Midsummer Sale of I C Mwwi Now going on. -tu r.nnds. Shirt Waists. Duck Suits and Skirts all go at just 1-2 leaver Bros. Dry Goods Co. :b id Taylor were Pendleton visitor Monday. J. W. Pearl, a former resident ol thii city, bat who for the past three years Iim been engaged in mill ing on the .Colville innervation, return ed Saturday, and will again make . I . . . l i a 1....,,.. . i ii . t VII llllSNlf .1-. i i u I ii 11 T...I,,. ... I W . i l A HEW w .. .-....-"... ' nCBU'll writ- .liiii-un nill'ir 8anday. ;.E?DAY. Jm 1'. iwi. REPORTS OF UBATILLA'S WHEAT WILL 0M ONI THIRD THIS YlAR. .... . hinamsn Crop . ... Ha i " - ii ane rtrtonai ........... Jolr 8. -On Sunday alter- nwtaf muinranu in thit city, bi mixm p in a flatic l'bf tmuuls between them ,wicat owned V tioey.wnicn a tool' meal Ml of Ham rtfhea. Ham, ben he caught , .tbreetof tteai ing. grabbed jftmlf anil cut on ue van. asUu to thit proceeding snd j.m .imr name in In i nese iussJ bun to hit Hoey. The t naru oue ana notn com- ...fr.iniJert.iv iiruisea up aMitoct. v i' i.' il I " 'i i,,trlv Miwdoia -until, daughter ui Mm. Mellord V . smith, . .- U.n Ika SI .1, ii III lady, llurty-nve ui Her i- Ml in attendance and sltaaut tiuif wan naa. . ff. p. Wi!liby-uiriied Setur- ni i n nil i,i m aajr. 1 1 " i v go the foeal ol Her tiaugiuer, M Castitmaii. .r kamp and daughter re loads? (rum Cotton. Wash., Iter bad ipeut a pleasant month m lalatifaa. f, .... U.IUi.l V.I.L.Iul .I1IIBIU "III- ' i- ii oiu,.it.. X HP WflaTV ur nt)WbF li IW- Tfr: wests n Low, woo bat been aiieanng a Mototata Home, Idaho, re- u urn cm nunuar. I Mw and family left Monday ... and will tie absent lor a ' o! DODthl. .em asuon. an oiu mnneer oi Kinity, now rending in lamhill ' u the goest Sunday of Mr. lii.iniiHr VI r Vttlnn u ,. . ux (jormn by learn , rlaima tr almost a total failure jar ic the rallev. tod Mn. 0. V. Kind lay of m men., arrived in tbit city iwi art- avoran v un- hit i-riinr ill UlifiH, , iiuu. I. : i : i j derided to make thia a. Matt. W. H. Hi... and Vn an not prepared fur HARVEST hart bought a pair Colored Glasses our . and 75c. Whit or colored and 50c. Eye Protectors Save Two Prom Death. "Our little daughter nad an almost fatal attask of whooping cough and bronchitii," write Mr. W. K Hari land, of Armonk, N. Y., "but, when all other remedies failed, we naved herlilwitb Dr. King'e New Die icovery. Oorniecw, who had connump tioD in an advanced etage, also used hit wonderful medicine and today the it perfectly well." Desperate throat ana lung "diaoa I yield to Dr. King'i New Discovery as to no other m: on erth. Infallible for oought and colds. .Vc and fl bottles guaranteed by Tallman & Oo. Trial bottlen free. Arrivals at Hotel Pendleton. w - Alin, Roy Stnhm, dleton. Win B St renter, Portland. S i inr, Chicago. H Clark, Chicago, (i B Jobnaon. w K Ulendenoing. Jobu Yertsh. T Donovan. W D I leaver, Portland. E Carrin, Portland. J J Cleland, Portland. John C Kiab, St Lonii. A F Bernard and son, Portland (ieo H Cireen, Spokane. Mrs A W Shanard. Arlington. Mike Jacob, ban Francisco. A S Heatfleld, Spokane. B Applegate, Spokane. J A Mendenhall. C D Rinker. Wm Matter, Portland. C M Smith, Portland. H B Keea. C D Oabrielaon, Kalem. W A Johnaou. Peu- (iresit consternation waa felt by the friends of M. A. Hoharty- of Lexing ton, Kv., when they saw he was turn ing yellow. Hit skin slowly changed color, also his eyes, and he suflerd terribly. His malady was Yellow Jaundice. He waa treated by the beat il'M'iora, but without benefit. Then he was adviaed to trv Klectric iiitum, the wonderful stomach and liver remedy, and be writes: After taking two bottlee I waa wholly cured." A trial proves its matchless merit for all stomach, liver and kidney trouble. Only Z3c. Bold by Tallman A Co., druggist. Gsor Purring. r Whsat Crop Will Fall Short Herman Suhl Tsllt of south cold Springs Fields. One of the largeM wheat growers in the county of I'matilla, and conse quently in the state of Oregon it i.eorge Pennger, who resides in Pen dleton. Mr. Peringer doesn't do all his farming by proxv, nut gets in and drills with the rest of the men, and keeps hlmeelt as thoroughly informed at possible upon the crop situation. He returned on the afternoon of Tnes day. July !-t fr,,, , lri() tlirooufi 1 1 1 o fields sontheatt of Adamt, and reports a damage. Without qaotitif bial literally the (ollOWiBg ll the result of his investigations : Bstwasn Adamt and rendition. West of the RbelifQC place, let,'in Adamt and rendleton. (or a diataM of eight or ten miles, the daniage to the wheat Iihs been from 10 to 1 1 r cent. Fast of that landmark, and oft to the southeast, where he the choicest lands of the rewrvation. the dgsgMft is leas, and the late wheat there mav not have been damaged at all. Mr l'er ingtr has 17iX acres of wheat, mid Ins crop, as it it now estimated, will fall 1H00 buthelt short of what he was counting on ten days ago. The m. st of tin' lost will come from 0M field of 320 acres, which wat put down for V bushels per acre. Mr. I has knocked the live ofl the thirty and will lie ln'rfectlv stistiil ii it reaches that. His other fields, farther east, nave nol suttereil. In regard to the caus of the damage Mr. IVringer tan! he had to give it up, as he did not know whether it wat the frost or the late cold winds. Hit belief in that regard wat similar to the expression of opinion of a dozen other of the best farmers, that the frost had weakened the wheat plant and left it an eatv victim to what might follow. Mr. Peringer further stated that the lost would not only be in having lest wheat, hut that much of it would not be No. I, Herman Suhl't Lott. Herman Suhl, who resides in South Cold tprings, nine miles northwest of Pendleton was in the city Tuesday evening, July K. He hat 2'HI acres of wheat. Instead of gett ing ;;." bushels of No. 1 wheat to the acre he a ill get bushels, but he said D ositivelv that it would not lo No, 1. The early own wheat took the brunt of the lost, while that sown later, not being so far advanced when the frost and cold winds were cavort ing around, escaped with comparatively little damage. A WHEAT FIELD BURNED suppotsd to Hava Caught by a Spark From Patting Engine. Herman Koehlke, who resides at Fulton station on the W. A C. R., has not as much wheat by 10 or 12 acres at he had latt week. This came about by a fire. Mr. Koehlke took a walk out to look at his wheat Suuday morn iug, July 7. He wat surprised to run across a patch of 10 or 12 acres that had been burned. The wheat was dry in that particular corner of the lot, and had apparently been ignited by a spark from a passing engine. It had burned the dry wheat and had stopped when it got to where the wheat wat green. It is thought that the fire took place on Saturday even ing, July S but that is a matter of conjecture, as no one saw it to give an alarm. CROP DAMAGE I ing the coming of the show with inter est ami looking forward to its coin ing in anticipation of a big time. The marvelous acrobatic feats of the six l ddys will make any of them open their eyes, as will the acts introduced in the Mag program of startling noveltii- In Mist Kdna, the Tvbel Is, the Karl Sisters and the other famous artittt of the ring who are ospe-ciallv engaged with Sells A tirav't Shows Reserved seats on sale a't Tallmmi Oo. 'l beginning i a. m. show da . l i in ir i . ju, Lite i i.iii iiir Tu. 76c, 11.25, l.50. " ou r will till your satisfaction L HUNZIKER, - "sssss vrjriician.., iMt In i I a - 'exanuer x Hester's Grosarist for Harvest. R. Martin baa made big prepara tions to supply harvest outfits with groceries. He has bought in large 10 40 qu'Dt't'ea and never lets any store un ' I deraell hitn. He never has any dis satisfied customers because he gives them the beet goods in the market. Martin's store has the only first-class bakery department in the city. Veget ables, fruits and berries fresh every day. "I am indebted to One Miute Cough Cure for present good health and my life, i was treated in vain by doctors for luug trouble following la grippe. I took One Minute Cough Cure and re covered my health." Mr. h. 11. Wise, Madison, Oa. Tallman A Co. A suite of rooms in the Kast Ore gouiaii building, not and cold water, Lathruoui, for 111 a month during the aumiuer. Apply at the Fast Oregouieu office. ume and here is the place to purchase your bum -mp outnt while I have -r uui artn. es large stock and am selling ac i -j mn i rvA i nc uiiMn 'nuari; " vlftJS 3tUICDt IvUlS, TV 0. 'J ll VV tt-l J K chaJTb, tots and tabW. ramn stonl ami rnanv nther '"-itj Q sT necessary to enjoy a summer's ouUng Joe Basler, Cbt Mam Street Furniture Dealer. The place to buy Atl-rust tinware, stoves and ranges IS J. CLARKE & CO. Opera House block. AMERICAN SOLDIERS SHOT xpsrlsnss of a Rsturnsd Soldlsr Who Wat Captursd by Filipinos. K. ( Benson, a discharged American soldier, who returned to thit country on the transport Thyra a week ago, told the story of the killing of five American soldies in an attempt to es cape from the insurgents by whom ttiey had been captured, in April, ltsK). The story of the killing of these five men, so Benson savs, Tiat never been publikbed. Benson and sis other prisoners were confined in a small town near the eatt coast of Luzon in a small bamboo aback on a river bank. All seven of them made an attempt to escape at the name time, an 1 lleuson an I a man named Brown got awav. The other five were abut and killed. Iheir names were. Olal Sunwall, of San Krauciaco; Sexton, of New York cilv Dolau, of Chicago , ,Iubn Kinney, of Marquette, Mich.; Medlock, Colledge ville, Ark. Benson and Brown separated, au Benson says he lived for four days in an uninhabited forest, living on snails roots, etc. He wan rcapl'ired at Puuta Real, at the mouth m ti . August river, and taken to Biuan ' i man a town in the province of In fantj, where he wa held in cuptivitv for hve months. I itimately he was released bv order ol Ag'iiiialdo, some time prior to the Ulter's capture by Kuustou. Beuson says that Biuan liuiian, in lufauto province, has never been captured by the American troupe. Another town bv the tame name, he says, but in another part of US Island, was taken lit mi)i that while prior to his escape and recap ture he was not treated very well Astello Ssu Pablo, the governor of lufauto nmvioos, treated hnn as well or better than he would have lieeu by the American army . tt i c. r -. Benson was origiuaily captured will a oack train near Becorr in Cavite proviuce. He was attached to Swan'i exuexlitionary brigade. He was will the Filiniuos in a long retreat before haw ton's brigade. His home is at Louisville, Ky., where he will return Oregon ian SUICIDE 01 ATTORNEY WHITE Son of Ambaitador Whits. While Suf rsrlng From llinstt, Dsttrort Hlm tslf. Syracuse, N. Y.. .Inlv 10. I'he sui cide here ol Attornex Knilenck Whitt. son of Vmhatsiidor White, is being generally discussed and some addi lloojll details were brought out. Mr. White had apiHaril to las in usual health during the day, and had attended to matters of business of the management of the White estate. He was alone in the house with the ser vants during a part of the aftermxm. Mrs. White returned shortly after o'clock and found Mr. White dead in the bathroom. A bullet from a ritle had passed through his brain and death had been inttantaneout. So one heard the shot. Some IS years ago, on completing hit course at the Columbia law college, Mr. White had a severe attack of typhoid fever, from which he has never recovered. Stomach and intest inal troubles resulted. Later hit ner vous system became weakened, and within a few years neiiraxthenia d eveloped. Aliont a year ago he suffered a seven- attack of the complaint. Dur ing the recent hot sxll Another attnek of the disease came on, leaving him in a stnte of acute nervousness. Coroner Mathews today officially reported hredcrick D. White's death as a case of suicide due to neurastheninl. FREAK OF A CRAZY WOMAN Cult Hsr Daughter's Throat and Trlst to Kill Hertslf. Cincinnati, Ohio, July 10. Mrs. Pan McOuarrie, during a til of tem mrarv insanity, attempted to cut her daughter's throat with a penknife and then turned the weapon against her self and mutilated her throat near the jugular vein. Both are still alive nut their rfoviry is doubtful . How's ThltV Wc offer (Mi"' Hundred lnllsr Rt-waid tor n ri nt i stsrrli ttist rminot be i iitviI by Hi. i slarrh l ure P. J CUINIV .t o . Props,, Tolsdo, O, We, tbs nadwrsTgned, nave known P, J tTns m ) Ol lie !' lllti-ell yesr.. slid lielli VO llliu lTlei lly hoimrnlile lu all bu-liie. Usixsi'tlons ml liimm Inlly st,le in carry out all) obliga tion! made by their firm Wit 1 TsiaX. Wholraale Ur;iiigltii. Toledo. Ohio WaI PINO. KISSAS ,v Masvin, Wtioleasle Prugglsts, Toledo, uhlo. Hail s Catarrh i ure iii taken Internally, ast Ing dtrci fly nn the tilood ami IllUinm .iirlaeui ol the ytetn I'rlee ?.'. wr tsillle ,. by all drugslt Teillioonlals tree. Hall's T'atnll) I'llli am the east. Hold tor Murdsr. Kurt Wayne, Ind., July 10. Charles Dunn, the aged and wealthy lumber man held by the coroner on suspicion of having killed 10-year-old Alice Cothrell, whose bodv was found in a cistern beneath Dunn's residence at Wallen, a village six miles west, wat arr I to lay on .i w.irr.i it .'urging him with the murder of the girl by choking her to death. Baldwin in Norway. Tromsoe, Norway, July 10 Kvelvn F. Baldwin, the leader of the llaldw in Zeigler Arctic expedition, has arrivisf here. He Isiardod the refitted Arctic whaler America un which he will make hit headquarters. Preparations for the trip are proceeding apace. Hummel Improving. London. . f ill y in. K. H. Hummel, the famous New York lawyer, injured here in a runaway, is much improved tins morning. EAGLE SCREAMER'S PASSING The Ons Time All Important Punetlon ary Is Losing Hts Grip. No lietter illustration of the decline of platform oratory is furnished than the recurring celebrations of the "gl",i"in Fourth." Twenty-five years ago no celebration in any town was complete without an orator of local celebrity or national renown. The man it lin matin the naifln irMim araa the star attraction of the dav. The fireworks in the evening were the fit ting finale of a patriotic fervor worked nip bv the perspiring spel I hinder who set ofT the rhetor i, at skyrockets earlier in the day. The chronicles of the Fonrth that ur.. n.,,i. i. ....... ftl... i.a.mn. ' contain (ewer mentions of Fonrth of Jnlv orators each year. It is true that orators ol national fame are still in demand But there are not enough of them to go around and country towns are no longer willing to sitile in the hot sun and listen to a retired preach er, an ex -congressman or a back num ber politician. Whether this is a sign of decline in patriotism or in the power of oratory, or the token of more widelv diffused common sense among the plain pgoplt is (ood (or interesting spallation. It may tie that the people no longer feel the need of the annual visitation from the oratorical tail-twister in order t impress thqni with the full meaning o! Independence day. The school house, the church and the newspaper are doing bnslnrss all the year round. They are the constant disseminators of patriotism. Keen the partisan press that follows blindlv the leadership of partv, right or Wrong, is always for the tlag when national interests are imperiled. Perhaps this explains why the people prefer to make the noise them selves on the Kourth rather than to llstCn to the rhetorical explosions ol one man. -Keford-Herald . o a Notice to Water Consumers. Water consumers are untitled to have l meters put in hy Jnlv hi, if not al ready using them. Meters may he obtained at the citv recorders' oJBOB, By order of J. T. BROWN . Water Superintendent. GREAT CLEARANCE SALE. Tins Monday Itiortlillg most important salo ymti at 8 o'olook W inaugurated the Pendleton Iiuh known for several Summer and Staple Merchandise greatly Reduced. A irmarkablo list of bargain fro til every dtpfsltnieiit in the stoiv, M stocks must lt rtduofMl to make room for our immense fall stock soon to arrive. For people now in ntvd Of goods and for those who have money tJ spare wun wnien to ouv aneau ot nine an unuHiial portunity is offered t luy DeoeM itiei at low prices. op- wonderfuilv Fur full porticuhirs call at store for big sheet. THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE The Leaders. MANHOOD RESTORED Mn lllier,ti..i.-rii,ii,,n ,,r a ( s I , ., nlo .., u i, never cure to dytpepria What your body needs It plant) 1 ou can dieting of food properly digested. Then if your stomach will not digest it, Kodoi Dyt papsla Cure will, it contains all of the natural digestants, heuce must digest every class of fool and no prepare it that nature can uae it iu nourishing tlie body and replacing the wasted tit sues, thus giving life, health, strength ambition, pure blood and healthy ap petite. Tallman v Co. in BMOW COMING. on as in fells Uray'S United Peudleton July 17. A sudden tit of economy has seised the small boy. He clings to every gtiMt and buys no more candy. A fonder desire enthralls him. lie wants to see toe show, the big stiow with its vast espauee of white tents, flutter ing nags, gnueu cages, a"'"u wagons, btwpaiigled performers, eooii eal clowns, praociug horses, wild baaats, and all the faeciuatiug features of Sells ot Oray's I'uiUsi shows, which are to give two performances iu Pen dleton ou Wednesday, July 17. So the small boy is saving his money been uae lie earns to see that big show and he ini; well that only one buy aaa) get in free by carrying water for las elephant. .'. But grewu-up people are also await "I wish to truthfully state to MM and the readers of these few lines that your Kodol Dyspepsia cure is without q Oast lotl the best and only cure fordys pepMa that I have ever come in contact with and I have used many other prep arations. John Beam, West .Middlesex, I'a. No preparation equals Kodol ! s liepsia cure as it contains all the nat uri'.l digestanta. It will digest all kinds of food and can't help hut do you good. I ,i i I mn n ilc Co. . a , . Wagon for Sals. A liuht second-hand mountain wagon for sale cheap. Inquire at Cleaver Hros. Shoe store. It is easier to keep well than get ciinsl Mewitt's Little Farly Biters taken now and then, will keep your bowels in perfect order. They never gripe but promote an easy action. Tall man A Co II i i ii cupioiirr , i I'n-sp riini(i in IMlltnilH I r 'i pin aj, w ,, ,Jt,, ki sjn, M tu M gUl ti.ie."r,.ii7,,v.7.,T,iV,...:',:,7r.-v:-- rr"'"' '-i'V" ""'"?, u ,,, a. v. . .:. v. " r.;.. . ', : -"T" ""' SiilrAtores.m.ii;.;u,.7Z,',7"" "..r,i.nj..sia.iili.,.rin.-s. IVriBH '.' """ are in.t ciirn.i ny m-mn i.. eii.r no ii.t ivi.t .... o,ii,il ,.i,i, 13 hi,. VI liervni I'aliia laaiioalha H HII. lOufttwilw Ct'l'l HKN K Hi i.nlv EtELWattifL'?!?. ',';!'V"' "f''ssuut ellwt a iiuaiiai.i cur.. A wfVi-a I - .. n Hfur M A i.m-m !. nillll INS. o.. I 1 1. u art. Han I',.,. , b.-c.l rort iai. ii T TAlitiMAM ai'o.. DWtTalf TW. i'Pnih.kton, tiRjiMON. Hotel Pendleton Under New nanaxement FOR GOLF RASH Ilea' luaii, iiitUiniiiatiKiis, IP Iiiiil', irntmii'iit aiel i i.Mtii.Ks.iiuilueoriirrtutlvapartpliatloa, and luai.y other saiiutive uses, uutlnnir so eouluig, piirityuig, siul refreshing aa a baili wuii i rid ma soar, followed la the ttouer forma by cenllw am'tniiiiira w.ili i in caa, the gret akiu oars and purest of eatoiiiseiSi Ci rn i as a. ii M ll"il all 4. u'a Ut muliti'i rj ft i . . .i. i i... an l r-.r I". cut IM w..rm. frvj.. Hii i i . . , Hi ll k. Il. UsauUlal Stli. ..sri i . Suit liaa Lazy Liver I Itave i. .ii.i. ii great steal M lib a UStlUS i "i. 1 fo i. l CAM.'AKKTf to lis all youclulBB furtbeiu and seeari d suss ri in f i dial trial, tiiai I pure based snot bar supply and ess sea aletall 0 u r td 1 Si, all only ls loos'sd tn re uiiiaiend t aacsreis wbsusver lbs tpportuultf la preasi.led " J. A Smith aMO - ivi uei.ai.i.a Avr I'l.lladi-ipbla I's A. C. SHAW k CO. W. J. MWILL, Manager WHOLESALE AMI RETAIL LUMBER DEALERS Yard on Webb Street Opisisito Hunt KrelghtDesil We are prepared to furnish anything in the lumber line and can guarantee prices to be as cheap, if not cheaper thau others. We also carry a large line of DMrs, Windows and Moulding, fart ins contemplating building will do well to aee us before placing their orders. We also carry Cascade Itesl Kir wood. I'houe Main Vi. Strictly Flrsi Class Kicflllent Colsioe. Kvery ModerD CoDYeoienco i. GUf Us i Trial Rates $1.00 I day Special Rites by Week or mootb Bar and Billiard Rooma Headquarter for rravallng Men I he Beat Hotel In Eastern Oregon. Van Dran Bros.. Props. Successors to J. E. Moore Call upn No. 5 Annual Clearance Sale. To make ri mill oi I '.ill Stn k Will (V bifj diMOttnl ror cah on vorytMag iii ike itora. Carpatoi tdtgaj I'or tirs, Lace Curtainti Cur tain Poleai Bhadaa, Wail i'aer, LiaolaeM ami everything you need in house furiushinK A few leather runt lies ami rockers ( heap Sewing ma chines ami luppliua (oi all in.u him -s. I ' mlci taking a specialty. PbOBfl Mam 34. Jesse Failing. for Wood, Coal, Brick and 5and. Heavy Hauling agaatal siumion gitso Ul Cousin 11 uinu IS AMIiKICAN PLAN. $.).0) per Day and Upwards I Inc. I Hotel In the Patiffc Northwest. JjaaV candy lifaofesLaatz Bros, thk Portland 1 tsadi mass atsisrseso gasw7 BrSw jrapw Plaaaant Pi TaMa ln. IK I lit TI, AND, DHKOON Hlaaaam Ha Uoud Nerar 11 W aasan. m c-il Ms CURE CONSTIPATION. Msajr If -t -elreal b tor HO-TO-IAC H.ul ana aiiaiai. ld by all 'l'iS ai. ' I st robsson iiat.i Oon't Cut Coram X do It Tuiii aelf IKin I Let Any body Ski H lor Tee. What loan ur twuwi n.-, . IUl painful and annoy lug coma UI out Kile Ac Oil, to bave lirrtll reloovodV I ; Sd ..1.1. OU get LEONARD'S NnassMtrsj Corn Remover aai u, rar Saaai i4iii. -im V... IIU..I, i u.iKf akin "' !".'( 1 . Lad II ar i. rt"0.. b.u.r. ... i&i.u.iuu, . iaaa. a ' l.uUi, irr ...rtaM hil Jk II..' 1 1 CUm. Psislsaa.l Csnss d I' - W'AUANTte.D., Z7Z .. O.r 1 I U bxaavti K'J w X 1 it I Ui rli-l jl aaauliT. I iui -111 all M Where to Spaid Ik Summer. LEHMAN OR TEAL SPRINGS A Natural Hoalth Heeort. ttued Flehiny and Muntlrty. All kinds of ttporte, Hlnsitiug geilery, Howling alloy, Cnaiuet and Oaueliig Telephone ouuneotlou Ui ail paints Mail three time per weelt. hniicott, Warren A McFaul, LhUMAN, OKKGON. Sneclal Uatss tu l.attsio Oreson neopls vlsltlna HurtlauJ. for tourlats and commercial travelers. H C HOWBKS Headajuarurs Manager. JM W UlaaiUl KuroliiNd Slew Hated liuropeaa Plan Much aad a half fr a at ad a Haunt ia cent Roooi Kale 78c, UM I Lisa can is I Itfkltlss ' V ru auft, lagcra ur Amt ikr . a or ou 11. 1 autdje Jit SaHIM r.ful.tltsjll lldil bulU'iStl I is Ks'4 rft 1 afeid 011 raarl'l ' caula u iXwAAalae A e . e I eMj Hll , i Hmm. in a aauw w "-. Wtaajr For Health. Strength and Pleasure Drink : : : : : : : Polydore Moens, Proprietor. or in iff