East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 02, 1901, Image 4

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    FRIDAY, AH(ii:sT 2. 1H01.
Ladies' Button Shoes
Hlaea 2 to I
50c Per Pair
.40 Pair Laidies' Black
. . OXFORDS . .
Hiaen )4 to 6 lit
Why wear your niM shoe
to the mountains when you
can luy hIiouh at them
Vractical Root and Hhoe Men
J as A. Howard. Kami loMMi
Now H.IO bonks now 1.M. H
Mack (or Teal sprintc- tolaoliODa
Mam n.
Huy your window -mid.- at
91 ahirt waists, now -IWi . i,'i. n
Hroa. Dry (iood Co.
$ti duck anils, now $L'.tn. Oil
Hros. Ory tio.sls Co.
Have your pictures trained . latest
tylM at Murpiiy'i.
Hi-yu squaw tfloves. MMOMIm BOd
headed hairs at I law ley's.
Free concert at Wakefield ,v Fail
intl'i" every even inn
New desiitns in wall put
Murphy' paint store.
fee tin' f HiKi buhy grand K
field it Falling's music store.
Harvest and camping- supplies of all
kind- and low prices at HawlevV
We are closing out truit jar- at OOtH
at tile Standard Grocery Co.
l'ianoe anil organs sold on eav paj -n.ent
at Wakelield A Pel log's.
You ean save money now dy mtvin
your jars at the Standard grocery.
First class wheat pasture to- oettla
and horses. Impure ol l'cter West.
26c summer goods to close at ISW
per yard. Cleaver Hros. I r i
Hee the largest stock o( niauos evet
eihihiteii in this city at Wakehol.l t
hailing s.
Midsummer sale of wash koo.Ii. OOSs
half price. ' Cleaver Hros. Dry
tioodi Co.
Roiled ham, root laser in package
loaches, apricots, hlackherrie, water
and muskmulous at Hawley's.
Finest hams ami lard on tin- market.
Home product; try it, lie guarantee.!
Hcli wars A Oreulicli.
Household liirmture (or sale. In-
lUire at the residence ol ( Clements
on Mill street.
Lost - Between l'.llldleloli and Piiol
Rock, a pair of tin- shoes. Finder
please leave at tin- 0aV i
Ice cream (or parties aud Imige
eociablaa at special prices, quality
guaranteed. Candv DuttOD
Natural Mineral Water delivered (or
-iv half gallon, .i..c gallon, container
ultra. Brock A McComas Co.
Creacent bicycle on the instal Inii'iit
plan at the Crescent agency in the ham
tiregouian building, payment fl a
week, no interest.
lruik Natural Mineral Water it will
save a doctor hill; 2Uc half gallon. Mc
gallon, delivered, container extra, at
Hrock A McComas Co.
At bed time 1 take a pleasant herh
drink, the next uiorniug 1 (eel bright
aud my complexion is better. My
doctor says it acts gently on tie
stomach, liver and kidneys, aud la a
pleasant laxative. It is made from
herbs, and is prepared as easily as
lea. It is called Lane's Medicine
aUM'l Family Medicine moves the
bowels each day. Price 26c and 6Uc.
For aate by Talman a Co., sob- agaota.
Waterman's fountain pens. Nnlf's.
Try our Mineral Water, ii in health
fill and refreshing. Hrock a McComas
For sale at a bargain, a short counter
and shelving, both new. Applv corner
water .V Johnson streets.
Kvervthing vou will want in the
vegetable line lor vour Sunday dinner
Chicken-, dressed or alive. Leave
your orders or telephone. ;. R. I)e
Lost, Imtween I'endleton and Hall I
one sorrnl horse with harness on
Finder please hrinu said iinimai in to
the ha" iiregomaii and gel reward.
Chas. R. Arhard, of the Flexinh
Mat t o.. k i in 1 1 request aii peraoni
who have ordered these mats, to meet
Ii i in t r rel Nnlf's store on Hatiirday
August 3.
Kruptinns, ruts, hums, scai.1- anil sores
of all kinds quickly healed by lieWitt's
Witch Maze I Salve. Certain cure for
piles. Beware of counterfeits. He sure
yon get the original --I'eWitt's. Tall
man A Co.
over 16,000(000111 be dlatlbo tad
by i'ortland hanks, in the next eight
days, in closing the deal r.v which the
I'acitic I'acking v Navigation compiny
secures control of the twenty-six sal
mon canneries on I'uget Sound and
Alaska. It is understood the deal will
lie closed tins week .
Mrs. R. H. I'rice, aged :W. laOMd
(rom the I'roctor-street bridge in Fa
coma and was dashed to death mrainst
the rocks in the gulch '." feet below.
She wa- well known in social circles,
and had been ill for several months
It is believed despondency, resulting
from the condition of her health, was
repponsihle lor the act.
I'. I riinnia.iimterville,Ala.,"l wa
siillering from dyspepsia when I com
BMOBOd taking Kodol liyspepsia Cure.
I took several liotties and ran digest
anything" Kodol liyspepsia Cure is
tin only preparation containing all the
natural digestive fluids. It give- weak
stomachs entire rest, restoring their na
tural condition. Tiillman d Co
HKCKIVEI1 Ills MAIISKK R 1 1 I . h .
C . J.
Ktrnuion Now Has the Waapori He
Carried Durlni the War.
Charles ,1. Ferguson a few days ago
received hv express from the Philip
pines the Mauser rifle which he cur
ried during the Spanish war in the
islands I BUM from (lencral Hell
under whom Mr. Ferguson served in
the secre: service when Mr. Hid I rank
ed as a maior.
It is of the type of rule used hv
inaiiv of 'he men and is lilted witii
labia for shooting at -ism yards. It
will carry even farther than thai. Mr.
Ferguson has some of i he Mauser am
muni' ion brought home when lie re
turned from the Philippines and will
trv the weapon again next Sunday.
Feather Dusters.
The- largest and liest line
of feather dusters ever
displayed iii i'ciidle-ton.
If the action of your Isiwels is not
easy and regular serious complications
must he the tlnal result. KeWitt's Lit
tle F.arly Risers wii remove this dan
ger. Sale, pleasant and effective l'all
maii .v. Co.
Holders ot the Preferred Receive (mar
antaed Ten Per Cent Today.
The Pendleton Wool Scouring and
Packing company today paid the an
nual dividend of ID per cent on the
llo.OUD of preferred siock that was is
sued when th inipany was formed.
This stock was guaranteed to pay an
nuallv ID Hr cent and has each year
therefore vntlded that amount to the
The mills are doing a rushing husi
n -- tin- year and will break all pre
lOBl records (or the handling of wool.
Alrea ' more than three million
pound- have i ii hroughi to the mills
and in addition considerable more will
hi received during the balance ol the
seas i on.
). ii. Huck, Hemic, Ark., says: I was
troubled with constipation until I
bought HeWitt's Little Early Risers.
Since then have lieen entirely cured of
ni old complaint. I recommend them. I
I all man A. Co.
Baker County Maehinemen Form a Union
and Bstaoilkh Prieet.
The Kaat Oregouian's Haker City cur
r--i oiidenl sends today tin following
regarding the formation of a thresher
men's union there:
linker City, Aug. 'J. - Threshing ma I
chine opataiotl of the Powder vail ey 1
have formed a tbreahers' union, aud
lixed the price to be paid (or thin
work For threshing oats and barlev
a charge of I cents ier bushel will be
made, 4 cents (or wheat and 6 cents
i lor rye. if the farmer furnishes his
own crew , anil if the thresher runs a
co.,k wagon and provides his own help,
the prices will hi- B cents (or oats and
barley, .V. cents for wheat and 7
cents lor rye.
Farmer- have been discussing the
advisability oi securing threshers from
I'liioh counts, or Walla Walla, hut
nave taken no definite action. Thresh
er- here state that they do not tear
such u move, as the cost for machines
and price for threshiug will be much
greater than the farmer think.
Inquiry here in I'endleton discovered
that the prices ruling in I'matilla
county are. wheat, H cent a bushel.
narie , cents. Scarcely any rye or
oats are raised. Home of the latter is
produced in the vicinity o( Weston
These prices are lor threshiug hv ma
chine men who (iirnith everything
Practically all ol the grain is tnrenhed
under such an arrangement
Notiae lu l onlrastor.
liaaiad ptopoaali will ! rwuievd at
Wheeler's photo studio up to ii o'clock
p. m. of August . for the erection
of a two storv building accordiug to
plain.- and ipaoittflatiOM on exhibition
at Wheeler's photo studio. The right 1
is reserved to reject anv or al bids for
MM work
Hated August J, 1WU1.
lu case- of cough or croup give the
Utile one One Minute Cough Cure.
Then rest easy aud have no fear. The
child will be all right in a little while.
It never tails. I'leasant to take, always
safe sure and almost instautauteous in
effect. Tullhian A Co.
Mrs. V. F. Wamsley cnine home
Thursday evening from Portland.
County .fudge (J. A, llartman, who
was at I iing MWh, Wash , has return
ed home.
Dr. E. A. Vaugahn left tislay tor
lsditnan springs, to enjoy mountain
air (or the season.
Mrs. E. Pi Marshall leaves tonight
in DtMDDan with Mrs. .ludil and Vliss
Kohert" for Long Heach.
Mrs. Mary Mnnle returned home
from Portland, Thursday evening, ac
companied by Westhrook Dickson.
J. R. Ihckson, wife and children
leave tonight (or Long Heach, Wash.,
near Astoria, for an nutinc at the sea
s ide.
Misses Mary and Clare lmliriu, who
(or the past two weeks have been vis
iting Mrs. Win. Heaule, wili leave to
night for II il Inborn, their home.
.Mrs. Win. Ingram and Mrs. .1. II.
Drake arrived home last Monday night
from their trip to the I'an-American
exposition. Canada, aud New Nork.
g.lieoreg llartman, jr., left Thursday
night for Long Heach. Wash, tie will
also visit several Willamette valley
towns, remaining away (or several
Manager .Inn Peter- of the Huston
Store and Little llunrv left this morn
ing for Lehman springs for an outinu
1 hey took with hen, a punching ha.
spend most of their : line in physical
Cardi have lieen received in Pendle
ton announcing the marriage at Salh
Walla on Wednesday , i I II, oi
Thomas Foley and Miss Myrtle Hern
They will lie at home at their new
home in Walla Walla after August It
W, N, llarnard for a niiiuher ol
years in the employ Ol the h:st (ire
gonlan, is al present loreiuan ol the
mechanical department of the i.verep
Daily Herald, one ol the brightest pa
pers of the I'uget Sound country.
Mrs. Marv P. Thompson will leave
on tonight's westbound train for Port
land and Vancouver where she will
visit relatives and friends (or several
weeks. Her little grandson Hoy
Hnrks will prohabh accompany her.
tialem Statesman: .Mrs. Hurry
llelmke left yesterday lor I'endleton in
response t a telegram amioimcihi: the
laugemus illness ot her sister. Mr-.
L Catterhi), who is suffering a severe
attack of tvphoid fever
.leftersoti Myers, of Salem, was
among the tiregonian- who were in
the homestead drawing a L'l Bano,
Oklahoma, when the federal govern
ment held the lottery lot the dlstrihu-
ion of lands at lie opening of the reservation.
( oiuniOla lieorge and lo Tov Held b
Uncle Sam.
On the Thursday wemug train, the
mandates of the supreme court of Ore
gon were receive i hv Deputy Clerk
i ei Moorhoiise. I'he mandate- rder
(lie circuit court, W. R. Kill" nr. -id
lag judge, to enter judgment releasing
Columbia Oeorge and l' Tov, ami
that then the sheriff shall turn them
loose. Until that time they wen t
remain in the custody Ol the sheriff.
Zueth Hoiiser, I lilted --tales mar
thai tor Oregon, was here and desired
to take them to Portland for incarcera
tion in jail, there to await trial later
in the year when the lederal court
sit. The defense desired that they lie
liermitted to remain in the county jail
here, in order that they might see
their friends and lamilies from time
to time.
Hume misunderstanding as to what
present disposition was to hi' made ot
the two prisoners arose, and when they
were taken be lore lulled State- Com
missioner John llaiiey for a prelimin
ary hearing, he adjourned the case un
til' ID o'clock tomorrow morning
Meanwhile, he will consult with
John H. Mil, Dinted Mates district
attorney, who is at I'ortland.
Col. Parsons, chief counsel for Co
luuibia tieorge and Toy Toy, gay's that
the two Indian very much wish to re
main here. District Attorney Hall
hail agreed that they should remain,
aud he hopes that the iatlei will not
change his mind.
Marshal llnuser stated that some
technicalities in tin matter ot the a
count.- made it desirable that they
go at once o I'ortland.
Government to Hold Examination This
Pall for Appllennti.
Inasmuch as Pendleton will -non
have free mall delivery, it frill ltlt r
est many person- to learn w In-.' the
requirement'. The United BtatM
civil service commission announces
that this (all, probahlv in September,
an examination (or tin- position ol
clerk and carrier in the poatofflrl K)T
vice will occur. All person! having
been examined for clerk or carrier
within the past year and lallad to paa.
may he re-examined upon HI 1 Oft appli
cation in due time. Tin- ex:u
tinn offers an etrellent opportunity
(or entering the federal service t.
bright, energetic voiitiL' nersoii v
are not Hfraid of hard work and tin
commission hopes thnt a sullicient
number of intelligent active person
will present HlfUIMlvW for Ibil BSaui'
laatioa. it may is stated thai tbart
i- a wider Held lor advam'-inent upon
merit in the federal serv ice tlniii in
many prelaw anpioynwnta, not only
by pfQMBIloB in the ajni I A ia, fa
fHiifer 'o other parts of the wrvloi .
I he nature of the .xamnninui i- n
I sat of practical , ptirtral Intelllgenre,
Mud of adaptability in noatottca work
Phe aiie limitatiops f r -i i- cxamirm
tion nre as follow-: Clrfrk, nol laat
than aiahtaan yaai . parrlei between
'.'! and 4i years." Appllcai I 1 male
clerk and carrier mu-t lime I ha nndi
I ill cert ilicnte in form 1111 MCflltcd
Applicants for carrier 1001 bt nt I HI
five f.'et four inches in height,
weigh lint less than 198 pOOtldl I '
tnale ajiplicunt" are Hot required b
have this eartlcflala egMntad This
examination is open 10 nil ultltan
ol the Dinted Hiatal who may desin
to eider the -ervne. and who loiup y
with the requiri meiits. All such j.er-
mi ara invited t apply, bai atten
tion is lovitad to tin- lad thai from
those certiti' the depari niepi usually
selects for appointment- eligible- v hi
are residents ol the district in which
the vacancy exists. Applicants must
he examined, graded and ertiflml
with entire impartially ami (uliy
withoiD regard to any consideration
save their ability as lllOWfl by the'
grade attained in the exaininatioii.
For Sale.
Haavj lowa home, Civde. Parobaol
and Arabian hoNM ami brood mure,
weight I6D0 to l0n pound-, ( all DO
W. T. Hoviltotl's Oregon leed vards.
M. M. HCTX, St. Oeorge H e i-
s AN '-" a -Weaaes
,d vears.
of a go-
a coinmuuivi . s'
. H.iHtaa tn With
Its Strsst sprlnKimK i """"
l agitating .... the tpriokUM
Bakat Olty'i rtraati Mw Harold m
that town aOJ s
I'endleton. lor a nund'er
undarwanl a similar aapariei
,n..ton however, i- omewnai
i,..n,l iiet-in-aiid-piish
I..'.. ,.l
P, hv a mayor and olty cooooll that
mav well he taken a- .... m"PJ J
law lortonate Eaatoro Uragoii towoa.
When the queatlon raow up In rMi
ton ho m ira general it reel iprlokllog,
it was deemed ne.e -arv 10 lhl-e the
ntorprl n qogal-poblfc baali.
The matter was promptly t ke. Hp 10
oooeatioo with tha mayor aod coop-
.i .M.I ,,li, now einnli Ve.l 111
eilllieo, '
i. o . in- was the hllppv olllcllU'
short agitation. Too expense 0
taitnmi the entorp
private subscription
are furnished hv flu
of a
carried hv
bat the wegoni
colincl an., water
is given tree i me i n
It would seem, tbaroiora thai
Oeaullatitti rtltv incil I a- labored
tha eHeaneamanl ... thai t"'!. I "O 1,1
augnrated lotloatrial and
form- in th" muthn I ol i
i Ity'i
th ; fiat
economic ra
ndnctlng tha
ed business
t k
r I i r t t . i i -w .
v I ' i l' I 'I P. M sv.a v.
Fi;o.I S .")( TO s?M.6
W( hth
Do nol nnsis this goldra opportunity
JilfT Tl
of it:
el lis
An Awf u.
Mistake .
was nMi b) a drufgiai n
COOfly in an ButOTO tOWO.
lu putting up a pfoacriptiop
tin wrong ingredient woi
Uaad and a child's lift oral
the fnrfuit.
A great mans mistakes an
math every day in in a king
light bread and cake. Tin
wronp, baking powder i uted
and the life goes nut of tin
light bread tir coke, 'li"ii
you use Owl Baking Powdoi
there is no nlttttke. Pound
cans 40c.
Owl Tea House.
Jelly Qlaoaea 334 1 dozen
Leading rtarues i
in! MadJIerv .
ts ill Cot
Our midsummer
Furniture sale
is the center ol attraction
i:otM-ti: MfJoafooaaaakl ...
ww7mm .Mm attention
er you mten-l to furnish yo.lr
complete or iiist conte
.1 .1 : . . '
uuuiou 01 tea nnraiajji
this is yout Oprjortajgty,
twents nvt differi at itykoal
Iron Hcds
Presser.t. Comntodw, Pjrior
nitiire. Carpets. Mattings. ,
Pictttrore, Baby Cabs, Gn-Caris
Main and Webb 8
1 ' ifkit'f MatfaflBaV
IMI l.liN() iv TROUBLE
Th IpaaQfJ Kxpeoled to BrliiK In lh
Tramuort Tomorrow.
Washiiiutun. Auk- -.The war e
purtliient receivel a ilispaleh Iron.
armv hea.liiuarterh n. Situ Francisco
detail lag an BOO ideal to the transport
Lemon it tadioBta that the tag Blo
cum, winch went to the rescue, will
arrive with tin1 Lennox in tow tomorrow
v : , af
I I v X ar BHfc BT tv 1 ar-v - .
nuiri ariiiii- hi
Under New rianasrement
! Strict!) Flrst-Clas,
Lxc illem Cuisine.
! Every Modern
.L 1
.? . ...
mam -
1 1- 01.
'-.'Hie llOW -"
Wumnn b v.,, i
lennesee Oob Avenue Crime or Prorn
inenl Cltuen.
Suiitliv ille. Tenii., Aug I'. Charles
Mavis, u prominent young white im.n
was tuken from the ulticerr- he wax
leaving the court ruom where Im bod
just had u pruliuiinarv hearing on u
charge of aesaulting Kate llughen.
while, aud was lyuehtxl. The BBO0
was con.M.s..: entirely at wintc ion..
lsl hv the girl's lather.
blar Allraotion al Celebration at Colo
rado Springs.
Colurado Spriuga, Aug. -. Viae
I'resideut li.iosevelt arrived here this
alleruoon aud delivered an address on
the growth uf the west during the lait
uuartur of a cenlur. He was the ita r
attraction at today's .niarter-centenn tal
111, i. o -iil: llaviuc it 1. oi.
partial bliU'li.m
Iik'K or
hyeglanses and Spnlaeles.
. can tr alt unlui.irv cae In a few
seat at eaaeli eoet, wn.-r. Inert ar
lieu w aiake I.- hi MB
minute I
a.gu iii ktv, m ..in si., K'uuUtou, Uf.
Fanners Custom Mill
FretJ Walter. Proprietor
Capacity. Dj osrrel- itsy.
Klour BOBOaOOBl Ioi whssi
flour Mill feeii Ct.opfB ' rl, etc.. iwr
.111 Bsc:.
Issued Weekly
William J. Bryan
K&r and Milliard RoOfM,
The Best Hote
Van liran Bros.. Props
M Ai1quarters for Traveling
In Eastern Oregon.
es a 1 r ii
-'UVVblJUIl ill j. 1 Til
l.dito. and PajMlahOI
Terms I'ayatilc in vJvancc.
Our ear. j
Six tuutht
Three toiith
Single Copy
Tito Vt Intel that ia
6kv Hum In Quality
Prices From $22 to $60.
Road wheels; - $35.
Kaoers, - - - - $50.
Chaiuicss Crescents $60.
Boys and Girls Wheels $22.
lcJ00 Models as low as $15, $20. $25,
lieeli luppliati with ipring ftMMl
' W I
and Blorruw counter ltakt or will' eithtr.
i-a uttDt Ui lull ouotoiuero, wrilli no
lllttlt!St. t
Mid t'l u ofttjUogue.
Foi s.i i
I, lut a In likict
ot i .it a low
(t n
. oolocella
last time
tonight lor tin-
t o will put on Mr. Kdison's
the Kdisoii
-r-. i... ii. ,.i product ion ui uiuuer
ella". hverybody aud child should
see this wonderful pfOdOBtiOO. K( B
scenes and a long program, Ms, child
ren IfH1.
c ore cloainl uiit
Ladies' Orfords.
Men's Tan Shoes
AJI Short Lines
Come mid examine Kods, aud " priewa.
VVtu. Kitguruld, Mauugor.
TarrlBta . .... niion in India.
The depopulation ot India through
(amine nueun- to U- assuming alarming
proportions. It is estimate that over
o.Oui.OOii persons in India have died,
einic !V' from causes directlv due
to the laiullie. FamlBB ia a terrihle
thiuy aud proves couelusivt.lv that
luod i e.-seuti.t. to the i . Vet it
is not so much a question of OOO iinich
food is eaten as ho well it is digeat
ed. To insure iwrfect diKeation aud
obtain the greatest amount of nourish -
went I HMD your food, take Hosteller's ',
Htomach Hitters. This i the old re
liable standard medicine fur tlx cur.
of atoiuaeh, liver, kidndy aud bt.wel
uiaoruer. i promotes appetite, cures
dyspepsia, iiidigeatiuu, constipation ,
biliouMuew, aud keeps the bowels reg
ular. I', nut i. i. to give it m trial.
It never disappoints..
la ; Depst Fifth asd I Slreiti Arrive
' n t.vr.Utlitt Klplru tot . i
-Nairn,. Ko-OurK. A-;.-laud,
Hecraon-ulo. .Kt
den, ball hituicuk. , .M..
lave, l-.o Atiles, Kl
rate, N 'ilraii-.au.!
tlir Kasl.
.JOtt. lu. K..ebui; I'sju-uxri, vli K.to p u.
Weodljurii tai Ileum
V. . WtUlt'
tk'lv. Uiowuivllk, Nik
Iron and --,.i 1, ......
r.A'a oi. CorvalU Pausuaer .ItiJl) p. i.
' 1.4.1 p U. Illd.-tK ...e, . )UWU I ' ...
Hall) tOaily BOBOO Snnda.
.n iraveung canvasaeri. arc -ui
ployed. Tonus tor loca ut.-u tn
will ba Mai oo applicatioo. All
noaoj ihould i. iool by .' u.
order, Bxpreoi order, or by bonk
dralt on New York ur C hi
Uo not send iodi vidua) check- oi
I torn in
The Coounooer per e.ir with
woojktl) Boot Orogooion . . . .ft.aa
aami-Wookly BaotOrogonutn i Sj
Dail East QrOgOOion 5.7c
y in
liast OrcKunian.
PeodlotOQ, Urcfion
60 YtAHS
EKPt hit m i
E aaa-
Eaat Uruyunian Building.
aiessWHrsBalyTear I yL I L-rfp w
h 11. 1 .,.-.( r ; ...
TUIii.lll.il MIlKaiB
Ueoan- lickeui on sale bclweei. I'ortiso.l. Sa.
Scieniific flmerican.
iauieiilo ami n
class auu II I h
Hales aud ll
rope Also Ja
uli.e-. and A ut I
B Klrkland, Ti
furllaud. Oc.
. ' Itral
and Ku
riiihp 1 1 ..11 .1
. Alder,
j "i. ' sj'j , I'll, 1 "".' .a3
St IbroidwS)
I tt, Vji,
Uaily Kaat Oregoman, delivered by
earner, uoly is cant a aroak.
Cor. Court And Johnson Sis
oaaooM Haititi
Aiuurn-aii Puir, J, .,' ...
Kiintu,.,,'. 1 . 10 -tiKiUy,
Hrat Bus net8 all iraio.
Cummercial trade Solicited.
':ine Sample Kouius
Special Attention Ulven to
tountr IraUa.
The Columbia
Lodging House
IN t'KNTKi; oh Hl-'l,
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Corner Main and
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