nave two naiiii ol sheep every
year, and to turn oue off in the spring
and the other in the summer, accord
ing to the state of the markets.
l.. A.
Psrkhurst Had hood Sport
Rlnahnm Springs.
Bingham, Springs, Aug 3. II EM)
person were to tell A. Parkhuist oi
fendleton that he didn't know bean
he would get. a thump in the eye or on
(he neck or sohii plexis, or in some
other vulnerable point, hut if you
were to tell him he didn't know white
Hsu, he would have to acknowledge il.
Mr. and Mr. Parkhartl Ittd Mrs. W.
It. Mays returned on Thur-diiy night
Irom this place to fendleton. They
had been encamped here enjoying lit
for 10 days. Mr. Parkluirst is quite
an expert angler, hut the tact that he
didn't know a good game fllh when be
saw ft detracted from the amount of
snort he would otherwise have had.
He was fishing for trout, using a lly
and periwinkle, when he caught a fish
with a nose like h sinker, but covered
with scales, That is, the sides Of the
flsfi, not the nose, were scaly. He
knew that the fih had he n game,
rising to the bait, and after i Mir. I
Hghting to kf-cp from iwing landed,
hut he was so excited, and the fish
Im.ked so like n MMtNff about the load,
tl it he tossed il to quite a distance
Elld kept on fishing fur trout. In the
course of his fishing, he caught ix or
eight of those fish, but kep' none of
them, not knowing that tht atrfl Just
what he wanted for the table lie ws--
bemoaning his luck when In, King to ,1.
Sinirt;, and felt even worse when in
formed hv that gentleman that the fil
I which he had caught and thrown link
! were white Hsh. called hy PUBIC White
! bass, and that their flavor. a far n bll
tns e whs concerned, equaled or tl
relied that of trout Then it was that
Mr. Parkhurst retired from the pre
ence of the ladies and communed with
himself for seve' tl minute- and made
the uir in that vicinity even more -ul-try
than usual.
Notwithstar ling the draw back, the
party had a good time. The illness of
Mrs. Mays necessitated n return home
sooner than they expected when they
started on their trip.
Arrivals at Hotel Pendlston.
1 1 T Boy, Albany.
(' K Henderson, Springfield.
Moth Cupliem, nil I BMM)
C Harre- -i altle.
W !; Brook. Portland.
Victor Htardeider, St Paul.
Paul Piper, Denver.
G W Hunt, Portland.
W It Hamilton.
Pfad W Kees, Chicago.
C I) Stanly, Walla Walla.
.1 T Morrison, Bacinc.
Henry North, Portland.
D I. Kosentield, Portland.
I .1 Fowler, Portland.
J C Macdouald. Chicago.
('ha L Masson. Cortland
A S BaEtflald. Spokane.
C H Benton, Chico.
T K Bamsey, Portland.
A Sinsheimer, Portland.
A Stevenson, Purl laud .
K A Shifter, citv
I C Thoyer, Spokane
I Kalner, Spokane
II II Bee, Spokane
Geo II Kaiser. Portland.
II h Lats, New York.
A I. Metel, ObiaO.
I) C Aliderson.St Louis.
J II Meudenhall, Seattle.
A Nsw Choir WIiTXmE UM Stnglnn at
inn Baptist Cnurch
First BEOtUI church-A HE cholf
will he in place El thi uprtll o.nor
row and hereafter the usual o
1 I .1... ......it Kill It' Ml' I'll s.s
Illkf 111 HM' ' "lit '
it tUm uhitcl ( th Mrmon
ill bal "The
Hiigifted Worker." In Hit
the second of the tar let, 00
hflrltance," will he inn,
jeel ol which i-: "Asserting
hrritanro " This stlt jcct
especial ItJtENtl Ul MM young
in tin
v,,rk ol an
"ilur In
tin sub
Our In
ill he of
Onttreh ol Wn RwtaEmEri .'ivme
service tomorrow at hours a lollows:
Sermon and celenrat ion ol the HOIJ
Ooniooolra Ef II . WBI
prayer and address at I p. Bi
M. B. church. smith-Preaching er
vires every Sund.iy Bl II ..'dock E. .
and at s o'clock P. Bl. lOMSy tchool
a in and Lpworth League ai .
all are cordiallv invited w at
at Id
p. m
CHILDKEN'S shoes. Wodtu
Do not ini thii goldra opportatiity,
Failures tor tht Month
Heports to R, ii. Dana A Oo, ihow
the commercial i.ii'ure- in Iht Pnit-d
states during Joljf lo bt W7, w ith a i
aggregate Indei ' ill tt of 7,0 A M I.
Oompartd with tht ranit m nth Ian
veitr there appear- .i Jt wratii .'ing
Impro it Bi th l.iijnrc crc then
t9S in niltnher and !' '71.7,
o ii-as
I'm!, i
lbs etna
tle'in .
lost IIP r
Noiltt to Contrastors.
ISealed proposals will be reveievd at
Wheeler's photo studio up to li o'clock
p. ui. of August 8, for the erection
of a two story building according to
plains and specifications on enhihitcn
at Wheeler's photo studio. The rig...
in reserved to reject any or all bids (or
ii l work
Hated August , ItaJl.
Wc an closing out
Ladies' Ononis.
Men's Tan Shoes
All Short Lines
clonal out
( ouie and examine goods and get price.
Wiu. Fitzgerald, Manager
Wat ion.
From the latader l After eniuying
vacation, (ieorge A. Ferguson retnriied
yesterday to Pendleton to reauuie his
work in livers' mill.
in. .1. ii. l-ieenor lei I Weston some
t ago I" hunt pastures new Ve
understand that he is located at Jo
seph in Walluna county, and that his
Minn will soon follow him to that
M - L.va Wood is uow ai Colorad..
Springs on her returns from a visit to
the Buftalo exposition and friends in
Minnesota. Hhe will also visit Salt
i.ase lliy, ami le hi pec ted home in
about live days.
mi- i, r. uavies ol Milton who is
highly revouiiueiided as a teacher, has
heen engaged hv the .luectors to take
charge of the rlfth and sixth grade- m
the Weston public school. Miss Perry
was formerh elected to tin- position
but daaliaad
v. iark vkooii iiah returned Iroui a
pleasant visit to Mr ami Mrs. Alpha
Wood, at Watts, Idaho, and an outing
on Uliaicohit lake. .Alpha is uow lire
man on the steam -.hove at SV.ut-
where much work is lieing done hy the
t. n. v Lu.
Charles Proetistel, who has been
em ployed at Knterprise for several
months past, has lately been to Port
I. in. I to consult an oculist fur a deled
of vision that is troubling him.
Charley expect to remain on this side
of the mountains for a couple of
months in the meantime rusticating
at different local summer reorl
Tacoma strati Fair and Carnival Ann. 14
to U4tk.
as the above the W. x C K. K.
will tall rouud trip tickets to Taooma
00 August 16. lioud returning August
1 loj ft
I 'pun pri-'suntatiiin with
$5. oo pure hit s id Glttfl
ware, Lamps, Crockery,
GranitowMtti Soapfli Stone
ware :tc.
It's worth 25c.
We will pay
cents in in .in r
twent) five
Owl Tea House
JclK ulasscs j( ilocn.
Pot sale, lot 4 In block Hi,
residence lot at a low price
ply to
r.otl. Is bsrtlty gi u Hist iho cuuin suici
inlcinleiil 1.1 I'luallhs count) 1 1 1 hoi. I Hi,
reguUl 1'IIOIIIUI110I suplhsuU lol illr .1 .
county psH'rs, al IVn.ll. lun, s io.lo- Fur
UK psoi'r, 1 ouiun nci iiu W cli.. Jv. A.isutl
Mill, al . o'clock 111. nu.l iniilluuiiii! mini
iuroUy, Augutt 17IU, al 4 o'clock p. m.
Wi.his.Uv - ftu niHioIii 1.. liUlors. ain'lhua
slscbrs. mailing su.l iircfi.a school U Than
ls W1111. 11 sriiliiut'lic.l iinors ol les.-liius.
grsuinisr, l...okkc'.iiiK piiytlci., civil govern.
nl. rriusy hlii..os , osmul, . menial
1 oh in.-! ir. louipotltion mii I pli;-icl Kc.g
rspln aniuMs Hoiioiy, pUu.' sr .iiu'iiv. s. ii-
srsl totlor , Enghuli UPMMUM nl ncliology
Kit . niv MIEESk
Wc.iu iy I'iiuisii1iIu. biiiorv. oithok-
rsphy anil ros hus 'llnir ly Written srllh
Luellc. Ibcorv ol tcictilut. grsium ir met Ore
gon ?bool law. rrhtsv loogispny. uicui.il
riilitu. in , pliyiolog .... 1 ciwl Koi. rumrui
Wf.lii. mlty IVuiiisiikloD. orlbosrsebv uinl
rtadlag. Iburxlny An o( iiiioiioiiiug su.l
tb.ory of lescliiiig su.l raetu.ls. Krhlsy
Arith 111. 1 1. ami phjr-iology
( eiuiiy Stliool s.itwruiimdvul
"Nerve Waste."
One of Ibc most bulphil book on urrvs
SrSEEaSSS tver luueil in (list etitltlett Sttvt
Waste," by h dswysr of dsn Vrsiu uco, uow
in lu ullh (bouuu'l. This work of mi expsr
vrieucexl suit rvpuiable ph)K'lsn U In agrev
hjt coiur.n to ibc SEEl siiin of fslst scaiug
which prcvsll. on thl liueresling subject. Il
bouuOs in crelull cou.l.lered ami praclitsl
dvlce, tuii SjSS ta o grtai msrlu of wis
iloui sinl sluceril)'.
It Is euilorsed by both Ibc leligiou. nut
secular pres. The Chicago Advance .): "A
peiuaal of tbe book auil Ibe stphcatiou ol lla
priuclplsa will pill health, hope ami bear! Into
Ibousauila of liven thai are now .uttering
tloough uervoun luipareiusiit."
I h 000k k 1.0u by uiall postpaid.
due of Ibe most interesting chapters -chapter
xx, ou Nervlue ami Nerve Tonics baa been
prluleil separately sa a aauiple ehaplei, ami
will be seut U auy address lor stamp by Ibt
publishers, lUg I'ACIKH 1'UULlSUINo CO.,
MtUatte, stall ISaBMESSS
iLl . 1 .
Lesding hsrness and .laddlerv .
wheels, or just rspairuiK tiro-. Ii a peclally of
ours, and we do ill r.'(..iir n.uk iiioro itfhly
aud in the best possible mtnner Ws put on
lire, to SIS) , and Hie cariiaKe. w. rvp.ilr we
sun. I OBI SOttBa wiih 11. in. oi 1 1 in t aiiimyliik
rattle thai come, iroi.i :.... j.ri.. If you have
us do your work you tan SBprttlalt MM sosl
It Is and how .mall lie . . t 1.
Farmers Custom Mill
Prad '.Valtert. Mroprfetor.
1 paclty. lfk) barrels, a day.
Kloaroichan(o.l (or wheal.
Floor. Bttn rtt.1. -hopped Kcest. sic, slwsyi
on Band.
Issued Weekly.
William J. Bryan
I duor and Hubllaher.
' .. .. - . ' ' ..
Our midsummer
Furniture sale
" lli'l
a . ,
is ma ccntttt 01 attraction
serves unusual attention
er yon intend to furnish vn.., u..
.'i.mpiete or just e.ontenmlsi.. a
n cssarv n;....
Shades, Curtain Poles, Mirrors.
addition of a
tins is your Opportunity,
iwenn five different styles of
Iron Reds
Dressers. Commode,. paror
? a, . r . a
nuiire, carpets, .Mnttini's U '.. ,
riciarm, tstroy Cahs, QoCarti
Undertaking Parlori in Connection.
Main and Webb St
I I v-ar-ar-. ITWar-at..
Under New "anagement
Strictly I'lrst-Clas!
uiceilent Cuisine.
iivery Modern
IUr and Kllliard lloums.
The lies! Hofr
Van Itran Uros.. lrops
Wn lis j Trill.
Hates $2.00 j
Special Kite t;
now or
iluriAi.i.U.H . a. u
1 .... . o oavnuij sr
III Eastern Oregon.
EataBaaatataaaaaa. Aa W J
UVVVJJU III J. I . Illllll
i' .'s- w j- .. W" aVbbUeW j
Yerms Payable In Advance
One ear.
Six Yluntlib
Three Hunths
SliiKle Copy
The Wheel that ia
Sky Hirih In Quality
Prices From $22 to $G0.
Road wheuls; - - $35.
Racers, - - - - $50.
Chaiuless OreBconts $G0.
Boys and Girls Wheels $22.
1900 Kodak as low as $15, $20, $25.
W ilirapplifd wiili mring Itinei
Rflorruw eoaoter lrakt-s or will' eitlwr.
No traveling MftVtaMN .u MBJ
ployed Terms lor local EgaotS
will ba Mciit on applicatioo. All
money ihoilUJ In onl I O.
order, BxprtM 0fdr, or by liunk
dralt OB New York or Chicago.
Do nut send individual checks or
The Commoner per year with
Weekly Kast OngoaJu . . . .tl
Semi Weekly But OlMfljaiaji a.h
Daily hast Oragootan 7
bast Oregonian,
Pendleton, Orenon
Terms of
paytueDl to suit
( ull ami Ml a
ouatontera, with
Eaat Oruuonian Buildiny.
I lav rsBBt. L
; n!771iaalaaaaaaal
Scieitflfic American.
liv sTianTlnr ,7 .... , L,rsSt Off
'.Hi. II isoi 1 1 '"": W s
LO ,ab""jUK). ;:fj Ynrb
AVL T"K NEWS! T4ke lhe B
mad. Wotkly t,.i0, Huui
VtaWy ta.oo a star. aampUty fr
Cor. Court and Johnson Sts
aiaiu heat paguu Llghi..
amtrloaji Hau. raittfi.fi uni u.j..
Kuruua,, nlsii. & lS,lM f'
ral. by wu,, or muu,b-
Bus toets all Iralot.
Coromorcial t rade Solicited.
Hne Sample Kumim
Special Attention tllven to
Country Trada.
The Columbia
Lodging House
F. X. SCHtiMPH. Hrop-
s : as
trip vi-aswa-
C F. Cook's Mpeil
" , ,K
S I'll 1 ' '
11. V. I.I L I'S kBJ .