East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 31, 1901, Image 4

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    WKPNKSDAY. JI I.Y ;i, mil.
Waterman ' fountain pnnt.
Trv oaf Mineral Water, it ia
Rrnrk MK'nma
Ladies' Button Shoes
Slam to 3 t
50c Per Pair
30 Pairs Laidies' Black
. . OX r OR US . .
Siaea to 6 at
Why wear your nice shoes
to the mountains when yon
can buy shoes at (MM
Practical Hoot and Blio. Man.
window shades at
Jaa. A. Howard. Farm loans.
Diamond inks and mucilage at Nolf'a,
Hack for Teal springs, ralaphOM
Main 78.
Bay ronr
1 shirt weieta, now i9c. Cleaver
Bros. Dry Goods Co.
96 dock suits, now 92. H8 OtWfW
Broa. Iry Goods Co.
Have your picture framed . latent
atylea at Murphy 'a.
Hi -yii aquaw glove. BMMMlM atvl
lMaded hags at tlawlev's
Free concert at Waketifhl .'. I .
ing's every evening.
New designs in wall paper at
Murphy's paint store.
Seethe 91400 bahy grand tttskl
field A Failing's music storj.
Harveet and camping supplies o( all
kiuds and low price at Haw icv -
We are closing out Jruit jars at rosi
at Uie Standard 0IMM '
Piano and organs aold on easy pa
Oacati at Wakefield A Kai'ing's.
Yo s ave monev now by buying
your jars at the Standard grocery.
First claaa wheat pasture lot rattle
and horses. Inquire of Peter Weat.
25c summer goods to close at
per yard. Cleaver Hros. Dry
See the largest stock of
eshihited in this city at Wnkeiieli: .'.
railing a.
Midsummer sale of wash omI. him
half price. Cleaver Broa. I'rv
Goods Co.
Boiled ham, root Iwer in BSekSfBB,
peacbea, apricots, blackberries, water
and muakmelons at Hawley'a.
Finest hams and lard on the market.
Home product ; try it, ita guarantee.:.
Bchwara A Ureulich.
Lost-Between Pendleton and Pilot
Rock, a pair of fine shoes. I
pleaae leave at this office .
lee cieani for partiaa and lodge
aociablaa at special prices, quality
guaranteed. Candy Dutton.
Natural Mineral Water delivereii for
20c balf gallon, 36c gallon, container
estra. Brock A McComas Cm
Creecent bicycles on the installment
plan at the Crescent agency in the Kast
Oregonian bnilding, payments fl a
week, no interest.
Drink Natural Mineral Water it will
save a doctor bill; 'Ah half gallon. 35c
gallon, delivered, container extra, at
Brock A. McComas Co.
Dr. W. M. VauPatten of Walla
Walla will be at Bingham Bpriagi
from July 2u to August 20. Parties
viHitmg the springs can depend BpOS
receiving medical attention if
The homeliest man in Pendleton as
well as the haudaouieel, and oUsMI
are invited to call on any druggiKt
aud get frw a trial Urttle M KMR -hamuli,
lor the throat and lw
remedy that is guaranteed to cure BI
relieve all chronic ami acute MMMsM
asthma. bfOncibti and coiisiiuipt i.m .
Price 25c and 50c. For sale by Tall
man A Co., sole ageuta.
fill aiel refreshing
For sale at a bargain, a short counter
and shelving, both new. Apply corner
Water A .1 oh neon streets.
A protect is on foot in La Qrande to
hni id an electric road trom that place
to Cove, a distance of about 16 miles.
Work it is said, will aoon begin on the
It is easier to keep well than get
cured. Hewitt's Little Early Risers
taken now and then, will keep your
bowels in perfect order. They never
gripe hut promote an eaay action. Tall
man A Co
Walla Walla Union: Horsey R.
Niebols, the College Place merchant.
Bbeffad with violating the Sunday
closing law, waived preliminary ex
amination in the justice court yester
day morning, anu the case will be
iieard liefore Judge Tu.iiuas U. Brents
in the superior court this morning at
10 o'clock.
1 Jackson of Idaho, P. J. Rooney
I tile, I Millivan and F. Sullivan,
nrothers, from Hutte county. Montana,
lauded at Cape t.ipin, I'nimak island.
May U', to prospect June 7 on return
ing to tbeir boat Indians hiding he
DIM rocks opeued fire without warn
ing and shot, the two Sullivans and
Rooney dead. Jackson escaped.
The second annual reunion of the
National Knrauipment of Philippine
veterans will be held August 15, in,
I 17, in Salt Lake City, 1'tah. General
(wen SamflMfS of Portland is first
vice-president of the organisation, and
mhi attend the reunion. He will
i make a strung effort to secure next
year's reunion fur Portland
Union -iott. for eight vears a su
preme oat ia of tbe state of Washing
ie: i r ten years the chief justice
of the supreme court was arrested at
IVtMlaMU charged with raping
s B baafWr, aveo fifteen and was
Imund over under a 2U0t) rash bond
The girl is an orphan. Scott retired
trom i ne bench with an excellent re
rord four years ago.
norm MSB! POI DAT.
A. D. ' Tiffin, owner and editor of
the New Age, spent Taeeday in Pen
dleton, and will go on to towns alone:
tbe line of the O. R. A N. as far as
Raker City. Mr. Griffin edits a paper
that he endeavor to make representa
tive of the heat elements of (be colored
people of the Pacific north weat. He
wields considerable influence among
tbe members of hia rare. Hit field
comprises Oregon and surrounding
state, in which the colored ponula
tion is aa follow: Oregon, H000; Wash
ington. M00; California, 9000 ; Idaho,
rtfto, Montana, 000; Nevada. 260, or
a population in all of 32.400. His
ideas regard Ing the fntnre of the ne
gro are broad. "We are not longer
askmg for pity and commiseration,
bat are attempting to induce our peo
ple to take their places in the active
affair of the country in exactly the
same relationships as those held by
the white people. This in time we
hope will place tbe negro on an equal
ity with the white, although it mav
reqnire many generations so to do."
Mr. Griffin attended the national edi
torial association in Buffalo, and met
there Brooker T. Washington, the
greatest negro of modern time. Of
Mr. Washington Mr. Griffin has great
admiralon, adjudging him worthv t
lead the negro to higher ground than
that occupied In past year.
S 1
pianos ever
J. H. Collins. Who Bilked Athens Lodgs
TaBen in Modesto, Calif.
T. D. Taylot, deputy sheriff, left
Tuesday nigh: (or Salem. There he
will secue requisition paper calling
upon the governor of tbe state or Cali
fornia to deliver over to his custody.
.1. H. I'oliins. the man wbo robbed the
I. "'.men's lodge at Athena of 1H0 or
f 100 last winter
i i ins went to Athena and joined
the lodge: was elected treasurer, .held
the ottjre lor only a week or two; left
Athena one day, and took wiUi him
all oi the funds that had been en
trusted to his care, and was not heard
from again until he was traced to Mo
Dalifornia, where he was arrest
ed last Sunday morning. The iheriff's
othc.e here got the "tip ' aa to Collins'
whereabouts, and telegraphed the sher
iff there to take and hold tbe man.
ins agreed to come without the
formality of requisition papers, hat the
-Mieriff' office here thought it wise to
make a sure thing of it, and hence in
structed Itoputy Taylor to stop in Sa
leai aud get from Governor l.ieer the
necessary paper.
It is expected tliat Mr. Taylor will
leave haieui tonight, and that be will
arrive in Pendleton with hi man in
ahout eight days.
lie has been watched lor ever since
his departure, and when found was
working upon a ranch near Modeato.
A Cbaliena-.
Oanv Ryan challenges any 146
. Mad man in tbe state of Oregon to
wrestle, catch as catch can, bait two
in three falls for 960. Man and money
can lie lound at Antone Nolle'.
Feather Dusters.
The largest and best line
of feather dusters ever
displayed in Pendleton.
Press Thinks There Will Be Mush That Is
There is going to be lota of good
wheat in toe country tributary to
Athena, despite tbe adverse report oi
a week ago, aay the Athena Press
(in the Eilgore place, where the first
wheat of tbe season in this vicinity is
tieing threshed the yield i 40 buihel
per acre of good wheat, an tbe Pre is
informed by Cbartee Brotberton, owner
of the machine doing the work. Two
weeks ago this field waa reported to 1st
in very poor condition, aod tbe predic
tion wa made that it would not torn
out a half crop. But with wbeat, as
with all thing, appearance do not go
for everything, a fact that in this case
:r more than veribad Wbile tbe ataud
ami plaid were materially cut down by
the cold weather and the field might
have yielded rio bushel per acre bad it
' I t Baaa damaged. 40 bushels, it pres
ent yield, ran by no mean be put
down as a failure.
The wheat injured aud shriveled by
Old weather is so light that in tbe
theshing process it is blown into tbe
tree stack, aod only tbe plump
grains rind their was into the sack .
Haass n is safe to say the grain will
4 good marketable quality.
Whether or not ibM rule will apply to
all fields that have been damaged more
or lea by unfavorable weather coudi
of course remains to be seen aud
BBB Ball be calculated upon after tbe
work of o a vesting is well under way,
bias will not be until the fore part
ol the week coming
l'huee famous little pills.DeWitt's
Little Karly Risers eompel your liver
and bowels to do their duty .thus giving
voii pure.rirh blood to recuperate your
body. Are eaay to take. Never gripe.
Tall man A Co.
Wat a Resident of Camas Valla
Aged Eighteen.
Walter Hale aged 18, sou ot
Mrs. C. Hale, living oue mile north
from I xiah. died on Monday from dia
betes, and waa buried from tew home
raioh. He had been aiuB lor ..outline.
Tonight tbe F.disou company will put
on in their tents Mr. Edison's grand
spectacular production of "CmUerilla"
in JifO tableaux with a number of new
foreigu and transformation scene.
; Admission 26c, children 15c. "Ciu
Iderilia" will please everybody.
Wl art- closing out
Ladies' Orfords,
Men's Tan Shoes
All Short Lines
closing out
Perrv Wbitworth, the blacksmith,
here from Echo.
Ales Drvsdale is a goest at the Ho
tel St. Cieorge.
Mie Nell Cameron is visiting
friends in Portland and fielaH
Mim Bees Swittler will leave oon
lor a trip to Victoria. B. C.
Roy Alexander left this morning to
visit his friends in Baker City.
J. A. McLaughlin of tne Potts is
registered at the Golden Rule hotel.
Miss Eva Justice of Walla Wall is
visiting friends in Pendleton.
Mr. Irwin, who i at Bingham
springs for the summer, spent today in
George Minger ol Platxoeder A Miu
ger ha been in La Grande on a busi
ness trip.
Mr. Ida Powell and children of
Heppner are stopping at the Golden
Rule bote
E. C. Evans and wife of Pilot Rock
are in tbe citv, gueeta of the lei
Rule hotel.
George Iarveaa, owner of the Hotel
St. George, is in La Grande on a bui
neas trip.
Mia Fav Fuller returned to Port
land Tuesday night, and will go from
there to her home in Tacoma.
M i a Celeatine .Moor house and Mis
Klsie Folaom left this morning for As
toria, to apand a two weeks' vacation.
General Manager MrCabe of the
Washington A Columbia, is in town
and will probably remain Here unt I
tomorrow .
Hale Sluaher arrived in Pendleton
last night from the Sluher iBJtah near
Hotter creek, where he has lieen for
tbe past month.
Article of incorporation of the East
Side Irrigation company were filed on
Tueaday in tbe office of' W. H. Chain
her lain, county clerk.
George Beaice of Lewitton, Maine,
arrived in Pendleton Tueaday and will
remain all summer on a visit to Ralph
and Gay Wade, wbo are hi cousin.
Dr. E. A. Vaughan arrived in Pen
dleton on this morning' train from
Portland where he baa been on a viait.
Mr. Vaughan remained in Portland.
Portland Oregonian: Mr. F. F.
Waiusisy and Mr. William Fitzgerald
of Pendleton are in Portland for a few
da s, visiting relative of Mr. Finger-
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Weaver of the
East Oregon lau family left on the
train this morning for Milton where
they will spend a week or ten days
with relatives and friend.
Mr. aod Mr. C. N. Taylor aod son
left veeterday evening for New York.
ing by way of Denver. Mr. and
rs. lavlor were of the h in pi re -lock
company recently playing here.
J. C. Mobr, who for tbe past year
has had charge ol the drvgoods depart
ment at Alexander A Hexter's ha re
turned to Portland, wtiere he has a po
sition io Olds. Wortman A King's.
Mr. and Mr. F. Y. Scbuck arrived in
the city from Bingham springs this
morning. They eame down for a dav
only and will return tomorrow even
ing to stay at tbe springs fur three or
four week longer.
Tbe suit of tbe Washington A Co
lumbia River railroad company against
J.I. Joy waa tiled in the circuit on
lueeday. It involves a queation of the
asion of certain land by the com
Mrs. 1-eoi. Cohen aud Mrs. Charles
H. Garter leave tbis evening for the
Sound, going via the W. A ('. R. R.
aud Northern Pacific roads. Tliev ...
viiit tbe cities on both the American
and Canadian aide.
Virgil P. Cain, who lived in Pendle
ton a year or two' ago, i now at iiis
home in (sgden. Mr. Cain waa posses
sed of an excellent baritoue voice and
will be remembered by many friend,
in this town He is serving a a clerk
in the police department of Ogden.
J. j McLeod and family arrived
home Tueaday from a trip to Heaeide,
Aatoria, Vancouver and Portland,
where they took tbe boat and paaaed
through tbe lock. They apent a very
pleaaaot vacation. Mr. McLeod
states that the weather is very cool at
thoee place. 4
Walla Walla Unioo: William P.
Htorgis of Pendleton is visitinit friends
in tbe city. Mr. Sturig was gradual
"jed laat spring from Hhattuck military
academx at Feirbaull, Minn., and this
Mr. and fall will enter the state university of
California, at Berkeley, to complete
hia -Indies
Mrs. H. B. Tbraaber and daughter,
Mia Uaisy Thrasher, are gueata of Mrs
John M. lieu tie) in Pendleton, and
will return borne to their Columbia
river ranch tomorrow. Mrs. Tbraaher
states toat tbe fruit on tbeir orchards
is unusually good tbis season, and that
in about eight or ten days it will be
ready for shipment Th'ev expect to
have 76 to 14)0 boxe ol firat-claaa froit
to aaod out each day.
Oo tabid John M. Bent ley Tuesday
afternoon bad a chaat after a prisoner
that oaliad to hi assistance several
bystander, tbe man baiog lauded
again ia custody. Charles Read was
the man and be was arrested for the
alleged robbing of a man tbe other
day. Constable Beutley wa conduct
ing him from the court room fee? tbe
jail, and the attempted escape took
place on l.ourt street at tbe corner of
cole rarksH
from sonm
Was With a Canadian Rsalmsm. Bavwtag
Fourteen Months--Visits With HI
Brother. Dr. Cole.
Albert E. Cole, brother of lr 97. G,
Cole, is visiting here, having come
from Vancouver, 1. C. He was there
for several weeks. Mr Ool rl a vet
eran of the Boer war. He enlisted at
London, Ontario, and remained in
the service for 11 month", until his
regiment was mustered out He n III
a very interesting story of the opera
tion of the British troops in Month
"Fngland," said he "Is lighting
virtually the whole world, as she pro
Ben t tne war in HofJtt) Africa. WhBt
I mean by this may lw shown by an
assertion that will be vouched for bj
anyone who has been in service thwf
that nnou the average, when one
thousand prisoners are taken, hun
dreds of them will be found to be
Frenrnmen, Dutch. Germans, Ameri
can and irishmen, who have none
there and entered the service of IDS
lloer armie. Some of them are nffi
rers, some privates. I dnnht it any
other of the great powers oi the world
ronld have carried on the war so BM
cesstnlly as England has. in the face
of difficulties that would appal any
nation, when learned in all their bear
hsBB. "Regarding those flairs of truce. ''
rontinued Mr. Cole. In reime to
question, "it is a fa.'t that the li vers
frequently disregarded the rules of rii
ilited warfare, nnd. after raising truce
Hags, fired upon the British soldiers
who advanced to receive offers of sur
render. This it was that caused the
issuance of orders from the English
commander that flags of trace mujt hr
unheeded. a:-d for a tune fighttng pro
ceeded while truce tlag were rl log
This is one record of the war that is
not creditable to those on the Boer side
of the controversy."
Mr. Cole ha a collertion of BOB!
coins, showing the Ihfao JBMB9 ploo
the six-nenre, shilling, two-shilling,
two-and-a-half shilling, balfspatrnd
and pound, the last two gold.
He will remain here for some time,
and in the event that he finds condi
tions to his liking, will make this
town his home.
Vlly Psopl Rxpsrlsnelng
niffioultiai This Summer.
..: iii, resident
Cam.' V. V -Uv 1 ..rough. H tb.
lorViO. tb. M-e M.rea-ened trou
bles among the sheepmen Bd W"
tlemen. that engaged the alien Hon of
msnv in the earlier sesson. Wlj"
materialist At "jLff
no troubles experienced, and every
thing out there is quiet.
Line are not regsrded W"
sheep men." said the Fast i Wimn
informant, "as they wen i,pPo-ed to
'do But there will b HO OR r " f
tore. it is iHfBen.1 ,2
agreement that was entered into last
spring, because t here are very many
persons aOgd in the """""
! the count rv i rather Urga.
gM SB) that no one in OaUM V1IBJ
; looks lor anv serious trouble. P" ',r
risBJ ' lr son.ewl..t m .re lhan Ihey
ssTTwad to Is-ar than to BOOB ctic 'iint
ers. ' '
Ntmbir oMh House Board
Walla Walla. July HI. -('apt. Robert
1 p. Walsh. Ninth cavalry, accompanied
MM Mrs. Waish. is in the rity. (apt. !
, Walsh is a member of the bom "OS.
and is engaged in buvinit aiuuiais mr
oavalrr narposet. Mrs Wealth '
liting at the home id lir father. A. S.
Legrnw. C t. Walsh and the other
members ot the board arrived in Wa.la
turdflv from Prnsr an I ex
pect to remain here ahmtlO day.
Two bwwdrad and eighty horses will be
purchased. Tie- l-.ar I roiisi-ts of
Lieut. Col. Jfl JaokBow, retired.:
Capt. Walsh N .:: cavalry; t'upt.
Jones. Sixth Intai it ami Thomas M '
Owen, W . .
Cent. Walsh is ell a qaaioted id i
! Walla Walla, in. I I II ItBtil Bad here
with the Fourth rmalr in 1490 and
1 1191. He wiis appolotetl lieutenant i
icoionel of voloateeri daring the Phil
inl ine insurre, 1 1 n, and was sent to
! the islands w it; lU Ti iriy. fifth regi-
oient In in1 He retoraaa to tne
United States last April, and ha
sinre, until made a BIBlhaf of the
horse hoard. t-'ii stationed at the
Presidio in niusleriUk' nut service.
PROM 130 TO I8.I0
lo not iniff hir gohton opportunity,
Charlas Read uosi
Charles Keed, or 'harles Kice, had
a hearing in Justice Kit ierald's
coort at 1U o'clin-k tin nn.rnir.g on the
rhsrge ol larceny from the person of
H. A. V annoy, who was the complain
ant. Keed was put under I .this for
his appearance for trial in the circuit
court. He could not furnish bonds
snd be languishes in jail in H
qoeoce. Tbe robbery occurred in front
of Allen Bros.' wood office on .Alt
street and the amount taken w- very
small. When Keed wa arresteif, no
mad iately after the attack upon Van
nov. he threw the monev into the gut
ter and it was recovered and returned
to Vaiuiov .
For bale.
Two spring wagons, one farm wagon,
nearly new, also, eight head good
horses. Apply to Kdison's big electric
At lied time 1 lake a pleasant ben
drink, the next morning I feel bright
and my complexion is better. My
doctor says it net gently on the
stomach, liver and kninevs, and is a
Bleaeant laxative. It is made iron,
erba, and is prepared as easily as
tea. It is called Lsue's Madicim
Lane' Family Medicine moves the
bowels each day. Price L'.V am!
For sale by Talman 4 Co., sole agents.
Where to Spend UK
A Natural Health Resort.
Good Fishing and Hunting.
All kind of Sports, Shifting gallery,
Howling alley, Croquet aud liancing.
Telephone connection to all point.
Mail three time per week.
Endicott, Warren & McFaul,
An Awful
was made by a druggist re
cently in an Eastern town
In putting up g prescription
the wrong ingredient was
used and a child's life was
the forfeit.
A great many mistakes art
made every day in making
light bread and cake. The
wrong baking powder is used
and the life goes out of the
light bread or cake. When
you use Owl Baking Powder
there is no mistake. I'otind
cans 4uc.
Owl Tea House.
Jelly Glasses bc a dozen.
pcilty ol
wutvii. or ;usl repnirius tirss. U
"un slid m d" all reiMir rs t
and in tl.r best puMlblr uisnnar Wr pit
tlrss u Slay, sua the carrlagvs vc repair
en.! out Miuoii with boiftv o: that auuo
rattle th: rum (ram Ioom parts II tdu t
u de voir work you i-an spprscisic bos
1! is anil uow luiali tltc co-it is
Are you going
for a ucation? If so you should
call in and see our shoes.
have them for the mountains, ior
the beach and for every kind of
( una and examine kooi!.-. and get prioaa.
Wm. Fitzgerald, Manager.
Fire Damp Baploalea.
Victoria, B. C, July 31. -a Cum
berland special state that tire broke
out in shaft four of the principal mine,
caused by a Ire-damp explosion. All
eeuaped, exoept T. E. Niobol, fireman,
who was entrapped. Effort were
made to rescue nun.
Harvest 5hoes.
We have the largest stock of
siioes for harvest wear in Fendle
ton and guarantee Bvarj pait vv
Remember our midsummer
sale is in full blast anil we can
save you Iron 95c to $i.oom
evei) pair of shoes you buy.
The Peoples Warehouse
716 Main Street. Pendleton, Or.
OregoDian. Dally 9-00 a year by
mail. Weekly 9i jo. aud Bouiu
Weekly lut a yasu. Sampie BjBjf free
Oregon Lumber Yard
For barns and dwell nigs.
Cheaper tliac tin.
Shinnies. .
Building Paper,
Tar Puper,
Lime and Cement,
1 PtasU 1 ,
Brick uud Sand,
Scroeu DooiacV Wiudusa,
Sash aud Doon,
Terru Cotta Pipe.
Borie & Light, Prop's
A.lta St., opp. Court House
"- "
Shades, Curtain Holes, Murors.
Our midsummer
Furniture sale
is thr cpnter of attraction Bjkj
,er:s unusual attention, v.
cr you intend to furnish ivw.
complete or just cotitemp,,e
acuiuion 01 a it w nt tssan
this is your opportunity.
twentv-fiv- different stvle$ n
Iron Beds
Dressers, Commodes. Parlor
nitttfe. Lart'tts. Miitrinirc w
f'lcturtrrs. Haby Cabs. Go-Cart
Undertaking Parlors in Connection.
Moss nnil Uf.LL
The Wheel that ia
kv Hiqh In Quality
Prices From $22 to $60.
Road wheels; - - $35.
Racers, - - - - $50.
ChainlesB Crescents $60.
Boys and Girls Wheels $22.
1900 Models as low as $15, $20, $25.
CrttOtlll Yheel6 supplied with spring frames
and Morrow counter brake or witb eitlier.
Termr? f j.ayment hi Buit cmtoinerr, with uo
interest. Call and gtt a catalogue.
Eaat Oregonian Building.
Hotel Pendleto
Under New Management
Strictly Ptrst-Clasi
Utbllent Cuisine
Lvery Modern
II i I"
Bar and Billiard Rooms
The Best Hat.
Van Una Bros., Props
n fl, 9ii
U!f Ub I ina
Special KiHl
I f
Travelloj H
HeadQuarters for
In Eastern Orcoon.
Successors to J. E
For sale, lot 4
raajdaoos lot at 1
ply to
In block 81,
low price.
r ml -
Anroo fadlriBi a at
qulrkiy staostrtaiin ur t
inventit'fi i jrrv-bat'lr (xi
litftiaairttrtif txnO.li
aajitt Irsje ('Wait mMUUvy
Paiwnia ia--i. tnr a
tmcktki tutiut. without 0
'b3 H VLi-LLm
t anil daecnut, -i. rjB
li";i fnasr bKtsr tUi
t 5 lL ' a- u ti 10a
17" ' ,'iia
r acuritijj aaisMtia.
.J!uV'r fl' lw
Scientific American.
A hai.ile-ii.el lllualratv fJei,.
iu ati"i f an? viiiidt lituruau
?wr: f.iuriuontu fl boMltyai
I use.;
SC WmJj.l..
Cor. Court and Johnson Sts
j riUMiu asst. IWlrlc Uahu
Auiericau fUa, rslss li.jt to l jO,Uv.
SjSKsUl rsux bf asak or inoulB.
Frw Bus rtaeU all 1 ralaa.
Cwsamarclal Trade Solicited
Ftaa Sample Kowui
Special Attention Ulven to
Country I rails
The Columbia
Lodging House
UaalBB nn salt Ul
C. F.Cook's
Goruor Main auf A ;u
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