East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 12, 1901, Image 1

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    jjy EVENING EWTIDH 1 3g
"jag l'U",,"'..n.,l,ITPO.'pl-
Ta lx hi and flatnr.Uy, 'air
NO. 4174
The Columbia
Lodging House
jicton Ukiah Stage Line
U.tf Peadlcinn wrt day at 7 o'clock
...J-- r... Pi nt Rock. Nve.
g Alb and lkiah. '"X!
Jiiom. Reasonable freight and
Pvat Tail man A Co's drag
Thorn Out
The annual tamflMf sale enters its third week this
week. Compare any or all of tho offerings we make
with the best offered at the other stores. You'll
find it worth your while.
Alexander & Hexter.
Harvest Shoes
Camping Shoes
Boy's ruhher sole shoes.
Men's ruhWr sole ihoM
Men s canvas, leather sole shoes.
Men's extra good canvas, leather lole iboei.
Men's hest leather working ihotl
The Douglas Shoes are Always Satisfiers.
osing out
The entire Wessel stock of Ladies' and
thiidreii's shoes to he closed out at once
make room for fall goods.
Great Reductions to Close
In the dry good- we are making priOM
to close out all lines of strictly summer
30c Washable Dress Goods Now 22c
This is the bon-ton line of tine dress
goods for I'.hM and all left will go at
this low price.
The big AX is now at work cutting
prices to close out.
Harvesters' and Campers'
Outfits ot Wearables Complete.
The Boston Store
Kardcii ts.L. hoe. .-,
, ID sets, IK, d -lu,.
Going Home Loaded
isn't always a pleasant experience
but it is unnecessary when you pur
chase at our store, as we deliver all
goods free of charge and promptly
when ordered. Our store is loaded
with good things in all the delicacies
of the season For high grade fancy
and staple groceries our prices are
lowest in town.
aruirw ..... . . . ...
t-i.Jj. "'"I'M H IUUiV
L u 1 ,,iur. .ulil,IM,ry iu
With uUt.y
pefhgn, you do not.
f UuderU everybody.
ouwiio,. eh,
fflkkctai V.r.
tftw " hei wv your
fy ''''""cka, Mc''to
L, . '. rttue i,i..i .iZTT V..
To make good bread uae Byer' Beet Flour It took tirid
premium at the Chicago World's Fair overall competi
tion, ami givee excellent eetifaction wherever uaud.
Kvery aaca ia guaranteed. We have the beat Kteam
Rolled Bailey, beed Rye and Beard lean Barley.
W. S. BYEKS, Proprietor.
at? r r
I have a full line of
The Peerless Ice Cream Freezers
from one pint to ten quarts, will freeze cream
iu from three to five miouU; also have a full
line of fjahing tackle, hawwQcka, efc' Sue axy
line before buying,
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Mao.
Machinists all over the cmintrv
rftturniiiK to work.
Turkey ha flnalh paid the Amort
can claim of t!i..tXtt).
A talmon mWh liao blM innr
Dpntid in Nw .lrv, capital.
Thrvo llir priaonorn (acaptl from
tho detontion camp on l:irrell I iKland,
Hprnitiila. Thov nwam to tho main
Vn I'hiin, kjttf apparnt, will Join
j PrincH Tuan on tho lx)rdr ( Monol
I ia, in a now boxer inoveint'nt. ObiM'l
ilowager otnprtw give a tacit approval.
The Pnrhpua of Albany will ace. in
pany King Kdward on bin approaching
vioit 10 Seotlanil, and tbe betrothal ot
her royal higlmeoa to Lord Ropcliorv
will bo announced during the viiut.
J. A. Fillmore, who haa iust renigneit
the pIMitkM of manager of the 1'acilic
eVHtem of the Sootborn I'aciHc railroad,
will be paid fliNH) M montli by t lint
company until the end of the voar, and
after tbat I xH a montb a long aa lie
I iven.
Ttie tMBnoft TliomaK will carry M
nkool teacher to the PblljoplOOO,
The veaael will xail July "J:!. Il.e poj
of teacbira will raiure Iroiu 178 i" lilt)
a month, and they tMTO three-year
contract. Six are from the Indian
kitchener, in deal'tig with boppOB
ing in Smith Urn a between March 8
and May H, rava tbat tbe Itoer raider
undoubtedly received recruit", ffxnl
auppliei and timely information (mm
tbe Colonial Dvteo, hoi bobollovool
that the raider are loniug heart.
After order to move on had failed
to bava any effect on a crowd of
"DowioitOit wbo were bidding a!
meeting in a itreet at KtrOOOtoD, III.,
hlnckading iranic, official ordered that
a Htream of water be turned on. The
crowd Mampedcd, in m U'lint injured.
uiiitjii iiiuui nnu
Particulars of the Awful Wreck
Near Norton.
Mad BfllowlDK of Cattle Mingled With Srretms
of Imprisooed Men and WoinAn, While
Steam Poured on Thrm.
ii KaNlern
Kange lmre biiMiic-
Oregon i looking tip.
Fifteen RtMBDter citiiena w ill go to
Boiae, Idabo, to try to get mining con
uriT. ilelegate to viait l.'aaterii
Maine and Bbiploj ol FofMl QfOVO.
Ore., received a contract for a thoiivaiid
ton of Al timothv hav for Manila at
1H a ton.
J. V. Armstrong of Ogdeii, ('tab,
bought three placer claim on Poverty
Hill, Kaatern Oregon, ol Tanl t'arn
for IM.OUO.
Ilngii McMillan of Davenporti
Wah., and William A. Oorbln of St.
Anthotiv, Idaho were todav admitted
to practice a agentn before the nterior
l'an Wilton, agt is, mhk arretted
bv I'etective Oebaxen at Whatcom,
Waah., for attempting to blackmail
wealthv propi'rtv-liolilcrH out ol inonev,
under threat ol huriiiiig their j ; t
in cane of their lailure to comply with
hi demand.
I ii ion lihermeu m Fraer river have
reaolvetl to run Japaneaeoff the Htrcam.
Cannery men tell the .lap" to about
to kill. 1 bev have fiirulfbeil tbe little
hrovrn men with gun and amunitioii.
Indian taml in with the union mrn
and trouble i- imiiiineiit.
tiovernor Oeer ba received a letti-r
from iMxiple iu -I. houi anking him
to name the two Oregon laiiH who ren-
lerel the coiiutr, and the world the
moat dilingu ifhini i-r nua to ! placed
in the ball ol fame. Ihegoveruoi
! . h-i- I'r. John Mcl.ougblin en
titled to iirat place, but ia undecided
aa to hecond.
The manager of the Kogue river irri
gation canal ha been matructed to
puh construction of ditch with all
porrlble energ . I .1.1 mile o tb-
ditch. have la-en completed, beglniiing
al a p' .i.i on J.ittle liuti.- creek al t
30 mile from Medford. The company
will n.H.n begin the work of converting
Fiah I.ake, which m in mi I en lrnii
Meiiford, al the haw of Mount 1'itl,
iuUi an iinniefiM- reH.rvoir covering
10,UUO acre, wth an average .ii.ptb of
Id f.-el
KanxaH City, .Inly IJ -The freight
train which collided with tbe Alton
MMOOagOfi near Norton, Mo., by which
twenty lot their live and many were
Mr'oiilv lsjorod wax a fnt live' tock
train. Several cur oadil with tock
were piled on top of the engine ami
the mad bellowing of tbe cattle wa
in ingled w ith the hrlek of men and
ivoiuen. Many of the paenger were
ImpriMOOd in car with acaldiiig teani
p Hiring in upon them. They prayed
aloud ami pleaded with the NMMN
to lend a helping hand Tbev were
taken out a rapidly a poaaihle, but
there were not enough helperx to pre
vent the awlul burning which mcv
v ere Milbje. led to.
The wreck OOOOfNll alMint two mile
wexl of Norton. Near the track there
"HiiiIh a nil all clumn of tree. I'ndei
the Hhade ol thene tree the dead
bodies and the injured pawwenger were
placed, but the nhade gave little re
lief. The heat from the burning tram
wa added to by the terrible heat of
the iitmordicre, which waa blown
aero parched meadow and Held o
curling com into the face of thoeewho
were in pain and gawped for freah air.
For a apace of aeveral quare nxlx
the ground wa covered with pallet
made of .juiltx, coat and garmenta of
every decript ion. A manv of the bed
clothe a could be xocurcd from the
nleepiug car were natal for tin
lt.T ipoadiBg hour under the tree
in the almot uuliearahle heat, it waa
ucccHwarv lor tin injuretl to nmleruo a
trip to KanH Qy ami to endure rid
in ambulance over rough pavumentH.
When tbe relief train arrived here
hil night, there wa one of lh. -I
inden ri bably pitilul aigbta ever w it
iieed by the Hiirgonn and undertaker"
who iiHxin I charge. There were
black boxe and wicker caea for the
boditJ of the dead All of the ambu
lance in the oitV wore there with
padded stretcher for the dving'and khO
lielplealy hurt.
D. W rlOoiwr, one of the ilead, wa
on lu way Ifl M San I'ranciaco Bp.
worth League couvenliou, a wi-re
-nine of the other, but omul of the
leaguera were in the kihoiiiI ami third
wection of the train following.
Kauaa fity. Mo., Jul v I.ottin
still of lloriieUville, N. V., dio.1 thi
morning, making the twenty dint death
duo to the Norton wreck.
Reported by I. L. Rart Co.. reoeleton.
Chleato Board of Trade and New York
Merit laehanoe trokera.
New York, .Inly It, There waa an
iM. it ing t mi.- in the grain market to
dav on the eontinund hot weather In
the weat, which I destroying the
corn and oat crop and efloctinn pnng
wheat. The cloning abow an advance
of two cent on corn and two and one
half on wheat
Liverpool cloaed 1'4 higher. B T-8
Stock were lower on heavy li.iiida
I ion, and bad crop new.
Wheal :
Clono yenterdav, 71.
OpM today, Vi l-H.
Kange tilay, fl l-H to ?3.
I'lowt tmlay, r:i1,.
Slock: Sugar, ISTHl MM, ' :
St. hMli 157 , I' I'., !M'4.
Wheat In San Franelieo.
San Francico, July 111' -Wheat.
101 to 101 i H.
Wheat In Chleato.
July 12. Wheat, tl'4 to
ShalTer Not Satisfied With the
Previous Conference.
Feel Inn Inieaslfled Oier Situation WisbloK
too lachlolMs ensure Their Vir
ginia Brelbr'O.
Ih icago
7 It.
Chicago, July Ifi F.xeitcment again
prevailed IB the Rtlln market with bl
advance iu price Ibia morning
Wheat wa Bp I 88 and corn '. t H over
lat Ulgbt'l clolllg, while in Nen
York linllBf a.lvancex ere noted
Almeme ol rain in the leading corn
atate ha brought frenh bul0fl from
ever noarter.
Decision by Judae MeBrlde AITeeti
Kvery County In the State.
Astoria, Ore. , July I'.'. Judge Mc
llri.le of the circuit court ha handed
down Home decision in connection
with tax matter that are of ipoelal
interest to every cmnty in tbe atate.
riiev were iu the case of V. W. Sbivelv
vs. (datsoi nnty, a uit brought to
set aside the tax on .erlnni properly
on the ground that it had U'en errone
ouslv aseaed. Several .lav ago the
ase wa decided in layer of the .lelen
dant, the court holding that the county
waa not reapoiiNible for an alleged
error of the aeaor, but later a re
hearing waa granted on certain point.
Among the .ilestlon brought lip at the
rehearing were the constitutionality of
the act under which tbe special tax
levy for the contrin turn of the
Young' bay bridge wa made, and
w bather the warrant drawn in pav
o ent lor the construction of tin
bridge should lie cuimiilered In the
county' limit ol iiidebtednea a Hied
by law. I be court held that the act
under which the levy wa made wa
constitutional and that tbe limit of
indebtednes did not apply to tbe war
rant dawn on the iecial fund. The
pnlge, however, inliticd hi former
decree in the caae at iaaue by ruling
that the ier cent penalty which
tbe county ha been, collecting on de
linquent taxes ami the $.ft0 heretofore
charged lor levying were illegal and
on Id Hot be collected.
Don't Speak
to the u:i lot it . a sign tu In- eeel
on the front pl.dt.iiui of many care. It
reouirrs all bn tboogbtt all hit energy
and all bid llftBgttl ' pilot hid car
through crowded Iri is The etiwia
ttlls on him, and
tone wja n I
"rattled ami nas.
en it. 1 1. lent 1 lie
ureal way to sus
tain the pbyeical
igth and in rv-
fone retiaire4
by the Baotbrn ii
r raiho.i.l m m h
to kci. tbe (tom
ach in . undtliun
ol Bound he dtll.
When the itonia h
'- iee "weak."
food it nop. i
digested .oil tbit
body Is drprued
Oi ltd nccetsary
nouiiahmeni. Tbe
nerve are " uu
Btrunv" und the
body u
The timely uae
of Doctor I'n rce'i
GoMcu kfedi
Diacovery when
tbe atouiacb it
" weak " will ie
Odttbltdli the body ia vigoiout health
It cure liseae of tbe ttomacb aud
other urgoiia of digeatlon and nutrition,
Mouriahcs Uie utivea aud purines Um
I teferal av aatr yaaie wtth nam ia my
a f Umn I . .uUlo l 'fl u
wrlu. Mr frsuk anjilli ul LiraalU,
Cc . ota "1 wiulc u yoix iiKiul my
aud .41 uiM to law ruur tuedkiua.
I did w-uli x-iod icaulu fualy uard tW
A Uc-uu-al "ley. aa"
aa II....- 1 calUely cured ai. ri nk
tanroau aad I eaa ataBly icouiuiucua yuui
mmmm m I .
Dr. Pierce's Common benee Medical
Adlviaei, in I- i" i - overs, ia aciit ret on
receipt of li one-cent atampe to pay
Ur ol uiauiUK imtj. 4luraa ut.
'. firiu, HuHalo, M. V.
Ulrl Took Pentlon Honey from Bother
and Man Loil ll.
Chicago, July IS. Walter Kavanagh
and llaisy Wheeler, his iutendisl brhTe,
of Kansas City, were aireated here on
the itrengtli of .. telegram from the
duel of police ol Kanaaa City, sayiiur
that the girl had taken from Inr
in other l lot), which the latter had
received from the government a back
(sun ion. Kavanagh claims to have
la-en robbed of the nullify at the polat
of a pittol and the girl . orrnborab i
hi htateiueiit, denying, however, that
-he stole the money from her mother
Kavanagh is 'l and Mia Wheeler L
tears of Hge. the yhtiuif couple eloped
Iron Kansas City last week, iiiteuduw
to BR uiatried here, hut tbe Iota ol the
money, they ay, disarrangisl their
Japt Capturad and lakan to An Un
known Itland.
Yancoiiver, H. V. , July V. develop
DMOld in lb' Kraser river strike titua
Iioii during the past :' I hour show
that the union lUhermeu have il, .
npOBf hau l, huvllig accoinpllahed
.' nip d'etat whnh i without parallel
in the history of many labor disturb-
an..- iu Itrilish Columbia.
As the re-. ill of the battle of small
boat out on the gulf, a battle in
which many thota were ex. hanged, but
in which no combatant wa killed, !,
Upaneae were taken prisoner by the
-Inkers. The Japanuae hoata were
overturneil, the r i lies and falling gear
of the Oriental were thrown into the
water and the lapaneae themaelve
taken to one of the aiuall ilaud away
out iu tbe gull.
Harry Mane Uead.
riaralora. X. Y., July H.ni.
Mann, the noted theatrical uiaua,
dud here of Bright a disease.
name ol llarr .auu wa aaaumel by
Kmanual llaymau when he went into
the theatrical buaiueaa. lie wa a
Ufotbel of Al and Alf I lawman, bell
of whom are theatrical managers
Italian Ljrataed.
lckburg, Miss , July IJ. National
1'iaaaa, Italian vloe-oouaul here, re
ceiveif word of the lynching of two or
inore Italian at Avon, a email vlatiuu
in Weahinglou county. I'laaa baa
wired the a-uvernor. uralua bim to
afford hi countryiuen all protection iu j
hi power.
Prutaeule Oauloaleal Rarehe
In Southern Alaika.
- a'll. Julv If. -Alfred II HriHika
of the United Matea giubgical aurvey,
ami hi party of three men . left for the
north on the leamhip lue.n and will
spend the Neaaou in makina' a geologi
cal reconmiissance of the s.iiilh. astern
poftloa of Alaaka. The pails loot
north with them a small launch and
will alter arriving at Ketchikan uae it
m going from place to place. They
will remain at Ketchikan eiamining
the miuea there for about a mouth.
They will iro Ir.un there to Wrangel
and thence iu lime to Kllllmnsi The
party eM-cta to return alamt the hrst
I Octolair and ierhas a few week
arlier, 'leiM-mliug aomewbat upon the
climate ami the manner in win. b ih.-ii
work prngreaaea during the Hummer.
Irltri Member Wanted to Knew It
Brlllili Deorld the Wuuuded.
Loudon, July VI. In the commons
tialav, Inllon, Irish UatiouallNt, aakisl
if the roport wa true that the llritlsli
had deaertetl, leaving the hospital and
W.'Ullded in the hailda of I. .ers on the
night of the battle of Yladioiiicin
Lord Mlaiilev, BMeU aecrelary uf
the war olbce.reidiiHl thai no inforuia
liofl had reacheil bis otHoa regarding
klia matter. )llou asked if the oihie
would telegraph Kitidieuer concern lug
the report Mauley could not pruuilse.
Ihe Irish meuilier started an uproar
b. d.inauding an loatir) iii.hr wa
hiiallv obtained b thv apeaker.
Jackeuu, Mich., July It, line term
id Alla-rt Kimmurer, who wa u
teln ml lo the p. i . 1 1. n i ..ii for life iu
IMU0, hut who reieiM'd a commutation
from (JoV. PiOKfOO) has cipired
Kuninerer wa Mint ui from UotMMRRBI
counts when uul - I sear old. con
.oi.l d inoi li-r Me had been keep
ing coin pan v with a young woman who
.... birtb to a dbi4 Mborlly alter
the three were out ildiug aud the
womau drowuetl the child in a river.
Kntiiuerer ha alweya mainlained
that the woman acted without hi
I'lMMMirtr, Jtllv 18 Interest in what
would b acconi I ished al bslav'a joint
conference between the teel trust rep
reaentative and the Amalgamated
BMMiatloR ollicial i intentrte bv the
know ledge tbat President Shaffer of
the Amalgamated ass tl(Mt bOHMM
initial lent at w hat be i inclined to
consider unnecessary delay on the part
of the Iruat representative. It la
quite apparent that Shaffer t not at
all salinlled with the result of yeater
dav' meeting
It i learned this morning that
ShafTcr (old the trust representative
yeaterdav something would have to '"
done at once I r,.ni what can Is learn
ed Hits morning it in apparent the truat
t trying to secure a settlement with
out Ihe iiecessits of a stnke
lnt prmr to ihe convening of the
conference today it waa slated bv some
of the conferees the difference un
doabtodlf Would Im settled tislay.
After the u adjournment, I'reel-
dent boffOI Mid I bd BOfBIBB meeting
resulted in iiothiiig. He waa unable
to turei'ast the remit. It ia fedred un
less n settlement is reacbisl this after
noon a strike will bt orib-red. The
. oiii, .rem e adjourned at I ; U) to meet
again tomorrow tuorning C..nferei
refused to dinctiss or give information
concerning Ihe bfterniHin'a develnp
luents. Centurlna Newport Rewt Ben.
Wasliingtoii, IbIj U Much diaaalia
lactlon I eipreed at Mai In mala'
lieH.huarter at Ihe action of ma. Inn
it at Newport News, W. Va., in giv
ing up their light tor a niJie-MHtf day
and returning to work at the old acale.
President i Council H.c I tins morning
the men there in Ihe lint place did
not obey the trlke order iiauetl May
80i I hey went out al ter the general
strike Mild since that time have been
waivering, going hat k and forth from
day to dav, and at no tune acting with
unanimity of purpose O'fJOBBOII taya
he does Hot believe their action Will
have any idled on Ihe strikea in pro-u-rcMs
at other points.
Independenee Loll Har Topmait Colum
bla Uolna to the From.
Ilroutoii's Point, It. I , July I.'.
flie prasers ol the i rev. ol the Imle
pendeiice Inr having a breete and
amiMilh ea were answered tin inorn-
eag - Ad a result the Independence
i OtOW wen- mmis, but Ibeir glailneae
waa noon turnetl In grief a lew minutee
after the atart was made, because the
Independence had loat her topmaat
and waa therefore out of race (or
tialay. Columbia got oil in I he lead,
Independence sr I and Constitution
third. When the aetldeul occurred
the Columbia wa pulling away (nun
the Constitution. Ihe Independence,
however, continued to run in tbe race
in hrr crippled condition.
lh.- I oh i eu I. in e made a game light
despite the loss of her topmaat, ami
i led the .uler mark about live
minutes alter the Columbia, bill on the
run home loat considerably. ihe
Columbia and Constitution made the
run to the finish Hue like race
The Columbia wiua the race.
Sliaiuruak II Win the Rate.
Ilotl.esay, July I'J. In a fllteen
mile spin Italay Hhauirock II. lata I tbe
old boat by a minute.
remit Will Kaee UuDllni.
Killaruev, Ireland, July IJ. Ameri
cans are ilia king here to aee the boat
race lad ween the eight of the umver-
ity of Ihibiiu end the university uf
Pennsylvania ttoth crew are practic
ing dally.
Bertram Burpliy Sued for Alimony by
fortMf wire
I on. Ion, July I:'. Her I ram Murphy,
eon of the lata I'aiilel Murphy, a
'I-rise, in il I luiiaire, tialay was sued lor
41,047 allium,, h. a former wife,
Norah, daughter ol Ihe late Held mar
ahal, Mr UuMbl "tewart. Murpin, in
op ..Ing Ihe suit, said he a aa a BOB
per. lie claiuo.i bit lather lisluharit
ed him and he wat dependent on 1.I.VA.1
allowance from a brother lu vao
Iran. is. o Ibis allowance .eased laal
mould .
rae leveaia Batienai.
Waabingtou, July Vi. -ComptnJIer
1'awee had received tbe receiver re-
Kurt on the ..minimi of tbe Meveulh
ate nai i.ana of New York- The re
ceiver uetimelea Ihe ameuul of easels
recoverable will yield depoaltui eighty
euis on the djullar.
The peitufl poulalua no reference to
uy luvegligalione lielue maUe
hid. ,
Arm la
I in)., ihe oueetiua of tbe ediatenee of
Icriuiiual inflection uf the law. Theee
ulelde ef Jud Ruaaeil, I mailers are under charge of deputy
in. iniiati, if. , July U' Judge ' iuetlee.
A. KudeelL former member of the, .
'! stimsrioi.
Kl Item., luly U -Nearly five
iiiuutdiei iiowe-tai
legislature aud author of the anil
truat law of Ohio, . ununited eulcide
at the Palace let. I last night by
hooting. Ill health wad the cauae.
He wae a prominent republiuau.
Help or Situation
(. Onks Hiuplojriiiefit kgmj
Corner Main aud Alia titreet.
Widow ef Jef. David III.
Portland, Maine, July la. Mrs
Jelteraon I'ans, widow of Ihe ei-peeel.
dent uf the confederacy, i uutte ill
here. k
dueaieet Adjourn.
lietrolt, July - The National
Kducallonai aeaueiation adjourned I aelual
louay .
inan.Le reservation
bomeaeeiert have reglelered here. It
id eatiuiatad that lwlly a hundred
thousand will be realttered by the
loth. There la nleuty to aat and dim k
aud no suftunng is yet reported.
dtrvlte lulured Her
Climbing Bask tsi.es
New Vork, July VJ. Mrs Mary
flauua, divurued wife of Hen liai.ua.
Ihe eeualor'a eon, wfm aucoeeefully
elmied ter vice yeelerday lo show cauae
why she should mo be rest uetl from
lakiua her chlldreu i. Kuioisa over the
e husband's pr .i,i, an te.l here Ihie
uioruing, hut reftieed to talk. Her
right arm ia la a sling It la believed
si.e Injured il in climbing nyr tbe
back feuee in makiuy her eeeape
Bershamuiae leak.
Norfolk, Va., July IV fhe Kisauiali
leawehip I'rirte, wliich waa loat yed
lerday on Ihe ureal liull haakt, drag
une ol ihe in, ml va I liable Hpaoidh
men I, ant, n. n all, all Tbe veddW
cergu were valued al 4J0t,Ul0.
1 ..dieted t-e aierdae-
Waebiugton. u' "T fXla
...... e.isatn
Heallle, July VJ. - John Coueidlae. Amn, Ihe oenaue oimrm.
m Ureal the fatal shot, we granted Urns '
Leutldlaet Out eo Ball.
hail thit morufueT iu IsU.OUU aud Tuna
t.'oueidiue IgoOU. Adiuieeion to tatjf id
Public feel
1 nubile sen 1 1 a, so I
Ing ia killer againal Juaige ileurge-
nee. ITeed lBrevlai.
Heveua. July IU. tlover nor deuerel
Wood continue to imurove.
"WKk Nolf.