East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 24, 1901, Image 3

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    Shirt Waists
Worth $1 to $2.
vrnf v
Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
.." .r.i U II I WIN
i ,1 '.V'lll
i im. w" "
' ilk thnRrltllb.
p,inu w --
. . . n iu u tn
is. . . ' .. iv tin
., T.,-. ' III I'lMII'l'IH ,
.i . IM H.UIU1 iiniii,
.. .1.. u.i vtar. ii" '"'
nin wltli ! It' ' I'll inai
........ f la it in UMir ptausaawa
ii,.. id nT rniuroversv .
. lr 'rim iiih mi uouoi
tto Doers -ill vBntuaiiy tie con-
-utsr MM Have come in iiik m
i. Mnntli Africa " Raid
mam les"
rn "indicate that the war is
. -il .1 .in.l illglllllMfl IM TH-
a .luliw lllll NIH'I'HHN
w. a - ,
Intuli arms Is in Hiht. t"e wor
i. vtt wf tu Urilisn irnops
ii, to rooiileU wliat liss been al-
Ii i uv idea that tin- vraK'' ''r
mm! psrsoii visitiiiK South Africa
ItMlaf intn comlition with an
I I lit Mill,
nr Mr kiu hill, Mi til till' M1UUI
00 war. While it - iin! i' tmi a
J...u l il a, ,11. ill, ,,11. I I It.l llllll
i .!- jfivi .ii Vuitiricaii n
iMcoantrv who is on the Hide ol the
trr 01 ronrse, tins fact will wnlli
Mi , villi those nf u who are
Ultiatira and Referendum.
; It. Urn bai Hood in the front
Ml ol Uiom who advocate the initia
te ll Kfereudiiui in Oregon, and lie
i -. i . Ai i i i
MfSr IMl HIS I'llI 1IHIHH II 1 1 1 r IIIH
' tliriii". heheven tlnlt III
ad it will iu soiiie lorui or other.
oni ,w ntici i'ii iv ii' ii i'iih ii' nun
flth advanced, In- udnnted in
Altlniiwli it im fur him u
ol MK Uttiotisui. In- neverthii-
hspa faithfully at it, and i now
mtu tbs names ol a unrulier nf tlm
WHrilii his theory, men of all
ailll SnlllH of I I inn i I'.pri'inu
- " ' J ' "-,
... - ..... . t.i.. .-..iv.
APmuIUp Accident.
tknilftttd men of Hllfl plaew report
awttllaVif llntVtrfllit.it.. I.I.kI
Li ' -ewwwa aviilUOIII llllll
LWh li fa.-.. 1 -I II. . 1
r' mujli wun wan rin ii tut
-vim i,M- - iiri 1,1111
I tin I in.
Iftlltn ill. in., i,...., I... .. ....... i
from the engine and be like the itoic
'reek of old who rather than disturb
a sacred meeting by his movements let
a Hiiarlt on hia sineve barn to the bone
pormitted the flame to born all the
. Milium from lit back ami fairly cook
the akin. Hia reaaotia, however, were
not ao exalted aa thoae of the (ireek
and it ia probable that he created a
iliwtnrhanne. He didn't extino;aih
the Names hawaiiae he couldn't tnrn
over to do ao, and to fall off meant in
stant death. When the train after sev
eral agee finally pulled into the at
tlon he waa a candidate for a pro
tracted atay in tbe nearest hospital.
It Daxzlaa the World.
No discovery in medicine baa ever
created one quarter of the excitement
that baa been caused by Dr. King'a
New Discovery for Consumption. It's
severest testa bave issen on hopeless
victims of consumption, pneumonia,
hemorrhage, pleurisy and bronchitis,
thousands of whom ft has restored to
perfect health. For cougba, colda,
asthma, croup, hay fever, hoarseness
and whooping cough it is the quickest,
surest cure in tbe world. It ia sold by
Tall man A Co., wbo guarantee satis
faction or refund money. large
bottles .or and 1. Trial bottles free
Yoo am not prepared for
""Hum ii pair oi our
Colored Glasses
. , 5 and 75c.
PMfc Win,. .doNd 10, 40
ami ,rxJc.
Eye Protectors
WMllBT I I I lira'
m-" tin. thing for
Wm 76c, 11.25, H.50.
wod ad n VU fill
hi Vtane - ..
-m ana Optician..,
AlwanderA Hexter'a
Iparlan Ownarahlp.
The Oregon supreme uourt in a case
from Baker county involving tbe ques
tion of riparian ownership, laid down
the following ruling of law which will
lie of interest to many settlers in East
ern Oregon. The court rnled tbat "the
first settler upon public laud through
which a stream of water dows may
either divert the water and use it for
a beneficial purpose, or exercise the
common law right prevailing in the
Pacific coast states, where tbe modified
rule of riparian ownership is still in
force, ana insist tbat the stream shall
Mow in its natural channel undim
inished in uantity, exoept when ap
plied to the natural use of tbe upper
riparian proprietora, and for irriga
tion, if the stream affords a sufficient
quantity oi water for the latter purpose."
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Hewatd lor
any caae ol oatarrb tbat cannot be cured by
lull's Catarrh Cure.
r. J. CHUNKY A CO., I'ropa., Toledo, 0,
We, tbe uuderslxmid, have known K. J. Che
uejr for tln list fifteen yean, aud believe him
perlectly honorable In all bualnesa transactions
aud financially able to carry out auy oblige
tloua made by their driu.
Hani In x .
Wboleaale Drugslata, Toledo, Oblo.
WatniMo, KiNNAS ill Habvin.
Wholesale briucglsu, Toledo, Ohio,
lull's CaUrrb Cure Is taken lalefaaU . aol
lug directly on tbe blood and mucous aurlauus
of tbe system Price 74c. par bottle. Hold by
all drugglala. Testimonials free.
Hall's family Pills are the neat
Call for County Warrants.
All Umatilla county warrants regis
tered in March aud April, 1800, will
be paid at my office in the conrt house
upon presentation. Interest ceasea on
late of publication.
8. K. YATEM,
Treasurer of Umatilla Oounty.
Pendleton. Oregon, July 90, 1901.
Tbe piles that annoy you so will be
quicklv and permanently healed if you
uae DeWitt'a Witch rjasel Salve. Be
ware of worthless counterfeits. Tall
man A Co.
Think About It.
If you will ooly thiuk it over you
will go to aee Martin when you want
to buy groceries. His motto is "bast
goods at lowest prices." His stock is
very large aud well selected. Martin
has tbe Lest bakery department in the
DeWitt'a Witch Hate I Halve should
be applied to cuts, burns and scalds. It
soothe and beaia tbe injured part.
There are worthless counterfeits, be sure
to get DeWitt's. Tallmau A Co.
i fife' IT Uuku room for a uewr aud larKer 8toclc
winter goods I will sell stoves and steel
h-"'uo x Will SOU HbUVUB ttllU BIAJCI
d.w r ?.ruatly rwdcd prices for the next sixty
VS- La riw aw r J
v. pj
Joe Baslor.
'Pl W
i"- Mam Street Furniture Dealer.
oil stoves -
Opera House block.
FU Line of Tents, Wagon
ers, Anti-rust Tinware,
General Hardware.
ho-t nf
He aspires to a World Championship in
mo mm or LlahtwalRhts
A Clever lloias.
Toby Irwin, the crack 8an Francisco
I i i . t . t I . i I a .a ... .
s ""H'ii ooxer, togetiier with his
manager Htddy" Bishop, arrived
in town this morning from Portland
Irwin comes to box Jim Popp, the
via.iao.ian ooier. at I he Fraier next
oamrnay niKfit. ihe pair put up at
the Golden Hole hotel.
Irwin is a likely looking youngster
and slump some aivna nf hi. ........
- ; - m ' " - mo iiriH
I'onteat at Portland with Willie Cole
We had a pleasant trip," remarked
isnon. "ami from i i... . ..
- . iinw r-i'l'II
ol I endleton we are tnnch iinnreniMl
i ih it. Yes, Toby was clearly en-
tleil to the (InrUinn in Dm I......
. : ... . , ""u i will!
Cole, but it was called a draw. In
tortiand, Irwin is the most popular
boier of his time and the oeople there
will bet a kinirdoin on him' elin...i .....
time he lUIIIlW in tlm rin. I
tbiw fellow Popp is a good one. hut
then I am confident that Toby oaB
beat h in. 1 underxtn nil Iiu in in I
condition. Well. Irwin has been train.
ng all the time at Portland ami ii
he will need now ia an i.
ittle jaunt on the road. Aftor akla
contest is over we must horrv hai k i
San Francisco where some of 'my other
boys are soon to box."
A Great Little Boxer.
Toby Irwin is one of the
ittle boxers that have ever
'endleton. and he ha- made a
rieiuls already bv his niiint and
tlemanly manners.
Blddv Illation. Irw in'. manaiMir ami
trainer, has been in the BtajHistifl
business some vmr- mid lim i,u-, ! ...i
many gool men in his time. He has
nrotignt out such n as lieorge
avigne, tbe Saginaw Kid. ex-liuht
weight champion of the world, a
Neill, champion middle weitrht of the
oast, Perrv Uiieenan. SnnUr knllv
Aleck (ireuirains. KilK hi:
jiui jeiioros anu oiners. lie inHkes h
business of handling pugilists and lie
Bays that loOv Irwin will in the eoawaa
ol a von r III thH pliimninn nl II... u ..t-l.l
Two good preliminarie- will nrecede
main rveni. i icxois lor llie con
test are now on sale at the different
resorts about town. Judging from the
muniier of orders for tickets from
lUt-of-town oeonle them will U. u l,i..
crowd at the ring side.
I' red T. Merri I . the I'nrtUnd
bicycle inerctianl, will lie here to see
the sport, as will Jack Fahie, Mark
Shaughnessy, Watt Montieth, UfMPtf
Assessor Sinitli and several others will
be over from Portland to aee the mmi
put on the gloves.
Grain Fields Near Athena Will Yield
Good Crops
Athena, July 24 Herman l.ipMild,
engineer lor Martin A l.emmiry,
reservation farmers, on their new
steam combined harvester, came iu to
tbe city last evening und said the new
machine was working like a charm. It
bad been started and acres of barelv
was cut by it helore sun down. This
is a good start, but it is expected that
the average cut for the season will be
from 70 to 75 acres per day. Mr.
Lippold also states that wheat is looka
ug hue on the Martin iarm, some of
which will goes high as M) bushels
tier acre. Crops on adjacent farinn
are also good, aud will bring a good
On Sundav afternoon a mini dm
Milton, named Couch, came here
looking lor a horse race, which lie von
soon got. Pearl Lynn matched his
aimed v little sorrel against him. The
distance was HIM vurds and was won hv
the Athena horse in a canter.
The firm of Boddv A. Murray, pro
prietors ol the Athena ilreshi.i m.-ai
market, was dissolved last Wednes
day, Mr. Murray retiring. Mr. Buddy
will continue the business.
Geo. W. Murphv, who plaved ball
n this city with the "Yellow Kids"
this season, has left for Pendleton,
where he will remain (or a time.
Mrs. Minnie Deimatt's little
daughter, Zelma, who has lieen seri
ously ill, is now recovering.
W. 1. Huud returned to this citv
Monday evening from Tacoina, where
he has beeu during the past week.
Mrs. h. 1.. Harnett returned home
.Sunday from Portland, where she has
Imwii attending grand lodge of the De
gree of II -II 11
.lames Peeler returned home hnmUv
from Mountain Home, Idaho.
First Heating Will ba Held During the
Month or August.
Pastors of the Peudletou t hurrlies
will form an aaaoclsAi n Una summer,
aud renew the burner practice of lowi
ng once in two weeks lor discussion
aud social intercourse. Kev W. 1..
Potwiue, rector of the Church of the
Bedeemer, Protestant l.piacopal, who
la the senior among the local Clergy
men from having served the longest,
has beeu named to issue tbe call. Fbii
be will soon do, auggesting that at
some date in August the lirst meeting
be held, aud invitiug the clergymen
to meet with hi in at the rectory.
Several years ago the pastors of Peu
dletou maintained au association and
the benefits were such aa to move lor a
resumption of the association at this
time. The matter is iu no gaVt
definite form than ia here indicated,
but plans will be formulated iu the
near future, when further auuouuce
uieut will be made. Mr. Potwiue will
return from Heppuer this evening,
where today be officiated at the
wedding of Kdward Everett Vouug of
Baker City aud Mies Farusworth of
that town.
l HUSK LOST SANK pl A l us
A Former Treasury Department ha perl
Tells of Counterfeit Honey.
Harry Timmona, who has beeu iu
Pendleton, Portland and other cities
for the past year, left for Denver (last
evening. Mr. Timumns is a sufferer
from asthma aud has guue to Colorado
for hia health. He was for many years
connected with the United States
treasury department as a secret service
officer. The recent publication ol the
act that a large i(uautity of counterfeit
money is iu circulation, printed from
plains once owned by the New Bruns
wick bank in New Jersey, attracted the
atteutiou of Mr. I minions just before
he left Peudletou. Iu speaking of the
circumstance to au East Oregouiau
man , be eaid :
"lu in. i., I was working aa secret
service officer aud was assigned to the
task of finding these very plates that
have now caused tbe trouble. 1 did
not find tbeni for the reason that tiiey
were being concealed by somebody
who expected to profit by them when
tbe time was opportune It was sup
poeed the plates were destroyed fifty
years ago, but I learned they were
still iu existence, although 1 fould
uot locate them. While looking for
them, I found some bond plates that
bad not been destroyed. It must uot
be supposed that all the people around
the treasniy department are strictly
nvsswan, inr many of them are politi
cans, who are there simply for their
proclivities. A real honest man wonld
be lonesome in many parts of the
national capital.'
Strikss a Riah Find.
"I was troubled for several years
with chronic indigestion and nervous
debility." writes F. J. Ureen, of Lan
caster, N. H., "N remedv helped me
until I began using F.lectric Bitters,
which did nie more good than all tbe
Mdloi DM I ever nsed. They have
also kept my wife in excellent health
for years. She says Klectric Bitters
arc just splendid for female troubles;
that they are a grand tonic and invig
orator for weak, run down women. No
other medicine can take its place in
our family." Try them. Onlv 60c.
satisfaction guaranteed bv Tall man A
Has Commsnesd In Earnait In Umatilla
Harvesting has commenced in
earnest in the 1'matilla valley. The
rancher i- husy garnering hia grain
and feels happy in the fact that the
cold wind of three weeks ago did not
damage tbe crop- to tlm extent
prognostic tatj by the pessimists.
Favorable reports are coming in from
all points of the county.
Du Ricbmood bxik his steam
three bar to Mnshman's ranch this
morning. He savs the yield will Im
thirty five to thirty-eight bushels per
Mel Mel nan -tarted hia steam
thresher this morning. His ranch is
four mile- weal ,,f Pendleton. He re
port' the yield there at thirty bttatMII
to the acre and work progressing sat
Chris HTading, twelve mile-- north of
Pendleton, commenced harvesting this
morning, lie estimates the vield at
thirty-eight bushels to the acre.
Henry l.orenr.en '-tarted out vester
day with three headers and a steam
thresher. There are Ihirtv-one men in
his employ and ha all the work he
can do contracted for until the end of
the season.
- ei m
You can never cure dyspepsia by
dieting. What your body needs is plenty
of food properly digested. Then if your
stomach will not digest il, Kodoi Dys
pepsia Cure will, il contains all of the
natural digest ants, hence mast digest
every class of 'nod anil ao prepare it
that nature ran use it in nourishing
tbe body and replacing the wasted tis
sues, thus giving life, health, strength,
ambit ion, pure blood and healthy ap
petite, rail man Co.
Great Senior Sagamore of ths Oregon
Red Men.
The grand i toll pi the Oregon
Kedmen at Baker City elected these
officers :
ireat achem, S. L King of Port
land. ireat Senior agamore, Hon. Lu B.
Boeder of Pendleton.
(ireal Junior Sagamore, A. M. Sol iss
of Jacksonville.
Ureal Prophet, A. B. Cherry ol Port
land. (ireat Chief of Records, Wm. A. C.
Phol of Astoria.
Great Keeper of Wampum, J. H.
Kriebel of Portland.
i ireat Representative-, A. B. Cherry
of Portland, J. H. Howard of Oregon
Pres Representative", Mi W. Moore.
A bad complexion generally results
from inactive liver and Isiwels. In all
such cases, DeWitt's Little Karlv Risers
pnsltice gratifying results. Tallmau A
The Walla Walla Young Han Who shot a
Walla Walla, July LM. -William
Davis was examined Tuesday morning
before Justice (ilaaford for assault
with tbe intent to commit the crime
of murder. Miss Kthe Hayward, who
appeared at ill to Iss in a very teeble
OfWldltioa. was the only witneea called.
She stated brieily that on tbe after
noon of June l i she had been at the
McConuell residence aud waa return
ing to her home in company with
Charles McConuell when The shooting
occurred. Thev had arrived opssite
tie htaatry'i dug bow that wm play
ing here at tbat lime, when they saw
young Davis approarhuig from across
lbs nraat, He addressed himself di
re tlv to Miss Hayward in the follow
ing words: "What would you d if
I shot v iu "' Bba replied that if he
did, he would tm punished. Thereupon
M drew a revolver and bred three
shots, two at Miss Hayward, winch
took etfe i la in hreasl and back, ami
one a: McConuell, seriously injuring
his arm. No wilneaaus were examined
for the defense aud Davis was plered
under flUOU Isinda to await the action
f the superior court.
frit YVoaltl tto a belief to Tear ks.Ua
I ..... Hack. Cured by CT IM l HA.
I hiel u lir.itk.tiiK out 'ill ovei in luick.
iin- ay fit eg was atsaest saasanhtSi sa4 at
Hmm i leg thai it ... : ke a reael ui uar
tin .kin "It ii i Uk I tiled 'I'xuhf pie
eertpOoe! uud eevsral teeiaullea, wIUm.ui
even rebel I read ui mur l itii i a n ate
thus ui Sea lietiaiiupulhi Xmu. AfU:i Unue
epplieaUuiii-, m ' i iuii lU'hlag, uiel b tbe
tin, i u.i boaol i n i in iMetuieut wa half
usv.il the bleak!)., out lias! nil dleappuaii'd
-j&lOl.uruull An ., ludiauapullr, lud.
CO TIC U R A THE f CT 91.25
Complete Kateriual ami iMterual Treat
aaeut fur r.very Humor. onoaleUug of Uim
evaa Hoar t'ibc 5, to slease its eke of i reals
end .i-uitie, OvTIi I aa Olntineiit (Ms , to sllsy
llohUig, aud soothe and beal. CfTMinaa UasoL
vsst iKc ). to pool audcleaaae Uae blooJ. gold
Uii MiKboulUM; world. 1'oTTaB DatS aaiil uaa.
Ooar . Sola Props., Bosiou. "How to use
llvbiua Humors, '' free.
i .., all weara I saaa vli-tlaaa vf i r -
rrsata .1. ii. worse loru. i tooio cei uoiuiue
ut iiiiin iuiMl . and al liuiesmy suioiuvb woubl
not retain aud ills' ' aven '.iiat Last Marrb I
began Uuiug I'ASi AliETS aud sine then I
bare steadily iiiinriiied uutll I am as wall aa I
. ., r Mt iu my life.
rwADl aaaea
'. v ewsss .sn '
Pleaaent Palatable Potent. Taste Oood Do
UOOO Nalm Sli'kuli WiMikeii. or Urloe 10c. atc.awB.
ai.o.s. ImiIi iwtui tkiae, asusl. B leek. IU
MTA gag BajiiI siiii siiiiiuiiieeU oi alldiug
I U-MV gUu Ui llVlaVK Tubaeco Uabll
Prefltably at $8 a Ton.
Astoria, July 24. Articles of incor
poration of the Nehalem Coal company
were filed in tbe county clerk's office
todav. The incorporators are W. J.
Cook, J. V. Hamilton and W. H. Cope
land of Astoria and Jamea Q. toy
of Omaha, and the capital stock Is
1)00,000. The principal office of the
company ia to be in Astoria and It ia
authorised under its arttclee to buy
and sell lands in Clataxip aud Tilla
mook counties, engage in a general
coal mining aud logging busiuesa, con
struct and operate railways, steamers
and other veeeels and carry on a gen
eral merchandising basineea. The com
pany owna Mfj acres of coal lands on
the south side of the Neoarney moun
tain, which are known as the Kinnev
coal fields.
On the property are four veins of
what is pronounced bv expert to Iss
the best steaming coal to be found on
the coast . The veins are 27 inches. XX
inches, :W inches and four feet nine
inches respectively in width, and tbe
assayer's report shows the coal to con
sist of 48.. per cent carbon, 42 per
cent gas, fj per cent water and :U per
cent ash.
The mines are within one and a half
miles of deep water ami the right of
war has been secured for a railway
over this distance with a very low
grade. Barges with a carrying capacity
of a thousand tons each can be taken
u snd from the lauding place at any
season of the year and those interest d
in the enterprise assert that when the
plant ia in operation, coal can las
brought to Astoria and sold at a profit
for .'t per ton. The company has
ample backing financially to carry on
the enterprise and active operations
will be commenced within the next
few weeks.
Baser City Jaty IsVefTt
Pot the above occasion the O. K A
N. Co. will eell tickets on the certifi
cate plan to Baker City and return for
one and one-third fare.
Those famous little pills.DeWitt'a
Little Karly Risers compel yoor liver
and bowels to do their duty, thus giving
you pure, rich blmsl to recuperate your
hodv. Are easy to take. Never grip.
TaM man A Co.
Meaaham, Oregon. July 23 to August 4.
I oi the above occasion the O. U. A
X. Co. will sell tickets on the oer
t in iite plan at a rate of one and one
third fare.
alwayw follow the use of New
bro'a Merptclde, the new scirn
tibc euro for dandruff niul t.ill
ing hair. It putiscaaea i it.nn
propgftiBg th.it kill the germ
or ini ruU- that rauirs all
the. trouble by K.iiipuig tl il
out of the hair bulb. With tins
parasite dcitroytd, l uulrull
and the falling hair i.innot agjag,
A tbii k, soft growUl of hair
springs forth where formerly
tfiin. brittle hair, or perhaps
total baldness held iwuy.
flue buttle will com hue
yoti of lie merile.
For Salt al all f trst-CUas Urug Storu
W. J. NKWKLL, Manager.
Yard on Webb Htreet
Opposite Hunt P ri-ight JDs.i
We are prepared to furnish anything
in the lumber line nd tan guarantee
prices to be as cheap, if uot cheaper
ti.an others We also carry a large 1
line of Duora, Windows and Moulding.
Parties oontemplaling building wli! do
well to as us before placing their
orders. We also carry Cascade Bed
Pir wood. Phone Mala ttt.
Call up:
No. S
and Sand.
Heavy Hauling
Kspoclal attsuUoo glvea
to Cetuuguiaeau
Midsummer Sale
Lace Curtains all at largfly rtduotd prlum.
Women's Tailor Made Suits ndootd like
thiii $io suit $(. 16 suit now $8. $90 fait now $12.6
Summer Dress Cxoods All of our finei lnHM
00dl rtdootd like thi8:
UX' gootln at niiilstimnier salt
16c N M .
2(lo " " "
25c "
XQc " u " .
Tk1 fH't- ird
Ladies, if you have any Diy iio(si Wants In toy lln
in this dopartmtnt now is your time to purahiM. Buoh
nothti opportunity will not beofntrtd toroneyotr,
Afjnnti Hittterwick i Pttttrnt,
'I'lii. erssi Baasaj
n. win i,ii kiy i , ,,,, ,, n
I ..V. .,
apWSSsw : ,iiH,r.inprsj'iiiiHin in a r niii'ii. r rem n pi, . .1, mn. will 11, iu . 1 y r rou ,,
fBfB uiwwni iiie s.'ii. rsins erssi ,. mi, I, M .., Sinhiwl, lasaseala.
WF fTM Wrii. Breilssl Kssil.alsiaia. ajrr.sn. IK-ailli, PlJT-TlM
mm. mW t. "i..eii inssesbr iisn.r 1, ii,u it. n, 1. 1 ,,. ,, , .'i'TLTrf
V-SW iss l lu Hisrriiisinrrli,i.a eii.t i the hermra of iiiiih.isih 1 . a I ! 1 1, N ; , -s. in.
saalr.tore..mi,,IV;.ir.,;i:V,",,,' ""--''"-' MHaWssysQUsI
Thm reaann anffirr r-a arn mil s., r.l t. .. I v- 1 aaaaa I. akrk - . a . . .
QVPf oMara tiia ....ir .;... .77,, V.Vu
rsinriu.) if s iMiais, ileee out iBuct a i niouiein i uts. ti mi s uiiijiuf aaaa
risrsnteealTrii ami num. rslnrnnl
mj insii nsnn inr rsKK nmil.l si , I IsnUinniilitla
u. Una
aa.irsauioi. BkBii istiasi
". nan Freni enstral.
Ill-null I s I'INUI.SIIIV, OltRlillN
Main Street, Pendleton, Ore.
Annual Clearance Sale
To make ruom for Fall Stock will giv I a ditCOtial lor
cash on everything in the ItOlw, Carpatg, Rugtt I'm
tiers, Lace Curtains, Curtain Pole, sli.nl. ., Wall Ppf
Linoleum ami everything you in nl m hoiiNi- furiiishiiiK
A ft:w leather i oik hi's and rocksWI chaap SsSWiu ma
chines and supplies for all iiiik lunes Cndertakink;
specialty, l'hone Main 4.
Jesse Failing.
Klenantly Furnisbod Steam Heiled
Huropean Plan
Block aad a hall froaa ilepvl.
Sample K00111 In connection
Room Rate
MK. 75c, $1.00
$3.00 per Day and Upwards
1 Hotel
In the Pacific
MflalwaaaayrlTTyi aLa flMatfInBrlWsML
ajaa ya aa asseLej a sltx.bb iu. Hyfl Hrlir. r r
aaw aaasaa aaBafBfllBB aa I
SBeaCut Ssy --ew-s
' - aBSaeaaaaaaa
I'OHTLANI , oifHi.oN
lev toaartsta aad caaaaaerclal travelers
Special Wales to has tern Oregua people vision HorUaueV Itea4tiaartera
n. t. HUWUKh. JvUoaier.
They overcome Wuak
ueae, irruaulerity aud
oiuiaaloua, iuorvaae viT-
uinl lilini.sli " iiuuia
uWSmW o lucuetruetiou " They are " I. Il l: HA EitH" to firU at
LWw-S' wouieuliixsl, aidiuf ileveluijUicut of oiuua laml Uxly. No
JBfFeW kuown remedy for wotueu mjimlH tin in ( annul do Intrtu lif.i
1 IM becoima leaaure. Ml. IN) PKK llOX 11Y MAIL. Sold
BLV l slrugulala. DU. MOTT'8 CUKM1CAL Co., Cleveland, Ohio.
Hi" ni.r UV TA 1 I.MAN aw CO., DUUUOleTsi, fKM DI.KTON , OUKOON.
expect people to knoMf what
you have to aell It you don't
Bf wvayaw saw mw wssawaw- 'asajajs' -wawaaawr -sBBwbbbw J wwaj ssai vw aw srw s s J www w w--
Laatz Bros known unlaaa It advertlsea ADVERTISE?
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink :::::::
Poly (lore t$m Proprietor.
, isw m