ghirt Waists Worth $1 to $2. TO CLOSE AT 25c MianlaV. ' .in v , ww. MM WAS SHIT OUT i i i if- Bo,h Hmm ,l BOH" l." ai Koine Oltf bttWMB J 77 -V:.. .n.i I. liriimh tenuis ii".w '. .... H tn 0 in svinlar toe score " ... - r WTJ ,. ramie ami on Huti.lay in K. 7 to 8 m favnr of UK MJ, . ..ii .. fcha fourth a ll IMI nan - Li ,l.v' name H VHt"'r" M Tw men ware out on Hih . ..I , nri lli'k WHH Ml ll . .in Mini'. ..lliruu. u WW wii .-- ; - triinkw. The jutcnwr uirn. j.i,ifh tii.- umpire i-iiiifn . ... . u:. I Mr hoish piay- ,l , irw. LH untune wux Thsv refusal to iiy uiimss Mimirri. There wax wrangn 1 t r.i.X. UHM 1 til I It'll jdtco umpires MN pit B u.inl lim 'Iir mix. ltmi ... .11 u.Mtiu.l utul triitn I DAB .... Mil hnl II llMlUMIl IJU 'Mil ' - -J" . . .11 .a al. I imiwlulMIl lit f MM I - .Milium inn" V .ML .La. mill ruriiii, - Utwl Baktrand Blgln. r M . . i . . t ii pi mi I tv iit-raiu, Dfunint "im a i . l i i i .,. i of U to 16. Sunday, how- . th muiic oiigntft'd ami tin K't M" ailivil m I w. I In ic line ii . Muit'V aim r.t i s ii r 1 1 chiimu- MluniAv uautirv, WOUI Kitti 'iiMner ami tt StmiriiH s asaBaB ini i . c u r no ttir mi i ii WOIIm! lilm? Willi iiiiuir to I Li- iisklnl nd Walla Walla . I 1 I I. If I. I IK .1 ' ? V. i'i! Ill WMt. Tlx) trip m not huc- iinvr in .i i, .i-i lull i wny .oinciiil point of viw. Two i'lmlilliil hi In ii1hvi.i1 hum NtilMlv mil nim nn Knmlav Tha manafier at Bokane faileu to adver tiae the Saturday Kine and an a remit a practice frarri" nt three inningo was played to an empty grandatand. Althnogh the Sondar game waa better advertiaed, the people aeenied to nave a presentiment of what waa going to happen on the Oeld that day, and the grandatand waa only half filled. The atory of the game waa not worth telling. Huflloe it to aay that the boy from Walla Walla couldn't hit the hall at the right time and only two of them played the game through with out an error. HIP IT IN TBI 100. First Appearance of Dandruff a Forarun nar ef Future Baldneai. That auoh ia the caae haa been con clusively proven by scientific research. Prof. Unna, the noted European akin pecialiat, declarea that dandruff ia the burrowed-up cuticle of the scalp caused by parasites destroying the vital itv in tin hair bulb. The hair hecomea life lesa. and in time (alls out. This can he prevented. Newbro'a Herpicide kills tbia dand ruff germ and restores the hair to its natural aoftneas and abnndancy. Herpicide la now used by thonasndi nl Hiiiilt -all natiHtied thm it ic ihe moat wonderful hair preparation on i ho market today. You ant nut prepared fur HARVEST " ;" ntiii a pair ( our Colored Glasses . 6 ami 75c. LEV Wl.i i i . .v .nn. iIr iTiiwreu m, w ml 50c. Bye Protectors I a1! I ..I ... ' ju.ii mo uiiug lor l,w0Q. 75c, 11.25, 11.60. lNt" wud d Will fill your mm ntulactioi,. L HUNZIKER, ' "i AiexarulMr A II.......'.. Arrivals at Hotel Pendleton A L Beatie, city. K W Blakley, Portland. A B Craafleld. Portland. J T Jook.Beattle. A P Hteward, San Francisco. C F E Pattello, Walla Walla. W K Oliver, Portland. '. Mctiilverv, Spokane. L Oapmbell, Hpokane. 8 B Gill. (i S Youngman, Portland. K B Ooman, Portland. Caato, Spokane. Mias Hollv MoCiilvary. (i W Hunt, Echo. J F Moornne, Han Kranciaco. F Murpbf, Denver. II G Gilbert, Portland. Mr Loomis and wife. Spencerport. Mrs Frasier, city. Chaa G Kouocek, city. Strlkaa a Bleb Find. "I was troubled for several yaara with chronic indigestion and nervoui debility," writes P. J. Green, of Lan oaater, N. H., "No remedy helped me until I began using Electric Bitten, which did me more good than all the iTfUrt 1 I ever used. They have mtmd Irani mv Ultfll in hvi'hIIhIiI llHaltll for yeara. She aayi Electric Bitten are just splendid for female troubles; that thev are a grand tonic and iuvig orator for weak, run down women. No other medicine can take its place in our family." Try them. Only 60c. . . .. . . . . at. n.ll ic. KatlSlaCUOn guarantenu ly laniuaii i. Co. Call for County Warrants. All Umntilla county warrants regis tered in March and April, 1809, will Ih- paid at my ofhoe in the court bouse upon presentation. Interest ceases ou i. a.- of publication. 8. K. YATES, Treaaurer of Umatilla County. Pendleton. Oregon, July --'o 1901. How'l This? We oiler Oue Uuudred Uollari Kewaid lor auy uiw ol ualarrb thai . annul be cured i nn. - Uatarrb Ours F. J. CHKNIY A CO., fropa., Toledo, O. We, the uuderaigued, have kuu.u r". J. Cne uey (or tbu lui rllteeu yoara, aud believe lilui perisvtljf hutiorable lu all bunueai lrauaa;tlon and BnanolaUl able to carry out auy oblia n. nn. made by their arm. WBSTATBUiLl, . . , Wholesale U.-usgliU, I'oledo, Ohio WiLUlHU, KIMNA A MaSVIK. Wholesale UrusftiU, Toleilo, Ohio. Hall i C'aurrh Cure UUken luurually, am in k directly ou the blood aud mucoui lurlacei ol the ayalein. Price 7ic. per bottle. Hold by all drumliU. Teattiuimlali free. Hall'i Family Pllli are the beat CLIMBED WITH THE MAZAMAS I0T RALBT AND B. P. DODD WITH THK T. HOOD PARTY. Upheld the Reputation for Their Horns Town and Rroks ths Trail to the Summit. Roy Raley arrived home Monday from the Mount Hood trio, having in company with E. P. Dodd represented Pendleton in a party of 119 who went to the top of the mountain on Friday last. Mr. Dodd was expected to re turn home this evening. He went to Olympia from Portland for a dav or two. Mr. Raley ia very enthuoiantic over the experience, which was his first in real mountain climbing. He think" that, although there are elements of danger while wending one'a way over the crevasses and glacier there are enough of novelty and exhiletation to compensate. An the party was at Camp Manama, awaiting the day for the ascent, Raley and Dodd decided that they would go up before anyone else, and therefore tarted out to mke the trip. The theory formulated by them waa that Pendleton as a town never waits for other places to lead the way, hot linn always been accustomed to do the trail breaking. The young men were de- irous that the town' reputation le sustained, hence they proceeded to mi tain it. Without saying anything DBDOh to the remaining Maxaam, they net out for the extreme top of the earth. Aa they went upward, a hliz.ard be gan. A biitsaril on Mount Flood boldl certain characterintic that will nut he appreciated by people who have never been there. Something like nine million tons of snow "wept pant them each second, the aenfe became scarcely hi'iihch, anil a hew iioerment war immi nent. However, they puhed on to ward the goal, and reached within Km feet of the very Hummit, when it wan decided that they tntiat turn hack. Their venture wat RiicceNHlul in that they went higher than the other nreliminary nartieH. Although the party did Hot get to the top of the mountain, nevertheleHf the Pendleton party upheld the repu tation of the town, and thu .lid (Ml! duty. When the day came for the gen. nil climb, 119 went to the summit, not the largest number on record, but one of the largest. The year the Society ol the Manama war, organized nearly 'JO0 ascended during the week. "The view from the mountain's summit," said Raley, "ia something to pay one for the toil of the ascent. It is not a trivial thing to reach that summit. There is considerable danger, ami 0M may at any time meet hia death. But, regardless" of all this, I am Mr) when 1 think of it that so few Oregon ians have been on Mount Hood. The mountain is one of the wonderful at tractions that makes OrRgon iftiBoai In the east, yet it is true that alotofl more people from other statex comprise the parties going up each year." 8UPREHR COURT FINDINGS. Catsi Deeldsd Affecting Umatilla County Litigants. Copies of the supreme court de cision! banded down in Salem on Monday were received by Deputy Clerk liee Moorhotise this morning These cases are: Lina H. SturgU, aiiellant, vs. Wil liam Baer, respondent; appeal from Umatilla county; W. R BIlM, judge. Raley dt Carter for apiellaut T. Q. Haiiey, for respondent. Opinion by Bean, C. J., lower court reversed and new trial ordero.1. In stilistance, tiie aa 1 a a cam- wax one brought auoui ny uie finding of a note for 1 189. 10 tound among the papers of the late S. P. Sturgis ami pay mem oi which war demanded by tiie executor. i. A. Hartman. Wiliam Baker, the mak.-r claimed it had been paid, and the lower court refused to admit the books of Mr. SturiMH to show on the nart of the plamtltt that the note nan not oeen paid. The higher court reverses the circuit court and orders a new mai. l'eter West, appellant, vr Oeorge and Andrew Eley, respondents; apoeal from Umatilla couuty, W. R. Ellis, judge. Peter West for appellant, r. G. Haiiey for respondent. OpiaMNi aJ Wolverton. J. Lower court reversed. IMamtiff c aimed that the dcte.l.ioti- were indebted to him in the mini of A0 on account of services us attorney. Alice L. Hoover, respondent, vs Newt. Hoover, appellanl appeal Iron llarnev I'lllllltV : M. U Clifford, nidge John Q, saxtou and King A Mixton tor Mailt. 1'arrmli .V Keinliol.l t.-r respondent. Opinion U) V .iierlon, J, .nm.r court reverseu. jiiis war m divorce suit involving the securing oi a decree and the purses- ion "1 certain lauds belonging M the delendant. Such decree and lauds were given, hut ll... Utllll.H. I war to correct delects III the decree whereby the wrong land were named in the decree. . R. Messinger, appellanl, vs. Union Warehouse Co., a corporation, ruMiiiuideiit : anneal from Sherman 1 : - . , , ., eountv; W. Bradnnaw. juoge. j. H 111! tiiuftun for a tuie I iant. V . t UViUiin for resoolidelit . Oinnioii by M...rM J l.uwer court attirmed. it involved possession uf 40e sacks of a-hiuit noHsessiou uf which was con firmed to the plaintiff. number of innocent liven were rot sacrificed. These reports show that more sober and painstaking inquiry has developed the fact that some of the Chinese of ficials supposed to have been connected with the Boxer outrages, whose capital punishment was demanded by the foreign ministers, have been proved to be entirely innocent of the charges made against them. CANDY FOR VARSITY QIRLS. Praetieal Joksr Rapt Cenrastlonsrt Buiy Dr. Harpsr Rsfuted Swssts. "I want 500 one-pound boxes of candy, to he deliverer! to the young women of the Chicago University,'" said a well-dressed young man to one ot the big Chicago confectioners today. "Who are you'."' asked the surprised dispenser of sweets. "lohn D. Rockefeller, jr.," replied the well-dressed young man. "Hend me the bill at the Andltoritim Hotel." Then the confectioner got busy. But he was not the only busy confectioner. Nine others were just as busy as he, for he had called them to his aid. "It'l tor .lohn D. Rockefeller, jr.," he told the confectioner!. When the candy began to arrive Dr. Harper was surprised to receive it. The candy w as marked "For the girls. " "Take it awav!" cried the doctor. "I'll take any donation of money and property, hut 1 w ill not accept candy." The girls just had a glimpse of the streets as they were tossed back to the drnfli 1 1 re was no "Mr. Rocke feller' at the Aiiditonnm. Tb- j lice are looking for the joker. RAILROAD STATISTICS. CLEARANCE SALE o?fn8r ? make romn for aew and IarSer 8tock aud muter goodl I will sell stove aud ateel H" I1. 8rtly roduoud prices for the next sixty J Offl and get prices Joe Battler. The Main Street Furniture Dealer. oil stoves - w-j.cla"rke&co. Opera House block. FuU Line of Tents, Wagon Coyers, Anti-rust Tinware, General Hardware. fit WORTH OF CONTBHPT. Lawyer Bxpresssi His Seorn of an Unfair Juda-s. A newspaper dispatch told the other day of "Golden Rule" Jones, formerly uiavorJol Toledo, Ohiu, being tiued 5 fur contempt of court, for expressing rhat .-.iiiteiiiut fur a decision ot the aanniainad iudue as he rendered au nninioii duriuu the trial uf a prisoner Reading the dispatch, a Fendletuu lmvnr tells about being in a case sev eral years ago tu which the court was manifestly unfair tu his oppotltM ...ii f l flat f TiiHiourt reoealedlv decided atfalnta in a ore mil iced inauuer, and iiv tl.M other lawver became dis gusted aud exiiressed liimseli lu SOBaf what out spoken terms, fhe our promptly exercised its prerogatives an. fined the offending lawyer 110 for con teiuot The lawyer stood luukiug at .M imlire fur several muments, hi ntainlv tellinu what was in hi mii.ri ami his iud iguatiuii gradually ettimr the better u! him. At last the i pa I li tii, ii,iiL,.,l iii, to auch a heigl that it flowed over iU barriers, and tha anurv lawver exclaimed luud enough to enable his words to be heard I I over the court bouse : "All rhrht. Your Honor," with emphasis on the word "bouor," 1 ' gladly pay that 110, and at the name time please put into the package just 26 more of oontemut for this court. " Neither line was ever collected. Took tbs Right Course. It is now aonareiit from report which have readied the state dbpart meut from China that it was solely due tu the moderation aud humanity exer ciaud bv the United Males rei.ruo. i tat iv on at 1'ekiu by the president's di rection iu early negotiations for the settlement uf the Boxer troubles that a Abilmcts From Intaritals Commsres Commission's Rsport. The Interstate Commerce commil- ion announced an ahstract ot statistics f railwavs in the United States for ke vear ended June .'.i. USUI. Knr thirteen years ended June 110, tKK). the total casualties comprised i,L'77 killed and 46,087 injured. Sixteen railroads went into receiver- hip during the vear ended June .in. ItsJO, while thirty-rive were taken out f receivers' hands, leaving t i f t -1 w . n receivership on .tune .m, lwni. There was a decrease in capital stork represented by the roads in receiver- hip as compared with the previous ear of fill' llll,s:i.;, and in Minted lent ot llM.QpSJla. The aggregate r.. .,e mileage w a .1I.7HH, including ltW.IUo of single track. The I'ommtssions' report in- lu.les -ll-:! railway corporation!. The iterated mileage of roads merged, re- rganiied or consul idaUil during the ear was u 47 against '.H4ii for IHW. The total iiumtHBr of locomotives nd cars was l.:t4.M)l. The railways verage.l 10 hsromotives and 7:i3 cars r each 100 miles of line. There were 1,017,661 railway em loves of all classes and r.77,2ri4,H41 were paid m wages and salaries. There were II 1 ,41 ,0.14, '.si oi ran- ... . tt . . ' i wav capital oiiisiamiing, oi wnicn 4.H4 per cent paid DO dividend. 'I he net earnings Irom railway uperaimn were 'il''.,0lti, III I , an increase of HH.- (Kii.OOo for the year. Tliere were M Htio.lMO passengers and 1 , 101,iHU, - H ton! of freight carrieil. Hors Trust! FormlnB. If the trust formation continues the me - hoi I M'HIi! w len almoH' ever lung in ihe country will lie com rolled by them. Whether iIiim would he Ntiiehcial to Hie country or otherwise, we are not prepared io state, mere ia one i Ii i ug however, that can never be controlled by a trust and that is good ealth. The best means of obt si n i ng his i! bv Ihe use of Hosteller s Htomach Bniers. I'd is wonderful medi um continues io cure all stomach, ver and i. el tmuhles, the same aa has done for the past fitly yeara. If ou are a rullerer irotn ivpepsiB, ni- igestion, constipation flatulency or nervousness, do no) (ail to give it a rial at once, aa it will surely cure ou. It will also prevent malaria. ever and ague. Think Aoout It. If you will only think it over yon will go to see Martin when you want to buy groceries. His motto is "lasst goods at lowest prices." His stock Is very large and well soiecieu. memo has the best bakery department in the ty. HARVESTERS ARE AT WORK Athena Crewa Begin Taking la the toot Cropi. Athena, Jnly 23. Fred McDongall took oat R header crew Saturday to Warren station, where he will cut and aiack Oeorae Bchroeder'a wheat crop. William Booher's header crew com menced work in W. H. Reader's barley Sunday. Marion Jack and Brown A Hodgen's header and thresher crewa also started the season Runday. It is expected that most of the crews will be at work by the middle ot the week. The crop prospects in this locality are daily growing brighter, and it ia now confident I v expected that the yield ill be above the average of last year. Harry Walters, who for the past sev eral month! haa been dav operator at the O. R. A N. depot, was transferred to Pendleton to hold down a siimlar position. C, J. Pennington, who for the past three yeara was operator at Riparia, fills the vacancy here. The band will hereafter give open air concerts every Sunday at 2:30 on the band stand on the corner ot Main and Fourth atreeta. John Mclean nt Pendleton transacted huaineas here Saturday. h.d Murphy transacted huitnesa in Pendleton Friday. Will Knox ol Weston was an Athena visitor Saturday. Kmest Tatom, Kd SwiUler. Orv Cavtneae, Frank Caviness, iuy HufT and F. A. Ware of Pendleton were Athena visitors Saturday. Dr. II. II. Krown ot Kan Francisco was a guest last week at the home of Ur. Hotkin. J. 0a Stamper ii this week emplnyea E tinting the itoreroom at Helix of the ranch of the Athena Mercantile com pany. L. .1. Robinson of Riverside, Wash., came here siimiav tor a lew iay s visit with his family. Mr. Robinson last week filed on a half section of .1 . I - I l . - VC... I iieaeri ikii.i hi i aa una euuuw , nanu., and will soon commence the work of making thia a fertile and productive farm ba the meatu of irrigating ditches. Ralph Steen, Milton'! wealthy rancher, waa an Athena visitor Satur day. Louie Lane of Pendleton ia now holding down the second chair in A. .1. pArker'a tonr.orial parlor iu this city. Midsummer Sale IN FULL BLAST Lace Curtains an at topiy rtduotd prim Women's Tailor Made Suits rodnood like this: $10 suit $0. (Mai suit HOW ft), 80 Itllt DOW $1.1.60 Summer Dress Goods All of mir fancy dlfJM goods reduced like this: 10c goods at midsummer sale fic pT yurd 15c 20c 25c 80o St LOo Lu ll Datslea ths World. No discovery in medicine has ever created one quarter of the excitement that has been caused by Dr. King's New Discovery lor Consumption. It's severest test! have lawn on hopeless victims of consumption, pneumonia, hemorrhage, pleurisv and bronchitis, thousands of whom ft baa restored to perfect health. For coughs, elds, asthma, croup, hay fever, hiwrsenesa and whooping cough it ia the quickest, surest cure in the world. It is sold hv I, ill man iV On, , who guarantee sati faction or refund money. Large bottles and $1. Trial bottles free. BAD COMPLEXIONS RED ROUGH HANDS FAILING HtIR PHUiNKO 11 fSBAP A. C. SHAW I CO. W. J. SK vv III. Manager. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LUMBER DEALERS Yard on Webb Street Opposite Hunt Freight)Depot We are prepared to furnish anything in the I tun tier line aud cau guarantee prices to be as cheap, If not cheaper than others. Wa also carry a large line of Doors, Window! and Moulding. Parties oontem plating building will do well to aea ui before placing their order! Fir We also carry Cascade Phone Main U2. Red I suites, if you have any Diy Goodl Wants in .my lim in this dt'piirtineut now is your tiltlfl t. purohtM Buoh Hiiothcr opportunity will not beoffertd for one yew THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Agents liutterwick s Put Icrus. Chin i.i at a lormon Ishoaaf Wjlf ',i',,'' i J.i l-f lha la atlf ' mBtfiM blllty, Headaehe,Unfltneaa to asarr, i.pi yw(&r.,rfoT.eXuw." y e,., ii. m. i' ..r k -i aiaawiaiTisl. i ma Ii n nln STtTr, Bk Ouraa Loal ht-Loiaaa, aparmutcrrnoaa lnaomni,i, Palna ainna, iiinil iRri, lawrrou" esnan, Vafi. . pharaa, atom SiMiaai ... .11. nn I l.aa.1 a i . I aaanaal i . Blabop Nemaur Co., Bun Francisco, Gal. Dtlirauta i n, pkiiiiIiMtoiVi iiitrooN. or vous 5llm.ililrt INa Wlln in. I n. i r . ...'., yliliialai will laitaa, Llfiala. In so. BAtal BV T laLM AN OOi ilaalona. , Lpaa o Wiaj Mfirihnnda lire Hotel Pendleton Under New nanagement 1 Strictly Pint-Class Kicellent Coisioe. Kvery Modern Convenience lUr and Kllllard Dooms. ThSBBt Kola Van Dran Broi., Props GUf Us i Trill. Rates $2.00 i day Special Rates by Week or month Headquarter for Traveling Man In EBBtarn Oregon. Successors to J. E. Moore The nioat bouiitifyn mi- -.1 all 'fT'-rtivn skin purifying ana ui in Ilia worm, uit .-n as I eluat f.'l Unlet I. ill. ami liura-ry. It airisua ui lun cauau oi uaij i nupleslons, rtxl, rough hands, falling i . - ai i h .in i.ieiiiiahta. vii , iBaalaaaaa, In lllrt. laawMBi overwotked, Of xhig. flab I'oKKi h .14 '., .tfl.uill ll.ff a.rW r.u- . ll.lui. I- . . i aa tl iBi.c C.iar . U aa fia Smillfal Caaiaki LOANS on BERKELEY lias the (oIIuwiiik UarRains 4H0 acren A 1 wheat laud. ,20 acreti Al whuat land. 2 l-.t.- well located $2o(). lot lower Wehh Htreet $1). Also a big liat ui town and county property cheap Annual Clearance Sale. To make routn ior I- ill Stuck will l; i v t tup, iIiklouiiI Im caaii on cvurytliing in the - ton Carpi ti, h'o: . Pel tiers, Lace Curtains, Curtain Pules, Shailes, Wall Paper, Linoleum and everything you need in house IllfBisMQfl A iew leather com hes ami rockers heap Sewing m.. chines and supplies (ur all machines. Undertaking a specialty. Phone Main J 4 Jesse Falling. WHEAT LANDS Al lowest rates J.R. DICKSON, Bast Orcgoalaa BwiMlag, I'cudlctun, Oregea. "Nerve Waste. i'i.b of the moat tialprul hooka uu uerrs weakneas aver Issued U that entitled "Nrv Maate," by lr. SaV'er oi Hau Prauclauo, uow tu IU ItltU thooaaud Tbli work ol au sspar eneiiued and reiulatilu ehyaiclau ll lu agree able contrast to the rait auui of falas acblug win. I. prevails ou tail lutereatius aubecl It abounds tu . arelully uouildered aud practical advice, and baa tbe two great merits ol wis dom and alucurily. U is eudoravd by bolb tbe religloui aug aeculur preaa. Ibe I blcago Advauca aays : oui uaui ol tbe book aud Ibe auulkallou ol its priiu lplai will put bualtb, hope aud beart lute thousands ol Uvea mat are uow auflerlug tbiougb uervoea liuparuiusul." Tbe book ii 1.0u by mail postpaid. Oue uf tbu saosl lutereiliug cbaplen -ebapter xx, ou Nervluaa aud Narva Toulca baa basu printed separately aa a aauipls obaptsr, aud Iw 111 be sent U auy addreai lor itasap by tbs aaaUaaars, iuk fxcuric cubuhuinu 00., Loa Juto, Sau rrajteiase. $3. AMIiKICAN PLAN. hit Day and UpwardH Call up:: No. 5 jaV 1 in. -1 Motel aaaTWSi "' lCktL Wl Ni.Hhv.eal ior Wood, Coal, I Brick and Sand. THE PORTLAND 1'DHTI.ANH, MKUN dsm-UI Ualss io havatsra Oragoa psopls visiting Hand Mesdusrtsrs tor tourUta and coroniarcUl travalara. M 6. HOWUKs, Mauagci Heavy Hauling xtapecui auauilou glras to Uouaiguiueuu Laatz Bros. id SL ton UBO. OAK V l: AU, Prop Kle&aoLly furubtied Steio Heated 1 uiopcau Plan. Block and a halt troas Oapot. Sample Koom la iuimiciIuu Room Kate 50c, 7&, $U For Health, Strength and Pleasure Drink s Polydore Moens, Proprietor. n 11 IB 1.1