Thoroughbred Bucks.... Best stock on the Coast Telephone connection at ranch, h l drwM I'lloi H(M-k 'ii Pendleton, Ghas. Cunningham. llvl HA Y , Al '.I ST L", !MM DAILY. WEEKLY AND SEMI-WEEKLY Y THI Bast Orcgonlan Publishing Company, AT rhNDl.l TON OKI (.ON. DAIL M'BV MlfTION I is Om copy p..: a.-, jy Um copy I Month. h mflll im.-ofTpcr weafc. t.y .artier lri. i '-. ,'i ., ' g- r.-ir. , . km - WIIKI.V Minn H A I Da cpy OA ( On c Vf tl month! Trial tyMcrtpln ftl.f Ir lu.Nri wiikiv uacaimoN iah. Haa '. our V. iVT ,.. BM covy AitvaaTiaiNd ia'i-. ijr Alvrriiaiufimo 0 Inrh, or laaa. In 9mI-Wffki7 tr muath , . . . On m-h. 01 Ifit, in.tlilr !' i "'li ........ I ('. or lam, in 1iW and Wk1vpf month Ur ihiee in. net. Wtll.r i. h pf an nlti r hr In, ht. I In t . ufr in 11 ot Month .... 9 o t iftf ifl.n MltM.lnHNlivi ki-ntn a H'fd ir'ia iirt 1,1 Wrrilt.tnhKli ntri I tf ihrt Inch, in Tular' Uu cllkmt Wmii, Mr HM h v ' rn unfit n.i ii irti . -tntaaaMM i lata Iraaalf 1. , r ti tuaiiua. yt m. i. . i . In t.r pa, Uss. U.h m.f1i-im. PURSUIT OF KfS.ll. ZOLA The tindiiiK ui a lmt in M boOM of K in 1 1 Kola, n- i,im French mi - dint, vidMitly nitotulnd to effect ho destruction, illustrates the nialiuintv with winch he bus heen pursued h those who resented his champion sh i oi Captain Dreyfus, .oik wun lor yearn excoriated hy those who e la unci that Iiih work were harinhil in ' iillueiicen. He wan given lo the writ ing of hook, that treated id III. an he found it, without the ideal Ifl log re sorted to hy the avraic Rflttoaial To ttie prudish moralist, da mi yoiiymnuH with all that wan awful. Tliey objected to hit tolling of plain truth in a plain manner. When Captain Dreyfus INM BUbJact ed that most bitter Krsacutiiiii , lola came to Iiih defense and insisted tha t the honor of the nation called lor a second hearing of the captain 'I HUM, the hra' having been nntorniuril v tin nut. Kola wan technically guilt all eort. of contempt of court and di obedieuce of order, and wa cnuipoi led to leave the country for a tun. and take up hi residence in UoMion brum there he continued hi agitation, calling upon the Frencli government fur the only action in the premises that wa consistent with ju.ttce. At laat he relumed to 1'aria and bravely facad the conaequence of hi courae of conduct, and eventually tri umphed over hi foe. Hut, belore he won that triumph, he wa persecuted aud outraged by all the art known to a corrupt and unfair regime. ()( all the million of French peo ple, Zola, the one who wuh supposed to Mtaud for immorality, in the eyes m the prude, defended tin' niiwt gallant ly the Semitic oflicer who had been treated in manner to sha th, M i that permitied it. They may explode bombs in hi boure, and they may take Iiih In, hut they can never remove Iiih name from the hat of brave men win, M (or high principle, the defense ot tin wrougtully accused, ami the jn that should mark all courts of law. civil or military. in III. r KHhNIs OPINION. Matter are being brought to u locus in Walla Walla, aud also for tin state of Washington, in the Sunday .tlfj cases that have attracted considerable attention throtighout the north, -i Indue Hrunts rules a to the ronstilu- tiouality ol the statute reuuinnc tin cloaiug oi all places of businesn ex cepting hotelo. rt-Hlaurauts and dtOg I stole.- lor the sale of medicine.-. As to the cniisliiutioiialit) of the statute in question, the supreme court, of course, must decide strioii) Mtttti iug to the principles that govern OOUrW of appeal. If it be consistent with tin state's organic law, the statute stand. If not, then it will he uecl.n ad invalid. Hut, as to the ijuesiton of whether such a statute should have heen en acted, it iscompeteut lot am vineruaii citisen to express an opinion. Main of those who would prefer that fjliuda) be observed will coincide with the view that such a law is unjust, thai no portion of the rounuonvvealth repre aeuted by legislators liar- the right to say that John Jones sha.'l not sell good! on (Sunday or play innocent games or do anything that in itself is not wrong. Aud the day is coming when law making bodies will not attempt to turce upon the people such laws, or, if you please, attempt to make men good by process of law, "good" being in that connection what only a part of the people think is good. It is to be hoped that Judge Brents' 1 h dfjattlM will he nlllriiiei! bv the u- preim ii r t oi WwhilbjlttNIi ll w ill In- a valuable precedent for higher court in other Htnten to follow when similar cane conic l ei, ire them for adjudica tion. LKT THB CBMKTkKY BE BKAUTlPIKD 1'i'rindical ly. it in forced upon the people of I'endlnton to realixe that the cemeterv u-i,l here for the interment of the biMlie of the dead in disgrace fully barren. It i- with the greateM reliii lance that I'eiulleloiiiiiiiH call to mud the nage brush bill in which lie the ItMlM of their dead, and there i not one pernon who would not en dorne any intelligent plan to make it the place of green L'ra-- and well kept plot that it hriuld he. Knterprislng an the people are here, It i inexpli cable that they have permitted the cemetery to he ho neglected. It i prohahh true that M tuwn in the nortwliext ban a burial ground of more fnrhidiliiig appearance. If there he unv of civic pride or re Hpect for i he dead, I hi will he rente died, and remedied at once. The cit i ten who inaugurate- a plan and car rien it to HiiiceHifc. I execution for the adornment of the cemetery will earn the gratitude of all the people living hare, and III wMt Hriormed an act of patri el 'i tnt will entitle him toa name a.e u- the tnwnV benefactor. FROM URKUON m IOWA. Job. J. Mandsaker oi I'rake tiniver itv, lie- Moines, Iowa, write- an en tertaining letter ol liP Mip aero the continent from Oregon to Iowa. He sav it contain much of inleret. .piciallv it it ih the lirt journev The scenery ol Western Wahington ih very much like that of Western Ore- gun. Here are the same evergreen Cascade and Crist mountains and in stead of the Willamette river and val- lev we sei t hi i . it . ami Chehal is. Here logging i done on a high scale Many railroad are constructed, ap parently, (or this DVJffMM alone. Near Tacoiua we saw the iuiihsivi shops of the N. I'. li. K. For awhile this company (eared it iiad overbuilt and that it would not pay to open the Nholm. Now they are talking of en largiug them. The "oil scare" is just breaking out here. Northern Idaho offer scenery of sage hrush. I'ur a day or two from tin time the traveler reaches till state and while he the Kockies he mav leel the effect ol raretied air. I'asiug through Montana we read of the proposition to release the notorious loungers from prison we inst llictivelv listen for their invitation to "shell out". In passing through the "had Lands" a- we enter North I'akota we see thai the might forces oi water ami tire, fiercely battering, have wrought a scene of strange confusion, butte. from 50 to I n leet in height, with rounded HOlutiilts and steep sides, stand closelv crowded together. The mounds are in even miceivahle form ami are composed of different varieties ot 1 int. -loin sandstuiie aud 'Ignite. No trees worthy the lUine are seen. In primeval lime- ,1, n-e forests exist ed here, as is proved bv the abundant petrifactions ot stump.-, four to eight feet hi diauieier. Fine specimens of leaves ot the I I locehe age, lossll nvs- lers, clam and crustoceaiiH are f. nihil. I liese are calleii Hail l.amls' Irom a French term meaning a country ditli cult to travel over and doe nut mean fi Luxuriant Grown. I ot Hair, . ,1,1,1 adjunct OK, ill IwitlUV . U IHiW Vjy ,'wbnVs nerpiclde, a liHuvcn' thai i-llee-M atlcfMsj re.puu.i- lu.illv bl. u It I, mly msiuS iljudrtilT aud Ull- hiK Pair tuuu( i ii,.- pa.,, em mvui , mi, iiir iialr i if cau.ui: u Mlt, tnu k imn.ili lo .iipelaut tin-old thin sad brittle one ifsr u what ouu aajpp) waaMUi u . Paiursai aa, Mom., Mar. . tat v-'WWiVJI Si t K llcll'l1 I'll' I" lilt . -11.(1 ll . fOU SSI I li.1V " ol wblcli I .iiuiurcd. , in ! .,,- N wbio's VI ,1.1 iiuiuovivu. fm at all iirst-CUiM Uruy More. Qftfti'l Vost I amuus Kesurt. The Hotel Fiavel Is now open Uir the xanm Klusst equipped rewirl uortt, el Muulsray. Kvsr rwoia t'luclrit lighted aud Cm boaUrd. Fluvsil i,., llnng MGh on North Faelfi,' fos.ll. Luxurinu. flub House, liitiladlaj bowllus al biy.. billiard li.lln aud side bars. Tenuis court, and many eicelleut attraction! due buudred roouii, BruaMl carpetsd aud couiaiu lug besi (urnllure uiouuy could buy Lous dislauce lelupboix ill oltn e Unlet uudur uiauaseuieut om ... J K Har vey For rales, sic, aUdruw, Hotel Klavel, Kutvel. tiregou, or addro. J L. Uilebell. sso rcia , Msrusui Buildlug, forlhtud.Oragou. that the country In imfli for ifriuliitf or agriculture. www To one who wa never out of sight of moanUtlM before, the plain of North MakotH and Minnesota present a novel appearance. Between Minneapolis and St. Paul are Minnehaha fall immortalized in Hiawatha,'' although it must be ad mitted in the interest of truth that the fall now so-called are not the original Minnehaha falls. The fact according 10 the Harper's inagAine i that the falls in the river are (lie genuine "Minnehaha" and not t hoe in Kittle M innehaba creek . Historic Fort Spelling established in 181!' stand at the junction of the M inne-ota and the Mississippi rivers. Hie trip through Iowa' rolling hill make- a person feel at home even if there is no mountains in sight. So, a four days trip from BoftlM afford study in geography andgoology, an opportunity for studying some ot the resource of the great United States, reminder of different stage- of our national history, and of America's I most heautifnl poetrv and afford an I oooaalooal longing for one glimpse of "Oregon, Sweet Oregon," LABOR UNIONS AND NKEDY WOMEN. The labor unions have a soft side for needy women, the same a other peo ple. The Central Federated union was In session when a young lady wa intro duced. "1 am one of the shirt wait strik ers," she said. "We have gone out ttecaile " "tioml for the girls'" shouted sever al voices. "We are lighting for unionlaBl," die went on. "We want your morn I support " "You've got that," shouted a MM (tate. "And your financial support. "You'll have that," from several others. "I can't make a speech like a MIHII-" "You're doing better,'' a dozen shouted. "How milch do you need'."' -lie named the sum, anil gut it. FlGPRUNE Cereevl a c Fruit 46 Grains A Perfect Food Drink The beverage mada from FifPFUDC Cereal ia amooth, palatable anu nutritloua. Itecause of the large percentage of natural aatcharine mat ter in tix and prunes, F:lgprune oiio r legs ii, -.ii than any other c o real coffee, asjr All OroeM Sell It. I L. Ray ft Co., Buy ami Mil Stock., Bonda and Orain for oaali or on marglui New York Stock bachangc Chicago Stock Bachange. Chicago Board ol Trade. Court Mir r sllaliii nra You get Good Beer. WIhmi you drink PILSNER BEER. Qu&rftntaad not to cause haiiiifihii OT diaaiaaai Ask for it. Schultz Brewing Co. Oregon Lumber Yard WOOD U UTTERS Kor barua aud dwell iug. llheapor than till. Lumber, Lath. Shingles, Budding Paper, Tar Paper. Liuie and Cement. Mouldings. Pickets, Piaster. Brick and Sand, Screen Dooi sit Windows, Sash and Doors, Terra Gotta Pipe. Borie & Light, Prop's Aim St., opp. Court Huuac. vi m arv . mm poisoii rHaT MOST DESTRUCTIVE OF ALL HUMAN DISEASES. The poison ejectrd from the fangs of the rattle snake is not more sureh- fatal tltnn thr vints of Conta gious Blood PoloM, Which pollutes and vitintcs the j blood, daatiejrl tba IMMI mid liones and rats like a canker sore into tin- flesh. 'Cl..t . i. . Crcl i,i fiirOl plnn.N l,nn to svvoll. pimplra break out on thc he become sore. n,nkinK it taUSful to tat or swallow ; '1.,!f'C POiWB toneue. ropptt colored iplotcl,. and other characteristic Fl I come a, tlu'd. m ragmara, and the hMMr" of this tliesvstetn. TUetnenicni men are ns blood poUon at cuv. they tell you OVR FRF.F. HOME TRtATMENT. Our book on Cnntns-lnus Blood Poison irlves more Information about this eliea- than you can possibly ret from any othsr sourco. It describes accuratnly and fully the symptoms as thoy appear in ech sta(r of the malady, nimblinB; the reader to correctly diaa nosn his own case. and. by following the instructions laid down in this book, to successfully treat himsolf at homo. Should the patient neod any epecial direc tion or advlco, our physicians will be B'lad to corre spond with and help him along- in every possible way. Don't hesitate to write fully about your con dition ; what you, have to Bay about yourself will never go beyond our office. You can have the best medical advice and this valuable little book without any cost to vou what"Vor. Our phystolans arc in oorreapondenoo with hundreds all tha time, and have aucRiissiullv troated thousands of cases. Don't of a euro hm-mme soiunlhins- - . lnl- ii, " - soon show itfM of MalrBg, ntul the unsightly, dirty splotches and eruptions grow hmIaw ..! n.i.l ft.,., ll,- ili. ililwn, . S S S. ha for neiirh v venr been known and used n- a rttfledjl lor this ,?r' fill disease Oeutlv, but tBOfOtMhly. it removes all Uace of the poisoTJ vvithout the leas', mjurv to tba un, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO . Atlanta. 6a. ONE LINK 1 time He limes IV I tluiei . .'AH.' K- saeh cxtrs Inwrtlmi. CLASSIFIED ADS. QOUm HTM WQBMTO tUM i.ii Om Inn- or more. p)r week, at the rate M le x'r lias Ill KKK LINJiH I Urn,) -in .'times ,9H H times M lis- saeb sildllionsl Inrlinu HtVU S.INKH i mm ,aj iMIlliei, ... ... ..' .1 times Ve . h i addlltonal lii.ertl,iii KOR SALK OK UXCHANUU. i . 1 . I A KKW SIX HtiltSK I'OWBB 8AB0 lint' engine and all llxliires coiuplet,-. lank., piping, batlerv and el.-, -trie anarker. al tow i price, or will et,-!mnm-lor nirdwotsl. J Clove.; rtidlclcii. Iirogon. I PHYSICIANS. 1K. W. (i. fid.K iM-KU-K iS .' 1 I1 oulldlng. tiai.-i- BOOTS, II in U a.m.. 1 to .' p. m SSMM ! K. W. VINi'KNT. M. 1. KKICK RKAllI ol rtrst Nattousi Hank. Ii0.ce hours in to U , a. m. ; l to a p. m. 1KS. SMITH .'. ifl NDBRSOK OmOl nrvr Pendleton fovliix- Hans Thispliuav M. ' re. I, I'll,, t.'l"i,ou H. 8. OAKK1KI.U, M. ii . il'MK PATH lc Piiyniclsn and Hnrgeoii tldle, In ludd Bulidluii. 'IVIsphouu: OaMa, black Ml resi itouee, black K J. b. MII.I.KK. M . 1 1.. HKSPAIS BLOOK, trvl and eorrecta vr iMMatM, eslarrhal ,-oudttious sud Impaired liuarius ilau proH'rlv nil. ,' i.,r o rn,r 1 1 II. I). J. M'KAt'l.. UOOa 17. ASSOUIA- lion block. Tsltphon.- Ml NasHM MM" , plioue. black ISl. OHTKKPATHK I'HYBIOIANS, li: 11. Ktfjrv. A Kuyva. (IIUus. OM bloek ws.t ol H,w ion Store D I.YN'S h.. BLAKK8LKB, UUBOXIC and nsrvou. and ,haua.. oi vvoauu (ipp. Hotel, eor waMr mid Mala -"-. PS adit tou, Ore. UaNTlSTS. H. A. YAl'OHAN. DLNTIBT. OKP'I, K In Judd Building A. U HKA I lk. 1). 1. b. OKK1UK OYKR HaTiugs Bank (is admiuiiturd. B. A. MAW, UKNTIBT, IN A8801IA tloi Block, ovsr U Clouinn's oOle ATTURNKYS. CAKTKR At RAl.KY, ATTORNKY8 AT 1. n.n . tu Hayings Bank Bulldlug BKaN c LOWaLL, ATT0BNBY8 AT Law Uuom 11 AswH-mtlou Block Peudle tou. nrsgou. T. ti.HAIl.KY. LAWYKR. OFKlt'K IN Judd Building, Peudletou. Ilreson. N, HKRK.Kl.KY. ATTORNEY AT UW. Uflii,' iu AsKi' laiiou Block. K. H. ROYK, ATTORNKY AT LAW. Ul Court 8t. i.. H. ii i : i.i Peudlelou. t A ITOKNKY AT LAW, JAM Kb A KKK. LAW Or'Kll h IN J1UD Building slll.l.M.VN A I'l KRi'K. ATT0BMBY8 at law Kooiu. Iu. ll, U' and 1.1 Aasociallot, block lyon's French Periodical Drops Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, aure to accomplish MtUtBO kl:DLT8. OrtatMl known female remedy. OlIITina Beware of sooatsrfslls aad Isillatloas. Tliegeiiinue is put up onlv m pa-i, ,- VSlll I iUH tnli a ire on nle of Hie Unltle thus: - A-Sfc Hsudfur Circular tu WILLIAM.-, UtU Co . Sole Aseuu. l'ie..iud.aio. S 2&fS KO s vl.i: II 1 T V 1..M.VN A CO., The Place to Buy : . . . . . . I where you can yet quick and cheap price. I'm in your order lor header lied water tank and feed racks. Kent I III,- ol I, u in i km-, Lath, Phingl?i Build iii"; paper, Tur jmtMT.LiLUt- ami OMBsVaot, Piokad PltWtar, Brick, Band, M ittldiai Bomii litnm's tV: Windowa, Sash cv jKioisi, Terra C'otta Pipe. IViKllcioii Ptaniog Mill and Luttf Vard. R. FORSTER. - Proprietor, Ttltihoue ,1'. ALLEN BROS "i Wood and Posts. Delivered Promptly, ftiem tOgfe!. Mr sud lauiuiarack I'oat. Wood me. auu dry mhi. re.u ci haviiiKu Rank. phNoi kton, . oaaoogt "-'w-s BiU'ys-v . lilMsr- sivon tilt Ot A 11IIT H"IV v - . . soreiy jsc, - - ,,.,- for to take mercury WjJ'1'!!!' stomach of no being can Ftnmi W" trcnttnrnt lonf;; besu'n th, do not cure the disease permanently, a th,.,;-. nds know from CXl'Cl lellf C, S. S. S. is the only guaranteed purely veg etable blood purifier, and the only antidote for this peculiar virus; it purifies the blood and builds Hp the con stitution. Thr appetite improves a. most iron. else ha failed. ,, . I . -lie mrrs I wo l.tNM I MMt rxlT tuaertlnii. Klv'K I.INk I MM ; times I'' H times M 3s Ml 'i ad ittonio lliarrtlon MIX LINK I titno liiiis" " H times . : each addUintlal lu.crtinii ARCHITECTS AHP BU1LPKRS. T. V. HOWARO. 4B0HITBC1 AN 11 lairliileudeut, niali'," i-oniil.iti and ri plan, lit bulldina in tbt ntr or oonntr; Roodi II 1 " tc bill 1,1 1 im SH KKK A OOLK, OONTRAt rt)R8 AM' builders MttaatM luriiiale ,1 on .nor! i.e ties. Job work a specialty. Prompt torn, . Hhop M Bluff MfMti near Matu attest li aT MAY. CONTRA" Toll ANH builder. Kattmslca liirnlain-l M klndl a masonry, oemuut walks, stone wsli. ei ,u dur. can be lolt st the Kaai tirciiniirkii etti HANK AND UROKRRS. PMJ KARMKR'H bANK OK HI. V..loli. ilruifoii iloe. a K"n ' business Kxenauae totis i sm' -lection, promptly attendee. Pi Affair. II ssrellsnl conoltfon, and o reporiud ip Ins Mllfation committee ot ruspoiiiidt cl ttBears: K. JsniMou. piualdiiu. lit ProsMtsl. vice prMldsui ; t M Plcrea, ei J. K kilUorc. rualiutut tMhlSI lilt U. A. Hart aian. At. M. Jounv 11 I'm i draw, T. t- Klil(or" Kobert Jamsson, Pros betel H, a Kl aaT NATIONAL HAN K Or ATH tirngoi. Cnpllal, MU.OW' auniiii- ami p K.uuii luierMt on iiui dsposli Deals li in-, ,.-ii and domesth' nicliaturi I 'ii - '.nn. stlsndsd tu. Hour) . A. lam- pr blent. T. J. Kirk. vtce-prMidt-ui . 1 I. ha; uett. smLMTI Mrs h I.. Barm c asslsuut easblsr. K1R8T NATIONAL RANK Ol PBNH J ton t'splutl. ITO.OOU; iirim.. Ire.iXM. lrii act a (snerai bsniiux MUlm - r.A,.-liuu and ulugtauhii trsiitlers sold oi. I- raaclico. New York Mid principal pol the NorlbwMl Drafts Drawn ou t.btur.. Japr.h aud Kuropu Makes tonus Levi Anksuy. president vv h Matlialk Tlre-prMldsut ; C. H Wad. oatktol ll ' Kusrusev auhtant . a. 'in TH. PBNULktTON 8AY1N08 HANK Peudletou. Oregon Organised Uarcli 1 capital. tMJ.IAJu . .iiriiln-., Inn lowed ou time iiepoaiUi kiubs and sold ou ali principal isnui leullon given Ui isillei tlons v. Pui pretnluut. J. N lea. vlte-pretd, n Morris cashier Au TO pn )KI ai. Ulu lor wrapi'llig piir.i.e. Old uewspaii-i. in iKru-, buudles ul oae liuudrue Mewspapers each i.l J. i - a ni,:i.l, at THK KAMI (IKKO'.)NIAS OKrii.k Psndir ten. Orsgon Subscribers to Magazines P TOD .j serlbo lor I or hi by postal n end lo Die ma M uc price ol tut you de.ire. 41' 11 in id we will I risk of tnt II Mtve yoi. lubacrlbei nave it tent to you ami a-.uci, uioue being loat iu ll,,- mall., ll tajtli trouble aud risk. II yuu ar in the Kast Osk4hnun, iu reuu ti ins f, , hi deduct ten per cent Iroui liie pneli. tiers price Address KABT OKKooNIAN PI B. 00 Peudi. tou. Oregon Kltt t.t.l'.l-,. I'K.Mll.KKiV. O! tl TRANSFER, TRUC K NG, ST () R A (i K. CROVVNER & SON. TILBraOM main i. N, BERKELEY Has the lollowinf bargtuni 4HU ai-rert Al vhtat laud. .'520 acres A 1 abaal laud, - lots well looatad so, 1 lot lower Wehli si,.-. Also a yd .d UWD .mil county (iropurty clicajc The Domestic Steam Laundry Hint's nil. Who)eak Healer In Ice, Wood and Schlitz Milwaukee Beer. Henry Kopittke HILL MILITARY ACA1LMY. A prtv.Me senrvn for hnardlna slid dsv pupil-- I'rcp.ires boys for admls'loii to any elentlfir school or .itid for blast , as ilti New and complriely eiulppd hUlldlllH TlnTotiali Instruction uceordlna ,,, ths beat mstnooi ,, iMirilinrir., i tralnlni TM ipnl has had v i tire, years n . In Pnri , ittli-e hours. " M and J t' M., ai il ihuii st";''1 , " .,., ,,, uimphlit -ontuinuia nl i t iimii v, .t, .. address, J. W HILL. M. D. I'rinilpal- P. ('. Drawrr 17. I'ortland. Or. The Pendleton Academy i'ii:i'.iu:s roi College, Teaching. Business. Tin nlaaalefsl oouim pnnHM for -ii tniiii g,, KNahroMi i Iums in ouch ooi letfe- :i- :ili I'rilieettih Ul 1(1 StUllfonl In, in - I i ; nl inn Int.- Iieen ilmed Upon Lb( .. ci-. due,! l.irit by the rtUtle Hour, I of hlduuatl iii. so i hat fndMtM are atl- initli il hi mate certillcatrh. A hllialle-ao eutirse eiplul to the bent bualtMM oolkiBi h oltt'icl. hull lerin lieejlha Se pleinls-r Htll. ddrt-sr. REV. K. L. POHBEH, If, Ph., I'ehdlei,,!,. fitigni) HfinalpaJ. University of Oregon. i.uiiene, Oregon. il gin ilsndard in tin -.lule. Two hundred lour- - ,u uisraitiru, aulaaoe aad las Arts, r '.l'!''' " Kaghu-erliig aud Musk. N'h alld taUplueii .even new luslruci sal i i, mm added ., Ilhrary iu 'ii Unlvsrslt) erwtltl -,- '-on hi loi leaoUerv, lor law and si .iinienii hepartmaal ol edin-atiou nn leaeliura, prut, liial. aud superiuutliduiila. iiiitiuB rte "till living low. TUn.-e iludsuta " ' "'lii'larsulps In targe e.iaiem uuivur- ii inn- in PruaidStil or Hegi.trar lor 1 iri uialai.,1 e.iluiogue., t.ilgullc, Oregon Bishop Scon Academy. POIH LAND, OKLGON. I oauded ISTU. A home Schuul for Boya. tuiHar) unj .vtanuai (siaaaaf. 1 ad term opens Sept. ia, 19Q1. hooil'i" r il 11 lu''' couipaleiti leaebers , n -y.itnd take an mlersat both 111 ,111 ...r,. aud 111 lin y play ol pupil. lbs priueipal and luaclisr. is to l,- ,1- well a. to prepare boy. a v oi-aiious of 1 , uro'allud ami luiiu valed un th.''!'1" V' tliurougbly reno- , ., 1,10.1 sppioved Boderu luelllods ' iii, vo'ioiL 1 y '''' lll'i'y- uoys receive uaruiul atleutluu 0 c-uuipeunl laairaa toi lllii.lratl catalogue write to AKTIH K 1 NEWILL, Ptloslpa ST. HELEN'S HLL HI tSUH 11 BHI m prjn , ' " " " "' 1 "'"""I lr girU. Ptepara- '-" ''" lata Ui las isad,iV 1 alvaaiaiii ss tacsnNagti ut. uulti. llol 't- sibsj ...... sdksjs. carslul Irautl.t, u, " '' aawMs;i U rrsaeli uru, aiaa. (kaal staak i.oiii iur iuo-.- i... i Kuur akillud asaab era in tin, ,l, i..n. .1 , .mm, elfcatgt .it ,-...... ,., WI..C IpeMall.U III - ani, ui oiaitwy sad 'I, til. Union I .!-. " - Itaaiah Mrasata "" ' "'' MS SSjfe urui. " ' "lalmial, UsjBwta " k'u 1 "",t, part ,. w, '"' " . MSI '-""-niU beau h.u Urou,uUw,Uia.,,auUN(.l t,,.,,,. J C -e- ' .iiui, ,rn auluuin. I'll I ...Ik .., . ......llllll, I Mat, Hah Ui till ptiu lei. Ue.i .ilil. Daily Bast . '., r.,-. 1 -"sau, ueiiveiod by Can 101 uuly 15 i,tfc , Wook . Jl 1 &3 11 mm Shout Lhp UmoN Pacific ntrssT TIma Sehsnuis ros rrom Psndlston. SS" riilpsijo I'nrtlsud Hnecl.l ... .... ' Kan as city, Ht. chipago and Rot ' j& I, in. Ifl a via Hunt ington Atlanth Rxpress fi Ali a. 111. vis Hunt Ington. " 'se, Iioiivrr . Worth, Omaha. K.,h sas City, Ht.lami, ch cagrisnd F.sat. 10 Sjr St Psnl Past Msll Ittt a. 01. via . ,,k ,'' r'" '-""ton l ..iii'.ndi,!, pu, man, HlatMaaaUl a, Haul, liuhiti, Miiw.,1 tee, Chicago and East! Ocean and River Schedule PROW I'OKTI.AXI). All sailing dale. ,ub. H :im p. m. Jen n, ehani l flu PraaiVa 4. Hall evsry ,I.T,. ,1 I tally ,'Seepl Humlay I p. Di. Saturday III p ui. Pally ex. Huuday C a. m. Columbia Rivar In Astorls and w. I.aiidlug,, Willamette River n "regon Cltv. N.,.K.. Halom, lndp.'ndenrs j -..a , 1 ' 1 1 u f. Corvsllis and Way. landiiig, 6 a ni. I lies I'lirs. and Hat. aWjsa 1,.- srni m Willamette sndYsm 7 s. 111. Tile, I hrr, Slid Hat Leave Itlparia I :-ui a. m Dally. n 1 t vra I ireimii , i , . aaua.1 .a aud Way Undinn 1., ss.1 M Snake Klver. Uan OTata kltiarla to l.ewiaton h,' ' r.r W aasi.SY AS'IDI. PtSKlrMM Take the... Washington & Colombia River Railwa; Kor Chicago, Ht. Paul, Nt. Unit. IflJ Has City, Ht. JOB, Omaha, ami . a v. . a a m an a ill ill v 1 A v , unn a a. l . u . . a--..,. til I U IIIJ lUt UIIU JIIU III Portland aud points on the s.ium .............. . . BM . 1 1 ... .a, , m, . J - a .... . .. ..,.,.,.. . .-tin. -aunv. auu rriuaril al " a a . u. ...h.iw.i, . uui.,,,,, ,iu raillHl i s-.ati a. u. I'eparu a , ,lally en ept Him, lav .1 1. u 1, 1 S.k, .....rilliia .al - - miHlailotis call nn or addrew W Al'AMi- amdi Csndieuin OrsfW I H. CAl.llKKHKAH, (1. P. A.. Walls vt alia, a asi, HINS Pull man Sjccpnm Garl riftganl Diaiai iais Tourist Slaepinn Can rT PAIfl MINNKAruUI uvLvn i-Aktiti Ta y.-llVli rill.i. 1 u UswsVaMilvR WIKKKPtMi I UKI.KNA msI BUTTK 1 iiii ( 11 ran tu kkts It CH1CAU0 WABUIlltiTUli PUILADKI I'lUA NEW YoKK BOSTON and all point Kast and MS an c - r . ' ...I CliUU uiuugu 111.rn ei. ... - klfc, Tscouis aud Northeru Pai ins Stearaslii and Auierlcau line. T1HK SCHKDULK. ; ft rain leaves Peudlelou dsliy ' t"P ate:uup tu .1,0 iieaeta. can ou 01 hih. ' . ., , n ifc ton, Dragon, 01 A 1 t HAKLiw a t . 1 . . u, 1 I. ul. Tinrd and Morrmoti hu- rerua.- sas. . am as I iaa Portland-Astoria kouit- Str. " Tahtuiiii 11.1.) rial"'' MatflM Leave Poriiitu't Leave Aalur.a I aJ a . I Tisi 1 ai The Uallca-Hortland KhiW .. 1.1I1 rue) oil. uaiiGi uuuiun i-v,i rl' a. V'sncuuver, Caaeade '" k', i.l uriua.. Hood ttiver, Whiu salawa. r The Dallea TiMt tuaa Portia, nl Arrive The D.illei Lsavs The Pallea Arriv, Portland r ra.raai, Uaile. to Pi.rlU ud ,.'., h AK 1 Pallea to Portland aud returi. Meals the verv best- I t .Hi,nda trip, a leading iM""'ciV has the grandest aceule 'lrV 'rJTi. boin Pnouea Mam &M . e..rilai"i "' A J. TAYLOK, Agl ....... a ure -' ; JOHN M Kll.l.OON, Agl 1 " .J ZiTi KIS" is I'KA I HKK .V. IIAsW. '" " Watr. r.i nut. raaui age. ... ort CKICHTON, rorin.-, I.W. HARPER KENTUCKY WHISKER lor Gentlenstn who chei'isli OujIik tknd hy JOHN bl'HMIUT Thss 1 ouvre m ataiw - - PKNPLKTON ' Tb- It. sat raiMatJUlatU ' & , . U ll' -. wawjr, l IMk- Kuu b roprci.cwiav r-r- . 1 me pcupio ar!.. IBS a "a . . t II MM " hau Itbeial palioua - tain; medium ul tais flOlwa' 0 NORTHERN W PACIflc