East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 03, 1901, Image 1

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rir InUM ni BBRdJee
I"""" ' s
NO. 419.1
1 ft H 1
i jv rw o m
L buy Groceries
have Wl
... -mi ran
. HUM irom- CH
M. , I. ii L' i
oih in fancy ami Ntaplfl
, R. Demott
530 pairs Fancy Lisle
Hose, were 75c, now
JJl,n WfH card
"'""'tn cur address v ar
triages and go-cart -
a-thpicks, 5c.
im tablets, blank books
jjj 3c a dozen tor
"fwllt-veivwi,,-,, tor 5l
meik a down
R4nes. fanes goods, i
'1Lms, hue h.udol.ons,
mbb awMtaod shoo-
:t,,Qt,0t Iron,,
P.ake plato.
tafJM, 15c to 6yc
found f.
IBJbV u mra .piabty
J for fa
ley linp.-nals,
to us,
Radical price concessions
on our entire stork of
Summer Dress floods
Waist Materials
and Shirt Waists
tyfa ire ready to nkmt out itook of MitUBMf dre good
Mid xliirl witotoj nnd 111- recent warm day are -iittl-i-Mil
winning f tfieultaumrirar need.
Think of crlap, new and dainty Mntltim, Lfawna ami
Bortnahi ul five wnU b yard' ' n mind hIuumi incred
ible, fbf Dtmlttoa wm never sold tor bo little before,
IHtnlttoa and Lawn- uafw g-o ui (r i vie, and ihe
pAttettMiMvar gM old. Veur after raw Ue little llg
urcs, the dnt- Hint striM- iiiv ili-mtitiiled. other fabric
change and de-ign-go out ..r dale. Not with the
Dimities. Vou can Imy todAJ lot next spring, know
log t hat t he pattorni m -1 Will be as pretty ami
lr.M'ra If you waiter! anl paid double the price next
veni .
The Boston
lale of Fancy Hosiery.
Sale Commences Tuesday
endleton's Big Busy Store,
To make good bread use Byem' beat flour. It took brut
premium at the Chicago World's Fair over al I competi
tion, and given excellent aatiidactiou wherever used.
Kvery aack if guaranteed. We have thtt hotit SUtain
Kolled Bailey, Soed Hyv and Btuirdleea Harluy.
W. S. BYERS, Proprietor.
"See Dem Freezers"
I have a full Hue of
The Peerless Ice Cream Freezers
from one pint to ten quarts, will freeze cream
in from three to five miuute; alo have a full
line of fishing tackle, hammocku, etc. See my
line before buying
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man.
Await nu here,
& Hexter,
240 pairs Fancy Silk
and Lisle Hose, were
$1.00 per pair, now
..Bound 10 Make an Impression..
V()l' should try our pastries; you
w ill sun K l impressed by their
goodm ss, I bey are the perfection
of Laking delicacy, and are the most
appetizing of luxuries. We use the
best Hour, and ripe, sound, perfect
fruits anJ berries. These pastries are
healthful as well as appetizing, and we
lalM special pride in making them so.
I In commenting on the naval contro
versy, . .1. Bryan take the side of
Rear-Admiral Schley, giving him cred
it for the vittory at Santiago.
A Hoer commando, with two gnus,
has entered the Portiiguene territor ,
Maplag a linaneU. Five hundred
Portuguese troop are already at
The contest committee of the ui
Obili Blab of America estimates that
100 motor vehicles will start on the en
durance tour of the clnli from . n
i York to Ruffalo on September 9.
It is lielieved the king and uileen of
Kngland will visit Ireland next April,
ami will probably open the interna
tional exhibition which is being or
ganised in fork.
When a reporter mentioned the
"1904 Roosevelt club." recently or
ganized in Kansas City, Roosevelt re.
ceived the information with a nod but
MMta no remark regarding.
K. Lawrence iiodkin, formerly edi
tor Ol the New York IvmIm Tost.
: and famous for his phillipics against
i hual piditical organiiations, Is oyini
of Bright 's disease in a little London
The fact tliat (General Mil es on
Thursdav reached his sixty.second
birthday afforded the gOMlp of Um
department an opportunity to mildly
revive the rumors of nis pOMlblw re
tirement. The letter-carriers are ven
treated by 1 1 ... IOMHBIBI tlMM &f9,
heiniKallowed 15 days' vacHfion iv.r
yesr, with BO liench clerk to limit the
tune the nhall devote to rent and rec
reation each day, and a substitute being
paid to do their work.
Dr. Sueriug Hers l, a member of the
Meteorological institute, Berlin, has
just completed a halloou ascent during
which he reached a height of ::L60u
feet. The lowest recorded temperature
was 40 degrees lieloa tero. Fahrenheit.
While the decision of the navy de
partment as to what dihHsit ion shall
lie made ol the receiving ship Ver
mont, now stationed at tne Brooklyn
navyyard, has not been announced, it
is considered probable that the hulk
will he to o. out to sea aad burned.
Tne monthly comparative statement
of the government receipts and expend
itures shows that the receipts lor July,
ltfUl, amounted to IM.giO.MO, and the
expenditures $.':.', ;u7, v.ni, which leaves
a surplus lor the month ol .... hi, as ,
against a deficit for the month of Julv,
liXIO, of 4,iKio,uXX).
A Vienna paper in an interview
with lb n Bitxa, chairman of the
Shoemaker's (iuild, on the project fori
opening American retail sins, shops in I
Austria. Merr Bitza says the Ameri- I
cans can sell '.iV per cent cheaper than
the local makers. The excitement
among the latter increases, and vio
lence It talked of if the projet-ted shops I
are opened.
James McKeown, aged Js.an old resi
dent of I'ortlaml, was Killed by BOO tMl
with a live wire July 27, on Bonanza
Creek, Alaska.
Warden Catron, of the Washington
state peuiteutian at Walla Walla, will
make an effort to obtain artesian water
at the prison by luring a well.
The first free rural mail delivery in
Walia Walla county Is-gau operations
Thursday. The route is to the country
lying weat and south of Hie nt v, and is!
a round trip of 2b miles.
Thomas H. Merry, the well known
newspaper man, and wife, are in
Portland, en route to Kurope. .Mr.
Merry for tie. past 10 years lias been
engaged in journalism in Los Angeles.
ira Turner was shot and killed
Thursday evening, la Deadman's
"iuIcIi, eight miles from Miseoula,
Montana, by Henry Nudaon.his father-in-law.
Nudsou says that Turner was
beating his wife at the time he was
Joseph McKee,s wel I know n i'ortlaml
saloon man, has Med a petition in
bankruptcy in the 1'niled States court
iiis total liabilities are placed at
117, t:J, with total assets. 477i. Mc
Kee's largest creditor is W. J. Van
Kchuvver, whose claim is plad at
Klwood S Brown, youngest son id
Kev. Oeorge ii. Hrowu, hirmerly of
l'ortland, uoa of Chicago, was elected
pr.sidenlof the National Anti-('igar-ette
League at the convention held in
Buffalo, July 11-14. ihere are alsiut
:iuU,uuU hoys and girls under 2 years
of are enrolled in this league.
Will du BlUCh t" develop a in-.. u'ui
bud) Bui the strength ol tin i-h is
not to Ik- measured ty its Uiuat'la but b)
iu hUl. ii the blotsl i impure
body, in piu ol its )..lk and UniWB, fall)
an i as iie l dik-
I .1'
I here is no awdi
I III! I UU1 tO I 'Ol lOl
Ptttin'i ioblw Mad
leal lioer loi
the purif)ing o! the
blood. It cuiiics off
tin s.iwns w I. i I.
coiitainiuate the ltfc
fiuid It 'iu 1 1 .in.
lln Rflllvit) ol the
tiluadaakiuu glaad
and givch 'In ha )
..ii UKfcaaad - upti i
Ol pUK . Issl I uild
utg Buod l Iniilds
o p the ! . eitb
vnind. In aHb) flasjl
iukleat ol ftaboy fat,
promMM Uu app
nu, feeds tic. ii' i is
.tud so givut i" " all
navviMM paopla vital
ity and igui
There is .i.i olml
contaiuad iu "I -older
Medn al DisLoverv."
Slid it is ahaoiulrly Iree Irol.i opium,
loiaiue nd all olhei n. in otic.-. v
1 i.-el ii my dar.y lo writ. ( . . i .r ill. smmi
diiiui iin.i'ot isasers ia yus Gol4es Mad
ical uiwov.ii 1 ' writes 'ii"ii;i a licu'Ursqa
Kso of lieaawd, Co FUaidj. "I Uail
Ubfl LffVise uii my nglil saf ami my lismd was
I....IU .nit ol ordt-r 1 tried ji al doctors tail
with uu s'al result.-, l-iuatly I wruO "U th
uarticulsrs iu lay case and )'ai a'Uihtrt jwn
i, nil. i n Mertu.il Uiseovery. which 1 tM-gaa l
take 1-iiiin the Iu i txittU I txguii i i i In!
la ii. ami i. in a I had taken eight lajtilea the
sure was healed up. 1 wih ou ui.c."
r Pierce's Common Sensa Medical
Advlsci jn BtpH MVMU, is RtUl '' ON
receipt ol i oin i eiil riaUUpt Ul Jiay
ex pel i -a ol mailing onl Addie9 lit.
at V Flcie. butlalo. . V.
End of Strike at 'Frisco Not
at Hand.
Workmen Arc Not Disposed To Mike
Further I'lDressloos to Kmployers
-aii FrMMlMOk Aug. t. I'lans ne
ROtiUtloDR to end the strike apparenth
are no further along than they were
two ditvs ago. No OOOlUMIKR was had
this morning, ft is definitely announc-
eil the strike will not lie ilechireil oft
today. Ma TO! I'hehtn still is MHMM
oring to effect a compromise, lie will
llMM a statement this afternoon. Km
ployers have still relnsed to make con
cessions. Striking ollicials state that
they refuse to make further conces
sions, and threaten, if an agreement ol
some kind he not reached by tonight,
to call off negotiations for teace. In
case ol the latter, it is probable tin
result will be a general strike of union
ists in accordance with resolutions
passed last night authorizing the ex
erutive committee of the trades conn
nls to call out anv or all the hundred
tin mil - represented to assist the trik
Labor Lsadsrt t on tsr With Moraan.
New York, Aug. II. The llfteen
members ol the Amalgamated execu
live committee who left I'ittshurg la-'
night arrived here this morning for a
conference with .1. I'. Morgan ami
other otllcials of the steel corporation
The conference was to clear up the
mvsterv mid get a closer understanding
of the conditions surrounding the
proposition of Morgan to settle the
still strike. Before (lie conference be
gan. the committee said they had the
iilinosl conlidence in President siiatter.
The contereiice was held in the steel
corporation's ntlires. Before entering,
President Shaffer sa I he t.-lt conlidenl
the outcome of the conference would lie
satisfactory to all concerned, but he
refused to enter into a discussion of
the facts ol the settlement of the lie
got iat ions
President Schwab received tin- party
cordial I v and then the ihsirs were
barred. J. P. Morgan was not present
when the conference Is.gsn, but arriv
ed soon after.
Status at Noon.
Ni-w Vorfc. Aug. i. -Tim conference
ended at lit 40 D. m. I or Vinalga
mated u. en decideil to bold a confer
ence ol determine whether or not to re
sume the conference with the trust
After adjournment of the joint con
ference, tin- Amalgamated committee
went into secret session. The steel
trustees, so it is learned, informed the
committee they expected an answer by
4 o'clock. It will he given them and
th MBMM m'II leave for home to
night. Korean's Aliened Ulllmstum.
New York, Aug. I. Ii is reported i si
Wall street that baton 1. P. Morgan
Jell i h conference he delivered an ul
timatum to the Amalgamated commit
tee denying tb.-ir requeat and giving
them until : o'clock to refuse' or accept
the pMsisals of sett lenient . It was
considered probable from the evident
teiiiier of the men that tliey would not
accept Morgan's term.
lanorss Ihs Heal Orlavsncs.
New York, Aug. ii. I). Q, Item, one
ol the steel trust ollicials, i- credited
with having said that Morgan's propo
sition to the strikers is that they re
turn to work at last year's scale wages
According to this, Morgan has ignored
the real grievances of the stnkwrs.
Machinists Orisvsnes.
lacoma, Wash., Aug. .'(. The 'fa
coma Machinist' union sent the fol
lowing telegram to President Mi Kin
ley :
"Moran ltros.( at ItopMto, with a
strike on involving all the iron work
ers, have Iteen awarded a government
con tract, while men on the government
work at Bremerton have been laid oil
oil account of lack of work. A mem
her ol the Metal trades association
here made a statement la-fore witness
es that the association has influence
with the administration ami thut that
inltui nee has brought alsiut a ( bauge
iu plans.
" (Signed. )
ihe (act that the contract for the re
pair ol the ftoWBTd has beat! awarded
to the Morans while the force ol men
'it Brem.-rton naval station has lawn
reduced led to the relsirt (panted and
the machinist accordingly forwarded
the telegram.
extension of Strike frobaul.
I in Amalgamated coiiiuiiltoe issued
a statement this aflermani in which
it was said that the others of the steel
Corporation!, instead of MMBslBg ne
gotiations wiiere they were susiidd
at the ren-nt conferences, have with
drawn lln- proine 1 1 lous made at that
time and now oiler much less than
they agreed to stand for then. The
proposition of the steel eoproratioji,
the statement says, was that the scale
for one year shall lie sigmsl. I in
Amalgamated olticials, in their BOM
ter pfOpoeitioB, asked that the scales
be signed for none but those mills
which are organized and whose men
employed to Work have sighilie.d their
desire to join the organisation this
modification of the original demand
was made because the steel ollicials de
clared that the Amalgamated wished
to forte the men into the organization
aagiust their will. The Amalgamated
asked that all other matters be left tor
consideration by conference. The com
mittee returns to Pitteburg tonight to
prepare a plan of action which will
probaly mean an extension of the
Berl LI Improves.
Pekiu, Aug. (. -Id Hung Chang, who
was reported dangerously ill yester
day, is better today.
Arthur (iihaou will arrive home
from I .el. man springs tbis evening to
he iu readiness to go to work on con
strucllou of F F. Judd's new reel
dunce on next Monday.
Reported by I. L. Ray A Co.. Pendlaton.
I'hisaeo Hoard or Trada and Naw York
Stoek Bxshanea Brokers.
New York, Aug. !. -The wheat mar
ket was lower at the opening this
morning, but Ihe early prices were the
lOWUBf of the itav, and the close showed
II adVBJMB oi I teg from the DBsMiBgi
There was no foreign markets M ac
count el holiday. New York OpejMd B(
r:t "i-s, and (dflBBd at 74'4. t'orn open
I at 'it an. I closisl ill. The BlBAHtl
for the w-ek were ll,4li:t.;ttkl, compared
with l,HT0H for same week Usl vear.
storks lower.
Money, I),
Close yesterday, 74.
pen tislay, 7:1 ft-S.
Range tislay, 7;t fM to 74',.
Close toady. 74.
Stocks: Sugar, 186), sleel, 4:1 .
Si. Paul. IM)b , I . P., t7.
Wheat In I hleaeo.
filling", Aug i Wheat, . to
I , i
Maryland Dsmoerats In Stat tonvsntlon
t onsldar ths Issue.
Halt itnore, Md., Aug. '..-The demo
omtll state convent ton, which conven
ed here veslenliiv, declared thai tlu
purpose of the part v. i f siiccessfii I in
the "le tioii, is lo eliminate the ne
gro Iran politics iu Maryland, ii such
a thing be pOBBlbto under the constitu
tion of the state. On Ibis paramount
issue ol the campaign will stand the
candidates nominated for state olln es
and those chosen In the various rutin
to an! district conventions as candi
dates foi place-, in the legislature of
1908, winch body will elect a Dulled
-tales senator to niccced fieorgR I..
Well ingtoii.
I Inn his successor, in the event of
democratic victory, will be Arthur P.
UOfflMBi is settle. I lieyolid .ileslion,
although no formal announcement of
his candidacy has yet Isen made.
The purpose for which the conven
tion met was to select candidates (or
the o dices of comptroller and clerk of
the OOUrl of appeals. Dr. Joshua W
Herring of Carroll and J. Frank Ttir
ller of Tallsit were renoin i nstitl fur
t hese ollioes.
War Ultlcs Daolaras on Boycott Aaalnsl
Thai fapsr.
LottdOfBi Aug. 8. -The contest be
tween the war ofltos and the Haily
Mail term iUB ted IB a victory for the
The war ollice ... I not only cut out
the hails Mail's South Atricau casual
ty lists and other olhcial new-, but had
also ordered the VBtiOM news agencies
not t mpplj the paper with any olll
cial infor unit ion dislrihule.l from the
Wer olln e
Thereupon, the Dully Mail sued the
new- agencies, under its contracts, to
compel them of deliver the now-
I'll" war olhce then held back hullo
tins BBtll near the hour lor the morn
ing papers to go to press.
I Ins raised s storm of protest from
the jirovincial (utpers and the war olli
ce finally capitulated and called off
the laivcott.
Musi Suppress Rsvolullon In Latin Am
srloan Lountrles.
Wasbingion, Aug. It - Hinted States
marines may ls called on to suppress
the revolutionary moye on the Isthmus
of Panama A war vessel will be sent
lo watil' the Interests ol the Tinted
lat. s during the troubles in enein.
la and Colombia. If It develops that
the trouble has not BUM I taggcratad,
more warships will he sent. The
I nited Mates is DOOUd by trealv lo
keep traltic across Ihe Isthmus open to
the world
The American consul at Colon has
w.m.I il, n state department that Ihe
railroad between thai place and Pana
ma likely will he interrupted
Had Mssn Oririlna al Sss tor Several
San Francisco, Aug l Ihe steam
Bl lapia IrOBI en DiugQ arrival in
port this morning, lowing the disabled
traueposi i . ..i.-.i
Waslooglou, Aug. .1. Ihe war de
partment receiveil a telegram this af
tofUOOB aiiuouneiiig the sale arrival at
-an Juiiiin.il ol Hie tranepi.it "l.en
nox,'' which had lawn drillng al sea
with broken inachiuery for -everal
I urn hois Phillips Hopss lu Hssuius by
Meat Wash.
t'hiiago, Aug. B, Work oh the bisika
of Corn King I'hillipii coutiiiuee. A
elaleinel't will Ire BUM '' Wisln.ie.lay.
Iiiiiiiedial.ly thereafter, in case the
11 rin is solvent, they will be able lo i.-
SUIlie business.
Hi. I.jii Men and NonuutonlSlS Su up Si
Wellsvllls. Ohio
Weilsville O Aug. I I he Ural
serious trouble in the Amalgsmaled
strike occurred here this morning,
when US) strikers surrounded a board
lug house where six lion union men are
living. The men swarmed into the
ai -I ami worn met by the boarding
house keeper, who held them al hay
with revolvers. Several ehots were
tired and stones were thrown, but so
far as known BObodf ae injured.
Non-union men are said to have lired
tin- shots, which . an. -i .1 the strikers to
scatter. They rallied, however, and,
closing iu on the non-unionists, cap
tured several of Ilium, preventing thorn
from going to work. The strikers,
who were mostly armed with clubs,
retreated when the mayor and police
arrived. I be excitemein contiuutd ai
white heat
I. .ter, the wife of the board lug
liouae keeper, armed with a revolver,
went into the crowd of strikers and
dared them to touch her. She then
took the men who were boarding with
her to the mill, walking beside them
with the revolver m baud and daring
the alrikers to interfere.
uiun i in hi' ni
Miners Clean up For Month Was
The Bullion Wts Belon BrouHhl out and
Between Sumptfr
md Gnoite.
Baker t ttv, Aug. ,, stt,.in,t In
dav to rob liislfrey faber of the Rsj
Bov mine's niouthlv clean up ag
gregating ao.OOO, between Humptei
and laranlto, failed, It is BBdoretaaal
the bullion was in another huggv con
taming tiislfrey's hrothee and wits
Tliree maskisl men made the attempt
Struck Hard Rlowe si ths Bsrklsy
Suinmsr Sshool.
Berkley, Calif., Aug I. At the
i losing session of -iiminer sclnsil st the
Cnieersftv of t 'slifornia. James l.arl
Ktlsmdl, dean ol the teacher . ol lege
and Bfoleejor ol hlttorj and edooetion
at Oolnbula nolreralty, struck outa
hard blows al the toMblag pfofeej
He celled teachers the most narrow
and bigoted set of BOBBta on the earth
He said that thev were nnsillaniui
and cringing and an them of u-
ing. as a class totally unlit and nu
prepsred (or the work thev were pre
tend nig to do.
Although the hall was tilled in great
part with teachers attending Ihe sum
liter school, the professor's remark,
were well received He spoke o( bin
sell and of the teaching profession.
Last orthsssrlsi Saw Lawion Inds
Uetssisd. Bronl. m's Point, It. I., Aug. B. I'I.e
Imlepeii.'ei i e a i I t liimbia ..tiled to
day in the last race ol the series Pre
dictions were made thai the lnda.nd
ence would win. A tlfteen-kilOt bfBBBB
was blowing when the racers came up
to t he slarl .
The Imlepeiiilein e went over the line
llrst when the -tartlug whistle was
blown, foil itesd a lew seconds laler by
the Columbia
BrOU too' I Point, Aug. I, The I'ol
umhia won, crossing the line two uiiu
utes ahead ol the iBilapendpnoi
Ths Bmnsi-or l anesll All Krufsssiiieiili
si s t onssiiuanos.
Berlin, Aug. I'owager Fmpress
irederick is in a critical condition
ami the end is near, lu neo,uuie of
his mother's condition, the emissror
has cam el hsl all eugagemeuls, includ
ing Ihe reception to fount Wsldersee,
which will now he a tame affair
Adulterated UIIH to Be I onflssalsd.
t'bi.ago, ng. i. -Ail n Iterated milk
ami cream are to be cnuhacated 111 the
future at the receiving dcata .if all
railways. The diteorafy ol lormelme
at the receiving depots will result ill
the s.o in re of the can and the dump
lug of its contents into the nearest
gutter. In order to slop the . Iran, e
of drugg.sl milk and . ream into Chi
cago, Com m i -e u mer of Health Roll to)
has adopted Ihe plan of testing the
milk aa it is unloaihsl tmm trams and
before It is distributed to dealers.
Mlehasl Oavlll Arrives.
New York, Aug. B Michael Ha
vitl, the BOtod Irish agitator, errivwd
from Southampton tielay and will
make a number of spBBebej throunhoiit
ihe Dulled Mtetes.
Had Hie Hand IBBtlBBBeV
Henry A. Kurt was engaged ill run
ning a wreath saw al -ah-m when a
knot in Ihe timber was struck, a piet'o
ol the board dying back and striking
Ihe back ol the young man's tell baud
completely altering the thumb ami
the tlrel tliree llngere of the baud lie
tween the second and third ioiuta,
neceeelLallug their leuioval
Are you going
lor B . .it allull' II St) you kbnlllil
t all in and si r our shoes
luu ibein loi tlit- mountains, lor
the be. n b unit lor every kind o
Harvettt Shoe.
llAVI lh liiiyest Sloi k id
-ilous loi lidiyt:st wear in I'einlle
tog) intl guuruiitcc ever) puii w
Kt nn. in Ik r "" iiihI siiiiiiiier
salt- is in full Mig Bgrd we t an
Httve you lioin 151 to ft is. on
j every pair of shoes you buy-
The Peoples Warehouse
jib Main Street. I' luiit-ioii, Or.
I'niiws TBe