Thoroughbred Bucks.... Best stock on the Coast Ad- Telephone connection at ranch. dresH Pilot Rock or Pendleton. Chas. Cunningham. FRIDAY, JWt 19, 1901 DAILY. WUKtt AND Y TH. Bast OryrronUii Publlaulur Company, AT OHM.ON. rP.NOL.BTON. nf Um country. Mr. .Inhnaon ii a plum, cviTv ilny ilnnim-rat, who be ll arss. In rimlity of opportunity and quality before the law. H does not ballaVfl Unit Um law should makn fish nf mil' BUM Htiil fowl of another. In SEMI-WEEKLY hart, he I icl ieven in simple antt dim! MSMfOB) in equal right" to all an ! atvecial privilege to none. "sjrirrirm eartv copvo- v mall .... P"cw;;i aontka. ! mail . . VT prr "an . l.y a,.iyr uhacytptlon ...... tu aimlm i i i , i . i v.. p.' one yar thl topv tl months Trtl tubacrlpttoB lag l .umbrii m D(tl wiiilv tuMcairrtoN rati Uaa .op, on yaar Oa epv til month, Trial aula, ntitlon taaglr copy I .,,,,, ! anvaa i imn,. mil . . . ll'' A l'HHaaiiienla I On Into, cr lalt. In v WLly par month Uaa inch, e. laaa. In .tail, par month Two Inrhei. or lah. In Daily an. I Wy.k ,1 , . .... . ....... lo ii.wvxv, yri in n par n I v miwim na. in i ly ami , py, on. mi n. or laai. ,yr. Our. la hri '"'J in. Baa. In T uaa.lay , lour e S. u.i Waakl, ywi in. .1 iminin .... m Solid .Mpaaila.yarmrr,riti In l-aii.W..yal Wyekly ci S;""" laaanioa.p.1 in.h. $,.,, aeck .uU.e.rr.t ! tan ami pal Uaa. aach mirrtloa. m I ',iy ai..U rally, pyrin, h prruoalh , m E l"VI''""",lil " ' a A man in Baltimore has sure I. . I in engraving the entire alphabet on tin head of a pin. This la "aniall biisi- for a man to be an success In My Tin- Q, A. K. and the pension at lOffMyi are hand in glove after the Mftlp nl I'ensimi Commissioner Kvane Praaldanl Mckinlny promised the lead ers nf the (i. A. R. to remove Kvami from the head of the peniion ollice prior to his re-election, but now allows MM hesitancy in carrying out the contract. The truth of the matter ia, BvMM hi only guilty of doing his plain duty to the country and to remove him ;3 for it would be a crime on the Dart of the president. The (i. A. K. should he in iietter huiineaH than trying tooust Kvaiia out of office. It ia ihameful on tin- part of that organization to be plavmg into the hands of the greedy pennon attorney!. .Iioo ; -n f n ,ttm On la i : 3 indiintry chemists now obtain a crude renin of tartar which refined to a high degra constitutes the acid principle of the heat forma of baking powder. The list might be protracted in definitely and there aei-.n- to he in the industrial world todav n product ao utterly worthlaaa that It may not at leaat And profitable incarnation in oattle food, fertilizer or glue. n engaged in. The Walla Walla chief of polio h.i hatl hli aalary rained from $100 to u mouth. The Walla Walla chief in a good officer and a big 'un. He deserve a higher aalary. Sam While, Khij,., prosecuting; at torney of Baker, Union and Wallowa counties, has been made chairman of the democratic state committee, ami promisee to be an active, elln ient official. WORK OF THh CHgMIST. A recent directory gives Chicago more than 1X30,000 population. The publiaher of it la an apt scholar. The bigger the population he gives Chicago the larger the mini tier of directories lie can dispose of to Chicago's "leading citUene." The crop of wheat in Umatilla county will be greater in proportion to former crops than has lieon rajfOttajd, The damage to it has been exaggerated. There will be more wheat than in en tiwated by many. In any event I iint tilla will have aeveral millions ! bushels to market. In the fiscal year that ended with June 3)1 this country received AL'o.UUU immigrants, about 71', 000 more than in the preceding year. Italy sent us I1U, 644, Austrfailuugary, 101,810 and Russia 78,07, these three round, contributing together nearly :UH),0On of the whole number. Ireland, which uaed to lead all other countries in the immigration tables, added only 17,718 to ion last year, anil n-r-mauy only 10,711. There in talk of building un electric trolley line lietween Walla Wa II. i and Milton, a distance of aim, it nine mile through a settled sectl u hope it will nut result in only talk, il would undoubtedly prove a profitable enterprise. Klectric railroads, with one car every hour, instead of teai or twelve cars every leu houra, are a promise of the near future. -Mich a service would greatlv encourage travel and the passenger fares could ls great Iv reduced under it. The people of l' at the present time are receiving the best wa ter work's service in the history of the town. The water is purer, fresher, colder ami better distributed than ever befure, with the result there ia no shortage of water as in other years. At the preseut time the city works are pumping more than loo gallons a day for every mail, woman and child m I'emlleton. There is being used on the streets for spriukling purposes tbool ot),U00 gallons a day, leaving almut 440.00U gallons for private lamillec, dullness houses and general uses. This is a large consumption of water for u town ot about 50U0 population, hut mere appears to Da little if au water wasted. In the manufacture of cane sugar tin molasses ia about aa valuable aa tin- amount of sugar contained in It noiini oe, so there is no uae lor the process adopted in beet sugar making but there is less. weight of sugar in the molasses than there was formerly Ihia fact, and the fact that the molasses is now made in vacuum pans and cannot in- burned or thickenatl as it was in the old-fashioned open pant accounts for the fact that there ia n more oiaci molasses ami no more black gingerbread such as mother u to make. I he glucose manufacturers have called in chemiits, and found a new source of profit. The corn grain has, in aiiuition to its starch product. tiny germ in which lies its life princi pie. i ii is germ was n inner I v cruahetl rith the starch, separated and thrown aside as waate. Very lately it has been Known that this germ is rich in oil which can be utilized. The germ ia now separated from the starch and Mi-in-u i nr oi i if.aiiereil tun s u ready market , and within the laat five mi millions of dollars' worth of this oil has heen exported to Kurope, where H ' mi nr. . lin t - are in ureat dei mud Alter the oil is taken from the uerm tin- gluten left in the cake ia uaed for varnish, and the residue is uaed for cattle footi. The corn stall, is also around and used lor cattle feed, but li rat the olth f the ntalk ia extracted and uaed for tin- lining of veaaela, the theory being that if a fissure occurs in the frame Ml of the veaael the pith lining, be coming wet will awell and to some ex lent close the unsure a a a Un cottonseed oil industry has eliminated Us waate almost entirely, although twenty years ago every part of the cottonseed save the oil waa waste product. In the cottonseed oi t o torv now the seed ia collected after mining iiir-.ugii un coii.m gin, ami is first of its lint, which ia uaad in tin maniiiacture of certain kinds oi pa par, teits, ate. Next the shell of the I I 1 1 removed and either ground for caul. ood or used for fuel. In the latlai case the ashes are collected lor potash. The korual of the seed is ground and preaeed to extract the nil, ami the r. dB 1 1 used for cattle food. The oil in process ot reiinuig gives oft a waste which enters into soap making ami the making oi oleomargarine. lilyveriue, used in such great uuan litie.i at present, waa for years a waste lro.iiict aii waste from fattv oils coiitaiiis compounds of an acid with lyoarinc The acid will combine with an aiKaii, leaving the glycerine In a watery solution, from which it ia col lected by evaporation and distillation I OH MOM quantities of this reclaimed H ktta product are used in the making oi oxpjoaives. When steel is melted in a Bessemer i nverter the phosphorus, which used 1 1 1 Is- a nuisance, is separated from UM steel hy the introduction of lime, wiin winch the phosphorus combin readily. This phosphorus ia then uaed as a leruluer The aiagg from iron furnaces ia con verted into cement. The tin is taken from old tin cans by chemical process and is used over and over again. VDM H or THB muss Louia Poat'a Public: The aecond atep In -Mayor .lohnson's tax agitation in Ohio haa bean aticcnaafully taken. Every point he had chosen aa available for the initial tax fight in the atate waa accepted by the democratic conven tion at Columbtia on the 10th anil in serted In the platform. Thia triumph, nil under the circumstancex it wan a triumph of no ordinary magnitude, waa not achieved easily. The convention wan under the domination of Molrean. aasisteil by reactionary leaders who bolted the national ticket in IHtXS and are now hent on so reorganising the temorratic party aa to make it again an efficient ally of the republicans. .McLean interest in politics is frankl for himself, and his personal support ers opposed the Johnson tax reforn with all their might. Han hranciaco, Htar: Single taxern ill be pleased to learn that even tin Han Francisco Call has found out that constitutional amendment providing lor local option in taxation has been submitted to the people of the atate of I olorado. In a thoroughly character iatic editorial in ita issue of the :td Inst., that paper inloruied Its readers that, "This amendment was urged es iieciauv DV the single taxers, lint was backed by the large capitalized in tere-it- ol the slate." The former statement we know to lie true, and we hope the latter one is true also. It would he a comfort to know that the large capital ired interests of any sovereign state of thin union had enough good sense and public spirit to back such an amendment. If the (Jail s nformatmn is correct the amendment s almost sure to he adopted, fur it. lias been endorsed hv the organized lahnr of the state, by Hon. Thorns M. Fatter an, who was recently elected United Stale- senator, by the late (iovernor Thomas, and by the present GdtrvfBOf Orman. It in also supported b the most influential newspapers of the atate. Senator Hud I in believes that it will carry. Bryan's f'ommoner Postmaster Oeneral Smith, who resides In Phila delphia, sent a telegram from Washing ton addressed to the officers of the citi xen'a mass meeting, in which he de nounced tie- machine and dintinctlv took a stand with the people. Thin waa interpreted to mean that the ad miniatration had arrayed itaelf againat the Philadelphia syndicate But im mediately following Mr. Smith's tele gram "a . lone friend of the adminis tration" cato to ttie newspaper, this announcement: "The president never i. i m i . i i uas ami never will mix up in local politics, he iMJiieves that local politi cians should settle their own difTer-encee." Edema acts the skin on fire. The ncid DOMSOl , the blood are forced out throuirh the pores of the akin, causing intense redness, burning and itching. Boterribl is the Itching nt times, especially when the body 01 1 heated, that the almost distracted sufferer frols that he could tear the akin to pieces, ami that he must aCratcfa or go crazy. lie known from experience that this onlv makes matters worse, bat, tn.-ule desperate liv the territile .... burning and itching, he is for the time h, ing indifferent to after efT- cts. mere are several forms f ttcxema, the moist, or weeping kind, tint tmea little pus tules which discharge a watery, stick v fluid. Whtefi dries arid peels off in UtfrlUI scales. So profuse is the discharge at times that larga scabs or crust! lorra, wnicn are both painful and troublesome, and not cosilv removed. F. il, dllfiWrtng bumps and sores are svmptoms of BcatflM, The drv foTtt usually attacks UM neail. hands and feet; the skin, becoming hard nnd rough, ofUfl Cracking open anrt bleeding, and attended with much itching. Bcaetna dapcndl upon I p. icnril con dition of the blood, and local Mr. L. Marno, Kscondldo. Ban Dieao County. I applications, while soothing CaJ., writes: "My body broke out with a rush ,,n,l cooling, and m.iv to some r arnpnon wnicn in spun or an enons o cum extent relic. c the Ultlatlima oontinuna to gnt worse. The ItcBInK, especially t:n ..,! itching cannot disappear mt times, only to return worse than Tr. I bad tried many hlahly recommendecl paaparations without benefit, and hnarinir of 8. ft. B. determined to alvo It a fair trial, and was Insaprossibljr dellfhtett when a few bottles cu rod me entirely, removing- every blemish and pimple from my body. I shall not fail to rsooru mend B. 8. 8. whenever an opportunity oocura. be considered cures, because external remedies do not reach constitutional or blood diseases. Salves, ointments, powders, lotions and soaps do more h.irin than good, by smearing over and sealing up the Bona of the t-kiu. thus forcing the poison baok into the blood, b. S. S. antidotes and neutralises the acid poisons and drives out of the circulation all impurities and humors, and the pure, rich blood that is carried to the diseased akin quickly allayi the inflammation, opens the clogged up jnjies, and thoskin becomes aoft, aiii'Hitli nnd ready to perform ita proper function .. To 1 rid of Kcr.ema you must first purify and Inula up the blood, and nothing so surely nnd effectually does this os S. S. S tlic onlv guaran teed purely vegetable bliss 1 purifier. Send for our book on blood nnd skin disease, and wnte our iih v IcMtt (oi n In formation or advice you mn deain .Medical advice and book free. MIL SWIFT 5PFCII IC CO., ATLANTA, OA. A Force of 20 People are now employed at the Do mestic Laundry. If our work was not giving satisfaction we certainly c ould not afford them. I nJ all Pendle ton. Think of this ami send us votir bundle. to employ ananil tbeir tlioncv 111 fB r" - The Domestic Steam Laundry. FlGPRUNE Cereal Fruit 1 V46y CRESCENT BICYCLES The Wheel tint Is Sky High In Quality Prices From $22 to $60. Road wheels; - - $35. .Risers, - - - - $50. Chain less Crescents $60. Boys and Girls Wheels $22. 1900 Models as low as $15, $20, $25. Oeseont Whet'ls supplied Willi spring frMMl and Morrow MMiter brakea or with tither, Tonus of payment to suit ouatomen, with do interest, fall and get I oataiogufl CRESCENT AGENCY. East Oregonian Building. Grains A Perfect Food Drink Made from the choicest fruits and cereals grown in California. Possesses a delicate flavor and aroma not found in any other Cereal Coffee. All grocers sell it. FORKS LOW-DOWN TANK PUMPS, LACELEATHliK SI C HON HOSli ROPES, STEEL CABLE, ETC : : GOLDEN RULE HOTEL. EVERYTHING - FOR - HARVEST BOLTS Wholssals dealer in... Ice, Wood and Schlitz Milwaukee Beer. Henry Kopittke nip aVMD Hnrrr i ... 'B IWH I I.ISJ Umon Pacific nSPART FOB Tims Sshsdula "otn Psndlston, rhli'SRn. i-iirllHinl ,1 p. m. vis Hunt tncmn. Hnei-lal :2ft p. m. Halt l.k,;, fx,,,,., - worth, Omshs k' Atlsntlr Kxpromi s. m. vis Hunt-nii-ni'i Halt Lake, nonw, worth. Omaha. t SS0 anil R..i "-'-10:. St. Paul Past Mall ttU a. m. vis Hpokana. Walla Wall. - - I Paul. I)ulth.lM 1 . 'l' see, Chlcsfn and Rail "vto" "u Kiver Schedule rR" ''"KTUND. MM) p. m. All sailing 1at. Iuk. Jen in rhanff For Han Fran ago Ball svsrr .'ulav,. I Oregon Lumber Yard WOOD GUTTERS For baraa and dwell inn. Cheaper than tin. Lumber, Lath. Shinnies. BuildinK Paper, Tar Paper. Lime and Cement, .Mo ii Minus Pickets, Plaster, Brick and Sand, Screen Doors hi Windows, Sash and Doors, Terra Cotta Pipe. Borie & Light, Prop's Alta St., opp. Court House. Dally i I" i h p. m. Halurdar in p m a Pally ex Huintay 6 a. m Columbia R.(p To Antorla anil War Undinn. Will (in-anii Cltv aa i a . inHo,:r:5'jp "nil way l.anillna. .. M III Tnea Thrs. anil Hat. forvulii. ami Way. lAii'lmfta m 7 a. m. Wlllamatto andYam n i ....... i mi i lira. (ireRon c iy, Ttal;" nnrt Hal ..7,1 i'.' . "'nn Mn . . "-. .muting, H I l.,'M'.'- Rlpnrla i' i. m. Dally. Snake River. Klpurla to IrtWalfMB, F. W. Vi AUHi.ay Atent ' r - 1 I Take the. Washington & Columbia River Railway I L. Ray & Co., Buy and aali Stocks, BondH rot Clue (il. Ht. Joe, Omaha, tad vyii ii.tMn, aa- City, ill Paiiiaa J S. Mil I llllll. rl ."S I Mllll v Portland and points on the Sound. . ........ ,. ' . . - a ii .mi a m. i Banai ai':ftfta m. iM'paria nany uari'ii nnuiiay al o fli p i For liiformatlon ri'nar.iu rale, anil i mnilaUlllIrl ml: on or u,M;,- ' AlUMH. Aftll. B. U. CAl.llEKllKAi), (1. I A., Walla Walla. Wash. and Grain I Or ou margin HANSFORD & THOMPSON, HAKliWAKi: MIIKCIIAM.- Main Street, Pendlctun. Ore. New York Stock, Exchange. Chicago Stock iixchange. Chicago Board of Trade. Court Pandlalon. ; p, ONK LINK 1 lime too i tiaas . . lie 1 liiuea JOc each extra luaerllou. CLASSIFIED ADS. COUNT HKVKN WOK IX) To rilK UMM One Hue, or more, per weok, al Ihu in. nl ! por Usi )m- Ilnr. or inor.v iir mnnili. al Un- raw of Hk' uar Him. TI1KKK 1.1 N Km 1 tlaaa joe ' 1 1 ines . . . , S litnea. S0e 10c each additional lUMrtlou. OI)K i i h I Hue -JK .' 1 1 in.-. 14c I lime. 5e lSu each addllloual insertion PHYSICIANS. The ailuiujistratiun pi Turn L. loini aou of Cleveland, thio, ia bat, inning to bear fruit to the people of that city. Mayor Johnnoii, tiiruunli Um boani uf eijualuation, has succeedeil in raising the aaaeasuieut of the street MUrtMdl from 1686.000 to u,UO0,OOO, the latter auui being in ratio to the property values ou which iudividuals are re quired to pay taxea. Tom Jniiiieou proposes to wake the noli iiirporatlouH and rich iueu pay taxes just the same other people, and the people of the whole United Htates are looking upon .lohnson's work approvingly. If Mayor Johnson succeeds ill his under taking in Cleveland, he would be a good man for a higher office, where he could extend bia methods to all parte Kven the acids uaed lor chemical purposes arc not allowed to outlive their usefulness with the accomplish in. mi of (heir purpose The (Standard Oil ( u. foriuerlv wasted ureal ouanli ties of sulphuric acid after it had been useil to remove the impurities troui the oil. the acid was drained off into the river. Now it is uaed in a fertiliser particularh adapted to soil where! phosphate rock must be dissolved. Then again in certain great gal van.. ia wuras me irou was cleaned with sulphuric acid, which waa then run into the nearest river. This method oi diapoeiiiK of the waste waa for- hidden. Cheuuats were consulted The solution was made stronger ao that it could Ire clarified and used re peatedly, tonally, when it could no longer tie uaeu lor washing, it was evaporate.! and the sulphate ot iron ex tracted from it. Thia bi-product proved so valuable that It la now the chief product of the works. I nun the waate product of the wine I Cor. Court and Johnson Sts. PENDLETON. OREGON Hleaut heal Kleclilc Liable Amertuan Plan, raise ffl.lfi to l 50 day. Kurouean plan, 90c. 7sc, tl.uo special rai by week or mould. Free Bus floats all Traltaa. Co nunc re ia i Trade Solicited. Fine Sample Roams Special Attention Qiven to Country Traoe. CONRAD KOHLEK.PRO P DK, W. 0. VOLK. OmOl IN J onlldiu. offlci- hour., lu to U am.. 1 lo I p. m. leiepboue 77. K. W. VINCENT, M. 1). OKKIOK Kr.A R oi nni .vatioual bant ottic hour, lu m U 1 to S p in. P1VK LINKri 1 lluiv 30c I 1 1 in. - to.' il liiuea Ue J0c each ait itioual luaertlou FOR SALK OK KXCHANOK. a NKW SIX IIOKSK I'OWKIt hash. hue OajgtlM au.l ail II xiurna complelc, Unka, on.- ciikuii au.l an n mirtui couun.-i.' ui piuiuu, nailery ami Saeelrlo saarker. al ai price or wilt exchaiixe lor,.1 J Clc Pen die loo, nruKou. . . nr., I nm- i (LJIBsW I fin.,-. ,.. 1 TOaWa I on. a 1 SkvWaV I iw .'. I, flk, Laaantas. BtMr' PC Laurels A'tin f i a aaaiu e The un. bsoaillon paa in.,. i. in. i,, ,i,i ri, iedal Avaanl lo MIX LINK 1 Owe fjs -' times itv Ulliltfa 60. w aaak .. : t.- ..i,. uiavriion I.W.HARPER KENTUCKY WHISKEY kinnTurn aaa asr ina as. aw nun ntn PACIFIC RUNS Pullman Sleeping Cars, Elegant Dining Care, Tourist Sleeping Care To a. m. AHCUIThCrs AND HUH. SMITH A H K N 1 K It SO .V OKKIt'K oyer Peudleiou aavius Bank, ttiephuau 31, ruaidvuce lelephou J. H. ti. UAKK1KLO, M. 1) , HOM KlifATH 1c Phy.lclan and Surai-on OOliv In Judd aulldlUK Telephone omiv. black 7., real Hfuie, oiaca ii 11UILOKHS. T. K. HOWAUl). AHt'HITKCT ANH 81'- IteclUIVUdi 111. luaaa. i.mi alaaa ..... ,.rJ, ilana l r biill,iin. m ih.r ,.,7. ,,,,,111, man. r r bUUdllut. tttwrn 17, Judd buddiug PorUeMd, Oreoon ST. HELEN'S HALL CUANOK i mm i is Phn Uuefdiiu; aial da.i kIi,. i fur yirla Prepare n. :, lo, rnltancv int. all Uk 1... u, , Kef.v advajitaa-i (er tlioreugl. aurk lor girl, not lilUNHlUai to kii U, die.. I'aitlul liannn. t. ecun- a .Makiug kuoaladke el Kreucli or OVr man Uood uiuaic belli for 1 1, .... a ho taki laa auaeaud thuat. who do not lour akiUVI Uach m in tin- department alout Siwcialut. in charxe of claaaaa In iikakeapoart', in oralor.t an. I In Ui. hialorv ol liuraturi liutt hurar.i lihrarv un Uk voaat. Uuntbly uiuaivalea, au leilur mi .'lie ilraiua eauii Urui I'vuiuiodieua build ius. luodarn OMlnMaA LoeaU..ii in th, ba modiate i luuiiy oltheut.i park i. wall known lor lis beaul.v and liaalthluhiiaa. baautilul xrouuda wiU. adiaiiUue el taiuila and banket ball. A Large and well vouiuped g.i uuiaanun ia planned le be couiplatod lu the eerh auluuui. Pur book, of luformaUou apply u. Uie priu- attn Tel. tied ifM. J. L. Mil. 1.1. 1. M. I)., DB8PAIN III.OCK. u. i. aud -ii eye troublea, caiarrlial oudilioie. an I iUiar. i bearing. 01a..ea properly lltled lor refractive errora 1K. 1). J. M'KAl l. ROOM il ASaVOOIA lion block Telepbouu Hi reaideuoe lei, phone, black 1(1. OKTKOl'ATH It! PHYSIriANh DK8. keyea A Keyea. Ufflve, one block M eat ol boa ton Store HUIKK .v JJOUt. 00NTRACT0K8 AND .,.!,.U"";: . "'""' J",ru""r' on .bur, ao- - - - - - .-' .. Hli,,,, ,,,, Mi .tfl aire.- neai M, . - - m : , i r.iiaiii .h.u ... alu at reel . MA, CONTKAtTOK AND builder, katitnatua lurui.hoil ou all kind, of tuaaonrr eviueut walka. atone wall, ale ur der. can be left at the Kaat Oregouiau ofBce HANKS AND THK r'AKMKK'b HANK .-atoii tirrgnu Ooea iiii-ii.. h lectlou. proui UKOKKBS. "I Wh.M'tlN liohl an .1.11. ware yd... .. v.. I , Ne- Orleau. luOo ttn.l Hoyl.U rair ikiu IMIi Moid by JOHN HCHIJIDT The Louvre Saloon PKNULaTTOll 0RMOM You get Good Beer.. DK. LYNN h. BUAKl-;si.i:i: UHRONI0 and nervoua nliHMtaea and dlaeaaa- i worn Opp. Hotel .oi Water au.l Mum Si-. rvu.Jl, . ion. ore. on . -Iii'iii i on egou ooea a geueral banking ic.muge bought aud sold t'oi iplly alieudeJ u. Aa!ra in moat dlllou. aud ao reirorual narJ! K DIMTI8TS. ft". A. VAl'OHAN, DKNTI8T. In Judd building OKMl!K nve.tigatiou , ounni i teo of le.pun.i ulB oil laeu. tmicer.: K. Jameeou, proaidoui ..... u. ProeUlel vli, ,,,,,'. ff fe eler ' J. K. Klllgore. aaaiaLam ,...niu. ." A. U SKATIK, U. D. 8. OKKUJK OVKH Bavluga Hank Uaa admiuuiered K. A. MANN, tlor block, over DKNT18T, IN AS80UIA K H. Cloplou'a ofloe fl. A. Harui.,, u u iTo... . '.. 'recir , arv . au . evtllll, 1 J f f i . fl , KIU8T RATIONAL BANKOr A I'HKN Omm Oaattal, kw.uuu , ,u,plu. u.t Biont. In.OdO. luierejl ou um dBp,u lorolgu aud dome.Ui eaehaia.. . ..nT?.". u iuomio attended lo Henry C iJ., r Ideut T J Klrk, Ttce "reaU-m K I ' lull, iiulil., ii,. a- , o L bar ca.hler "' aaaiaiaut ATTORNK VS. CAKTKK t KALKY, AITORNK Y8 AT I . KBJce in Saving. Bank Building BKaN A i K W hi. I ATTOKNKYh 1 Law. Kooui U Aaaoclallon Block 1'eudlu Ion, meg on T. O. HAILKY, LAVYYKR. OKFU'U IN Judd Jlulldlrui. Peudleiou, Orexou N. RKRKK1.KY. ATTOKNKY AT LAW. OfBoe In Aaaoclallon Block K1K8T NATIONAL BANK oi' fKNDllt" ton CaniLal a?.,..., 1 -rll.ft - a - -v . . usuaiug una In n. wimiauui Ma. i lue N aud 1 ran.. lelogrsBhn lrau.ier.aold ou !hl"i Sf: claoo, New York aud priuciuai i.un'. North neat Deal I, llual, o" ICu'a j". Kurope. Make. iMll-tt,u,k When you drink PILSNER BEER. ('araiiUied not cause headache dizziness .... to or R. D. ROYD, ATTOKNKY AT LAW. Oourt at. term. Levi Ankeuy preideuT w if e? D' vloe-prealdeut: 0. B Wade preaineut. W y M.U.M k eaahiar, u. c HI L. B. UKKDKK, AI'TOItNKY AT LAW. Peudleiou, Oregon J AMKIS A. KRK, 1JIW OKV10R IN JUDD mninini hlll.l.MAN A 1'IKltl'K, ATTOKNKYH at law hooui. 10, II, U aud li Ajsjociallou Uueruaoy, aatiaiaut cashier TUt. r-KNDLKTON HA VIM,.- l. Peudleiou, Orogou Oraautaad u....?. f"' capital. WWnn 11, luZL lowed OU time ka. ,,., U f,1 aud .old on ah urlm-iue.1 i!,"1. 'Snt leuUon given lo collet Uoua V. J ttJ iinwiiiMiT- i n 1...I !rl " .J. eumiah fjyr. ..L;hi; " "p dent T. J. J. N. iorrta. cashier. IN POUND THK FOLLOWING Kb acrlbe.1 alock haa beau ukeu un be h" City Marahal aud will U- wld at "he exnlri, Ue of leu day. lor coal, and oxueni. eP'ftiou One '2 Voar old wuilo .pollod .ior right oar, brand uot vl.lbliv " -' year oiu nrludle apolto.l hellar ....... rlg-ht ear, brand uot vLlbiiT ' lrop oB era: , crop of Ask for it. Schultz Brewina r i . - ' VUi Telepliouc 7:'. ALLEN BROS., Wood and Post.. IWlyersd PrompHv flrauef Vi led Jul Kit i sail UKAiUMAN, Cily ktay.h. Price. Klaht aaiuaraak p.t. wood nice aua dry. ST. PAUl 1 II k 1 ft I iDULUTH KAROO JiiUtW) FDR ll'HlltiKSTtl.N wiNNKl'ht. IIKI.KNA ami HrTTE. TUKOUGH TICKETS W AHIM.TON PHILADELPUIi M W YORK BOSTON anil all puiuU hast suit MaV Through UoksU lo Japau and Cklw. la. uuia aud Northern i'aelllc HleaBlklJ and Amerlcau line. T1MK SCHhDULR. rir.n. I......1. I.I., ylCDl IIS.-OU p. ui for liirlher in onuain.n time cm. , al i, : i .n.l : . . .. . - ...ii u I, tain. ... a, i. tan on o wiiv. ... "-T-r.. lou. Oraanti or A. Il ' hih-'" flllrd and Morriaoli rlu . forliailJ WhitA fAlhr I in, Mill IV WHIUI asaa.' PORTLAND iSTORU Str. "Tahoma. Dally reuud trip, oa.opt huu4) Time Card. tvo Portland Leave A.lorla i. THE DALLESPORTLANI) Str. "Bailey Gatzert.' Dally round trip except HoaW aniaivar I'rivi-lilp I Jk'k'S. UuoJ Kl n ill' VI II I , iii.-eii'i. .. nr. .. , ..i . e ti... mwt r M l loll, LVH'a ui' Tiro Card. Leave I'm t um. i Arrive The Dulles Leave " Arrive Portland . 7A- .. 4 .10 die. M DM tu Hortidiiu - IN, UtllDk lo .ortiauci IM ru,u . . . . .ka as as hrough tickets lor botn o""ul me nun. - Appu Weals the ver baa ajnSun,Uy trip, a leading '""ajak 4-ThU route haa the IrSSnJ'1 iracliout) ou tartu l anding Foot ol Alder P Both Hboaes Main 35 . Horliauu J TAYLoK. Ast . -Valeria. y o . . ...... . ... . ti,u iiaviiass. 'HATHKU X UKNKH. AM " ta?aa KTHKL MK.l'HN, igl., "Ul'.,fuf 'i. . . ., H.IIW' lue Hast uteaouiau . -- ...j,. (uu a lepreaeuiativs r'- . lue Licuiiis ajijjtv.,-.- -- -bair liharal natruuul. H PJiNOLRTON, . . OK1Suoll isum mediun. ai Utle aactioa.