Rosing out VASH (S(K)DS BIDDING POR FIRST PLACE All ioc - and iflftc Lnwns to go nt M,i, 35C i m x Ih will bC Hold nt ioc Summer Vets, to cloie 2 Saol Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Co. -TTSuV. U ul -I - ! Ht EAGLE MILLS ABSORBED ii .ek Company T.ks Them In F it Milton. Aug. ; lit i nion .mien biv recciveo in 'nulls "(that Pi"'-' ,M'r" "D'1 .... a.- tl.H Peacock llllll "".T tL emnndcratu... "I the ZLnim announced. I lie ST 111- h "J LJ" Zrtr ul a "lock i-wiipaiiy. Uotli JL'if- ire now uwler Hi- control of J La A- . Li"'" T..tfinctiiii i' viewed by many HMtniDf thit the Klams are prepar IkS it "'it Wllfa tli" syndicate ,' ,. during tit.- past ' "ir vearn EgT numtiiiK nt'""'1' tl tiling s&mti ol the northwest. It if a , .ao.n wet tliat these capitalists j a; t.-.'ii Injuring In lire coll- tr J Imtli lli' Miltmi proji.Tt ihh and Mtmi MM have heeii offered. lbfClunlv ' klM Peacock Bill u urr-li daily, ami that ul the i ill it.l ' ' 1 - '11. im lilttlat I .11 I'.IIM'l- " ti,r nmlrol nl thf Main- u daily alls'. i IMI lrri'IK nr ll (ilrdlsi tlx Ulob. ' , Iiui.miI Hack li-n'- Arnica Salve, hiv bMt iii th- World, extends round rr .i i ..... i i... a. ...i . ii m ii' i ill 1 1 1 I it'll I unir ill . rtiril- Ilirni. Ulinnrr. noma, BSJB, IQtl III .Kill rillfilltilir. vriiij aJ.ll.kL alia .nm ''.'in In iv ul Tllll- M .V 1I. SOUTHING IN A LOCATION. I F lelinui Finds Huilnesi In a New Ortlo. J. P, McMinni-, manager of the Liveito.:k Iniiriial, liuf re utat bit otUce f rum the building nc tlbylh Tribune, and now has u't-r- in the pnttiillit't' building. In'iinl Kriilay afternoon. Hr htii u xiuer settled lumseli to i iitstfy editorial iixin tiie in .Hit.' of Aincric.ui meals in tier sui, llitn a man appeared ut thf eV Juur and atiksd tiim In address ran ,'"..," Mr McMaum- inn il on tint ltnrilr antJ wrote tin- address, Ii In mii'Vann) w'nii' Miineu. iug mat fa an not prepared lor HARVEST 'W have bought a pair of our Colored Glasses , 116 and 7.V. Will Whit or HlotM 10, ami Hi, Eye Protectory fm CLOCKS. JujI L,i khlM f-.r Mjn, 7V, 1.M, $1.50. t,toor Wl au.l we will till your "y.,rM,ig(gclio... L HUNZIKER, Jwler and Optician.., "'taTk ilii i m. li in fearfully and wmnh i: made, and deciplieralile only hy a telepatliiat. ! lien the man axked hint how innrh he owe. I McMainiH, anil the latter drew up liin tall form to a height that ail ilod one inch to the dimenni uin niven bin hy nature, and int'ormed that fei low that he waH not mi the tiahit of charging people for 1Mb courtmieH. RajtanlM a normal attitude, M eMail -iih Haid in a honeyed voice -that he didn't charge for addreNHing envelopeR, hut did charge $1 a year for tin- mock journal, lie gut the dollar and the man will gel the journal. Mc.ManuN thinlcH he han utruck ricti pay in hie new location, lie if in the ..line formerly uaed hy B. W, MoOo man, the grain buyer. Daatnats Cannot do cured py l'r.l tppllcatliin.. - titer cmitmt r.-H. li the tli'M'tw.l iNirtioti .if tie' utr. There In nnly line way to cure 'lualneu, mid that Ik l. uoMUM tlonal remeulet. Iiealneu It eautwd by an In Hi. in. . i ciindltKili of the muoow n m- til the jttttaflhlatl tube. Whuti till tulH' gem m ttmiied you have ruiuhllliK HajH nr I til per led h.'Hrltig, anil when It l entirely cloteil .lentil.'-- i- tin rcnuit, hii.I uul."f the n (lulu tun t Ioii can he tnkcii nut Hiel tin- tuiie r. "Hi. red to Ip. iiorniHl iniidicliili heHfiiK aill lie ilefoyc.l lorever ; nine eaie. oat of ten are cnuni'd b catarrh, which notlniiR hut an iiitlaine.l condition o( the mucour ioirfa. " We will Kin one hundred dollar, for an ca-e of deafue.'. (('alined hy catarrh) that cannot la- cared hy llall'i. Catarrh I'ure -tend nir . irctiiarv free K J I'll KN K Y i d.. I In. (I sold by all druiiKim". ' Mall'- Kamily I'lllt are the licit. GOLD NUbbKTS FROM NOME. The Dunn Boyt Send Two Handtome Specimen to Their Father. Captain .loaeph Ihiiin, well known among the local brokere, n- the re cipient of two valuable ami liaiidoome nuggeta from bin two aonit, Joe and Jack, who are now at Nome, Alaaka. One of the nuggctf ih ready to lie bung a- a watch charm uud the other it at tached to a pin to he meed an a tcarf pin. The Ural ia a IMOloMB ObU I on Anvil creek and the aeconil i from the Can I diNinct. The captain in greatly pleuMed with the preaelita. lie and hit ton Joe uned to mine in the John Oay country, hut the latter aaid the gold there wat too tine, ao he would pull up and go to country where gold t'nilhl he found in chuukH. Blown to Atoms The old itlea that the laidy aouietimet ueeda a powerful, draatic, purgative pill ban been exphaled ; for Dr. kiug'a New Life Fill, which are perfectly harnileaw, gently atitiiulate liver and bowele to expel poie.inoun matter , eleanee the ayateiu and ahtolutely cure . coiiHtipatiuu and tick headache. Ouly I SSf at I'allutau V druir atore. For bale. Ou account of departure 1 offer tor sale my private houae, corner Jobueou and Webb atreet, containing eight rooinn, al.". a four riMim cottage and two i"i - near tchixil bouae. J. S Hi: IK KM AN. Yield Turnt Out Uood. Weatoti Leader : Some report, are . onnng from the harvealera iu varioua placea. At il -i i the wheat it turn iug out much better and in of a higher grade than wat expected. Hilly K. i 1 -gore, we are told, who live near Athena, ban threaded from one tield l inn buHheln, when only 7imj wat ex pected. It lookti at if the eatiiuatea of -nine expert at to the vield of Umatil la couuty'a wheat tiehU, will have to be reviaed. KT.TliouiaK,Suuiierville,Ala.,"I wae Muttering from dyapepaia when 1 com menced taking Kodol Oytpepaia Cure. I took eeveral buttlet and cau digett anything." Kodol Dyepeoeia Cure ia the ouly preparation containing all the natural digeatlve ttuida. It given weak etoinacinj entire rent.reatonng their na tural condition. Tallman & Do. M PLEGliD ARTICLES iicluding KL'nti, nu n s and ladies' gold and silver watches, loT m" k"l lb' err-a9' 9MM great variety of Jewelry tssold at extremely low prices durinL; the month of August. f2?wly lor t.,e bu&J. f Boat complete ItOCk 04 furniture, linoleum, stoves, CTOckef) and carpels. cflor plumbing and tinning given prompt attention. Joe BaslePf Main Street, Pendleton. OIL STOVES W- J. CLARKE & CO. Opera House block. FuU Line of Tents, Wagon Gvers, Anti-rust Tinware, General Hardware. PRN DLKTON'S RANKING DRPOT. AS A WOOL Likely to blaaa Thl Year at the Greateat Primary Market In the World. Several week ago, the Kant Oregon ian printed the agaertion that Pendle ton would thin year rank next to The I'a'len an the necond lanrenl nrimarv wheat market in the world. The Dallen nan been conceded the firnt place for rr,anv vearn. The fionrea now available to thin paper neem to promiae ecurelythat Pendleton will not Ih nec ond, but will jump forward to Brat place, and that the Dallen mtint here aiter rank necond. It in already annured that Pendleton will handle an a primary market more than nix million poOBdl Ol wool dur ing t ho teanon ol IU01. All of the lo cal clip ban been houne.1. and the Ho. nren are now well up to the ton. But. ah the time wool in coming from Ida- DO, Washington and pointn in Oregon not strictly local to thin town, no that the prospect in good that thin place will ntaiid at the IichiI of the lint. ReeeoBI annigned for thin change in Htattin are neveral. but thin in the chief me : The Dallen ban lont an BDorUoei amount of wool that now goen to Shan ako, from country alwavn heretofore tributary to The Dallen. The Colum bia Southern carrien thin wool from Shanako. pant The Dallen to the coant, or eaat to the Konton, St. Lou i a or Chicago markets. Much of the lighl shipping wooln f'irmerly going to The Dalles from other pointn in being taken to Port land for packing. Arlington ban cut oft conniderahle from The Dallen' yearly handling. While all these thing- are true Pen lletoii ha micceeded in increasing the amount handled here. The scouring mil'.n, the Kuminh warehouses and the Independent Warehouses company have been com, el led to put on double forces of men in order to get away with the wools sent here, and at this time. after large amounts have been shipped. fhe wheat growers are standing wait ing for room in the houses in which to store their grain. A little later in the season, the exact tiguren will be avail able, hen it is confidently expected that tbev will demonstrate that Pen dleton heads the list as primary wool market, consummation devoutly h be wished. QAMBLINQ ROW AT WESTON W. B. Roie Badly Beaten by Herman Hetael. A tow over a gambling game occurred in the White Mouse saloon Tuesday af ternoon about 'J o'clrck, in which W. K. Kiine of l'eudieioii wan hadlv beaten bv the proprietor, II. Ilessl, save the Wesion Leader. As near as can be learned from wit nesses of the affray, Mr. Lose was en gaged in iiucking at Mr M esse I a roulette wheel -a device similar to those in use al the famous Monte Carlo resort. "Hillv." as he is famil iarly known, had won about a hun dred dollars, when II easel noticed that something wrong with the wheel. Certain numbers had been panted over other numliera in such a manner that the player was given the beat ol It, the work supposedly I ig done h Kose or some confederate. 1 1 esse I advanced from behind the .vheel, seized in- customer around the neck and tMOMBded that he dingorge, which "Millw" declined Ui do. Tlie latter, who in physically unable to iter much resistance, was then choked and beaten, and thrown upon the Moor, so that the net rolled out "f his ii ickets. This was picked up by lies- sel and turned over to his bartender. Kote left the saloon minus hi win nings and with a sadly disfigured countenance, and afterward took the aitej-uniih train (or Pendleton. The assault has created much caustic comment. It is presumed tbat now that attention has been called to open gambling at Weston in this sensational manner, nubile sentiment will de mand its discontinuance. In an editorial the Leader says As to the merits of the "row" in the White House saloon, reported in our in oa- i ..'ii in ii-, the Lender r. trains I rem shariug in the numerous opinions that are Iwiug expressed. It la not aulb cieiitly familiar with the gamblers' code of ethics. But there can be no itieslioti tbat the trouble was disgrace ful, and militates against the reputa tion (or peace, dignity and morality which a school town should sustain. Don't la satisfied with temporary re lief from indigestion. Kisiul Dyspepsia Cure permanently ami completely re moves this complaint, ll relieves per manently liecause it allows the tired stomach perfect rest. Dieting won t rest the stomach. Nature receives sup plier, i nun the lood we eat. The senai Lie wav SO help the stomach is to use Kodol Dyspepsia Lure, wh. eh digests what you eat and can't help but do you gosl. Tallman iV Co. AVKRAUK WHl-Al YISLDS. erl wtve, it ha had the enVct of re ducing the weight of the grain per bushel to about 54 to M pounds. It takes a pretty good quality of No. 1 wheat at anv tune to weigh AO mun is to the bushel. Here ia where the striking peculiarity of the shriveled grain comes in this year. It has been temed on a Member el different occa sions, from a number of .farms north of Pendleton, and it goes from to rtO pounds to the bushel. Mr. Camp bell said that he himself had never seen anything like it, and tbat K. W. Ml Comas had acknowledged that he likewise had been surprised at the weight of different specimens of the wheat whicli be had tested. Will Comraenee Harvesting. Dr. Campbell will commence har vesting on next Mondav, August 6. He has ,"40 acres of redchaff and So- nora wheat, but the yield per acre can not be at this time mated with any de gree of accuracy. A few days run with the machine will give a fair idea an to how bedlf the wheat ban lieen dam aged in Middle Cold Spring. Harvest Field Notes. Andrew Jackson has finished thresh ng and has 4:!!t) sacks of No. 1 wheat to show for it. lames Williams, who resides in (Add Springs, had a yield of 40 bush els to the acre. Henrv l.orensen, one of the bee VI farmer of this county, who resides nine miles north of Pendleton, reports yield of bushels to the acre. m LAYING C0RNBRST0NB AT WBSTON. Ceremony to Be on Auguit I & by the Maiont. The ciremonvof laving the corner stone of the new normal Sobool hntld- ugwill take place August 15 next, savstbe Weston Leader. Hv teuuest, f the regents the work will be done hy the grand lodge of Masons of Ore gon, participated in bv Weston and I her neighboring stllsirdtnate lodges. We hope, before the event comes off, to publish a full program of what ll expected to transpire in this connec- ton. Idaho Lead on me North Loan Over Oregon and Washington. The agricultural department at Washington. D. C, isojed the follow ing . on. ti the wheal growing con dition of the Pacific coast: ! . .-I. kre oil an average. 4. 4 ..NJi ikim of wheat harvested in the Pacific coast region each eur. 1'he averager or the past IU yoars snow inai tun section oidiuarily will yield about 15 bu shall per acre and produce a total annual . roll of li5.U17.DM2 bUlhelt. Tl.a i.-u... v.hl ml a. li in Orouoll duriug thia 10-year period has been 17 7 hiianjklt In Washington the average yield is ii.s bushels. The Idaho yield ia Zi.H bushels per acre. ."ueakuitf of the eflect ot irrigation, l.u ,.....i an.. TIih I'biHf factor in ... a i' . u I - , curtailing the area ot wheat has Leeu the introduction ul trull, particularly in tht acrameuto valley, and the at ,.i i. IK iivHii to dairying. t; ii...... . . .... - -. W' u.i.1,.1. ia runiillv intiiiinu a strong hold iu several sections of this city, notably I., ii... W 1 1 lam ell.- vallev of Oregon where wheat is being abandoned more mnidlv than in auv other portion of Lbu region. UH W . H. CAMFdJItLL b WHKAT. Ha will Commenee Threshing on Hon day, August 6. Dr. W. K Camuoell, who lives In miles northwest of Pendleton, iu the ic'ion that three weeks ago was sup nosed to have had its wheat crop badly damaged, was a visitor iu this city ou v.nt. -Liu. and talked again regardiug the wheat situation When the doctor was here a few weeks ago, he was of the on in ion that wheat north of Pen dletou, including that of bis own, had been greatly damaged, and on venter day stated that he had not changed his .minion, hut desired to call alien lion to a peculiarity of the wheat that had been shriveled this spring, and that was iu regard to bis wheat Heretofore when wheat has been blighted from any eauae, either from lining nipped by (roat, bumped agaiunl i. TTi.i ...Tj.. a i :li. i . uv com wiunnor struct sun a noai Aecidently Shot. Chester Hamilton, who clerks in the grocery store ..! I .1 Ormund at I a irande accidentally shot himself in the right leg Wednesday, savs the 'brnnicle. He had the pistol which is kept in the store in his hip pocket and forgot to remove it when he went home Later in the evening he went for a drive and finding the pistol un comiortaide started to trannier n to a nide pocket. Iu no doing he accident My discharged it. 1 he ball entered the fleshy part of the thigh and came out above the knee. The wound is not serious and did not prevent his w Hik ing about Terrible Conditions in India. The depopulation ol India througl (amine seems to U- assuming alarming prottortiotiB. It is estimated that over ,IMKI, (foil persons III India have died. since IS.''., Iron, eauae- dirmtiv due to the famine, famine is a terrible thing ami proves conclusively tliat in essential to the Ixsly. T et It is not so much a question of how much food is eaten as how well it in digest ed. To insure iierfect digestion and btain the greatest amount of nourish ineiil i mm your food, take Ifostetter s Stomach Bitters. This is the old re liable standard medicine for the cure f stomach, liver, kidney and bowel disorders. It promotes appetite, cures vsneiiria. indigestion, const i pat ma . biliousness, and keeps the bowels r. g ular. Do not fail to give it a trial It never disappoints. Wheat Field Burned. We learn Irom Wildly Turner that acres of standing wheat, belonging to mly McKwan, who lives near 1 eer s spring, went up in smoke Kri dav. It is supposed that the tire origi nated from mat. hes carelessly dmpWHj from a brewer s wagon that panned along the road shortly before the tire was discovered. We cannot learn that the grain was in-ured and the loss will, in all probability, tie total to the wner. Weston leader Lost -Between Pendleton and Pilot Kock. a Pair of tine slums. rinder id ease eave at this oftl. e U. Hay & Co., Buy sod sell Stockn, Bond and Grain lor oasti or ou marctui. New York Stock Baxhangc. Uikagu Stock Haxhaoga. Chicago Board of Trae. Court si . ..i . .n.i. ... r. N, BERKELEY Has the following hargains 4H0 acres Al wheat laml. ;2() acres Al wheat land. 2 lots well located $20 1 lol lower Wehh street $.). WHEAT MELDS HEREABOUTS CROPS ARB SHOWING UP RBTTBR THAN BXPBCTBD. One Man Says He Has Known of Nothlns Less Than 30 Bushels Per Acre. As the returns come in from the ranches, the lact is more ami more (irmly cntablinhcd that the 1001 crop is beyond the extectal ions that were created earlier in the season. At about the time the cold winds came, there was genuine tear that the yield would be much short of that of former yearn. While it mav not 1h safe innt now to ntate that the yield will exceed thone of other vearn, it in almont nnre that thin will be n bumper crop. rhoman Thompson, who ban many acren in crop and has carefully observ ed the yields of other farms, stated to day that he had learned of no ranch that had returned less than :'" bushels to the acre, his observations extend ing mostlv throughout the district exhracing the reservation ami lands Irj the nort beast . K. K. Shaffer had a Held thai be thought ruined, but now that be ba threshed, he hndn in the warehouse from that I Ul acres 1700 sacks, which at two and one-sixth bnnheln to the sack makes an average of more than forty bnnheln to the acre. A. Kuppe, while not giving actual figures' ntated to the Kant Oregon tan that he wan nnre the yield is far better than anyone hail SB BBC ted. Numerous other farmers have made similar annertionn. Think About It. If you will only think it over vmi will go to see Martin when you want to hnv groceries. His motto in "best go.,,1- at lowest prices." Ills stock Is very large and well SB 1 00 ted. Martin ban the best bakery department in the city. CONSPICUOUS IN A BALLHOOM. Flakes of Dandruff on the Collar and Shoulders or a Oentleman In Full I Dren. This is the thing you qalte frequent ly see in the ball room a man's black dress coal literally covered with dand ruff. It must fie annoying to the wearer, and certainly not a pleasant thing to ihserve. Hut dandruff can he eradicat ed. It is a germ disease that will some dav cause baldness. ReWbfO'l Herpicide kills the hair destroying germ, and stimulates the hair to a rich, abundant growth, it does more keeps the hair soft and pliant. Furthermore. Herpi ide is a most pleasant toilet accessory: pleasing lol. ami calling to the scalp. HOT WEATHER BARGAINS VI OUK Midsummer Sale A A Thin Dress Goods Summer Wash Goods Ladies' Summer Neckwear JfTall at itore tnd ge)t lArge sheet of parttculaiH' it toemi with BARGAINS. t ft w it THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Agenti Butttrwick I'.itt Til? A. C SIM k CO. W. J. liWBLL) Manager. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LUMBER DEALERS Yard on Webb Street Optsieite Hunt Freight Desd We are prepared to furnish anything in the Itimlier line ami can guarantee prices to be as cheap, if not cheaper than others. We also carry a large line of Disirs, Windows and Moulding. Parties oontemplat iug building will do well to see us before placing their orders. We also i.arry Cam-ado Ked Kir wood. Phone Main Mi Call up: No. 5 for Wood, Coal, Brick and Sand. MANHOOD RESTORED hi VllstllJttT. t1ifpfi"arrltiiit of f inM4M r roo. h pitfall t'i. wi I iiil cupiDinr 1 tilt Srxal V star at at. V H ttii'i-r, I hi n -'t 1 1 -I inn tif n f .nion Kron i ti i ji nil. i I uuii kir rural vihi r tli-' i us ! it HiM Hi ih tiiliip if tin. hiii 1 1 ik. I.sistft Hesihiiud I as BHB eat I BV, InIiis) In lite- HmcIi, MreeiliiNl ssilotl.iiie St ruma Pliemeei - Ti-a. . . ineu-ne. iirmii... -. , m n..lss.l. ' t.h It If ii. I i lifs'hi-tl SJMV SBWSV I I ..toiia al I litnn,.-. I.v ll.. v or i Itt. I. I'r. v .-tt i . .. . TVJeeW '' ' u t" S" ' an. I nil Ite. I. rriimif .. - ... I l- in 1 : . '.'nw 1 1. a II v . r, Hie k i.t.i. n an.l tin urinary urgaut ul all lii..iiriu.'n. l f I in ...... , u,..lw an.l r.lnre I . m, , . , ,. . I tin reason suiTSrers sr. .1 cure. I hjr Poetors lheru.a no ..r ..-.! are tnsit.inl with trtllllla OrriPKNK t'.s . v known renin!. In rare wltlHiul -i upsra snu i. ,t tni. a wrliiea (iiaranlee given an i mi.- . v r. inn . .1 if s ..lueauut ellivl a n nuaiitui . ura. Il.uu a nul.S hit SktSj f mall, hemt fur rn k K . Irenl ir au.l lci.1 liiit.i. nils, A.l.lmna . VOL Ml.lll INK ., I' O. Bol STS. Han FraiaStutt'aL von -vis- hv r v i.i.m in .ten . tiiti'iiuix. I'stxui rnis, nHSieinM. FORKS LOW DOWN I ANk IH!WS. LACE LEATHER SUCTION HOSE ROPES, STEEL CABLE, ETC : : EVERYTHING - FOR - HARVEST BOLTS HANSFORD & THOMPSON, II AKDWAKK MIROH VNTS Main Strcel. Fcndlctun. Ore - . J'J toront.. i V3 v I I WW From Palace to Cottage you will liml o n sii k of enrpels ggel naMitljf nemprebenslyg to nseei tU epeel il. ai loim. The Kugllab of Utle seeBseeesil la tlila: We , .hi -'ipply you with mat ling-; ruga uud cut pels for u -uninier eol luge or g aIntel in ui-ion , can furnish the very best to be bud anywhere, uud will 'barge you little m " than you w ill p iv laetvbere for Inferior gradea. Agent for While sew ing ma. bine. l uilei liik. t-' supplies always on hand. JESSE FAILING. Hold SI. Cue (IHO. OAHVIiAC, Prog KHUdBtlyurDhHed Sleem. .Heated i in nn an flan. mi., k and a half frotsi dooot. sen .i c ktoom In connection Room Rale mk 75c. $L(W AMERICAN PLAN. $.1.00 per Day and UpwardH I Inest HttUl In the I'a. in. (Northwest. Also a dig list of town and county property cheap. Telephone Vi. ALLEN BROS., Wood and PoaU. Delivered Pioiuptly frtoes Kighi fir aud i an.uiaiack Poalt Woed ulot auu dry, Ottics) rear.of Kaviugs Kank. PKN DI.K ION , . OKKUOM Neavy Hauling SpgaJeJ StUlllllOD given Ui i.'outlguuiaula Laatz Bros. PendletonMachine Shop and Foundry All kinds of ma. Liner) re paired. Hraas and Iron castings of all kinds made on short notice General Jobbing and Blaokemlthlng Baltezoret tv Howe, Junction of Court and Alt Streets ! Special Kates to ha tern Oregon people vlsttlnj furtlaud. iteedquarUi for tourist ana commercial iraveiere. n. v. ii I I I I i I i ' I I K rVT 1 pi m Tl. AND, CjHICtitJN TRANSFER, TIUCKJUNG, ST C) R AG E. CR0WNER & SON. LOANS SKA US! i ai.aruoNg main i. on WHKAT LANDS At in wfii 1 1 $;.fiO to $5 Delivered J- I ll K Sk ( I rder of us and save money . e IV. I1VjIVO11 Orders for Kubber ..tamp. also solicited.. EAST OK EfiON IAN PUB.tX l ast Oregonlan Building , PeMdIetwn, Orcgoo. tNotary and Corporation For Health, Strength and (1 I tl annua, . I BaaSaalj I ' ricaauic ui iiiiv Polydore Moens, Proprietor. itv mwi m u ummiii uLLii.