East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 20, 1901, Image 3

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Shirt Waists
Worth $1 to $2.
Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Co,
fcMW)MlllfWM BLetrle Shook
Durinif Thunaar mm
Dininiuts i . roII1
KJtfTlm.snfai.ui.. w Locarno
mil barbed wire:
..( 11 mil nama
Hi- I vinem ui ""rr--- -
LI- , urinir t ll
C,,,, norm laat Saturday afternoon
"yi, burnt I''" "'! ',y". '
- Lift ,,lmM
M ID Mir ADUV nwniinn
CitowaUiMttof town, banting tor
irv inwi' iibi"hib
l ' .i... I .,l.tti inn mill
M, WWII I"" "r1" " '
... il.in.fu nitiiriiMf-
t&t srr ma mux hulk"
lUr WlMrrjr ilMMmntM to oiihii a
anil'. JUIl ll'" Hiuiilinu "in
i A 1 ulwmlr
not ii 10) l" ID gnuum in
Tl.... In. laiil for
gnKlou nam. i'"
rtbrw houn, when In- linally woke
ad ml hiM rixlit iivi' Irikilittiil IV
m. tin iiwro pains in Inn entire
lii'U anil Inn am. Hv if real effort
IisuwkI t" icrainblu on to liii
m mi lUrUxi ti'k to Heppner.
tin ulianitet), however, by the
nf pn w lum ifiinni n (.in, . , ......
ill. ..... n. ...It liim
pu. jr. v'l.ni b uiuii ui.miri,.
I Mo in i hack, Dr. Kistiier feared
l .... II. ItM. ...... I., MUM
pam MWI MI, T. 1 1 n 1 1 R n?D wwmm
C .. ..... a . i.... .;tl. ......(.
ntOUl, Hill Ullll.1 Hlni Willi ' in' in'
. ' -l - '1 - .111 HAt lu
originated in the fertile imagination
of the Pendleton correspondent. The
wheat crop in Umatilla county, both
in quantity and quality, in fnlly up to
the average this year. Of oourse acme
wheat has been slightly injured by un
favorable climatic conditions, but thin
is the case every year. Several thresh
ers have started up in this end of the
county and all bring in the most
favorable reports thus far. Umatilla
county's cereal crop will be fully up to
its usual excellent standard this sea
son. Milton Kagle.
II uui, uni Ulliin liim nihi. in.ui
moo the optic will not he perm
1.1.1 J U. L. , U ... .LI.
ssiiiajareu. no uux.u io i nine i
tat ml around again within a fe
"Tm bub win which lie touched
I Uw thunder atorni had cvidunt-
chined with electricity, and
: f harry rsssired the ahook on ttie
ot the face next the fence."
atuili County Wheat Crop.
ipsit deal ha been pulilisbed at
uxl abroad recently over the
linortaifeol the wheiit HOD in
tilii county, and a certain space
' Be 'tf.v.iiii.iii an I Spokes-
l-Kititw hvinc in lVniiliiton haa
1 io MTsraT dollar hv sending
"PJ ou that auhject to the de
WOlolour fariuera. The facts are
1 1 mat portion of the failure noted
How's Thlav
Wo offer One Uumlrml Itollara Rcwaiil for
any ns'o ol catarrh that cannot be cartel by
Mall' Catarrh Curs.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., I'ropa., Toledo, O.
Wo, the unrleralRncd, have known K. J. Che
ney (or the laat llltnen yearn, and believe hint
patriae Ujf Unuurable In all builueaa tranaactlona
hihI llnanclally able to carry out any obllga
tloim made by their firm.
Wbbt ii Tsuax,
Wholeaalr lirugsoiu, Toledo, Ohio.
Waldinu, Rinnan V Hasvin.
Wholeaalo l)ruKK"ta, Toledo, Ohfo.
HaH'n Catarrh Cure tH taken Internally, act
ing directly on tho blood and mucous eiirlaun
ol the ytem Price 7ftc. per bottle. Bold by
all ilriiKKlnta Tentlinonlala free.
Mall'K Family IMlla are the oaet.
You ars not prepared for
1 7 have bought a ir of our
Colored Glasses
8. tO, 66 and 75c.
LE. White or colored 10, 40
od 60c.
Eye Protectors
M CLOCKS. Just the thing for
pw-sajoa. 76c, $1.'.'5, $1.50.
Ittaoor Had Md we Wl uj your
11 and Optician..,
to Alexander .V Hextor's
Arrivals at Hotel Pendleton.
I) K Raliton, Ht Louis.
Thos J Pinny and wife, Umatilla.
W H W Hamllloi. -.,,,(. .r
.lames Higgins, Maryland.
H B Martin, Portland.
O D Mabery, Omaha.
Knoll Clark, Portland.
H J Kuasell, Portland.
Nswton Phillips, San Francisco.
U M Patten, New York.
Will Watkins, St Joe.
J C O'Neill, New York.
W D Allard, Portland.
F M Branoh, Portland.
W K Wilson, Portland.
Ghas laaaca, Portland.
I) ShultN, Spokane.
J A Allison, Portland.
Ouy Boyar, Heppner.
W E Kunts, Portland.
A J Hannum, W Woodland, Calif.
J A Story, Cascade Locks.
A Hirshkemer, Cascade Locks.
A J Hall, Chicago.
0 D i: inker. Portland.
H C "regg, Walla Walla.
H J Walters, Athena.
What's Your Fas Worth?
Sometimes a fortune, but never, if
you nave a sallow complexiou, a
jaundiced look, moth patches and
blotches on the akin, all signs of liver
trouble. Bnt Dr. King's New Life
pills give clear skin, rosy cheeks,
rich complexion. Only 26 cents at
Talliuau dc Co.' drug store.
Hugh Plaids a lankrupt.
A late proceeding in the United
States court at Portland was the riling
of a petition ol voluntary bankruptcy
in which Hugh Fields of Brownsville
is the petitioner. Hugh Fields was
supposed to be a wealthy man, being
heavily engaged in the sheep business
in Kasteru Oregon, having large in
terests in Morrow county In Linn
county he was a large land owner.
The bankruptcy proceedings comes ae a
great surprise to everyone.
Job Couldn't Have Stood It.
If he'd had itching piles. They're
terribly annoyiag; but Buck leu's
Arnica Salve will onre the worst case
of piles on earth. It has cured thous
ands. For injuries, pains or bodily
eruptions it'a the beat salve in the
world. Price 26c a box. Cure guar
anteed. Sold by Tall man fc Co.
Think About It.
If you will only think it over you
will go to see Martin when you want
to buy grocer iea. ,His motto is "beat
goods at lowest prices." His stock is
very large aud well selected. Martin
haa the beat bakery department iu the
In order
to nukti room for a new aud larger stock
-..v, iuuiii iui a now aim iuigei
I a,ld w"itr goods I will sell stoves and steel
m at greatly reduced prices for the next sixty
"J tall and get prices.
Joe Basler,
The Main Street Furniture Dealer.
upera House block.
Ful1 Line of Tents, Wagon
rs, Anti-rust Tinware,
General Hardware.
Walla Walla Reports are Bora Pavorabls
Than Rarller This Season.
"Two weeks ago I thought that the
wheat crop of this connty was very
badly damaired by the unfavorable
weather conditions that caused so
mnch speculation regarding the 1901
yield. Now, having made an ex
amination that was somewhat exten
sive, I am ol the opinion that our
fears were not well gronnded."
This was the statement of W
Temple to the Fast Oregonian
morning, tie said further:
"Of course, there was damage.
tnere is always damage every year.
Let me give yon some figures. I have
looked at the grain of Elmer Snvder,
Molatrnm Brothers and B. Howdy
shell, and I believe that it wi'll
average 26 bushels to the acre of strict
ly nnmher one wheat.
Mr. Temple was asked regarding his
own wheat, of which he has 1260 acrns.
This, he said, would yield fnllv 28
bushels to the acre of grain that will
teat nnmher one strong.
Walla Walla Tlslds.
Over in Walla Walla county, there
is a mnch better yield than was ex
pected at the beginning of the season.
When the unfavorable weather condi
tions prevailed, everyone thought that
the loss was heavy, and local business
was affected seriously. Later, as the
threshing returns come in from the
ranches, the opinion is that the yield
will be well up to the average of
former years, and that the iuality
will be good.
"Tbis mstter of the quality of the
wheat is more important than that of
the actual amount. Buyers will be
compelled to concede that the quality
is such as to justify paying close to the
price of the number one grade," said
a gentleman who returned from Walla
Walla Friday evening. "Harvesting
is in full blast all around that place,
and the improved prospects by reason
of the later returns have bettered
Psasosk Mills Rslng Bnlartad-A Tsam
Goes Over a High Bmbankmsnt.
The Milton Kagle of July in contains
the following items.
The Peacock Mill company is put
ting $12, 000 worth of improvements on
their property. When completed the
plant will have a dailv capacity of 600
barrels of high grade Hour.
The harvest time is with us once
again aud everybody and his relatives
are at work gathering in the golden
grain. The quality and yield of wheat
in the vicinity of Milton seems highly
Grandma Barney, an old pioneer
ladv residing on the Walls W'U ri.r
near tfie Mud creek neighborhood, died
Krnlav last and her remains were
shipied to the Willamette valley for
inUu-meut. Old age and a general
breaking down of the system was the
cause ol death.
Mr. A. M. Klam, who received a
compound fracture of the arm and
other severe injuries from a playful
stallion about a month ago, is again
able to be out on the street, and is
tlisnkful that he is alive. He had a
close call to join the silent majority
and has no desire to repeat the per
Joseph Olodius.the Dry creek farmer
and orchardist, had a lucky escape
from a serious accident at his farm on
Monday. He was driving a young
team of horses aloug a Mutt when the
line caught under the tongue of the
vehicle and the horses hacked over a
free i pice thirty feet of sheer descent,
he wonder is that driver and horses
were not killed, out all escaped with
scarcely a liruise. Kven the wagon was
not materially damaged. Joe is now
laboring under the impression that H
special guardian angel is keeping
watch and ward over ins weiiare.
Athena Notes.
The following items are from
Athena Press of July in
W. 1. Chamberlain came
Pendleton Sunday aud spent
in Athena.
"Hoc" Ostium was among the
Atheuaites who attended the circus in
Pendleton Wedneeday.
The King boys have purchased a
new J. 1. l ast- inresning machine inuii
the Athena Mercantile Co.
C. C. Sharp is in town today from
Pendleton. He has the contract for
painting aud papering lion. 1. J.
Kirk's new residence.
Clarence Whitemaii is of the upiiiiuii
that his 340 acres of wheat will yield
between 35 aud 40 bushels per acre.
N. H. Pinkerlou was in I'ehdleton
Sunday. He took dowu several bead
of horses fur inspection by borae buy
ers for tin- British army iu South
Atliona baseball players are in de
mand. Bert Cartanu received au otter
to go to Baker City and mush the sea
eqjl With the team there, hut declined
the offer.
Kruit prospects were never better
than this year at the Bergevin place
south of town. Kvery variety of fruit
will give a proline yield aud the
nualitv will be of the very beat.
In the laiullV ol J . i nuriu, wnu
resides IB "ieer Springs neighborhood,
three are dowu with smallpox. Wil
liam Ulen also has the smallpox at
the Burke place. lrs. i-diarp & Botkiu
are the attending physicians.
J A. Williams, a harvest hand, was
the victim of a holduo Friday eveuiiig,
on the O. K. & N. tracks, near the
Pacific coast elevator A couple ol
thuua relieved him of 111.76. a pocket
knife and some tobacco, and made
their escape.
up from
the day
and dm n. I that the ptronect were as
at first reported by his grubstake
At the time the letter was written
that conveyed this information Mr.
Kosenberg had not returned from the
locality of the strike, and there was
an element of nncertaintv as to the an
thenticity of the story. However, there
was about it no element of improba
bility, and hope was strong that the
ground would prove to be aa rich aa
indicated in the dispatches in tbe Fait
Oregonian of July 16.
i round that pays $30 to the pan in
marvellously valuable, and, if it held
out for even a very short hulk, would
make a fortune for the owner. When
it is considered that.dirt that goes ten
cents to the pan in Alaska, where mm-
Riethod are expensive, is good, it
be seen that this 130 dirt is a
veritable bonanaa.
Mr. Kosenberg went to Skagway a
year or two ago to assume charge of
the business of W. F. Matlock. His
friends here hope that the report re
garding his good lurk is true.
m a.
Triumph for Amerltan commerce.
It is reported that an American syn
dicate may hnv a leading line of Brit
ish ships, conduct it in our usual style
and carry an important part of the
world's commerce with it. America
always takes the lead in matters of
this kind. It also leads the world in
medicines. There is no tonic to equal
the old reliable Hostetter's Stomach
Bitters. It sets things right in tbe
stomach. When this is done, the
nerves are supplied with proper nour
ishment, adding tone and vigor to the
entire system. It is a sure cure for
dyspepsia, indigestion, constipation,
biliousness, liver and kidney troubles,
and a preventive fnr malaria, fever
and ngite. It is also a great blood pur
ifier and should lie in every household.
Don't fail to try it.
1 a m
Portland's Public Utilities.
By a very large majority the Port
land charter commisson has adopted
the principle of municipal ownership
of "public utilities," which, by the
terms of the proposed charter, are to
include street lighting, the water
supply, gas works, electric light works
steam water or electric power works,
heating works, telephone lines, street
railways, "and such other public
utilities ns the common council may
designate." It is provided, however,
that the city shall not acquire any
of these public utilities except after
being authorized to do no by a vote of
tl lectors ol the city.
Had a Glorious Tims.
County Clerk Vawter Crawford and
the quill driver of this metropolitan
journal returned the first of the week
from a 4-days' fishing exploit, 26 miles
south of here 111 the Blue mountains,
having taken in Lower Ditch creek
and Penland prairie, says the Heppner
Timet. They caught 17.' of the tinny
trilw, ranging in length from 6 to 12
ate nae niii.anls, aaw two
mammoth buck elk at a distance of
160 yards peacefully grazing in the
meadow near Penlaud's headquarters,
shot a great deal of small game, killed
snakes, had a runaway smashup and
otherwise had an experience that will
forever fill their minds with happy and
exciting recollections.
To the Osean.
There is no more attractive summer
resort than "Westport Beach" on tbe
Washington coast. Tickets to tins
point as well as to all the Oregon sea
side resorts, gissl returning up to Sep
temlier 16, at the low rate of ten dollars
for the round trip, hor full particu
lars call at the office of the Washing
ton A Columbia Kiver railway com
WAUII A l 1 A h , Agent.
A suite of rooms in the Fast Ore
gonian building, hot and cold water,
ban loom, for $11 a month during tbe
summer. Apply at tbe hast Oregonian
To Perm Part or the Reonotnla Rmhir.it i
the Celussklan Museum.
The Board of Trade is in receipt of a
request from C. F. Millspaugb, curator
of the department of botany of the
Field Columbia museum, at Chicago,
asking for sample of Oregon corn.
Mr. Millspaugb writes that he is deep
ly Interested in filling a series of
new cases with all the forma, kinds.
usee and history of Indian corn, a
part of the economic exhibit of the
museum, savs the Telegram. One of
the most interesting series in these
cases will, he anticipates, be a com
plete set of tau. birds of each state In
the union. He, therefore, asks for
a quart sample of each grade in Indian
corn "as stipulated bv your state laws,
Board of Trade laws or Prodnce Kx-
cbange standards, as may be provided ;
also a copy of the laws preecrthtng the
grading and describing the grades nf
corn .
The samples are to be directed to F.
J V. SklfT, director of the museum.
As Oregon is not a very heavy corn
producer it is doubtful whether the re
quest of the Field Columbian Museum
management can be complied with to
any eatislactory extent. Ntlll, some
fine samples of com may be sent from
Southern Oregon, where moat of the
corn is raised in this state. Being an
industry of minor importance, how
ever, it is not nenevei mat me irane
bodies of Southern Oregon have estab
lished grades or standards. It is
known that there are no state laws re
lative to the matter.
Periodical Rrror.
This is the way the Heppner Times
apologises for an extra period: In
last week's mention of the Pendleton
Fourth of July doings, a measly little
period accidentally slipped in between
the figures 2 and 6. making it appear
that the Heppner Symphony hand re
ceived 2.60 for their excellent musical
services an amount which, if divided
among the 10 members, would have en
abled them to have a rip-smashing
time socially. The amount the boya
received was 26t). The printer ex
plained the cause of the typographical
error by saying that in making up the
forms he needed a little more matter
with which to All out the space, and
thought it expedient to drop in a few
periods wherever they looked the
Midsummer Sale
Lace Curtains u t iarg.iy
Women's Tailor Made Suits ivduonl like
$10 suit $0. $15 suit now $!. $80 nuit now $12.50
Summer Dress Goods ah
rjooi Is rvtl viced like tints:
W our fancv tlrvs
UK- goorin at midsummer sale 5c per yard
. ,10Q
l adies, if you have any Pry Goodl Wants in any Una
in this department now is your time to purchase. Such
another opportunity will not he offered fur otM year.
Agents Butttrwiok s Patterns,
Grubstaked a Prospeelor Who Ha4s a
airlks en MooialiDQua liver,
kurthur particulars are received re
uaniiuu the reported rich strike made
by Ueorge Kosenberg and H. C Kuiiner
ou the HootaliUQUa river, a stream
riowiuv into the Yukon river between
While Horse Kapids aud Dawauu City.
Mr ttuMuubarif was auuroaclieU aoine
tlma ami bv an old urosuectoT. who
vaa enntideut he knew of a locality ou
the Huotalinoue where good "pay"
could be uncovered. Kuuuer, true to
tho traditions of hiB cult, was
"broke." Aud, also true to the honor
of bis kind, be was boneat. He pro
posed that Mr. Uoeeuberg "grubstake"
bim, and thus euable him to prospect
the "dirt" and demonstrate whetber
or pot it was worth working.
Runner took the grnb and Moated
down the river to the mouth of tbe
HootaIinu.ua, turniug up that stream
and throwing up bis cabin. He imme
diately began sinking, aud had uot gone
far towards bedrock before he began -to
dud Vol,. in " A abort distance further
down be found rich pay, aud linally
pans of dirt that
Has the following bargains
4H0 acres
:i20 acres
wheat land,
wlmat land.
2 lots well located $250.
1 lot lower Wehh street $90.
Th fee-lou rt h
nf I lie pceule In ('nialllla
ur linrnt'iii ami aa.VIIra and
coualy are unIDS ns
i in olaar fourth has luat uoumenosil to una
Ihsm. All thin Mas to thow that oara ara all
riRMI I'l.AHH ami I'HICKH KMIIT. Wa oarrr
n i iriileii alork of (lollara, Spun, Hruaasa,
Wblpa. Hweat pwla, pack aadila, '- atrlag
leathsr, tenia, wagon covsrs, canvaa, all klmla .
Leading Marneaa and Saddlery
Also a big list of town and
county property cheap.
Where in Spend Ik Summer.
A Natural Naalth Hattart.
Good Fialiiny and Hunting.
All kinds of Sports, (Shooting gallery,
Bowling alley, Croijuet aud Dancing.
Telephone eouuectiou to all points.
Mail three time per week.
Endicott, Warren & McFaul,
Notary and
$3.50 to $5 Delivered
Order of us and save money.
Orders for Rubber Humps
also solicited.
W. J. HKWK1.L, Manager.
Yard ou Webb Street
Opposite Hunt PreightJDepot
We are prepared to furnish anything
in the lumber line and cau guarantee
prices to be as cheap, if uot cheaer
than others. We also carry a large
line of loora, Windows and Moulding.
Parties contemplating building will do
well to aee us before placing their
orders. We alao carry Cascade
Kir wood. Phone Main IK.
aDVaaajai SSormon aiahops' Pitts '" ' 1,1 n 10.1m "i n. Skim
aaT Daal Chimh '' un I u..nT Tiin.r '"" " " " " I ml ailnna l. aa .H- u
ffKCW'-Jfl of Mlllwa. iUnll.i""i. n ... lk" Curil Lost Munhood. Im-
IT ST bllHy, !MadBOh,tJrTnSS o tiSarrjr, toaa o S laman, Varleoojla.
maV IwuWwWn'JVtiRtt tlU 0',','" .
aw irty f,n. t,..n. I- r ItA-rt,Xnl. .Ufa I l '. fTffl K...- tin.lt. m.W..t.it
Maaaa. snmulor. il.a Iw.la null rt.,. i-.-ti ara. toe a I.... a i . I aaWtalaal ,
n.u.i..t, wnh t im cut uun I..-.. Address. Bishop flamtdr Co., aun Pranelseo. Oak
"I! N A lag HV TAI.I.M AN A :(.. lKlil w lKNIII,KTO, IIIIRUON.
Hotel Pendleton
Under New flanaKement
Strictly first Class
Kicellent Cuisine.
Kvory Modem
Bar and Millard Rooma.
The Batt Hetc
Van Oran Bros.. Props
Glrr Us i Trial.
Rates $2.00 I day
Special Kates by
Week or oontb
NaadquarUrt for Traveling Man
In Eaatarn Oregon.
Successors to J. C. Moore
Annual Clearance Sale.
To make room for Fall Slock will kivu Inn ilisiount for
cash 00 everything in the store. Carpets, Knifs, I'or
tiers, Lace Curtains, Curtain I'oles, Shades, Wall Paper,
Linoleum ami everything you need 111 house furnishing,.
A few leather couches and rockers cheap. Sewing, ma
chines and supplies for all machines. Undertaking a
specialty. Phone Maui 4
Jesse Failing.
washed several paus of dirt
weiutied out M) each
Ale at once sou t word to Mr. Kosen- I will b sent loauy addreaa fur ianii
berg to ooute to the place, droppiuu iubUaher, iua fACUriti n
everything els. This the latter did, j Moaiatts. Sen grauolate.
"Nerve Waste."
Ous of im uioal halurui book, ou nefVS
wutifciiuaa awr laaued is that sulillad "Narva
WaaUi," by Ur. Sawyer ol Sau Prauclaco, uow
lu lis nflu tuouaiuid. Tbis work of au viper
urleuued aud repuubl. pbyaiulan la iu agnis
abls Luminal U ibe taat auui ol lalas tubing
wblcb uiuvalla ou tkla liiUJteatlug aub.eot. It
abounds iu t aruiully uoiiaidured aud ptavllcel
advice, ami baa tb. to graal uiurlla of la-
duw aud aiucurity .
It la eudoraud by bulb the lullgioua aug
secular piuaa. Tbu i btcao Advauus aaya: "A
uotuaal of Hie book ami tbu aupllcailou of IU
triuviplsa will put buallb, hope aud btsart Into
Ibouaamla ul llvoa Uial ara uow ausurlua,
througb uurvoua luiparouiaul."
Tbe book ii tl.OU by mall poaSpaad.
Oue uf the must lutureatiuy rhapler. cliapler
x, ou Nei vlnoa aud Nerve Touiua baa besu
uriukud acuaraiely aa a aaiupls ubauter, aud.
by tus
U CO.,
$3.00 per Day and Upwards.
f Incst Motel
In the la4 ilk
Call up:.:
No. S
and 5and.
lSHPliShlfcftaHatalaPai C C - BHBBtwBBlHljHB
Special ItaiaM te Uas tern Uregoa pe
lor tourists ana conssnerclel travelers
fortlaaS. NaasViiaarters
C. BOVVKKS, Manager.
Heavy Hauling
Kspeolal alUHlUoB glT.S
te Coualsuuieals..,
Laatz Bros.
jL blaKdully . Y u r a b tiad
Sleaffl Heated
1 u 1 ope a 11 r?Un.
Block ana a hall I roes depot.
Sample Koom In connectloa
Koom Kate
btk, 75c. SIM
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink : : : : : :
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.
II IB 1.