East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 29, 1901, Image 1

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ae .
NO. 4188
The Place
To buy Groceries
have a big
where you can
select from. Call
on- H
My stock is
sec me.
rth in fancv and staple
0. R. Demott
530 pairs Fancy Lisle
Hose, were 75c, now
rli-UiU, .-aim, ..l.-lr- Mm.
supplied at N.ilf 'a.
II.3I. l. til. . ILlntlKH
lo t.i.l, ,
' limping
'nurmaiii n..
r -, . i' n
I Pfumptv n,M
tv' price.
at the
Ml Itte a
W Ur lie
jlfc'JV Urge ouJnil-
i .... '
..,1 . -1 --
Ml ' heap
L4UM UpplUa,.
.1 r
L"l kZr" '' "ie new Ore-
Hrilo I..
-e " juu;
va,"" 'ablet- le in.
1 4
Ruiers, school '
' I.
L. tU he n... ci
iO Pendl...-
The fteMt Mb overall and Jacket In the World.
The "RmI Heal" Brand. Union Made. rTtrtrttlj 11 ft nl working
garment. We believe the Red Seal overall and Jacket uneoiialled by anv
other garment before the public.
The "Rod Seal" Overall
Are extra full, high cut bid, seven pocket, white stitched, continuous
facing, double buttons on each side opening and have extra quality but
tons, buckle and button hole, double stitched eani- everywhere and
Mulshed inside as perfectly a outside. No other overall p-iimIm (he Red
Heal in the particulars. All Red Seal bib overalls are Muplied Willi
suspenders made entirely of webbing, the section from the cross in the
back down being of good elastic with nlckle buckles and loon, Tliev are
really perfect suspender.
The "Red Seal" Jackets
Are cut like a regular coat. Four pockets, white iHtohoit, full Ipglll
sleeve with adjustable wristliends, tailor made button-hole, detachable
lira. ring buttons, complete and perfect inside as well as out
In blue demins they sell for $1.00.
In indigo blue striped drill for IXX-.
In addition to the Red Heal brand we carry two very large
and good lines.
"A and H Special' overalls and jackets are 60o.
"Never Rip" overalls and jackets are 76c,
These are the tieat values at the prices we can And.
The Boston
Sale of Fancy Hosiery.
Sale Commences Tuesday
Pendleton's Big Busy Store,
To make good bread oa Byare' Bert Flour. It took flret
premium at the Chicago World's Fair overall competi
tion aud gives excellent aatiafaction wherever used.
F:very aacX is guaranteed. We have the beet steam
Hulled Bailey, Bead Bye aud Beard lees Barley.
W. S. BYERS, Proprietor.
"See Dem
I have a full line of
The Peerless Ice Cream Freezers
from one pint to ten quartu, will freeze cream
in from three to five minutes; also have a full
line of fishing tackle, hammocks, etc. See my
line before buying
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man.
& Hexter,
240 pairs Fancy Silk
and Lisle Hose, were
$1.00 per pair, now
A Crystal Delight.
that will charm the most fastidious
taste can be found in any one of our
elegant styles of water sets. We
have them in cut, engraved, fancy
and Bohemian glass, in an tndi 1
variety of designs and pattern, and
the prices are likewise attractive,
$1 CMJ to $2 0
Henry C. Payne, oi Wisconsin,
leading member of the republican na
tional committee, is seriously ill with
gout at the Frankfort Hotel, in Rerlin.
Kansas has been fully redeemed from
the ravages of drouth. The rain
which started in numerous portions of
the state Friday night continued dur
ing Saturday and Saturday night.
The Leavenworth A Lawrence branch
of the Union Pacific, which has been
in a receiver's hands for several years,
was sold Saturday, at Leavenworth,
the purchase price being $9tKl,iX10.
Superior .ludge Tart at Sacramento
sentenced Frank Knright who had
pleaded guiltv of highway robbery to
San Ijuentin for life. Knright cursed
the judge, saying he hoped he would
become paralyzed.
The strike of fail workers has raised
the price of tinplate in Philadelphia
from 20 to :0 per cent. He fore the
strike, tinplate sold at M box at the
mill, and $4. IT in Philadelphia.
PflOM today averaged f.' and o.- i.
A statement, prepared at the in
ternal revenue bureau sayn tb. collet
tions on account of the war revenue
net during the period from June, lHtfrl,
to .tune, 111, were :US.7m.WI. Of
this amount beer contributed 1100,987,-
A lormal invitation to he present in
Salt Lake during the F.lks' street car
nival in September, and to christen
the live elk, has been forwarded to
Vice-President Roosevelt by a commit
tee representing the' i lk lodges oi Halt
Benton county has no interest hear
ing warrants and is out of debt.
Mrs. Sarah Ann Paris, of Lebanon,
was committed to the insane asylum,
where she was taken on Friday.
A. T. (.toward, of Victoria, at Port
laud won the tennis championship of
Oregon by defeating Walter (toss, of
Thus. Fletcher, placed under arrest
at Sal. in or d isnrderly conduct, turned
lit to be a deserter Irom the I mted
States army in 1HW9.
Mrs. Sophia From, aged (17 years,
died in Salem oi kidnev trouble, after
an illness oi five days. Deceased left
an aged but. band and two sons.
Portland won the senior fours at the
N. P. A. A. O. regatta at Victoria. B.
0.( Saturday, by a bare lead from Vic
toria. Vancouver being about lour
lengths behiud. Time, 8:.i0.
A threshing engine exploded at An
derson valley California, Saturday,
killing two men, William Koae ami
1). L. Loir. Much grain was destroyed
by the tire following the explosion, 4
There is a Itelief among railroad men
that the move of the Northern Pact tic
into tb Klickitat country from its
main line in the Lower Yakima valley
is a step toward the fiillnlinent of the
prouiife to get ilown the ( oinmtiia to
uit to test the constitutionality of
the act of February 18, 1901 , which au
thorites count to sell a I land here
tofore bid in by them for delinquent
taxes, was tiled by the Title Guarantee
& Trust company in the state circuit
court in Portland Monday, July 29.
John O'Brien, a butcher at llailev,
Idaho, was arrested recently on a
charge of buying stolen cattle. At his
preliminary examination a strong uaae
was made out against hiiu. Kath.-r
thau go to jail lie -i. .t himself in the
head, ileal n resulting almost instantly.
The O. K. AN. Co. has let a con
tract to Pulley Bros. t furnish at.utti
tilt cedar posts for .- in leuciug m
te railroad track along each side.
The (natts will be large ones, measur
ing 7 i lichee across ami leei in
length. The posts are cut on the san
dy river.
Manuel Koble, the young Filipino
brought to Oregon by the hecoud Ore
gon volunteers, ttlc. was placo.1 al Hie
Chamawa Indian school, has disap-
larel. He was with the Chemawa
band at Oregon City and the Chautau-
iiia assembly, but did not return to
the si hool.
Ben F. Mitchell, a traveling aalea-
man for the cigar bouse ol iierson
Hart of Portland is under arrest at
I nt. r. rise. 00 warrant sworn out by
W. G. Hayes, alleging the crime of
a-liilt.-rv committed last t-ebrary with
Florence Hayes. He launder Ixuida
(or trial in the circuit court.
to ' ' 1 ' ' t.d eii U-tore
baby . bin'.. '1 he child can uuve no
more I than the inoUirr gives it
A hrahb mother strou-' of Uxly and
I cht-e; .. o. u:.:,:. will endow the child
m ii ' 1 i with her own phy
i . ci rful dib)sl
ti ii. Many a wifr
who hail di ailed
motherhood be
cauar ol past ex-a-rienies
of pre
nulal misery of
lad and body
hat fomd a new
era oau to her
with the uac of
Or Pierce's Pa
yor ite Preacnp
tion. It gives,
phvfeiial strength,
waithea the nere,
and induces re
freshing sleep. It
givck Mgvr UHJ
. Ltaxii It) to the
organ- ol in.ilef
nity. v, tluit the birth hour is praitually
without pain or suffering. It enables
the rout hi i to provide a ilentiful MiDpl)
of healthlul noiirialimeiit lot the healthy
child. it makes weak women atfoug
and sick won u n well.
Th' e i no altohol in " Favorite l're
ICrip ioO " and it is absolutely free from
opium, cocaine, and all other uanotiis.
Sick women are iniled tuiuuult In
Pierce b loto free of charge All cor
retpou.tt nee - tly urivale ami sacredly
confidential. iddrOM Or. K. V. Pierce,
Buffalo, N. V.
Nl giaUly rccuuimruil Dr ricree1 Vuvoflc
Wenu'ioli " writes Mrs J W C Mehrn.
MiU. NortliMiuia-rUu.l Co Viiyinia "btloie
say third little L.,y was boru I tuok sis IxatUs.
lie u III l.n. .t .iuH uuii lis. Imcu fioiu butb.
Sad 1 ..II' tec. ,ci) much less thau 1 dil bclorc
io i-unuui-iiuia I uutH.iiuiiiigly advise rs
ucclaui mi to use the fsvurtu 1'iis.iiu-
llol: '
Or Pieic. Pleasant Pellets are a
Itleu&uiit atM efloetivt Uaulnc luealiciilO.
Thinks Strike Has Virtually
Been Settled.
But id Important Cooferenco Ii
Tomorrow, it Wblcb (be
Will Bo DlKUSMd.
to Ba Hold
Pittsburg, July H Officials ol the
Amalgamated Associatiun still decline
to discuss the prospective strike settle
ment, beyond saying that a meeting of
the general executive committee lias
been . a i led for Tuesday in this city,
when important business will be dis
cussed. Later in the day a meeting ol
the leaders of both sides In the OOOtN
versy will be held. In the meanwhile,
there is no chani(i in conditions at the
OflUiiall ol the Amalgamated aeaocia
tion this mnrnintf began a conference
with memtieraof the executive commit
tee, proltahly (or the purpose of out
lining a policy for tomorrow's joint
con fere nee.
Shaffer Will Not Talk.
Pitisburg, July if. No official
utateinent of the purpose of today's
conference was given out. President
shafTer was positive in his refusal to
sav anything. He would not even ad
lint that he was in New York on Hat-
iinlav. nor would be sav a conference
had been arranged (or tomorrow.
Trust Thinks Knd has Coma.
New York, July :t. -At the orlices of
the steel trust lodav the strike
regarded as lieing virtually at an end.
and that the term of continued idle-in-
-s depends whol ly on I In i ie-
ouire.l lor sai isfacl inn of the terms of
settlement . Wall street, which hat
the verv Isist facilities for getting in
side informal ion, says I he I rouble is
al an end.
railed to Settle.
San Krancisco, Joly '29. No change
in the strike situation. All efforts to
compromise the machinists' strike have
been abandoned.
A number of portera and packers
were discharged this morning. Ac
tion will be taken tonight by the city
trout federation with reference to cal
ling out the entire membership, 12,
000, to support the striking teamsters.
London, July 27. The supply ol
money was rather scanty last week,
as the government's disbursements, af
ter the payment on the consul loan,
were small. Consequently, although
there was little demand, the rates re
mained steady. American stocks were
dull. A quiet liquidation proceeded
in many centers and it is believed that
this about concludes the liquidation.
Therefore, with prices at about tbe
lowest figure a favorable reaction may
reaiouably be exiected. At present,
! however, there is little bs-al enthus
iasm. Nor is there any continental
support, the continental bourses hav
ing trouble of their own.
Ho. is pinned to A mans and
the Hardening tendency in New York
has been followed by some list more
steadiness in London. A settlement
of the steel strike would aid material
ly. Authentic figure as to the extent
of the damage to crops in the I mted
Mates are eagerly awaited for their
. Ite. ts UDOfl nangers.
Clalraad Outeh fmuur Asllvely Works
od the Hauar.
The Hague, July 2tt. -There is strong
evidence that negotiations looking to
ending the Boer war are progressing
Dr, Kny.. r, the new premier, is ac
tively working hi the matter aud it ia
repi n.-d Nydney Mollis, au American,
who recently arrived here with propu
sitioiis lor a building to commemorate
the peace conference, was actually sent
from Washington to Colonial Secre
tary Chamberlain with a requeet for
In in lo I e present Kngland in tbe uego
Hevlaws Bak Conrsloa That Wreags
Hav Ihd Ooa.
h. rim .Inly 2W. -The weekly latdV
cial review read like oonfeesions ol
national financial ain. Taa Kres
Zeituag begins thus:
No week pease without revealing
outrageous mismanagement in soeie
( lermau slock company. A feeling of
deep bum illation therefore burdens
il.. mercantile .lassos, growing heav
ier and heavier. The iniriiiaii name is
tarnished tmfnre foreign countries lor
years and the whole uatlou must suner
in consequence."
earing lagan In tha Hadowmaat leak
Chicago, July 2u The grand Jury
"sla resumed hearing the evidence
against John A. Hinscy aud aaaociate
in the alleged misconduct of funds of
the Endowment Kauk of the Knights
of Pytbiaa. It i not likely any action
will be taken today
Columbia Won the las.
I'.i. i. ion's Point, K I . July I be
old defender (,'olmn I.ia won the Astor
classic cup today. She crossed tbe line
about one minute ahead of tbe Conati
tut ion. Tbe race waa run over a 3(f
knot course iu two hour and rtfoen
Arlxooa Uas lalo.
Pboeuix, Ant , July 29. Kain
throughout Arizona euded the drouth
and aaaured a water aupply for irriga
i ion aud mining.
Deaths lu ClloaaU.
Cincinnati, July 29. The beat here
yesterday caused ten deaths. There
were thirteen proetratiou.
Oli Dying.
Koine, July 29. A Naples dispatch
aays that Sig. Criaui waa sinking at
Reported by I. L. Ray a Co.. Pendleton.
Chlaace leap of Trade aad New York
teak Ixahano Irekar.
New York, July 19. Lower cable
and the weakness in corn carried
wheat two cent down today and the
cloee was near tha low point. Liver
pool closed ft fl H compared with
ft 7 7-8 Saturday. New York opened
at :'4 and closed .':!' Tbe vlaible
supply show an increase for the week
o( 1,6110,000, making total 29,270,000,
compared with 4A,.tft4,000 at this date
last year.
Stocks higher.
Money, 4 per cent.
Wheat I
Clone Saturday, 7ft.
Open lislay, 74-4.
Range toil ay, 7:1 18 to r ,
Close toil ay, 7.'l'4.
Stocks: Sugar, 1424 ; steel, 4ft , ;
St. Paul, KM 14 j C. p., UK).
drain Prls Dropped off.
Chicago, July 29. On reiiort that
the drouth was over in all parts of the
grain growing country, Neptemlier
wheat, corn and oat broke badly on
the Hoard of Trade, thi morning.
Wheat showed a lorn over Saturday
night's close o l4c, corn 2l4, oat '2.
The market was exceedingly nervous
and little trading was done at the
opening, traders lieing uncertain aa to
the condition and quantity ol the grain
that survived tbe lmuth.
Wheat In San Franslsao.
San Francisco, July 2W. (leeember
wheat, lOOt to 100 .1-8.
Wheat In Chlaato.
Chicago. July 2. -Wheat, 7 7-H to
Art 7-8.
oner For Karl Nooirli.
laindon, J ill v '2V. - King Kdward in
a message to tlie house of lords tislay
recommends that Karl Kotmrt, in
consideration o( hi aervice In South
tinea, be granted 100, 000 pounds
7, Ida Were Killed. While bo.lxo Was the
Number of the Injured.
The total number n( caaualliao to
persons on account of railway accident
during the year ending June Ik), 1900,
was .'8,18ft.
The aggregate number of persons
k i I led III Con se. lien re of r S I I vv a a. r I
deuta during the year was 78rtft, and
the number injured was fill, .120. (If
railway employee 2ft60 ware killed and
39,1143 were injured.
With reanect to tha three general
classes of employee, these caaualtiea
were distributed aa followa: Train
men, 139H killed, 17.A71 injured.
switchmen, flaglueu and watchmen,
272 killed, 3080 injured; other employ
ee. 882 killed, 19,012 injured. The
caaualtiea to employee reaulting from
coupling and uuooupling cara ware:
Number killed, 282; injured, ft22V.
I he corresponding figure lor the pre
ceiling year were: Killed ::),
ed. Offift.
Killed From Coupllag.
The caaualtiea from coupling and no
coupling cara are divided aa followa:
Trainmen, killed 188, injured, 1803 ,
switchmen, flagmen aud watchmen,
killed i7. Injured 12i4; other employ
e. killed 17, injured If2.
The caaualtiea due to falling In.ui
train and engine are aaalgued a fol
lowa: Trainmen, killed 412, injured
33A9; -witchmen, flagman and watch
men, killed 4ft, injured 501; other
euili loy.-s, killed 72, Injured ft8A.
The caaualtiea to th.. aame three
clause of employes (rum collisions and
derailment were aa follow: Train
men, killed 880, injured 1887; switch
men, (lagnieu aud watahmeu, killed
II, Injured 141; other employe, killed
70. injured 44A.
Paasengers Killed.
I be nuiiitmr of eeengera killed dur
ing the year waa 249 and the no inner
injured 4128. Tbe correMinding
urn for the previous year were
killed and 3442 Injured. In couae
, no,. .. f colliaion and derailment
na iiaaseiigers were killed and 174.'. in
jured. I he total number ol person,.
other than employee and passengers,
killed waaftOArt; Injured, 8'i4. Tliese
liguree luclude caaualtiea to perwins
claseed a troa passers, uf whom 4348
were killed and 4880 were injured.
The total number of persons killed
at highway croeainga was 7ft0, Injured
LtftO, distributed follow: Kmploy
es, JO killed, 63 Injured; passengers.
1 killed, 3 injured- other peraona tree
passing, 171 killed. 204 luiured; not
trespaaaing, 668 killed, 1090 injured
Killed ai siaileas.
The number of ueraon killed al sta
tions waa 621, Injured 3838. This
stateweui cover: Kaploye, killed
111. injured 2670; passengers, killed
34, n imed 848; other pereous tressxs
sing, killed 338, tujured '.'it not tree
passing, killed Mi, mjuretl 227. The
summaries giving tbe ratio of casual
tiea sb iw that 1 out of every 399 etn
ployea was killed aud 1 out of every
OA I. M ..I Will,
, , ij mm ww mm .. j . mum . ww .... wmwmw
eme to trainmen including In this
term lengiiteiiien, tireuien, oouductors
aud outer traimueu -it I shown that
waa killed for every IS7 euitiloyeii
and I waa injured for every II employ
due passenger was killed lor every
'.',318,848 carried, ami I injured for
every 139,740 carried. Katloe bar.,. I
upoa tha number of miles traveled,
however, abow that 84,413,884 paseeu
ger mi lea ware accomplished lor each
iiasaeuger killed and H,gaft,418 pasaeti
ger otlTee) accomplished for each paa
sunger injured. Tha correepoiiuing
tiguree iu theee lattar ratio lor tbe
year ending June 30, 1899, were 81,
061.680 and 4,289,200 passenger mile
for each paaeeuger killed aud each
paseeuger injorad reapectively .
Beeeed fer is Veaes.
One summary abowa that in the
uourati oi IS yaaraaudiug June 30t 1900,
iu ooueequeuoe of railway accident
oO,''77 peraona were killed aud 489,027
persons Were In lured Tbe injur lea re
ported varied from comparatively tri
vial injuries to thoae ol a fatal charao-
The caeualtiee for the period roeu-
lioned vsueurred to pereous as follows:
Km ployea killed 38,340, injured 361.
789; paaeeuger killed 3480. injured
37.720; other persons i iuclwllng I wes-
) killed M,M, iojured
w,w 1
Blf Klowi RfMrrilloo Mnn Apportioned
Out to Thirteen TDouuod
II Reno, O.T., July 29 Die great
lottery for homes g iows( '..nun. lie
reservation liegan this nmrning. Im
tnense croads surroiindml the .lallorin
on which the drawing takes place
Alt night long great strings of v. -hides
of all kinds trooped into the cttv and
Wiok up their places in th titer o(
the city where the platform was leant1
ed. The vast camp was as full of ex
citement sn.l hustle as a great arniv
preparing (or an important night
march. With the coining dawn, activ
ity increased and there was a general
movement toward the Intterv platform.
Only one thousand enveloiais are being
drawn todav hut the work will pfO
ceed with greater activity tomorrow
and it Is expected the names of the
thirteen 'honsan.l lucky ones will U
known by Thursday.
rirsl Numbsrs Out.
Kl Ken.., Iiilv Jtl Die iirst enve
lope taken Irom the u lieid s cental lied
the name f .lames Wood Weatherfonl,
tlklaboma, who had registered lor a
homestead in the l.awtou distrni.
Mattie Heals, ( Wn hits. Ksnsss,
drew No.'.', also in the l.awt. n district.
Prussian Roysl Womsn u Near Death s
I'rowbnrg. Pmniia, I I V It ia
ofHriallv announced that !owager Km
press Krederirk, who hugereil at
death' deet -.oiiie ime last (iciober ia
again iinliioseil and her condition is
causing some alarm, she has not left
her apartment for tbe past few weeks.
The empress' phyatcian arrived yester
day, twt haa not vet kwMOd a bulletin
on hi atj lent s i oii.l ii mil,
Hat In Indianapolis lo Inaugurate a
0enrl Hovmnt.
Indianapolis, July 29. -The largest
convention nl tas'ialiats ever held in
the United State waa pened here to
day. It waa .on veii.-d by the executi ve
boards of the two divisions o the so
cial democratic party to unite all fee
tiooa and advise anew name for a
united movement. A central llgure
here ia Prof. 0, llerron.
One Hsld t stisr Prom 81s Wlf Dated
Klkhart, Ills., July 29. In a ixirn
Held here the badly dee posed Ixaliea
of two men were found laal eveulug.
in the sM-ket of one was a letter ad
dressed to A. C. Hrahaui and wrilten
by In wife, dated Seattle, almost two
years ago There waa no evidence of
foul play I'lii. cans.- ol death is un
Ous lehrlna 8eld to thsPederal Urand
Chicago. July .". tmstave Ivehriug,
who claims to he a son of the late
(eorge M. Ptillliiau. was held to the
federal grand jury m the sum of fall)
ibis morning on the charge of sending
defamatory aislal cards In Mrs frank
taiwdeti, daughter of the palace car
Long says Thar Cannot Olssuss ssbley
Washiugiou, July 29. -Secretary
Long i. slay issued the billowing order:
Kvery person in the naval service is
strictly enjoined to refraiu front any
public statement concerning the sub
ject mailer of the court ol Inquiry re
piesled by Lear-Admiral Schley
Are you going
lor a
. ai atpiti '
so you .In i i I
Mi oui
ihoei. We
tiiein toi tin
llit lii a. Ii an. I Lu Veil Wind ol
wt ai
Harvent 5hoj.
Wc have the i . i . . i etock ul
shoe fur harvest weai in rVentlle
ton and guni'ttOtce every pair we
Kcmeutber uur mid-summer
ale is in lull blaat ami we cae
nave you from -sc to $i.oo on
every pair ol ihoea you buy
Tlie Peoples Warehouse
716 Mam Street. Fendletnn, Ui.
r. i
u Slure.