East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 29, 1901, Image 4

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MONDAY. Jl'LY 190.
Ladies' Button Shoes
Bixee 2V,. to at
50c Per Pair
30 Pairs Laidies Black
Sise i'Vj to 5 at
Fin toilet tnp at Noll'.
A huv bebv was born on Saturdoy to
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gwrwill.
I - Simard flltsi hit final report as
administrator for Marv P. Ktta Gar
field, !" I
ror fnrks. hoedowns. cable mr.
aib' grease and all kinds of machine
oil Me "Taylor, the hardware man."
The Meieppa saloon, Conrad Kohler,
proprietor, has received a carload of
imported hnglinh porter which will he
on tap tonight. Kvervbodr shanld
I try
P?Witt's Wiwb Hassl Sal re anon Id
he applied to cut, barns and sea I da. Il
MUM and heais the injured part.
Than ri. worthies counterfeits, be sar
to get I h Witt's. Tallman A Co.
SI. 00
Why wear your
to the mountain:
can buy s-hoep
nice shoe?
when you
at tOMfl
Fisld Supsrinlsndsnu Grnman
Brown In Small Beau.
K C. (ireenman, field super intend
cut M the Oregon tith commiaaion, it
hfff today, en roate to Portland. He
H hall back from a trip in company
an ther field superintendent. F.
Q, BroWB, that took tbeoi 270 miles
uake river in a small Doat. Irwin, to separate
rn- j tarsal a from Glen's Ferry to ; from their Pendleton owners.
vtatl to rienver. Colorado, (!' thai
he experience! some rerr warm .ls-.
both in Denver ami Salt l ake Citj
He taid the thermometer lor one week
stood both dav and night at an average
temperatnre of Ko decrees. He si
rherarara Sat 7a Far Cant af tba WrtaUs that the stories nl tin cast in
anav Press a Big Baute. FBBJBtd hat woatthof not AJ
' The til teen mond boxing contest at gerated. He sa-d that hi
, the Frosar, Satnrrloy night, rasnlted erv sudden change whi icbel
in a victory lor Irwin, nf San Fran- ) Raker Oftjr, and think" tt rnnl
cieeo. over Popp, varinoslv named j compare I With the other siat. -
'The Mrtokane Wonder, rne t ana-1 ...
dian " Oeoiwe Armstrong, with per-
bap a few other aliaeee The end
came in "he hlth mnni. wnen irwin.
altar some livalv msbing ol hit man
to the corner, downed him with a
right hook on the jaw He was count
ed not, and Referee Fred T Merrill,
of Portland, declared Irwin the win
ner. Today there are a whole lot of men
in Pendleton who are feeling of their
heada, and wondering if he wbeelt
are tarn ing all right, or whether tboae
wheels have stopped abort, and wheth
er this will account for the manner in
whieb they failed to drop onto the tac
tic of the men who managed the
affair. Charge are made freely that it
was a clever plan of "Biddy" Bishop,
who appeared as the manager of
namernue dollar
Practical Boot and Mo .m
window shade at
49c. Cleaver
A Fail-
Jaa. A. Howard. Farm loans.
110 aaved on bicycle. Noll's.
Hack for Teal springs telephone
Main 79.
Bay yoar
91 shirt waists, now
Bros Dry Good Co.
$o duck auita, now ili.M
Hroe. Dry (.roods Co.
Have yoar picture framed
atylee at Murphy'.
Free concert at .
ing' every evening
New designs in wa. paper
Murphy's paint store.
See the 11400 baby grand at Wake
field A Failing's mnatc store.
We are cioaing oaf fruit jars at coat
at the Standard iir-erY I
For stage to Lehman -prings. Apply
to C. F. Cook or Peter Wett.
Pianoe and organs sold on ev
tuent at Wakefield A Fa'1 ing
Cherries, peach pluma, green Apple,
vegetable at Hawley Brothers
All kind of lunch good and camp
ing supplies At HAwley Brother.
Yon can aave money now by Driving
your jars at the Maudard groeer)
First claaa wheat past up
and boraea. Inquire of Ivter V..--
28c incomer good to close a:
i t yard. Cleaver Bro. I'ry Good
Bee the largeet ttock of pianos ever
exhibited in tb it city At Wakefield A
Midsummer sale of wash Mods, oow
half ( - ii-.- Cleaver Rru. I'ry
Gooda Co.
Boiled bam, rout lexer, chip potato,
f raab eggs, new potatoes, lemon
Hawley Brotnera.
F inert bam and lard BB the marcel.
Home product; try it. its guarantee:.
8c h war A Graalicb.
For aale At a bargain, a short BBsSBaT
And ehelviug, both new. Apply corner
Water A Jobnaon street.
Loat Between Pendleton ami
Rock, a pair of fine tboe. Flaao
pleaae leave at this office.
Ice cieam for uartie- a
eociablea at apacial price, ijualily
guaranteed. Can :
Craeeant bicycle cn the installment
plan at the Crewe lit Agency in the East
Oregonian building, payment 11 a
weak, no interest.
At bad time I te a plaaaant kejsi
drink, tbe neit morning I fee rig -And
tu complexion ia bettor. My
doctor aayt it act gently on the
stomach , liver end kidneys, And it a
plaaaant laxative It is
herbs, and is prepared a easily a
tea. It i called Lane's Medicine.
Lane' Family Medicine m vx ti,.
bowel each dy. Price iV Bad iOc. ,
For aale by Talman A Co. , tole agent. I
A. I). Still man ba tbi week re
ceived a certificate and license to prtv -tice
in tbe t'nited Htataa uoteir.
and ia certified aa being com pe ton: to
transact all bosinew before that de
partment, including the prosecution of
original application for patents
viata, contest, etc., and tbe prepara
tion of drawings aud soar meat ion.
This certificate waa granted Alter Btl
paaeiug tbe necessary examu.a'. i .
proving himaelf qualified.
Weisei iilaho. A doxen time their
t.wt wa capeiied, and there were the
BBBB irtages And running of boiling
rapids, tbAt Are necataary in navigat
BJ I be sometime perilous waters of
the Snake.
M- 'trwnman will report to Master
harden Van Da sen. of AttoriA, tbe
ladoa of putting in a taimon batch
ery at an l-ailt Trap will be put
m B) -uperinteniieni Brown. There
'iicrete dam At tbAt point, mak
laa n unneceaaary to construe no
Wt saw tboaandt ol sturgeon in
the -nakr," aaid he, "and, in fact,
that r:vxr j fairly alive witb them.
At the mouth of tbe (.irende Ronde
rive we mh 'hem jumping in large
BOBabSfB, Tliese fish, regard leas of u it
law against their tak.ng. Are caught by
tport'n frequently, end manv
are ahiptwd to market in tbe cities,
"At Grand View, we taw one caught
that measured eight feet long, and
M i I lea than AOO
pound. "
Mr. 't-eenmn took temperature of
tba water all tbe way down from
'lien's Ferry, and makes the Average 70
degrees Fahrenheit.
Ln Businasi and Family id Walla Walla.
Want to Ba an Aster,
-v Hurford. late manager of tbe
Wail Walla ice enmpany't plant, ha
Abandoned bit bus: nee here and de
parted for some place, aayt the'WellA
Walla :atemai. where be will be
r mi tbe annoyance of creditor.
He left here sondav and registered in
Portland Monday. Before leaving he
sent a long letter to his wife wbo wa
camping in the mountain, bat the
contents nf ,the communication have
been kept private. To intimate
f-iends Harry confided bit intentions
of going to baa Franc into aad from
::ieie t' New York, where he hoped to
realixehis Amtvtions of -scorning ad
actor. He ba long been inclined in
that direction and ba abown contider
ah.e taient la amateur theatricals.
Hm young man tar that
for several month be baa bean eery
I laBM over bit bueinee affa:ra.
He wa badly in de : t. anddeapaired of
tj out. He often remarked
rod of working lor noth
ing and that he would like to do
Bg tbAt would Again bring the
merry jingle of coin in bit pocket.
Se Tntrr. Toolgnt id tb Iioti near tb
u. B. A N. station.
h.n-oh's Big Electric abow were
- ied latt night with iadie and
w the wonderful abow.
Mil with ber den of African
I font gave a wonderful exhibition of
nerve end courage. Hbe ia certainly
a queen of lion tamer. Tbe electrical
part it tbe beat ever aaen in Pandle
FSFy ktdy, gentlemen And child
lid tee this aLow. They have en
entire chenge of program every night.
The price is onlv 2&c. children under
II yean, 15c. One prion. Ko
Bithop avers tbAt tbe fight was on
thefrectangle, and that Irwin wa more
Anxiooa to lick Popp than to dn any
thing else thnt is poatible of human
accomplishment. On tbe other hand,
the kickert allege that Popp waa not
knocked oat. bat that be merely made
a graceful fail to tbe ring floor, and
that be bad practiced tbAt taxi I so a
t make it a good imitation of a genu
ine drop after a knock-out blow.
It it atwerted that at tbe weighing
in At tbe Hotel Pendleton billiard
parlors. AturdAy afternoon. Bithop
held up Irwin for enough poonds to
bring him Apparently under tbe 138
pound limit, whereas be was bettor
than 140.
Ko one claims, however, that Bishop
is not smoother than polished brass,
and he was to pleasant in his man
ners that tome of thoee who were bilk
ed liked tbe operation, that it, if BBBJ
were bilked.
Lrt Some Fin Bonev.
City Marsha! John Heathman ex
tracted a lew dollar from tbe men
wb were principal in tbe affair.
They ware a treated, deposited their
bail', left town on Sunday morning,
and have not abown up at tbe time
for trial, that forfeiting their money
ihch it therefore kent just as though
tbev had been regular u fined. Thit
five the gJtj treasury a good fifteen or
twenty par cent of the gro receipt,
and it a small gram ot comfort.
Men intereated in inch matters con
cede that Irwin wa the better man.
and could have won out under an ar
rangement He wa much more sk. II
fa I. And fought with a t . gor that prov
ed he like tbe bosinee
ojdmsr Of
Portland. Ore.
th World
Augutt B.
on Auagst 1, 2 And 3 to O. R. A N.
0b. will oell ticket to Portland And
rot i'n on tb certificate plan for tbe
Above occaaion at one And oue-third
Feather Dusters.
Liquor on tb Baaorvatton
I uarlee Wilkins, i'nitad Stale In
dian Agent, stationed at Umatilla, naa
written to 'nit 1 Mate district At
t.iri,e lonu H Hail, Portland, cal
i io attention to tbe fact that Fred
' . sentenced to tlx
tie hit.- ii. the county tail for tailing
liqaot tu the Indian, it a notoriooa
. , A gen: Wiikin declare
that the tale of whisky to tbe IndiAot
aa and drunken brawn are a
common thing.
-ummer Kxuetlont is Boa Ceaot.
--an ueacbee oa both tbe Wash -"agon
eoaata near tbr
uioutl. ol the Columbia, are tbe very
r spending vacation or
for recreation trip, during tbe warm
weather aud to Allow aM to enjoy a
trip to tbe tea euaet tba O. R. A V
i round trip ticket to
either tbe Oregon or Waabington beach
aa at K; guod (or return ontil Bop'
(ember 15.
The largest and best line
of feather dusters ever
displayed in Pendleton.
summer Alois sebo I at BeaeAaax.
1 or the above occaaion tbe O. R. A
ticket to Maachani and
return . the re'tincai plan alone
And one -third fare. Rale (or aale of
'.line ticket ha been extended up to
anil including Auguet 3.
"l wian to ini'.h!u.:y ile to vou
and tbe reader of tbeae lew line that
vour Kudu! lypepaia care it withoat
queatiun HO boat and only care ior dye
pepeia that I have ever com in contact
jml I nave uaed many other prep
aration!; John Intern, Weat Middlaoox,
Pa. No preparation equal Kudol Dya
pepaia cure a it contains oil tba nat
ural digaatauta. It will digeetall kind
of food and can't help but do you good,
lalliuau A Co.
We art closing out
Ladies' Orfords
Men's Tan Shoes
All Short Lines
closing out
i i uue aad examine goods aud gel prfeea
Wot. Fitzgerald, Manager
Mr. Koee Campbell it visiting in
CbArle J. Ferguaon tent Sunday in
Wa. a WaIIa.
M i at None Cameron spent bnnday
in Baker City
John Seibert and ton went to King
ham opringt tbit morning
Mia. Olive Good nough. of Salem, it
visiting friendt in Pendleton.
Mia EIIa Heater it visiting in bak
er City witb Mia Thereae Adler.
Mr. and Mr iNjyton Barnbart came
borne tbit morning from Bingbau,
Mr. and Mr. W. t. Brocx bare
gone to Forest Grove to remain during
bee weak.
P .0. Klliott and wife have returned
from a visit in La Grande. They were
eent vera! devt.
Mies Lida Neil, telephone menager
at Miiton, war here vititlbg her lan
ily. Sne baa returned to Milton.
Mr. aad Mr. John Vert and Mrs
Kd Manasse, tbe last named of Athena.
pent Sunday at Hi ogham springs.
Joe H. Parkas and family leave
Tuesday morning lor Htdaeay tpringt
to remain during the coming rive
C. C. Sharp and lamily arrived in
Pendleton on Suuday night from a trip
to tba Grande Ronde valley, where
they spent their vacation.
Walter I.yman and family of Olda,
Alberta. B. C will arrive in Pendle
ton during Augutt. .Mr. l.vmai. It A
brotber-in-lAW of B. S. Wattle
Mis Fay Fuller arrived in Pendle
ton Irom Portland on satardav even
ing t train and will remain here (or
severe days, returning to ber home at
Dr. J. t. Bingham, wbo wa at
lugham spring on Sunday, came
i n this morning And went home to
Walla WaliA.
M iat Celestioe Moorimiiae will Ac
cumpanv atias bitie ruiaom to Astoria
aud the iwacb. leaving tomorro
Tbe young ladies will visit friends of
Mis Folsom.
John L Miaruetein and bis beaehai.
team arrived tbi oiuruing from bati-r
Citv aud went home to Walla WaIIa
'irgi- Kvan remained Io play witb the
Baser City team in coming games.
Mr Mary Lane leave on Wednes
day lor bar lor ber home in Leeds,
Maine. She will attend tue centen
nial celebration of tbe town on Augutt
IB, when ber (amily, tbe Latbrup
will also enjoy a reunion
Fred T. Morrill, accompanied BJJ
Mrs. Merrill And Robin Fletcher,
n to WaliA WaIIa tbit morning,
wbere Mr. Merrill will call on bit lo
cal agent wbo bandies the kambier.
Mr. Fletcher it tbe agent in Pendleton
Dr. A. ( Henderson, who ba been
aaaucialed with Dr. C. J. Smut, tailed
from Portland un Sunday on tueateabi
obip Indraveln a aurgeon He gue
to Hung Kong via Nagasaki, and will
probably there transfer to another
steamer and encircle tbe globe.
Gar re puu deuce Portland Telegram
(rum Newport: Judge W. R. Ellit and
family arrived from Peudletun tbi
week, and Are registered At tbe Abbey
iioue. Tbare i not much left now of
tbe ietl work to remind lodge Ellis
of tbe appropriation be worked so
bard lor wnen be waa in concreos.
E. B. Cwaklin aad Roy Cooklm ar
rived bom tbi (oreouun from Union,
coming via bicycle acrom tbe moun
lain. Tney made tbe journey in 10
nours of actua riding time, tbe dis
tance being iU miles, of mountain
roads. Jam Welch, Oliver Kelaay,
R. H. bimpaon, M. K. Long and tev
1 others were goeots ot Binghaiii
apriuga on bunday.
Mrs. William L Shiverick arrived
ia Pendleton on bandar morning's
front El wood. Colorado, aud will
beta oeverai dayt before pro
to Heatlle, near wntcb place
jOjaaod the summer at one of
UrtAoeiirls of tbe ooaod coan
Btverick, furmerly aecre
Uee surer of tba East Oregon -
ia ia tbe miuing buaiueaa at El-
wood, where be io tbe manager uf a
big. ml Be and pruepering.
A. U. Millnsaa, wbo baa been on a
SuaelntnSnt Aekrman Ittuet s I -r-
ular Letter.
tate -nnerintendent J. H. Acker
man hA issued a circular letter to
publishing houses and for the lnmrnia
tion of tbe people of tba stste that
contains the totlowtflfl informotl
"The exchange price is the pri.i- the
pupil must pav for the new txiok
when be surrenders an old book upon
the same subject and nf the same
grade, heretofore legally adopted and
in actual or contemplated nse ir. the
public schools ot Oregon This price
remain in force to December 81. 1U0I.
It is hereby intended that a family
having children attending a pnbMc
school shall hsve the right Io exchange
old hook lb their poeeion lof bOOOM
ss shove stated."
Tbe introduction price is (be price
the pupil mutt pay for the BBea when
he baa no old book to surrender in ex
change. The period n! in'r dwaMoa
expire December .51, 1H01.
The retail price is tbe price at bid
the book will be fnrnished to the pu
pil during the life of tbe contract.
The publishers agreed t take up a.
new stock the dealer bad on band
March 2ft, 11, and not disix se-i ol
prior to July I. IBtd, d:splsced by the
Adoption of snv of their publications,
on the batit of dollar's worth for dol
lar' worth. They will pay oil costs
of transported u on new BBekO snd
old books returned to them dnr:ng the
period of exchsnge, And will allofJ the
dealer 10 per cent of tbe excliAtige
price on new tiooks during said peri kl
of exchange
ections 13 and 14 of the art relat
ing to toe adoption ol test-books
make tbe use of the nee books adopt
ed compulsory, and are as lot lows:
Section 13. It is hereby made tbe
dotv of all boards of schooi directors to
cause the text-books Adopted as provid
ed in thit net to be introduced And
used in tbeir respective schools VHI in
lb months from tbe date of sdoption. .
Section M. The text books that may
be adopted under the pr visnnt o( '
tbit act, and none others, thai! be
used in the public schools of tl.it state
hereafter, and it tholl be tbe duty of
school officer end teachers to comply
with tbe provisions of this Act con
cerning tbe tame. If try teact ha,
willfully violate any of taid i r
be tball be deemed la have violated
tbe terms of hit contract witb the dis
trict. Any taxpayer of a school dis
trict, or parent or guardian of a
attending a common school in aov dis
trict, shall be deemed to have aucb a
beoeflcial or direct interest in tbe en-
lufm.m nl tki. Ixar mmmm . n I..I
hook that be may bring any proper
proceeding in a court of i u : -t-i
joriedictioe to compel tbe board of
directors of his district or teachers in
his school to porlorm the duties en
joined apon them by thit act in rein
tion to text-books.
. T. Brewer Unfortunately Sat Fir to
Sons Cram Fields.
A. T. Brewer war here today (rom
Adams, and told tbe East OregoniAn
how the fire was set the other day that
caused tbe loos of something like I.V.IU
of wheat. Mr. Brewer aaid tbAt be
was riding Along the road near the Ml -Ewen
place, . near Adsmt. when the
brake broke And tba wAgon was nit her
heavily jolted. A mn-i. motches
was thrown oat on the ground, striking
something that ignited them, ano n a
short time' Anp in a short time the
fields were Afire. He was going down
steep grade At the time.
Mr. Brewer deplores tbe lost snd
(salt About as bad a doe tbe man wbo
owns the grain.
VVf rt off ri"K
Great Bargaina
In all departments of our store.
Save Money by Trading
With Us.
vor. ourt and John,
KcnuLtioiN 0DF
- -a.sj
8t?am heat.
Our midsummer
Furniture sale
is the center ol
arret unusual
and de-Wheth
i s , ; , . ,
r vou :ntenu to iwawien jui
omplete or just conttmplate the
addition of a
Shades. Curtain t'oies. Mirrors,
ft a- necessary piece.
nur opportunity. Over
:went-hvt different stles of
Iron Beds
rrecer. Commodes. Parlor Fur-
nirnre. farptts. Mattincs. Window
Picturers. Babv Cabs. Go-Carts. etc
n rsasExikKi
u rvinrr- r, , .
ii. VXJi U
Fro Bun leet i
Commercial Trsae
Fine Somplr i(nfmf
5pcUI Attentlos Qrre,
Countr TrAd.
L'ndertakinu I'arlors :n Connection
Main and Webb Sts.
A LArgsr humosr of Salmon Tr.sr. Uc-
urred Barliar
Astoris, Julr 'J. Another run uf
salmon entered the river iatt uigbt,
larger than tbe previous one. b.g
catches were made Prices w0M i n
to four and five rents per pound.
The Wheel that is
abv High In Quality
Prices From $22 to $60.
Road wheels; - $35.
Racers, - - - - $50.
Chainless Crescents $60.
Boys and Girls Wheels $22.
1900 Models as low as $15. $20, $25.
I resct-nt Wbteli sut.plitni with spring frames
and Morrow coaster hrakes or with either.
Terms of payment to suit customer", with uo
interest, ("all ami get a catalogue
East Oregonian Building.
The Place to Buv
Is wbere voti caa
snd cbesp nricet. b
your oHer 0r header t
wster tanks snd Issssg
Best line of
Lumher. Lath
Usf aper. Tr
paper.Lime and
cement. I'icket.
Plasfter, Brick.
Bind, Moulding
S reen lorsi
Windowi, Sash
A I o rs, Terrt
C'ottu Pipe.
Pendleton faint B
Lumher lard,
R. FORSTtR, - Prooi
The Columbii
Lodging lioui
i C SHAW & Hi.
The pilso that aaaoy yon on will be
quickly and permanently healed if roo
not DeWitt's Witch Hs'xel lalva, "be
wars of worthless counterfeits. Toll
man a Co.
An Awful
Mistake .
b druggist re
Lasic-rn town.
B prescr.pt.or.
ingredient arai
child's life was
was made by
cent!) in an
In putting up
the wrong
used and a
the forfeit
A great an mistakes are
made every day in making
light bread aad cake. The
wrong baking powder is used
and the life goes out of the
light bread or cake. When
you use Owl baking Powder
there is no mistake Found
cans 4c.
Owl Tea House.
Jelly Glasses jjc a dozen
Yard on Webb Htreei
Oppuoite Hunt FreigtitiDep.
We are prepare! to iumitb anvti.ins
in itie lumber line and cau guarantee
i prices to be At cheap, if not i he, per
than others. We site carry a large
j line of Doors, Windows and Moulding.
fame oontemp.atiug buinliug will do
woil to see as before placing their
orders. We Also carry Cascade Keo
Kir wood. Phone Main BJ,
Has the following bargains
M I iieres Al wheat land.
20 acres Al wheat land.
- ."t well located fiioO.
1 lot lower Wehh street $i0.
Farmers Custom
Frad W Alters, IMsAiattrl
' ;cl :j ltb : - t
Floor escbauavU lor eSaai
Floor Mil. V4 uoppsd FstJ
on band
Also a big list of
county property cheap
town and
Where tn spend ihe Mimnier.
A Natural Health Reaort.
Good Fiahiog and Hunting.
All kinds of Sport. Hbooting gAllery
linf Alley, Croquet end lAncing.'
imuiir dinuei'iion to al. nointa
tbree lime per week.
lar aad
I iaa
Ikr It.rtarre of liar AawmtMt
lit prouudio piles druLti: oc b. cecsit(i
Uoa wit wSiol 1 tr.uiel lor lec.ir
yean 1 re serosa our ( KH 11 I us
Iowa of NeweU 1. tad osssr louod aai Unas
le equal Umo, TohUi : ir. rtiuts u Iras ttam C : tt ki ss w .
stiesaedi... lu.- -,Lnuituu( oaneii d ivicrau
lli.., Hlrcilu.
ll.klm Hll.
uTSl ' a!
, .Ur WtaSX "- 'IM
issuu- rj-fWf Drjfit
IMil 1
Prut., i l.fct eLAMO.
Oregon- Mosi I a moos
The Hotel Fla
Is now open or tbei
Pinost ouulpps M
Kr room icclr.r U
riu.m w.ii n( ! ''
Luxurious ' bib Hoi.t
leys, billiard bslls
oouru bd auioy aa
bunurvd rooats Bruei
In beat lurniturc
dlsUUcr lelcpbi.b'
liotel undar uu..-.
vey. tot rales, ic
TWrel ismmi. or ta
retarj.bl.'. Mswusui b . .
uaf i
: aa - tail waa
SHSiSM Tm Im m Ii 1 Sauat " iMjud Ui
l:.:..l of
A jrour aork )
l it sad uum iiuai
t 'spsirinf tirtt, Lin
IS Jr.0" tiit s
u wiil uobso' Ibai i.iuiu
OR psri. u )ou
BOS bo. (ttud
I be li: ,j
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