East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 25, 1901, Image 1

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J5nseR5 f
Fair lonlthi ... i t,tj
NO. 418ft
by Groceries
have a big
k there
t,lrct from.
me. My stock if
, fancy and staple
I Demott
rset8 sow
M formerly u to $1.00 37C
hi g - vests and pants 2 for 25c
5c, lare
" 'ow price on denend.
box toothpicks, 5c.
a Poles 4l a foot.
-ten, yarjtjj ,oolSi
y and mc.
P"1'"- km Gavmajiw
uad stationery.
7 Hy paper 5c.
aji line Dolls.
75 aad bntbm a
lactory line
'itt clftrL-
with line
every $o minutes,
feWf warranted(
(pa m
e oer some ex-
m at a,
25. $i 45 and
and ti.,v, .
af 1 up-
ake LvX ...
"- your old books
aaW 5
fieZi 10 5C
"uxes, etc.
m Nolf
The finest bib ojerall and Jacket in the World.
The "Red Heal" Brand. Union Made. Btrtntfj flit usOSS working
garment. We believe the Red Heal overall and jacket uneiinllel bv any
other garment lierore the public.
The "Rod Seal" Overall
Are extra full, high cut bid, seven pocket, white stitched, continuous
facing, double button on each aide opening and have extra quality ioit -ton,
nuoklea and button hole, double stitched seam everywhere ami
finished Inside aa perfectly M outside. No other overall (iihI the Red
Heal In theae particular. All Red Heal bib overalls are supplied w 1th
suspenders made entirely of webbing, the section from the cross in the
ick down being of good elastic with nickle buckles and loops. They are
really perfect suspenders.
The "Red Seal" Jaokets
A m 1 1 1 libm a ra.m I 1 a r nna r ITunr
i ' 1 asaw-a. w iv-aiuae. vwsv uill r r , nlOi w Hilar nkivi ur( I I I ll'lll II
sleeve with adjustalile wrlstiiands, tailor made button-holes, detachable
hnwi ring buttons, complete and perfect
In blue demins they sell for $1.00.
In indigo blue striped drill for DOc.
In addition to the Red Heal brand we carry two very large
and good line.
"A and H Special" overalls and jackets are 50i
"Never Rip" overalls and jackets arc 76c
These lire the Uttt values at the prices we can find.
Alexander & Hexter.
The Boston
Summer Goods for
. w.
Ladies' belts,
Laces and Embroideries for
Little Money.
Sun Bonnets. 18c.
' Parasols one half price.
Neckwear and Millinery at Your Own Price.
The best Shirt Waist in the store for 79c.
Shirt Waists formerly up to $1.20 for 49c.
endleton's Big Busy Store.
To make good bread uae Byers' Beat Klour. It took tirnt
premium at the Chicago World ' Fair over all competi
tion, and give, excellent eatiafaction wherever used.
Kvery sack i guarauteed. We have the beat Uteaiu
Rolled Barley, Heed Bye and Beard lea Barley.
W. S. BYERS, Proprietor.
"See Dem
I have a full line of
The Peerless Ice Cream Freezers
from one pint to ten quarts, will freeze cream
in from three to five minutes; also have a full
line of fishing tackle, hammocks, etc. See my
line before buying
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man.
white slit, lied, full length
inside as well as out.
a Song
Crash and Pique skirts 49c
formerly up U 76c
A Crystal lelijfht.
that will tharm the most fastidious
taste can be found in any one of our
elegant styles of water sets. -have
them in cut, engraved, lam
and Bohemian glass, in an endless
variety of designs and patterns, and
the prices an likewise attractive,
$1.00 10 $1
Tin controller of the currency has,
issued a pall for the condition of
national bank at the clone of business
on Monday, .Inly 15, I HO I.
William H. Hnnt, the present wo
rotary of Porto Rico, haa been selected
to aucceed Governor Chas. H. Allen.
Hunt km formerly a resident of Mon
tana. The grand lodge of the Benevolant 1
Protective Order of Klks in aeanion in
Milwaukee elected Charlei h. Pickett
"i Waterhw, Iowa, grand esaltext
Kiiinia deiiinndn of the l'orte two i
roaling Ktationn on the Persian Gulf,
says the correspondent of the DMj
Mail at Constantinople, wiring Son-1
day, and she is using the strongest
pressure to induce the sultan to yield.
The wheat harvest has commenced
in Knglaiel. The wheat will le fine
both quantity and quality on " per cent
of the area sown; average on 'J.' per
cent, hut that 70 per cent of the area
sown will probably produce a short
The law passed by the New York
state legislature last winter forbidding
trartic in railroad tickets by other than
nnth'irized agents of railroad companies
was declared unconstitutional Tuesday
in the appellate division of the state
supreme court.
The stage from Ca.adero to Mendo
cino, Calif., was bald up Tnesilav at
Park Quiet). The highwayman was
evidently a stranger on the coast, as
this line lias carried no express this
for several years, so he got nothing
lor his trouble.
The third National Bdodai shoot inn
festual will crown Adolph Strecker
ol San I ram isc" the king shatter of
America. His :tW4 points for 200 shots
on the point target will stand as tlu
work for a national kingship for at
least three years
The hot weather has greatly in
creased the consumption of lemons in
the east, and as a result the commis
sion men are asking an advance of 'JO
I.. i cents in the stocks they have on
hand. It ia said that Chicago's supply
of lemons was never before so short.
At a preliminary meeting at Cleve
land, Ohio, of the leaders of the ls.it
MBOBg the Hrymi democrats, iworge A.
Grout was chosen temporary chairman
of the state convention to he held at
Columbus, July Bl. I'r. Aimer L.
Davii of Findlay will be the tem
porary secretary.
Kev. l)r. i. W. Gue, pastor of the
('nt. nary M K. Church in I'ortland,
.heel suddenly Wedneaday ol heart
Harry G. Gettmau took carbolic
acid in Portland and died from the
effects of it all because he thought he
was in love with a young woman who
did not return his affection.
Joseph Cook, a Canby merchant
years old, .lied of pneumonia at hia
liome Monday night. The deceased
left a widow, a daughter, Mrs. W. II.
Hwtbee ol Oeabyende aun, J. J.
Co..k. h rchant at Newlmrg.
The (iolden Juhilee of Mother John
liaptiste, provincial superior of the
diocese ol iiregon and Washington, and
her assistant, Sister hrancia Xavier,
was celebrated, Wednesday in Port
land, Archbishop Christie presiding.
Captain J. A. Gardner of the Salva
tion Army, Portland, is lying at St.
Vincent's hospital in a very critical
condition i rom injuries received in
an accident oo Uurnside street bridge
Dp the wheel of Ills hicycle slipping
and throwing him in front of a street
Archilmhop Christie has announced
that he has purchased the buildings
and I'M acrea of land on the iwninsuTa
near I'ortland formerly occupied hy
the I'ortland university, a Methodist
institution, and that the Columbia
university will lie opened there Sep
tember 1 under the auspicea of the
Catholic church.
Harry J. Kmmsoii, a Baker City
voung man, and a clerk in the jxMt
00 01 in that place, ia under arrest ou
complaint of two postal insectors
chargtsl with robbing letter, coining
through that other. KlOBiOMI waived
exauiinatioii ami was placed under
. i bondn which his lather furnished.
Inspector Perkins stated that he found
four letter! on Ki unison's person con
taining a die. k for eaoo . one m money
order (or , si aud two others both
containing money.
If at lav. sh tires ot the bmll muling
of u dyspeptic hubaud and leaves him ?
The worst of the dyspeptic is that he
doe not real isc his owu nooaiMaa. His
world i entirely out of pgfgpOCtive.
Pyaptpala and other ilisaeii ol the
Btoiuu.'li and orguis of iligestioii and
Dulrition ara pwneetli sad sefaWM tly
cured bi tits u-- of Ir Pieeos'a re
Medical Discovery. It cure tin MUMS)
for tUS of the disease. It cures whi n all
otli. i madid OtS have failed to lx ncfit.
Accet BO sulattiUite for lr. l"ierce'a
Gilden Medical Disc overy There is no
other medicine for Lue stomach, bl.xsl
and luugs, which can show so wide and
wonderful a record of cures. It always
helps It almost always curea.
s eau ay to you, uia tatltc of yuui ' lejUtrii
Medical Discovery ' has cured mi- etai&d aad
welt after sulfrriiig tr. loiia y.urx with
,1 ...... .. lilKi-s- ' write Mr W H llra.wrll ..I
M. Adeuvllle. .......... .. Nortl. Carolina. "My
kcallli i wurth alt the wurUI to ute I will
praise you aa 1 a. I live "
Dr Pierce's Common Sense Metlual
Adviser, in paper binding, is sent . on
receipt of 21 one-cent stamp, to pay
esin-iiM- of mailing only, or if cloth
bound volume ia dcsiicd tend 31 sl.ini.-
Ut. k. V. Plcxce, liuflaio, N. V.
f ,v can You
. 1 Blame
llii Her
Walla Walla Convicted, While
Dayton Acquitted.
Cooslllullooilit; His Bmd Attacked AIM
Defense Alleges Statute li Invalid
Because Repealed.
Walla Walla, July 25. -James Casey
i guilty of violating the Sunday (JJOJ
ing law" by keeping nieu a drinking
salixin on July 14, aa far at the courts
of Walla Walla county are concerned.
In the superior court in chambers ses
sion yesterday morning Judge Thomas
II Krcnts, in the hearing of the
habeas corpus proc Inur- mt itute.1
bjl Mr. Casey, sustained the decision
of the justice court in rinding the de
fen. lant guilty.
Notice of appeal to the supreme
curt was at once given in both the
case of Casey and of Adolph Schwara,
also found 1lilty in the instiee court
of violating the closing law.
The chief contention of the defense
in the hearing yesterday waa that the
law was unconstitutional and not
valid from the fact that It waa re
peal .si by an act of the legislature
passed in IH73.
The statute relative to the clnaing of
certain places of business, including
saloons, was passed hy the territorial
legislature in 1WM and a fine of not
leas than t:0 or more than $'.'50 waa
provided in caae ol violation. In 1179
an act was passed which repealed this
law. In laXI the legislature authorized
tbe compilation ol a code of the lawa
ul the territory then in effect. Jlld
son, the compiler, in arranging the
c.sle, placed in it the old Sunday
closing law, repealed in 18711.
The state legislature, hy an act
passed in iHW! , saw tit to accept the
statute, although previously reiiealed,
and not belonging in the code. By
thia Judge Hrenta holds that tbe act
is law. "The caae has been appealed
to the supreme cimrt," aaid Judge
Rratits, "and I am aniinoa to aae
what will b. done by that body in re
gar.l to the matter."
'The filing of the fine by the justice
of the peace in the case where a trial
by jury was held waa tin doubt an
irregularity, but if the defendants to
desire I can nil a new Jury aud have a
rehearing of the case. Then I will im
pose the fine. "
Dayton Decided Olh.rwli.
I lay ton, Wash., July 25. A apacial
to the I hi. in aaya: The jury In the
caae of the state of Washington vs.
Charles Hooker, charged with operatin
a business ou Sunday in violation
the laws governing the actions and
conduct of busineas in this state,
braecbt in a verdict of not guilty at
ItlM this morning, after deliberating
two hours. Proaecuting Attorney
Mrown gave notice of apeal from the
, .lecision oi me justice court wnic.i
ii. . ills, barges the prisoner, Tbe le
tense was on the grounds that the law
was contrary to the constitution of
I lie state. The jurors who rendered
tbe le. isi.iii, which, if suatained in
the higher courts, will permit of oatu
booses on Sunday were the following
W. II. Van Lew, Ml I ..... .k ins, C.
K. Cantrel, John Knox, K. J. Itoaqui
and II. Kendall.
rhie derision is of great importance
to the business men of this comity, aa
it virtually means that the tight to
pr. ..iit the sale of goods and liquor ou
Sunday has UtM a losing one in day
ton The verdict IS very much al
variance with the opinions held by
many people and notably bv the mem-
bere of the w. 0. T. r., who fj.nl in
stituted the movement and among the
several bundled ierons who waited
up until the jury reached a verdict
there were aeveial who announced that
it.ould not Mland in the higher cuiirta.
This remain, to tie seen. The out
BOOM "f similar cases in Walla Walla
had list to tbe belief that a line would
be iuipoetMi.
Lwag Aonouna.s tb. .mb.rs T. Oa.i
u eapt. is.
Washington, July 2ft. .Secretary
LuggJ auuouuoeij that the Ochley court
of inquiry will be oouiHjaad of Ad
miral Dewey. Rear-Admiral Kiwlerlv,
retired, and Hear -Admiral Beuhaui,
retired. I be Ural Sitting of the court
will be held ou September IX.
Hsarlo. to g. Pufcll.
The bearing will be public. It
should Ins remembered that ttchley,
even if the tin. lings are adverae to
him, cannot b.- uuniahed. Tbe only
practical result of tbe court will be
given him in history
Secretary l...ug aelectioii of tbe
..ftiuoro to (xu.titute tbe court la eu
thuaiaatically approved by troth Hcbley
and Ham peon, the partiaan. It ia re
garded as the fairest poeeible
that could have been choeeu.
Small Dealers (iolng te lb. Wall -Bust
neas Slacaanl.
Seattle, July. 2ft. Harry'D. Steel, a
uewapaper man of this cltv, waa ap
pointed to aucceed deo. K. Borchenaiu
as clerk of tbe Cuitad Mtatea court at
Nome The aUMMuer Nouie Oity ar
rived thid morning and reports a strike
at Nome. Bueiuees is stagnant. bidsII
merchants are going to tbe wall.
elaborate Coaaear.iailon Caremenlet
Chicago, July 26. Kev. PeUtr Mil
liou waa couaecrated bishop of Chicago
this morning, the ceremony being per
formedlby Cardinal Mariiuelli assisted
bv distinguished prelate, from all perta
of tbe country.
Flooda Devaatate In Austria.
Lomburg, Auatria, July 26. -Flood,
cauaed tbe collapae of a tenemeut
bouae today, thirty-three being killed.
Sanlealen In Buasta.
Vienna, July 26. An exploaioo in
a mine at Doueg, Kuaaia, cauaed Ute
deain of twenty.
R.porue by I. L. lag C... r.ndl.t.a.
Chi.aa-. e.are or Trade aad Naw York
Stosfc luhtni. iroa.rs.
New York, July 25. -Tha wheat mar
ket wm qfjtejl today at a lower range of
prices on reporteil ralna in the corn
bolt. Liverpool closed lower,
,Vu 1.8. New York opened lower,
7tt4, ami s.d.1 between 77 1 R and 7H,
closing at the low point. tVrn was off
a cent on the rain reporta.
Stocka higher.
Mouey 4 per cent.
Cloae yesterday, 77 '4.
Open today. 74.
Kange totlay, 7, to 77 1H.
Cloae to-lav. HH,
Stocks: Sugar, 143; steel, 42 ;
St. Paul, IM lt C P., W 1 H.
Wheat In San Pran.ls.o.
San Francisco, July N - Iecemler
wheat, 1044 ui-
Wheat in Chi. ace.
OfeleeejO, July M. -Wheat, to 70
grTort to Substitute Tham for Whites
Near Chiaage.
Qbteeapi July 15, Kffort. are being
made to bring thrmi bundretl negroes
t. Meleces Turk, m the suburbs, to
take the places of white men in the
steel mill. It mav cause hliNxlahed.
Tbe negroes arrived this morning, lint
were not taken to Melercs for fear of
an attack by indignaot citisens. The
olficiala of the plant appealed to the
sheriff for 200 depiltiea to protect the
negroes. The citisens of Meleces are
organised ami will uae force, it neces-
aary, to repel the Invasion by the
Strikers B.nt to Olv. Baals for Inlun.
llon Suite.
Pittsburg, Pa., Julv J. -The tun.
garaatnl asKiation ia aniiously
awaiting developmenta at the Mc
Keesport and Wellsvllle sheet steel
mills. The strikers who went to
Wellaville last niglit were aeut there
to atlr up violence to get a basis .,r
injunction suit.
soee mills auNNiNi,
Suea.ss fer Ik.
nipl.y.rs at
Wellsville. July 2ft.-Three
It la
were in oiieration thia morning
thought tbe same
number will work
Manufacturers are
fear tin. partial aucceaa mav be the
forerunner of greater eft. its in getting
men into the mills
The Tellers' Strike.
New York, July 8ft. -It la likely
that the great army of striking tallora
will lat reinforced by cloak makers
l i ,i xx strong. I 'I... leadera are not
issuing an order for a strike, but the
rank and Hie want to go out. Five
thousand clothing cultera will alan go
on a strike, iinleaa the employer, are
prompt in conceding demanda. Thirty
rive manufaeturera have aettled with
the atrikera, who are ..undent of vic
tory. etot ia 'VMeee stria.
Han Hranciaoo, July 2ft. Busineae ia
atill at a standstill on account ol the
teal, iters' strike This morning three
In.'idred more teamsters Ult work. A
small riot occurred on llryaut street,
near Third, lietween the police and the
No one was seriou.lv in-
Settled at Darby.
Conn., July 2.'. - The ma
atrike here wliich cauaetl tbe
of the liager lujiiin tloli was
!, Hosts'
aettliol tola.
I'he men go to work
rosburv Laaa How Beady for the final
Plttstield, Mass , July H, Iter tba
-had.. 1. waa tbe star witneea in the
l osbiirg murder trial Uslay. She aaid
that alter hearing the shots she rushed
to May I oshurg's room and saw her
lying ou the noor with her brother
Robert lying hy bur side. She asked
Heatrice hoaburg what waa the trouble
and waa told there were burglar, in
tbe boom.. She admitted .he aaw no
burglars. Private Detective Itateti,
who was employed by the t'osburus,
waa the ueit wltueaa. Hb. aaid sue
hal Ulfjjg dilticultv gettlug through
the window on which the ecreeu raiMM
eleven inched. The proaecutiou claims
it waa impossible lor burglar, to have
eaceped that way.
Defendant s mother le. tilled tills
afternoon, aud declared she positively
saw two burglarv in the bouae, eacli
of wboiu wore pillow caae inaaks. Her
story of the death Scene waa eitreuiely
Iranian, and tears aUl 111 the eyes ol
the women in the court room when
ber story was finished. The defense
restesi this alleruoou. lleleudaut did
not testily
Twelve Suspend. rs Uava Way
New York, July 26. -Regular trattlc
waa not reauuted on tbe Urooklyu
bridge this morning. The north drive
way, where twelve auapendera gave way
ia entirely cloaad. It ia especied that
the work of repairing the broken aus-
iiders will he completed tslay. 1 lie
i.lge otticials aay the big structure Is
entirely aafe.
Charga Against Offleieia.
New York, July 26. The diatriut
attorney's office Is iuveatigating a
charge that tba Brooklyn bridge
officials have known of tbe weakness of
tbe structure for about e weak. Eflorta
to iii ropeoueibility will be mad.
1 11 11 national C on v sn lion Ha. an AltdBd-
tnct or ts.000.
Chicago, July 26. Tbe eleventh
annual international convention of tbe
baptist Young People's Union waa
f . 1 1 u ,u,n 1 , iii,.ruiikir fully
Of leeu tin ilea n-1 viaitora and dele
gate, are in attendance. Tbe gaUie'lust
la one of thi uiost duooesslol iu ine
his lory of tbe organisation.
Welcome Rains Fell
eral States.
in Sev
SI. Louis
Had Some Hot Wealtwr, But
Came About Noon, When tbe
Tmperalurt Cooled.
Chicago, July . K.U.. rts reeeltred
this mornimr indicate that the great
drouth has leen broken in at least .me
state in the corn belt, Iowa, and that
si. me relief has come to Nebraska
Northern Illinois, the hakotas, South
ern Minnesota and Mi.htgan. In owl
last nig-ht and this BOrolDf, h. aw
rain fell ami the corn that MrVi VW
the wmk of hot, dry weather is safe
unless such another nnnroOkdowleil
per....l comes on I'he Western Ne
liraska corn belt is safe lbapatcl.es
were rece v.sl here this moraine saving
that heavy rain had fallen Ibroujgnoul
that section
Kainfall was also reMirted Ig) fOMft
of Texas and Kentucky
Is. In It's O.mand.
Chicago, Jmv H flu. ag.. is being
deliigel with orders b.r ice from the
drouth stricken regions of the west
ami southwest. I'he dealers in those
sections telegraph their orders without
asking the price, apparently being
concerned only with the t in which
their demands can be ggtlalM It
estimate.1 that from SQ p. in asm of bl
are heing shipped out of Chicago daily
which is a larger amount than ever u
fore in i be History of the nade. rims
far the prices have not i u ad veered,
and the manulacturers decline to 4ll
. u is the xmsi bill! let of the future
"I never saw such a demand lor
ice, ' said President I. ft, I laid o
the kn ickerb.s ker Ice company.
" The uneiieeted demand conies from
the southern cities winch we SO BOOMS
to lie f ii 1 1 v supplied bv the artiiicial
ice companies. They have found the
ntense heat prevents them (rom
turning out their full capacity.
R.eord Today ur.al.r Than
ot W.dn.sd.y.
St LgOjJOi July 26. A not bar day ol
intense heat confronts St. laiillsiaiiaus,
and yesterday's record of over (orty
deaths promises to lie equaled, if not
aiceeded. Up to I o'dloel this morn
ing, t.'l heat deaths had lamn reported.
The large stores, wholesale houses and
factories Is-gan tialay to cloae earlv,
until the hot -p. ll has passed.
St. Louis Has Heller.
St. I. mils, July 2i. A break 111 the
hot wave came sborth Isidore mam
The mercury at that hour registered
1 as against Itsi at the same time
yesterday. Less than adoen latali
Ilea were roMirled since midnight.
IU0 Degrees at Kansas t lt
Kansas City, Jol) '- I'he bot siajll
continues unahateal here, line bun.lrisl
degrees was rea. lusl again at noon
rroelaroalloii Issued Tudar by the Prasl-
Washiiigtun. Inly .' . A pr. laiua
llOOi putting int.. title, t IMS trade la
twuen the l inled Mates and I'orto
Kico, was Issued hy the preanlenl to
The Soers Llalm That This Will H. Uou.
Amaterilam, luls '.' The lti.er lega
tion here states olllcially that another
geueral invasion of Ogpa Cobmy haa
Uood urdar in Oklahoma.
I'.l Iteuo, July 2.i. I'he total regis
tratioi. of KI Ken., is IsJ.iSlO. It is said
that 20,000 gamblers are oil the
ground I'he laist ol order prevails,
however, an I no xenons trouble ha.
Are you goinyj
lor a
.11 ation.'
Is so yoti should
. a
s. 1 .on shoes. VVc
liavt litem foi the mountains, toi
the beach ami loi evoiy kind ul
w. ,11
Mai ol Shoes.
Wi have the lejgejtl sloi k ol
khocb fur liaivcht weui in 1'ctullc
ton and guarantee every- pair we
Kcinciiihcr our mid summer
sale is in full blast and we can
have you Ifom 35c to i.oo on
every pair 0 shoes you buy-
The Peoples Warehouse
Trie PITTfKltS OF PfdfdT.
Mjiiu bucct ludletoo, Ol.