East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 25, 1901, Image 4

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    RSDAV. JULY 21.. 1101.
Ladies' Button Shoes
8 lie 2 to 3'w nt
50c Per Pair
30 Pairs Laidies' Black
..0X4-0RDS .
Hiw 'i to 5 at
WORTH I KitM r-'.OO to U PAI1
Why wear your nice shoes
to the mountains when you
can huy shoe at thttfl
Lniye shipment laad peoaits. Noli'l.
Knntfs ar being raised in Portland
(or free swimming bath. It will re
qnire toOUO to profide tbem.
The NHkane Wooduen, who were
defeated here in Wednesday's gamp
with Pendleton, played at Walla Walla
Tlx Y M. 0. A. aiviaory board
will meet tomorrow, Friday, evening,
at the room of the Commercial Atao-
Annie K. M.-I'onald ha brought suit
in the eitmll court against William
McDonald, for divorce. Peter Weat is
attorney for the plaintiff.
- Tin' Macralieen meet tonight. A
resolution will he introduced concern
ing MOM recent changes and every
Marvaliee should lie present.
Strayed from P. T. Belts' place near
BoVDtOll'l leeil yard, one dark colored
jersey cow, bran. led A. II. on right
hip. Suitable reward (or information
leading to rt-rovery oi same.
.luiies Mrnthers have purchased from
Si itglH lims a Kussell A Co. .Maul I ion
tbrssbsT and nnl stacker, which is
the Ittwl thing out in straw stackers.
This machine is at work on Cheney
Mr. .m ' ranrli on McKay creek.
H linnet t Kuan, son of James Lgan
of l.iinmnta, Or., who was shot Satur
day by Andy Lytle, died several hours
aftt)l the ibootlag at I hi r ham's saw
mill, near Uu Creek, Crook county.
Altai tnr ibootlBI Lytle guve himself
Bp to the deputy sheriff.
CLEAVER BROS N0 sizzling hereabouts
Practical Boot nl Hhoe Men.
Farm loans,
springs, telupti'ini'
siiades at
; latest
Jas A. Howard
Hauk (or Teal
Main 79.
liuy your window
Murphy 'a.
Have your pictures framed
styles at Murphy 'a.
91 ihirt waiata, now He,
Bros. Dry Goods Co.
! duck suits, now f.'.OH
ISros. Iry t Co.
New design in wall taper
Murpny s paint store.
We are closing oui fruit jar at arjsj
at the Standard tirorery Co.
Cherries, pHach plums, green apples,
vegetables at Hawlov Brothers.
All kinds of lunch goods and camp
ing supplies at Hawley Umthore.
You can save money now by buying
your jars at the Standard grocery.
First claas wheat pasture for cattle
and horns. Inquire ol Peter Weat.
We will close out onr entire line ol
steel ranges at cost. Baker fc Folsotn.
i'u- summer goods to close at U)j
per yard. Cleaver Bros. I'ry I tood
Midsummer sale of wash goods, one
half price. Cleaver Bros. Dry
tiooda Co.
Boiled ham. root beer, chip potatoes,
fresh eggs, new notatoes, lemon.
Hawley llrotiiers.
Finest hams and lard on the market.
Home product; try it, its guarantee!.
Bchwara A (iron Itch.
Lost Between Pendleton and Pilot
Bock, a pair of One shoes. Finder
please leave at this otHce.
Ice cream (or partiex ami lodge
social) lea at special prices, iUality
guaranteed. Candy Ihittmi
Will sell the (uriiishings oi a live
room cottage cheap, alumit new. In
oiiire at Alexander A Hester h.
For rent Seven room house, lots "
.limit, aiv J ...... l. tr.ii,, Main itiMU on 1 '"r
West Webb. Apply at this office.
Crescent bicycles on the installment
plan at the Crescent agem-v in the Kant
Oregouian building, payments fl a
week, no interest.
Dr. W. M. YauPutten of Walla
Walla will be at Bingham Spring
Ironi July Hi to Almost 20. l'ariie
viaiting the spring can depend Umiii
receiving medical attention i(
Hon. S. H. Hazard, a democratic
leader, and oue of the beat known
attorneys in Southern Oregon, di.i
suddenly at his home iu Marshti'-hl
Tuneda of heart disease, aged fl year
Mr. Hazard had resided in Coos
county for about 30 years.
ometimes a woman knows a bargain
when the aeea it, ometimer
doesn't. But here in a htrgain ii.
Weather was Warm, but not Hot Bnough
to Lame Any Suffering.
l i mlM'tnii and this part ol the world
id -imiii- rstfost warm weather
dor i oa the past few days. But, this
morning, the .temperature was some
thing to m.tks" the most rontlrnied
ier growler to smile radiantly.
I hen- wa a cool hreeie throughout
the day to. i' IDOdV Pendleton feel like
an Ideal ram maf resort, rather than
like a place in the semi-arid region
July days are known to record
from 100 upward from time to time.
BO far as known the thermometer ban
p NgiflSffM I"" in the shade daring
tin siitnmer.
I' i well to remember that 100 here,
with a drv atmoHubere, is not an tin
comfortable a 8o or 90 in the middle
west, or in Portland.
Tin- cooler weather will be grateful
to the crews ol harvesters who are now
I'niMged in gathering the cropa. Man
ami teams will not softer any an long
a tin temperature is not higher than
that now prevailing.
rbil comparatively cool weather has
Operated to keep nt home many per
MM who ordinarily go to the moun
tains, or to the aeacoast. However,
many are going to the coast, more
than in any previous season.
A Warm Weather Yarn.
I. P i. oodhue tells the Walla Walla
i man that those who are com-
plaiuiiik' about the heat here now
would have thought this weather cool
hail they lived at Wallula some years
ago where he said that the heat was so
n'vere one Hummer that he mult a tire
to cool off the atmosphere. Mr. Oood-
hiie makes this statement as a positive
fact. He says the tire was built out of
door near ins house and it produce" I a
draft which waa reaponiinle lor a re
roiling agitation of the surrounding
Plan Not So Definite as That Pursued by
Laborers In Walla Walla County.
On the streete of Pendleton is heard
some talk ol a combination o( harvest
hands to maintain a scale of prices
(or the various poeitiona in the fields.
The movement has not assumed very
definite form and is only in the agita
tion stage Owing to the lateneaa o(
the season, and the (act that many
crews have already been hired, it may
come to nothing
Over In Walla Walla county, the
men held several meetings and formed
a aociety, of which tbey had the usual
officers, with a sort of Held agent to
look after the affairs o( the concern,
and keep the men in line. The scale
waa (rom 12, (or the least important
station in the harvest crew, to tt.AO
(or the beat. Several hundred names
were appended to the membership
roll, and it developed into quite a
strong affair. It is understood, how
ever, that many men disregarded the
agreement, and contracted with the
farmers on their own account. The
scale of wages demanded was not radi
cally different (rom that which was
offered by the ranchers.
Here, the wages are about the same.
Men are able to obtain work at will
and for compensation so reasonable
that a man may accumulate quite a
sum, if he will work throughout the
summer. Farmers do not complain,
as in some former seasons, ol scarcity
of help, tbe supply being as good a
ever before, aince the days of the depression.
Trunks That Sumpter li the Best Town be
Saw while Absent
lohn Meathman.cliiel ol I end leton s
police torce, i again petroling the
-treet- looking alter the safety and
in Miiliject. tie has been
several days, having gone
to Maker Citv to attend the grand
council of the Bed Men. He bad Wil
liana -cheer as duel pro tern.
-.Missouri" was also in Sumpter
1 Hat he pronounces the beat town be
has seen for many a day, excepting,
of course, Pendleton, which, so he
declares, ia tbe "greatest ever."
"There an uo towns lying around
in the region of tbe Blue moun
tains," saya me chief. "that are
worthy to be mentioned in the same
breath, with Pendleton. This ia jost
a boat good enough (or me, and really
it lit to be selected as a second garden
l.U'-n. in the event Time abonld
turn hack ward and another creative
d ihoald occur. We do more
misineas here than in any two towna
tue whole country Hut. as a fairly
impter duee very well,
n-nleriiig the niee ot the place.
Harvested home Hoboes.
nine hohiaM were gathered
lawn, dimities ami all kind o: wai
roods that every woman can see at a Toda
glance. Co ate and see tbem. Alei- bj the chief, and he is on the lookout
auder a Baxter. more They are not troubling
The homeheet man u. Pendleton aa 1 I" a usual by stealing,
well an the handsomest, ami other aya be ami yet they need occasionally
are invited to cull on any drug.'it
and get tree a trial bottle ol Kemp's
Hal-urn fur the throat and lungs, a
rumedv that i guaranteed to cure BJkI
relieve all chronic aud acute coughs ''
asthma, bruueihtia and consumption.
Price Joe and 50c. For sale by Tall
man A Co., sole agents.
Feather Dusters.
noine ai lent lop . 1 he pumper ol holxies
I who are Moating through the country
upon the wing oi leisure is about the
Max .i- in lorBMf years. Work seems
i ateutilal (aood men may obtain
they want them. Wages are
Ho ti.at there is no excuse for
tbe idiene oi the maiiv men who are
all the tune coining here and lying
ahum the town.
Laad tonlesi Case.
iminlier oi prominent baker
Jamee R. Boherteon. professor of
history and political economy at
Pacific university Forest lirove, Ore
gon, is here today in the interest of
the institution with which he is con
nected. Prcf. Bobertaon finds a grow
ing tendency on the part of the young
people .,: I, astern Oregon to aspire to a
college education, and receives some
encouragement on the part ol several
Pendleton young people. Speaking on
t ie subject, he said-: "I aui impressed
with the fact that you have excellent
schools, hereabouts. Your public
schools heie are in good hands, the
Pendleton academy is an institution
of merit, and Whitman college has a
reputation for high standing well de
served." Pacific university eiimlled,
doring the academic year of 1900-01,
'Jo pupils, with prospects that the
number of matriculates will be in
creased next (all when the registrar
opens bis Looks. Foreat drove U M
miles (rom Portland on the Southern
Pacific road at the base of the coast
range oi mountains. The town is dis
tinguished (mm other Oregon place in
that no drinking saloons are permitted
there. The aciiool was (ouniied in
H4H Beaidee a high standard of
literary attainments, attention is given
to athletics. A beautiful camnus is
owned bv the collage, on which are
buildings ample for the present need
H. Kllis ami family are at
The largest ami bust line
uf feather dusters ever
displayed in I'endleton.
people, aavh tbe lleraid, are iu
ramie on an important laud contest
Tbe caau, as stated, is that of
lohn Q. Saxon, proleetant, against C
M. Pierce, applicant, (or patent on the
Klondike Lode claim. The contest is
lor tlu purpose ot defeating the appli
cation tor patent K M. Saxon aud
Will k King are attorneys lor the pro
testant and C A. Jones, K. L Moore
ami Walter 1'ierce lor Oi M. Pierce.
Call tor County Warrants.
All I matilla coiintv warrant
ad ii' March and April, 1HBV
i- i-.iol at my olhoe iu tbe court
upuii presentation. Interest
laW li publication.
b. K YATF.S,
Treasurer oi Umatilla County
I end lei, in , Oregon, July 20, 1901.
ei o
ran American apositlon
on Tuesday, Auguat h, aud Tuesday
ei t-niber 3, the O B. A N. Co. will
sell ticket to the Pan American ex-
ositiou, Buffalo, N. Y at 7H with a
unit of sixty days to Buffalo and re
an loaiHI out
Ladies1 Orfords,
Men's Tan Shoes
AH Short Lines
Come and examine good aud get prioea.
W at. Fitzguruld, Manager.
Judge W
the beach.
John Sharp, a wool grower ol (irant
county, is in town.
Mrs. Clark Hturtevant of Pilot
Bock is a guest o( Mrs. H. (iarrett.
Mr. and Mrs. C. tL Fell have re
turned from Hot Lake, Cnion county.
John K. Adams has come trom 51c
Minnvllle to remain during the sum
mer. Mies Nellie Hardman, trom Waits
burg, is a gueat of Mra. Otis latfon
taine. Dr. W. (. Cole waa in Walla Walla
on Wedneaday, returning home in the
Oua Slangier and John Jordan have
returned (rom a trip to the mountains
of drant county.
Judge Hartman accompanied bis
family to Clatsop Beach, ile wili re
turn home in a week.
Al Huberts, deputy I'mted --late
marshal, ia in town, accompanied by
hit young eon, Bddie.
Miss Nell Matthews will leave to
night for Denver, Colo., to remain lor
a time visiting mends.
W. Perry, in the employ ot M. A.
Bader, ia on a vacation to the coast.
He will return in a week or ao.
Miss Elsie Folsom will visit iu As
toria and at tbe seaside during the
summer, leaving in a few days.
Jaa. Uonway of the tirm of Couroy
Brothers, Seattle horse dealers, la
here, the gueat of Chris Simpeuu.
Mr. and Mrs. K. Lewis of Pendleton
left Wedneaday night (or Sliver City,
Idaho, to remain there for the future
Miss Kama Sawtelle arrived home
on luesdav evening s train, Irom helm,
ben she has beeu a guest of Mrs. C.
H. Miller
C. M. Bader, brother of M
Bader, is here trom Walla Walla,
is here on legal busiuees, and will
turn home today.
Mias Kelma Phillip aud Miss Hita
Bean came home Wednesday evening
from tioideudale. They have visited
there (or several days.
Mra. James Peter aud famil will
leave on tonight's train (or the Wil
lamette valley, where tbey will re
main uutil November 1.
Mrs. K. Boetlcher accompanied Mr
boettcher Irom Chicago, and is a guest
of tier sou, Otto Boettcher. Thev will
remain for several weeks.
8. Cornell, one of Peudleton's base
ball players, has accepted a position
at the Pendleton scouring mills. He
will work on the night shift.
H. rl . tialloo aad family lett on
this morning's train (or the Cascades,
where they will spend their vacation
They have abandoned their eastern
Mias Myrtle Smith came home Irum
lone Wednesday evening. She has been
visiting tier pareuU. .Mi aad .Mr- A
H. bm Ith. She also i
on her own ranch
Kdwin (irigga, was brought iu (rum
Helix this morning aud was taken to
tbe Pendleton Sanitarium He is very
aick, but dtaguoais has not yet beeu
made. Hie home is in ludiaua.
Priee Florenee arrived (rom Hepp
ir Wednesday evening aud will re
turn home iu a lew daya. He will
viail his daughters, Kdua and l.avelie
Florence, at the home of Mr. aud Mra.
T. W. Avert, jr.
Oharie fcvaae, tbe youug man
operated upon at the New Walla Walla
Hospital laat week Wednesday, is uow
much improved. 1'r. Cole stated that
his condition is very encouraging. The
paralysis baa disappeared.
Mies Miuuie 8. Koee. graduate nurse
from the New Walla Walla hoapital,
who baa decided to locate in Peud le
ton, went to Athena Wedneaday even
ing, aud will viait in Walla Walla be
fore returuiug here on Saturuay.
Dr. J. F. Oropp, president of tbe
uew walla walla ttuapital association.
arrived from Walla Walla on the eveu-
iiik train and went on to Baker City.
From there he will go rlftv miles into
the country to Kagle valley, to at
tend a loot her who i- very sick.
Hev W. B, Powtine, who was I x
pocled to return from Heppner Wad
needay evening, was called to Portland
to attend a meeting of the hoard of
education ot the Oregon diocese of the
Protestant Kpiseopal chiicrh. and will
come home from there today or tomor
row. Baker City Herald: ''MitatMrl
John" deathman, marshal ot Pendle
ton, and an alternate delegate to the
Bed Men's council, is in town, de
returned this morning from a flying
trip to Hnmpter, and wanted to go
home; but the Pendleton delegate
instructed the Befcor Cltt police to
retain him, ami John will remain.
Jades Pit Gerald Ssvs Pendleton l now
a Paradise
Judge Tiiomas Fit Qoreld has re
turned from Baker City unfl other
places which he has vuited dating du
pes' week lie declares:
"We who live here do not appreciate
how pleasant is the climate. Over in
the Powder river valley , iu whiili is
Baker City, the thermometer have nil
melted, and the people were gasping
(or breath while I was there. Monday
night was of a chnrai-ler to remind one
of Dante's Interim. "
Judge I it; Oersld speak in praise
Of tbe hnenitiildv of tin- Haker Ci'v
people who entertained the grand coun
cil of the Beduien. KVOfJOM was
welcomed iu a royal spirit, and the 1
meeting was a BBejooBI Pendleton was I
given the honor of having I. li lieeder '
elected to the otli e of senior grand ,
sagamore. Mr. MOdef sip junior
sagamore, and was advanced to the
senior iiosition under a rule oi promo
tion that governs the elect log of the
chief officers.
At La Oramle, Judge Fitc OtfaM
held court as I'nited .'tate-i commis.
sinner, in the case of the luiiikiuptcy
of Krnest Thorsoii ,v Co., saloonkeep
ers. The liabilities are MQOOi the
assets fHOO of real estate ami tlVki nf
stock. The creditors were responsible
fur the involuntary bankruptcy into
which Thorsoii tV Co. were thrown.
The first meeting wu held in Pendle
ton on July U, and tin- meeting in l.a
Orande was to save the expense of
having all the creditors come over
Near Union, Judge Fitz derald saw
the hot water artesian well, which
is spouting close to the O. It. A N.
tracks. He learned that the Hot Lake
property, in which W. M. Pierce i
heavily interested, is regarded as one
of the best paving propositions in
Kastern Oregon.
At Sumpter, he found a good busi
ness town where trade is good and
merchants prosperous.
Fred Lloyd Brought From Portland to
Servo Out a Sentenoe.
rred Lloyd, who was taken to Port
land to answer a charge oi selling
liquor to Indians on the Umatilla
reservation was brought to Pendleton
this morning by Al Boberts, deputy
United States marshal, the latt i
accompanying him. Liovd w.i- trie,!
i. el. ire Judge Hellinger, u, the I luted
States court. He was lined f Ion am:
six months in the county jail here.
There was also against him a charge oi
taking liquor on to the reservation,
which is an offense against the federal
More Trusts forming.
If the trust formation continues the
time is not distant when almost every
thing in the country will be controlled
by them. Whether this would be
beneficial to the country or otherwise,
we are not preimred to state. There
one thing however, thai can never he
con ml led by a trust and that is good
Ileal' h. The be- mean- ot ill I I. IC
thia ia hv tbe use of Hosteller's
Stomach Bitters. This wonderful im-d
cine continues to cure all stomach,
liver and bowel troubles, the same a
it has done for the past tlfy years. If
yoo are a sufferer from dvsiiensia, in
digestion, constipation llattileucy or
nervousness, do no: lai! to give i a
trial at once, aa it will surely cure
you. It will 'also prevent malaria,
lever and ague.
, ire ofiVring
Great Bargains
In all departments of our store.
Save Money by Trading
With Us.
An Awful
apeut several days
was made by a driiKc-ist re
cently in an Eastern town.
In putting up a prescription
the wrong ingredient was
used and a child's lite was
the forfeit.
A great main mistakes are
mad ever) day in making
light bread and take. The
wrong baking powder is used
and the life Roes out of the
light bread or cake. When
you use Uv liaking Powder
there is no mistake, found
cans 4 B
Owl Tea House.
jelly Glasses lit a dozen.
At the F razor Opera House
Saturday Evening, July
TOBY IRWIN, of San Francisco,
Champion lightweight of Cab
JIM t'OPF, of Toronto, Canada
Two preliminaries, one of four
the other ol six toutids, by local
men will precede the main event
Prices Reserved seats, $i gal
lery, 50c, Tickets on sale at
popular resorts.
C l' VOL WA.NT in sen
OlIDSCriDCrS nt lui ukuiuo or
III HISt'lllB IU IIIC I 111 wlj
Slat, or Kurope. remit
by poelal note, cbecs or
ma to Ibe East omkoo
nias Hit ost publlaneni
price ei UM publlcsllou
you desire, sad we will
ou sinl uiiiiii an riu oi me
lust In the msJl It will save
aave It ssat to
lac lost Is
both trouble eud ruu
nunc bail
Ifce Cast fTaeanni if ki reuniting you c-su
deduct ten per cent from tbe publlsbere' price
Address BAlfT OsllWONlAh PUB. CO., lexidie
If you mm m iub i
Our midsummer
Furniture sale
and dc
is the center uf attraction
uprvt" tin usual attention.
.;r vnii intend to furnish your house
completr or just contemplate the
addition of a few necessary pieces,
this is your opportunity. Over
twenty-five different stylus of
Iron Beds
1 'r-ssnrs. Commodes, Parlor I ur
niHiva Garnafk! Matttnirs. W indow
swsrw - f ' - w
Shatlcs. Curtain 1 tile,, Mirrors, Pictunn, Baby Cabs, Go Carts, etc.
Undertaking Parlor in Connection.
Main and Webb Sts.
The Columbia
Lodging House
BAR in '1 i'i i ii,!
These firms handle
and guarantee it
Q. R. Demon
D. Kemler
Oliver & Co.
White House Grocery
Alexander & Hexter
Ask for it.
I M. SPENCE, Ajjt.
T' that is
lk Itfl n Quality
Prices From $22 to $G0.
Road wheels; - - $35,
Racers, - - - - $50.
Chainles8 Crescents $60.
Boys and Girls Wheels $22.
1900 Models as low as $15, $20, $25.
(Went WttMll .supplied with 8,,ring framtJtj
and Morrow coaster brakes Ur with either.
Term of payment to suit customers with
interest. Call ami get a catalogue
East Orauoniari Buikting.
TR A N S F K R, Orel's Him Hmm Resori
1 gUC K I N ii. The Hotel Flavel
is now open tor the season
buadred ,uxt Br ,Jli "'acrioiis. one
u bee, tSSiSHS. "'friend Zmuln-
Csr. Courl and Johnson Sts,
StSSSI host KU'-'trlc I.lihtn.
Auirrli sn Hsu, rsteii It.i', tni S04,.
SIMSBB plea, Wc, 74c, ll.uo
Hi-i-ui rUM br wee or ooiu
Frae Bus u i all Iralni.
Commercial Trade Solicited.
Fine Sample lioums
Special Attention (liven tu
Country Trade.
a a sals, or sal laaunas tire. i eioif'... aa
end in the best possible lusuner W ptlsl
'in- iniiiiv. huh '.In- rsrriuKi , w. rvpur
.pii l nut miiind witli imur u tust tnooiu
rsttle iiihi I'uin.n from I.h.h psru II rou lai
u do your work you ran asssaiiMI uo uu
It it mid Uow nmsll tb cu-i i.
Issued Weekly.
William J. Bryan
t ditor and I'k'blmher.
Terms Fay able In Adxsnte
flit .-J. pi.ir.
Six Months
Three (Toiiths
Single Copy
No traveling canvassers ate em
ployed. TaraM lor local ageat
Will I I ' (.fill fill .1 1 I . I , .ItllJU "
WW v. .iviii J 1 1 "f t
money should be sent by I
order, lixoress order, or by
i . . , . . . .j.i
uiail nil .ew I O. rv i'i e-
Thi Coiuuioucr per year
Weekly East Oregouian . !
Semi- Weeklv East On otnan
' 1 1 v taaai t-tuum
Last Orexonian,
Ksrnaieion. wr-
To aud Irom the
ss . . I H
. mil i ii n i n.
HllUVlJ V tllllUl nuiuv-
Solid Trains
New Equipment
WW .lit
L' . . I li At S. CO.,
...,u.ir aiiii vr. - . t gL
h ii Ttit'Kim'l.I. Com IT ,-.
145J Third St., rorus-
r ' . .r. m M
rarmerb vusivm
Waitsara. Fropna-
CapMlly, 18 barrels a BSf
Floor eaooauawd lor wbeal
riour, Mill Peed, (iboppsd sed,