fa? FRIDAY, JULY 12, ltl. Clearance Sale Now is the time to get good shoes cheap. All summer shoes must be sold. Don't miss your chance (or our CLEAVER BROS Practical Boot and Mine Men. VITUS. fa. k. 01 w frame! ; lau-sl wall paer at lllit Jaa. A. Howard. Farm loam. 10 reduction on bicycles. Nulf's. Orawflih at the Colnmliia bar ton igbt. Baseball Roods and flubini Uctcle at Fra ler's. Bay your window shades at aiurpby's. $1 abirt waiaU, now 4c Cleaver Broa. Dry lioods Go. f dock aoita, ii BrtM. Dry Good Co. Have your picture atylaa at Murphy New designs in Murpby'a paint store. Wanted A cbamberinanl work. Inquire at tins 'itlirw. Two nearly new reapers (or cue cheap. Inquire of Peter West. First class wheat pasture la Oat) and horses. Inquire ol I'eter West. We will close out our entire steel ranges at coat. Baker A Pain It). 36c summer goods to close at per yard. Cleaver Bros. Dry QWM If vou are looking (or something BM you will find it at the standard grocery. Midsummer sale ol wash good atJa half price. Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Co. Have yon aaen the latest stock in pianos and organs at Wakelleld Pail in" Fluent bams and lard on the market. Home product ; try it, its guaranteed. Bchwara A Grenlich. Lost -Between Pendleton and Ptloi Hock, a pair of line ahoes. Finder please leave at tbis office. lea cream (or parties and loin sociables at special price, qualit.x guaranteed. Candy Ihitton. Creacent bicycle on the installment plan at the Creacent agency in the East Oregon i an building, payments $1 a week, no interest. The Htandard Grocery company will have a large shipment of Scotch oat wiUiin a tow days. Please leave jror orders early, and avoid the rush. The pitas that annoy you so will bs quickly and permanently healel if yon use DeWitt's Witch Hasel Salve. Be ware of worthless counterfeit. Tall man A Co. Harvest ii coming on and y t.u grill want bread. Otu Hulitiarli is tarni&fl out the beat bread m the city. It I not get dry and bard. Call u I pbone Main 80 and try it. "I am indebted to ne Mint. Care lor present good health ami n iile. 1 was treated in vain b ' i lor lung trouble following la grip I took One Minute Cough Cure ami r covered mv health." Mr E 11 Wb Madison, Ga. Tallnian A Co. At bad time I lake a pleasant drink, the nut morning I (eel i.r.. aad mv cxnnnlexioo is lielier. M doctor says it acts gently on the stomach, liver and kidneys, am) U u plaaaant laxative. It ia made baa herbs, and ia prepared as easily a tea It IB called Laud's Medn i Lane's Family Medicine moves the bowel each day. Price 26c ami For sale by Talman A Co aula agU, Feather Dusters. Hark lor Teal springs, telephone Main 7t. Woodland cheese. tinejit I ft the market, ai Hawley'a. Monopole cannedj peaches, oysters, salmon, pea and laiis at Hawley'a. See the displav of (anry art and Japanese curios at Wakefield A Failing's. Nice tomatoes, encumber, bean and evervthing else in the vegetable line at G- H. Demon's. The l aiamlpine at the different street corners ot Pendleton to Ih us)d in tilling the sprttik ; ma rart. ot 12."?. 77. - J. a. Hentler. .' B. MeLeod and Kit Have have been appointed ap praiser of the estate ol the late F.dwar.l Limner. The regular ii-ninnlhl MMI shoot ol the Pendleton BportaiBM'l association will irur M Sunllay. .Inly 14. For rent Three rooms, elegantly furnished, with hath. Oant MB oniv. Sheridan house, corner of Alta ami Thompson street". Bom. to Mr. and Mr, .lack Baker, on Wednewlav, Jolf I", s triri Mr. Baker' smile ( r the past lew days ha been broader than it is lone. The insurance men are iiathering i" Pendleton BfwfttrwtOr) to nnikiiiu tm-ir trinmpiial tour of the county to insure tanners against lose (fofc gram dee troyeii h) lire. tl. A. and H. Smith DwVS IM a lin .me lot L'. block 1. -:xier s uirtUlnn the nrotxTtV of f tieid, lor mavatfag and grading to the amount at 1 The (at freight train wa in IVndl ton t.xla ir on I'kiaii. wi ' )' "' choice Ikial. cr. BjajeT but!.". TbH buter can I btaiiiwl at the following fine st.iri-s in Peiul. to:i : Alexander .. 'Heater, DeOSOtt. Keinlcr. Oilver ft I Co. and tne White House grocery, la guaranteed pure auo eet ami going like hot cakes LA GRANDE TEAM TROUNCED f ZATlTpSJI . favorable action. Th Fonslla's Won Thursday i Baiebell . . Dsath on ths Train. The name at La Itranoe on dav Jnlf II, between the team cit'v and' the Fontella of Pi resiilted in a tronncing tor Gran.l- team by a sere ...... ... jt. , , Thl- IS the first tia.io ine I .rr?M .e . IOST. A IIINUiirrui.-... Now to take I..,.' ll.VII . -- ----- . - 1 . 1 , tweet) BMM Bl the (Havers ami me management IB regard to parting in a new man to pitch the name the tirt canw tor the failure of the local to pat n a B"oo game, imp m-.i m... to produce a feeling between two of the l.a iirande player wa where the third baseman sapped a hell wltb Ins left hand ami tne catcher remarked to him that he had "better sign hi other hand. too. " The Fontella Mintage of those little things ..I.um.1 the Iirande points. A great deal of money changed hands OB IM gaJM, DlOfih of it being phice.! at s to 1 on I.a Grande. Dan Buna - eolag with the Fontella to l atch lof them in their game at Boie. Idaho. L. T. WADE IS RECEIVER took ad and MM eani at all .1 hn F. Seeber diet! on the train between La Grande and PmidMnn Tnnrsdav night. A telephone message was sent to M. A. Kade.r. the under- of the remains niMin arrival in I'ennieinn ai i.a Kridav mornina, anu prepared ineoi lor nurial. Thex were shipped to Walla Walla this morning and the funeral will occur on Saturday. July I" Mr. Seeher wa accompaniel hy 1 v'harlee. They had been min- aa near Joseph, Wallow county, when the older man, who is aged 71 years was the victim of an accident. Blood poisoniiiB set in, followed by heart f.liln.e. The couple were on their way home, hnt the old gentleman wa able to ur ive. nn- Suit by vt. Wllltar Followinn is tne pn jraii to he ren dared near the corner of Main and ,Br; Court streets thl ev.-niny h tl e I el dleton cornet bund: March, "Stars: and Striie Forever." Soiisn : watzea. i 'Tricotrin. I'. W. B oiliett : dance. 1 "Manilla." Kmil Ascher. MlaCtiofl "Macfh-th." Verdi march. "Apol lyon." Thomas; "star Spangled Hai. ner," Keys. gdllh M. Davli (. onnsrly i;. 1 Wa.le MM appointed receiver - la) and went Owl t" the country to poaMaaion ol a crop o( barley. Depot Sheriff D. Turner accompanied bird to put him in possession of the .. tv in accordance with an order i t ea sra win. i V ., ." e.l t.y l.lw'e ' ': ' "' ,.. ,, , - nit court is eiiimro r.uno H !'a . Wilnain t oiilierlv. The plalDt fl 111 her complaint allege that lbs RM.C loi-er is. MOO, Hie owner and in peaceable MMseasion of the west hall o! section II, the northeast arte al 11 ilW lo, the south hall of the southwest quarter section S, town ti;i 1 north, range.!- 1. W. M., alien tan Ian tba lajsi to WlliMBl ton- f ir 'iie vtjitr. he was to raise a and give oue-lhird of it to the miff for rem; he raised 75 acres ol I tubals t the acre, ami is n hitrvesf.ug 11. rni' re I uses to give ui one-third of the crop to plaintiff accord ins to contract. Mr. Jsh RlNNINCi DOWN ROBBERS Montana Countiss Furnlhln Pss Oltlssr Sanulns. Vnai'onda. Mont. Jnlv 12. A special to the Anaconda Standard from Chinook. Mont., is to the cfi-ct tha: M.eritt Benner of (.rent Fall" and hi poesee of II men left there for the Bear I'aw Pool ranch. 1; in If- away, where horse will he fnrni.hed The (ireat Falls posse will he ilnod bv posees from other eotintie-. mimlH'r ing in all 16 men. Sheriff Uriflitli apparently is aba lutelv conlldent he has the Great No'thern robbers iirroundel on People' creek, and ys he left a guard of nve men there to keep in touch with the enemy. Bsbali Dsfsatsa. t'ltv of Mexico, .tiily li! The war ! office reisirts anotlier deloat of me Mnva ridels Wednesday by government r-.ops. Kobert H Greeley, secretary of the Spokane Chamber ol Commerce, was found dead in his room in Temple Court. ST. JOE STORE We nrc offering Sreat Bargains In all departments of our store. Save Money by Trading With Us. UtaOXST STOCK it. th' COCNTV to SELECT FROM. LYONS MERCANTILE CO., Shadts. Curtain PoiwS, Mirrors, Our midsummer Furniture sale is the center o( attraction anJ Je Mrvet unusual attention. Wbwtta cr v.. i, intend to furnish your house conpleti or just ccfttemplate the addition of a Htm necessary pieces, this is vottr opportunity. Over twenty -fivt different stvies of Iron Beds Dressers, Commodes, Parlor Fur niture. Carpets. Mattings. Window Ticturers, Batn Cabs. Go-Carts, etc. bond (or ent.-red duties a tliXX) aas upon the re eiv, r . tiled and l iiharge Wade'- he ha of his PKOTLt h KHE FOR A DAV. oBI.'s lit", .-e l A ('.., pill- THt TEXT BlKlk COMMISSION About Comclstsd 111 Labors Soma or lu Sslsctlons. The state hoard of education ha- ar ranxetl a state coarse of study and edoNI state text booki. The Americai. Ih.ok it .mi- -n .ii adoption. "Todd Astronomr." Following were the high school adoptions: Wells' Kssenttai, Heath Jc Co., puhiishers; 65c: f Latin Ailei, A or.-. Latin iirammar . Uiun I .aiiHrs : (Sic . f 1 .-'II: II. Latin composition - I'aniell's : Benj. F. NuiDorn Co.. pabliaban; 1011 M. iwinner h Latin liook. Collier A ! Iiamell ; inn .v C. pubiisher ; 50c: $1. Greeiioti.M A Kittri.Ue's N e I Caesar, law; turn GraawMsfi A El tridae's New Cicero, 7iK; ) J .0 . Ureaaoaiii Miirnme inm, 1 JO. i mo i Co.. Mblishsrs. Harr' Cornel lo Kepros: Macau I Ian 4 00., pnhlisber . 4.' ; i Arrivals at Moisi rsodi-ton Mai UMPia, Nea York. Ww McClarv. uirainie, Wr. Wm Maher. Portland. C M bniitli. I -W I' Fell. I'urUaud. E W Hartlett. La UfM hi F F I'owers, jr., I'ortlaud. Geo Steven, spokane W F .lohnson, Swkaue .1 .1 Burn. Iwilaad. U H Hrown. I'ortland f. btrohm, city. I: w ijardeiiiiroov:. Bakw CitV. M I'ial. Jvaiuas. Kaiiias. .t In lecol. Wlntue.re. 01 icagn. Allison. Oskosh. Amirew. Cnicago. 11 tidier, lUker (. 'ity Thomsou, San FnuMHl Markt, sau Iran Wont f'ortland. Camplwll. O R t H, If Wa. ago. York. I. .J .1 w L .lobn A M W I A G M T M A H K .lacobsen. San t I 1 Hoiignton. T A W Wevmau. t'al Harrv M Holt, Uhi A .1 Wal'luian N- M H Brosnier, Syracuse. Hammoiil. Iortlau.1. 0 I liur.H iier. M Faul. .1 H Fddy, Forest .rove. J II Kliokner. (lay, Wash. Chas H Glaiaii I'ortland. Henrv North, l rtland. l - B Hartia Pi rt.au.l F K Kamsey. I'ortland. tl s l'oruiaii, I'ortland. tadlan War Uanoa. The Indian parade in war . ..stun., on the picnic ground- east of tlie mjencv, on Tli'irsi tftunnMiu, July II, wa witner.rd hy about 5W people, many of ahoui were from I'undletoii. There or- no M It buck and M(Uaw in the parade, gorgeously appa- 4 small In.iian ixy had one of nir hands badly lacerated by the explosion ol a l... on., which he was liuidiiii it. Ins hand. i'i, .iiii i -tr 'U' io a surgeon. F. W. Kimberk, in charge of the Balfour-'iiithrie warehouse at Adaui., pent Thursday in Pendleton. He ei .. .... j h opinion that the report of damage to t'ie t'matilKi coiinl wheat crop tuicl P-'i. . x.i.verate.l. although he was jierlectly willing to ac Kiiowledire that some loss had been sus tii ned. He ain he lielievedthe wheat tl if I'matilla county would lie a large Ibis year a it wa in 1A0. Coantj 1 oinmissioner T. 1'. Uilli laud who ua lieen in attendance upon oonty court, left lor home in the Camas vallev. near L'kiah this morn- nw. Ilelore lie tlenarteo he stated the wheat, rye. ats and barle of i ii mas vallev would U- almost a com l lete failure, ah it had lieeli fr. .o Rjra was paruculalry damaged. The most ol :iioe grains in that section ..re BOl (or hay. Pl.KhUr.AL MHh riON J, s Ofcafff wa a visitor in Pendle ton on rtiurtklay. tarn Jobnaoa left this morning (or i i- baata at Wallace. Idaho. Um Ai- x.nder ha ten added to he ust o( carrier tioys (or the Sjiokes. in.w-Keview. Mia Cel. a Henii i at Colfax. Wash., iier aba ia the guest of her sister, Ml I lore Keiin. Tom Word is in town on one ol his m-u.i- iccasioual husinese visits, mui s k guest oft lie Hotel Pendleton. baKer Citv Kepublican: Bertha Alexander oi Pendleton l in the cit visiting al the home of W. J. Patters.m. I W Hartlett, router of the land M.ce at jk iirande, I in Pendleton today and will leave at :26 this even, ing 1 ir lioine. afeai City hetiuhlican : Mrs E. .1 len, .Mrs. E. C. Allen and Pete Alliaa Ol Pendleton are in the city and are stay ii tin -aganiore. Mis Lola Carl i..." on the traiu this turning lor , anere she will br the gui-t of lier hroliiar toerj Carl, .he insurance agent, ior a month or jc. Julius Levy, tiw aiattouor ! Walla Walla, ami BBB in-iaa M b celling of this city, aas m PaudleUMi uu Tnurr ilu; evening ulid aenl ou east U. i i,n i: aaaam . Mr. R, Witlters, dsughler of Mr, aopbia tolb, a ill leave lor her home at apukaM nut eiening. She will be accompanied b) Mis Joa liasler. laugliter ol Joe liasler. A. ft. Ueatie, a cousin of lr. A. L Beat n , :..' f. P. l'allam A .. oi san Irainiaco, is in Pendle ton todav. tie will leave tin evening ' lot i'ortland, ihuucr to ban rranciem Alei Maaniti third Oasuuian af Um ' Pilot Baa baseball team, was in endletoa on Tl.nrwiay, aud left for I home tins morn i us to get in good ali.UH- lur next SUlidaV naseha,. The largest and best line oi leather dusters ever displayed in I'endleiun. Chinamen Hsid Up. Walla Walla, July p.'. -Three mask - mi robbars at Um n of revoi.-r- held up faaag Slug, a gartlener. aud two of lii i ..iintrv met) a... r.-- le near the ll. k. a V deuot here, i ,l even ing. The I 'o Ilia men Were roughly handled one '.nw hi! ovor the head witn a revolver. After securing 5u 'and a silver autcu the roolmr- made g.sxl their escape. I ii. i.i. About H. If you will only think it will go to see Martin when to buv aroreriee. His molt ood at lowest price. Ills very large aud well selected baa the t ..-.-tt Liakerv city. TALLMAN & CO it is easier to keep aell than cured. Hewitt's Little Early Blears, taken now am! then, will keep pottf Isiaels in perfect order. Tliey never gripe tail promote au easy action. Tall- Charles Hamilton has returned (mm a trip through )"Uir of the wheat couatri east of i'oudletou, aud say suuu.' damage ha bevu dune by cold inda. Hi fields, amoug othnrs. aere ilgbtl;- damaged. Mr. aud Mrs. f, L Mumiurd oi and Mr and Mr, b- F brown ol Wetou lelt on tlie JU:U train Tbureiay night lor Nahcotla, Wash., where tuey will enpiy seashoru hie lur eve.-l 4l. J. B. B4dj n. the right of -way dw ...iriiueiil ol lo. l. b A N . U IU I PandlsAoa for a few i. ..nr. Thurada) evening after having been lo the Pa- over oaii"1"1"""1'' l,:vKT,f lTr t;;uir.b.1!'; .....-.. v II.. ...ii al III ill tliatf Lj ej w 11 J tl t V.: I . I SB t ' e-- ing'ii (or Portiaud . BaARAwaV Miner: Mim Alexander ol P endletoa bag been visiting Miss Bdaa i ariBOU at lb Concord lor sov eral weeks, ;aed tbruaw,'1 lown sun da on br aas numc Mss Carlson accuiiipanied her as lai a eumptor, returning home Hie saioe day. v. in want is "boat stock is Mar lu departineul in the To close out all short lines of shoes Sweeping Reductions are being made in price The Pendleton Shoe Co. It will pay you to come caul) before the aich run out. JAUv DAVIS' VKkDOS CASfc riantintc Mara U s Bslsaad From PMHia 1 to second heariug ol Utauiomiheld Jack 1'avi is being bad balore the Idaho stale pardon board at boi. There are uaver loaded with oeti Uuii ami afbdaviu prueent in the in lufeai ol tit. coudemued man. The history us the case is: Go the lh of February, laisn, John C. Viilsooand llauiul CuiiiUiiug aerc uiurdered al their sheep camp in Mioshoue basin, i.aaaa ooouty. The bodies aerediscov ere.l on the I'th to auuliieT sheepman named Ftever, abuse camp was ou Deep creek. The camps were bo I a short dslauce from the Nevada slate liue. llavia mum arrested, tried, con victed aud seuleuced lo be hanged. Appeal aexe taken UuougUi all ouurla. Hands Up! Un '.' rtnkiru- i'arior- in Connection. A. RADER Says th- highwayman, and it is pretty near the sanu thing with tlie bak ing powder trust You are charged ffiC (or a pound w hen voti can huv Owl High Ciradi Making Powder (or 40c and it is guaranteed pure cream ol tartar and soda, while the trusts is not. Owl Tea House Stone jars 1 c per gallon. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE -e bwt 'MSB Main and Webb Sts. EVerything tor Harvest pm down tank punips. I-ice leather. Suction hose. Hopes, Steel cahle. t rks. Belts, etc. ...GOODS,. and our prices arc RI6HT. H INSFORD A THOMPSON. The Leading Hardware Men." Oxford Sale Tan Shoe Salp """Willi AU of our large stock of shoes in ladies , men ,, mil. 9es children s and iniwa arc now on sale at m.; nut prices. Oxfords hotli tan and black la kas. , men s and hoys can be bought this month at your own pnCt imniiK' and M L . ' . CI' .-..o.-.j. 3i ,irc to he closed out this month at half price. Always rerneic. her fitting feet is our business. 1 lie 1 UWtt IfdlOM THE FITTERS OF FEET. 716 Main Street. Pendleton, I he Place to Buy::: Is where yon can it quirk ami cheap priees. Pot ii your order lor beader bww water tank ami feed racb. Hest line f Iumler, Lath, Shingles, Huild ing paer. Tar paj.KT.Lime and cement, Pickets Plaster, Brick, Sand, Moulding Screen I hxirg Window-. Sash & Poors Terra Cotta Pipe. sa Be, Pwai 1 raoi m nr. 9 Designs CoevniOMTs 4c 1 a ' . lit Scientific American. keawSi HtuwnusS eestir larirosi cur .A. ..1 . in. ...uij Termi H MUKNf Co Ss p LOT FOR SALE IN BLOCK 81. For sale, lot 4 In block il, hx residence lot at a low price Ap ply to C S. JACKSON. LOANS Thee firms handle UKIAH CREAMERY BUTTER and guarantee it G. R. Demon D. kemler 0lier & Co. White House Grocery Alexander & Hexter Ask for it. J. M. SPENCE, Agt. on WHEAT LANDS At lowest rales Pwfc) tanfetn Ftuiui Mi!! Lumber Vard. n rnnriTrn n n. run Ln, - r uu r Open day and night. aO ai af t -.ararvrn eL VrVVl U Restaurant. Under new management -. mm . - . rm.m m rm mm. Fm SB " IS Tl o NOuN trUCHBON RvSBTDtO DUtiH Weals a la Cane. Lodge supper Wtxtdluo, BjBBJjMH UrU, ole. receive ipri: .iwnUs m - i. SW A ii..,, inn I'riinr c 1 '. V " t CARRIAGE. SIR. NORTHERN ...Wliiic CoUai Line... MPJClfi HSTU.ND- iSTdEU MIL S IIVH IV Certeinly, everyone sujoj? JrlTlJ 'ill' ir aim w ou aaaw f.-llnir insured '"' ir. silo""" n iislrili jiidi dou.- ! i. - nw.4., luJiiU hi sail r M lLWllw NE40LK BH0S J. R. DICKSON bast Urecwaaan BuilUina. HeoaMeluai. OVcgOtt. The Dead Advertise nut . . . Do ou'r PortleiMl SI. MtLtN'S MALL IJIsSOK II BUM IS Prui. Pulhi.au Sleeping Cars, Klcgant UiuinK Cure, Touriffl MccpmK Care Str. 'Tahoma." Oaliy round triu except Sunday Tltae Card. : .1. : . - Lesv, Aaiori . A 11. Id iv. -J. r.-A.r Mai lur Milmivx mu ti. lb wsdm. i K.. UiuUi I " llior.uli urk lor firU M mfeueuw Is as W SI Uss I arslul Inwias k tyskHkm kuowlujc vt Irvu.. .it i.ti liMv n 1JT- Iwtli luf IW . Ic is Uiok BS S o BwSi Ullllvl lesct u. UUs ikSIUsl .'vs.. tr.Mil- U MtwHj. .4 ri.r - uu uki.iii . u3 .esSof . aes in Uu lua.1i) si iueu Ibat uurw, liurv ,MAueiS .4. I .iui, UaeMaaBMBB via" I SBBBWB a Ik le ulisu vicuut.i ol Um cii ark i. eell .. lu. ,to lnut sud tMSlUrtubuM. Ucwuiul gruuuu .u. aasaBBBP ol Uoiu. umI 1 ' ieJl A Uojeaasl mmU oiaiuui euui. u aasjaj i" or uutu4cio iii ia ori siitaei Vm Uuua el litlunusUub soolj fc Uk piu. lei. u ml. MINN tAPO Lie lll'l.UTU t AkCiO jKANL . 'l.i.r iCkCMiKhTuN WINNEPEU I HELEN aud BL'TTE. THHUtGH nCUTl TO CHlCACiO WASlllNl.TON PHILADELPHIA NEW YOWL BOHTON and all poinu East ami buutb. ThrouL U.-- 10 Japai. sua cniwa, vl liraiu ud Eu.-inwv fw.-.tt eteasuhlp Co aud American Un. riMK SCHK0ULB. n rsiu leuvos I'end.eUHi du saoapt auudat al s ajO y nu Bur f..i;nef Iniurmatlon. Use cards uispa. an J 11. Act tail 00 or write W Adam, i eudU um Orswou. Or A. p. CBAKLlUM, rklrd and MutiUon ou.. fu.-uand Ore II .lJiK ITliNB Hiil n Str. -Bailey Qatzert." iall ruun.i ir n.,. Monday UsUflt Locb Hood Kim Wbiu SaioioD ttod Tat built. I line Card A at. .. I' M 4 ' v. Old Newspapers lu r, 1 UMiM 1 Ah BBS, wa aaairs. eail, or lof arappittK purpoaw Old nee.pepao in irnrae buudlea ol one hundred - w. u a. mv uoiiu a UUIlUie at THK EAJfl UHaUUKlaM OVVlca feudie I ..-j V f Pit.f, .,,! Arrive The Dulle .i'ac " Arrive p.irtlaud Ftn. DallM m riu-n , .v ivill.uu ' T Fire, Dailea lo Cftlusl dfld return -a Ma. m m&mmM a, mm, , V 1 K Meal the vcr beat sBCrh.'.'V lril ' feature ...".u.w- ir,-..r ' l Sliding Foot Ot Aide. &t Both Min. no Mam 35 1. Portland, Oregon aiTHKB a hAka J ii'!'.0 stTin. M.01 if ir' -2 SS'i . t Oil! a)p and AW- THE MKW! Tafce tn. tUst iw3?--'-Sti'zS 1 aalOjr Um a yaa. gaaneWoap. hea Ni BERK Has the following bargaU- 480 acr3 Al wheat land. 890 acres Al rbul l 1 lot well located $-1 1 lot lower Webb .street I Also a big lit of - county proparty clicap PIIR ,)! US lrud uulr fur Piles and lie VS,"'Za5B tSSIifc! ..Jane sos.T B.n?."ui"S't,TK VkK.i uu" " iia..aa mm w m w Bar sals b Tallmaa CS.J 1 1 1 - Tk. 9m.rn.rn n..a,i.u.D L L r. a. mwr , naiMi - - l. leejeawaieBesaww r - r . I tba peoois appwciau it siw ! ben Ubaral patronage. laiag madiuaa el tbis aecuoa-