East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 15, 1901, Image 4

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    MONDAY, JULY 15.1901.
Now is the time to get
good shoes cheap. All
summer shoes must
be sold.
Don't miss your chance for your
Croqnet ni'tN anil Intniinnrka.1, Null's.
flBailiinartern for lln toilet oai.
Hack for Teal apring. telephone
Main 7B.
The open aaaoonlnr tleer huntitiK
enmmenrml today .
Woodland chenae, lineal in the
market, ai Hawlev'e.
We will cloae out onr entire line of
teel range at coat. Baker & Poleom.
- r auminnr jrnoiln to cloee at l-"v
nrti. Ulaaver Bros. irv tinoin
Practical Hoot and Hhoe Men.
A. Howard. Farm
your wuulow
4Wc. Cleaver
framed ; latent
wall paper at
Murphy 'a
1 ahirt w alata, now
Broa. Dry Gooda Go.
dock mita. now $2.98. ('leaver
Broa. Dry Gooda Go.
Have your pioturee
atylas at Murphy 'h
Naw daaigna in
Marpby'a paint a to re
Wanted A chambermaid ,
work. Inquire at thia nfltoe.
Two nearly new reaper for
cheap. Inquire of Peter Weat.
Mono pole canned peache. oyiitera.
aalmon, peaa and lieena at llawley'i.
Pirat nlaaK wheal paatnre for cattle
and horeea. Inquire of Peter Weat.
If you are looking for aomething new
yon will find it at the Standard
Midaummer aale of wanli goid onn
half prlos. Cleaver Bros. Dry
Gooda Go.
Pi neat hama and lard on the market.
Home product; try it, Ita guaranteed.
Schwara A Graulich.
Loat-Between Pendleton and Pilot
Kock, a pair of flue ilioea. PiikIit
plaaae leave at thin office.
ice cream for rjartlee and IihWh
eociablee at apecial prices, quel it
guaranteed. Candy Dutton.
Craacant bioyolea on the inatalluient
plan at the Orem-ent agenoy in the Kant
Oregon I an building, payment 11 a
week, no interaat.
The Htandard Groeary company will
have a large shipment of Hcntch oat
within a few days. Plaaae leave yor
ordere early, and avoid the rush.
Those famous little pills, DeWltt's
Little Karly Kiaers compel your liver
and bowels to do their duty .tlitm giving
you pure, rich blood to recuperate your
body. Are aaay to take. Never griw.
Tall man A Go.
At bad tiata 1 lake a pleasant herb
drink, the aant morning 1 feel bright
and my eompleaion is better. My
doctor saya it acta gently on the
stomach, liver and kidneys, and is a
pleasant laiative. It is made from
kerbs, and la prepared as easily as
tea. It ia eallea Lane'a Medicine.
Lane's Family Medicine move the
bowels each day. Price 25c and fiOc.
For aala by Taiinan A Co., aole ugi-n to .
Particular tailoring for pafttealai
people and particular tailoring tot
people who are not particular. It's
all the same to us. We make every
garment as particular as we can la lit
each customer's individual measure
uisnt. We make them iu the latsst
style, the correct style, and make Umm
right, loo right iuterliuiugs, right
trim ai logs, right prices. Two words
ex press ft all right tailoring Alex
ander A Heater.
You can never cure dysimpeia b)
listing What your body need-, in plant)
of food properly digested. Then if your
stomach will not digest it, Kodol Dya
papaia Cure will. It aontains all of the
natural digestanta, hence uiuat digest
every claaa of food and so prepare it
that nature oan uae it Id nourishing
the body and replacing the wasted lis
ues, thus giving life, health, strength,
ambition, pare blood and healthy ap
petite. Tallman A Oo.
Feather Dusters.
Numerous hear have been seen in
blackherry patches of Coot county,
Orand lodge A. O. V. W. i making
nreiaration for it meeting in
The members of the Empire theatri
cal company are guet of the Hotel
Good team of BglM for pale. Apptj
to W. T. Hoynton at hi feed yard on
Webb street.
The valuable bloodhound owned by
W. J. Faanjafe has lien presented to
Dr. C. J. Whltak. r.
There WaTS sold under sealed bid at
Heppner 600,000 poOndl of arm I, which
brought from He to II lte
Maker City' chamber of commerce
will consider h propoaitlOB to tulvnr
tie F.astern Oregon hi ii apailal meet
ing to ba heiii July M.
County Commissioner Horace Wai
ker arrived in I'eiidleton tixiay Irnin
hi home at Helix, on his way to the
Hot Lake, Union county.
An experienced dining room girl can
obtain a good situation by applying f
Vauliian Hrotheri, at the Hotel Pen
dleton. None other need apply.
Jobfl Pi Wichmaim ha tiled hi
oalb MOMaiof that be wisbe to be
come an Amuriran cititeo ami give up
allegiance to the emperor of (ieruiany.
A. P. Smithers, special postal Hir"iit
who will put in the free delivery sys
tern here, tate that Pendleton occu
pied just ii boii i one-third the urea
usually taken up !v cities of this size.
He sees but little necessity for the fret
delivery system in Pendleton at present.
The HI. Joe store ha adopted a plan
that will be greatly appreciated by the
public and might lie followed with
profit hy others. A oarrei of ire
water, with two tin nips, adorn the
sidewalk in front of the store at the
corner of Court and Cottonwood street-
It i astonishing the number of people
who patron ui' the water barrel.
That wa a mean advantage the Pilot
Kock baseball team took ol the I endle
ton printers. Thev filled them M (nil
of fried chicken, strawberries and
cream and I'uhxtV Mine lObboii that
when thev wen1 on the diamond tbev
were in the " inn condition an that of
Smiley' "leaping Frog" of Cala
veras." The weather report fur the week
ending Saturday, a bunded in In oh
server Hilton, wa ax follow: Maxi
mum temperature for Sunday, Jul ,
was the hlghext, W, while the mini
mum was the lowest, Wciliieiwlav, July
10, 4 . Average for the week, maxi
mum, 86.it; minimum, 61.1. Hainlall
on Saturday, July IS, .30.
Thomas Jaun had his preliminary
bearing before Justice Fit. Gerald on
the afternoon of Saturday, Jul) 18,
charged with larceny from a dwelling,
and was hound over to answer iu the
sum of I'.'-'hi. He ih one ol the men
charged with stealing some stuff from
Burr JohiitonV bouse, Charles Davla,
for the same offense, had previously
waived examination
Mlnlna Intersil! Ars Attracting Altsn
llan of Seam People.
It would seem from reports that min
ing men on the sound are not all Hock
ing to the Klondike. Many of them
are becoming iuterented iu Baatern
Oregon. A. V A nder-on ol Seattle
made a few location in Sumpter a few
yearn ago and induced ot her to bMOxM
interested with him. He is enthusi
astic over his holdings. To a Times
reporter lie said: "lhe beauty ot min
ing in Oreiton is that work can bo done
winter or summer and there is an
abundance of timber for mining pur-
pose- It ih nl-" convenient to rail
transportation, and mining can be car-
rien on at a minimum cost. So far an
I am able to learn all of the ledgen m
that country improve in value with
depth "
Last Opportunity lo Ual ths HsnsfH of
Low Halsi - Rsaular Rates lo Ad
Todav and tomorrow Hie O. I. V
Co. will sell tickets to San Iruiiiino
and return, via steamer from Portland,
at l-tt. 1 , which includes meal and
berth; via Southern Pacific railway
troui Portland, f 34. lo lirsl ulass ; sec
ond claas, 131.1"). Kerth in tourist sleep
er included with second claaa ticket.
tickets good until July 81. Tin- above
rates are in eftect tislay and tomorrow ,
Jul v 1 and 16, and these dates onlv,
anil the regular rates to Sau Francisco
are to be increased '2 i per caul in a few
Walter Clark, or lllon. Adjudged In
sane on Saturday Ariaraoon.
Walter Clark, aged 21 years, who
was brought down Irom his home on
Saturday. June 13, by Deputy Sheriff
Joe Rlaaley, wa adjudged insane that
same afternoon and taken to Salem the
following day hy the same deputv.
Walter Clark is the son of John M.
Clark, of Freewater, and this i the
first time he has given any evidence
of being of unsound mind. His desire
is to run away from home, and he has
lieen anting iu that way for more than
a week. He keepstelliug those within
his hearing that he wants "to go to
h I to be with Dob Ingeraoll." Jus
tice of the Peace Fit Oerald handled
the case and iaaueti the commitment in
the absence of County Judge llartmnn.
County Judge Hartman ba returned
from a trip to Baker City.
8MB Thompson and wife came in
from I.a Grande Sunday evening.
Salem Journal : Mr. John Mct'onrt
of Pendleton b the guest of her
toother, Mr. W. K. HontM'V, (ora few
week. Sumpter American: Hon. .las. H.
Haley ol Pendleton, ex-senator from
Umatilla county, was a visitor in town
do ring the week.
The Hey. John Warren came in
on last night's train Irom Hot 1-nlo
and is a guest at the rectory ol the
Church of the Redeemer.
The Misses Mary ami Clara .Inilirir
of Hllliboro an guatti ol their coaalm.
the Misses (trace and Kay Heagle, and
will remain a few weeks.
J. P. O'Brien, of the O. K. v. N.,
passed through Pendleton on Huuday
on bis way to ( omiect icut, called mere
by the illness of hie father.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T VenOrsdal I , Miss
Nellie Matthew-.. Mrs Nellie Van
Orsdall, and Mis Carol VanOrdall
li.ivo one to Meacham to rusticate lor
a brief season.
I Grande Chronicle : Miss Maty
lena Fraker, who for the past tan
week ha heen visiting friend in
llaker OH) and La Grande, returned
to her home in Pendleton this morning.
I). W. Kaiiey, formerly an attorney
of thin city, but who has been located
at i irangeville and other Northern
Idaho cities, is a visitor in Pendleton.
He is accompanied In In son, Master
Wade Bailee,
Mia Helen V. Kimball and Miss
Heta Jackinan, of Salt I.ake city, sister
ami niece respectively of Mr. John
llailey. jr., who have lieen in Pendle
ton for the past two week, took their
departure this morning for their home
James H, Haley returned on Sunday
from Canyon City, Orant Bounty,
where he had gone a an attorney (or
the Standard Mining company in liti
gation in circuit court. He ha a high
opinion aa to the value of the
RtandanJ pro party,
Sumpter F.agle: Col. J. II. Haley,
a prominent attorney of Pendleton,
arrived yesterday to be present at the
trial of the Standard milling suit next
Monday. He was accompanied bv F.
Hands Up!
Says the highwayman,
and it is pretty near the
same thing with the bak
ing powder trust.
You are charged v 'nf ;
pound When von can Inn
Owl High (iradt Making
Powder fnr .joc and it is
guaranteed pure cream of
tartar and soda, while the
trusts' is not.
Owl Tea House.
Stone jars 15c per gallon.
We arc offering
Great Bargains
In all departments of our store.
Save Money by Trading
With Us.
..AOS Tl
Has the following bargains
480 aom A l tvhettf land.
;20 ucre8 AI whuat land.
2 lots wdl located
1 lot l0Wr Wehl Htreet $90.
Our midsummer
Furniture sale
and dc
Shades. Curtain Idles. Mirrors.
Undertaking Parlors 111 Connection
center Ol attraction
scrvi if unusual attention.
cr rati intend to furnish your hous
MHinlstt or 111st 1 ontemplate the
addition of a few necessary pieces
this your ODDOrtUllitV. Over
twetitv hvi different styles of
Iron Beds
prtsers. Commodes, Parlor Fur
tiinire (.'aun ts. Mattings, Window
Hahs Cahs. Go Carts, etc
Also a big list of
county property cheap
V. 8.
Marshal Press ortb umioii ol Portland
and Jnbn H. Hmdies of inariburK.
I.. Harnett, caabier of the
National bank of Atbunu, I I
shall Zoe Houser and Ileputy
D.psw on Commsrolal Competition -Prals.i
N.wspsp.r Work.
Senator (,'baiincey M liepevy, now in
I'arla, is Otad in a Journal and Ad
vertiser dispatch a saying 1
"The hasix of fatnra wars ih com
mercial. I'nmiiiecrial couipetttioii ex
cites the passions as competitive prow
ess in other deparimeuts Oeruianv is
now our moat hostile competitor The
conclusion 1- .do phi-
"The issue is to be loiibt out on the
sea: lint newspapers tnat are ad vocal
lag a SSigbtJI navy are doing most pat
riotic work.
'Vontinental Kurope entertains hos
tility against the I'uited Htalee. Kng
land does not, but we do not recipm
cate her sympathetic feeling. Not-
withstanding commercial competi
tion, all classes there believe that if
the conntrv were 111 jenpariiv we would
come to its a.sKtance
' Krame will not become hostile, for
moat of her products are consumed by
her own people. Austria seeks a mar
ket for her surplus and is liilluenced
bv Ourmanv. Italy will stand with
her allies. The dilticultv with Hussi.
will la- settled bv onr adm inisl rat ion
"The hostility against us in the var
ious countries ol continental Kurope
differs only in degree. Nevertheless
an industrial alliance axainst us is
1 in l os.-ihie The countries could not
agree as to per.entages We are their
best cusloiuurs and could retaliate."
- w v as
4at. nil
Irlvi-n ami wl
Kutliiiu liiaiin-a
k. Akkl AI ll . Slk
avaryana sajoys anvtai
ml) ,
will lisppeii. Ihxiish. le ths Isrit
th Die
Ihn itriO(sat reldul
sufttuv liri'skiloivii-
I" I'll
larluni. winch rviion- ilopalrlns
perl.cl health, wr can make h ill)
hide lissk like new asulii. Hie-h reiultn aru
niadK pusnllil by our .kill, ovp- re-ii. e ami u
parlor facllltlst. C'liarRM low
A. C
Inv.h'l. ii
O la. Ve
Local Proeus. Market.
Pendleton dealers are pay lug the fol-
arin pro-
din e :
1 hi. M to
price- for ranch and
15c per roll.
The largest and best line
of feather dusters BVwf
displayed in Pendleton.
t'-Kii" Mb pat doi
Turkeys -Alive, Lflifc per hmiikI.
lieuti-112 per dozen.
1 licks -l.5(l per dozen
Ohickeiis 13.00 to $4.50 per dozen
New potatoes are coining into the
market (reely.
' m m m
Ho! for Buffalo.
tomorrow'. ruaatMUf, tickets to
Buffalo and return, good HO days, will
be on aale at the O. U. N ticket
oflUce, at 7i Next date of sale, August
0 Keiuember that in purchasing your
tickets Irom the O. It. & N. (Jo. you
are allowed to select your own route.
Think About It.
If you will only think it over you
will go to see Martin when you want
to buy groceries. His motto is "best
goods at lowest prices." His stock is
very large and well .elected. Martin
has the beat bakery department in the
To close out all short lines of shoes
Sweeping Reductions
are being made iu prices In
The Pendleton Shoe Co.
It will pay you to come early befotc- the sizes run out.
Copslanil, Slay.r of Hoaart,
and HsfiiK.s.
Neil Hartley l.'optd.nd, who shot and
killed A I Kogers on a I iilou Pacibi
train near Kawliun, Wyu.. was a trust
ed teller in the Nebraska Nan - nal
bank 01 wmaba lor ill years prior to
August, law. Me left the city at that
time, ostensibly for a summer vaca
tion and visit to the Kattern states
At the batik (Jnpelaiid was deaignatt-d
as the "K. df M " te'o-r he having
charge 01 the deposits ol the Hurling
ton and Missouri railroad. A month
after his departure the Uurllogtoll ac
count at the bank showed a shortage of
fiu.uui. 11.111 01 mis amount was
Uada good by t'opeiaud's hrother-in-laa
.mil the remainder hy his bonds-
men lhe bond company acting a
his surety has lieen looking for Cope
land ever since the shortage was dis
covered, but has been unable to locale
bun ( opclaud was recently be.ud
from on the Pacipc coast through a
iraieruai l dy w ith which be was con
nected and was being traced b a de
laeliva agency. His wet 1111, A. P
lingers was 111 the employ of Swift A
( o. in transporting poultry Irom sit.
JOSSprl to San I-rancin.
tor lata,
1 offer for sale tin thoroughbred Po
land China boar, Jefferson Medium,
register No. 50, .Uo, sire Pacific Me
dium, dam Betsy Corwiu. He is a line
individual and a good breeder. 1 have
had him in my herd two years, and
will sell him lor :k.
A. I BW AGO ART, Athena, Ore.
It is easier to keep well than get
ured. Hewitt's Little Karlv Hisers
taken now ana then, will keep your
bowels iu perfect order. They DQf ai
gripe hut promote an easy action. Tail
man Jk C.
When you waul a modem, up-to-date
physic, try Chamberlain ' btutuach
and l.iver tablets. They are easy to
take and pleasant in effect. Price, 126
cents samples tree at lallmau a
Co V drug store.
to Spend Uk Summer.
A Natural Health Reeort.
Oood Fiahing and Hunting.
All ki uds of sport Hnootiug gallery,
Howling alley, Croquet and Hauciiig.
Telephone connection to all points.
Mail three time per week.
Endicott, Warren & McFaul,
LEHMAN, ukegon.
Main and Webb Sts.
United Shows
Will Exhibit
Alternoon and" eveninn ll Pendleton
Wednesday, July 1 7
The six Harveluus Eddy's, Premier Acrobats.
Highent Halant'tl porformerH in the known world: nothing
IrfJO tiilln ult for them to jit-rfonu.
100 Startling acts and features.
Arenic Attractions Unparalleled.
Magnificent Street Parade
NaVMI bafwa Iwva you had Km opportunity uf seeing such corneous
UI3JU.M .inn iuai siiieiuior Asail wmrst-lve-, ot it
Wild Beasts from the jungles of Africa.
At lowest rates
Uaat Orafonlan Building,
I 'entile ton Ore con
For aale, lot 4
residence lot at a
ply to
In block Hi,
low price.
C F. Cook's Employment AfeflC)
Corner Main and Alta 8treet.
l areuu UwlrlUK tiuaie luduaucun. IxMiutllul
urruuiiilluin, fcrln i cliiuat. curclui iujn-r
vltlou tuod tnorouah uieutnl, iuor ud i-l.v.i
oel training fur Ih. 11 buyi will Hail all Uiuw
iiirunu'iiU lllll unit at liuill School,
Meiilo fata, ban Uatcn I'uunl) . l ai.
Man lur ataiugup
Klavautti yeai liagiu- Augiut i:iu.
IVA t, Hori, I'll. it.. frlaclpi.
Turkey haa final I v
can ulaiui of !.., 000.
paid the Anieri-
l l THK NKWH! Teke ttie
i Orecontan. Daily $3.00 a year by
A aaaiT. Weakly ft .50, aad Semu
Weakly ta a year. 8a pie empy tree
Hiss Ldna has startled the world.
The i'l t low us an- .1 wlmli
circus in themselves,
go prepared to
Kead what the fapvra Say:
I n. L . Blah I I ri
...,.... .... j ,r AM p rlorniant e given by the
famous Sells and Cray's I mted hhows l,, v. sterday was the ureal
est ever civen tint or a tout in tUlm "
c- ' - . ... . . 1 .1 uny.
" j une 1 a. ..,,ie t.Us Grays United Shows
Uliialot lice, uiie ti "Never
till' MILtnrii ,. I I . I
l,..n ,.,-i. ..: , 1 . Slluwi mere
1 " ":ur"e u"ll,:r u,1' greeted Sells Grav's
famous iiroduction here vestr. a a ii 1. l . , ..m.wmi s
j eieaiia ai 11 in um aigoaal of
ous production here
Kesersed Seat Sale begins at y p. , on show day at Tall
Lrug Store.
Ii. J. Sells and J. L. Gray, Props.
man ic Co. 'a
of menstruation.
ihey overcome Weak-
neaa. lrreui.ity au,i
'""'"i increaee tijj
woo ouniMli
wotiittuluHxl, Hi.line dcvel.,1,,,,..,,, V ' 10 i?lr- at
knowa remedy br'aZa.l.rf
aaaj' o.-iumca u tiouaure Ml IHI I n .1. ' ouriu - nie
i ! 1 VN. O.. UiiUUm MJ.C V.. C 'Viand. Ohio
Open day and night.
""HXX'" St. George
Under new management
Regular Meals 25 cts.
t aNINo niNMii
Mtals a la Carle,
Geo. Stoll, aDroprietor.
tUAMOk 1 1 itti i 1 1 s pri
i .1 .. . I....I .t.. i .
- . . wwau lur uirU ..
" '"' ae aa m aa laiaai ak
mmm, kMrte, u,y
i-iiarwi .,1 cU ii, slu,i,.
r "i in uraiort and
" uwimiun iu... i,,
- M..lltl.ijr UiifiuaJea;
urauu. t, (.ru,
"H, bilani UipiUat.
"Maliat .mit
Ml IU U;aut
III tltt- iliat..ri
t) nurari
leti .1, -
"Oiuiliu bullii
i-'Mali. i, t
"I tl,t cil. ,L u, c
I. allot o .... u
m, m a, a u,.. JTZiZ
Tal. Had an.
I he Place to 6
your order ,T: J
water ia..i . r-"al
ami ui
Beat line of "
-a , la.
me nanar t.
a r- a .
1X1 ' - VM
f.'r, Brick
Sana, m
i .- . . T
Win, . .... r.
i I""", t3ia
Ut I H Ii IPO 1
Pendleton Planinv
rv i
Lumber lard,
R. F0RSTF R . d.
., . rro
a nr unnT
sriffli nun
Pllllmna &l
Kleannt Dini.. n
- ut
.......... L1 .
' ' Sleeping
a vii
nr, 1 tlKK
and all point Kan and
Throuh tlrarta to j.rn u
Ta . . ..,,1 .......
. " ""wa ranic
ami awaricau ion
I fl rain laaaaa I ...... i ...... . --
'IV. - i-wjg IUM1T
mi .lay ii. m
For further lnlormftltoo, tl
-D1 ti k t fall on nr arf u
UiD. Oru-on or i i f
Thlnl ami Morrlmn Hu.,
.White Collar
i ' -ept m
Time Urd.
i I'nfl 1 1. li. 1
Loare Astoria
Mr A A 'I
I in. : ll.l.l. I "ll II. ir
ti . i iiut ua
I'liii iiiini'. .1.1) ruru m
Cascade Lues,, Hood
White Sainton and Tie
Time Card
l.eitvf f'orllaiitl
Arrive The I n Ik-
Leave "
Arriv- I'ortlaint
Fan, Dalles to Portland
fare. Ua en to Portland aM
Tliruuali tlukala lor buth
I lit' lla.li" Apij to
aa.t. .k. ....
iW"i. rj
Cap-Hiinilay trl a laatlinf
irai iiiini. i.n r.ann
I aoJliw l out ul A
Both Phones Mala js-
A. J. TAVl.nK. Ami A.iotia Oa
li'MN M HU.'iN'. Afi.TUal
I'KA rtlKli A llAKM-- tu.
Ml If I Mii.I'IIV in. I'ua
r. t itii ino.N, .' . ntaaa
PACT , io on
a. . a a-' a . a
7.0U u. Dl.
.J a 11,
tUt .. II!
Depot Mft l lWf
UUitl "rwlaUUrUlv.
.1.... arurw-tan
UOi, aa
lur ttl.
u.iliiirK I
ui. ..i..,..,. f..r
BdU. '"""'Tl.
trun anu nii
XMjr. tUaUy . .
I.,',t4- III HI ' fj
i.ii,.i.ii hiiftiice. aw
i uui anil ai m'..iii im.
hj i..i ti.'kMLi. m Ka8
ruur. Alan Jauaii. ( uiua, '
. Klratid. TteaBl Al,Ta
rufuaua, ur.
A A a
To and from
... i n
nam I nnrn If
ana i iiiiii ii
111 1 1 VI J VViiu-
Solid Trains
aa..... i . ..in
ilftn "1 '
. .. u ll.
huquirt) atruiit ' "
u u -rt ii u m'l.L. W
1 lllliu
k... OicauuiAA