" - " DAILY EVENING EDITION a f I1 EASTERN OREGON WEATHER, f f wew lwZ.nv TMI. FACT. Pair tonight and u-tn-artar flAH ' - PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OUBUON, TUESDAY, JULY 80, 1901. NO. 4189 It The Place To buy Groceries ,, where you can have a big rtock to select from. Call and mc M St0ck both m fanc and staple 0. R. Deinott Radical price concessions on our entire stock of Summer Dress Boods Waist Materials and Shirt Waists Await you here. We an ready to i-liww-nut Mock of MUM dress good and idiirt WSJatej and the recent warm dav are Mufflci ent warning of the all-summer needs. Think of crisp, new and dainty Dimities, Uwiik and Burmah at fhrs cents a yard' It sounds almost Incred ible, for Dimities were never sold for so little lefore. IHmittes and LkWH never BO out of -t le, and the pattern never get old. Year after vear the little re tiree, the dots and ".trine are demanded. Other fabric change i ' 1 ut of date. Not so with the Dimities. , can oiiy today for next Spring, know ing Uiat the patterns you select will DC as pretty and proper a if you waited and paid double the price next year. Alexander & Hexter. The Boston Store Sale of Fancy Hosiery 530 pairs Fancy Lisle Hose, were 75c, now 39c 240 pairs Fancy Silk and Lisle Hose, were $1.00 per pair, now 59c Sale Commences Tuesday Morning. Pendleton's Big Busy Store ll-tiiadc BBBBJ - hairs 4 He. d upphed at Xolf , i.a4. ti to es.ee. '' ' ( "'oping "Up Mippljoaj, Mil fan J i ' jmaUfeliBl a " ' a Tt ioap& A Crystal Delight. that will charm the most fastidious taste can be found in any one of our elegant styles of water sets. We have them in cut, engraved, fan y and Bohemian glass, in an endless variety of designs and patterns, and the prices are likewise attractive. $i oo to $3 $ C. ROHKMAN. 1 mtt? e 1 t "UTIMMiU ""'CkHiMI V . laaf.1 W Urate - . -"U Mill.. .......II a a. Will. . . M""l " M.. . t . wfj r. ""-w ir ui. --fi u.,i... . . Mtoci, .... . "t laaw ""cu etc. p J m Pendleton. v-uiu,, store. BYERSBEST FLOUR To make food broad use By era' Heat Flour. It look firttt premium at the Chicago World' Fair overall compel i -Hon, and givee excellent satisfaction wherever used. Kvery aact is guaranteed. We have the beet bteaiu Rolled Bailey, toed Bye and Board loan Barley. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. BYERS, Proprietor. "See Dem Freezers" I have a full line of The Peerless Ice Cream Freezers from oae pint to ten quart, will froezo cream iu from three to five minutes; also have a full line of fishing tackle, hammocks, etc. See my line before buying T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man. GINIRAL NIWI. L The Right Rev. Brook Kom W,..t oott, hinhop of Purham. in daad in 1 "n. Ion. Hi- ir Wirn in IS. Thi Btpifl Yonne Panple'ii Aatoria ttOB of Aiuprna hronght tht ronvfn MOD of their wviitv Q a vm at thf col i ppii m lxfor mi of the Urnit Sad lap CM of th (our dyi' nnttn'rinp. Tli drouth in Iowa MM bMS DtOfe on by minfall o( 1.86 inchttn, and r- rtp from pointi in the went and north of low nhow tho utorui wn irn eral. . cording to a dinpatch trom Berne to the Daily Mail, Arthur I'opel la vi, a London stilpOWMTi while climh Ing, n Priday, to tnc Poideuhorn cltiidiouw, lell "over a rock HO feet high and wm killed. Unltod BwlM AmhasnHdor I'hoate ha left London for Holland, aayt the Haily Kxpre, not for a holnlav bat. 0 rumor ti..i.. at the invitation of Mr. Kruger, who deairen him to act aa mediator in hringing alxmt a nett le nient. Rear-Admiral John Irwin, ret i rod, die.) at hie refudenre in WaKhington Sunday, after an illneaa of several moiitha, due to a i'omtlication of di aeaaea. He w n't yearn old. He en teral tlu naval academy fn 1S47, aud tiad a good war record. He left a w id ow and a daughter aud a son. The American Board of Foreign mia iOM la New York haa receive! the official report front the state depart ment at Washington that kinK- Kdward haa conferred the roval red croaa gsjtO ration upon Mias A hide . Chapin.one of the board 'a uiiseionariea in China. The honor was given because of Misa Ohapin's rervices during the siege of i'ekin. That Jacob 8. Kogera, who left al moin ail of lna immense eatate to the Motropolitaa Museum of Art in Rsi York, himself placed the estimate of Ida property at f.V-M.'t.OOO haa been dis covered hv tli.. apnrai-era. This ett- mate vraa made hv the millionaire a week liefore hia death, and theappraia- er" aav, will not tie verv far from the true value. V'liong i he armv olliieri who have returnel to the I'mted State on the transport Meade at San Kranriaco, ia Captain J. S. Mai lory, formerly a lieutenant-colonel of volunteer who is to rejoin the second infantry. Up to the time he win ordered home Cap tain Mall- u had Aguinaldu in hia rharge. Captain Mallorv aava that the tormer insurgent leader spends all ! ,Hr hi time in utii-lying and receiving via itora. Hi wile and family are with him and he sppeara contented. STEEL TRUST IS OBDURATE o The Policy to Stand on Satur day Decision. AMAIGAMATED'S IMP0RTAIT SESSION DIsrrstlODir; Powers to it GItid President Shaffer to Settle the Strike it Final Conference. New York, Julv 10 1 he ateel t runt olln iali aoBtlMW the poliry -d ailence o.i. iv. ao far aa any formal atatement on the atriko aituation t concerned. One point wsa made clear, however, waa that there are to U no now nego tiatintis. The terma agreed upon Sat MUM tnual atand, or the atrike will continue. CONSIDKRINU THE STRIKk: THE NEW YORK MARKET QfUf DU M A UVTi FOR PRESIDENT PACiriC NORTHWEST NKWS. There are three men in the Kugene hoapital with lega broken below the knee, all of them from the aawmilla at Wendling. raxiderniiita are given no rights un der the Oregon game laws whateveY, and the rigid enforcement of the law ruuat reault in driving many of them oat of the alate. Krnett Billings, a 17-year-old boy of Sweet Home, Linu county, shot him self through the right font with a re cently purchaaed :i'.' -calibre revolver. He -h i not kli" tiiat the revolver waa loaded. Kpw.rth Leaguer returning from the -mi Kranriaco convention thronged Portland Monday. Three trainloada of them, moatly from f'eniiaylvanta, New York and the Southern atates, ar-r:i-i1 there Sunday. (ieorge S-ar and T. L. Arm, Id uf Beulah were held up aud robbed Fri day on the euuiuiit of Bender moun tain, aoiiie dintauce thia aide of Ageu cy vailev in Malheur county. The rohher aecured 75 in coin and checka tad a gold wath, leaide other arti cle. Karl Jeiikin, of - ..-tie, Mies Flor ence Nevini aud M Auolia Cole, of Puvallup, were drowned Sunday by the l ol 'apaing ol a row boat on hpana- i laa- j'a-l Hanhaw, of rtouiii laioma, aa w-th the party, but managed to retain hold of the lxat until reacued. A. i). Kdgar, who died at Nome on June in went there lai year and en gaged in the treightiug buineas. He wa furmerlv a well known Htage aud mail contra-t-.r in OtJifOVtlia and Ore gon. A a tar tiack a 15U0 he waa a trutef BOB plots' ol the Welle, Kargo Kijirea company. CLD PEOPLE Haw,! i harm of tln lr own when they are not weak aud fee Mil, but bale IM kkaart) , snioyiog the portaud pliemum ot Miuth though they cannot t n 1 1 .lie in tiu-m. The whole mctt ' ol -turdy old .igi i thia Keep the sJatSJSJktll and organs Ol djuaatlow and nutrition iii per !' vtdn. TlM ouiig Iili.il who dar, not think ol ki l-.inath wil! In- in., :, to think of it aa he pots old It i the "wt -d. " btoouuh, lacspsiile of supplving the sdoquate nutrition U tlie , whn h rSMSCS the wtraklli aa and f -ble-iu.a of old ae. fir Piercer's ftnsdasi Itadieal Ustcuvsry (urea diwaai-b of the atonach aud other ot digastioa and autritioa ft Hu MSl " ktoiiuu h Strang, old w, ens hi as the body tola.- fully sou rial ed sad stMaattaWsaad ay tan focal whick Is aataa. "I mi. ft-1 fur ut yrm, with ,ouiii ... md IDdlgcjatou during winch tone J ,-i,i,wy. arveral pbyck-iaua but thry could iuA truth my u." w ilt.-. Mr C, l'.,pi,lr well ,f Kuirka hiding. Ciirioll Co Atk "I I. II thai inn. a4 '!' uic coulit n.,i irt.oii ..i on my Moiuach lu-1 vi-rti and would full hi ;i,l,. t tUc flr. Two )rui I toiniu. ncol laiaa Ilor l irr,, '(.. : l.u M.lu.,1 !,,.., tl" liltk I'. llcH ' aud imnr-.vrd from the Vail Alto Ikkluti twrlvr ljutttr of lh ww uhlr 10 do ltKhl w.jrk aid t Diacoveri ' I - iui uioviuk .r uuee I am Uow in ..A health .or one -i toy ac hi,.. I ,.Wc it all to In Lr pier, e a Common Seiuw MedicaJ Adviatr, iu prtr CO ears, ia aent ft,. ai receipt of t our -cent alampa to pay eapcuae ol mailiDx only Addreaa Ir. H. V. Pierc. Buflalo, N Y. Aiioelatton Offlelali Bagan Seislon This Morning In Plttaburg. rilthurg, J;ly M. - A meeting of the Amalgamateil aaaociation general ex ecutive committee to eonaider the pro DOasd strike settlement legan thia morning. There is a poasihriitv that an agretMiient will lie reached in tne boara, hut such reault is not likely. When the committee met, it placed be fore l'reidetit Shaffer the term upon which the ateel corporation will eetlle the airike and the conceeaiona agreed to hv sharTer at Saturday' conference with the Hteel official. No Aatlon In the Morning. ritthurg, July 30. The morning aeaeimi of the cointn'ttee chiMal with out formal action on the prop-ialtiona Udore them. I he meeting wa mark ed hy animated diariiNaion. The conlerence adjournnd at 10:30 o-ciock nut no aiatemcnt a to pro grea ha been made leaned. Shaffer Olven Dlaerelion. I'ittsburg, Julv :10. President Shaf r snd Secretary William, of the Amalgamated assK-iation, will he given diacretionary (lowers to settle the atrike at a final conference between the representatives of the ateel trust and the Amalgamated. A member of the executive committee made thia ann merit thia morning, .elding that such action will be taken aome tunc I--lav. 15,000 STRIKE IN TRISCO City Prenl Federation Agree to Uo Out to Aid Teamatera. San Krauciaco, July 30. The city front it-deration, repreeenting fourteen uniona of fifteen thouaand men and hove, including the harbor men of all kinds in Han Krauciaco, Oakland and the bay towns, unanimonaly voted to Mtnkc laat night in aupport of the teamntera. Action waa taken only af ter a refusal by the employers' associa tion to confer with the atrtkere or to make roncenalona. the tieupwill be complete if the plana are aucceeaful. rail practically mean the cloaing of Ho- -or l and the susausion of nnsinees in the wholesale and manufacturing districta. Kerrylaiata are not affected. A coal famine e feared. They Obeyed St.-lhe Order. San Kraneicao, July :W. With the exception of a very few who have de aerted the union the entire memher hii of the ritv front aaaociation obey ed the general atrike order thia morn ing, completely tieing up shipping. The atreela of the water front are thronged with atrikera, numerous ainall rowa and fighta N:curring. It ia feanul that aerioua trouble will follow any attempt to replace the Mtrikera. Might Shots Sired. San Franc iaco, July 30. lioacoe Horn, Wm. i-erguaon, colonxl, mm Bail n teuinxtern, were eeri at while -Iriving through a crowd of Slrtkart, BO pullixi revolvera and Urtai eight hnt at the crowd. Carl Lynch, an oaloobai'i wounded. (iOOU NATURE AT EE RENO Two Thousand Hamas Drawn In the Land Lottery Today. I.I Baaa. July 30. Increased attend ance marked the aecoud day of the laad lottery. iol nature prevailed and almoat everybody aparnd Iioihi ful. Two thouaand iiainne are being drawn today. Many elept Monday night upon the hilleide around the wheel of fortuue to he on hand early. Othera came from up town at au early hour and aecured positions aa cpaie to the platform aa poaalhla WAS SEOJND IN THE RACE ay Arrives lo New York la Hound World Baaa. New York, July 30. H. Critleudeu. the an Krauciaco boy who was second to t-iuMorria in tiuarata' race around the world, arrivetl thia uioruiug from Maraeillea. Critleudeu left S'amouver, I. C, May 27, and atili has to wake the journey acroee the out in.-ni tiki I cl ANNEXES CRETE fleet Leavea for Lanea, to Bake Preeia matien to Tbat aaeet. viauna, July Jo. A local newapar atatee that the tireek Heel, compound ol five armored warehi-e, nve gun boats ami aix torpedo boats, haa gone to anew, Ureta, to proclaim the annex ation of Crete to Oreeee. London Knows Net of It. I mdon, July 30. Nothing is known here of the asiling of the reek fleet l t 'rete to annex the ielaad to Ureace. It is known, however, that (Jreece recently eouodad the powers on the matter and that Kuglaud and Rassia eviuoed their williugneea that reeos altould annex the island, but the kaia er objected and there the matter tanda. rrtaeaers Baa aye. Toledo, July 30. Foor dee per ale prtnouere tais morning overpowerwi night watchman at the point of a re voTveraod after a tteroe struggle eeour ed the key a aud loade au eanape Reported by I. L. Bay a Co.. Pendleton. Chieace Beard or Trade and New York Btesk asshanae Brokers. New York. July 30. -The grain mar kets were all atronger today, corn lead ing with an advance of I ,c Liver pool was 3-8 lower at the opening, but cloeed same as yesterday New York opened '4 higher, 73S and, after ael ling at VlJa, advanced to 74 3-H. Stocks tower. Money, '1 ier cent. Steel ia the center of interest at prea ent. The reault of the meeting tialay will have a marked effect on values. Wheat: Close yesterday, 7:t'4. Open today, 7.1V Range today, 73i to 74 3-8. I'loae today, 74 S-8. Stocks: Sugar, 14U4 ateel, 4)4 7-8 1 St. Paul, IHOi, ; V. P., t 7-8. Wheat In San Pranalsse. San Krsncisco, July 30. - December wheat, 101 to 101 V Wheat in Chicago. Chicago, July 30. Wheat, 88', to 88 ft -8. Governor Taylor of Kentucky Does it. w HE USED CORN KINO'S NAME Contribute. Chicago, July 30. Inquiries from banker in the middle west reveal a held fraud undertaken hy a take con cern iu the name of a well known operator- The parties operating aa Chil li pa and com pan , of New York, who have flooded the country with confi dential circular to tankers in which the impresaion is given that the head of the concern is the Chicago corn king, a. d that he wishes hankers to jmn him in a September corn mkI by contributing $1000 each to an a.l-li tional 'und of .' " mm which ia to be raised. 1'hillips declared he has no connection with the affair. SATS IT'S JUST LIKE DREYFUS CASK O aa elmbsrly His As.td to Rr K-lisvnd From the Court ol laquirj Sa H Hm III Hfglib. Nsskville, lalj B, . Bl,r printer! here today, tinvernor Tsylor come out for Schle (or pretdent, and uv that in the treatment of him the "Dreyfua cse ha almoat been eipisled here in our own country." AI I ECTS SCHLEY MATTER THE LATE CORN WAS SAVED Ralna Cams in Time to BfTssl Suab a Re- Ull. Waahington, July 30. The weeklv crop reH,rt aays that the rain in the weat haa hern the aalvation of the late corn cropa. the recent rains have improved the late corn In portiona ol Kansaa, Ne braska, Oklahoma and Miaeouri. Hut early corn was practically rnineil la- fore the rain came on. in lowa crop aiinered leaa tniurv than the before men I I atatee and rainfall haa been copioua and well diNtnliuted In the great corn states east of the Miaaiaalppi river, eicent ing over Northeni llliuoia, the drouth and heat have continued with diaae iroui errncia upon -orn wincli i now In a critical condition. to TORE KAISER'S COLORS International Complleallona May Arlao Prom the Insldsnt. New York, July 30. -International complications may follow the action ol the I ohunhlaii olflciala in arrealimr AlaM Murrlllo on hoard a ateainhn sailing the (rermaii Msg, after tearing the kaiser's colors off. Murrillo lieinii on ti-.ard. The ateamahlp official a will lay the matter before the dorman gov ernment ami It is eipectad that the Colombian government will be taken severely to task. Colon, Colombia, July 30.- Home alarm is caused here by rumors of at tacks by guerilla being imminent According to advice from Carteuena. the interior country ia iu an unsettled condition. How It Happened. New York. July 30. -The Hamburii American ateamer Allegheny, which ar rived yeaterday, reported that he waa held in the heritor of Navauilla. Co lombia, for 12 hour I aaaengera on the Allegheny report that Abel Mur rillo was erreeted on the ahin al Cartagena aud taken aannre by the Colombian authoritiea. Murillo .ro- ! -ie. againat hia arreat, claiuiliiK ti at he waa eolith -1 to the protection of the 'lerman llag. Murrillo i aaid to be a secretary of ( iuu. Crilaa. I he pmteet of Murrillo was un heeded, however, snd a anarch was loade. He was found on deck, but id the (ief nan Hag and wiaiai-l it alx.nl I. on Theu he ah! lorward aud cried out . 'I am under the protection of the Herman Mag and you have no right lo arreat m- " Tne oftlcera aeiaed the man and dragged him from the veeael. ENGLAND NEEDS MONEY Wants beven Million Pouada for bouih Afrtaa. London, July 30. - Au official BBB plnmenlary eatimate waa laauud Ualay to ahow that seveu million pounds aterliug for odda aud end ia needed immediately by Ihe Itritlah lu South Afrtaa. One Vessel Maine Loaded. San I i am i ecu, July 30. Chlneae are loading the Coptic, al the Pacific Mail dock, the only vessel in the bar hor now hmg loaded Important Latter Prom Hampion Schley Comai to Llahi. Waahingtmi, July ft A e, ret let ter i mm Hear-Admiral BaaifMOa t- Rear-Admiral Schlay, allege.1 bv Schley' ami to have beefl MpprBSBSd by the navy department, waa llret made public hv rVhlev in a letter to Ihe aenate naval affair committee. In it Sainpaon overruled the imtrm tionx from Secretarv LOOg, allhoiwh Im had jut oaMad hlai so order laaitqi lo pr- ceel off Santiago with hi whole com mand leaving (MM veel oil Cieufile go. Klmborly Aiki Ralaaio. Waahingtun, Inly 0, - Admiral K im berly haa asked to be releaaed from service on Ihe Schlev court -if laqalP) on sccount ol illnea. What act will I-.- taken on K iinlierlev'i paqaaBl t not known, but it i hkelv (hal Admiral Lao Of Admiral I nidaay will be chneen. It wa di --I at Ihe new ilepartment that Schley ha written to the aecretary objawtlaf Id that BOPlioa of the preceiit which practically ac cuaea htm uf diDoUvlleuce ol OVwwfl The only letter from Schley I one acknowledging the receipt nf the pre cept and IBqaaaMai that he might he given ierunaiun to commit boBBBBI re garding ita term. tildn't Boon Dabi. IndtanaiNili, July SJ. Tin- aia-ial-ist convention thia morning denied that it had agreed to alioye l ugene V. tajw Crlipl Hnproros. Naplea, July kl. A alight improve ment ia uoteil thia morning in hignor Criapi's condition. Or Jama Dorr li Dead. Walla Walla, Julv 10 Sunday there -lied in tin i it v .lame liorr, a reier an dent iat and rnaidenl of Walla Walla sinew the earh aevantte. heath wa the result of niteatinal hemorrhage The funeral m-curred venlardav after noon at 4 n'rlork from the I'uinUo land l'rehvter iii ilmnii, ICev Wall of Milton olticiatnig Inlerinenl waa iu the city cemetery. Die aervicea at the grave were conducted hy the Ma MM M order, ol which the deceaaed wa a prominent memla-r. Tlie pallbearera were: l.e K. A. Shaw. J M. Hill. Thoina Moagrove, .1. L. June, Mil tun Kvana ainl Henry Oooalaad Jame I loir waa iMirn at outh Hrnua- wiok, Me., Daaaaibai 17. ItN. in IHAO he t-ame to the Pacific caat hy way ot Cap.- Horn. He Bsttlad in Cal ifornia, when- he itudled deutiatry, and later enaaged in that profeaaiou. which he followed until tlie tune ol hia death. He . ame to Walla Walla 30 year ago The dnccaae I waa a member of Ihe Cumberland I'reahyteriau church aud for a number of ynara aaug in tne choir of that ettapfh, Hia wile artr- vivea Inn. Bummer Bible baboo I al Meashasi. Por the alaive iH'Caaloli the O. H. N Co. will aell ticketa lo Meai-ham BMO return on the ccrtillcale plan at -me and -me thud fare. lUlca for aale of Iheee ticketa baa lieen eateuded un to and including Augual 3, Are you going lor a vacation? If ho ymi sh-mKI all in and set uur shues Wr MVB lIlCIU lur tin: IllOUIItdllia, l-n tin beat li and ful KVi t) knul uf V,- II Clllisni Will Balsa BS000 for ths Bnlor prlte. Portland. July 30. The free bath house idea has taken Portland by storm, and the committee eugaged in securing aubscriptions for ihe enter prise report they have leas trouble lo getting business men to dig up for the oath Teniae than for auy enterprise tbat has been undertaken here in years. Monday over two thouaand dollars had been au beer i bed, and the outlook was tbat tba remainder of the five thouaand dollars required would be secured before the end of two weeks. It is the purpose lo build a swim ming bath on toe river front of large proportions, and to have the water of sufficient depth to permit persons to swim. The bottom will lie arranged ao that it may be raised and lowered, permitting lis use to swimmers of ail siaes at different hours. One Amy will I tie aet apart each week for women an girl bathers. The free bath is espdwt .afBBa Ber' Harvest -Shoes. We aava tin: largest sio k fj ahoes lor harvest wear in I'cmllc ton ami guttl'ttutec ever-, pair we sell. Keiiteniher our niid bunuuor sale is in full blast and we can aave you itom J5C to f.oooo every pair of sboae you buy. - Ik Peoples Warehouse TMfl PITTHKS OF PfdfflT. The fraa bath is espadf- ed to dec.-eaee the large) awnasl yBiu Street. I'endletoo, Or. lag list among aiuall boys uf toe eity. I 5