East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 25, 1901, Image 3

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    Shirt Waists
Worth $1 to $2.
Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
L-jiuiiirT s,ys D""r, H'"
I Hard Tim.
i fatal to S. li- Caltlerhead of
I. .!!, kttWfl 111 I'n"tnD
BL k 9. Calderl.ead, of Daw-
S V T , ladlOatai a condition
lining criiii in the commercial
XinoltMt cum p.
it, Caldsrhsad K ral manager
IM anauiar vir"--- . - 7
MM company wen." ......
Lam on tue river into tlmt city
ritich baa done millions of
kirn torth of business ll the past
... .. ' ; i ..... i
or lour reara. me "
! tin necessary thinning oat o( the busi
ness house it following.
The letter wa written the day before
j the birthday of the American nation,
and referring to the day, says: "This
i will be the first instance in hiatory of
the Foorth of July being observed aa
a legal holiday bv the order of a Brit
ish governor." the weather in Daw-
! aon haa been fine, and Mr. Calderhead
states the climate baa for the paat two
montba been more in the nature of
that which aurrounda a aummer reaort
than one would expect from a place
which ia within the Arctic circle.
t matatt degree of clearness with
t tbr natter of the alunip In
(W iMUICWI 11" III lilt" uiuui'i u.
,,it i i.tiiiir Mil. i .r.
M0W, SB4eB .
B . . ..h(. iwr tiiiillitl liaVIIlir
kaaanrth in th Dl mk tiiKli an IL'.fX'
kuwaunr nuaniiiy. nay caimm in.
K. li 411' 1 I " " " " -
r niinhln nnoiuct nn til)' market
ilir onsdonrtli of the merchant,
itaiiaee man will ! forced out
ayipti, wane aniiwier aiau's i
"TMoiuJa ol tons of freiuht have
lfafllau by teleyrapli within the
Ira davi and more will he at
ri twain are tied U at the ducka
mailt have t he placed iii
ihm position from lack of busi
TllCoantrt' It Prosper out.
V laitutuilding the tern hie falling
iriilf and prices, .Mr. (JaUlor-
Rgjgj the uonntr I ne in a
war balurn from the sumliiiiint
miner, aud predict that the
? mm who liar aulticieiit iiionev
uivr f ... jii ,i,.i n.ut
'JBg laaM him will make hun-
n kt it in- non ninur
ar. in h.. i.uf II.. ........ al..
' Iim of bojiDtwe have btwn ovr
'a tut ituruii; ttit riiHh .It. vh
uji ouiiceu. a men wan
-to. tnoiivni travel to kti
JL W ul t.-..u..-,t
ti"- aoatiog population ban more
fuilled to other local itiee and
It Daxales Iba World.
No discovery in medicine baa ever
created one quarter of the excitement
that haa been causetl by Dr. king's
New Diacovery (or Consumption. It's
aeverest teats have been on bopeleaa
victims of consumption, pneumonia,
hemorrhage, pleuriay and bronchitis,
thousands of whom it haa restored to
perfect health. For cougbs, colds,
aathma, croup, hay fever, hoarseness
' and whooping cough it is the quickest,
j surest cure in the world. It is sold by
ITallman a Co., who guarantee aatis-
faction or refund money. Large
bottles nOr'and $1. Trial bottles free.
i ars no: prepared for
yaa have bought a pair of our
Colored Glasses
. tO, 5 and 75c.
WLES. Whu, r anloml 10( 40
aud oOc.
Eye Protectors
M tne tiung for
' gou. 75c, ll.i'o, $1.50.
mm lead Md we will till your
Ma auufaction.
hiiu uui l an..
!rv.'!B and fopp to ouat iba Sa! iu
some Popular laaort.
Aa lightweights, Irwin and I'opp,
who are to meet at the F rater on
Saturday night and give an exhibition
of the manly art o( aparriog, will
weigh in at 138, with forfeit! from
either one who ia overweight. Of this,
there ia no danger, as each one is now
under the limit of 138 pounds. The
weighing in will occur at 3 o'clock in
the afternoon of Saturday, mix and
one-half houra before the fight begins.
Irwin, who arrived Wednesday and
waa taken to the Uohleu Kule Hotel
by his manager, "Biddy" Bishop, will
establish no separate training quarters,
but will work from the bote!.
"He ueeds little additional atten
tion," stated Manager Bishop today.
"I sent hitu out (or a good long run
this morning, and be runs like a steam
engine with a tender full of coal. He
haa due endurance. I believe he is
in about as good condition aa any man
who has ever gone into the ring in this
Popp also wears a amile as be listens
to questions as to whether he thinks
he is iu good condition, and seems to
have considerable confidence in the
outcome of the match.
The fact that each one so confidently
aaaerta that be can lick tbe other,
neneeaitatee that they come together
and demonstrate which one ia in the
wrong. Hence, the Saturday night
meeting will aettle adiapute that needa
very much to be aettled.
How's This?
We offer Una Hundred Dollars Kvwaid for
any caae of ualarrb. thai uannol be cured bjr
tiall'l Catarrh Our.
F. J. rttKNKY A CO., Props., Toledo, O.
We, the uuilariiguad. have known r J. Che
ney for the- laal tlfleeu yeara, aud believe Ulu
perfuctly houoreble in all biuiunei Iraasaottoaa
aud financially able to carry eat any obltga
i ion- niait- by their Ornv
v Bar A TaoaX,
Wholesale tiruffi"!" Toledo. Ohio.
W a. ui.su. ZissaM A MaaviN.
Wboloaal llruaguu, Toledo, Ohio
HaU't Catarrh Cure Is taken lulerually, act
ing dlruetly un (he blood aud muooua aurlaues
of the ayalem. Hrioe 7&C. par buttle Sold by
all druggist Teattmoulals free.
Hall's Family Pills are the oast.
at b Ac ll AM hUatail Ml b I. K SCHOOL.
Maaeham, Oregon, July 23 to Auguat 4.
For the above oooaaion the O. K. &
N. Co. will sell tickets on tbe oer
tin cute plan at a rate of one aud one
third (are.
rer Sale.
Uood aay baler. Apply to Isaac
Jay'a blacksmith abop.
of f?r j IQake ro,m for Iiew aild larger stock
nmm WmUir gU(xi8 1 wil1 8el1 8tove8 aild Bteel
6 at Kitatly reduced prices for the next sixty
Ull and get prices.
Joe Basler,
TL aa .
ne Main Street Furniture Dealer.
Opera House block.
Ful1 Line of Tents, Wagon
Covers, Anti-rust Tinware,
General Hardware.
Wheat Loeaiiy stanat at the 45-Cent
ark New Crop Salat Hara Taken
Woo': About hal( a cent atronser, 11
uoum ukiuk top price.
Wheat -46 rent for No. 1 clnh, with
a 2-cent premium for bltieatem.
The local wool clip is almost en
tirely cleaned up, lota remaining in
the warehouses unnold being not now
on the market. In i h.
- - . .' - iciuvirv
tribuUry to Pendleton, there remain
uui wooi uiat ia unsold. The
clip of 1901, as haa been stated several
tnnea during the season, has been
going rapidly, with 10' aa the heat
tigure. At thia t'tne, the market ll
perhaps half a cent better, making 11
cents the highest value for the woola
of this section.
Wheat was quoted here today at 4."
cents (or No. 1 club, nlueatem com
manding two cents higher.
New wheat has been bought hv V
S. Byera from O. c. Ureon and it.
Miller, 44 and 4tV being paid.
Trad I nil in u limit ia n..t mtkm ......
Local Proauea Market.
Pendleton dealers are paying the fol
lowing nricea for ranch and farm t.rr..
duce :
Butter, 30 to Me per roll.
F.gga 20c per dox.
Turkeya-Alive, LIC p-r potwd.
Geese 112 per dozen.
Ducks 14.60 per dozen.
Chickens -111. ffjp.
New tiotatoee are comma info tl
market freely. Healers are paying 2c
per pound, and retailing them at L"ur.
v ucunioer zoc per doxen.
tireen corn 25c per doten.
New tomatoes 16c per pound.
Squashes 15c each.
Green peppers l,o per pound.
lmona 35c per doxen.
Oranges 40c per dozen.
Wheat in Portland.
Portland. July 36. The Commercial
Keview in lta vahLIi- loaaaa i ,. I , .
.,..., ...,,
K.IIiiirlura a pu ,,,,, ....I ... ..!..
-.-,'" . ....i'.i . im i , train-
at preaent extensively, even were there
free offer ings.it being rather earl v to es
tablish standards and prices. It is too
early to give quotations on the new -crob
wheat, but probably Xic on dock here
would be fnll export value for Walla
wana ana nor lor valley per husliel. It
is UnlleceHMarv to add that nrwnt Inar
hida wil) ti.tul In .llaw u. hi-u M tmmm
aelling, and probably sellers will hold
off until the last moment before part
ing witti their grain, and it remain to
mu mievuer me urgency to sell
is leas or a-reater than the nre.Hiire to
buv. In the former case farmers will
get full export value; in the Utter
caae, should shiper' necessities be
come very urgent, competition might
become so active that figure bova
relative value wotn.i t,e panl. Kill
from rha furt that thupu ia twit liLulv t..
be any important nee.i of wheat heiore
mm iiuiT pari ui .-kuguri or ean in
Ki.tttmn BaW uh.l that I !..., '.it ulu'uv. a
certain number of holders who sell im
mediately upon tbe concluaion of har
vest work, it aeema more than ptobil
ble that this season's buying will he
accomplished more ou the lines of
actual export basis. Farmers will get
all that the market will stand after
allowing for a legitimate profit for
hauling aud usual risks of shipment.
Cjuotations here Unlay for old wheat
are: Club, 66 to 6bc; blueslam, 67c per
Wheat In San Franelaeo.
Kan Francisco, July 25. Market
couditiona have been unfavorable to
aelliug interest. While it is true that
futures have advanced m Kaatern . .li
ters, owing probably to counter-speculation
by those who had previously
"aborted" corn, the general conditions
iu the world's markets have remained
unchanged. Weather conditions on
the continent during the past two
weuks have been more favorable, aud
the French crop will undoubtedly be
rather better than earlier reports nidi
cated. Locally, the grain man '-t bag
coma tu a practical standstill, OWUsJ
to tbe atike at Port Costa and Valleju.
Shippers are atill making offers, but
with tbe distinct understand ing that
no payment shall be made until the
wheat is delivered to the warehouse.
Snips coutiuue tirm, with no prospect
of any decline. We quote: Choice old
California milling, fl to 11.01 . . No
1 California shipping, U6c to M7'(c;
Oregon, W5c to l per cental.
(iovornment Crop Report.
Intense heat haa prevailed another
week throughout the Htate of the cen
tral valleya and middle Koeky BXMS
tail) region, with only local tbowaft
over limited scattered areas.
Maximum lemiwraturea of ltkl de
grees or above were of daily occurrence
over mure or leas of the territory
named. Under these condition the
drouth has been greatly intenmiiud ,and
ita area largely increased. Missouri,
Kauaas, Oklahoma and portions of Ne
braska have suffered uiot,but the KM
ditioua are uum critical from the Lake
region, Central Ohio valley and
Tennessee westward to the middle
Koifcv mountain regioU, .i. eluding the
greater part of Texas.
Tim outlook lor corn is leas favorable
thau at the close of tbe previous
week. In Nebraska Kansas, Oklahoma
aud Missouri early corn is practically
burned up. With early and abundant
rains iu these states late corn would
rrobably make half a crop or leaa. In
lliuois, Indiana, Ohip, Kentucky aud
Tennessee corn is no aeriously in
need of raiu. In the Middle Atlantic
slates the condition have been highly
favorable (or corn, and its condition is
further improved.
Moisture has caused considerable in-
tury to winter wheat in shock in the
liddle Atlantic states. Harvesting
continues where unfinished iu the more
northerly aection east of the Kocky
mountains, ami is in general progroas
in tbe Northern Pacific ooaat.
Spring wheat harvest baa beguu
over the southern portion of tbe
apriug wheat reigou, where, as a re
suit of premature ripening, the yield
and quality is much impaired. Over
tbe northern portion, where tbe crop
is now ripening, its condition oon
tinuea promising
Wool in Boatoo.
Boston, July 26. Dealers demand
top price for wool and mil I men are
aurpriaed at tbe cost compared with
their last purcbaaaa. The wool mar
ket appears tu be under the control of
tbe dealers.
Territory, scoured baaia Montana,
fine, 14 to 16c; scoured, 44 to Mei BtM
medium, 14 to 16c ; scoured. 42 to 43c;
staple, 16 to 16; scoured, 46 to 4oV
Utah, Wyoming aud Idaho Fine,
13 to 14c; scoured, 44 to 46c.
Oreuou wools Eastern, choice
greasy, 13 to 14c; average, 12 to 13c;
staple, 14 to 16c; scoured, flue medium
and fine. 40 to 43c; Valley, 16 to 18c;
scoured, 36 to 38c; scoured ataple, 45
to 46c.
Auatralia, acourel basis, spot prices
Combing, superfine. 71 to 72c; good, 6t
to 70c; average, 66 to 67c ; clothing, au
arttue, 72 to 76c ; good, 67 to 70c.
Wool gala Id London.
London, July 26. At the wool auc
tlon sales thia week, 12,064 bales wore
offered, consisting of a good selection
of New Sonth Wales, which waa
spiritedly competed (or. Merinoa sold
freelv. Crosa-breds were in fjtood de
mand hv the home trade, some being
taken by American bayera. I.amba
were in improved demand.
Wool in San Pranelaao.
San Francisco, Julv 26. Wool
Spring-Nevada, 10 to Its) Kaat.-rn
Oregon, io to 13c Vallev, Oregon. IS to
14c I all Mountain lamb. 7 to c ;
San Joaquin plains. 6 to 7c: Humboldt
and Mendocino, H to 11c.
Kastsrn Llveatoea.
Chicago, July 26. Cattle 10 to 20c
lower good to prime steers, 15.30 to
t.15; p.vnr to medium, 14.20 to 5.40:
stoekwft and feedera, $2 to $4.10; cowa
and heifers, 12.40 to I4.R.V cannera,
$1.65 to 2 .35; hulls. 2.60 to $4.80
calves, $3.75 to $5.75; Texas ateera, $3
to KM,
Hogs -Market. 5 to 1 0c lower: mixed
and butcher, $ . 7 to $ii 0 ; ood to
choice heavv, $rt.0o to $tt.l5; rough
heavy. 15.08 to $6.85; liKht, $:,,76 to
hulk of le. $,VH0 to Vtf0.
Bbatsp. steadv; tfoiMf to choice
wether, l:t.k) to $4.35: fair to choice
mixed, S.S5tj0 $3. HO; Western sheep,
$3.70 to $3.90; native lamhe, $3 to
$5.60; Western lambs, $4.40 to $6. .50.
Plrst Appsaranee of Dandruff a Forerun
ner at Future Baldness.
That such is the case has been con
clusively proven by scientific research.
Prof. I'nna the noted Kuropean akin
Hviulit. declarea that dandruff ia the
biarrOWSjdap cuticle ol the scalpraused
by parasite destroying tbe vitality in
the hair hull. The hair leromes life
less, and in time (alls out. This ran
he prevented.
Newbro'i Harpioidd kill (bid iland
ruff germ and restores the hair to
" natural soilness ami ahundancv.
Merpicide i nn used by thousands
ol ptoplo t aatistied that it is the
most wonderful hair preparation on
t he market today.
Tutullla Corraapondanes Anant ihs Mar
veiling of Grain.
Tutiiilla, July iM. Turner and
Bell's steam thresher commenced the
season' operation at Dot Turner's
place on Tutu 1 1 In to.lav
William Catherman is here from
Foster attending to harvesting his crop
on i bd reeravt ion .
M. H. Oillett' heading outfit rame
from the Kcho neighborhood, where
thin have juRt finished heading twelve
hundred acres.
Molstrom Hros. ' horse ower com
bine, with Bd Stanshnry handling the
ribbons, came over frotn north of Pen
dleton vesierdav.
BOTdPal machiin-, among them Win.
Conley's and l.ang bros.', which
started ui' too early and had to lay off
a week for grain to riien, resumed
operation this week.
M. i. ilowe's steam Thresher com
menced work at Chandler place just
north ol PendletoL today.
M . 11. Oillett s steam combine
aeema to be a never failing ahrine (or
the attraction of visitors, and the roads
to it these warm days ia well marked
with milestones in the shape of empty
beer bottles.
Loads of emptv sacks on their way to
tbe grain fields aud loads of full ones
on their way to market speak plainly
of Umatilla couutv's leading industry
at present.
John Mtnr, with hi horse power
combine and string of males, is just
finishing harvesting a half section of
grain for Tony Larson.
Stockmen with an eye to next winter
are already purchasing supplies of
straw. Tony Larson has sold the
straw in one field unstacked for fifieen
Strikes a Rleh Find.
"I was troubled for several years
with chronic indigestion and neryou
debilitv," writes F. J. Oreeu, of Lan
caster, N. H., "No remedy helped me
until 1 began using l-.lertric Hitters,
Inch diil me more good than all the
medicines I ever used. They have
also kept my wife iu excelleut health
for years. he says Klectric Hitler
are just splendid for female troubles;
thai tht-v are a graini ionic ana tuvig-
orator for weak, run down women. No
other medicine can take ita place in
our family." Try them. Only 60c.
at n-lactiou guaranteed by lalluiau
a gi
Card of Tbanka.
In lu.hi.lt of Lh family ol mv
brother and myaelf, 1 desire to expreas
our heartfelt thanks to the Kuiglits of
the Maccabeus and the cit liens of Pen-
lieton for their k ndne-s aud assistance
in the last iiliiea and funeral ol hd
ward H. Liusner, deceased.
t. W. I.INNKH.
Complete I'.iteruul and Internal
Inn lit fur BVdSJ Humor.
i anslsatag of Otmcea Boar (av.j, to
afajaaas n skin uf ou.u aiel acalra, and
aofleu Uie till, kmell ruttl'.l, I I MO m Qtaffc
liw-iil (!-. , to tnaUutl) allay Ik 1,1 u,, hrlla
nuit, uiel afluii,iuali,jii, mimI soollic aiel l,c-al,
bad I i in t Hi. Khaol.vt.kl (gda ,U,xiaud
clisauM.- tin- liluud.
A single art U ufu-ii ufar,iut tu ,-urc Uia
steel lartartag, uiugurtug skin, xi,, and
blu,xl liuiuura, raaix , Ik liluga, atid Irrlla
Hoas, witii luar of lialr. a lieu tie bvat uliyaf.
clans aud all otliur reiut'llts tall.
aolUiiiroaalualUi va.14 l'.,rraa lis,.. .aiCaaa
C'.h, . , Piupa UuMsi. Hawk) CaiaUuuioca tna
Woodman Suffer the Flrat Desat Thar
Have Matin Their toot Trig..
Captain Hartroan's hall plavera ad
ministered a defeat to the Spokane
Woodmen team, the first defeat that
has come to the latter since they were
organized early in the season The
score was 18 to 14, and the game was of
a character to permit a baseball editor
to remark upon tbe vicissitude that
come to men of the bat . At the end of
the fifth inning the score atood 10 to 1
in favor of the home team. Then
rame the landslide. Hpokano began to
do some business, and Drought over tbe
home plate thirteen member of tbe
aggregation, increasing the ran of the
visitors to 14. Pendleton added two to
its record, and the game rloeed with
the last half of the ninth unplayed by
the I'endletonians.
Chapter pitched a good game for the
locals, and Penland raught in his
usual manner, which la always good.
Bliss and Waller constituted the bat
tery for the Woodmen, who aa a clase
were not brilliant exponents of the art
of playing ball.
Attendance was not large, by reason
of the fact that the game was not
looked for on that day by the home
team, and the onlv notice that waa
given was by handbills scattered dar
ing the forenoon of Wednesday.
The Ssore.
IVn.1l. ea I 0 0 4100 1
Woodman I S 0 0 1 4 1 it 14
Struck ont-by Chapter If, by Rlisa
7; lyase on balls Chapler 0, Rliss
wild pitches Chapler 3, Bli0; hit
by pitched ball- Chapler 0, RH, 9;
two-hao bits -Pendleton It; three-base
bits Penalefou I.
Time of game, 1 hour 40 minute.
Cmpire, ?. C. Oaborn of Athena.
Midsummer Sale
One lot of HerTa Colored Shirt, st ifT boton, two pnirn
on lis, dollar values for 50c.
Women' Shirt Waists
75c, $1.00. $1.00 and up to $:i.o0 rtluei it lialfpi i ., Uk6
this for nice frtnh vaiRt.
Women's Summer Vests
Large assortment at rt'durt'd ii,..;
Embroideries and Laces
From Lo er yanl and upwards wo ihow valut a thai km not
nearly equttletl anvwht'it tls in town.
Ladies' Summer Neckwear
At halt priit'
Jake MeBreem III.
On laat Tueaday, .Tuly 22, Jake Mr
Uroom was brought to Pendleton from
his home in the country about i:i miles
out. He was placed in care of a phy
sician. Hia condition haa I teen very
critical and haa given jut cane (or
erfou concern on the pa it of hi
family and frienda; who havheen in
constant attendance upon him night
and day. Mr. MrHrnom's condition Is
still serinue, but hope ire now -n-tertained
of hi recovery. He I at
the home of tier. W. B. tlray, pastor
of the tiallowav M. K. church, south.
Agent! Butttrwick i Patternf,
Mormon lahopa' Pllla ' 1
Char.h A," iiytx a raa,a,,r , . ,i . . I t I
ai Mllalaiaa, .liuipaii. .,. fimmS m ilglnHi iwiilkig, Ouraa Lost Manhood. Im
pota n c y , Lost Power, Mleht-Leeaea, Onarmatorrnoaa Inaomnlg, Pain
n sTacfc, I., I tVaalf . d)mlne tmlfalona, lmi jaos. Siarvoua Oa-
lyltitr, Handn, ha,lJr,Hnaaa to Marrr. h'i ' S.SJ kern v a o'.
or Oonstlpntion, ftuina Quicltnaaa of O a Lf 11 pnnra, Btopi 1. I
roue Twifohing ortfi.Tigl, TS?.,.. i wUt&i ' ' "' ' '
. t,mi,Utv, tha Iwtm ,n,l a.f.a ,an,.. ... a la,,, 4 t , f i
a Sax aKaiaaw u 4 iu. Cbmm Addreae, lettop Ramadr Co., an Pranoiaeo, Ca.
WOK HI K HV T A I.I.M a N aOOa UlUUHJia T4. I'RN t It.KTON . tlJ.oa
Think About It.
If you will only think it over f 0J
will go to see Martin when yon want
to buy groceries. Hia motto is "beat
goods at lowest prices." His stock la
very large and well select!. Martin
has the best bakery department in the
A postofbre has been established at
Chloride, Maker county, Or., to be
lappitad win spoclal get vice frutu
Haines. Ueorge B. Kogera haa been
appointed ostmaster.
I'lirea-foiirihs of the people In llaiatllla
(ouBiir arc ualug uar harueaa au,l aajillae and
the other fourth baa juat commence! to uaa
ihem All tlili goea to ihow that oart are ali
KIKrtl I'l.Arth aud HKII'Kvi Hh.H I . We carry
a coinplste loc'k of Cullare. Hpura, Kruibee,
Wblp. Sweat payli. park addles, bagi. string
leathsr, tenia, wagoa cxiTen, nenvaa, ali kludi .
Leading liarneaa
A. C. SHAW & CO.
W. J. NKWKI.l., Manager.
H LRDWARl! 'fl !: :: I N I
Main Street, Pendleton, Ore.
i'h aV aw
From Palace to Cottage
you w ill find our stock of carela u -rii-niiy
cfMnpntkMaxtvi to oaaei all apaol
tli-alloiiM. The Kngllsh of thia atateuienl
In t li Im : We call supply JTOtl with mat
1 lugs; rugs mid cnrHtM for a MMMf ' oi
fitge or a winter inanslnii, call furnish the
very Ihh( 0 lM had any yA here, and w III
charge you llllle more IhSfl yu will pay
elnewbere for Inferior grmh -
Agent for White atwing nut, bine
I 'nderlakers' Miippllea always on band.
Yard ou Webb Htreet
Upisieite Hunt Kreightl)epit
We are prepared to furnish anything
in the lumber line and can guarantee
price to be aa cheap, if not cheaper
than others. We also carry a large
Hue of Duora, Windows aud Moulding.
Partiea ooutemplaling baildlng will do
well to see u before placing their
orders. We' alao carry Oaauade He" I
Kir wood. Phoue Mam ftt.
2Rl5 klgtfn Rgr
.11 0 UAHVI At . Mrep
Kleftiotly Farolsbed Stum HMted
Ifuropean Plan.
Mi,K k and a half from depot.
Sample n In . .nine . t lo.,
Room Rale
SIX. 75c. $1.00
Has the following bargain
lo acrm Al wheat land.
320 acreti Al wheat laud.
2 Iq well located $2.0U
1 lot lower Welil street
Also a big list of town and
county property cheap.
$3.00 per Day and Upwards.
I Ineat Hotel
In the Paalffa.
Call up:
No. 5
and Sand.
afaH jaeWBWaixix! 1 JT a gaksiV Rgggh
Q'ggH ggU' ggggggggi y -
RgrO'?"l (HrVIImw k
P2aMabAriel BsSRafl T J m w
gyftgHggT my 9JAt mmmmmmmm CmmmmmmBim7Ammm
ni rk mum
Heavy Hauling
special atleatlue givaa
to Coualgnmaat
Laatz Bros.
Special Kates to ('.astern Oregoa people vUltlag Portlafgd. HaaaViuartera
fur tourtet a4 cooinaerctal trevetera. tl C now tito. Mauagei
At lowest rates
1 at Oregonlaa ftalldlag,
t'eudlcton, Oregoa.
Notary and
$3. ISO to $5 Delivered
Order of us and aave money.
Order for Kubber Htauipa
also ..i.u.i
For Health. Strength and fl
ll,'ucnn I irinL all
avaaoaaa v ar a iiirv ......
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.
! Ill I.