East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 19, 1901, Image 4

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    FRfDAY, JULY 10, 1901.
Ladies' Button Shoes
Mies 2),' to 3 at
60c Per Pair
BO Pairs
Laidie' Black
Si.as L'S, to 6 t
WORTH FROM $2.00 to $3 PAIR
Why woar your nice ihOM
to tin mountains whan you
can buy t;h(HM at thatri
Practical Boot and Shoe Men.
wall p.iirrr at
finest in the
W reapers (or
Inquire of I'ater Wont.
Jaa. A. Howard. Farm loanii.
Tablet, hcIiooI supplies. Nolf'i.
Hack for Teal springs, tUthoii)
Main 70.
Buy your window shades at
$1 ahirt waists, now IWc Cleaver
Bros. Dry Hoods Co.
$ duck suits, now $2.98. Cleaver
Bros. Dry Moods Co.
New designs in
Murphy's paint store
Woodland cheese,
market, at Hawley'a.
Two nearly new-
First class wheat pasture for rattle
and horses. Inquire of Peter West.
Monopole canned iieaches, nvsters,
salmon, pea and bean at UnwIevV
We will close out oar entirn line of
steel ranges at cost. Baker .V HiiIsoiii.
25c summer goods to close at I2S
per yard. Cleaver Broa. I'ry ',.,,.:
If you are looking 'or something new
you will find it at the Standard
Midsummer sale of wash goodH, one
halt price. Cleaver BroH. Irrv
tiooda Co.
Finest hams and lard on the market.
Home product; try It, its guaranteed.
Hchwara A (Ireulich.
Lost -Between Pendleton and 1 i lot
Hock, a pair of fine shoes. Finder
please leave at this office.
loe cream for parties and lodge
sociables at special prices, quality
guaranteed. Candy Dutton.
Crescent bicycles on the installment
8 Ian at the Crescent agency in the Kast
regonian building, payments $1 a
week, no interest.
The Standard (Grocery company will
have a large shipment of Scotch oatn
within a few days. Please leave yor
orders early, and avoid the rush.
"I an indebted to One Mlllte Cough
Cure for present good health and my
life. 1 was treated in vain by doctors
for lung trouble following la grippe. I
took One Minute Cough Cure and re
covered my health." Mr. K. II. W I He,
Madison, la. Tallman fc Co.
A Japanese laborer of the nteel gang
of the O. B. A N. who are laying
track on the cutoll near i-.clio, was
brought to Dr. Cole's thin morning
with his loot bady crushed h a, r.in
falling on it. The Mam Par was
dressed and amputation will not i...
The following in the program for the
band concert this evening March,
"Strman Younge's," Tyrrell; alto!,
"Tricotriu," Bennett ; dance, M m -Ilia,"
Ascher ; selection, "Macbeth,"
Verdi, march, "The Rifle Regiment,"
Honoa ; "Htur Spangled Banner,"
At bed time 1 take a pleasant lierl.
drink, the next morning 1 feel bright
and my complexion is better. My
doctor says it acts gently on the
stomach, liver and kidney.-, and I
pleasant laxative. It is made -from
herbs, and is prepare! as easily an
lea It Is called l.lll,''" Melicllle.
Lane's Family Medicine inoven tie
bowels each day. Price Joe and nOc.
For sale by Talman a Co., tola agaata,
Have your pictures framed ; latest
styles at Murphy's.
Those famous little pills, IeWitt's
Little Karly Risers compel your liver
and bowels to do their doty, thus giving
yon pure, rich blood to recuperate your
noil v . Are easy to take. ever gripe
I all man fc Co.
linvflFnnr I.. hi. I II. . .( Waal,.
ington, has been invited to del iver the
opening address at the Walla Walla
V alley Fruit lair, on the 2td of Hep
tAiuher. He has not yet decided
whether it will be possible for him to
accept the invitation.
"I wish to truthfully state to von
and the readers of these lew lines that
your Kodol Dyspepsia cnre Is without
question the best and onlvcore fordvs
pep. is that I have ever come in contact
with and I have used many other prep
aration. John Beam, West Middlesex.
Pa. No preparation equals Kodol Dys
pepsia cure as it contains all the nat
ural dlgentants. It will digestall kinds
of lood and can't help but do you good.
Tallman A Co.
Uraln Plaid Narrowly Ksaapss Destruc
tion by PI re.
The Kant Oregon tan i indebted to
the Weston Leader for the following
Itantll Ken DiiPuis of Pendleton
sifltad hiH home at. Weston Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Warren left
Monday to visit friends at Pilot Rock.
MiN Kennedy of Pendleton is visit
ing at the home of her sister, Mrs.
Wallace Pavne.
T. O. R. 4 N. Co. is distributina
new telegraph poles over Its branch
I we'. Special train are daily engaged
in the work.
Mr. Nellie Cox, wife of J. B. Cox,
formerly of Wenton, died recently of
consumption at her home in Council,
Idaho. Mr. Cox was a sister of Frank
and Bobert Tharp, of Athena.
Weston friends, young and old, are
gladly extending the hand of welcome
to Frank Marsh, who is visiting his
parent and old heme town after an
absence nt eight years in northern
The force of public school teachers
ha been completed by the election of
Miss Edith Perrv to take the dfth and
sixth grade. Miss Perry has taaght in
the Adam and Helix schools, and is
well recommended.
Miss Lulu Robey, who has been at
the Walla Walla hospital for several
weeks, was recently taken to .Bingham
Springs, where she is attended by
Mr. Anson Woods and Miss Mabel
McDonald. Some improvement is re
ported in tier condition.
The contract lor a new school build
ing in the O'llarra district, No. 56,
near town, has been let to John Lar
son. It will lie a creditable building,
80x93 feet in sue, with two ante
i in af the iront, and will coat the
district when completed and painted
boat $fioo.
Uncle Sam has made arrangements
with the Weston postoflice, in common
with hi other international offices
throughout the country, to issue money
orders on Canadian poawtneon a:
domestic instead of the loreigu rate
It will now cost no more to send
money to Canadian cities than to those
in the United State.
Mr. Dora Harder, who has lieen
seriously ill for several weeks, under
went a critical operation Monday
the Walla Walla hospital, and her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Htamper
of this city, were called to her bedside
The operation was successfully per
formed, ami the patient's condition
reported as unite encouraging.
Some careless person, presumably
hunters whose gun were heard in the
vicinity, set fire to a log in the Prine
pasture on the foothills east of town
and the dames spread amongst the
Irv gras near by. All this occurred
Tuesday afternoon, and resulted in
some eager and active rustling on the
part of Joe Wurxer to keep the tire out
it an adjacent grain Held.
woodman OP Tlllt WORLD and k. op
Psoseeas orOaase Oe to Improve Road to.
the cemetery
There will ba a baseball game at the
Alta street grounds Sunday next, at '
o'clock, between the Woodmen ol the
World ami Knights ol Pytihas. The
cause which brings these societies to
gether in the gf)sat American sport is
to devise means for the purpose of im
proving the road between the city and
the Olney cemetery, a works that is
badly needed.
Business men and cititens generally
are interesting themselves m their
usual Pendletonian spirit, and from
the present outlook many tickets will
be sold. Taking into consideration the
object ol the game, it should not be a
question ol "Are you going" hut
"How many tickets do you want?"
The Pendleton brass' band has en
tered Into the spirit ol the movement,
and has agreed to furnish music lor
the occasion. The Alta street grounds
will undoubtedly lie well patronised.
The astors or the Umpire Stosk Company
In Need of a uood House.
The actors of the Kmpire Stock com
pany, which has been playing at the
crazer opera house, will he tendered a
benefit tomorrow night by Manager
Baker and the etnpl )yees of the house.
this action was prompted bv the fact
that certain difficulties have arisen be
tween the managers of the company
and the actors and Manager Baker,
knowing the people to be worthy of as
sistance, bas vonnteered his aid.
Hie actors will sustain the reputa
tion they have already made here by
giving a vaudeville and dramatic en
tertainment, and It should prove most
successful, artistically as well as
financially, of the company's perform
ances. The money will be given to the
actors direct, to enable them to pay
their hotel bills and leave town. A
generou patronage is deserved in tin
nice place near Weston bv R. M
Powers, ol the firm of Powers A Wood,
and were impressed with the advan
tages of this locality. Friend and
neighbors of the same parties were
here several weeks ago, anil were also
much pleased with this region. Mr.
Haskell said that there is a probability
that 20 fainiliss or more may move
across to this side of the Itlues and
purchase homes. They will be wel
come in this fertile country, which
lies in "the richest part of the rich
empire where wheat i king ". -Weston
A Youns Man Lotos a Portion nt Hli Foot
Undsr a Train.
Walla Walla. July 19, I red Kay
a voiing man who worked for the
May Kssaps Penally
James Casey, the Walla Walla
saloonmau found guilty of violating
tne Minuay closing law bv a trial tie
fore a jury in the justice court, and
fined the sum of $99, may escape the
payment of the sum assessed, on the
grounds tiiat a justice of the peace bas
no personal powers to tlx the tine in
case tried belore a jury, the prosecu
ti on, however, claims that the fine i
valid, and the enforcement of its col
lection will l attempted. Casey has
n dued to pay the amount held against
him. and it committed to iall in de
isillt, habeas corpus proceeding will
be instituted to secure hi release.
Feather Dusters.
The largest and best Una
ol feather dusters aval
displayed in l'endleton.
Down the Columbia.
On their return from Alaska July 22
tiie rivers and harbor committee of
the boose of representatives will leave
r-eattle and go direct to Iwistuii
Idaho. They will be guests of the city
until the ziiii, when they leave by
boat for Walluia. At Wallula they
w'll take the train for The Dalles
re the river is to be inspected. On
ihe .'itii the committee will come to
I'ortlaud. Nine representative busi
nen- m, u ol Portland will accompany
the committee from Lewiatou to Port
laud. Three ol the Portland cum
in i fie.- have already been selected.
Thev are: A. L. Mohler, II. W. Heott,
i . n. wiicm
It is easier to ksep well than get
Brad. Dewitt's Little Karly Risers
taken now and then, will keep your
tsiwels iii perfect order. They never
gripe but promote an easy action. Tail-
man A Co.
Short Line extension.
J. SI. Stevens, county attorney of
lliiigbam county, who was in the city
veswruay to secure reuutsltuni papers
lor A I lender, the horse thief, said
that work was being rushed on the
Houston branch of the Short Line.
says the Idaho statesman About Iihm
men were umployed, he aaid. and the
grade was ractioally completed. The
about to begin and
laying of rails was
the track would be
great rapidity. It
the bridge, and all
to rush the work.
put down with
al reaily acrosa
ill readiness
DeWitt's Witch iiatel Salve should
be applied to cuts.buras aud aaalda. It
soothe and heals the iaiared nan.
There are worthless coualerraita.be sure
to get DeWitt's. Tallman A Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'llarra
for Lehman spring on Wednesday.
LaOrande: Chronicle Miss Mary
spore of Pendleton is registered at the
Mrs. II. J. Htillman and children
have returned Irom a month's visit to
relatives in North Yakima.
G. B. t. rifhn of the Pendleton plan
inir mill and lumber yard has latelv
returned from hi old home in Madi
son, wis.
Mrs. sinvlev was brought in to Or
C. J. Smith's hospital yesterday from
her brother, Chas. McBees' place on
Hotter creek.
Miss Means, daughter ol Hank
''.....on, loi.oie.i T ;,,.:,, Il.nl, ., .inli
at the Butter creek home ol Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. McBee
J. Fi Robinson has purchased
Lindaay place, on Jackson street,
will considerably improve it.
house is to be remodeled and enlarged
Fix Langaver left Thursday on horse
back and John K. Russell by stage,
for Teal springs, to spend a few week
in Ashing. They will also do somu
Dan Hwearingen of Turo, Iowa, is in
l'endleton visiting his brothers. Doss
and Tom Hwearingen. He will look
over the country and, if suited, will
locate here.
J. H. Williams, of Pendleton, is at
Seaside, Clatsop beach, where be is
having an enjoyable time, preferring
the rolling billows of the old ocean
to the billowy hills of Umatilla.
Oeo. Linaner will leave tor his ranch
on Hear (Jreek this evening, lie wa
appointed administrator of Kdward
I. leaner a estate ami ha been in Pen
dleton for the last week, arranging
City Marshal John Heathman will
leave Saturday evening to spend a
few days at Hot Lake and from there
they will go to Baker City, to attend
the grand lodge of Red Men which
meets on July 23.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E, Roosevelt left
on Ihursdav morning's train (or Walla
Walla, where Mrs. Roosuveltwill visit
relatives and mends lor the next two
months, while Mr. Roosevelt goes east
on a busiuese trip.
Miss Catherine LaBarru. who ha
many friends in Pendleton, has been
appointed to leach vocal music and
elocution in the Weston normal school.
Mias LaBarre is a graduate of the Col
umbia school of oratory.
E, Oi tireen. held superintendent of
the Oregon Bali commission will leave
lor Welser Idalio tomorrow. He ba
completed hi work of putting in the
nsh rack in the Umatilla river at tiie
mouth of McKay creek. He will meet
Mr. Brown at Welser ami they will ex
plore the Snake river from its head to
its mouth in a boat.
J. B. Keeiiey, ex-county clerk of
Umatilla county, is in town from bis
home at h'lgin. Mr. fceeuey m proprie
tor ol the daily stage line, with lour
horse teams aud Concord coaches.
from Klgiu to Joseph , the distance i
00 miles aud the (are only $3.50. He
s also the landlord of the "Hold
F.giii," tho popuai house of that
thriving town.
Mrs. Levi Ankauy arrived on Thurs
day evening's train from Walla Walla
and left on the westbound .train, at
o'clock, ioiniug ber sister, Mrs. Moui
sou, who was a passenger on the train
from her home in Montreal. Canada
tor a visit to her relatives and friend
in Oregon and Washington. Mrs
A iiken v was a guest of Mr. ami Mrs
h. Judd between trains.
H. Sutherland company for mini' tune,
yesterday unnamed the loss of a por
tion of his left foot by being run over
bp SB Oregon Railway d Navigation
company train at Valley Urote, Ha
was brought to this city l.v H mini ivl,n
came to hi assistance, and then he
was removed to tin- hospital
Next Monday in tins city will occur
the transfer of tin- funding boadi
raeaBtl) negotiated bj the county com
missioner with the N. W. Harris
company of t'liirsgi , the tot I sum in- !
olved being $H0 (KXl and the interest;
to be at the rate of 4 per cent per i
ami ii in for the next 111 ycnr an option i
of releaae at the end of lo years being
one of the provisions id the agreement. !
The last will and testament of John
Allien, who died in this citv June 19,
of the present vear, from the effect! of
cancer of the throat, was llled in the ;
office of the county clerk vesterd.iv
afternoon and an order nf the court ,
wa issued admitting tin- same to
probate, and appointing Ron Albeit
as executrix ol the tttate, Motf ol the
estate goes to Mrs. Albeit, its value
is about foO.OOO.
Little Hope toe Reeov.ry.
Moscow, July 19. Tolstoi had a re
lapse during the night and hope nf his
recooverv i fading.
The piles that annoy you so will be
quickly ami per'naneiitlv healed ifvoii
use DeWitt's Witch HatSl Salve DA
ware of worthless counterfeits., Tail
man A Co.
We arc offering
Great Bargains
In all departments of our store.
Save Money by Trading
With Us.
LA RGBS I ST CK in tin
y. Kvsrv.ih,
Hands Up!
Says the highwayman,
and it is pretty near tin:
same thing with the hak
iriK powder trust.
You are charged JOC for a
pound when you can buy
Owl Hih f"ir:nli HaWin;'
Powder for 40c and it is
guaranteed pun: cream of
tartar and soda, while tin
Our midsummer
Furniture sale
Shades. Curtain Toles, Mirrors,
is the " filter ol attraction and dc
erves unusual attention. Wheth
or twill intend to furnish V"ur house
complete or just contemplate th
addition of a few necessary pieces,
this m vour ODDOrtUaitV. Over
"J w
twenty-five different styles of
Iron Beds
Dressers, Commodes, Parlor rur
niture. Camels. Mattiturs. Window
Picturart, Bby Cabs, Go Carts, etc.
Undertaking Parlors in Connection.
Main and Webb Sts.
trusts' is not.
Owl Tea House.
Stone jars 15c per gallon.
"1 bar gou 14 i.v at a tituo wltboni
mf lbe Imwi, net ticiufet able to
mofa tbaai icpt by uaintt tit water la)0UOM
Chronic couatlpatlun for vtm juan placed urn lu
Ihla trrrlhln condition , Out iuk Oiat tltut 1 did av
rythtutf I board of bul navar ' mud any relief, auoh
waa tor oaee until 1 iHagan ualiitf (.'AHlAHKT I
ow have from one to Hire paaaagea a da . and tf I
was rich 1 would fire for em h iii'ireiuent , II
latum a relief A i.mek I. lit si
lMMHuaaeiibi lieiroii. Ml on
r.AOf uajih eieneti'
Pleeuni. t'elataliii- I'mriu Tmr i o1 lu,
Good, Nvfer Micben. Wwehen. or Urnw .'n'.wc
SWUM lM, iiui. i .iimi, - lr SB
Don't Gut Corns
I do It Vour..lf Oon'l
Lat Anybody do It
lor You.
wiiat in. in or awaaai
mffariaa iti iiaiuiui
ami auiioyluK on run
ill not sun aivnls to
uuVHtlioiii rt'iiiovod .'
for ';. MM SI you ftl
To close out all short lines of shoes
Sweeping Reductions
are being made in prices by
The Pendleton Shoe Co.
it will pay you to come early before the aixes run out.
! Blsbow. T.by Irwin and ferr
Quaanan Arrlva Sunday.
linidy Hisbup, maiUKor of Toby
irwm anii l orrv ijueeuaii oi UincaKii
(Sim win aecouu irwui, win arrive in
IViullaluji Suntlav uiorninu Iruui Port
land. Tliuy will ba liere all uttxt wtwk
in ordar in not roady for tiie uiaU'ii in
twoen Jim Vopi of Canada aud Toby
irwm which comas off Saturday
iglit, ttio 7 tit of July, in hraiur
opera fKMsaa. Tba matcb will bt a good
on sui as Irwin id Wver aud a hard
luttar. Popp beat Haudy King iu ttiree
rounds, wtilcti shows that ba is good
lorn tmtereou, a wall fcuown snorting
man of .Spokane, will briug down a
party of Popn admirers. Them will
alao be some spoitiug men irom Port
i ii. Llka Ike country.
Two prominent (aruiara ol (.iraudti
Koode ware in town Monday on their
return from a trip of exploration
through tills end of Umatilla county
and the Walla Walla valley. One of
Ueuj, Mr. Oaskell save that h. hmd
no idea ol the maanitudn and frtllliv
of this region until he aaw it with his
ntv.i eyas. They ware ahown no vera I
Corn Remover
arm to your houev, aipaii. tilth
will rnuutr vTr foru jnu avf
bu mall r wliviM it Is, bow long; mi
Aiai bad It or bow torturm- It b.
Haauraarv dantfrroua, .-, ai -
lit I plwatri atu 1 1 IiH-r a Kru.lKti
C'isii, WpMM,
CtrUia mad
These firms handle
and guarantee it
Q. R. Demott
D. Kemler
Oliver & Co.
White House Grocery
Alexander & Hexter
Ask for It.
J. M. SPENCii, Agt.
dimtii l
ilrlvi-rn en
IP'uinil inenri'ii nmi,
ri'pelrlnn John rintip hv
lerlliin, whirh r
r(i'l lii'elih. hp ,
iiiok n Re n,.u
"l'P-. H....,i, 'T'tJ
miiii n. ii. a
-I hii.kj.
-IniSSIH.: '1
msilr poenlhle h enr "ftl "si
IHTinr lill-llllU'.i, riiur,,. i ' iff 1
.1. I
The Place to Buy:
is whrc yon m ,
and chen,, ,,ril.PR
your order tor i.JJ
wator kUkl mm Q ft
Haaf 1,1,....
I .1, III I ... I ..I
a iinijtieK, Build-
in i. ........ m
e fajt, jar
paper.Lima ail(
cemont, Pickets
flatter, Brick,
Hand, Moulding
Soreen Doonl
Windows, BMh
A- Doon, Terra
ottn Pipe,
Ltunber lard,
R. FORSTER, - pr0pr
Ui tan
" I-
rt of
Ii L. .
J Kit
nriiirt-ft Four iii iui)
tt.is ,s it( i rri Ai 1 v.1, rtt.
U:o.Nui) A in, tuo
B aura to
for Uua arttulv tl nrnuiut
Mit- only our tf.af 111 .1
kouii-kii u 1 1 i i i -r 1 1 h
I lL. l.lbtatlMaj V Uldi
ana hiv ur t
ii Hi. to, or on the
(UllJtHj If K li.-WB Ii L , a. I
. . i.,.l., u)
I l lilJsi . hti.., Hi
w here to Spend tiie Sumiiier
A Natural Health ftaaort.
Good Flatting and Hunting.
All kinds of HxrtH, SiiootiiiK gallury,
DOWIloa slim, urouiiet and Daiii'iiiu
Teitjphouti conuoction to all poiutM
Mail thntt mm per week.
Endicott, Warren & McFaul,
Have it teal to r
U1UUU UrlUK loe I lu
bom iruuMti aua risk. II
to tiie East OaaaoMiAX, Ii
ik i in want to hub
scribe lor megaiiuua or
ueNlnpeuore in ttie United
Atatee or Kurope, reinil
by immUI uol, cuevs or
ena u the Kin Ussuo
Mian lit uei publUlieri
prlos ol lUe pubUcatlou
you deelra, euit w will
aad aaiuiue all rlek ol lb
i in- uialu. II will eavu you
11 you ero a aubet rlber
ii reiuitllug you oaa
dadaet Uu uer cent Iroiu the oubliauere' unoe
i44f.ss Alri oaauoMLAM fivu. oo., twia
Ma, Oreajak
Best Babbitt Metal
For line shafting and all
bearings of machinery
of the mill or factory it
cannot be surpassed : : :
Made from Type Metal.
East Oregonian Office, Pedieto, a.
French Periodical Drnns
Woman'! Work
ii nyiiic mi nil- eyi-N. I r hut' H idv af
when sewing ymi ihnnlil iimit tn s
suourii s pair nf HI.ahmkn whidi miiis
nUlit In normal itin,i utiur 1
I'liiuii ijiiniiiict-. may result, Hnii
ii.n ui
Kyt'KliiHHH.'. and NUclJ
wr run II! itll urillimri i.iwi In fr
ami ill iimill I'ont. Will i.' iiivrr u. J
noun wr mahr in iirui-i
8lgu lllg Aye, Court St., I inlieail
riireo-fimrtliii ol In, fopli?
I'ouaiv art' uiuk uur liitrurii nail
Ihn other fourlli lin lux iusumi
lllem. All till-. Sin- I. tho ttii
KlHHr.0I.A8H euil 1'KICKH Klolir.
nimiilelu eiork ol t'ullr. dpuiv
i Inn- :i.i,'' i..i i i. . . 1 li
leather, teuu, Hasmi SAtSia mtMk
Leading rtamesn aud Sao
fall tami opaui Hapl
btllldilitrH uir baiug
i ... ue
IIIKll II I I I .1 1II....V...
arv llgliled ti.v i'l.-. trn-iiy
. . . I .1 twill
cr niiy.-. rroeive uaiwiui
U luillllu.li'lll lilllllllll. uu
I rated oatalogiti
klmwfl f...,, .1.. .
""'..""""Wrfeli. aud iBluilnn, a
a.udlolO.ur, j;w.W.,'i,S,'eJlA"'''S o.. blUu ur I Vim L... uf . V.'. . U ' 'O
ruA.UK U IV I M AN ,t CO..
, 'UI.Ml .ii i , ...
Aa U J .
Pt Uiari rr
Oregon's Most l amous Resort.
The Hotel Flavel
Is now open lor the season
MUt:il equip,!
rt-Mtir t nnrtk .a .
tv.ry room eTeCtrte lighted am ,iLn . " V
riueel bathing Uach ou vim Sr'11'
l.uuH.m. Club llui,. ,,.Vi"f,V. Pltt'.
Icy., billiard ball, -.,, ' ' "u.r. " i'"
eouria ami many eoelleui .n.. . leunia
mouev lnnl.1 I ", u
iiil; neal (iimlluri-
llataui e lelcphout. i n ofli, .,
iioiai uuaer meuageiiiBut
t, Msr
tlregi.u, at K,,ra, l l ",l.c.V veI.
Marouaui Bulldin.y
ey Kor ratea, tu- aJ.i,.... if''..'
riaval llu..n ... -.i i. .. .""l "yiei
. , . auiireaaj. I.
it-ta, .,,1
The Itaat
OrsKuniau u lUatarn n.
fc-on repro.onu.tive pap.r. lt 1-d, .
tea paoplo approciata it a,..i .k .'. .
hit libaral patrooaaa. It th- y
am wadiuiu af this sac t ion.
. .1.... nnA mshL
tJiUll iia Rea
m d m a
V7l ! VVVi
Unci at if A
Under new nians"1"
a-h S AA Ic ?
ixcuiai :tivmi"-
- 03
NO, iN I V
K KM.M' 1'1NIM
Meals a la Carte.
mi l., etc feooive vK
ueo. aioii, n up-
a a I
Take the Kaat
fs.ge a vau k
i.jo, aad tiemi.
SampUeev,, hae
Farmers Custom
t red Y alter.
U.DaallT. m barreU a dsr
riuur exchaugeo lor .beat
mi.... ui,, ..i iitaouuedasWi
f Willi ail. a aw. " " "