I TUESDAY.. I UIY XA, 1H01. 60 PAIR8 Ladies' Button Shoes Mies 24 to 3s at 60c Per Pair Ivul 30 Pairs Laidies' Black . .OXKORDS .. Mm IM to 5 at $1,00 WORTH I HOM I'-'.OO to 1 PAIR Why woar your nice ihotf to the mountains when you can buy shown at thetfl prices CLEAVER BROS Practical Boot ami Him., ft! an, BRBVITIKS. Farm loans. springs, talaphOM Jaa. A. Howard. Hack (or Teal Main 79. B09 your window slmilfs at Murphy 'a. Havtt your pictures fmnitt.1 , latrst styles at Murphy 'a. $1 shirt wnists, now 4Wr. Cleaver BroM. Dry tiootls Co ( duck suite, now $L'.9H. 'Uleaver lira. Pry Hoodt (Jo Naw designs in wall paper at Murphy's paint store Two nearly new aprH (or cheap, Inquire of I'eter West. Cherrlea, peach plums, uret'ii apples, vegetable at llawley Hrotliurs. All kinds of luneh goods and camp lag supplies at Hawley Hrotliers. Hirst claeH wheat pasture for MVUIl and horses. Inquire of I'eter West. We will dost- out our i-ntire Inn ..i Steel ranges al cost. Baker a r'olsom. '2!yr summer goods to close at ISM per yard. Cleaver Bros, dry hhk Co. If you are looking (or something new you will find it at the Standard grocery. Midsummer aale of wash goodx, MM half prir.. ('leaver Urn- lirv Uooda Co. (tolled ham, root heer, chip potatoen, (resh eggs, new notatoea, ItHHrtll Hawley Brothers. Finest hams and lard on the market. Home product; try it, its guaranteed. Hchwars A (treulieh. Lost Between Pendleton and Pilot ho. i. a pair of tine ahoes. Finder please leave at In office. Ice cream (or parties and lodge sociables at special prices, qualito guaranteed. Candy Mutton. For rent Seven room house, lot shade, six blocks from Main street on West Webb. Apwly at tin- olli.v. Creaeent bicycles on the installment plan at the Crescent agency in the Kant Dragoman building, payments $1 a week, no interest. R. Martins is headquarters (or all kinds o( vegetables frexh from the garden every morning, (ruit jars, extra caps and rubbers. Strayed iroin Pat Kine'n place, i I t sucking pigs, nyune knowing where, atiouta of aame will kindly uutit) Schwar. , QfialMli The Standard Orocery company will have a large shipment of Scotch oat within a (ew daya. Please leave yor orders early, and avoid the rush. Dr. W. M. YanPatteu of Walla Walla will be at llingham Springs Irom July 20 to August 80. Part visiting the spring can depend upon t.i.iviug medical attention if neceaaarv. The homeliest man in 1'. -n.il. wall an the handsomest, and Qthan are invited to call on any ilrogglal and get free a trial Ixittle of K p Balsam (or the throat and lungs, a remedy that is guaranteed to cure ami relieve all chronic ami acute cough asthma, hroncihtis and consumpt I'n.e 26c and 60c. For sale by Tall- A Co., sole agent. Hammocks, camp chairs. NoK's. C. Kohrman has received a aolid car of jell glasses and tumblers which is the largest shipment that ever came to Pendleton. Prices only :t0 cents per dozen . A suite of rooms in the East Ore iron i a ii building, hot and cold water, bathroom, (or $11 a month during the summer. Apply at the Fast Oregonian office. THE WALLA WALLA CASES Sunday Closing Crusade Takes a Naw Turn. Walla Walla, .Inly 23.-Notwith-standing that convictions were secured in alPtnree cases tried last week for violations of the Sunday closing law, the same parties were arrested again Monday upon warrants charging the same offense, committed Sunday. DiflafMf from these cases last week the complaint were filed and the war rant issued Monday from the superior court, where the case will De tried. Prosecuting Attorney Oscar Cain in ex plaining his reason (or bringing these actions in the superior court, said "A heavier penalty can be given there ami then again the cases are all ap pealed from the justice court and are taken tn the superior court anyway, so both time and expenses are saved." Mr. Cain says that he has plenty of evidence that all three of the defen- .l:mti, Schwarti, Schneidisch anil Casev kept their places of business open yesterday, and in fact, made no pretene . . t closing. He reiterates his assertion of last week that the pro vi-i iiih ol this law will be enforced and miles the law is held unconstitu tlooal by the courts, men who attempt t" openly violate its provisions will I, likely to go broke Anally before tliec get thoroughly advised in the matter. BOXING C0NTBST COMING. Kvent Occurs This Weak. Saturday night at the Frazar, Popp i on the ground and Irwin will arrive tonight on the 6:1") train, Loth men readv (or the iray. This I.. .ut will he watched with interest bv tln Spokane baseball club, and the Portland Pastime club, as the winner will be matched with Pol Hawkins (or the next big show on the 27th o( next month. In regard to who will be the winner, the sports are evenly divided, Po neine the older, havinu (ought all top nntchers in his class. Toby Irwin the lad whom he (aces next Saturday evening i the pride of the light weight, lie will lie the noxt man in California to meet McUovarn some time this fall. It can also be aaid that Irwin ia fought two hard goes in Portland in the last six weeks. Ilia manager, llnldy Bishop, is very loud in praise, speaking of his protege, and says he will be the lightweight chain pnui before the snow llle The taxing contest will lie refereed hv a local man. Seat nan be had at all the resorts. Any parties out of town wishing seats can drop a postal card to Tallman A Co. There will be two preliminaries by the beat local talent, which will furnish sport tor the boys. ANOTHER SMALLPOX PATIENT JOHN HHINKI V BROUGHT PRUM NBR MONDAY BV8NING. IIKrr Cass Is Quarantined at ths Brooks House on Lower Alta Straal. John Brlakly, formerly agent (or the Spokeeman-Review and lately proprie tor o( a cigar atore on Main street here naar the Max Baer building, was brought (rom Happner Monday even ing, and is at the Hronks house on lower Alta street sick with the small pox. Mr. Brinkly has on the road (or the Chicago Portrait com pany, and waa sick with smallpox be fore going to Heppner. lie does not know where he contracted the disease He has been in Raker City during the past month, and elsewhere, hut cannot tell where he came Into contact with the malady. The house in which Hrinkly is kept ha been placed underonarantine. and it ie hoped that he will recover very soon. Mr. Brinkly was accompanied by Mrs. Brinkly, who was with him at Henpner. The car in which Mr. Brinkly rode to Pendleton was fumigated Monday evening by Dr. Henderson, and pre cautions will be taken to guard against spread of the disease or the slightest danger from the presence here of Mr. Brinkly atllicted with smallpox. PBOPLB HBRB FOR A DAY. opp the (RAND LODuK OP HHP MKN Baker City July 83-27. ror the above occasion the O. R. A N. Co. will sell ticket- on the certifi cate plan to Baker Citv and return for in- .ui.l .iiie-tliir.l lare. MBACHAM SUMMBR nun I SCHOOL. Msacham. Oregon. July 23 to August . Kor the above occasion the O. R. A N. Co. will sell tickets on the cer- t ilii ate plan ..t .i rate ol one ami one third faro. Feather Dusters. Stookboldars Heating. lo the stockholders of the Oregon lliiilding A Loan Association pleae take notice, that the annual meeting of the "to.kholders ol the Oregon Kiiilding A; Loan association will be held at the office of the company in the town now city ol Pemlleton on In. -day. July M, IU01 from 7 p. in to If 10 p. in. (or the purpose of electing directors and auditors and (or the transacting ( such other business aa m.n . oine before the meeting. luted at Pendleton, Or., June 2, MBI, K. ALKXANDKR. Pesident. 0. W. BROWM FIELD, ecretarv. O. C. Osborn, who will go down in history as "Doc" Osborn, manager of "Osborn' Colts," Which being inter preted means the Athena baseball team, was in Pendleton on Monday. Mr. Osborn has disabnded his team for the season, and will await the coming of another year before giving any further attention to such matters. Meanwhile, he will assiduously attend to the drug husineas which he con ducts in Athena. Speaking of baseball, he aaid: "1 hope that the managers of amateur teams hereabouts will not insist on carrying the sptt too far into t he season . and I ha t hey will thus preserve the interest that has market) it this year. The weather is now too hoi to permit a verv large at tendance at the games, and there will not be much profit in any long con tinuance. Next year, I hope, the game will nave held the interest that has marked it this season ami that ail the towns herealsnuts will have as good teams as they hail l hi year. Per haps people do not know it , lint never theleas it is true thai they have seen a whole lot beiter ball here in the In land hmpire towns than residents of such siied towns usually an privilege,! to witness. Pendleton, Athena, Walla Walla and other towns have had hue amateur teams, who have played very good ball. No one has been hi Iked this vear who paid to see a game. Kvery game that I have seen has lieen worth the price of admission charge, I " Mr. Osborn will make up season'" re port for his team in a few days, show ing it to iiave a percentage of about H6H for 21 games played. A. It. Thompson, who was joint rep- reeentative in the last legislative ses sum, is in town from his Hotter creek ranch home. Mr. Thompson say t ie range is very dry. Stockmen are not pleased with tlief prevailing conditions, and are anxiously awaiting the fall rains. Filiating conditions must pre vail until the summer has passed. PERSONAL MBNTION. 0, W. Hunt, of the big Mm ranch. la in town to, la-. Judge (i. A. Hartuiau left on this mornings train for Milton. Baker City hotel arrivals are: The Sagamore, Max Moorhead . The St, Laurence, I. B. Keeder. Judge A. M. Solis of Jacksonville spent Sunday night in Pendleton. He IH en route to Maker Clt A. L. Swaggart, arrived in Pemlle ton on Mondav night' train, from Athena. He will return home today. F. G. Mitchell arrived on this morning s train from Mingham spring, where Tie has been stiendiiig hi vaca tion. Mrs. Lee Moorhouse arrived in Pen dleton on Monday night's train from Athena, where she has been visiting friends. Kev. F. L. Forbes returned Mon day evening from Walla Walla, where will lie St. Inn, Missouri, where he will meet the managers of associate establishment at Walla Walla, Mos cow, Colfax and Kllllpal, who :ire going east on a similar mission. Mr. I.xons will lie absent about six weeks. 0, W. Webh left fnr Wallace, Idaho, on Monday night's train where he will visit his son, A. ti. Webb, formerly of Pendleton. Mrs. Frank Krasier, ac companied her father ami will con tinue her journey to Hutte, Montana, to join her husband. Mr. ami Mr Fraaier will return to Pendleton ahout August 16. Miss Florence Holland, who accom- named her father. P 0, Holland, on a journey through the Inland l.mpire while the latter arai railing on cus tomers ol the Pacilic Paper company, returned home to Portland Monday night, being escorted than by Mr Harry Jackson who will visit with friends. Oscar I.. Cox ol Portland arrived in Pendleton this morning as a repre sentative ol the Voting Men's Chftl tin Association, with the yiew of putting new life into the proposition for a branch association in Pendleton, . (or which a fund of about fMOO was (raised by popular -ul -crintinu. Mr Cox will remain here until he gels the association in running order. F. M. Fignor came tome this morn ing from the Philippine-. lie was a member of the 45th regiment of (Jnltatl States volunteer. Company K Mr. Figner enlistisl in September !"' ' at Denver, Colo. . ami was mnsatrVM out June 11, from second reserve Ros pital nt Manila, arriving at San Fran cisco on July HI. He has lived at lin dane for seven years, and has been it resident of this locality for 16 years. Mr. Kigner served in Southern l.U'oii which country he declare is tit on as a habitation of the native Initial,,. lie "ha no use" for the islands on general principles. An Awful Mistake was mailt I y a druist re cently in an Bittern town. In putting up a prescription lha wrong Ingredient was used and a child's life was IN forfeit A groat many mistakes art made every day in making light bread and cake. The wrong baking powder it used ami the lift goes out of the light broad or cake. When you use Owl Baking Powder there is no mistake Pound cans 40C. Owl Tea House. Jelly (ilasses a dozen. The mils The largest ami best line of feather dusters ever displayed in Pendleton, Honu Sals oft. aale of the HA. KM worth of lor the completion of the gravity water system and the distribu tion system at Haker Citv la oil. A let tor wa received Iroui the Thump son-Crawtord -fenny company, of Chicago, the neople who bid for and at Brad the bond, stating that the reason why they refused the bonds was baoanaa the ordinance authorising their aale did not specify the date upon which they were to be laauad. Ihat, in their opinion, was a fatal defect, hence their rulusal to take them. Local Proauaa Market. Pendleton dealers are paying the fol lowing price- (or ranch and farm pro duce : butter, M Ut :16c par roll. I UOc per- dox. twnUft (live, l-"c per pouud. . o m, per dozen. Ducks 14.00 per diuen Chickens 60 to ft. 60 par dufeu. .New potatoes are coming into the market freely. Healers are paying 2c per bound ami retailing them at L"ai lie preached morning an in topping Kicks J by a Horn. K. J. I mini. nigs, who wa at a raueh three miles aaat .01 Pilot Kock, waa badly bruised Monday morning, baing kicked in the face by a horse, t timmiug wan about to get on the animal's back when it wheeled ami began kiekiug, striking Mr. dim ming Tn the jaw, cutting quite a gaah. He hail his wound attended to by Dr. 0. J. Hmith, and will be all right in a few davs. TALLMAN & CO B Pan-Ameriean gxpoaillan. 0a Tuesday, August b, and Tuoadav ,-ptemher 3, the O. K A N. Co. will sell tickets to the Pan-American a sition rluftaio, N. V., at 176 with unit of aiitv turn. days to liu Hal,- and re BAR6AIM8 IN 8N0E8 We arc Ladies' Orfords, Men's Tan Shoes ami AJJ Short Lines toeing out AT COST ( o, ne and examine good and k,-i priuea. THE PENDLETON SHOE 00. VVm. Fitzgerald, Mauager. in uuday evening. Tom Vaughan arrived in I'cudleton this morning from Astoria, where has been visiting Ins brother. Dr rrank atighau. Miss Minnie Itateman left Monday morning for her home in Cal i m,, She has bean a guest of Mrs. M. M brown of Pendleton. W. h. Bradley of Pendleton left Monday night (or Boise, Idaho, to at tend the Miuiug Cougress to com in -ii, e there on July 24. Mrs. K Wi Wamslev and Mrs. Wil ham l'ltxgerald left on last evening train for fcairview, near Portland where they will rusticate for a week or so K 11. Stantield, arrived Monday night from his ranch ou Ifiltter ,-i, , , where he has been for the past moot I Crops in that locality are in good con utuoa. Dr. and Mrs. h. A. aiighan who have been in Astoria as guests ol In Frank augtiaii, are uow in Portlan and expect to return home during .August. W 8. Ureu, of Oregon City, ia town eu route to other hlastern Oregon towns. lie is prominent as the leader of the movement for the initiative aud referendum. K. K Van Antwerp left on Monday night's train, for Walla Walla. He has been soliciting subscriptions for the Morning Oregonian of Portland during ten days paat. Miss Myrtle liawkes, who lias been employed at the St. Joe Store, has entered the employ of W. 6. Byers anil 11! aaaist her lather in keenim; the hooka of Mr. Hyers' Uouriug mill laesey L. Stewart anil wife, who recently returned from a globe trotting lour, are uaok from a abort stav at Teal Springs and are now preparing to permanently locate in leudlaton, if tbay can secure suitable residence property. Hank Smith, who was injured Malttraay lu a runaway near Caiie Horn, a point on the Willow Springs roan t,. uamaa rrairie. was reported this morning to be in such serious con dition that he may not recover from the iujuriae inflicted in that time. Mr. and Mra. T. B. Swearingen left on Monday night's train for Seattle aud Whatcom for a visit of several weeks, goiug via the W. A C. R. K. and the N. P. Mr. fSweannaeii's brother, Dan hwaarinuen. from Tmro Iowa, want to Portland, and will join them at Whatcom. K. M. l.n vua, of the St Joe Htore leaves tonight for a tour of the east ern markets in the interests of his es tablishmeut. Uia lirst atoouiug ulace The Pendleton Academy PltKPAHKK KOIt- College, Teaching, Business. The chiwdeitl course pre pan lot en trilllce t0 F laallllMIII class iii such col lege its Yale, Princeton mid Stanford. The institution hit la-en placed upon the AeeMdtted idst by thentata Boaid of education, so Ihat graduate- tire ad milled t slate cert Mcatex. A htisilieaa course e, piiil to the Is'st i. ii- in. - college Is otic red. Full term begiliH NeptenilsT '.th . AddieM RBV. F. L. FORBBB, M Ph., Pendleton, Oregon. PfUtelpel Fall term oM'i i Sept. l'J, HOI. The buildings are being renovated on the liustt approved modern method- aud are lighted by electricity. Th. young er Istya receive careful attention from a i-oiupe lent matron. Send for Illus trated catalogue. CAKKIAUb, SIK Certainly, everyou dt.au will drivel einovs driviiiii IISplK'll, lllOlltfll, Aid lu the bet of vr ftu.i Willi tut- airuunehi va n, ,,-, i . fetliun lusured against brtutk,luwu to bavo rrpalnug jol, dout) by u. Use a great ai,i larluui, wbich i,:iiui, . dotuairiua tuvahiis ... perfect bealtb, we can make a liilaplaated ve hicle loek like new again. Huch resulu are iiiaut' HMiiuia by our aktll, p. risiit-t- ale' u perlur facillliea. I'bargo low NEAQLE BROS. Farmers Custom Mill Fred Walters . Proprietor. Capacity, U0 barren- a day. flour axe banged lor wbeat. floor, Mill fetsl, Ubuppetl feed, sic., alwsyi uu baud. IVUaflMVIiaY'j rii.Mriiegiuiiiii iiUniiard raaady Igr Ulaet tiunurrtiuia artd Kunniuoa IN 48 HOURS. Curat Kid n sad Bladder Iruublsa tw) ST. JOE STORE We ire offering Great Bargains In all departments of our store. Save Money by Trading With Us. LARGEST STOCK in lh coi n i v to SELECT PROM. LYONS MERCANTILE CO., Shades. Curtain I'oles, Mirrors, Our midsummer Furniture sale is tin center of attraction and de serves unusual attention. Wheth er you intend to furnish your house complete or just contemplate the addition of I few necessary pieces, this is your opportunity. Over twenty live different styles of Iron Beds Dressers, Commodes, Parlor I-ur-nitttre. Carpets, Mattings, Window Picture!, llaln Cabs, Go-Carts, etc. UndertakiiiK ParlOfl in Connection. A. RADER, Main and Webb St-. The COMMON! Issued Wkl, William J. Bryi Editor and PuhlUh., Lincoln, Term One Year. Six fvlonthn Three flontha Single Copy Nebr Payable .., A vaaatj No travelinR canvasser, ( r...vi. icrnis ior will local am sent on annlio.au. money should be sent by order, Express order, aril waaMi .i iit!w York or Cu. i n i . ' raw uwi nciiu lutiivuiiiai chec stumps. The Commoner per year Waaltlw fmmt n, . v'"r3,Jiuan...,jj acmi-weekly hast Oregonian Daily East OreKonian Atldress Hast Oregonian, I'eiulleton, Oret These firms handle UKIAH CREAMERY BUTTER and guarantee it G. R. Demon D. Kemler Oliver & Co. White House Grocery Alexander & Hexter Ask for it. J. M. BP6NCB, Aj(t. CRESCENT BICYCLES 1 io Kl.uel that ia MH i!i :h In Quality Prices From $22 to $60. Road wheels; - - $35, Racers, 50, Ohainless Crescents $60. Boys and Girls Wheels $22. 1900 Models as low as $15, $20, $25. Went Wheel, supplied with spring frame, and Morrow counter brkaj or wit!, either. Tmai of payment to iuit tuistomere, with lntererd. Call ami mi -a mZiZZl no a catalogue. CRESCENT AGENCY. East Orogunian Buildiny. T R A N S K EH, Orejan. Most F.moZT aaaaa . KIN;, The Hotel Flavel 58 l O KAG E. LL THE NBW8! Take the Kaat Orogouian. Daily 95.00 a yoar by mail. Weakly ai.su. ami Semi. Weakly ea.00 year. Hatuula wiry lra Hcaaou ot Moulemv CR0WNLK & SON. rJUJU-UONK MAIN Is uow open tor the u fiuest -mjiiIuk,! rvaon rll, "i iuoiu al iri,. nhi-a i waitarai u,s, tan". , uui iiuiL itr.r. oouru aiui mw,"' Tsuui. I., in 1, . 1 roouli Br.Ti 1 tlra, ti,m. 0ue sj5K i oai lould bu Loaf mm Pi RAILWAY. fcAST via SOUTI l.av. p. m. h.jii a. ni. 17, Hi It. Ill ll.rMI p, a. Dtpot fifth inn I Strati Ovfrlancl Kipt.-.. forsj.u, --,, iii..'i,,irK. Altl- Ltiiil, Harr.tin, I1I11, 11. ilen, rtitii Krai M I ,.-. I " .m ,. . j;. ran". ,S, niiivui.ajMi til.' Kasl. ,n, inr Bjaaj AUK'-I. rllhfrt-ii,, Hi-I,,. Ilriiwusili,. N4 iron .111,1 siirltiirllriii t'orvalll. I'awiKrr lnil,'l : ni , t!B Dully, tliall) mcih mindaj. raaotMB tivkrts Itflial.- Ilrkeli m ! Marsii Horti laiiK-ntn anil Han l-i.u, 1., ,, Nrtrtt Uts ami l 1 m-.-,mil . ,.1. in , i.tin. Iktti' unit I l. ki l 1,, l-.i-t rii i,:,m, rope. Alio .laiaii. Cliinu, llnwaati.fMf i.ini-s nun Aiiatralla. ran l- obuiunl ft It. KlrkUnil, Tlrki'l Axi-nl. TUtnl m.,oor,, 1 ,1111.11111, ur. NEW LINI To anil from the llliiidis Central KailnJ Solid TruitiH New Kquiptnent Wide Vcstihu Kiiquir.' agtuit O. K. A N. Co.,o B. II. TRUMBULL, Oiui'l.Ai 14J Tliinl Bt., l'ortlas Anroiifl .ii'llua Ul, aiT aaivrlain I llivollll,,!, la pr.iha Hunt ! 1 1 1 1 1 y ciiiDil' I'mtmiH Thaoi MaiwiI OlSIGNi CotvRtoTi4eJ , I, an.l .1." taken tfiMuiil, luim A ti' "1 A tiaiidwiniely illu.trait-.l wtvily -utatit,ii ,,r any al.nild, journal ,.r; ..iir luoiiilia $1 .-..Mbyal 36lbrrjtfwa' sraiicli .mi,-.- !. 1 ' 1 Ult HtkY Will i. . Scientific American. fSSu KewTf SEALS Notary and Corpuration ifl.ftO to 8 Uehvcr Mil "f us ami savs moesjf. Orders fur Rubbai faP also solicited. E AST Ok E( i O N 1 AN PUM Championship Contest e 16 ROUNDS A . .1... a- ,..r I luerd nC rvi till: 1 in.-, v I Saiurday EveniiiK. J ol -T rOBY IRWIN, ol Sa" FriDC Champion lightweifal 01 forma Vnrmis I I VI UrtUlJ f T. .route). J . ... x w x X 1 w. . . Two preliminaries, oneoi the other of six rounds. 0) l.l.-n will nr.-. ..!. tilt- lliaiD ' k rounds OF B0XINC u-: . tj ,.,,i tH.its. V 11' ' fc-v. . I .. IN. L-te Oil popular resorts. CURE TOW .luliara--.. iT irrltal-"0- w ol ui 11 IS "Jt v.aw vaMat.b. 1 aiinr. ZmA l,u,.,ua (.jiuii'Ii P., 1 SH' " "..... unto ..x, araf mmw iu j. 1 awl u. ...iii.,. W SJi, xaxaa. munaairi ,1 BHBfl i