Shirt Waists Worth $1 to $2. TO CLOSE AT 25c paver ui u?. ti j vvw. x2A ,ssbsbbsbs HSI1 . WOODMAN nttiwu .LotofFrstsmils. al the Logrolling. n , siu .....I til 2 I" '"" " . a ii tills C IV H -..St. 1 1 1 1 ' I rf sr.- N.W . . 1 . .. k . I . L-.h. iwlibrtlHIl" ill tin' v.ood- . . I . . . ... I I ll'LTI'NI m " - a .. ........ I. ,. . IIIUIIU"" V ""WW " i ....I f p. .in lllllU'H- r, imniiiwrr i - ---- ..nin it appears mat the ... tn nehillv mil i zed. mimlwr nrflM'in i ruiw,.- , .... km. ail lltltll IMS SI- out it i' fnmmm mai i"" ,rl are " '"' "I""' ..i iwi. been arriving lor U llV Wl" IIM'UIIMTP Ol jr ud hotel. and lodaitiK .. ...... t.i nine I ii' crowns. . , I.... ui-nrxil ill Mollht i Ill immense piaiinmi t, MMi. Tli program con euutests, M felling (bet swuts, H MN W lees I tub mitJiHim ami such men work al. A duieh uu- ,; ; ;f- IKSIII" Will man 11 '"r i. thile pncw will be nfferml .. mtat i, rut rivalry elista I.I III I till. Hi Hll k .. 1 . . ..I . I .. I .. . : I I... I...... t I.t laiiuuiiK will semises wyw Tlir lerniiiii will lai mi Ira- i.u.l.i.l! III k.. ..II piuiit, semiiieis in or 131 ii mil' a ituniil i lie pass es (mi entrance within the A ('in brutli i i ii I td f evening. HI rUKCUPIkk S-tO HtKK, uu useurai us niv lui uu ren dition Frlsndi iliil on Wednesday tiv Miss Nr. 1ft til PfirtlMllil HUH MCf llleil fin i. ... ..!,.. m il I -' utoi mil by linn sent to - mil' lies Irn'inl- Ml 1'endletoll ilv morn iny. Chinamen say nett ol tin- BBrBBPsM makes wimf Kuril ei.flirill, KHlkm &a arvuot prepared for J. uave bought it pall g our Colored Glasses S kinl T.'ic. ti. VI. ii. I . i ... ... ui riiinrini ill, w u'l .Vk'. tye Protectors Hi HW llilllg lor Pi un. 76x', 11,15, $1.00. pmm m N will till y.Mir 1- HUNZIKER, ccording to tin' wkvh 01 OtaintM OOOkl. K, (.ill inn. ami (niily took their dtpMtVfl this BMCttiM for their boOM mi Kurt Hi rnli creek. AOOtbM practical joke war handed to Jim KiteH on Wednomlay. I.eii Sharon tilled two leer bottlen with water, put in the corkr and wired them an though they were Irenh Irmn a brewery. He then Ktarted up the creek an though to place the Ii 'Mies in the water to oool. An he wa OTOWlng .he pla.a, he Win called 10 tM tele phOM hy William Leathern, WOO had been nreviouily pouted an to what to do. Mr. Sharon put hie leer bottlM (till of water down on the gfonod ly a tree, while he went to answer the false telephone call. That was Mr. BoW opportunity, lie rushed over and took one of the battles and ran away with it. When Mr. Sharon return.' I he of course showed all the ordinary signs of annoyance usually to be noticed when robbed of a bottle of beer in a place like Lehman springs, where nothing intoxicating can be secure! for love or money. Mr. Ketes took his treasure to the confectionary store and put it i.n if. After a collide of hours, he went after it with a iriend, and when the bottle was opened he allowed more real downright grief then did Mother Hubbard, who went to the cupboard to get her dog a bone, and when she got there the cupboard was bare. Mr. I'.etee receive I what is known as the double cross. He had only taken the hoer, or what he thought was beer, from Mr. Sharon because he Mr. Sharon) had the day before locked him in a cellar used an a dark r and kept him there for an hour while 15 or 20 ladiea and gentleman gathered around and made merry at the expen-e nf the urisoner. i.ernie Haye, Kd Hupuis and Jell Stephens arrived from I'eudletmi tin in 'ruing and will camp a week. Tticv have a aet of busing gloves, baseballs, irluven. nuts. etc.. and will assist the olhera in having a good time. Mies Mark went her leads the lady howlers. Her acore ot 37 was high for several daya, but she beat her ii mark today by bowling 41. Don't he aatietied with temporary re lief from indigestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure permanently and completely re moves thia cumplaiiit. It relieves per inaueutly because it allows the tired stomach perfect reat. Dieting won't reel the sUimaco. Nature receives aup pliea from the food we eat. The sensi ble way to help the stomach is to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which dittesti what you'eat and can't help but do you good. Tallmau fc Co. POPULAR HIDAWAV SPRINGS The Surrounding Are Pleasant and the Amusements Many. When picking out a place fur an out ing, remember Hidaway springs, ex cellent for skin and blood disease and a sure cure for rheumatism. William Scott is propiretor ami makes it pleas- ..ui lor uiiHStM. The tnii is oer un easy road 50 miles from Pendleton, ia Alba. The camping grounds in the vicinity ol the springs are unexcel led. Cottages rent for il.oU per wees. Kxamine the man. then take a bee hue for Hidawav The dan M BatUI day evening and Sunday are eujoyed I iv hundreds of people for in lies annuel nriiicinallv from Alba. I Kiah, Camah and Owens creeke. - Blown to Atoms. The old idea that the body sometimes needs a powertul, drastic, purgative mil has Iihmii exnloded : for Dr. King s New Life Pills, which are perfectly harmlea. uuutlv stimulate liver and bowels to exoel ujisiiious matter cleanse the system and absolutely cure conatioatioo and Hick headache. m.U J. at 1'allmau iV Co.'s Urug store. EXPECT SUNDAY VISITORS THE KIN'. HAM SrRINUS C. A M P K H S AND HOTEL FOLKS. anjoyina weather and Pleasures of ihs Excellent Hunting and Fishing. llinitbam Springs, Aug. J. All of the men here who enjov tistiiug are bringing in soma tine catches during Hose days. Tliev nsuallv arise at almut 4 o'clock m the morning, break fast with the guests who are leaving on the stage, and then start IB or down the canvon. The proximity of kOO good fishing spots makes it very luxurious, indeed, inasmuch as one (n have of a well kept notel will, as good fishing at is found anywhere bereabouta within a lew minutes walk of the grounds. The management is liberal too, al I'lwiim giiesth to tish at will, although imt permitting the taking away of any of the trout. Kveryone bathes in the hioI at 4 o'clock in the alteruoon. Some bathe at other times, early in the morning or late at night, hut when the hour of 4 p. in. comes there is a general as sembling of all the guests at the ce mented pool, which is always the cen tre of attraction. Several of the young men dive from the top of the oath houses, making the plunge fully twelve feet to the water's surface. The guests are expivting .juite a number of friends to come up from Pendleton on Saturday night or Sn:; day morning. Several have engaged mums, and in the evening of Saturday there will be dancing and music ill the big entertainment hall. Mrs. Irwin has arranged for some vocal mu sic for that occasion, and with the Minday arrivals the dajsciog will lie an enjoyable fiatiire. It is said here that one of the ladies who visited in Pendleton during the week w;i- i lit inln the Pullman cur by a it lein I there, and started mi her re turn tn the springs; she became absorbed in admiration lor the pictur esij'ie mountain scenery thai comes to lew en r "iile up the road, and (mind it so engaging thai she remained in the luxurious seat of the Pullman and was carried well mi towards lltinting- iii before discovering that sue had pa-sel itinghain springs station. This OUip lied .in .iwailing tnr the return ing train, and occasioned considerable alarm to her friends here. She finally arrived, however, and relieved the feeling of wonderment and nervous ness. The scenerv ol the itraude Konde valley, said she, is charming. 'J. H. M'BROOM BURIED TODAY HAD RUIN A RESIDENT HERE FOR PAST TWINTY YBARS. His Aare Was 71 Years and He Was a Na tive or the State or Missouri. The funeral of J. II. McHrooin. win. ilia. I .... Weil iitiutlnv tr-mi heart f illnie has heretofore been made of ! , Walla Walla ),.ar.llal be accident wihcb liefell Mr. HO )lli- 1 was 1 1 i I a u u u i I i 1 1 iv I tat i ui tsiiruti f . I lui ainr Ur ihoftlv titer mminit horn tm thll ' t v (tip an iintiral inti vi t . . . 1 1 . 1 1 1 . , I in trip, nv Heine llirown irom a horse. . lVndleton this forenoon at 10 o'clock ne remarked tins morning that he was 1 oh the above mentioned gentlemen in any wav whatever, is hereby with drawn. Mr. McOombor went out on Tuesday, July ;I0, and ranght enough ironi for all the guests at the hotel. IVHcately cooked aa they were, they excelled in delicacy of flavor any that could havi ' nreil from the Wal dorf-Astoria of New York on I be east to the Hotel Pendleton on the west. Meiil ion PLEQED ARTICLES ( -iiing gcnti,.,llt.n s tn(j iaJies. g0j aiul 8jjver watches, toL. ii ,muuu' ,;rnoKs, chains and great variety ol Jeweir k Will at e!rinl j. .!. .k ,.t A....c "'j u piiv,cb Ullllllg llic n vl naani Lonii- crly for the bargains i , . , . -"ifjuiiia. iiimJ ;m"st complete stock of furniture, linoleum, stoves 55;PWJ carpets. ur Muaibi and tinning given prompt attention. Joe Basler, Main Street, 1'endleton OIL STOVES - M CLARKE & CO. ('t'rit House block. f" Li Coy e f Tents, Wagon erS Anti-rust Tinware, General Hardware. LEHMAN SPRINUS CHATfKR. Ending With a story of the Killing of a Deer. Lehman Springs, July 31. Kd lieg- orv, head waller ol the I etiuiau prings hotel, met with an accident on M in lay Which has a tendeiicv to make h in walk armind with cnnsiderable are. He was liatbing in the pool and ess.ived the d.ihvult teat of turning a mi, I, suiumersaiill tr im a spring hoard ive teet aluve tUe water. While graceiully making Ins gyrations in the air he was so unfortunate as to slip an eccentric, one of his feet caught oil passing cloud and the ottier became eiitaugled in tin- guy rope of the phu- ographer's tent, lie yelled for help, but too late, lie struck the water on his back, with his arms and legs pointing to the four different signa of the sudiac. The result was a badly sprained hack. Me recovered sutti- lentlv to lie able to go in the pool to- lav, but he restricted his gymnastic xercises to the humdrum I eats of swimming arnund ami occasionally taking an ordinary dive. s nun vl Collo rraker s menus, who have been tun butt of bis practical jokes, got partially even with him luesday night. When lie went to ins eeplug apartment to retire for the Ulght, lie disc ivered a nice large cook stove in in- bed. Me took it out as carefully as possible and packed it away quielly, real mug that the more me kicks when someone plays a joxe on him. the more liable he is to have other people gel after him. I t .- ii. m l :- now led liy I. en Sharon. In tact, Mr. Sliaron is work iiiK assiduously to brum that organise lion to a Intl. state ol iter left ion. 1 lie ineuilership has been gradually de- i re.isiu.' nine fiie departure oi some oi tne 'end et m fun-makers, and at the last rehearsal tin re were only three present, Mr. haron, the leader ; Collie r raker and William Leathers, i ney ludulge ill daiii pr.titice. coiumeuciug at 4 o'clock a. in., insuring mat an the camners as well as the guests of the hotel will be up in time for Inuakfast. There is a well-denued plot in slate of incubation to steal the band instruments and murder the three above-mentioned gentlemen unleea they I'lmuim their time of practice. Kd Kben arrived on l uesuay iron the People's Warehouse and baa al ready filed ins application to oecouie a member ol l.en Bbarou'a brass hand. Mr. aul M-s. Weir r rauk l aviness xi.,1 I d Hull ell lor their homes al P..... I. .-1. .ii lodav. lliev have lieeli here since Tuesday. July 2'S. Dr. T. K. Monk of uHllllervllle, I nine count.', le here with his cali.p iug outfit. Me is an accomplished at. mi i o lolouruu her and makes a luiciuliv of stefeiiitlcon views. MoasMM Kroouie, K. j. liecaer and Mank Harrington, who are camed here, will liave lor home on Monday, X ilxJIlklt S A V Ml t, ' ladv ol this camp, who uridee herself on her diction aud grammar, was heard to ass ner young ..r irolher to brink: ner a liUi oucaev ui water. The boy said he would, but I i,l ii t ' have the hut bucket. Then she said she would be satisfied with bucket of hot water, aud got it. 1 lie arrival of Carl I'eriuger and inotiiali out considerable life into the amusements ol the small boys of the cam ti. ' h r.-.l iiartmaii aud Moacoe rrooiue hold the douhie ciiauipiousbip as bowl era. Their combiue.1 acore in a game this afternoon was .vi. r red scored V and Milium 37. They deleaved their "l.i.'.i.ei.i - bv '11 uoiuts. i in.- nt the uroudest men ui camp to night is " Raspberry " Humphrey, aud the i. ' proudest is Bud Kiupey They alaried out huutlug small gauie ai.but 8 o'clock, aoina over toward Cauias creek. Mr. Kippey had a It culilo-r ii He ami a uosl bird dog. The dou scared up a small doe which uearly ran over Mr. Humphrey. He shot U in the lace with No. 4 shot, and put Mi-vsrul ne i. loads into il alter it ousted Mr. Kiuoev theu rau it dowi its skin looked like a sieve after it had been atriiioed irom the cawrcass. Ill doe was a small one, aud only dressed about H pounds. The hunters got back to camp al V o'clock in the even iug, tired but happy. HIDAWAY BUDUIT. Doings of the Guests at Seotl's Popular Besorl. Hidaway Spriugs, July 31. Judge Johu K. Beau aud County surveyor Charles K. McComber left lor Peudlo 'ton today, alter haviug beeu here for 10 or II days. Any lb iug that may i have been said in receut correspond cine to the Kasl Oregonian from Mid away springs, that uiay have redoctd afraid one of his ribs had been trai lured, and will consult a surgeon re garding ii immediatelv alter arriving PwralBtoa, PavI.I B. Kowan. plumlier for Hans ford Co., arrived on Tuesday via Alba to remain a couple of weeks. Mark Pat ton and Frank Coxev Pratt ill leave for Pendleton on Thursday and will probably arrive ai BOON hv Saturday night. William Scott, the proprietor of the springs, is a man of remarkable ver satilitv. Me is the architect of the large hotel and built it practically himself. Me is a first class paper-ban ger and ti hoisterer and a cook out ol ighl. In addition to his several trades, he is a professional man, and is denominated the "Doctor" nv bis friends. It is no uncommon thing for him to he taken for a Kaptisi preacher. He is also a banker and a hunter. S Mrs. S. M. Allport. Johnstown, Pa., says: 'Our little girl almost strangled to death with croup. I he doctors said she couldn't live hut she was instantly relieved bv .One Minute Cough Cure. Pal I man a Co. PRELAUMUNS OF THE PBNCILMAN. How Lehman Sprints Campers Joked a Pendleton Newspaperman. Lehman Springs, Aug. 1. Charles Maskrey was the most startled man in amp on Wednesday night. fie retired to his room, No. 2 at the hotel at about 10 o'clock, and having said his rayers and turned off the electric glit hopped nimbly into hed. lie ad not been there nmre than two sec onds until he knew that something was ot right. There was life oi some kind there of a foreign nature It was too large for a bedbug ami not big enough for a horse. In addition. there is no such thing as a tiedhug in amp, so he was excited to know what it was. lie arose hurriedly, lighted the candle and called Fred Hartinan to his assistance. Turning down the coy ers, a toad weigliintc nearly two pounds was discovered. The toad seemed per feet I y at home and ambled around the bed like a race horse, finally perching on the pillow where it could get a good view of the scenerv. It was set lilt llllo the hull and allowed to go in mole-ted . Of course Col le Kraker and Law -baron didn't have anything to with it. In fact, if there is any leviltry in camp that the alsiye men Honed gentlemen are not implicated the rest "f I he campers would like to be made aware ol it. Mr. Maskrey has set two steel traps in his room and arranged a deadfall over the loor, so ifiat any om termg without iheke. to the silual ion w i 1 1 meet with sudden and ignoiniuous death. HOT WEATHER BARGAINS from the Oalloway M. K. church, south, the Key. D. . V ernon otliciat iug. Pallbearers were John M. Kent ley, John Deathman, T. ii. Mailev, Oeorge O' Daniel, Dan Kemler, QtOfgB Harfman. Interment was in oinev cemetery. Jacob H McHrootu was born I B Missouri 71 years ago on July 4, is. to. He has b. en a resident of Cmatilla county, Oregon, for twenty years, hav ing I successively in Mountain Yally, Weslon, later again in Mouu tain vallev, and last spring removed from his ranch to Pilot Kock. Mrs. McProom survives him, and these children: Hubert, at Ololw, Arisona; Kd, ol Wagner, .rant conn ty. Ore.; (Inv and Clarence of Pilot Kock; Mrs. Jennie Curtrigbt, of Mi Key creek . Mrs. Minnie Hall, Moan iain valley, Mrs. Kama Hicks and Mrs. Jessie Micks of Weston; Mrs OoTa M BrOODI ol Mountain vallev; Miss Kftio McBroom ol Pilot Kock. Mis brother, P. Q. McBMKMBb lives at Mountain vallev; a sister is Mrs. Join: Ourdane of Pendleton; and three -is ters live in Missouri. Body of William Bwlng Burled. The funeral of Judge Willani Living, who died Wednesday night, was from the residence in east Peii'Leton at 4 "'.lock Thursday afternoon, the Kev D. K. Vernon, of the M. K. church, south, conducting il. The pallbearer were: Col. William Parsons, John K. Temple, J. P. McManns, I. S. Carroll, S, A. Newberry, John Peters. , Think About It. If you will only think it over you will go to see Martin when you want to buy groceries. Mis motto is "best I gissls at lowest prices." Mis stock Is very large and well selected. Murliu has the Tiest bakery department in the' city. It ulrdles the Ulobe. The lame of Itucklen's Arnica Salve, as the liest in the World, extends round ! the earth. It's the one perfect healer ol cuts, corns, burns, bruises, sores, I ulcers, lei., n , aches, skin eruptions. Only cure. Mb box at Tali- I OUR Midsummer Sale Thin Dress Goods Summer Wash Goods Ladies' Summer Neckwear oercAii D't'ins with at ntnro and j'et larr shci't nf ;u t iculurs BARGAINS. o THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Agentfl Butttrwiok - Patterns, Mormon I AH.T Hi I 1 :i .I 'm-, ito.i. iiahopa' SMIlS a. 1 1 m, i'l i IK w. - ClI'M Lost M oo. owe Inwmn iM.lai.nv. Lnat Snwup N I a h l-Loaaaa. S I) In n .. s, Daalrwfe, Bemlnwl rtiiesiooa, Lnme Owes. "S"? idlllr. Ma..dnrh.Unflnee o Marry, Lpss of I J Baeian, V.iiii r. or Ooi voiie nj (lit.) Ii n. I' ur t;r. il n l ,. in o .-.k.ii. -t iniil.,. iKr .ml i it.'. dt Ui-iay ri luiiilvU. altll S lw.a. Cu.hUi. i to Merry, Loss uicknass) of n 1 Sr. I. I i' pharu, na, Fulna rvnua Da- ar Btops rou ii v i vt.l.M am a aa a. I'V i Auarase, BUshup RemaUr Co., t ('! IIKI'iIIIIsTh I'UViiI I row, mi mboh . scalds, bills, pains and all infallible pile man A Oo. Deafness Cannot oe cured local .iill'-wtlous, a lliey caniint ri'arli Ilia IcM-awd portion f lie- ear there l only on.1 wav In . nr.- ienine. ami uiai ! njr cnuiiiiu tl'iiml remedies. lafuv ! eause l by an In nine. I ol ili- lining Hitn. lllKII mis- lietl llll lllls- gels in lUineif vail have a ruinlilmg -ouiel or Imper fe. I hearing, au l mIivii It I- riillrely cloaeil I. nft i- the result, all') uu -- lie1 tiiilauiiua . "in i an ! taken out atel Un- on- n -lnre i in ll normal eou'tltluti, h. arln will be ileilroy.-d lorever ; ullie csei out ol ten are SMMM by atarrh. wlilcU i uolliiiiK but an itiuauieu tili'litlon "I the iiiui uu- urlai e we will Slv.1 one huii lru.l ilollar. for auy ae of il.aliie ii i - I hv eatarrhl lhal . annul i- eiiren ny lall' ( alarrti Cure .i l lur . Ireiilar., free. K. J ( HhNKl .viii.i nie io. ' ' Holil bv all druggists, . Hall's Family I'lllt art. the beat. a For sals. On account ol departure I offer lor sale my private bouse, corner lohhsoli and Webb street, containing eight rooms, also a lour room cottage and two lots near school house. J. -IILI LKMA.V UN AT LBHMAN SPRINGS Hunting is Good and Campers are Un- levins I I Missives. Lehman spriugs, 00 miles south ol Pendleton, is the place to go right now (or an outing. There is a great deal game ol dltterent kimls In the tm "..lib vicinity, as well as trout I is the streams. The means uf amuse men at the springs are numerous. Lhe bowling alley is popular and ihere is a dance every evening, largely si banded, tb hotel is under good man agement and the table is ol the best. A the ordinary vegetables cannen and dried goods can tai obtained at the store, so campers can be accouimodat ed. A tri-eeekly mall irom reiiuie ton makes it possible to get letters and Mpori promptly. Macks make the trip to the springs Irom Pendleton al most daily at 14. MJ lor the rounu irip. Now is the time, am) Lehman springs the place lor an outing that win ne pleasantly remembered. James White, Hryanlsvil in, I ml , says I " Witt's Witch Mael Salve healed running sores on both legs. He had sutlcred ii years. Doctors (ailed to help him. iet DeWitt's. Accept no imita tions. Tallman A Co. A. C SHAW k CO. W. J. SKWKI.L, Manager. wMESALE AND RETAIL LUMBER DEALERS Yard on Webb SI reel Oplsisite Iliinl hreight Desit We are prepared to furnish anything in the lumber line and can guarantee prices to he as cheap, if not cheaper than others. We also carry a large line of DOOTB, Windows and Moulding. Parties contemplating kmildlBB will do well to see us lielore placing their orders. We also carry Cascade Uil Fir wood. Phone Maui WJ. FORKS EVERYTHING HANSFORD & THOMPSON, II All DW Aid1'. M UGH A (OM rVlain Stlttti Pcndlelon. Ore. IOW DOWN TANK ll MPS. LACE LEATHER SUCTION Musi ROPES, STEEL CAHI E, ETC : : FOR - HARVEST BOLTS Call up: No. 5 Cwtlcufa. bop Face Humors Pimples, blackheads, simple rashes, rod. rough hands, falling hair, and baby blemishes prevented by Cvil- UBi Sap, a sure preventive ol in rtaiuiiuiion ami dogging ol the Pores. BAthou(hal la. .oil4 furfSS 0SSe SSliI uu. Coar. l-iuva . Hosswa Uatal'satsUaaa....lsa. INSOMNIA I stave beets natal i iv till IMm luaouiuia viiiti Ahii i. I Qavt beei afl.i. led foi Over leiiiy .m and 1 can aa 'ascarelS Save given me Biore relief iBauaiiy otkei resat dy I nave ever P led. 1 shall . erlaiuly revooi Btead We ni 10 my frleiuas us u-inv all ibsy are rcpreaenied ' '1'Hoa (.11. 1. sen Klgm, 111. lor Wood. Coal, Brick and .Sand. Heavy Hauling Kspselal ailaBisoa s 10 a is... Laatz Bros. Pendleton Ukiah Stage Line Dual on A Uiu. ,, I'tops Leave Pendleton everv day al 7 o'clock e..-pl .'sunday, lor Pilot hank, Nye, Ki. life. Alba and Uloah. (... I at 1 1. mm. slat n. us Keasolialiie Irelglil ami passenger ratee. City ottice at Tallman & Co's drug store. allsl W.Ui1 V.H. L is bX lyVMHl'M B It ,BSMBssssSBbWBbsIbSsbs Prom Palace to Cottage if I irpals aultl I 1 uieel all specl Ol t bis statement v Vuil w lib inal you will II id our 1 k 1 dent y 0 llllll'e..,l . e rlBBjUfHUi Tip' Ru bsti lllis: We e fl siinol I lug.; rtlBJS Bit I '.i pets for I sn inner col luge oe a win' 1 nitusioh, can furnish the very h'st tub hi I an v w here, and w ill hinge you little III ire lhan you will piv.v elsewhere foi inferior gradt".. gelll fill White sc.V nig machine. ITlldBrUtltBfB1 supplies alway on bund JESSE FAILING. Hotel St mm QBO, HAHVI'.AtJ. I'rup Kl9atly,FjfDibiil SteitnHealod I'.urupeati I'lan. HI . a and a hall Iroaa depot. Sample Kuum In connection Room Rale .11. 75c, $l oo AMERICAN PLAN. $3.(N) per Day and Upwards I Inest Hotel In the fa, in. Northwest CANDY CATMABJTIC W (.AlHAWTIb rAoa MA CluAwMiit I'aUUble l'..ieiil , M..1 Ni-vor Hlrkfii WeakBii ur Uni -TT.. r as., jr. HA Wt 8v CURE CONSTIPATION. .. K. mr4i 4 utwfcttusi . t. '. SsvhTbJ. lurk NU-TU-BaC Sold t it J :uufwiiaMJ by all drug tftkU lu i'I KK TfOiiMu liabll PendletonMachine Shop and Foundry All kinds ol machinery re paired, lirasa and Iron castings of all kinds made on short notice General Jobbing and BlaokemlthTng Baltor A Mow. Junction of Court aud Alia Streets. THE PORTLAND I'llUTLAND, OMlttsON Special Matca to l a .lorn Oregon people vlaltlng Hortlaud McwUuai Ul tor tourlata and commtsrcUl travelers. If. C. bOWBKS. MasWifBr. M)ANS SKA US! Oil WHEAT LANDS At lowt-sl laic J. K. DICKSON, 1 a ,1 OregooUn BulltlliiK, Peailletoa, Oregau. Notary and , Corporation S;S0 to $ft Delivered Order ol us and save mouey. Orders for Hubber Humps also solicited. KAHT OKKtsONI AN PUB. CO For Health, Strength and Pleasure Drink ::::::: Polydore Moens, Proprietor. I! Ill I.