Thoroughbred Bucks.... Best stock on the Coast Telephone connection :it ranch. A.i dro88 Pilot Rook or lVndleton. Chas. Cunningham. WKONKSDAY. .IIJI,Y IM. DAILY. WEEKLY AND BBMIWBSKLT Y TT. Bait Oronln Publishing Company, nUTDLl (on. UK N. HAIL WKlinmi tn " v mail fa aa Btolttht. I noil IB rwrwM,l,.,iin,i if a. iiUrtitKlon V -r uaian at imi in v ast airt n in n Oaa top. on year ft aa Oa cop sli month, I Ca Trial aut-ai rtntlon la stag I. auaabara ag wihlt luaacairrin iaiii Oaa tap. oaa .aa. ft ja Q. cap tli montha If Trial tulatrtptloa ... a ll.fl.copv J uvaai (IN.. ra. (Dial-lay A l.rrti.ain.tita.1 On Inrli, o ItM, In r-. month abametaf if h modern devotee of the art ol sparrinif. Let depict thin liar i an stripped ami trained re-adv for a "scrap" (or the world's (taomplOMtllPi instead of beinti merely BOlloQI tn fliiht for his lady love or defend it great principle. Tims may Jim Corbett equip him self for the staae in a manner to obviate many insuperable difficult dirnculties (as relating to actors that nn ly removable by men of brains ami culture. I Ml POLITICAL CALDRON. Inch, or MSB, in .tail pr m-.tith 1 ca aolacbat, cr lat. in (uily an.l Wki prr in. '.th . . S li. ih,n Inrbaa, Sawn Waell,. pi in h I'M at nth . . Ill 0t Ihina lac ha. IHiljf. prr In. n tr Ihravln. haa.ln llai I anilWaak I v. pa, Inch pr laiiatl, a (mi lm li. or (. la a i - . in ,1 ilt, m ht. In nt In. h tr month . . . . pear aiies ii as. ka Tuaadar' au of Bat area rt Inch pa moath H ltl nrmpatail aHmnini . in soin w.illi iVrhWai Dailr. am iaaartloa, par (i.e. , aach auba.iiBt Inaaa. laa. ax. Local aaatcai. Ma ta pr lia. aac.i intcrttoe- "THANATOPSIS" WAS KNOUQH. John Hosranl celebrated In a 94th birthday on Sunday al Princeton. He is an author ami poet of some note, but is chielty known because his brother, William Cullen Hryant, IfTOtS "Thanatopais " Tbe incident illus trate the fact that glory m.iv lie hoi rowed and that light redacted -Imie-vt-rv brightly. Hut, ItM most impor tant suggest ion in this connection in that William Cullen Hryant wTOt "Thanatopsis" when he wan yet a mare txiv, uud that during his after life, while he wrote miinv thing-, yet all of them taken together won I it not have elevated him to a place among the world'- great poets. This is an assertion that will Imi combatted by boats of competent literary critics who will argue that others of Bryant's poatus entitle him to bis high position. Yet it cannot be denied that the very great majority of poetry readers, if asked In MUM some thing written by Hryant, would upon tbe instant reply "Thauatopais ;" whereas, hundreds would think for a time before calling to mind any other of Bryant's works. Certainly, 'Thanatopsis," written though it waa by a boy, spoke a men aage to every human heart, a message ao plainly told that not . man or Wo man ever lived, sane in mind, who would not instantly recognise that it gave forth an universal philosophy It is not a disparagement of Hryant to aay that Iiin ' 'Thauatopais" was al most bis only great work. It MM enough for a man to produce ho mm velltn: an interpretation nt lbs hu man life and its relation to tin- lii tore, told in lauguag a I.W Had he never penned one addition word, and rested content with tins, in result of boyish effort, ins name would have been written in a list that la not long and can easily lie rem. in beml by a go, .1 reader of literature. JIM COHSITT IN TRAUKDY. Worthy as it may be that a mail poaaess a high ambition, iievcrth-d.-r tbe announcement that James bell, the pugiiut, propose" soon to teach tbe great treged lane how to ajMI the immorUl plays of ri hakes pea re, ia of an ainusiiitf nature. Aee . aa Corbett's name ia, with "sid stepping body blows," "poking Um other fellow bfl the jaw," ami such features of a prise tight, it will many a day lielore people who worhi at tbe shrine of Tiiespis tssastok. themselves to tbe presence of Inn tVtrhaitt as the chief priest of the temple ot bill rioiiy In the interest of high art and t en courage a young man who would write hia name beside those of Booth, Barrett aud tbe others great, the fol lowing suggestion is offered h tin' hast Oregoniau, with the humble da aire that from tin- obscuro npf per Ol tbe world some small force may be added to the mighty power that is to enable a slugger to vault luto the centre ol the circle of famous trage dians : (Shakespeare's tragedies were written of a time when swords were the weapons of those who fought, when armor was worn anil when chivalry was essential to the character of a geh tleuiau. Uequirtjaueuta such as these, will seriously handicap Ike ''Ueartle man Jim" from the 8an I-random athletic clubs., and he must do aoine Unug to couipwl a cliauge in his Javor Therefore, let him employ a literary man to get out, not an expurgated edi tion of tbe plays, but an adaptation such as will substitute for tha cavalier of former times clad in armor and wearing at hia side a blado made by Use famed workers of Damascus, a Salem Capita! Journal: Milt Miller, who dispenses Pink Pills, Parana am debility tablets at his Lebanon drug store, is lovingly mentioned by demo cratic paper as a candidate for gov ernor. As all the sorrel-top ami buffalo-chip politicians in the republi can nartv have decided that (leer is not a rlt man to hold the place for another ia well to consider the ixiasi- biliheM of a soda-water statesman of iliffi-ren' pohtiral persuasion. As we 41p it up, (ieer ia a goner, as far as the republican party is concerned, lie baa all his life lambasted democrats and populists as lly-up-the-ereeks gen erally, so that he need expet.t no nom ination from them. Tbe Hi Plnmer wiiik of th" republican party has got t in (or him so hitter, that it they can't beat him for nomination they will defeat him for election (leer seems to have nothing but the re spectable (7) elements of the party to fall back on. and the chances seem to tmnnlv favor the Hi Plummer wing .t inning its rightful control or burn ing down tin' state house in the at tempt. Ho the people might aa well look forward to the possibility of be ing governed by the enlarged wisdom gained in a country drug etore. The republicans ought to like it, for Milt everlastingly disgusted with a little oind authorltv, he acted as body guard ami chief maater of ceremonies or Bryan at Lebanon, lie kept people at a distance of several roils from Mr. Bryan so successfully that scores of oiu win-el horses had to lie glad they could ride on tbe same railroad with the tireat Commoner, to aay nothina of getting onto the eetne train. A re porter found a couple ol good demo cratic ladies begging aud imploring tin lordly Milton for a glimpse ol their hero. Hut be waa firm aa iron that no one should get within a stone's tfaroa of the man he had stowed away in a back bedroom, and who was never known to refuse to aee anybody when h wan awake. He escorted the ladies around to the back alley, got them through a barn anal into a back door whi n on" ol Milt's guards wasn't look ing, knocked at Bryan' door and he received tbe ladiea in Um moat cordial and pleased manner in hia shirt sleeves, with the democratic simplicity of a true Western gentleman. The ladies were delighted ami uo one was hurl, but those were the only ladiea that were permitted to aee him that day, and it took reportorial strategy to bring that about. What this state needs is a governor who will stand on In- dignity ami not let the common h.-nl get at him whenever they take a notion. A governor who isn't the Ukltt hit exclusive and doesn't have a conniption tit when some one catches him in ins ..dice with his coat off, or in the hack ard sawing wood, ia not really to be compared with a dealer in eyewater who can stand people off at tiitiir proper distance. If it hadn't been (or him plaoing a kind ol Hwias guard around Bryan some old woman might have rushed in and kiaeed bim on the northwest ouruer of that Platte mouth of his, and then it would have teen all day with tbe presidency. Bv all means, let us have a dignified dispenser of paregoric for governor. a a baiem Sentiuel : The general con census of opiuiou, gathered from cor respondence, interviews aud preee opinions from every section of the state, is that should (ieer be able to carry Marion county which be cannot pOMllby do) be would staud no show whatever (or reuomination by the slate convention. It is clear that, for various and sufficient reaeoua, tbe paple do not want him again. These s rda are written not to expreaaa hope but as the calm conclusion reached alter a thorough investigation and ma ture deliberation. Tbe fact it, Kaatern Oregon will demand tbe recognition ao long deterred aud the people will aa Olle man respond to that demand whenever tbe counties of the vaat Inland Kmpire unite their demands upon one able, popular, procreeaive man for governor. The candidacy of that man, when be is decided upon, cannot he successfully opposed by tbe few scattering friends of the present iiicuuioeilt. A Southern Oregon man iu Salem the other day aaid everybody axoenl (ieer was being talked for gov ernor out that way. And tbe same tbiug is true of Eastern Oregon. e Mil ton hag Id: Already are tbe poli tical war boraes getting ready for the uext campaign and numerous candi dates have been announced for tbe vari ous state olhoea. There are two haateru Oregon men in tbe Held for governor. iney are w. j. rurnian auu Stephen A. Lowell. Both are residents of Pendleton and both belong to tbe republican camp, rney are good men and either would be acceptable to tbe mem tiers of their party in this part of the state. It is thought by political wiseacres mat (inventor oeer can hardly receive a reuomination. hd ward Everett Young wants to be slate printer. He is from Baker City and is editor of tbe republican, one of the princil papers of that faction. Athena Proas If Kaatern Oregon republican newspareT are an stagnant and dilatory In demanding Kastera. Oregon recognition in state polities, the Press falls to tee where they have any "lowl" eotniag at the Raat Ore- Cnian, or for that matter, any other mo. rat i.' journal thai has the ginger and baekbowe to-call the attention nl the party in power to the needs ana rights politically, of this portion of the state. The stand taken by the Pen dleton neper and other democratic papers In Eastern Oregon, did not develop until alter years ol waiting for tbe republican newspaper crau to tender their aid and influence in secnrlng u representation for East ern Oregon in the political voice of tie state. Mot until it became an evident fact that tbe Portland and western Oregon sack controlled, in toto, the entire republican prats oi ine ataie, did the democratic paper make their call on the dominant party for what thev consider right and justice. 00. (leer and his sicklv ally, the Union Republican to the contrary notwith standing will not deter the election ot an Eastern Oregon man for governor of the state in the next election, nor can thev undermine in anv way the stand taken by the democratic papers of the great Inland Empire. Oregon is the only slate in tbe union where one nart hears the burden of taxation, so to sneak, without represent at inn. and the other part gets the benefits, niani pit I ate the state political arena, and dictates who shall be who and what hall be what. e I. a (Irande Chronicle: J. M. Church returned last week from Western Ore son. His visit during the past week was in connection with his work trustee of the Oregon state agricultural college, at Corvallis, and had, con trarv to rumors, no political sig nitlcjiice. His alleged candidai-v (or the governorsnip, tie aayt, is aben Intelv without foundation. He him self waa entirely ignorant of the fact that he was being mentioned in thi connection until he arrived in Port land and was beset by the reporters. Hi aniwer Invariably was: "I am not a candidate for this or any other state office and will not be. I do not wish to be mentioned in connection with the office, for I could not be in doped to accept it if It were tendered me. Concerning other guliernatorial iiossi hilities. Mr. Church aaid that he found the sentiment mixed. "The op position to i ieer is not so strong a the people of Eastern Oregon have been led to believe. There is opposition anil there t lukewarm support among Jiis friends, hut he has many strong friends and I laalieye he will be nom mated as the moat available middle ground candidate who will liest hum onite the opposing interests of the party He will he supported h Mill' nnmah conntv. As for the Eastern candidates. no one vet men tinned i considered a poasibility." "Then will not Kaatern Oregon be recognised by the repbulican conven tion?" was atked. "Yea, Kaatern Oregon will be rec ogniaeii, but it will not lie given the governor nor even the secretary of state. Privately. 1 believe that East ern Oregon's political representation is secondary to her commercial interests aa affected by tbe open river question. If we can demand and receive recogni tion, without antagonising Western Oregon, we may be justi8eil in mak ing a demand, but if that demand merely reaulta in antagonism, we are standing in our owu light politically and commercially. It is not essential to our interests that we have tbe rirlvilege of naming tbe governor, but t iaeaaantial to our commercial in terests that we have an open river." "One of tbe moat regrettable things I have observed in recent Oregon politic!," continued Mr. Church, "is the habit affected, particularly by re publican papera, of criticising every republican mentioned It is uot din to the division in the ranks, but to the over-confidence which a big ma jority has inspired. Hut it is one thing winch may turn the state to tbe demo crats. The tact that there are many tanditlates mentioned for the various offices ia proof of tbe vigor aud strength of the party, and the fact that a man becomes a candidate is evidence of some ability, however poor. But when one paper criticises a certain candi date, and another another, it seems to the people ol the state that all re publican aspirants are wholly bad, a fact which the democrats will not be low to profit by." Poisoned by Absorption Figprune Cerezvl .A perfect cereal coffee of delicate flavor and fragrant aroma. The blending of California figs and prunes with well ripened grain makes a fruit and grain coffee far superior to any other cereal beverage. By our process all the delight ful flavor of the fruit and healthful Strength of the grain is retained. Taates like coffee looks like coffes. Healthful nutritious. Boll from 3 to 10 minutes only ALL OROCER8 SELL ricfivuNi: clki'.al. Don't Cut Corns t so M Vaerserf -Oea't Let AaytteOy ao It fer Yu. What auui or woman sufleriug with painful aud auooyutx corn -will Dot (IveMcesbi to navrt them ruwoved? For SS eeats you get LEONARD'S Ha as berg Corn Remover at .1 Its yeor pua. paii'sug. tiia will iviuote vary corn u Lar, u taaUar vaara li u. bow leasj rom ha, had II or hue tortuilitaf ill kaaor arviijifwrius . pa. law. atUva. auu Pavoor saTw earjan ' e S arcana aw u. (Tieu. JVWa, rr. y Csrteie aee1 I OVA It A NT EBP ldajr for lata arUcl. uf (faania. v-aaa o.iy aaa mat iii a the mors, auiohly aiul pf wlaarij II "Act I Ik. i.Uhialaa K.J- BShajainvaHBaBBBBBaBSa 1 W SJXaVama , aSMl IllnJ Ul UfsMl 'la-; .111 rho kituU MUwi U 01 uu Uia avlaa faitalaac Your uioaav rafuaaVad i r It d.a uot do all ttua- beta orviaaUl ou aaaciia of IA aasla wj UceNASO a aw I alt 1 Slaaai IS Sa aaaa to niu to-Uar ' Farmers Custom Mill rrwsi w alters , rTepcteier . UapavcUr. lao aai iela a aay. flour m tinned tor wSeel. rioar. Mill freed, Oavopsed feed. eta?., always . . m I snketaiaWtAtxl fD Thrtmch the porcK of the skin many K.'",,. H( absorb. -d int.. the blood, del ingmg u . and afleSUflg the constitution i as i QUI I1HU HIlrt'llliK - ,, lust aeriously aa Scat y, m -.ted witl n v under the skin arr in. i.iu.i. -- . ; vc-cl "id -'oti in ' ' , 5?JS .re millions of small tube, or glands. Utrongh which the poisor i-. onvt v. o ... h j, ir,. Darin, the aprtaj sad """' POISON OAK, POiSON IVY, BARBER'S ITCH, LEAD amd BRASS BAfOAaii.A arr-ar tern, .ounng tn ,.'. wen r tavava-rtwafwaws a. a are thc skin is most urm. ...... . open, we are much more liable t.. be affected by Pldaon I ak an. Iv) an dWerons plants. Worker, in brssa, cop, , V A and J ntfcla. of txsiredand the Mood supply poiaoflsd through the -."- '""Ximg the the. metals and the a '.'.Is M m pollabiag and cleaahg them. fumes of h ad give y lintl I tbat pallid WJUtJ apprarance of the skin lr S another tttM be txU M I tl,ro,.Kb the .kin, .md a . the one when it becomes firmly fhted in the system. After th- poi n blood and been dhstUinattd throughout the v em It h too ja stadlcatlooa. In man the Mood u affected uSi aiceof theraahorertiptio.i 00 the skin, and all effort . rthottU N di. i purification and npol the bl I. Uglj eruption - ; l t,ml,n ItAUitdeXyX; toreanpearancc.and it is erpially as emcaciou in . ; i .toion - . iaSLVa . . a a S IL. ld.Uo ntn ill IIIK' 111 l til int. vh- " ber's Itch ; nuililimr up aim puruvinK mi ....... fllrtMi from the impurities of every removfiig every blemish, sore or eruption '""" skin. There U no surxstitut.- for S. S. S. j it is the only purely wMM bloou purifierknown. and the tefeet and ba. ... all I D titntnnial or hknat diseases. Oar Medical Csaaaltallan Oapartaeiit.-lf youdesir- anyspeclalinformstM mm mwm v ,;,r kaaavlavlatta!l "Ut t olldltlOll, attU aW ailVlfl HIHIIll alllll I . ' lit. J "-- f 1 a- they will earrfullv consider L it you n and you will receive n pmnpl Out clans have maile a stud v of blood and skin diseases, and you can have the benefit of their SSpsriew i ami skill without anv to vou whatever. Ixin't hesitate to write fully about yourself, as nothing ,, nv trna. la'vnnd our office. We have a very !nt.aiiniT KmA mi HI.iimI .md Skin I lixcaces Wnl udesir- anv special taiuiais expl.iin'iii VOU . oiidition, and sss I mall uea. )l H mmI and ")kin ijiacases, w 11 a t . "." ' Vaji-a ni THE SWIIT SPECIt IC COMPANY, Al LAN 1 A, OA. Hotel Pendleton Under New lanap;ernt-nt k Strictly First-Class Excellent Cnlsioe. Brery Modem Convenience i GtT. Os a Trial. Rates $2.00 a day Special Rates by Week or montb Bar and Billiard Dooms. Headquarters for Traveling Men The Best Hot.- In Eastern Oregon. Van Dran Bros., Props Successors to J. E. Moore USK I. INI. una. Ilinra I IllilSa c each loe IV I'Xtr.i liiM'rllnii. CLASSIFIED ADS. i:Ot,'NT 8KVKN tfOBJM Til THI LINK. One line, or more, per wsok. at ttiu rale nl IV' per line more, per iinintli. ni t'i" r.. I". i"'. line nra i.inb l time lie liniea 90e i timet Ml Ilk. aach sura liiMrtlon. PHYSICIANS. UK. W. (i. l ld.K OKKK'K. oulldlux offltv taouri. II " p. m Telephone T7. K0R S ALU OR KXCHANUK. IN JUUD A NKVi SIX HORHK t'OWKR UASO a. Bl.; Ito.s line viixine sa.l all tlxiurtia complete, lauki, plpinaj, battery su.1 el" trie aparier, al a iota f, W. VINUKNT, M. II. 0KFI0B RJBAB ol rim National Bank OOlco Ooura 10 ui 1.' a. n. ; 1 to S p. m or v) ill ex 'liaiif. ceuillelon. iirefon lor cord woo.: J. clove, DKH. HMI I II .v URNOBRflON OfTIUE over fendleton riaviusn Hank. Tilephoae HI, resldouee telephone I. H. H. MAKKIKL1). M. 11 , HOM KOl'ATH lc Phrkldsn snd Hurieon. (XB.'e In Jud.1 Batldlnc Telephone: offloe, black Wl real deoce, black it J. h. Mil. I. Kit. M. HKSI'.VIN lll.Ol'K. irvala and oorracts eye Iroublea. catarrhal nmdiUon and impair- I hearluic. Olaiaaa properly dlled lor refractive errors DR. V. J. MTAITL., BOOM 17, AHHOOIA tlon block Telephone si; residence tele phone, black 1(1. OBTKOPATHlt I'HYSh'IANo. UHS. Keyes a Keyea. Office, one block well ol Hoe ton atom D bTT. Y NlT K .B iTaK K S I . K K . UUBONIC and aervoua tiUeaies and 'liaeaaSNOl wnatoii. Opp. Hotel, cor Water au.l Main si- Pea lit tou, ir. ARCHITKCTS AND UUILDIRS. T. K. HOWAltO, AKt.'HITKl'T AN1 HI perlniendeoi. makea compute snd reliable plana lor bulldlnsa In the city or country. Room 17. Jndd biilTllus BHBKK A t'ol.K. ClINTK At'TOKH AND bulldera kvaliuiate lurniahe.) on anorl ao llcc Job w.-rk MH'- ialt) I'roiapt isrvios. Shop on Hlnft aireei near Main atieel U A. MAY. t'ONTKAi TOU ANU builder, haliutalea luriualie t on all kiu-l nl maw.ury ormeul walki, lone walla, etc. Or dera can be left at tbe r.aa OreKonian office. BANKS AND SRUKURS. 0BNTISTS. K. A. VAI'MHAN. HKNTToT. OKKltJK lu Judd Bulldlus A. L. UKATltC, I), li. H. OFVIOB 0VBJ aavluii Uauik. Oaa administered. B. A. MANN. DKNTIMT. IN ABBOOIi tloi Bloek.oearP R ( ltintn' oWih. AflUMNIIYV CAKTKK 4 K.Vt.KY, ATTOKNKYB AT L '. OSloo in aavluii Bank Bulldlna. BKaN A LOWKLL, ATTOKNKYB AT Law. Kootu II Aaaoilallou Block. Peutlle loo. iirefoo. T O.HA1I.KY, l.AWYKK. OKKH K IN Judd Building. I'eudletou, tireson N. HKKKKIaRY, ATTORN KY AT i.AVV. tjffice in Aaaocialiun Block. E. I). BOYD. ATTORN KY AT l.A III 0aaf st, L. B. KKRDKR, ATTORN BY AT LAW. Peudleuw, Oregon. Jambs a. kbb, law ovviub in jddd Bulldm BT1LLMAN 4 I'IKRi.'K. ATTOKNKYB St law. Kouiui lc. li. 11 aud UJ Aaaot lallon block rMB rARMBB'B HANK 0 WBBTON. Weitou, oreaou ooei a general baakiui bualueaa. Kxcltauge bought aud aold. Col let tit. u prouuli) atteude-1 v. ADalri lu noil excellent txiuditiou, aud so reported upon by Investigation comuiitiettol reipooitble citliena Officer! : K Jameson prealdeut, iieo. W. Provbalel, vice president :C. M Pierce, cashier J. K Klllgore, aaaisiani caahler lire, tors Q, A. Usrtnuu. M at, Johua, '1. J. Price, O. I' o K. i. . .gov. Hubert Jameaou, u. W Prosbslsl. K1K8T NATIONAL HANK OK ATHKNA. Orugtn. t ablUI. a.V),iJu, aiirn. i- aud ii-ill- to.UUn lull icai -in um ... iia lieala in I'lrelgn soil MBMHtO fxchauge I ollectloua i.rouid aiteuded in. Henry C Adatai, prea Ideul.l J. Kirk, ytce-prssldeat I K. L. Bar uett. oashler; Nn K. L Barnell, aasliunt caahler. KtUrlT NATIONAL BANK OK I'KNULh tou. Capital, ru.OUU:! Irau. art. - geuerai liaukiug b laiueaa. Kxcaaugi and telegraphic trauatern aold on Chlcagn, Han Kreui'teco, New York and principal point In : i. :onhweil Kralta Drawu ou China, JsHtn au.l Kurope. Uakea tilleclloui ou reaaouabl term Levi Auk -uy prealdeut . A K Uatnx-I vice prealdeut . C. B Wade, caahler, H. 0 Oueruiey, aaiiilant caahler BANK ' t.l- lu.. rati al- aud aold ou all principal poinla -,... ti isatton given to i-ollecUons. W. J, k'uru.a preiideut, I N. leal, vice-prea' dent. T. , Morrli. cashlsr. TO POT ON OUt OAS pela, ou ihelvei, walla, or or wrapping purpo-a uld uewepapera lu large buudlea ot oue huudred each at AS tieula a buinll at THK KAMI UHKOON1AN OKKICK. Heudle Iran Oraee.i 111K I'r.NlM.KTIIN BA V I NO .u'lu wiu . ...biiu wigauiae-i m T i.AW. uaplul, l&O.UOU. aiirplua. taikai. - I OU Hue depoalta. Ks.-ua , and sold on all principal poinu t VC III tlitl.ili aivi-n L.i ihIIhi Unit. U The Domestic Steam Laundry Qhleefe- I'orllanil Hwelal ' 1 m. via Hunt lllKlnil That's all. WholfMale ili-aler in Ice. Wood and Schlitz Milwaukee Beer. Henry Kopittke Oregon Lumber Yard WOOD (tt'TTKKS fog barns and dwellings. Clieaper than tin. Lumber, Lath, Simmies, Kuildiu., Paper, Tor Puper. Lime ami t xiiient, MouldinBS. Pickets, Plaster, Hrick and Sand, Screen Uom.-iai Windows, Sash and DtKrs, Terra Cotta Pine. Borie & Light, Prop's Alta St., orp. Court House. I. Kay & Co., Buy and ssli Stocks, BondH hi id Grain lor cash or ou marglni. New York Stock Bachange. Chicago Stock Rxchange. Chicago Board of Trade. Court Mtrnnt. "is mm ITllITfTaaj n. nBTxT Time Sshsduls ma Prom Pendl,t,V Halt Ink. nnriii. (im.h. 'H",,T'. rert l.mah. v." oaieaae tai KuV Old Newspapers Ku.d by JOHN nt II Mini The Louvre Saloon PKNlll.KTON Where to Spend the Summer. The Place to Buy . a a . LEHMAN OR TEAL SPRINGS A Natural Naalth Raaort. Good Fishing and Hunting. All kinds of bHiru, IttOfHltM nailery, Bowling alley, Croquet ami Dancing. Telephone conuex'tion to all point. Mail three tune ter wajek. Endicott, Warren It McFaul, LEHMAN, 0RB0ON LOT FOR SALE IN BLOCK 81. For sale, lot 4 In block Hi, line residence lot at a low price. Ap ply to C & JACKSON. la where you cau get quick anil cheap prices. Put in your order (or header beds water tanks' and (eed racks, liest line t Lumber, Lath, Shinlwij, Build ing paper, Tar paper.LioM ami cement, PicketH Platter, Brick, Sand, Mouliiiiig Screen DuON it W lnd0W8, Sash it Doors, Terra Cotta Pipe. Pendleton PbiiQ Mill ajid Lumber Vard. R. FORSTER, - Proprietor. Help or Situation Wanted. C F. Cooks limplojfiiient Apiy Curner Maui anil AlU (street JPKNDLKTON OKKUON nggartsi All.nllc Kxpro d:fi a. m. v'a Hunt- liiKtou. ?ii (nl Fast Hall tit a. m. via Hraikanc I Halt I..k.-, !),, I "rth. Omaha ii: a. I'll, , 1 I "...AJUII Cbl.ll.-S 1 aan am Kaai Walla W.M. Hpokaii...W,.rs man tiinK. ..' "'"..'awl , a, - kec. t'hlnagti'and kait uccan ana k'uer vh.., rnilM POKTUND. IM p. m. Hall) excopt Sllll.lrt V I p. m. Hatiintar in p m Daily ox. Huntlay 6 a. m. All MtlirtK SMaj TOk. Jcct In ohansa. Por Han Kranrlsio Kali Tory '.tlayi. 1 -1- f, a ni. Tna. Thra. ami Hat. Columbia Ritsp In A. Inn., ana VS.- . "..US.. siuaiia ami w a I. 111 hug, 1 Horvslll. anrt W.. Wlllamotte sndYsn a ni 11 1 mma 1 1 ilea. inra. it.rvstain t Ht. Hating ... -'M'IIIIIIU, , gU You get Good Beer.. When you drink PILSNER BEER. Guaranteed not to mum headnohe or tlizzinees Ask for it. Schultz Brewing Co. Telephone 7J. ALLEN BROS., Wood and Post. rr.BMi, Prlosa Ulaht Plr aud Tammaraek tZtu v ud uloa aan drj. Ottioe rwar.ol baviuaa-bank 1 .-.i .1 Klparla S:ia. m Dally. Snake Rlvar. Klparla to I.ewliioi K. P. Wiuur. Afsat. Take the... Washington & Columbia River Railway Kor Chicago, Ht. Paal, Ht. Louli, aTSfs... (la 1 -y I nn- U , ni. .ON', ""TH SSSSS 411 Points East and Portland and polati on the Sound. 'Ma m iiiM.iia.a. i nuraaa. an i .ia at fM a. m. Dcpatru tlally except Hun.lay xuflip ni.Mlatlon. call nn or addrasi W ALAM- 1'tniU.tOD H. H CAI.DKKIIKAI. (. p. A.. Malta Walla. Walk. i NORTHE PACIFIC RUNS I',. III.. 111 Sii'rillll.1 . Illcuant Dining Cars, I ourist SlccpuiK Cars To 1 ' 1 1 v V L 1 .m'l.fTH p AKt.o A.KA.ND ii'KOUK- (lIKI KSi BUTTE. THROUGH TICKEHj CHICAGO WA8UIN0T0K PHILaIKLPHIi NEW YOKK HOSTO.N a - Lnui am pvu ami an iiuiiup hiniiijl. Iirkfti In ai - J v..,M...n l a. id. 1 ai "ilia nun au.l Amorlcaui USM TIMH MBlMia , flraln leaves pemliciuu aanj ai .. p. Dl. . Por furin.r luloriuali..ii 'TBassaa aurn,uu.. . .... i ... II 1111V waaaea DADTI tVh iCTOyilsl!' lli'" Str. "Tahoma." Dally rouud irip oxept un4 Time Card. Leave Portlainl Leave Astoria THE Da4LLHS rolM LAM -I taik n Oatzert ra-.l ...n.i trlu except MO"' V .!.. I'-lCi-li l' IM k SW I fill III II I 1 a I "M 1 L 1 I ' r ' . f t' Th , II MlllWll, LaJKi l ime Card. Leave Portland Arrive Ths ltller j Leave " J Arrive Portland Fire, Dalles lo Portlaud . b.s. n.iiau in PnrlliUll iUli 1 nrottgh . for ,3 . Meala tbe very SSW SW-.-.ui.da irips ll",lti lasVniia route baa tUt t,ia iracliounon aiaatl Landing : Foot ol Al Both Phone Mln .J' A. J. TAYLOK, All - AVD! lulls U PILLllOB, A.'"." iljial ...ii, a. uiHSI..- lw,r Lv:. 'WrnlTi VanctW'T ' '' .im , ; ai., poium-v t. TV tllll't"'-i Z' .. it ... - I'" eon a repraa." - . inuii the people aHpreCiate " ue heii liberal oatroua,. tatac medium ot Uu aeci-