East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 12, 1901, Image 3

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midsummer Sale
Now going on.
Wash Goods, Shirt Waists,
Duck Suits and Skirts all go
at just
leaver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
. .-r-.,r rnnU U K!ll
,-Mwi Mi NfWMM From the
jjtrmiiilH of Athena who ii
villi MM POHHI ID "ru".
Mr tain? tiot-air irpumeoi at
U KrUitlfHl t'SIIlf iron.
.Ki.li vrstsnlsy and will work
tup tod lri s M"w""l
-;-h takes the field next week
...acf stone I"' tb foundation .! l(ronchit
o.irrai. scnnoi iiuiitiinK mmm
tetun. I large force of men
J ft ft a ft.u'1- niiftrrv in
. HM, feiiinn nm luamriai.
id Wntoo'i t hri.lgesare now
- cmuplelMl. Tbey are built in
csiamiat a uift"1" 1 - i ;
.iiiSer, tnd ire expectea to
th it ram of thf spring
ait tit been 10 disastrous to
. i . . ft .
ii- ii i mm
:ip Bros., ttir uause movers
P'txi.ton. hare been niakuig
warts ub their work st Wet-
ltd sill toon base all the build.
M0TSO irniB HIP ntirniai et limn
B. B. Hell's residence,
i i & f j , i i
in iisin or ixvupieu ny rroi.
sos ixTopie s fine site over-
when- they will play the baseball team
m that city at 2 o'rock in the after
noon. The xiitiin of the Pendleton
aggregation are as follows: A I far
den, captain, first-base. Will Satter
lee, shortstop; Win S. Brown, third
base; Lett Drake, left field: Charles
s-emple. center-ti.-ld : Cliff Diipuis,
right field; Robert Cronin, pitcher;
Charles A. Maskrey, second-base Clint
frown, Arnold Sheiierman. Klvin
l.anipkin and others will Accompany
the team to All. Clint Browa, the
regular catcher, has an injured right
and will not he able to plav, but will
score. Who will niton to Cronin's
pitching has not yet been decided.
Saves Two From Dsaih.
"Our little daughter nad an almost
fatal atta:k of whooping cough and
is," writes Mrs. W. K. Havi-
land, of Armonk, N. Y., "but, when
all other remedies failed, we saved
her life with Dr. King's New Dit
covers. Oar niece, who had con samp
tion in an advanced stage, also used
his wonderful medicine and today she
is perfectly well." Desperate throat
ana lung diseases yield to Dr. King's
New Discovery as to no other medicine
on earth. Infallible for coughs and
colds. oOc and 11 bottles guaranteed
by Tall man 4 Go. Trial bottles free.
flits Ian Turnsd Yellow.
. ........ i.. i. i. ., ..
of 1. A. Hodarty- of Unnn-
is. Hii skin slowly changed
mm DM svss, and he suReni
Hit malady was Yellow
11 sat treated by the heat
but without benefit. Then
kmw win r.ieeme nixierc
wsdwlol stomach and liver
mhI b writes : "After taking
I H wholly cured." A
ih ataicii'eis uieru lor an
Sold by Tillman ,v Co.,
- t- i . -a s i s i n i a . saw
Correstlons to Balanes.
WffrffJ errors in the figures in the
report of tbe committee and superin
tendent having charge of the Fourth of
July celebration, as published in the
East Oregonian on Thursday, July 11,
cause a difference between the total
amount received and the total amouut
expended. The following changes
should be made: The bill of Fred
Nolf was 30 oeuts, instead of 2u.:W;
Kev. W. E. Potwine, 11.31 for Roman
candles, instead of I T. Hicks, I
instead of 111.
Tbe amount turned over to the base
ball aaaoclation was in: M instead of
HI. 64.
- - e . V V II W. I BT 9 H II
Ul arurnoon. July 14.
m of Peodleuu will leave
ana , o'c ock on mmii
14, lor Pilot Rock.
ios siwDot prepared for
. kive bought a pair of our
Colored Glasses
. ). and "or.
sad ior.
Eye Protectors
n 1 1 . .
"Uk5. JllKt tlit. fbinu f..
Ton. 76c, uj ,i50
etd ItKl r. ..II MM ,
IOur atufaciion.
v.it-1 n n . . . : i
1 1 i ii u
'I" IV.IUII..,
UJ A ftftBftft.l.. ft I.
-"uuw ox lleltor
How's This?
U'e offer Une Hundred IoUar Hrvaid for
any oaas of eaiarrti inal ruiuul be curel by
Hail i i'trrU ur.
r. I. ( UKNKV A CO.. frous.. Toledo, O.
, Uir uudaraigued. b. known T. J. Cb
nry tor tbe lul bftevu yearn, and believe bin
perferily bouorabl In ail bum tranaartioua
and flnanctalljr able to carry out any oblige
Uona made by tbelr Arm.
W bst A TacaS.
Wboleaaie Irugct. Tolelo, Oblo.
WaUMNo Eisea tk Maavis,
Wboleaai- lruggil. Toledo oblo.
Uall't aurrb Cure U taaeu Internally, act
ing dlreetly on tbe blood and mucous sarlaoss
of tbs Tu m Priue 7f. per bottle. Bold by
all drugguu TealiuioniaU Ires.
Uall'aKamlly PUUare ike bust
Hoiiee lo Csatraetors.
sealed propoaals will be received at
the otfaue of T. F. Howard, architect,
iu (be Judd building in ts A ' bask
p. m of Saturday, Jalf 20, 1"M, (or
the en-t tion of a two-slorv reei lence
for C. S. Jackson, in I'endletou, Ore
g in, according to plans on exhibition
at the office of T. F. Howard, srcln
te t The right is reserved to reject
auv and all bids for the work.
July 12, 1001.
You can never cure dyspepsia by
dieting. What your body need m ple'jty
of food properly digeeted. Then if your
stomach will not digest it, Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure will, it contain ati of the
natural dignetauts, hence must diget
every claas of food and so prepare it
that nature can use it in nourishing
tbe body and replacing the wasted tis
sues, thus giving life, health, strength,
ambition, pure blood aud healthy ap
petite. Tall man & Co.
Heuee lo Water tenswoeere.
Water consumers are notified to have
meters nut in by July IIS, if not al
ready using them. Meters may he
obtained at the city recorders' oAna.
By order of J. T. URoW.N.
Water ISuperiuleudeut.
"Order Uj ln.A. uiM - m l.
' - ' - m. - r a ejej a m v we ve a a a a t w -
ttu allll Winter L'imh-Ju T will ubivau anrl utwl
h-'ww vv a a. . a a v w v wj utsva rv wv .a,
v! 7 . au-v rytluced prices fur tlu- next siity
hn Kei prices.
Joe Basler,
The Main Street Furniture Dealer.
attar Was Referred In aiaaal
Cemmlttea With Power to At.
Aih. mw,,,n8 he ritv council
on Wextnesilay evening. July 10. the
matter of the grading and graveling ot
Webb street between Clav and Oak
streets came up. H,.i were suhmitte.1
as follows: Charles Baker, for gravel
hauled on streets. '.) rente n.r
yard earth hauled off, :W rents per
square yard ; C. K. Finch, SO and 116
cents lor same work ; . F. Former and
n. ii. onnoy, l..Vland ,S0 rents for
some work. The matter was referre.1
"e eireei committee with power to
II. A. Klein A Company made appli
" ' wen nquor, and it was
I ne ttnanrr committer reported that
n nad made a loan of f 1.S00 to Charles
H Carter, out of the lovee sinking
I llllll .
Treasurer's Statsmsnt.
I he statement of Treasurer Charles
Hamilton showed the following:
Halance May 31, HSlO.ftO; received
irom licenses 8'S tV; ami other
sources, f 2024 54. tieneral hind war
rants paid, f.Wl.83. Halance 1 une
-e, IH01, IV4XH.21.
Bills Allowed.
the following claims were allowed
and warrants onlered drawn: T. T.
Nelson, f. Ill QmrM Meeker, U "'it:
Mr. lt.orn.fii: K. horsier, ft?. 13 ; ,1
T. Brown, it.V t. B. CloptOO, fit)
W. R. Withee, H.OO; Cr.-iue A Oon
pany, $123.77 ; B. S, Wattle, I2 50
Pendleton Savings hank, 17. .V; Pen
dleton Savings bank, f :.J7", interest on
bonds for six months; J, M. I.eeier,
fl ; P. Krniler, f 1 ; T. r. Nel,.n.
fH.25; Tall man Co., 11.75; John
tiosh. 16; P. II. Fee, 4. ii. T.
Meeker, (S; i,l,.,i KuMiee, $l! ; D
Turn. - rge Meeker, 9 ; li
Mat ker, 44 ; P. K. I., a P. Co .
MM; Peale k McAlden, Mt.M) T. C.
Taylor, 3.30; Charles Beale, t
James Hutchinson. $9; Peter West,
2.75; Tom Hirks, M.M; B. l. Pnh.
Co., 112.50; Pendleton Tribune, ll.Ml
R. Forstr, $1.54; Sam Oshorn, 5 ; J.
Frank lav, 5 . Prot on How 0
5; Alert II se Co., 141; Mascot II. -e
Co., Ill) T. T. .Nelson, M.8t salaries
and rent, 3.!3; (.. A -unth, MM ,11 ;
Hartman Abstract Co., 17.50; total,
01 14,.
Baker County's Share of ihs Panhandle
Debt ll t30.76l.36.
F. B. Clopton returned on Thursday
night July 11, from I'nlon, where he
had been to perform the duties of his
appointment hv Judge Kakin to deter
mine the amount of indebtedness, if
auv, to be assumed bv Raker county
and 41s id to Union county on account
of tbe annexation of the panhandle of
the latter to the former county.
County .lodge W W. Travillion, oi
Baker c mtitv, and County JuJge B. F.
Wilson, of Union count , were the
other two commissioners.
Findings ot Commlsslonsrt.
The commissioners met at the court
bouse at Union on MouJay, July H,
and on Wednesday, July 10, submitted
tbe following findings'.
The total indebtedness of Union
countv on March 1, r.SJl, was' County
warrants outstanding, 1224,221 ; in-
tereM . ui same, 4 1 , l.'ii.'M . dug t In
state of Oregon, lll,4il.w; total,
IJ7' sol. 84. From that dwdoi t M.
4Vi id, cost of county buildings, furni
ture and fixtures, leaving a net indebt
edness of the sum of 24",3.f'
The net valuation of the assessable
proiierty of Union countv for the vear
1000 is the sum of f !. S7, :.'.
The net valuation of the assessable
proerty for the year 1U00 of that por
tion of Union countv annexed to Baker
county is the sum of 41t,IMi
The proportion of said indebtelness
of Union county, to-wit, the sum of
27t,li51. 84, to be assumed by said
Baker county and paid to sal I Union
county, under tbe provisions of the act
of the legislature filed in the office of
secretary of state on March 1, l'oi,
based on said assessed valuations, re
spectively, is the sum of 1:10,751.35.
Mr. Clopton states that County
Clerk George W. Benson, of Union
county, made it pleasant and easy for
the coumiasioners by having the
balances and assessed valuations all
footed up ready for iustection. There
waa no friction whatever aud the duties
of the commissioners were performed
Xeditiouely .
Kubis Vernon, In a House or ... i .. ...
Wai lb Victim.
Ruble Veruou, of Walla Walla, colu
mn ted suicide by shooting ln-mli
through the left breast at 0 o'clock on
Wednesday evening, July 10. She left
the following note usjii her dreeser:
"I'm tired of living. Don't blame
anybody else but me. .-11.ee I dyed
my hair 1 feel as if 1 would go craiy."
The note was led date-1 atio no signa
ture was attached.
The dying woman was taken to St.
Marv's hospital where death relieved
her two houre later. After arriving at
the boanital she again sooke of want
ing lo die ami get out of her troubles.
Among the effects of tbe woman left
iu her room were three partly finished
letters, each addressed to "Dear
Albert." They had been written
Monday, aod after three attempts a
letter was finished aud mailed. They
were (or Bert 1 .aw sou, who at the time
waa iu Pendleton. One ol the uotee
read :
"Dear Bert. I have left where 1
waa; she wanted to be alone, and 1
have taken a crib lower down. Beat
(or you to address to poetottice. 1 will
explain all in next letter. I had to
ay fa in advance lor rent, and Ware
not uitich doing, as you Know
Things are awful bad no one has any
money to spend at preeeut. 1 enclose
a lo bill Mope you are getting along
all right. Let me know if you get
1 lie place to buy
HUUHBa wrjil a.v ww mmm va
tl-rtist tinware, stoves
and ranges
Opera Houe block.
an oil
AiDbailum ana Olber gllumen forms
as Well as rarafflu found.
Tbe Kant Oregonian is in receipt of
a letter from McNamara-Fraiue, mm-
ing eiigiueere, regarding oil diauover-
' ies on goveruuieut laud in tbe cential
: iftortiou of this stale. There are aev
erel thousand acr of this land, and
heloiiktiiift lo tbe goverumeut, IS on I
, auLooct to auuroonatioo as uilueral
Tboae discoveries were Drat made oy
exuert iu the employ ol an oil
. eomuauv probably Hie .-lauuaru
who immediately put ageuU in the
tild Li, louatftB theae lauds uuietly, the
evideot intention being to acquire
1 uiisso ii n before the knowledge be
cauie general, aod shut out the BwMIc
at large. On account ot tbeir extent,
it will require from sixty to 11 in. t
A.m. 1., locate these lands, aud in the
meantime, the will give the mutter
widest publicity witu a view 01
individual locators instea.i
.. n..-ii.ft. tbe lauds 10 oaas into
the bauds of large corporations.
Under the revised statute (title 8
chapter o, a citiaen of tbe IniteU
States, male or female, over the age of
21 years, can make one mineral lo, a
tion of seres, either 111 person or i
proxy; or an association of eight pi r
sons ran hvate Irtl acres which only
requires 100 annual assessment. No
assessment work ts nrcessnrv until the
last of December. Iltl2.
Iffja Qordnn McNanart, writes
in the Oregonian as follows:
"Pursuant to instruct ior, 1 visited
the mnch-talked-of oil district of
Crook county, and I rind that a num
ber of companies are acquiring govern
ment lands and leasing ronsiderable
tracts. It poo which patents have been
obtained by the farmers and stockmen
in this district. After spending nearly
two weeks investigating the country
II deduction are that the indications
will amplv warrant the expense of
sinking wells for petroleum. The oil
indications I found distributed over
several miles in extent. The country
is mainly arid. However, there is
occasionally found a fairly good growth
of pine and fir timber."'
"Asphaltnm and other forms of bitu
men are profusely distributed over tbe
entire surface
"From my examination, I unhesi
tatingly pronounce the indications the
OM favorable that I have seen in this
state for petroleum, and, in my judg
ment, tney compare favorably with
Southern California districts" with
which I am very familiar." Anv in
quiries regarding locations will lie
cheerfully answered free of charge by
Messrs. McNam.ira nnd FrooiirV.
"I wish to truthfully state to von
and the reader, of these few lines that
your Kodol 1'ispepsiii cure is without
question the best and onlvcure for dys
pepsia that 1 have ever come in OMtMl
with and 1 have use! many oilier prep
arations. John B-arn.West MlddltMg,
Pa. No preparation equals Kodol )ys
pepsia cure ;s it contains all the nat
ural digestants. It w ill digest all kinds
of food and can't help but .lo you good.
Tal luiHii .V Co,
Woodmsn of Ihs World Tsam ot
kane It Coming July 24
J. I. Daniel, malinger and advance
agent ot the Wool men of the World
baseball team of Spokane, arrived in
Pendleton Thursday rwtiitig and left
on the night train for Portland. II.
was successful in arranging 11 game
with the Pendleton team. Tbe direc
tors of tbe local organisation held a
me, ting Thursday evening Manager
M. A. Under MUOanoed 1)11 Saturday
evening after the tournament that he
would not have the tune hereafter to
look after the management of the club.
In consequence. Captain (ieorge Mail
man will make arrangements and
select his team for the coming game.
1 In visiting team left Spokane this
morning and are nlaying this after
noon at Ritiville. They will go to tbe
sound and will play at eattle and
other cities of that section. They will
arrive in Pendleton on Tuesday, luly
211, and visit Pendleton camp 011 the
evening of that date. On the following
day, Wednesday, Julv 24, the base
ball game will take place on the Alta
street grounds.
The Spokane Team.
The men going were ..I I. Ianiel,
manager; Fred Kellam, shortstop and
captain; Miller, catcher; llarri and
Darling, pitchers; make, first base;
Poh 1 man, second base: De 11. use, third
base; liliss, left field; Waller, center
field; Mrf ulloiigh, right Held.
Ill most of the towns visited It is
pro pus, I to 1 1.1 1 1 ! 1H1 t i'i 111- cunpost I
01 Vvoodmen ol the world, nut where
that it iiiis3ssihle they may take on
all comers.
HeWitfsViit.il lU'cl Halve should
fie applied to cuts, burns and scalds. It
sooth, - and lie.t.s the injured part.
There are worthless counterfeits, he sure
to get DeWitt's. Iallman o. Co.
Rend-rice for Sals.
A nice house and lot mi Alta street,
south of the court house, Pendleton,
for sale cheap. Address, A. F. I KM
hirst Avenue, okaiie, Wash.
. 9 -
A bad complexion generally results
from inactive liver and bowels. In all
such cases, DeWitt's l.lttln F.arly Hisers
prisluce gratifying results. Iallman 01
Wagon for Sale.
A light second-hand niountuln wagon
for sale ofSMD Inquire at OlMVM
Hros. Sbo, st. ire.
: 9
Hm 1
frve frora every
tlm skin, eettli,
biftlr i. Mrrved,
a u f I ll .1 , aod
Desuttried by
t'liu 1 11 rliiar.
It 1 1. o'l.u las
. .1'. '.f I'lliiplee,
biift. klMsd, red,
iuwkIi liui.de, dry,
lUa, at 4 taiiiug
heir, aiftd baby
gakat, vu Um
HW-I. . I,
ituiui.d, or slug
11 d 1 1 1 o u of Ibe
I N" ..llur ...ji la
... .1 lib II for
n.ftf, pirlf'iig, aud
fyli.ftl Uu kl'i,eal),
; No oil.L-r
a..u la lo be i'ofSftarv4
v. il', It (( all Ibe ur-
. .1 l,..tb,ott
r. Tie.. II uyiubmrs Iu
i r at Okk I'sii I -
aj oBjm us tsar
d (.'inoknioo s..a., and
r t..... t i.., aod uast
Oon't Cut Corns
Don't do it Voui uif Uon't
Lat Anybody do it
lor Too.
v ... a moil or woinau
NgeriBg with aloful
und auuojlng Mill
w ill not give ibe. oi lo
bave li. ii, reuiot ed t
fur xa nub you gel
Corn Remover
t I ' I.'' ' I 'li '
WilJ rww(f.a tftMl tofli ' ia
tu luA'U I whrie II a I ivi.tf )n
t l.av 1 U tr bow l-.ri'.. 1 - li l
lai.aiwi oui . a Law aWIVtW
an Monaiaat mm
in.. 1 p.ftft4- . - in ortai. r. wwwwwaree
CU... PJmU.U
..I.. 01. rn i-.i.u ui..i. iL 1-. vi u o. ".as
immt- feur aaoaar r(uuie ir M aim el ilo eg
a .ii.niau.iiiH.iii 1 ii u
U OiU a . see 1 -n, uum 1. u. m
mm u. . u. f o. tftftftiar.
Oregon' Motsf I anwu.i Keiorl,
The Hold f lavel
I now up;u r the 1 .u
Siueet oquluped rraorl uorlb ot Mouleray
fcvery roues . l o. Ugtitv'i au'l atcaiu Ot-aUsi.
Appear In Pandlaton Thro Ntghti
or NOXt Weak.
The Kmpire Stock company will
play an engagement of three nights,
commencing, Mnndav, July 15. The
OptnlM bill will he the romantic
drama, 'The Man of Mystery," by
Murk K. Swan. The following is a
criticism from the I.aramie Ibsun
erang, in its issue of June IS: "The
Kmpire Stock company MMMfl a
week's engagement at KiNit's opera
house to a Targe and appreciative audi
ence. The opening piece was Mark K.
Swan's sensational melodrama, "A
ItM of Mvstory," and to say the audi
ence was well pleased is putting it
mildly. The play and plavers were
tbe hit of the season. Aftor witness
ing so many medicore productions it is
a pleasure to give credit where it
The play ia out of the ordinary and
commands attention from start to
finish and the stronger and more sen
sational scenes kept the and o n. ..
wrought up to a pitch seldom wit
The comedy ever present was r. tlmd
UaJ so originally ludhr u.. people,
laughed themselves into tears Old'
t'urlesnno methods were thrown aside
and clean legitimate Work only was
resorted to.
The hypnotic scenes in the second
act were the acme of artistic work and
the strong climax took the audience by
storm. The third act, laid It! 11 New
York dive, was the strongest of the
piece. The climax showing Flossie's
rescue aud tbe detective's triumph,
commanded several curtain calls.
Tbe last act showing tbe capture of
shadow and the happv terminal ion of
the play completed as strong and
pretty a story as was ever told on the
The company Is one of the best that
has ever visited this city, l.eou Hat
tenhaeh, as leading man, is an actor of
ability who lends artistic touch to all
bin work. Frank l.emaster, a the
.lelci tive, won the hearts of all and
I'Uved his role iu a painstaking
The specialties between the acts were
new and original ami kept tbe audi
ence in an uproar.
. ats mi sale Friday af Tallmiiii A
Co. 'a drug store.
Those famous little pills, DeWitt's
Little Farly Risers compel your liver
and bowels to do their duty, thus giving
vou pure, rich blood to recuperate y.uir
b slv. Are easy to take. Noyer gripe.
Tall man .V Co.
A suite cif room, m the Fast Ore
gonian building, hot aud cold watm ,
Mtbrootn, for 111 a month during the
summer. Apply at the Fast Oregonian
Shirts and Neckwear
Swell Shirts
lumtntf w';ir. lor riht now The new thinjra
ooitmI things,
50c to $4.00 each.
Cull ami siv tin U'uutic
Pretty thingi for Ittunediatti om, Thf Um in no ex-
teniivfl thnt wo cannot toll of its tm lty ami liainl-
.liall lu liappv to show it o vmi,
Litsding II ustleri,
Ii.-. ft. or 1 ft..,-.'. .7 - o, ... wi.i qinri,,y,,,,ero,,
,' " "I-.' 1 ft. .,,. ,,.. i. ...ir.,iVrieS,
II .. .ull ImvmoIo il.yeri, (In. fr. veils i, , ,1 .achar,,... whlcli UnntcEsZwl
MT'" rri,,,..,, , 1 ,,, 1 , . .,rr.'l...i,iSlS
ami rAstares small wl'ai; , ....... ... n,.a. - wk.sjk alreuglfeaD
rt'n'Vo'"Knir.'r,''v''' V1 7lrr;!ilh.y ,VH',"rsh;'eeiise wiper .ni are tna.hnst rinlslllls
nanuifeu given an.i ,. . , n ,, ,.i,m .u.. i - -.'laTJiVU
a.i.insfta voi. miiiiiM ,,.
sim s m.x ny T vi.i m a s ,
iilneauul il, : l a ; . riuaiteul . lire. ILuval
Hula T
I'. U. II.11 3TH. Hen KiaiM Mftl al.
.. I'tii uajtHTH, PftlTbl 1 rts. nigHoN.
The little folhs
enjoy the distinction ol
drinking coffee just like
mamma and papa.
Let the table beverage be
FlGPRUNE and they can
join with the family in par
taking of a rich, nourishing
drink made of choice
California figs, prunes and
Healthful nutritious
Boil from 3 to IO minutes only
W. J. nWBU Manager
Hotel Pendleton
Under New flanagement
Strictly First-Class
Excellent Cuisine.
Kvery Modern
Glir Us 1 Trill.
Rates $2.00 a day
Special Rates by
Week or month
Br And Millard Rooms. HeadQu.t. for Travllno Mn
1 he r. . Hi, 1 . 1 In l a Oregon.
Van Dran Bros.. Props. Su lessors to J. t. Moore
Annual Clearance Sale.
To make mom lor lull BUM K will nivr? Mi dilCOtlBl for
cash on everything in the ttore. CaVrpatc, Kuk, t'ot
tu ts, Laoa CuttaiaA) Curtain Polta, Bhadn. Wall I'aper,
l.iiioli iim ami trwythio vou inul in house futiiishing.
A few li .itlii i t out lit s .111.I rm ki ts 1 Ik . iji St-wnit; ma-
chlOM ami lUpplil I (oi all
specialty. PbofM M.nn 14,
mat him-. I 'mlci taking a
Jesse Failing.
$J.CH) per Day and Upwards.
M licet Hotal
III in. i'. Hi.
North waat.
riusel beliiiux Usecl, uu Nurtli faeillr i .....
I ti.ftirlft.ftfta flub llftjuatf itftftlU'llita tueliu. al
lea, tiilllard bells ana alae Ders l.uui.
. uuru in" .i.ftjiftftftft. "u
Uuutlied ruuius. Siuaevl (aicled aud .uuuiu
lluf U--.I lurullufr Uiou. ) mum vuj iu
ItaUftlft. ft '.rlftpll'ili. II' wflllftl
Uutel ultuWr aauaeiueul ol ul J K liar
vef. tut rales. cU eftldf uae, II. .ul Klatel,
rietel, "gua. ' addreeaJ. L Mil. hell, eee-
1 tl., J ... . Malftjualu BuildiUg. VlU Oeiid,Ual.U
Yard on Wobli Htrnut
Optsisitu Hunt r'roiglit;iu,t
W am r)ai. 1 furnish anylliiug
in tin. luiultur I Hit) ami fan guarmitiwi
( 1 I. . n tt, in- as irliaap, if not t liar
than otliura. Wti also carry a largt
linn of li.sirh, W in. Iowa en. I Moill.lllig.
i'artins uiiU)iutlatiug huilding will do
Willi Ui Mtw us tstifora plai ing tl.t-ir
onlnrs. Wu also carry Casta-In IM
Kir wood. I in- Main Wi.
Call up:
No. 5
and Sand.
POM riwANOi OliaOONt
Heavy Hauling
a.j.... i.i eileuilos gleaa
Sp.UI Wales lo t aslerii Oregon people
lor tourlete and coinmei' lal travelers
II C. Mowi-KV iHaaager.
10 UtMiahjaaMttt
Laatz Bros.
JS 9 EleWfllly Kurub-eJ Steaai Heatad
I u. pcet, HUu
Bktck art a kail
Sample KuoiH la 1
Kooni Ka!
Mc. 75c, UM
For Health. Strength and
Pleasure Drink : : : : : : :
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.
or fit n