East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 22, 1901, Image 1

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FW - Mnll l
Pslr MMM n1 roaday.
NO. 4181
a sk g. a
ar w
Lodging House
Mtbbof block
Lieton Ukiah Stage Line
All nd uno .
atlsllnsn 4 Go's drug
The finest bib overall and Jacket In the World.
The "Rd Hel" Brand. Union Made. Strictly flmt-flaaa working
garment. We believe the Red Heal overall and Jacket iineotialled bv anv
other garment before the public.
The "Red Seal" Overall
Areextra full, high cut bid, seven pockets, white at Itched, continuou
faclng, double buttona on each side opening nml h-tvc extra quality I.ut -tons.
huckle and button hole, douMc Ht itched seams everywhere and
llniHhed lnalde an perfectly aa outnide. No other overall ciiial the Red
Heal In then particular. All Ked Seal lil overalls are applied with
suHiieiiderw made entirely of webbing, Jie section from the cm, in the
Lack down being of good elastic with nlcklc buckles and looiw Thai Me
really jierfect HimpenderM. J
The "Red Seal" Jaokets
Are cut like a regular coat. Four pooketa, white atltched, full length
Hlecve with adjuatable wriatlwiidM, tailor made button-holes, . ta hahle
brant- ring buttons, complete and erfect Inside an well an out.
In blue demirjB they sell for $1 .00.
In indigo blue striped drill for 90c.
In addition to the Red Heal brand we carry two very large
and good line.
"A and H Special" overalls and jackets are 60o,
"Never Rip" overalls and jackets are 75c
These are the liest values at the prices we can find.
Alexander & Hexter.
The Boston Store
Every Shirt Waist in stock to be closed out '
without reserve. Those who come first
will have the best selection. .
Every shirt waist that sold from 65c to $1.20
Now 49c.
Every shirt waist that sold from $125 to $2.50
Now 79c.
See Styles in Show Window.
Pendleton's Big Busy Store
kMkd i
W- '' '-' t Hum
j low priii o depmd.
-uoines p,ns, ac.
P Mes 4c a loot
i!den tools,
'9 18 and roc
' ' from Germwiy
tUbls"d stationery.
Pwwn By papw je.
ep line Dolls
65C to,.aj.
Uciory hne.
av; -y 30 minutes,
WhlY n 135 mens' or
E ,U'. ully warranted,
Itfif If u,Ur ome ex-
m i -45 ana
A Crystal Delight.
that will charm the most fastidious
taste can be found in any one of our
elegant styles of water sets. We
have them in cut, engraved, fancy
and Bohemian glass, in an endless
variety of designs and patterns, and
the prices are likewise attractive.
01.00 tO $2-$U
To make good bread aae Byere' Beat Flour. It took Bret
premium at the Chicago World's Pair overall competi
tion, and give excellent satisfaction wherever used.
Kvery sacs in guaranteed. We have the beet Hteaiu
Rolled Bailey, Heed Bye and beard 1 mm Barley.
W. 8. BYERS, Proprietor.
"See Dem Freezers"
I have a full line of
The Peerless Ice Cream Freezers
from one pint to ten quarts, will freeze cream
in from three to five minutes; also have a full
line of fishing tackle, hammocks, etc. See my
line beforv buying
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man.
The joint commission of the Trot
tant BpiatXKMl church hai completed a
revision of marginal readings of the
Bible and will present tne report to
the triennial convention of the church
at Wan Francisco in October.
Sir Thomas I.ipton has refused the
demands of IS of the sailors of the
Shamnx k I engaged by him to sail
shamrock II in American waters for a
bODOl ol MS instead of the ottered
bonus of 8, and is hiring fresh hands.
Former Senator Wolootl of Ooloftdu
has arrived in Loedofl from Carlsbad,
IB excellent health and spirits. He
was parnwtly Wtll, he remarked when
lie went, ami is a good deal better
now He will probably remain in Kng
land several months.
Solomon Scet us was shot and killett
D Charles F. Hall near the Minne
sota line in South Dakota. Hall was
Oammd OB land which belongs to the
Indians, scetus. with other Indians,
ordered Hall to move on. Hot words
ensued and a general tight resulted.
During his two administrations to
I"'" President McKinley has acted
upon applications for pardons in bank
cases as follows: Total number of
cases acted upon ; total acts of
clemency 4S, as follows: Pardoned
pardonel to restore civil rights six;
commuted and restored to civil righu
four commuted 12.
D. C Churchill sails on his wav to
.i i . ....
itomnay, wnere lie will inaugurate an
entirely new system of unssioiiarv
work in India. Mr. Churchill is aii
engineer and a graduate ot the Massa
abtMetts Institute of Technology. He
has Iteen asked to found a system of
model trade schools at Anmedrager.
aii.. ni ITS miles inland from Bombay.
I letenant (iovernor Nortbcult, head
consul, Modern Woodmen of
America, announced the appointment
of the following stale deputies: Cali
fornia, I). I. Thornton; Nevada, L.
H. Addiss; Utah, L. Pierce. Idaho,
T VY. Hartley ; Oregon, J. W. Sim
mons; Washington, C. D I Imti .
Wyoming, .1. N. Menzie.
Industrial Commission Will So
Officially Report.
Tbrw Hundred Millions of tn Capltillu
tloo Is Not Genuine, Says tbe
Washington, July L'3. In a report
now under preparation by the indua
trial commission it will be shown that
the United States Steel Corporation
is largely over capitalist, and that
the water in the stock amounts to
f lOO.Duti.Omi or nearly one-third of the
entire capital itatinn.
Threatened Discharge of Union Men at
Piitsburg, July 'JS. -Tbe second
week of the steel trust strike opens
with vigor. The first important df
velopment was contained in the an
noiiiicemenl that the I e wees wood
mill, a branch of the American Sheet
Steel company, at McKeesport, had de
cided not to trv resumption today. The
center of today's operations, therefore,
has been transferred to Wellaville,
The neit important move is expected
to be made in the rolling mill de
partment of the National Tube wnrkt
in McKeesport. The puddlers ami
tiniMbers there are strong eiiougli to
lie mi the i.lant mIioiiM atrlka Ka
ileclarwl. The next move, however,
to' tl inpanv, it is understood, is
the threatened discharge of every man
who joins the union. Their discharge
now would Mi.read the strike lever
like wild tire.
No Non-Union Ken at Wellsvllle.
Wellaville, Ohio, July LM. -Tbe
looked for attempt to start the sheet
mills here with non-union men did not
material ne this morning.
.urKCKtspori, ra., juiv .'.(. All is
quiet here in the strike situation. Re
ports of trouble last night are nntrue.
Colliers Rendered Idle.
Shamokin, Pa., July 2:1. A majority
of colliers were rendered idle by the
firemen's strike which was resumed
this morning. Moat of tbe firemen are
still out, awaiting official instructions.
Many companies have already rein
fluted ti e strikers.
Union Man Discharged at 'Prlsso.
San Pram-iaou, July Ti. -At noon a
thousand union teamsters have been
discharged for refusing to handle mer
chandise from non-union houses. By
Federation of Labor, night rJlteten hundred will lie out. A
i-eiit ner camta aNsess' complete tieui. in local dray age and
ireigrning im exiiecieo. I lie men riaim
At I
The action of the board of regents
last year in prohibiting intercollegiate
HimeiicH at the agricultural coii-e
bids fair to end in a concerted move
ment among Oregon colleges tor reform
of the rules of athletic games.
The government navy yard at Hremer
ton. Wash., has laid off ion men,
principally machinists, ami will
shortly reduce wages so as lo be more
nearly equal to the scale paid in the
local shops of the cities on Puget
At The Dalles, a committee ap
pointed to in. Hire into the lean llill it
ot holding a street fair and carnival
M ime time in the early fall has met
with sntticient encouragement to begin
raising funds and making preliminary
State Treasurer C. I, Moore tiled
in the otiice of the secretary of state
liih rein i - annual account, showing
cash on hand to the amount of f I,nu4-
B38.71, This is 114,000 more than was
in Die treasury at the same time last
year. The report covers the in months
ending June M.
Astoria Council, l-ederatiou of I.alxir,
has received a communication from
the American
stating that a
ment had Imen placed on the members
of the local unions for the Itenelit of
the striking machinists throughout
the country
At Kioua. on miles from North
Yakima, two well known farmers were
accidentally killed. K. N. Ordway
was trampled to death by a runaway
team. Later Kverett Roberta fell under
a harvester, the large wheel of the ma
chine passing over hir head ami kill
ing him instantly.
Judge Bellinger, in the federal court
made an order for the sale of the fran
chixex, rights of way and other prop
erty of the Nor wheat Kailuav company
to satisfy lodgment and debts that
have accumulated. The Northwest
railway company was one of the big
aohamai floatad mauy years ago by
Promoter Blake, and the whole of
Kasteru Washington, Oregon and Idaho
were concerned in the outcome. Tbe
proponed railway was lo extend from
Huntington, wnere it lapta! the Ore
gOfl Hbort I. me, uorth along the Snake
river on the Oregon aide, into tbe
copper mining distict.
IMiki. in. Ht- attractive, than liou-A'wofk
for a wniiuD, but it is also RVM mora
exhaustiug The work ik often done
in. dt t high pleasure, and the lirigUtnt-M,
ot the ryai ind the
tluhhid 'hri-Jt of
t-.e lUcnlive Btafk
!.. U ate nervoue
peai rather than
. Ith. If thi.s in
t ..e under moat
t. vuiable condi
tion i, what ahull he
laid of tboae who
luiTrr tioiu woiii.ui
ly diM'ases.aud who
en lure headache,
backache, and
ot her paius day
alio d.i ?
No sick woiu in
ahouhl m-glcct the
area a ot cure for
Wolll.tllW illM.'aM'x
otlrled 111 Ixi.toi
pien i i I avofita
I'ri M r I pt loll It
regulateh the peri
oil. dried enfeebl
ing dnllRa llcalk
iiillaminatiou and
ulceration, and
cures l- male weakn
wot. .en strung ami si.'k women well.
"A heart uvrrfluwing with gratitude ua wc
as a scnr uf duty. urgr uic to write to you aud
a 1 1 you uf tay wonderful recovery." hay Mi
Curiae C Hook. Orangeburg Oraugeburg Co
(south Carolina "By Hie ux- of l)r Inercc't
Pavorila Pre riaiou 1 aui eutiiely a new lariug
coiii.ired with the poor miserable sufferer who
wrote yiai four mouths ago. I remark to my
patent, almost every day that it seem- aliuoet
an ..i a.c . fur medieiue to dt a aisou so
much . -1 Duriug the Mr hole saatutsr I could
cuiccly keep up to walk atn.ul the house, and
yesterday 1 walked four miles and fall better
Item the exercise I now weigh it pounds.
Mine was a cumpllcaltd case of female disease
in iu woret form '
DoatfM I'lercc'a PU-a-saut Pellets Clue
mm i
mi a
makes weak
lli- move was inaugurated by the em
ployers' association as part of a plan
to break up tbe unions.
Strike In Tampa.
Tampa, Ha., July 18. l our thous
and cigar makers and 'JUSJ men uf like
employment have declared their inten
tion oi going on a strike tomorrow.
The strike is against one firm ot cigar
makers who are toreign horn members
ot the eratt and who say that they in
tend to cut the union scale.
Une Strike Collapsed.
Wilkeabarre, Pa, July 'J I. I fag
stationary firemen's atrike has practi
cally collapsed. At a coulerence here
todav lietweeu the executive board oi
the I ni;d Mine Workers and ibe
striking firemen, committees were ap
IHjimed tij wait on the oual companies
and ii the strikers are taken hack tbe
strike will la declared off.
uaaasRT woaaaas out.
Strike in vol vina w.uuu Man and Woman
Has Baa ua.
New York, July 28. Mem) Mai the
executive board of the Unite.. ruieiu
Workers met last night and terad a
general atrike. The strike II in
volve more than oO.OUU men aud wo
men, and will no into aflwet today.
Tbe leaders say the strike is made
to compel the employers to do away
witb the sweat shop system and
furnish sanitary shops lor the eiu
History Text Rook Causes a Mew lalsina
ot tbs iiuesllea.
Washington, July '23. Commander
Wainwrignt, suMiriutendeut ot the
naval academy, has entered con
troversial ground on the alleges) intro
ll notion iu the Annapolis eurrioulum
oi the third volume of Maclay's His
tory of llie -1 n h A iubi ii ai. war, in
which Admiral Hchley is so severely
criticised, by declaring tbe third
volume has not been adopted by the
Auuapohs academy. Admiral Evans
also throws some light on the Han
i ago snarl by uiak'ug a statement to
the effect that Schley was forced to lie
ofl at sea because Bainpeoo tailed to
supply bins with uertain set oode
signals which had been given all tbe
other captains in the fleet except to the
Halt i more captain
rroiley Car Assldeat la railadelpkla es
Sunday Mlbt.
Philadelphia, July 23.--A trolly oar
carrying eighty passengers last night
became uucoutrolable, dashed down a
long bill and crashed into another car
equally heavily laden. Twenty pas
is were injured, thirteen sen
sported by I. L. Ray Co., Pendleton.
Chlsaao Board or Trade and New York
Btook Bxsbanae Brokers.
New York, July S3. The grain mar
kets were Uxuning today, the continued
hot weather being the main influence.
I 'ear for the spring wheat Is added
to the losses of corn and oats. New
York opened st 74', and closed 77 14.
Corn advanced over 4 centa to 62 1-8
New York, 59', Chicago. The risible
supply shows a decrease for the week
of :tO0,0t)0 and corn 82.r,000.
stocks lower.
Close Saturday, 74
Open today, 744.
Range today, 744 to 77 3-8.
Close today, 74'4.
Storks: Sugar, 142; steel, 38 3-8;
St. Paul, lftft; D, P., V
Boomsd the Market.
Chicago. July 23. Sunday's hot
wave iu the corn belt was responsible
lor another panicky market this morn
ing in Septemlar cereals. Wheat, corn
and oats went skyward so soon as the
market opened. Wheat advanced l1
over Saturday's chaw, going to 7o :-,
corn to "U, an advance of 3 -8, oata to
374, an advance of 2 5-8. Later, on
more damage reports, wheat advanced
to 72'4 and corn to 5W t
.Wheat In San Franslsao.
San Francisco, July 23. New wheat,
100 5-8; I Weni her . 104.
Wheat la Chisago.
Chicago, July 23. Wheat. rW to 70t.
Will Advance so Cents a Ton on the 1st
or August.
Cleveland, July 23. The retail
price oi hsrd coal will advance Ml
cents a ton on August 1. There is slso
a strong possibility that anthracite
rill tak another soar upwards before
all. The retailers have announced
that such an advance will lie made
I'hev give as a reason the recent in
crease In price by the wholesale deal
ers. The it. -hirers recently advanced
' ' .1.. ... . ..... . i... ...
tail dealers are thereby forced to ad
vance, too.
i ne strike ot tne mine nremen is
said to have a great deal to do with
the advance in prioe. The strike
caught the coal men unprepared and
as s result they are short on the pro
duct anil must increase the price
Kurther advances are execied lor this
same reason.
It is usual lor coal dealers lo in
crease I he rates every year aa the sum
tnitr anvancee.
Awful Hot Spell Continues to
Scorch Tilings.
Thermometer Has Been Toil Hint)
(ten Times During the Month
of July.
Kansas City, sjy .:. lH,at!is hy
heat during the past 24 hours were ten.
Tbe heat is unbroken, the thermometer
todav going above 100 tor the fifteenth
time this month Though pravers for
rsln were offered in nearly all the
churches on Miudav not a cloud is 1
sight ' day.
Chicago, Juiv 23. - Ht. Unit. Ola
cinnati Kansas City, Springileld and
other large cities in the M is i mi um
valley report the hottest dav lor fears
The thermometer at Springtleld SOOWad
108 at I p. m., St. loins 107. Kansas
Citv 10M. There wer ma , I. .)..
and prostrations iu the various places.
Died In Chisago.
Chicago, Juiv 23. -Six ivarmins over
come by the heat here veatenlav died
Big Salmon Buns.
Astoria, July 23 The run oi salmon
yesterday end today was the largest
since I here were lug catchea ami
the canneries and cold storage plants
are crowded to full capacity. The
prioe is still six and seven cents per
Dubois In Jail.
Oakland. Calif.. July 23.-Iudlev
Dubois, attorney for A lei McKeusie in
tbe Nome scandals, today began to
serve In the Alameda jail a six months
sentence (or contempt of court.
I oi. don July 23. -Kitchener reports
Itoer loas's during the nasi week aa
foil ows ! Killed 43, wounded 25, cap
tured tut: surrendered l'Jtl.
Two Supremo Court Deslslooi.
Salem, July 22. Supreme court de-
cision today were: West vs. Kley, re
versal , Sturgis VS. Hater , levers...!
and new trial ordered
Ualons Slay Be Seed
London, July 23. -The house of
lords, sitting aa the highest court of
appeals. PaJey decided that any reg
istered lai-or union may Im su-d.
lolstol Improves.
Moscow, July 23. Count Tolstoi
lontiiiuea to improve.
III Betwsen ToSy Irwin and Jim repp
Attracting Attention
l'he subject uppermost In the minds
of the sports in I'eudletou aud tribu
tary points is the coming boxiug con
test which takes place Saturday even
Ilia next. "Hlddv" Illation, manager
of Toby Irwin, the California phenome
non, will arrive on ttie 5:15 traiu this
evening with bis protege. Jim I opn,
who is already here, is doing light
work. He is in good oonditiim snd is
dread, at the regulation weight -188
atuuds. ropp is a swift troser, and
eels onntident in being able to defeat
Irani If he doer it will be the
tatter's first backset in his climb lor
the lightweight cheiapionabip of the
1'aciflc coast. I'ospp set aside And)
King's aspirations for tbe honor
recently in three rounds in British
( olumbia.
Both men hsve splendid records, aud
the coming meeting will undoubtedly
tat the heat exbibltlou ol tbe manly
art ever seen in this section of the
The Spokane professional bane ha II
. luh, vv ill. flfteeu or twenty sports from
that city, will arrive here Haturday
evening. This delegation will be
augmented by sports Irom Athena,
Weston, I s (irande, Baker City aud
other towns, who already have orders
in for reserved seals.
Two preliminaries will take place
lietweeu local talent before the main
event, which will occur promptly at
V:30. No referee has been chosen as
yet. hut I" rank Hchewpp is favorably
spoken of at preeent to till the oai-tion.
The Captured Corrstpondanss fhsv De
sire Kept Nearol.
I'aris, July 21 An nttirial
munication received irom the lloer
headiuarfrs protests against the mil
iicanon oi the BarTBBpOfadaasM Ivetweeii
Mr. Kelts, the Transvaal Mates' sec re
tary, ami Mr. Steyn, president ..i the
Orange tree Slate, that was captured
with the letter's baggage on July
The communication maintains that
Mr. Kteyn 'a optimist 1c views are lullv
upheld bv confidential reports irom
Botha, Heiarev and Smuts. It is said
that Mr. Kruger has received within
a week a most atitrtor letter frogs
(ienersl Botha in which details ot in
ture plans anil movements are given,
everything going to alma that the
Boers iu the mod are aa detenu ued
aa ever.
Many tio lo SI Bono.
Fort Worth Texas, Juiv 2.1. -All
trains going toward Kl Item this morn
ing were loaded to tbe guards. It laei
peeled that this week's crowds will be
the largest vet. The governor in
creased the police force in anticipation
of trouble.
Cleveland. Mies. Jlllv 23. J
Phillips a negro, who shot and killed
I. Hi-ins Heed, a plantation manager, in
this city last Tuesday, was captured
in the swamps near here last night
snd lynched.
Plre In Piitsburg.
1'iltsbiirg, July 88, I ne early Una
morning destroyed iwo tenement
louses on Pennsylvania avenue. A
woman and three children were burned
to deatii and si on Acre injured.
Ihoae famous little pil Is, HeWltt's
Little Karly Itimtrs i awl your Itver
aud taiwela to do their duty, thus giving
you pure, rich hbssl to recuperate your
lio.lv Are eaay to take. Never grliHi.
Tall man ,V ( 'o
Bepublieans lialn lu Pranea.
Paris, July 23. Returns from the
elections ior the French council gen
eral held through the provinces Satur
day show the republicans have gained
441 seats, and the conservatives 204.
The latest returns show modest gov
erumeut gains.
Was 80 Wluasr la Wheat Tbls ern
Ing. First report Charles A. Maskrey,
who up to a few days sgo was city
editor of the Daily East Oregoniau,
made a strike in wheat this, morning
when the market took a run upwards
oo continued hot weather reports from
the middle wast. He cleaned up J20o
and at once went out and bought 300
$1 cigars for his friends.
Haoond report -Maskrey made 130
on wheat tins uioruiug.
The second report is the true one. It
cuii Id be supplemented bv tbe state
ment tbst Mr Maskrey bought, not
300 $1 cigars, but s whole lot ousting
is now in PULL
Regardless of Price
OurMhow Window is lull
ui btmtjfjBj tut tooM
60o to $2.60
PsJOplt who kllOW a Kim I Hung,
when they bee it will jump llcfi
chance iu save muney uu theii
Wta Can PropajHy Fit Any Foot
Aa That la Our Sualnoaa
The Peoples Warehouse
Mil: I I I I IWs OF till
716 Main Street. Hendleton, Or.
cribs for msgsitnss of
DseilMVur lutha Pailec)
unties or Burope, ream
Jul us iiwOaaso
u bc us iNibilaSars
prios oi lbs publication
I.. ,1 duiiM. arid Will
uavc li huI u you sua iumiuuic o. w
1 i l . Ilu it will is vs inn
Iaf ah J ruU If you Are a AubAcriuor
mouc beiaa lost la lb uin
LiuilUlV CilU rLU U ?eu .it
gasr uaaeosiiN, iu rviuntiua you 1
boU l.
deduct Uu par 1 out froui lU publlsusrs price
Address a AS! OnauONlAN rub.iAi.,
tea. Orcgou.
, PaadU