East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 23, 1901, Image 1

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    pHIHGEDITIttl g "
Fslr MjH MM r.n,UT:
rnnlir innltlit
Zw '""'"ok THIS FACT
P' "
NO. 4188
The Columbia
Lodging House
I . cHL WMU'rop.
fendleton Ukiah Stage Line
. . a, ikM Prnn's.
W"?"'' j ITkl.h I . I II M 1 Ml
jtion. RVssonable frigid "
ilatlMtaMa A Go's lrng
The finest Mb overall mid Jacket In the World.
Th "Red Heal" Brand. Tnion Made. Strictly flratrolBM working
garment. We believe the Red Heal overall anil jacket uncpialltsl lv IB)
other garment before the public.
The "Red Seal" Overall
Areextrafull, high cut bid, Keven pocket, white stitched, continuous
facing, double buttons 00 each (tide opening and have extra quality hut
tons, buokle and button hole, double stitched seams everywhere ami
tlulshed Inside as perfectly as outside. No other overall squall the Red
Heal In these particulars. All Red Heal bib overalls are supplied with
sustenders mane entirely of webbing, the section from the cross III the
Itack down being of good elastic with nlckle buckles and loops. They are
really perfect suspenders.
The "Rod Seal" Jackets
Are cut Ilk" a regular coal. Four pockets, white si itched, full length
toe VI with adjustable wristbands, tailor made button-hole-, detachable
DIM ring button reimplete l i parlbol inside as well as out .
In l)lue riemins they sell for $1.00.
In indigo blue striped drill for SK)c.
In addition to the Red Heal brand we carry two very large
and good lines.
"A and H Special" overalls and jackets are 50c
"Never Rip" overalls and jackets are 75c.
These an' the lest values at the prices we can nnd.
Alexander & Hexter.
The Boston Store j
Summer Goods for a Song
Maimer corsets loC
Conete, formerly up to $1.00 37c
Children's vents and punts. 2 for 25c
Crash and l'iue skirts
Ladies' belts, formerly up to 75c
Laces and Embroideries for
Little Money.
Sun Bonnets. 18c.
Parasols one half price.
Neckwear and Millinery at Your Own Price.
The best Shirt Waist in the store for 79c.
Shirt Waists formerly up to $1.20 for 49c.
Pendleton's Big Busy Store.
Kltteiim , i
. ....
to select iroiu
jf H low price on depend-
Jtbox toothpicks, 5c.
Ia" clothes pins, ac.
ctm poles 4c a foot.
Wrens' garden tools,
in. in .-.i
I -7' m uu
P'mtewre from Germany
r-;3c UblelK and
,totl poison Hy paper 5c.
L'Ke line I Lill.
iiu brushes a
iii.,.. it .
""I iiue.
Soan-.ii,. . .
ucZr "V a large
toolf very reasonable.
ciy 30 minutes,
f 4t ,l 25- $145 d
"d School 8UD-
-WJPPlyon new 'IT",. "u"c
Ui 1 10 SC.
Wins . r
A Crystal Delight.
that will charm the must lastidious
taste can be found in any one of our
elegant styles of water sets. We
have them in cut, engraved, fancy
and bohemian glass, in an ttdltfl
variety of designs and patterns, and
the prices are likewise attracts e.
$i.i to $2-50
. la mm
m No
To make good bread ua Byem' Bat Flour. It took Ural
premium at ttie Ohieago World'a Fair ovrll couipeti
tion, and give excellent aatiafaction wherever uaed.
Kvery sack ia guaranteed. We have the beat HUmuu
Boiled Bailey, (toed Bye and Beard leaa Barley.
W. S. BYERS, Proprietor.
"See Dem Freezers"
I have a full line of
The Peerless Ice Cream Freezers
from one pint to ten quarta, will freeze cream
in from three to five minutes; also have a full
line of nulling tackle, hammocks, etc. See my
line before buying
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man.
Madam Paul Kriiger. wif ( the
Tranavaal praaidaat, iiei In Pretoria
late Saturday, after aome illnean.
Owing to th nuilav ttlgrarh houra
in HolllIM) Mr. Kruger waa not in
fOrOMd f his wile'a death until late
Sunday. Mra. Krnger had been ailing
for anme time.
Thf Pruaaiau rrop rort, allowing
mnditiona July lf, diarloaea no rhange
in winter wheat and rye from June In.
BOBBier wheat and ryt, however, are
.1 point worse; oata, .A worse;
potatoea, .1'; clo?er, .3; lucren, .6,
and madowa. .4. The arale legina
at .1, which ia perfect.
Arthur Huffy, of Georgetown 1'ni
vaffilvjr, la the intlrmary aporta at
Ltieatlar, Kngland, Saturday, won the
UKi-vard dawh in 4-6 aeconda, the
world's record, beating McLean tii
amateur chaiupion of BootlaBd. Kraen
lein, ol the Pniveraity of Pennayl
vania. won the 120-yard hurdle handi
cap from ferae h , in 15 2A aecoiula.
Piaorder and diatreaa will, it ia
feared, follow the actual opening of
the Kiowa-Comanche reservation,
Oklahoma, Anguat ii. It ia now eati
RUtt4 that fully l.Vl.OOO people Will
have registered for a chance to secure
one of tiie 1:1,000 claims to Im awardei
by lottery, when the registration
booths cloan tin Julv 2tl.
Chief Wilkie, of the secret -erivce,
Las received nuinher of liank notes
pt nted from the original platea used
hy the State Hank M New BrUDawiok,
N. J., over 0 fttfl go. The hank
went out of existence some time in the
'Ml and it waa -n i ! that the steel
p latex from which its nota were
printed were destroyed. It ia stated
that l!,000,000 in these hills are in
eireulal log.
Ky Angus) I the Kirat National hank
of Vale will lie numbered among the
tinaiicial Institutions oi Malheur coun
try. Om Rablla. the athletic and
itugilist, will give a boxing exhibition
Iwftire the Pastime club, at the eiMai
tion building, Portland Tuesday night.
The Western lTnlon Telegraph com
pany has given up the attempt to re
cover ita lost cable, and a new one will
be laid hew teen Astoria and the Wash
ington shore.
John Di ray, a Northern Pacific
switchman, 'Si years old, fell 76 feet
Sunday to the ateel deck of the sailing
ship Progreaino at Tacoma and aa in
stantly killed.
(ieorge M. Cham tier" waa killed at
the lionanta mine, Baker cowtyi by
the breaking of a Itelt tightener, a
piece of which struck him in the
head, lb- was an old resident of Maker
county, lie leaves a family.
Kffoctive, August 1, three of Port
laud'h leading grain importafg. Qlrw in
A Kyre, (i. N . Mc.Near ami Kppinger
iV On., will combine interests and
will, after that date, (do buaineax under
the firm name and style of the North-wi-lern
Warehouxe com nam , of Port
land and Tacoma.
The Church of Jeans Christ of
I.utter-Iav Saints, known as the Mor
mom, held a aemi-annnal coulerence
Sunday for the communicants of Port
land and vicimtv. The church baa a
membership of Ix-tween -500 and 3000
in Oregon, but not all of these were
represented in the conference.
lieruhard iuldsinith.a former mayor
of Portland, died at his home in that
city Monday from heart failure aged
IM vears. The end came uiipximm'IixI!,
although Mr tioldanuth, had lawn ill
from the effects of an attack of the
grin since last January. The sickness
had weakened his heart and this morn
ing the collaoae came.
Colonel Albert Jenks, a well known
artist, dropiied (had on lb street in
l.oa Angeles Sunday. Heart disease
was the cause of death. Jenks and II.
l.angley, the writer and publisher,
were talking with him at the tune and
were laughing and chatting when, with
an iintinlshudjoke on his lips, aSJtkl
pitched forward and expired.
The 7-year-old daughter and .Vyear
old sou of the late Judge J. C. Brad)
have again disappeared from Itath
drum, Idaho. Their uncle, fraiik
Pine, of Km wick i la., ami their
lather's housekeeper, Miss Cauipladl,
have also disappeared and it is bs-lit-ved
have alsiucted the cUlldren be
cause they do not desire them brought
up as Catholics.
Th.it , the morning call of Chimin leer
i areleoOM r to a well man. but
n... i, . ho sleep
mx in-, U liavi ueefl
itnl . n anrefr -hiug
BtUpur who wakes
yv"l. Iniriiing eyes,
throbbing head, and
a 'xid tale III the
mouth, it uie.iiis
ou'.y a new day's
in such c. physical
co !u. on health is
surely and
Swiftly restored by
the ii- of Doctor
Piarce'sOoldssi Med
ical Dttccawrji it
cures diseases of the
itomacti and organs
of digestion and nu
trttioOi and it cures
through the ktoinaeh
diseuaea oi liver,
lungs, kilneys, eU .,
which have their
origin in a diseased condition of the
M in h and other organs oi digestion
and nutrition. !t Inrnaail Ul( activity
of the l'lood-inakiiig glands, and every
ji.m is Ijcuehted Ty the resulting in
CTi la oi rich, iiure blocsl.
' ( .olden Meiliial I liscoverv " contains
no .iK ohol and ia entirely free from
opium, cocaiue and other narcotics.
" Vcxlt 'I'.oMro Mrilu.il Itiatuvrr) aud III
gS i - i atarrh Kemcdy have bc.a of great
l,i i.. hi n inc." wriU ( Pruf ) 'lrauiiit A ' ilivrr.
el viola. Fallon Co Ark. "Brfurc I utcil the
above msalloBed rssMSses my U-p wxf aut
Sound i digcaiion lad a continual feeling of
aUssfy. I uow feel like a ucw muu Any one
In used ill medical lrealuu-ut foi nasal catarrh
cuulil ilo uu belter than to lake Irraf SStBt of
In K V Fierce I know hu iiiccIkiuo arc all
light in thai ijx of ducaaea."
I lie t oiiimou Sense Medical Adviser,
cloth binding, sent free by the author,
on receipt of u one -cent alauiK, to pay
tlptWat of mailing only. In p.o i i overs
si Tint rant stamps. AUUtcaa In K. v.
I'lelie, hutlalo, N. V.
Thought Something Will Soon
Development of (be Hay Wen Not
llculirlj Important Except is
to iDdlctlloos.
Pittsburg. July -.. --At Amalgauiateil
headiiuarters oiticiala had nothing to
report today. President Shaffer aaid
the situation ia unchanged, lie was
well nii-iied with the outlook. At
Vandergrift and Pnncanaville the
nulla are atill running and the men
appear to lie satisfied. It ia reported
that efforta will lie made to atart up
the Printer mills. Kmisaairea are aaid
to have been among the idle operatives
of that city for the purpose of induc
ing them to come hack and help in
the resumption of work. Thia report
has causeil the Amalaginated men to
redouble their vigilance at thia point.
Crista Approaahsa In ths Ureal Stasl
I ittshurg, July 23. The great steel
t-lr ike took on a serious aspect thia
morning. Brits' preparations were
made by the strikers at all the lug
mills in vol vel, and everything indi
cates that a crisis in the great struggle
is approaching. Lookout committeea
are on duty at all the big mills from
Wellaville to MeKeesport At the
Amalgamated headuuartera a feeling is
apparent that the leaders are expect
ing vine coup by the trust.
o.ooo Arrested.
New York, July 1. -Nitty thousand
men and women here and in Newark
are sifei ted by the tailor'a atrike to
day. The atrike loadera aaid thia after
noon that the outbsik for victory is
good. Put little disorders has marked
the atrike thua far.
Wellaville Unahanred.
Wellaville. Ohio. July The
atrike situation here is unchanged.
Kmployera atill are unable to aecure
nonunion men.
The Ind Apparently Near.
Ierby, Conn., July 2.1. There are
strong indications that the machinists'
atrike here winch caused the issuance
of the lam. us injunction will coon
end. The Parrel I foundry, againat
which the principal tight waa made,
has aaked for a Joint conference com
mittee. The 'rrleeo Strike.
Han Francisco, July 23. Two hun
dred more teamsters struck this morn
ing. They espect to have the entire
union out. There is no shipping or
heavy freight being moved. Mnalneaa
is at a standstill. Kruit and perith
able goods are sustaining great
damage. Kirma having contract to
move government merchandiae from
in, in led warehouses are employing
loiiiiiiion men guarded hy federal cna
toiua oiticiala. If ueceeaary, the cus
tom oiticiala will take the drivers as
Columbua Isemen Strike.
Coliimiiba, July 23. Columbua prac
tically s without ice todav, driven
and helpers having gone on a strike
for higher wages.
Ms Cannot Stand Another bush Slew and
Amsterdam, Jul 21. -Paul Kruger
passed a good night, but appears to he
all hroken up over the hasi of his
wife. The members of his party claim
another blow would limah him. He
aaya be would not survive a surrender
of the Hoera.
London kytnpalbr-
l.niidoii, July All the morning
paers publish kindly editorials con
li ming the death of Mra. Kruger and
express aympathy for Mr. Kruger.
The limes begins thus:
"The Kugllsh people will feel
genuine sympathy with the aged ei
president in his severe domestic be
rai IMH Silt which has liefalleu him."
I bis was followed hy a eulogy of Mra.
Loudon, July 23. Owing to the Nuu
dav telegraph houra iu Holland, aaya
a dispatch to the aiUly Mail fruiu
1 1. 1 1 eian in Mr. Kruger waa uol in
lormed of his wife's death until even
ing. The uews waa broken to lnui by
Mr Heyamns and Secretary Hoes-
Mr. Kruger, who had iuat returned
from church. buret into tears and
asked to lie left alone, lie e sidelined
"She was a good wife. We oiiarreled
only on. and that waa aia monlha
after we were married."
He prayed lor a long lime, and then
went calmly to sleep, his Bible beside
his bed.
The Tranavaal aud Orauge Free Htate
llags living above the villa were draped
and hall mealed. Hhortly before the
news came a crowd of couutry girla
had been aiugiug a folk-song outside
the villa.
UUUUIIll null
sported by I. I . lay ft Co.. rendleton.
Chisago Seard of Trade and Near Terk
Stoek Baehsnge Brokers.
New York, July 23. The grain mar
keta opened lower thia morning on re
porter) rains In the corn belt which
Ch'ised a break of two cents on wheat
and fonr on corn. Liverpool opened
t 5t nt' closed at fr H. MM
pared with ft S yesterday. New
Yora opened at 71 t-ft, and alter
selling opto ft '-. declined to 76 ML
Stocks higher.
Money, 4 jr cent.
Close yesterday, "V
Open today, 7(1 1-8.
Kange todav, 7ftc, to 7rt 7-8.
Close today, 76 .'-H.
Htocks -ngar, 143V steel, 40 ;
St. Paul. IN 7-S; V P., 100 ,,.
War and Interior Departments Will
Take Hold at Ones In Oklahoma
Washington, July 23. The war and
interior department! Iiegin to concern
themselves about tboee Oklahoma
homeseekera who will not draw claima.
After it'eky on a get their land, others,
probably numltering two hundred
thouaand, will be ordered to clear out
Any refuaal will lie dealt with by
the war department.
Dylna In Oklahoma.
Chicago, July 23. A Newa special
from Ei Keno, says: "Many home
seekers here are dying front varioua
forip : ol disease. Many of them are
Retting no care whatever from physi
cians. Meat is .dense ami accomo
dation:' limited The fissl supply ia
inadequate (or ball of those already
Adolph Strelsklsr Wlna at the National
Hau Francisco, July .'3. The
national shooting bund finished coin
petition this noon, and this afternoon
$90,000 worth of priaee was dig
tri Ptttoldi Tonight, Adolph Streirklnr,
ol San Francisco, whose scorn of 394
waa a record nreakar, will Isa crowned
king for the neat three yeara.as chain
pion rifle shot of America.
Court Held she Broke ths Sabbath by
Topeka, Kan. . July 23. Mra. Carrie
Nation was lined $100 and given SO
days' tail aentenoe by Judge Haaen in
the district court for disturbing the
p.-a. and dignity of the city by a Hun
day joint raid In last March. There ia
no appeal, ami the noted aoman mual
serve her lime in prison
Wm. Hunt Will Sussssd Him In Porte
Washington. July 23. -The president
has decided to accept the resignation of
Oovernor Allen of Porto Klco. In do
ing so, the president issue- a letter
praising Allen. William II. Hunt,
pre..-ut secretary of Porto Kieo, will
probably aarceed him.
of the Dey.
Milwaukee, JulyLM The Kike' con
vention opened this morning. At
tendance is Isrge. The moat important
work of the dav waa the selei tion of a
grand eialled ruler. Picket of Iowa
and Notbeway of Minneeota led in the
ra. e
L. S. Hssdsr to Withdraw rrom i audi
dssy rer Urand Saehem.
1 1. ii principal action of the council
and the one that la atlrailing moat at-
trillion through .'ii lied Meinlom is the
ele. t ion of two represents! ivas to the
grand council of the United Mates
aava the Baker City Knpublican. A
prominent lied Man elated that an
effort waa being made to have eicluded
aa caiididatea memiiers who have once
..il 1 1 1 tod the grand council aud to
liatribule the honor among otker meiii-
Outside ol Portlaud the trilaos are
IU lavor ol Hie proposition. wlnie
Portland ia divided Retiring Orrat
Hacbem A. H. Cherry ia a caudidato
for the position and it la usually
thought that bis great service to the
order will wiu for lnui an easy elec
tion. The other cand nlalee are Otto
hcbuinanu, F. H. Say lor and J. K
D. Landla Kins Jeaae . Indally for
Coquille City, Ore.. July -M M D
Land is, a real estate broker, yesterday
killed a client, Jesse B. Kudaily, to
aecure $2300. He buried the body in
the woods. Boys saw him covering tbe
mound and believed he had buried
money, and found tbe body. The
throat waa cut aud the body punctured
with a sharp instrument. A coroner 's
jury was called. Landis was warned
ana lied. Cooe county citisens half eu
hour subsequently succeeded in ettecl
ing a capture. Hi
killed otbera.
Weather Bareao Issues Such a
Drouth Area His Attended Uiirlnn lti Put
WmI, tad Is Now Fir
Id tbe West.
Washington, July 23. A ghsimy
view of the crop situation in the corn
belt waa taken hy the weather huresu
in tbe weeklv bulletin issued toil ay.
The drouth area has ttttatftd on
aidernhlv mce the last hullelin Illi
nois, Indiana, Ohio, Keiituucky and
Tennessee, are now being seriously
affected. The report sava the condition
is now critical from the lake region
and central valley and PMMaWti
westward to the middle K,.ek moun
tain region, un hiding the greater part
of Teias.
Whsat In sen rrsncleeo.
San Francisco, Julv ".M. -Decemlsar
Wheat. lo:i'4 to 10.1 ,, M
Whoat In thleate.
Chicago, Julv 2,1. Wheat. HI ,4 to
Rain Reports In torn Salt.
Chicago, July 23, - Kain resrts in
the 00f S hell eauseil a log drop in Bm
teinhor wheat, corn and oats this
morning. Wheat fell I 7-M, com l
oats:l'A. The market, howevei umit
up again and the losses were almost
entirely recovered
Ship Blown to Atoms and Nearly all Wars
StiN'kholm, Sweden July Hit
teen person, were killed hy an ei-
Idosion of petroleuni on I ho sli ier
amis Adelaide, ul Philadelphia, in
the hartsir here tislay. The dead are
Capt Orr, ten insmlwrii n the crew,
four Swedish customs oillcials, and the
llraailian consul.
Tne ship's deck wss torn inun stem
to stern Two sailors reaehed the shore
and are believed In he tin- only siir
vivora of the diaaster. I he . suae of
the eiplosion is unknown I'be oil
acattereil oyer the men and the ship,
enveloping all in a BsfOS bllM It is
twlieved the victims were suddenly
oyer whelmed and eoiihl make no eltori
to save themselves.
London, July Jit. A
Lloyd's from Inoskholoj
three k 1 1 led In the I Nil
message to
reports only
Adeltnle ea-
Chlsr Nlsholson Tsslinss.
I'Uisll. Id, Maas., July 1 1 Chief oj
Police Nicholson, who is the central
Uxors in the Fashurg BffOSSt ul ion, waa
the etar witness in lislsy'a BfOSMae
ings. Ills slay was nit sensational .
dealing only with events succemliug
the murder and ol his Investigations
of the coin! it urns surrounding the las
hurg residence and ol stories told hy
memliers of the (ainll
A sensation was sprung this morning
when a hat hand hearing the name ol
the 'defendant's l.rolher JgISS was
oflereil yi.leine. It Is ailegisl it
ante from an old hat oiler.-. I in nvl
deuee as the one led DJ hurglars.
gaeauted for Hurder.
Ilarnsburg, Ps . July Hi KISSM
Kernel was eieeuted todav lor killing
Isaac Miller, Ins brother in law.
Major Jai il'Neill, who was I he
third mavor d '.,rtln,l. lam 1H.,, . is
dead iii Spokane aged J& years. Major
O'Neill waa Isirn in I iiiaiishurg, N.
V., aud through all the years that be
1 1 v. si in the Went he held various
public positions. At the time of bis
death he was deputy clerk in the
federal court at Hpokane. He came to
Oregon in lrWi.l. 1'reanienl LlU4 olu ap-
isiiiUd lnui Indian agent lor the
Territory ol Idaho.
Are you going
i aii of Portlaud, J. H. Howard ol
Oregon City and L. H. Keeder ol Pen
d letou.
Mr. Cherry is a member ol the La
..land, nils- aud is out lor r.aslern
Oregou. The Wealern Oregon men
are seeking to divide his vole by
bringing out Mr. Keeder, but one
iiieuiler staled yesterday that it is
generally thought that he will slay
out ol the race and that i herry would
carry the solid I .astern Oregon vote.
. a 1
At bed time I take a pleasant herb
drink, the ueat morning I (eel bright
and my complexion is better. My
doctor says it sets gently ou tbe
stomach, liver and kidneys, and is a
pleaaant laiative. It is made from
herbs, and is prepared aa easily as
tea. It is called Lsue's Mediciue
Lane's Family Mediciue moves the
bowels each day. Price 26e and 60c.
For aals by Talmau k Co., sole agents.
Is hu you should
see our shoes. We
ii. i ioi the .miliums, tor
lur a at I lion?
tall in and
bay i
tii in ai ii iad (oi vsjn knot oi
le is believed to have
Off rer Philippines.
sau Francisco, July 2a. -The trans
port Thoinae left today tor the Philip
pines with four buudred men and one
bundled fifty wouieu teachers &for the
public schools.
The assessor has completed bis list of
Usable property in Walla Walla
county, it shows a total valuation of
In, '.a ,. Of lies anion nl, ss. ..
ia charged against improved lauds out
side the city of Walla Walla, and
$427,063 against unimproved fsrm
lauds. The area of improved farm
lauds ia 322, all acres, a considerable
increaae over last year. Tbe railroad
valuation ia $1, 268, 164. The personal
property of the entire county is valued
at 92,030,82V.
Tbe piles that annoy you so will be
quickly and permanently healed ifyoa
use DeWitt's Witch Hased
ware of worth leaa couptswieils.
wan A Co.
Mai est Shoe.
We have the largest stock oi
shoes for harvest wear in Fendle
ton and guarantee tvfiy ptil we
Keilieiuber out mid simuner
sale is in lull blast and we can
bave you irom 25c to $1 00 on
every pair 0 shoes you buy
Ik Peoples Warehouse
716 Mam Street. I'cudletou, Ut.