East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 02, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 4192
MAl 14.
n :
The Place
To buy Groceries
etj yon can have a big
sherrl from. Call
geek to select from
M I mc M stock i
gilh in mikx nd RttpN
0. R. Demott
530 pairs Fancy I. isle
Hose, were 75c, now
Jt- camp .-hair Wc,
d at Nulf '.
. i.!- to t;i.i6.
flPVaa-asBsflaaai aalat
i t r " iii
W .il,.-, , th,
IUW liri,,,
U"et Soap
v i ioiki1 nut-
Sfa-,' ttr' 'luauti-
. lit Ml J .111.1. 1
1 Uak.T"- H""K in vour
ttjm' ' 1'ubleU k- up.
i lu the Cheap
r, J n Pendleton.
rrierick Nolf
issmni.. .
aa -ni c.
Radictl price concessions
on our entire stock of
Summer Dress floods
Waist Materials
and Shirt Waists
btb fMdjr to oioM oat (took of bummw dre goods
MM whirl waist: and the recent warm davs M atlfflch
Mil munlna of to aU-mmmeT needs.
Think of eriap, new mm dainty Dtmftfap, LkWM mud
nunnahi nt art oeuU yard' " li mmimi almost looml-
low, for I bruit it, were never sold for so little la-tore.
I 'iruitie and l.awn never go "tit of style, and (he
pattern never get old, Yuriltar nir the little fig
ure, the dot! and stripes are demanded. Other fabrics
cbanmand ttoaifnego oat of date Not ho with the
Dimities. . ou can buy today for next spring, know
ing that the patterns you select will lie aw pretty and
proper n If yon waited and paid iloulde the price next
The Boston
Sale of Fancy Hosiery.
240 pairs Fancy Silk
and Lisle Hose, were
$1.00 per pair, now
Sale Commences Tuesday
Pendleton's Big Busy Store
To niakv gojd bread use ByeiV Bwat Kluur. It took rirt
premium at the Chiuatto World's Fair over all competi
tion, aud given excellent aatiafaction wherever used.
Kvery aacl in guarauteed. We have the beat Steam
Kotled Barley, Heed Kye ai.d Beardleaa Barley.
W. S. BYERS, Proprietor.
444 rtv
I have a full Hue of
The Peerless Ice Cream Freezers
from one pint to ten cjuartts, will freeze ereatn
in from three to five minute; alao have a full
line of fishing tackle, hammocks, etc. See my
line before buying.
T. C. TAYLOR, the
Await mi here
& Hexter.
..Bound to Make an Impression..
yOl should tr out pastries, you
will surt-h l mipre-s,;.! by their
goodness. They are the perfec tion
of baking delicacy, and are the most
appetizing nf luxuries. We use the
DM1 Hour, and ripe, sound, perfect
fruits and berm s. These pastries are
healthltil as well as appetizing, and we
take tpm ial pride in uiaking thetn so
Hardware Man.
Kdward H. Ten Kyck. the world'i
champion amatenr nonllor, announce
that he ha retired from racing (or
ever Me retires a champion who ha
never btW leaten in a race.
"I am informed on good authority"
tayi a Rriinaelii correspondent of the
Daily .Mail "that Mr. Kruger'n viait to
the I'nited State ha teen aholntelv
decided ti(on for September."
rhe st. Loati l'ot Pity toll ay the
neogtiation for the consolidation of
the leading photgraphic dry plate fac
tone in the I'nited Statea and Kn
MM. with a capital ( 180,000,000 1
Mr. Sarah II. Collin, an American,
and a rlrt-el paenaer on the
-tinnier Kiirnea, from New York.
.Inlv :u, for oiaagow, wa tlnel
X'J-lOf., with cost, at BeifMt, lor hav
ing three pound of fobaceo in her
W. T. Sanfor.l, tai collector o(
Floyd county, (teorgia. wa indiclel
by the grand jury BpOfl chargex of em
be.lement It i alleged in the in
Jiotmmt, that sanford i hirt I,
M0, 16,t8l being line to the !tatc of
(ieorgia and IIS.S'J", to Kloyd count v.
The frequent walk aero-, the inn
Italian frontier ol girl of H seminary
near Maslianin aroused the suspicion!
of the cntom officer, who finally
shinned a procession of 40, walking two
by two, and ascertained that each tfirl
wa smuggling cigar or cigarette ol
the aggregate value of 80,000
I hiring a ham battle Weinedav be
l ween companies of the Colorado u
tional (iuard at Boulder, Colo., to par
tici pate in the Mate' ipiartoo entei,
nial celebration, Private Wright, of a
Denver company, received the wad
from a blank cartridge in hi right
forearm, and will probably loe hi
arm, if not hi life.
The Baltimore and Ohio train from
the east when only M mile from Chi
cago wa liehl up by live maked men
at H o'clock Wednesday night. One of
the mail car, which containe.! no
money, wa ilvnaunteil ami wrecekl
The attempt at robbvrv was made after
the two mad car had been detached
from the train and run a quarter of a
mile ahead. 1 he lailure ol the run
ber to make a rich haul was due to
the fact thai the eiiiress car, which
contained the train's treasure, was In
an unumial place.
Miss Kdith Howe was at I'acoma
elected IJueen ol the Kike' Carnival to
tie held Auugst M-. t at Tacoma. she
had a lead 01 'I'1 "le- over I, or near
eat lOMMtftOT. A total ol 37,nt)l vote
wa tat.
PfOftMM W. A. Wetieli, lormerlv
of Portland, and late superintendent
nl the Salt Lake City public hcIiooIn,
has Issen engaged as prim ipal of the
John lay pulblc whisil for the ensuing
William I'reton, engineer (or the I..
('. Hall threshing crew near Kureka
Junction, was severely injured Wed
ueadav morning by bei'ig caught in a
belt, lie wa badlv bruisetl and the
clothing torn from hi txsjy.
A liaise, , lane county, farmer, up
aet a can ol ml in his Imggv ulu-u
coming home Imm towu, ami next
morning found only aome ahe- and
wheel in the yard where the vehicle
had rieen let. A Mtrav cigar stub is
-t p- ed V have ttarte.1 the lire.
The WiKjdmen, ol Baker county, will
celebrate the eleventh anniversary ol
the organ nation of the order at Kuat'a
grove, in isaker uuv, on AUguat v.
It it to ha a big logrofhug celebration
and picnic. One hundred and eleven
candidate will be initiated.
John helming, a pioneer citiien of
Dougia cou'ity, agel 74 yea'i, fell
from a tree, breaking hi left thigh.
Mr helming and a young man had
located a I tee tree, which the old gen
tleman had climlsnd to examine, when
a limb. broke, letting him fall about
IU feet.
Mr. Kliialwth Thompson, died at
iier home in Frineville Friday, July
'.', aged HO year. Hue was Isjrn in
Fairfield county, Ohio, November 17,
Ml, and was married to Samuel lloft,
May '.'4, 1840. Me died November B,
1HA0. Ill IH6I ahe came acros the
plain with her children and wa mar
ried in 1H52 to Amoa Thompaou, who
survive her. With her hualiaiid lie
came to F.aslern Oregon in 1H74. she
left a bunljaud aud aeveu children.
lu ll ,1.11 all' Well to
lub ..rid wrab but
v. In n tin k aclu a
,o.d He )i ad Ikrob
I woman work is
uouiiy Umawat.
No woman can be
iioiu.' .tnd lu li, of body who is tin n
Jni nt iIiijw womanly dlsea- which arc
oflrn i -ponibl for f tuiiiuu ilKiuig-
Woiaca who kava utd ii Pie rot a Pa
uhu I'n i ipiioii mi tkc ciin oi iii aai
,1 tie womanly organ. -a that WOfk
daraa't the m miy nion "Vavoriti
Prrscrtptioa rguUn tin prriads din
lairrblittg disin- In als iiiliaiiiinatioii slid
uktr ratio, and ajlW ft uisli wrikae. It
iaak - weak immi girattg and ui woaaca
'flu- n It M slioliol in faVM iU Prracnp
.loti iii itlui opium ilk aim ol any Q(jMI
nar cot if
"I lia'l pool Itrallli lor nine ytars irvcr urn
ibr Ultb uf uiy vliilil ." write. Mi- Aiuiuuu
Wstkiu. uf Acme. Kaiuwhs ( u W V Uad
iriumli weak in waa very irrcaulai and would
uffcr untold hum iv our lainfiy doctoi did I 4
1 n, any gyod suit 1 voiicluili-il to Wlllr I" Mill
When I wrote I liad no ulra Iliat I w ould ever gel
well, tiut wheu yuur Irtlri rrw. lirii ait 1 Is gaa '
havr Uupi I iiaiiiaaiaiad taking In Here, -oiecUvinc.
as dtftdcd aud Isgan Ul laiueuv, in
treugita 1 wa. mau ablr In au lb) ik ful iu
laiuily ut si 1 tliiuk there uevri wen such
1... lu ui. iu He world I look eight liotUes
iliirf of Favorite Prewriplloo did lv ul
'Goliltu Mrdital UuaDOver) aud Iwu viala '
Pt-lu-u ' -
Ul hucc'i FcllrU cuie coli.lipaUuu
The City and State Officials
Act Together.
o -
-o .
It Commands StlooDs to Kwp Their Front
Doors Closed on Sundays During
CominK Two Months.
Pendleton, Oregon, Vug. I.IWII.
The City of Pendleton. F. W. Vin
cent, Mavor.
To Mr.' .
hear Sir: Yon are hereby notified
that all saliKiiis in the corporate lim
it of the city of Pendleton will la
required to keep their front door
cloned on Sunday, between the hours
ol li a. m. and 7 p. in., commencing
August 4, 1H0I. and ending Septemlier
'.'I, I IK) I.
Bv order of
Mavor f itv of Pendleton.
J, M. 1 1 F. ATM MAN,
t'hief of Pol ii I
T. (.. BAILEY,
Pistrict Attoinev.
This i a copy of an order that has
been served upon all pr iprietor of sil
icon in the town of Pendleton. It
will lie observed that it is signed hv
the mayor arid chief of isdice, on the
Ioi r t d thi corporation of the city of
'ein'lcion, ami bv the district attor
ney, on i he part oi the state of Oregon.
Thii cover the question of jurisdiction
and bring violator under the action
of both municipal ami slate laws.
There are all sorts uf rumor alhiat
as to the reasons lor the issuance of
the order. It is hinted thai it i but
the reflection of the Sunday closing
ii oveuient in Walla Walla, which ha
been under operation during the past
two Sunday but which ha been af
fected by the nil ing of Judge Brent
printed in Thursday evening's Kast
Oregon an which waa to the eltect that
the Sunday closing staiute of Washing
ton is unconstitutional, excepting that
it applies to saloons.
There are also hint that the order
resulted from certain irregularities on
the part of some of the saloons in ner
ittlBg the running of gambling
Asa principal, it not the governing,
reason it is sai l that the order was
made at the re. ( nest oi farmer who
Wlhed that the harvest hand be otter
ed less temptation to , ie to town on
Sundays and become intoxicated, and
thus render themselves unlit to re
turn to the In Ids on Monday ami re
sume the work of the week.
This was the reaaou given lor the in
OaptioO of the Walla Walla Sunday
closing movement.
Mr. Hallay Sayi Why.
T. Ui Mailey, district attorney, waa
akfc ad by the Kast Oregon lan regarding
the reaaou for the proposed new re
gime during the coming two mouths,
and sanl :
"We issued the order for two rea
sons. The first is that the farm hand
employed during the liar, est ing season
are e i ust .mod t collie to town on
Sunday and becoming intoxicated.
I'hey render themselves nnlll to return
to their work lailore Tuesday, and very
frequently refuse to return at all.
Tin makes continual trouble for the
fanners, and materially interfere
with the harvesting operations. It la
hoped thai the order will lend to cor -rei
t tin abuse
"Another reaaou, and jut as gcssl
a one, i that, when the aabsui are
open for the unrestricted sale ol
liquors on Sundays men congregate
ujsui the -id. walk- and make it ex
troinel disagreeable lor ladies and
eveii for men passing along. Tin
will he remedied, under the order and
the enforcement of it."
When . d il a petition had been
tiled with him signed by citixeus, re
questing such a order, Mr. Mailey re
I I that he had seen none.
The i a. m- assigned by the district
attorney are identically those that act
ml a motives to linluce the mayor to
instruct the chief of police to serve
the uotlcea.
Chief ol Police John Heath man,
who issue. I the order, statea that be
Will see that it la enforced to the let
ter. Me has no option in the premis
es, aud will see that everyone com
plies with the command.
t nisi . Opinion.
Ohio! of Police Meatbinaii was in
terviewed in regard to the working ul
the new order and said: "Il means
iusl what it says and will in- anlofOM
I ladieve it ought to be en force. I every
week day as well as ou suuuay 1 he
saloon men don't have to keep the
front doors locked, ifnly ciostsl Man,
of then, do tiiat all the tune Without
any order. The object is to prevent
gathering ol loalers around the troul
doors ol the saloons, and also to pre
vent the hearing by passers by ol any
foul language that may be uttered
Knoxvllle Strike Conllaue.
Kuoxvilie, Teun., Aug. -'. The street
cur strike coutlliues. With little pros
pcet ol an early eettluiuent. The
strikers are orderly. ery lew cars
are running. They are manned by
in ,u union men.
Orowoed lo Weil Virginia.
Central City, W. W, Aug. .-Mrs
Fanny Meuiiuiug, her daughter and
two grandchildren were drowned near
here last uight by the capsizing of a
row boat
a itseurl fire.
Clarkeville, Mo. Aug. -'.
business block and several
An entire
were deetorynd by tire last night
lose was t0,0OO
Hamburg, Aug. '. Everyone heru
ie busy preparing (pr the reception ot
Couut Walderaee, who is scheduled to
arrive on August . There will boa
military pageant ou a magnificent scale
tor which crack troops are cowing from
all parte ot Meruiauy.
Reported hv I. L. Ray Co.. Pendleton.
Chleaa-o Board or Trade and New York
Stoek xehanae Broker.
New York, Aug. I, There wa not
much doing in wheat tialay, and the
OlOM wa V under yeterday. I.tver
pisil coed 7 H Higher, 57:1-8. There
will lie no Liverpool market until
next Tuesday, or account of holidaye.
New York OBrtMd Hi higher, 74'4,
sold down to 7:t, and closed at 74.
Corn oened V higher, HIV but
cIohI IMI.
Stiark lower.
Money, I or cent.
Clone vesterdav , ,' I
ilium today, 74.
Kange halav. 7H'4 to 744 .
OlOM tislay. 74.
Btookai Sugar, I:t7'4 ; steel. M I H;
St. Paul, IN 7 H; V. P.. 7.
Wheat in San Franelseo.
San I rancico, Aug 8. -Wheal, he
camber , UXI' . .
Whsat In
I hleaeo.
Cbiciigo, Aug.
AR ft-S.
no I to
80,000 Placed In Headwater
or the
Aatoria Or. Aug. 'J. Hefore sundown
there will nc eighty thousand voting
trout released n the headwater of the
Neean iciini hv A. B. Hebhardl. secre
tarv ol the Oregon Fish ami (tame As
sociation. Mr iichhardt and two as
sistants arrived down on tl DM
train with them and proceeded to Sea
side where arrangement had been
made to have them taken to the places
ere they will be turned bsise. Of
the-eti-h sixty thousand are eastern
brook trout and i he remainder rain
bow ifOtlt. The tlsh arti about two and
a hall incnes in length and in good
condition, very tew having died dur
ing lraiissrtatioh. It is expecied
that they will reach a tillicient eiie
tor sport -men to catch in a couple of
years. The tlsh were secured through
the effort ol I he lish warden, who pro
nounces the (fOBMlloan ail ideal si ream
for the purpose and at the Name tune
casv of a. . es- l the majority of ,
I, -her- o( the slate.
Prominent Young Men ot Portlend Pound
In the Dent.
Portland, August '.' A campaign has
iiecn commences! against opium dens.
The I'lhnesc i,uitrler is dotted with
these places and they have a small
army of patrons. Colored (ample and
white are frequenters, as well as
Chinese, and il is on account of the
two lor DMf races tl at the police have
taken action and rfcnu.nicd the (act
that opium smoking has many slaves
here Two raid wer ade within
the past lew days and those arrested
in Mcll case were whites and colored
ptoplOi Most ot the prisoners were
women, but they received as heavy
punishment as their male companions
1 1 i- possible to send these smokers to
the penitential, by priNMH'lltillg Ibeiu
iimler a certain statute, hut the olh
ciala are aatilled in linOtiBfJ lines
aim imprisonments Among the smok
ers are young men, sous of prominent
tain II mb.
Claimed One of the Principal. Il Now
Arranging Newt Vervloe.
I'ortland, Aug. '.'. Again there is
talk of another daily newspaper I g
start. il in Portland This time the
principals are said to be men Irom
homer. I hev have held consultations
With the state democratic coiiilii iltee
and the politic will bent that BOeM
The Hoard of Trade, the Chamber ol
Commerce, aud, it is aid bill not BBS)
tinned, thai the I'orl ol Portland com
mission have also been interested,
iim promoter is now in San Francis,...
said to bl making arrangements for
the news service of Hearst's papeia
Aiiianee That as
Ksaaon for
Washington, Aug I The navy de
partment tislay made public the cor
lespoiideiu e Isilweeli illlllral K mils. r-
wnd ecretary Long regarding the
lot mef ' I rauBOM to lai released Iroiii
serviug ou the Schley court ol inquiry.
Kiinberly asks to lie released on ac
count ol a weak heart Admiral h.uiu
is now mentioned as his successor.
virion. i Brlna Report ol Uood Pay on
Seattle. Aug. '1. The steamer Vn
lorian arrived tbi
ii ,
in iruiug
sitka. with t ani.iAX) in gold. The new
discovered Mtellugue district is show
ing up well. A large amount ol gold
is on the way out by mean stnauisiiip
Couple or I. mis Urehln Operate
Lllile Urehlna
Baker Clly.
Haker City, Aug. , Two little
street Arabs were arrested last even
ing ou the charge ot burglary ol a lo
cal store, neither ladiig over nine
years old One, Charley Jennings,
will in sent to the reform agbool
while the) other will Ui given a chain,
lo reform at home. I'hey sawed a hole
through the side of the building and
gathered up clgarrellc papers
inati lies
and some other stun,
besides a little
Want the federation or Labor.
Piitsburg, Aug. 1, oihcisls ul the
Amalgamated have been ill consulta
tion this morning with Daniel tlotU
pers, ol the Federation ot Labor. Mis
advise and the moral aud financial
support of the vast army of workers
belonging to hit organization are
wanted belore a decisive move is made.
Li Hung Chaug Uylug.
Ixjudon, Aug. ii. -The lilobe's Shang
In correspondent wireg today that Li
Hung Chang is believed to be dying.
kieel ktrueture Collapsed.
Pittsburg, Aug. li. --By the eol lapse of
a Mn ol the steel structure of a brick
building this uioruiug two men were
killed aud one fatally injured.
Only Two Alternatives
Or i Complete Backdown by ihf Aniilfi
uiiled Auoriiiloo ol Iron nut
StMl Workers
Sail franosco, July f, -The trike
situation is unchanged Negotiations
i are still pending for an earl v seltle
' BeMt. Labor leader and merchant
aiiae are , that tomorrow at
the latest will see peace restored, and
the men at work mi M lav Water
frmit conditions are ultle changed
from yeslenlai Three coatcrs xrafl
added to the Idle Meet The Cone
lliailgh and the ('optic are scheduled n
sail tin- afternoon, the latter light
There has been no weak ig on the
narl o( the tnkers, the men holding
ilrin. No disorders have is-curred. It
- """'-' o,..,,, ,,,.,
ill the hia-
lOM ol San traticisci
A I ruelal Point Reached.
Pittsburg, Aug. J.-Karly indica-
t s this morning hi the matter of the
settlement of the steel strike were that
it would ls either a general strike and
war to the tliiish, or a complete hack
down on the part ( tn., malgauiated
association. The .uithsik waa grave
and tislav's developments were nines
sarily .porlant.
I si! y Hops May not bs souxht by Her
Won Hsir.
I .nil-1 -Il . Vug. I There is an enter
citing side to the escapade in San
Francisco ol Cant strong and had,
HopB. It is now slated that I bike
Newcastle paid l.adv Mom lo, ma)
pound for the release from all further
asN'ialion with I er of bis brother,
Lord Mope, and it is bvliBBfd that no
attempt will he made In HOM B M
cure a divorce on account of his oau
indiscrel inns.
An Aarsemsnt May Soon bs Reached
With lolomblan Uovernmeal.
VS'asbingiou, Aug J-Satisiacioit
progreMs is being made in the negotta
lions betaeen the Isthiiiiau canal i
mission and the Columbian govern
Mil regarding the terms RBOfl which
the I nilinl Mates can ecure control ol
the Panama canal. So tss.u as the de
tails can be worked out an agreement
will be put into formal shape and
s igned.
Corn Nine Hope to Prove Hli Company
la kelvenu
Chicago, Aug. Loyal friend and
admirers of (ten. Phillips, including it
is iiuderstiasl several Chicago ml 1 1 ion
aires, are rallying to his aid and Ins
attorney said they tumid see biiu
through his present dilhculty. Ae the
work ol the exiiert accountants pro
csssde, Phil I is groes more coodneul
that the affairs, his company will lie
restored to a normal condition. Many
traders are strong in their belief that
the company is eolveut. Phillips said
tislay that not on ot his customers
will lose a cent Mis attorney asserts
that the discrepant ie m the bBBxtt ere
now rodUBBtl ' f 00 ""' aod that tin-
may be lien rsMBil It is also believed
that the tiriti a ill la, able to resume
ope rations on Monday.
Crlipi Paralyiad.
Naples, Aug -' Suitor Cnepi is re
isirifd to he in precarious condition
i.hIs, Mis legs are paralysed, and Ins
bauds are uearl, helpless. The gov
eminent has ordered Crispl'e papers
ami pro part malad mo LaieU alter
his death.
Torpedo kual BMMh
London. Aug .'. A torpedo boat
uuk during the naval maneuvers oil
Alderuay Imlav. All ou Inaard were
saved .
Are you going
tor a vacation!' II no you shun Id
t all in and Mt ur shoes. We
have them Ioi the mountains, Uu
the beat h and lor every kind ol
V.I .11
Harvest Shoes.
We have ihf ifg si stin k ol
sin. is lul liaivtsl weal III t'l-mlle
ton and gUttl'UDtee ever) pan we
Kcuitfitiher UU 11Ul' uwiuci
sale is in full blast ami we can
Hitve you itom jsc to ' u" ""
evcrj pii ot shoes you buy.
Tiie Peoples Warehouse
716 Main Slieet. I'c.niUcion, Or.