THT'RSDAY. JTI.Y 11. IflOl. Clearance Sale Now Is the time to get good shoes cheap. All summer shoes must be sold. Don't miss your chance for your size. CLEAVER BROS Practical Boot and Bhne Men. BIIVITIKS. at Jnnii.r Mimst-v fat Auttnst t Tsllman A. Co. 'a. Hack lor Tal sprinir. MSifhWH i Main 70. WikmIUikI cImm, linnet in tin , market, nl tlawlrr's. Th BOM 1)1 rourt tjdkHw4 "ii !Thnrim Hfti-rniMin. July II. Two nearly IWW rewm'rs for shI rhMr. Iniitiri' "I Ivtrr WmM. Munopdli- rntiIJ Mm-l . ivstr. salmon, eas ami DM at Haw-lev's. Just reivel 50 nw pteros the lalMt atiwt BsastSJ at Wakefield A. 1-ailing'. K. A. Dai oi Milton lias tilt! in certificate an notary ptJbik in IfsaaBwM o( tba county clerk. Sidney Tuil and Dollt Kelly have ohlainsd a marriage license at tin- attire of the coonty clerk The Climax mine in (irate cuinty, Oregon, i ti w i nc a !irc hody ol ore running fii to t the mil Twelve thoUMtnl rra'e- Bt Itfaw I-r-riss were hiiied Irom Miit.m. 0(" gon, this season, mostly to the mining districts. The printer' ra.tmll clnbof Pindle ton a ill go to Pilot iio. k on miihIbv, July 14. to play the team there in die afternoon. A. I.. Jnnea and Khsalieth tranlner took out a marriage license at the otfiue of the ronntv clerk on Wednes day, July 10. Pearl Willi liar tiled hi cattle brand aitb the county cierk. It It W upon the right Nhoulder el it in the ear. For real Three fuOH, elegantly furnished, with bath. Gentleman onlv. Sheridan hnoe, corner ot Alta and Tbonipon street. Kllsha Lewis of Owyhae county, Idaho, and Mary K, Myer oi Dana tilla countv obtained a marriage lirenae at the olhi'e ol the c.iMlity rlerk on July U. J. M. P. MivderV threshing outfit waa taken out toward the r Mr. -n viler ; .- .. -harness froiii .lames t'rawt i starting out. k. Ma'tn, ia received .i tnent ot all kinds ol chaws imported I iiiihergor cheese. Kdam. Martin is hea hjtiarteri. vegetables ami lunch goods. Arthur F n-llner and .Viu-unt ' I Paul have tiled fieir oatt. ot intention I to become cittteu of the United States. The lortner is an Kf HsllIM, : 1 the latter a Herman subject. Willim F. Woodstock has tiled his; brand for cattle id the it), i I ' saot , 'Clerk Chamberlain. The brand is a LA 0R.NDE. 10: FONTELLA. 18 Thursday's Raiaball Gam at La Grand Waa a lorBsr. The hontella hwsehsll team of Port land plaved its opening game al l a tirande on Tneseisv, .Inlv . and lost by the wore of l to 1H. en inning being ro)lrsil The 'hroni. le says that the IsstSM WSA a rorkr. notwilltstandint I the large snirr. Whiteb. !! i a g- iid little pllrhaf, i 1 1 be was up against the real thing. 1 m t" bis crelit, however, that he t. k hit humps like a gentleman. The Sigh wind, which fillerl the mneiners eves with dnst . and a very rough diamond were responsible for the ma torlt) oi the error made, 13 of the 18 I being r barged to the two abort stop sad third liaaemen. There- were many prsjtt) plays and the hitting was ter rirti . Shea made his Hrt appearance i witti the locals and captivatel the BUdtaaS, He instilled much ginger i into the team and his throwing wss BtM 4 tlie features of the gams Hit chsil, who playe.1 short, wss untortn nate in losing such a large percentage of his to ld chance, but he hatted and ran bases' well. Ol the visitors, Schmeer snd A. Parrot were tba stars, several of Schmeer stops and throws eliciting well earnsd applause Irom the audience. The errors were even, nine on each aide. Waters struck QUI I and gave buses on halls: Whiten, use lout v nave I base on balls am two hutsmeii with pitched hall. K S plain ' larroii iiihii' n iniuir inn, unr, " ami two I hits, Katon, Almslie and Fay ; two base hit-, Castner. Ksy. Mitchell. O, - ., Parri tt, A mlee Karneil runs, I .a itrande.'i: frotitellBH. La tlrand Wnr Again. game between the n teams on sVednesdsy, July in. resulted in another victor lor LaQrWttfB fejl the score of IB to II. Pt RSONaL HKKTION. tin I. tiMlav a. set- o it prior to lug ship , inclmliiig w iss ami for cat S. I' or left Jaa. A. Howard, farm loans. New books, new main at S Haseball goods and fishing tackle )r raster's. Boy your window shades at Murphy s Has soar picture framed latest sty las at Murphy 'a. 1 shin waists, now 4M Bra. Dry Goods Co. f6 duck suits, now . u Bros. Dry Goods Co. Now designs in wall pa; Murphy's paint store Waa tod A good girl at the Wl Its boardlDg hoosa. Good wages. First class wheat pasture lot and horses. Inquire of Peter West. We will closa out our entire llM Btaol rsngas at coat. Baker A Mbosb. 25c summer goods to sloBB Bl par yard. Cleaver Bros. Dfjf Go. If you are looking for something new yon will And it at the -tamiard grocery. Midsummer awls of wash go i half priOB. Clearer Hr.s Dry sttoods Co. Hare you aaan the latest stk in pianos and organs at Wakefield & railinca? Finest hams and lard on the market. Home product; try it, its guaranteed. Be h wars A Grwulich. Lost-Batwaan Pendleton and Pilot Hock, a pair of fine shoes. Finder please Isare at this office. lea cream for parties and lodM Buciablee at special prices, .Uality guaranteed. Candy Mutton. Crescent bicycles on the instal I m- nt plaa at the Orescent agency in the Baal Oregonian building, payment II a week, no in teres'. The Standard UflMBJg I n Sg have a Isrse aiimmeM of bcotdi oats WtUlID B taw oars. rissse leave y. r i,Hrald, chargel with larceny lu a order early, ana avoid the rush. building. He v. a- h Silas H. Boole, professiona; pun t tuner, f ram Boule Hnm ' tiro ' Pi laud, is stopping at the Ht 1 teorge , Sch.iltc hresrarj hotel. Leave orders at Tallman A C 'l when th drug store or hotel. H arrest is coming on sml gasj will want bread. Otto Hob bach is turning p. ital W on either left hip e, or on uolh let. nil ami ran sine. Maurice 0 Kauftman ot Pendleton ami Miss Lone I u Keavis of Wailu Walla were united in marriage at the Methodist BptatnpaJ parsonagi BJ Sunday evening, July T. liev. John I'ren periornitxl the i-c'smmiy. J. C. Blssett and l.utie Ogilvv were i couple ol married at l.a'irandehv II T W ; 1 I Ihiimid Itams, rei-order and B-oAk justice Bl , y, l Fix of Alkali is in Pendleton the peace, on Mindav . 'une ;i Mr ,0juv (,.ies.. He will romuelice MM rei. lee there BBM .Miss Ugilvy I .,. kl. wheat on Mondav. tJnlr 1R Tom .!ohiior. i in the city Irom Wallace, Idaho. Bod 1 RowiBBoa of Hilgard is a tat in Pendleton. William BygBB is at Payetfe, Idaho, i I will return t- Pendleton nest taptaardsar. Miss M iii le liaker of Kidge is in HawdMoa (or treatment for nervous pratrt ion. Miss MM Kopittke left this mom lag for Portland, where she will re main until September. Mis !aisy Mearb has gone t Port land t remain for ten days visiting w ith her parents and sisters. t .I W, F, Butcher, a lesding lawver snd democratic politician of Bsker City, is spending thedsy in Pendleton. Mr. le Teiitsi'h has finished her visit At I'resaell Slid has gon to Eogaoa, a ban she will remain several Weegj Miss Fva Piatt will leave tonight on tlie W . A C 1. trnin to visit for a eeas wit!, relatives at Mrs. K. M. hamere left morning's train lor her home at Mad cal l.4ke, Vash., alter having si a vialt with her sister. Mrs R Martin for the ast to months Master Otto Martin acco.npanied his aunt to hei home and will remain then- until in Heptember. He will then fo t i Spo ksne and tm'ome s student hi ftOMtgtl college. Mr. snd Mrs. I.. kV IVnlan I will leave next Monilax for thall lario two and one-half mile south of II. n to remain during the harvesting season Will Penland, the vonngster who hsd one of his legs broken a le wees- ac Lj 111 lag ruu over by a wagon loaded with bay, is improving aatistaclori ly and will be Uken out to the larni ga Iuesdsy, July 1. tieorge Ctt, sr . sged "i years, who hsd his left leg broken by an ait ' bo at Pilot Rock on Sunday. June SO, ll patient at the Pendleton anitarium and is recovering a rapidly as con 1.1 have been eipected. The usual leBgtl of time for recoverv from a fraiture I that kind is sis weeks, so it will he about five aeaks before Mi I'll "1 be able to walk around t BSJ great rtteat, eren with the aid of crntclies. Tslsgraphlnt to ars. The eiperiment in wireless tc. graphy have met witn such lOCCeei that we can soon bold BOfjaiaalOBtioa ith nor ii'.anetarv neitflilsirs Hcienci I 1.. .. ... !..-. atvldaM in tilt i'tst .... ,t I MlS'ir ni.imritui v,.,.- ... , , ! half of the Mttt century, snd probablj '. i, I ill advance further in the RMl kears. Ttiere is one thing however, that acience cannot improve UpOO and that is Hostetter's BtoSBacti Bitters. It is the let remedy ll tin world lor stomach liver anil BOWSl comnlsints. Fifty years of core- staio' lack of it. ami a fair trm' afll ran rhM you it has BO equal as s cur k I intligeeion dyspeiia, const i pat i"i.. hi i loiisness or !iver ami kidM tfoal It also prevent? malaria, lever and ague. Be sure to have tba Bitten Blwayi on hand, utid thus avoid any seriail" illness. ST. JOE STORE We art offering Great Bargains In all department? of our store. Save Money by Trading With Us. LARGEST STOCK in th N rv to SELECT I ROM LYONS MERCANTILE CO., is frou. this BMaty, near Pilot Book Andrew J. laswii slid Mary 0. bmith were married at the Cat:, ilif church in Pendleton on Saturiav. July The ceremony was BCffarM by ' Ber. Joseph Cbisuale, Catholn priest on Iba I'matilia Indian reser vation Thomas James ami Cnari Dot ; were arrainged bafofa Justice Km (ierald this forenoon, charged with the robbery of dishes ami other things from Burr Johnson's house, l'hev will have their prei ,ii. mary h-.r:tig in 'lo same rourt on hsturdsv, July 13, at S o'clock. Al Mevells had hi- .learn.g Welnes- das altaraooa he hire Justice lit. Mrs, P. W Vincent and Miss Mabel Anderson left this morning on a trip to Portland and Taroma to he absent s week or more. Miss Rmm Hillyard of Meacham is KpaaMl to arrive on the train this BVaoifM lo become the guest of Miss Blanche Mellon. C K t'arter, who has been at Nel son - -am !. oi. Hotter creek durilig the spruit: and summer, is in Pendleton h remain a few days. Miss Jessie Williams of Mtlton is in Pen tlcton to remain for a while at tlie Radio home. Peter Budio, the head of the household, is sick. MM QfwBS SltllfM has completed a terui of school at Uoruaiie and is in Paadlatoa "he will teach in the put ii M'hools of this city tlie next term. Madge, ate., ti legrapb opera iker DM . hs- liwh appointed i M . agent at Fcho, and ha n poii the discharge of bis oat the beat bread in tin not gat dry and hard I phone Main u and try it. Dr. W. M. VanPattei, Walla will be at Biagba from July t Auifust .v. Partias visiting the springs can dep. receiving medical attention it Tba Waldrun washing BMI baas placed tor sale win Btrobi th aecond haad dealer, wbi be seen. It is the bast Waal lag chine on tlie market ami lets purchaser should at least Wat. P. Powell, traveling ageir 1 lie homeliest mail m Paadletofl as wall aa the handaomest, and others are invited to Bail on aa) diVfgiaf and get Iree trial bottle of E balsam lor tlie throat an i unit! Biuodv that is guarautttvd h relieve all chronic and acute roughs aatbnia broucibtis and coosa motion Prioe lie aud M Kor sale by Tall luan A Co., aule agents. east the a-t and : aud the north a eat quarter the nortl northwest juarter an northeast quarter ship north, rangi for 11 debt alleged I be 'Hie 1 to case in i irr .1 1; rourt is i ran cbempp vs. A. HflsoB), Barr Alexander and Art Hicks aere held by Justice Pita laavaM on W.-d-nel aftern .01. t. an-wc t. u.' circnit court to tiiecharg.- uf attaaaptad robbery, I. 1.. Knignt, ot Athena, is the complaining w th -- Ih torec had Ihh.ii drinking and up gll aiffbt after lateWB , Jail 0 AbOtM o'clock Monday nivtruing the two de feudaul tried to I ad Bos Mr Knight lo loosen Up ami buy the driuks. He be came frignteoed at tbeir iaipatooaitt G I. tor at I a R- ellti red quarter ..: ' '"" aud the north-1 Johu K. I.stbrop, is improving in si--' .j'l.irier lea Hi rnpldiv St III hew hoMpltal St BrM tin I It alia Walla aad Will return to Pendle- M '.' , town- ton at a'flJock on Mii.dsv afternouii. east. W M , Julv M. : M 1 . sua thoiiihi thMV vuri- trviiihi t. rul. cure uiol . .. ., uiui !- Hill i."nn ins. mi .1. .L.. C 1 MP . l: Parses, of Walla I . . BBBrl to Pwadlaton on Wedne Ida) evening and I aft) for Hot Lake this morning. .Mr. Parses is a brother of tor Hi Paifba. Mrs, Mark l atum will leave on the W C, U. train this evening for le and other cities on the Sound 'to visit with 'rivuds and relatives uutil in HpMslMr Ud Teal is ia Pendleton tadar from his stock farm near F.cho. He ssvs tbil hi- busj season, as the work I ol irrigating his farming land and putting up ailalla hay is at its Darn Burnsd at Pilot Sock. A bre orrur-e I at Pilot ll'K-k at ' o'clock on the irning of Thursdav Juir ll, sTbsjrabf the ham oargsjd b A. .1 Siurdna it and rente.: ..:., BsaHhi wss hurned togetfier .th I ! horse and several sets ot harness A calf was hadlv singed but got ... with It life. There or. sever i head of horse in the bam when tne tire stsrted, but they were rescued. e Think About ll. Ii you wil1 only thins it ovwf yon will go to sae Martin when you want to buy groceries. Hi motto is "hest goods' st lowest prices.' Hi- si B) i very large and well selected. Martin has the best bsjMrj 'lei .irunent in Hrl city. lu spite of a faithful search kept up for two weeks, the 1TH head id ibssj stolen from the Held of John Kickard lour miles south of Corvallis, are still missing, snd the searchers entertain little or ao bone of ever secnr'tig s clew to the rahbers. OWL High Grade Baking Powder makes MCE BISCUIT Owl Tea House. I iratracker higher i uurt Arrivals at hole rnditoi. P Feather Dusters. The largest and tx-st line oi feather dusters ever displayed in Pendleton. TALLMAN & CO C Holland and .laughter, Portland. John Allison. I'ortiand. f Jacolw. Portland . it K Voungutan, Port Ian 1. r' B Comau, Portland. .1 i BaisBil, ll-K'k t'ri-to. Ira M kemp, Atheua. J i Thomas, Athena. N K Oliver, Portland . t kalsele, I B ikaile 1. O Ukiti. Portland l ast.., hpogaiM- H H Brown, Portland. Bdwia how. hi Helens Horace ii smith, lan iraiicisco. McNeil, rotilaad H L Sister, Portiami. W W ElWM, It Joe. Httiitcb, Chicago A I. Uugers. Atlantic. K hands, i ir-oh (,'iti 11 Peteraon, Caldwell. Aggie Hale, Caldwell. 1kii MoKaj Iteliver ii P Prael," Portland. Jubi. A Crouch, Portland. I H Boule, Portland The iregoa Klsb ami Uaaie aatnris Hull ha espreaced ill intention to plaoa trant in the streaun- of Clatsop county. The Necanicum creek aad lie tributaries are where the voung trout wiU he turn. lows. To close out all short lines ot shoes Sweeping Reductions are bein. made in prices Ln The Pendleton Shoe Co. It will pay you to come eail hefure the bi. es run out M - V I., beetle is How th. gllest r aunt, .Mrs. II t.. Bickers, at Turner. a few miles from fSalen . u s capital, "he visiteit tor a R at uregoii City hrst aft-r leaving remlletou, i. K Obapbsr receive. I an invita tion from Manager sharpsiein todav Lome t Walla Walla and umpire tw.. games of haseball next humlaN and Motsua alar and expenses re i Uereu as a coiisiiieration. lrii,.!r..iK i "cattle at one tiuu prominent in tne labor couucilt ot that city, aud how representing Paul rsieumss) Of laa FnustMo selling suaw ilip, Lastoria, Lydia I'lbkham Botapoaad and Onaa iagJaua whisky, is a-tending lo business in Pendleton today. W. J. Furnish and family nave gum lo i.eumau springs to remain fur ai: mtiug. Mr. Foraiat) has a bouse there and he took about 3.'J feet of pip along with Mm, a wall a a bathtut Hoi ami cold water will be cundiuled to the house Jack Bron drove tne team conveying the party to the springs. L. A, KddiogS relurnei! uo Wetlner Irom Vam ouvwr, Wash , on ousitieas with the (h-:uio t bank, in which he hail about tJP deposited, lie had one cerlicbale of deposit for H that dues not show up on the book. Mr. Eddings save be will re .V) per cent of hi monei in a week, and wil! get it all eventually. Jar Jones, formerly ol the turn of June a. Ilemiersoii, bunding cootrac tors, cams agar from his home at Walla Walla on WrxJuewiay evening, July lu, ami lall this morning for Hot Lake, I i Ion county. He calls attention to tin- tact that be was uot accidentally killed at Walla Walla s couple of weeks ago. or al any other time. Mi .Nellie Jay writes to Pwudletow friends that she and Mrs. Nora audell arrived at Victoria. B. C on the morn lug of the Fourth of July, since! w hen In) haie been having an en oah.e time. They prunuunce the city of Victoria to be a beautiful plate, with mauy points ol interest to inspect in ..While (ollar Line. HRTUn -ISWHi MUTE Str. "Tahoma." hail) r.iu:..l .r.i - h - luJs Time Card Leave Portlslei Lvnve Asior.s A M THE HAlJJ Kol TH Str. "Bailey Qatzert. ('tit) ruuli'i Ifiji c.v ' MdbuA) Cascade Loch Hood Kiver. WDite SnimoD aoo Tne ball? I isic Card 4 lo Uaat r Portland Arrive The Ihille l.euve " rrtve Portland Ftrt. Dtlw to Fortland fart, Dills to Pirtiud ud wura rniuug I A :t P U M t.M t Tl, Itu lor 1 1. Uitl. tsrs' l.r Apply lu Agel Meals the v cry best : ivaiui raudi ciii, Landing: Poot of Aider M Both Phone.-. Main ,51. Pjrt'anU. Oregon A J. TlYL"L. Agi Ai jhhn m e:iX".v as- ' I. 4. S A hS t' t'Ttlgl Moo: hS Ag t U t'KKtllTliN. Agt Ttis Or igu HiHi'l Kivai 1 ue .'aueo iver. Wail. PorthiUU uv Nerve Waste." Thev will temaiu there uutil I'ue of iter oiijsi tis.pfu: twks on urv wsakiisas svr issued u u.: euUtwet 1 .Ntm Waste. " Sr Ul t-: uf sal. Srale Use lius 111 1U Dltta IBnuaalld Tuu Work ol su expvf rlsluou ud nipu abit pl..lcll. Is in aarvc- able lonli ! 10 ibe vast lum of lata sebing whh b prev.ii.. 01. 1BU inlerasliug subset It atsiuinl in earslully euu.i'le'rMl ana praei. ai drlcc. auO basilic lai. rai uiunu ul u dom auo sibesjrilr. II 1 midors...! by bolb Ibe IBJIgkSBi KUlsr press Tuc i bleagu Advaue says : "A pcraaai ol Ibe book and Ibc application oi It ariDcipaw will put tieallti, bopr aud bsari Into Ibouaaiids of Uvos mat ar now suffering ibiougt. nervous luipaniiusnl." Tbc book is t. o by mall poipaid UM ol l be aval iiibjicatiag ebapUos -cbapivr BB, 00 Nerviua aud Nerve Toule bus beei. priulaxl nparalaly as a sauipis ebsplo and will be saul U ujr address lor stamp by tn bep- , pubtiabsr. TUB PACLTP pi BUSUl.No Co., I I ... . iirait sv I r ' Si I ,- U;' I '3 , ii tb malm Ol attiaction rvei MHMttfal ttanlioo,' el r Ska Am. Curtain I olea. Mirrors, Undertakinn i'arlors in Conne Our midsummer Furniture sale and He Whfth j intend to furnish your house ...mi, fit lllst e on ti-tn plate the . 1 f - - 1 addition Of U necessary pieces, .t,,c 1 c vnnr :iHottunitv. Over twent 4frt diitt rcnt styles of Iron Beds DlMMTai v. tnmoJcs. I'arlor Fur- , OfarpoM M.tttmgs. Window.' icturers, Bah) Cabs, Go-Carts, etc. A. RADER, Main and Webb Sts. Everything lor Harvest I.ow dtiwn lank pmnp. I.acc Wither. Suction he.c Ropes, 9lMl ca Mtr. t.rks. liclts. etc. Wf have the ...GOODS.. RIGHT. HANSFORD A THOMPSON, Tht l eading Hardware Men." Main btret :. 1'cnJieton. SELLS & GRAY'S United Shows Will Exhibit ONE DAY ONLY Afternoon and evening at l endleton Wednesday, July 17 - : : : The ix lanelous T-ddy's, Premier Acrobats aigneoi -auru-ii pertormeni In the known world t in dlffioalt fur thnm to erforin. lli thing 100 Startling acts and features. Arenic Attractions Unparalleled. Magnificent Street Parade r t -tore nav displav ; oi-portuuity of aeeinj? uch gorgeous udor. Avail yournalvM of u. VS ild BMtU trom the jungles ot Africa. i bt ciomii an 1is hdna has startled the world. 0 (r-pared to us in tlieinselvi laugh. Do Your Feet Do Your Feet you vran, tf 10 71,; Min SN be fitted to easy shots make your fw We fit All Kinds of Thai - "uai rhp PfMnUc Ur, - vvuiv.i tin THE FITTERS 716 Mam Street. na Kcad what tlu Hapcrs fsas lainuu, bM, an I (,r. . Jir2LJf sl. tV. P iven , .-Jiiuws ii-re vsterdav u'j tl est eer L'lii-i, .m,L. ,... .. '-ciciu W B 'mi .u iiiib city. Kansas Ci'.v I ;in?s. Iim n htu- more that! tnt-t tn, . aeus ".Ur- 1 nited Shows by the L-reat- Sells Gra s I exiectationi nt ih. l . street parade aj sunpl. , marVt, "" rW0J( .u.i.a DWB, juue I m lU Tht bean such a throng of ticou.t under . V " Ua famous production J-r te"ladr ' Gray'. ye l. Vll speak of .t ,D the highest of ved Seat Sale begins at 9 p ID On slluii' Hae- 9. T.ll c r Drug Stota - .sjhv ardJ. L Gray tW&. a R SALE IN BLOCK 81 For sale, lot 4 ln block 8j, tsiui-i.M tot at u low Motrrs scmwjl .dlriii luu, ltllluM lUllUMcv.. tautuulul s" 1 i.m.n, cursfui antia. as mtnui n,,,r, Ud piijii, I Ull ll lUUH I) uisi . .Uuulf ltj Coun, Cl, iitA. o. MouiTi-. ., j pl to price C S. JACBON. It ... a , friucipai. CURf rOURXLf ! lor uULatturaa I hp PIq a I,, d. Is w fisr- asa s . " 1 llt'S. prir. fm v. mr (ir.l.-r lor lira., uter uuks snd a j MSI line ol 1 11 Til V.A. 1 ... : 1 jaj gpinglM,Bil Ins 1. atter, t- T'ITti.r T , J I I tw-saaaai T w - 1'lasttT. Brict and, MouldiM Wiiulows, .V- I. .. .-. T i -1 .vii. Ttitta Pipe. Pendleton Holt Lumlier Vard. R. FORSTER, . 11 .1... j ca r r x a iirj m. , , S S mm 111 Under new nunj. Regular Meals mm 0 m Lvncm MlMNi, Will Meals 1 li ijoi-ts. 1 le mtirt isv. r 1 1 1 1 it'll rri mi. a a a . a ' ana a a v mm m I1KID ur 91 Wanted C.F. Cook's liwftfH Corm-r Msiu and i t I'KNI'LETON ssjrior faci m mm tt IS I, aur Ul'- Cusffts . , . r. 1 c BBSS III 11 nrnv BBS B S B lil I n. nrnn I W I B I I I I I ll III illnsnaf Mas Hie isjssssb 480 acrefc Al wiis 30 acreb Al wbsw 2 lota well lucaiw 1 I U'ahb 1 IUI IOWCI BWs Also a t 'g W county property Tbs Bast urs . , 1 v. vmr .. . . . k rwiicuCU"- " u. tern ber. j boa , Ba Slsiu .ium taa pf " rv r. litvara! patrw- lauta asadUu at s t