v pi h: Madldf Inn' tnrklr WEPNFOAY. JULY Clearance Sale Now is the time to g t good shoes cheap. All summer shoes mu-t he sold. PERSOIHAt BBaTIO".. C vry, manager of the Bing . (B, ititor in Pendleton jr. N wTIUasa ritseeratd ha bean other property t tr yrd. If thi rl done to the satisfaction o( Mr Calla han it is understood that t ofBeers l-ort Steven will not preler .lnr n-f against the men eiiail in wrecking the saloon am) the whole affair will 1 overlooked.- Huriget I La r..,ae. JOHN METCALFE'S VICTOR Mar ( rank frailer, is a Hotel 1'eiidlelon. walker ha accepted a , lerk at the postomce at -i inoov. - pnian "( Putter h bn today alter hae ;. ).' in Pendleton. Raatafc I. a returned to Waal . after having heen - a Mil Mia Zelma i.it p, secretary in lha ai I .uar.tian 0. C. Van 'antic Circle, Woman of it ink at her home. lon t miss ham CLEAVER BROS Pract ical l BlUVITlKo. tV' a bar an WlUtloW Toilet soar, bny your Murphy's. Have your aieUrraa tylee at Murphy 't. f 1 ahirt waist, now Broe. Iry Bsxatai Co. fr duck anils, n " t- " Bros. Pry Good l New deis::i Murpby'i paint t " Wanted A good wr hoarding Imnte I l wages. First class Wheal pa Stan aad boraeo. Inquire of Petar a - Wa will cloae aal m tee! ranges at I, Bake J.V unimar Rood to rio par yard. Cleaver Bro. Co. Midsummer sale of war h 1 balf Ottawa It Goods Co. Have you seen last latas pianos and organ at Wakel Pail ine K i neat ban an i lard sa tbe Home product; tv ti. ii guaran'.a (k'hwars A xstrawlseh. Lot - bvt- i. Rock, a pair of tine sh'- -please leave at this office. Ice cream for parties and sociable a'. T-.ial i i -guaranteed. Candy Dsjgaaa. Crescent bicycle n ' plan at the Oreeeawt ageuc Oregon ian buiUling, payment t weak, n" inter - The piles tba aim ) " - qnicklv ami eesweaewt baa ose Dewttt'i Wn. -i Hai ware of worthless counter t--.tr man A Co. Silas II. Soule. pr"fesani:sl pi tuner, from Baale BWM land, i ftoppinw ' basal. Leave orders at Taliban A ' .Irog store or hotel. IiWitt' Wit M.t be applied to cut, born an J euothes and heai the Tl.ere a- w ,r:: to gat DeWittV lailn.ao a 0 Harvest i con.-n,1 on an waut 1'iaad tt i Hobl I oat the bast bread m the c 'y. It n.ir net dry M I : 1 plmue Mam il rj Aov iwrsoii kwdiag a baseba tip will please return : and get BH gswatd. ! Uii cast- aiil he tl - tton a hich .i KlUil dead. Those famoo littU Little Kar v I. - - and bowels to d vihi pure. rich In teidv. Are ea ! i. s ritig a ' At bed lltur i a driuk, the nex: m in. i . aad my xuj ex doctor say tt act . wiiaaa. liver and ki pleasant tasattvs It it c.ii' herbs, an-l i , taa uad .. tea. It is called Laaa'i Lane's Family Madicis h iwel each . ' -For sale bv Tsimai S Feather Dusters. iPfCABLE ICT THE wPILRED n J arr. ner. formerly of Pen now a miller at Rttsville. . Ii Ml and wil; remain in n on account ol circum- ,, . rrnttl August 1. i rilMra of Heppnar and naite of ttrefoo City ra i Mondav. Tbey M i- Mm Phillips ' ; laj week. Miss Addis L. Mcintosh resigned i. ; t :,er in the Pendie- tbfae week ago, and Bat home in the Uiasoarl Ysliey, Iowa, iving lieea married at Omaba on .. P. Dudd, of tbe Tribune, took ii lapartan i TaaaMf evening, on ie t A C. K. train for Tacutaa. to buinees there he I, ami afterward od and maoafactara - . r t . ... Bxaaagan oi the Baker City .... engaged Khea. . si n. permanently ma'. a conditional agrsaasaatwUb I w lu. played such Day) 'i team dor recenl i lrnauif nt in fendle- .):ii. f Lei man. in Pendleton from ri g, here John Kndecott i ortl tliai there are aiiout iu lam i. lea there now; .i Kward summer. Thi ... ng elpeneliced . i.-ii It ncy to till the cot- . . . . ot Portland bar grandparent Mr. .v .am Hiakley. 8be will . r the summer retara i' her pome in ap . i . I eatnrs, well known -. he formerly re i Cai.fornia. rak tadataaa, wbo wa .. traiued nurse from the tritai h apital at Portland a- come ti Pendie Bwf home with her - Bbs sti'pped for a lo visit friend at Tbe Dallas ii P rtland t Pendie- Hffl l.iasrd rarusworth ner basa :ueu invitations to their daughter. Mies FarnsworUi, and Fdward nbliabar and propria irejj ii kepuhlican. istoed ; We-ineday. July 84, .lie bride's parents in li Keiey lis returned m Walla Walla, where abe visited Mr- Fiies Kirtley of wbo is patient in tbe r wbicb Lr. Cropp has ;.atlent is latOSOf -fl-t of an oper- i :-r hy the sur- gaalu t it; Tousbsa. - true i.ame can went to tbe Bcbultt 1 1 ... t-v-t.ing a;tn a - ali.l indulged in a .. m. in charge bad Ifaa ruim lor a . la la an adjoining a. am. ring on the Wonderful aide of a Blind Jock Century and a Halt ago That interesting writer, Kett.e drum," in the Hportmg Cbrot tells a marvelous story of a Miaw sp"tman ol the eighteenth centnn . Hi name wa John Metcali. am! he was born at Knarestroogh in 1718. He wa blinded hy smallpox at the iM ..I X In spite ol bi infirmity John Met calf joined the other boys in robbing orchards and depleting hen rat. He learned to ride and became an ex ;cellent violinist. He frequently hunt led witb the hounds. At the age of 14 hi activity in sporl .... Iraaliini he had ellioved ifom accident caused bim as I .ti te fear less, and he wa getting through life with greater inn than moat ordinary lads. Bot he had a severe lesson. ow;ng to a fall tuto a gravel n wnei. a farmer ST. JOE STORE Ye .m- oflcrinp' Groat Bargains In all departments of our store. Save Money by Trading W ith Us. UuMEtt noeaaa-coi-N n select from. LYONS MERCANTILE CO., . I..m, nrnriae.l h in 'hMllg a ipliiin tree But he wa Boi asrl MM J lajafwi, and we next tind him swowina aaaaetaaai at w miming, aaJ aaal strength that he could pnh tn com- tiamona tml..w Bllll Wllll 0ef thelti. laicl w a hi fame in tin diractiat that two men leing ilrowned ;n the N old, Metcalf wa engaged t x ' iiie.r liies, an.) diving, broaghl one "t them from the river deea He ta-gan kfi attend the race at York so that the visit of the gei tlemsn indicated etae t. the Knave--mire only serve :o prove there ll noth ing new under the sun -and other places It was common for h .m to ride among tba criwd. and balpad ta gentlemen to whom be wa known, he olten betted w;th success. It thought a wild thing when he mat, lie one of hi hirers run three miles on the Forest Moor. With the Idea that Metes be unable to keep the right cmrse long odds were twtted Malawi But b' ingenuity provided l.im with ti tiwlmni :n the dilemma. T: I 1 track wa a round one of a mile, an 1 at each torn he had a man stationed i with bell to ring out hi approach Thi scheme and the superior speed ! 'hi mount nulled him throng! and he was heartily cheered or victory. As a horse dealer be traded to advan tage, and at one-and-twejatj ha at rnhut health and stood s:l 'est and an inch He b..wed at thi period some pugilistic ahilitv and soundly thrashed a bnllv -an Francisco Call. rp - Shades, Curtain 1 Our midsummer Furniture sale hj th. center of attracts:- and dc ervrs unttaOtJ attentior. Wheth er you intend to furnit.li your house npsjtt ot just cont. nip.atc the a.idmon of a few necessary piece. d jwM opportunity. Over twenty nvf different stvlcs of Iron Beds tir..sers. Conimo.L-s. f'arlor Fur- niture. Carpet, Mattings. Window Mirrors, r.cturcrs. Baby Cabs. Go Carts, etc. 1 l -nJertak.ng Parlors in Connection. . A. RADER. Main and Webb Sts. PASSING OF THE OONSIDENES van Hi Partners in tn bambltng Hsli Forsake Him. The lour men wbo were partner with John Coueidiue in the -tandar,l gambling house in eattie recently dismantled the interior and tie gam bling paraphernal i i aaJ st-retl in a warehouse One of the partner stated that tbe lour would snake lias I rtta furniture and Considine can have either tbe value aj one-riftti of the partnership belonging or that rat the furniture. They hare thrown C'onsidtne over lor gyatd. in (act there seem to be a general disposition on tbe part of former friend to fursaaf the accused murderer In trut way of tbe transgressor is hard Astorian. Everything lor Harvest l. w ion I 'ank pumps. I.uce leather. Suction nose. Hopes, Steel wahle. forks. Belts, etc We have th. ...GOODS.. and our prices art RIGHT. H ANSFORD A THOMPSON, , i a: - i i .. I ii -ip-.' M.-M ' l rlc Lcaums i ioiuaiv i'" -id and taken later bv City tried RoDoep) it it, town today irom the arrest hap--: early on the ioly 7. Tile de li a preliminary Iteriiuon before Poitolties Boossd. If Iu bowetiaie daring in . the local entered by nnkboen per ! f l at) in gold . a baia, a certificate .... 1 ire! National bank ... property of James srsl uncashed county ...... - aOTHCR (VI HAS A DEFCSDLV Sbe Could Not Have Ala tns Appis Unless Bsgu.isc. Res. John Lindsay V t: - i reach ing in Chicago on the sobject ol the original in in the garden of Iden, reported in tbe Record, and bis ser mon as follows: "Wben we contemplate A ian. lay ing site i.iame on S.ve it reveaU one of the moat contemptible character: tits of a serpent-poisoned man. An-l a tt. out change it i attll tbe coossAjoaaea of evil doing that it charges its mitta. t. some one else than the actual author. It g:ee u r.ve at her verv bast, that she sir. ft the hlame only on tbe old serpent: 'Tbe erM Itasgu.led me and 1 did eat.' Thev are jai poor Itasineas. as 1 have hear'.' mem. ati' ueieua u aani ano charge all Bee's fatly and fall upon lierseif Mi'h are the sauo a- i hear alas readv to slur and : argv aga nt won.ali I do not of h-imand "Bearing in mind that tbe old aer peut and auii are tn-- uiiir .1 - -Ittire. we nave in verses Ood's eantaara ! of judgment anJ Hi .r .rniar of re demption. OWL George R. Demott. VN hite House Grocen. Dan Kemler. Oliver & Companx . These are the four stores that have the UKIAH CREAMERY BITTER Pull weight, best on the market; it ia gurantecd. try a roll if you don t IUh it get our money l.a-k. Do Your Fam u Do Your Feet Bu If so you want tn -w us IP 716 Main 8trt be fitted to easy shoes that r make your feet We fit All kinder 7I That's oat hugin TL - Ti 1 tn I llll I 111! Ii ,, II r, Ull 1UF HO Hilt THE FITTERS Of FEET 716 Main Street. J'en(j;, - u Ik. ine nace to Bin Is where y,.n ran art ma and cheap prices, fr a your order for header tsk water tank and (sad nai Meat I ine ot Luiulier. UtK Shingles, Build ing PSMT, Tir paptr.Lime and cement, Picket PlaeUr. Brick. Sand, Mouldin? Screen I)kiti4 Windowg, Sah A" I ii H rs, Terr Cotta Pipe. Pendleton Planing IE Lamber U o rnocTCD n I wwsr"sj v v MnDT IIUII PACIFIC RUNS Pullman SlecouM I.lenant Dining Can. Tourist Sleeping Can To THROUGH TICkTIb CHICAGO WA-HINGTOS PHI1-A.MLPHI1 NKW YORK hOsTOK I .11 : fi mad auu an pxjinw Hi niusti llLlaU 10 JSt " v ... 1 v,,ril,-n Sadat and Aasrteaa lint. riai scaiPBU- r 1 , . .... . . . : 1 Sisasa s-wbw a is . 1. ror luriue- m- tna uuru a ui -..-- - failrd and Mo of (ea diaplay Aiaoac ia Braa-i. :. t t Cur. TALL MAN & CO er fr 11 To cloac out all horl lines of shoes Id W sat Tnai lutr for Bsiac as.lrssiod at Bulla. 1 1 -. Tut- CI. . trrt.iiieut, ti.('uei. aliaiatar Wu 1 si i i. a ciaicii for la- III auni:Ot of f&OU.UUU oil airgel outrageous treai t : inaaa at Butte, Hunt, inggsjatiofj f boxer outrages ... tba rewaulatlOti of tbe case , ariiiM-nt die treatment 1 'i I .linear at Butte ng in Bsad ' baft bean cruel and .irgan tl.st autue uf r ki . ti.at otbara luat tbeir at aaarlf all were ruined tineas, aai giany ot u.eu. were s.uiauU ClUUiuered oatrasjM date back to - itsalarafl tbat tba i-itr ui bi'.ttr uubeld tba riotara tod boccitler that tbe state courts a decided in language so at tu be in itself a just ior complaint, tnat tba city a rigbt, and finally that Ms'iic-d only uieaaur. gl ai spiai to tbe I nited 1 rsiw atiiue uovel and oa axtreaaly interest points of High Grade lyon's French Periodical Drops 1 r V Baking Powder makes NICE BISCUIT Owl Tea House. ii . craxaoia, i.-' : - n r.drmlea. sure to accotnnliah -SILTS. unown female reined v. DLSIKELl H..si C1UTI0I ' isuvsiiues. TteasnsiM it pqi sp ealrla swu wtrt rr- KUC. Bv t Ut vn a .... MM mum, H KOUCTOK, OBSOOsT. I nsvrat-kcr? Sweeping Reductions iwwmum art iK-int eoadc gj pci ag by The Pendleton Shoe Co. It will pay you to come early before Ibl ues run out. ins ,l r,s kaiious of Fort klevsns raiaa Up Tbalr Jos. us are in progress by tbe tt men at Krt 8teveus wbo tacaatlt wrecked Jack Callaban's .. Kaa Astoria to settle tbe i ut going into tbe court iederal autboritisa at lie uropoattiuti is for tbe 1 r ll r sal noil 11. Ut urigiaal vuuditioo and replace all Help or Situation Wanted. C F. CuokS tnijilnjiireni Ajjrncv Coraar Mau. and A va auaet. PKMiLETOK SEALS! Notary and Corporation $3.50 to $5 Delivered Order of ua aad sasa x aj Orders for Huaaer Btasaps alao aultctted. EAST OREGON IAN PLR.G0 BUY THE Best Babbitt Metal IN 10 POIND BARS. For line shafting and all bearings of machinery of the mill or factory it cannot be surpassed : : : Made from Type Metal. East Oregonian Office, remiieton. or. CAKRU0E. Cartaialy. ssryoi jaw gas . will ii!"-" '"7r www .u1 'i6 'il', !i taS gellinif luturt i -v I I S" III asa. wk m. m . nJW UU YOI PI People to know what 1 V W ou have to tn m Taa aew alorc can never be known itaicM advertia, ADVERTISE? larlum. wSk Ii ' Insrlerl L.-.. : . - . .ek lik ttjt perlor IsclliliB (irW'w NCA8LI I N, BERKE a .1 . i 11 Ml I nC Has ine lu.av - t I a . , . a .1- t , Ma L 19U acre ai wa- 320 acre AI WW 2 loU well located s 1- 1 ..... UMftb 1 IOI lusoi Also a wif m d county prooerty el