.s-fc-to.' JB T Thoroughbred Bucks.... Best stock on the Coast -- Ad- Telephone connection at ranch. dress Pilot Rock or Pendleton. Chas. Cunningham. WKDWttDAT, JOLT in HOI RBFOtta IN TAXATION. Tbe future priioiiwt reform in taxa tion . From many direction cnaif pt daoaSB of this. It will prove to we the greatest reform oi the timiM. The trooblas of the boljr p-il itic an I the body social today can be traced to ba and unequal Uiation. t'n the -eat lormt, oonsciente if fined ami greed it regarded ; the man o( ent-"-priae la discouraged and thg I tat it (oeuired. Jutt at this time, in sevoral o( th eastern cities, an off irt i. binj made to compel wealth and urivii. I a largwr part of tbe burden of taxation . Id Chicago investigation abows that taxation ha been luggled, hot.- h e : . bungled, all in favor of the iMiwerltil rich. Rich corporation in Bum. in stances have aluioat escajveJ Bal hvaaion baa been the praciic--. until tbia rear the Board of Review a that city flndt the revenue of Chicago are $3,000,000 below what it oecaaaary to govern the city decently, preeerve the public health and carry on the public acboola. Tbe Chicago American call on Ik people to look into the tax math L in vogue and obeerve the inequality and in juat ice thereof. It aay that -fella tbe alts ia hand i capped by arant reve noea million, of taxable projiet , -cot-free. While tbi i occurring n l' h i -ag we have the refreshing Right of ctming out of chaos io Cleveiaui. Ohio, where Mayor Tom L. Jotineon i i intruding tbe whole con n t r a t the aboaaa of preeent taxa: i He ia at work equalising valuea. ol aaa thing. If matt deairea tiie love ot hi people and the acclaim of MM world, he can earn both. a ocrnpan: of the presidential chair. Or If he deaire a wrap up in hit little cloak of noaer and thrust aside the devotioti o! (riendi and the friendatiip of titter natioua, he ran d o. and hit chief pleat-ire the-.atter will be tithing and iuvg -. i j - :w:i ing '. t: at tort. Indianapoli phytician.. juttire of tlie peace and minor otticiala have en .nto a eon.blt)Htio It it charged . to tend tana men and women to the lagajH aviiitn lor thf take a the feet all-ael by law in sod. r... M-n guilty of t ucli mean und tordirl cruelty deeerve long term in the penitentiary. There i no crime meaner, unieat it be the kidnapping o: children, it seem incredible that traihi'king in the freedom of liumei kalagl could otitu.n, hut tin- Indiauap oil paper de.lare the ataltaMal can he corroborated. RANCH LIFt ON BUTTER IRSBK. kanch !ife can never groe mun t m ou- with ''Case'' Roger, for h it tu-rounded by all kinds ol excitemeir.. ili- Keep iiiniaelf so close to nature 1 that R i witn di culty that he auccaed iu "ahooing'' th wild geeee j out of bit narnyard. When the cattle Igaa aj in tale ' quarters. Mr. Koger .indulge in bi lavorite aoiu.-ement of ' chasing Jack-rabbit and coyotes. Being nn of the most expert horsemen in the country, wire fences, hedges land stream are M impediment to bit ( progress while hot on the trial of a : hying coyote. ... Fleet-footed horaa would never I. able t" overtake either a jack-rabbit or a coyote were it not for the aid ot greyhounds, tavt A. K. Flanders in the Northwest Livestock and Wooigrower' Journal. Mr. koger keeps a marvel out pack of greyhounds, and they seen. their sleeping hour in 1 - - , fu ,.tAu IB,. .ft W. as he proceed tbe juetice ol ni plan .... ... . taja-als and object become more apparent -ate I anvil .ing At first the whole nnnertv i 'la :..' .. - V ' a. i i... i. I take of Ml 1 - - aiuB, ft, u . , .., ... . - - become clear to a I! lair-untid.-ii I landers that unsoual taxation it aimph robbery and more burdensome to the workers and creator of wealth than aay other form, with tbe result that and tm.- think of the tight that awaitt his com ing At lard Phil -heridat and his escort appear. The coyote at hay it IIIUMaMll In the dogs. The circle of Mwj hound nart to let the bulldog through On.- instant lis rtops to fix i if ulrrc'ng eves upon hi. foe. Hi I' d I'tnoe Iraa-i bee a. h- nerves him alf for the irav. He tuitatt nrin hi i, ami Iobim smiarelr at the I throat o tl' w M The grerhonnd. I : i . i kiiU tmmmm Iiok on. r f nt. .it-- m 1 while the blood of tlaj) and wolf mingle to taic the reed, to crimson. ver and tiver the roll in deadly embrace. At lat the bulldog stop and looks aroun I The jaw of the coyote, that havf been rloseti in a denth-clittrh jost ner tbe boMd-at". heart, fall apart. The wolf it dead. RLNt.Hl.RASS WISDOM. Th.-re i a god deal K ing raid in the newspaper, these dav about diver- -;e.l (arming. If I lived where di 1 til farming would pay tt-ttrr than wheat growing i Bsrtajnl woald da sotnethin besides. The average farn-,r i n " "re avt-rse to wenring out tlie seat of hit pant than the average editor or the average man of MtS ...!' in .nation. II the average farmer ran make at much money rid ing arnmid on his gangoloe. seeder ami comhinr harvester, as well at doing ni"t of hi other farm work, he is going t" do it in i' reference to harder ai il more tedious work. SOch at milk ing roes, tio-ing beets digging pota toes, etc. ... It a- been said that the volunteer aol lien in our late wart have been n. ore .'!!i HMt and gfiitlemanly than the regular, ol course 1 have no meant ( knn ing atiout that ; bnt I xnow thai volunteer radishes are at. right I ft two or three vnrietie g - I last year nnd m-attfr over the i.n.t'o patch. Tbi spring tioy came up a different stage, of the season and wt have ha) the finest kind of radishes t (be r'esent time. It is getting a little too dry for them now. . Wh.i. Ibetti i a fair prospect for a good yield of wheat this year, there it M ci'iunce that the quality will he a g.MMl a Is.t year. It i June rain that hold, til.' r.-in and reign over the financial destinies of tbe Inland Kmpir.' Infer . I luring these windy day you can hear that same old chestnut cracked about getting plant af tand in tbe craw. Wall, plenty ot grit it a good thing to have. A grindstone it not a particular!;, -mart looking object, but it ha grit enough to put an edge on a cold chisel, or take the wrinkle out ven a case-hardened a thing a an old file. A henwill do a great deal aMN liutinete with Iota of grit than sithout it. Io twill a man. Pieaae peat the grit. ... prominent miainose man com plainei to uie while in twn not long ago that he wanted some chicken big enough t "taste like something.'' hot was hot able to find them, fdow't tbit. considering that so many people : eve gone into the chicken limine" Last year we raised neariy 30o chick ens, about hat! ol them cock re It which we ate. The meat wat about as cheap as high priced beef, pork or motion. Tbe pallets e kept for layer tbi spring. Maybe other people are doing the same, and that's what' the mat ter with the henneries. TIMOTHY HAVE. The Shin MilBoa. of little glands or tube connect the ... ...11 A, n-r.r.ie.ttrtn ntHUM OUl Car"' 'f.C Tl.tl U Ulr Ul , . are tkmwn off hv the blood. AN INDEX TO THE BLOOD these small dram pines pe-spiration passes out carr; ni. clo(kfXl for a-, thrown oft hv the Wood nouia tne porrs vi ... . clrrvja- even a brief space of time, and the Pcaec -rr force! lafkW "J fc AB anoiiion io - e - fc?nc An oiiv .u t.iftAj. v , tion, instant death would result. In tjtftaft-JftSj-J n,l,nn m-Vi.-Vi tvnf Ollt 11 TT. the akin pliable and soft and protecting it frotn he A and cold. ' J8" aa areao clielv relate.1 that whstrvrr affecta one senonsl ntf";!j!;l". hjmnonv boos of the other. Not onlv ae-Jth. but life itsea. depend, upon penevt narm between the blood an.', skin When, there;, r-. tlie mmms mmml mmti bknd rctnes poisoned from any cause, it (;uuk.r IMWrlimi ewsww. uitiiiet- haelf Upon tin- v'm ir. the form am , mm Pri i m Oft 9 of s,ires and ulcers. pitTiple. and vinous atXfaTrifsVf f WW eruptive diseases. WJ the character of the - - - . ,,. Wood, sore are enabled to dctr-tmne the nature of the poison or hwn mw. as evcrr disease orytnating in the ISZSZL from skin is not onlv attec eo ny tnc no.50 I. Ill T Vn'.cklv inte. t the Mood. without enter tnmngn mc opci Nat a Rlv-I Mht "rwhera rnn- llaMI 1T1 Mercurr rul.hed upon the skin wn.l protuce Mir''"1" ; .r,n - ic-clied 3 eatn Tr of powder, toaps and washes can do no pooi' but oftn do imtnen.c .1 im-igr Pv aJW U..fJau afaVXse 9WII, fiwamij wain of the skin. The treatment tnut bctrin with thi on antidoted or neutrsluetl. S 5 IS. does thk and put up the blood and flu.hes the little glands or pores restores healthy sction to the skin The ur and beeutr to'a rough, ml. pimply skin or tall is rich Pure blond such as f S S makes It r tubes the natural action the acid or other pot the circul.ition. build I .-, new Mood, and vcr vet hrouht health . -. WaMl is needed - u of all disnrur- .. .Uftfti i... lftftftt.il don1 BP -hin the linen m " v Tl 1. Ooniesth laundry . put bjjgfr frast with that laundered anywhere in Kwten Oiatoa T'"' of !5r am lr work make n Bttl. l-rond, ind welee! like crowing every lime Te -se the difference in on. u;rb " Tand finish o the shirts, ,nd cnflf lione up by nr metao.1 " IU t "e linen worn by anyone H the cttr. Domestii: Steam l aundry. lncbUciheaxU. bitches and trntattng. itchinj. ; rupt D 1 improve vour general health. S S. S. contains no mercuiv. potash, arson, ' " .'' viL parelv vegetable remedv and the safest and best i- . bl W" Write our phvsicuns for advice or information : thev hjve ma le a t.uay w omm l.l Ai. l,.,.ftil,.W!nir'' -.It ft. -St. BOciOr ua ft & 1 o uiacwa. u.u vMt mv- ft. --- - - - - - Wood and Skin Ifecajc free THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, fiA the nine agayaoaa lor compaoioi.. in the name ol Ph that an v thing else. It have a bulldog FlGPRUNE Cereevl CRESCENT BICYCLES The Wheel that ia Sky High In Quality Prices From $22 to $60. Road wheels: - $35. Racers. - - - - $50. Chainless Crescents $60. Boys and Girls Wheels $22. 1900 Models as low as $15. $20 $25. recent WbMxl ?ujlifd with ipiing frames and Morrow counter Lrakts or witl either. Terms of payment to suit customer?, w.th no interest. all anl g t a cataloiruf. CRESCENT AGENCY. East Oregortian Building. Wiio'esale dealer in Ice. Wood and Schlitz Milwaukee Beer. Henry Kopittke Oregon Lumber Yard WOOD 0 UTTERS PH (tarn and dwelling. Cheaper than tin. Lumber, Lath. Shingles, Build i mi Paper. Tar Paper. Lime and Cement, Mouldings. Pickets Plaster, Brick and Sand, Screen Dooina. Windows. Sash and Doors, Terra Gotta Pipe. Borie & Light, Prop's Aita St., opp. Court House. the t mailer property owner lives men arr becum ing reconciled to I of the g? Mayor Johnaon' method, which promise to add many millions of as aeeaed value to the tax roll and Utereby lessen the burden upot. who have carried it heretofore. la Cleveland the fact i bring em phaaiaeO that it make no differ, n . bow hifch propert i assessed, pro vided tlie value are comparative') equal, and those alio make objection to an increase of valuation are fc who have managed to liave their pr erty aaseesed at leas values than IB I neighbor therein retaining in their pockets money wbicti Iwlougr to the Ute If there were more Tom Johnson in office there would be more reward lor those whu are industrious and enter pricing and lee profit for those who thrive from privilege and inon Tbere cannot be too lunch of tint Johnaon. iu the retirement of Mr .M ki lag ahftl Mr. Bryan from the p"idaatal in torn Ys beiu. an ' 'aching void" its appoarau.e When for a candidate pussies ful voter. Theae lw at on. e mat aaat to took the thought- I iiaiiiv have 8. Pbtl slieri.lan ea a tud He tllewori.. Hi "I e IS marke'l l.v the iea.li rniuhat. where I ahari-langed wolf of nt Lit tieel. ami ai eyeball from the r re ea hut one eliO to ; those sanguinary contlicta. After I hours ol Iftatiie tin- hu. ol . i.rove. I tnmself master, tbiogh a acore of deep wound taiuei 1,1 white hair a .riuison, and be left a wail ai hi life I bland for mi lea across the nroad di- I Vldet. It might Ik- .ilet ioiie.1 a I" I the opportunity for the eoeottj and the wolf to bay aud uuid him until the arrival of the bulldog. Tbi proa ad-1 ing ha anon! It much more excite- , iiient than attemii. s pahiii null hgl t. A ol- iM'.rii i.i. . ..nt'eaitueut among ti. illow that horder liutler tree. Lass nogarf anu his pack ui itugs are near, "He., here, boys," honl linger., a he snur hi Kentucky tiiirougt.brcd into a race. " h. , you will nave to run," he one., as the dogs leap into the air to catch the t: vet glimpse of the liaine Ihev are to fol- Tiie coy ile ii" emerges from ' Mini I in opeh v hoUh.l are f Fruit 1 V46y WOOL FOR SALE. Thursday of each week 1 will he at Fiftl Natiniial Bank office to receive sealed bids on lot? of vooJ Nos. 6. S, 18 and IT, about 500 sacks, now stored in the Independent ware house: also about 300 sacks of tbii years clip. I reserve the privilege of rejecting any or ail bide. Address me Pen dleton or Pilot Rock. Telephone Pendleton or ranch on Bear ( reek. J E. S.TITH. L. Ray & Co., Bur sod set. Stocks, Bonds and Grain tor cast o: l margin. New Yorfc Stock Exchange. Chicago Stock Exchange. Chicago Board of Trade. Court llfMt, ONK LINE I time IJr : tiai lar I lims ak c ace extra inssrtion. A Perfect Food Drink The beverage made from pjf prUDC Cereal u smooth, palatable and nutrition!.. i;..so.c of the large i crftcutage of natural aaccharinc maU in fig and prunes, f igprunc rft.uire lens sugar than any other CLASSIFIED ADS. SEVEN WOK CHE f.lc i a m THl.EE U.Va 1 I IBM . ac .' times. . . t limes jlc tar ewa-D S'litltiDai lusernon per line Per line oi k Ltm ; nme ..... W times 1 . time I., ewen sthtihoos. ituertion riVE UN'ae l time . . . .m .'lime a 3 time Wc g)c sac1) s4 lliuos. i aer '.loo iw .Nlti. I nme lie .'lime .a 1 lime ate lur ace satrs ussrtlaa. Fsadi.iM.. lew X LlNa I nme i 1 nme I . j a eacfc a.ldiuoaal in.eri.OQ t WHISKEY cereal coflee. All Grocers Sell It. LOT FOR SALE 81. ...4 ta cover o! M viee The nir pursuit, their I ft. - grouuvl ms tail stickiu For gale, lot 4 In block Ml. fcaideoca lot at a low price I . u tint AP , , . OKKI l C .. in . r 1 hF Uutalit v fr Sv(2r bN!ftS Al BBOKKKV "Cjfr" rain im IAtK e bVK a Jadd aeetou. tiv.ii. i . Slue uisct ? rxjftO L-l.-lue K suUdiBg oSce noon 1. to 12 a . a. Tsiepaaae TJ f. W. Vl.vcEJfT, U. 1. OKr'U K Rl. ai s, i Ssuoeal asox uue uour. I i. i. . a.ii tat a lKe. SMITH A HKSUKKKON oKKK'K ore Hendieluc aa.iug. bsut 1lp u .. ...U ft ic.ri.nuuc H. B. GAKriELil it 1) Hi ' V K ir fhf icisn sn.t siirgroia '- Maiidiag Tsiesinoue O: iui-e Slack Si OV WKe'TON (vaers. t:a( Su.d by JOHN BCUMIUT The Louvre Saloon rtasuBoa laaaoa II. hoi lieut to the Jle run a ltd out behind, J. I- ir-S UOftlll i rupei hi. V 1KSH!N It:... I re irouuiftft. eslarrasi -J. iMtllK n. .rrurt eclipsed all others in two aieuiorai'ie campaigns. These two picture QM bguree have towured alsive bl H di- I Ii It is a land of gigunt. in such prouiiueuce that their annjarance is the more marked. I'niusd Slates, however, it a countr, oi aurpru call b battle, ano i simply tloing the , iieet he can. Hi heft it aoiuething le.t than ludicr ..- In- paadlee, aaaj . iNtnting aud niowiug, to get over the ground. Away y the wolf, I the ihy. aud the tiorseiuan, ami the bulldog is iuft to toil alone over the i rough road hut he kuoa no such thing a diaeouregemeut, fur there ia a light at the end .J his journey with the hated iln;iei. of the desert, liesidee this, the greyhounds leiv upon him . proportions, large enterprise ami aalile men. In uo crisis of the pat has she been found lacking in auy i tbe alementa of triumph la peace for K If n.nftft- t. nn ri . ..., - . . .ft..,. . , ing, and unprepared, lick-! U naught iea( warrior of the irld be- i an ktJ fat braekfaat. In diplomacy, sin bat met on equal gruuud Uu greatof v lad off as diplomau of nioden. mat r. I. hi und. cKaa in on the woll ..... , Ai last the noli become wears of tin trial ravelation. .n menu! acumen, :n : ..,.. ,.... r'...,,i ... face his pursuer, tie i at bay. ami (i. huiiiiil UXe the time I gather physical development, the ha gone a doaon paces iu advance ol the bo there need be no worry in the matter of fiudiug sutbeiuut president!-1 tiaiuer, well-aeasooed , str.gh wrong, vigoruu. of gooU gr.iv.ti aound at heart and firmly rooteO in tbe people's faith. Around ten thou- sutunch American heart. nis ol that old tiope are creep C S. JACKSON. Open day and night St. George Restaurant. I ndcr new management Regular Meals 25cts. NOoN LaiCUON t : K.MNo ill N NEK Meal- a la Carte. Lo-lfr upr. Mft.l.lini. keseptient. Hsu-i.-'W et. reielve tpeeisl lieiiii..ii ! OR. 1. i. M'TAVU KOOil IT. ASSOi'lA lion o.ucX Tetepftoue l ; Msnteocr ie c i peon blacx U. STKOPATHi i HVSH IANS DBS. keve a kejres UA..t one u.ucX west ol turn . ion Mure i"-- t 'i, M J'"' 1 J WT i "esui k!Ur" Ja. b. KUWT MATIOKAJ i;a s K or atmkV a ".so.. iU JUJ .urpl 4Iid reU Mt lulerstl UO IIS; droua: tftu I .rc.cu sad dousstic sxcusogt -Ueuo UVi.l ou get Good Beer.. aatHincTb anu builders T. f. HOWKL. ,Ki penDteodfttat makes i slaoi tor hui.diug. in ksom IT JuJd sulTd.u I ..Ul i.r t, g. . hr raett al,. ly uf ft-ftHU.ry IT NATIONAL IHUK 4 OOL UONTK4CTOK- ANL euilder k.iin le turnianrO on edori bo bee Jut sort a iu, ,.. kk.l. U.ii- aic. ur M.u .irml b-lp oi l MAY. CONTKAITOK AN 1 1 k-iiu luroiaaed ub sll kind ttl la au.uc mu o. Lai. Uc .ell .1 Hi, li .Lft, inn ft THfc PKS UL KTO N arrotHKYi. CA-TKE a KALtY ATTOKNKYb AI L OSce lb saving. Bsnx Hulidiug ANk Of PENLiLk IVM, Ik. out Tra iu..ua kxtm. ui prim ,n. poiuu lt rL uo Chins Jspsd .njliuna ub rww.usrj.. aidooi t Mshuci 4 csaoler, g. c OAVINOB BANK gaataaa Marco l, .' a...., laiensi - cOc buigoi lima. J, Furn 'iu-p;'int. T. J. When you driuk PILSNER BEER. ill short um UNION PACIflc rBwaTa" I'htraiiv tall I n. I PnrtUnd Wnnh nJT' a CltT Si Z tlB " ' Mpecls! I Ctty, ft. Ingtnn Atlanttr Kipres S.l a. m. vis tlanl-insion ss.lt Lax, nenv. v. n-th. Omha i . rn. s. i ;,. U .-ago snrt Vjui ft Psut Willi Walla Lrwia " fa-. Mail I tokens. a, liaiSW tn r,,.B. MlnnMi T poxsn. kfe l htrrni,,; Ocean and River Schedule PBOk All talltnt dsiea . Itfl p m J-tn.rhansa Sal! every s day '. Pally except Sunday p m Saiiirdsr 10 p m. Hally sx. Sunday f a. m a m Toes Thrs. sod Sal. tolumbis R r(r To Astont snd a. Jl Landtno Wlllsmstis tin, p Oreeoo City Neebsrs Oorv wills sod a nd:nt Wlllamatts araTaa Ttie Thrs. Oree-n nty Dartoa mm miu 7-.1.nmga o K'.psris l. am. Daily -'4 1 x? alparl to Lselttta. 9 r itt t ,u tZT" Take the... Washington & Columbia River Railway Hot Chicajto, Kt. Pgnl, 8t. Look, m sa City, 8t. Joe, Omaha, tan All Points East and Sou. Portland and po.ats on the Sound Arrtvw Moadsvt. Wfj --r unitj U Si a TUftWisy.Thftftrsntadtsari at i a. m I lwpan dally except Hnuaay at a a For iclormauoi. regardint rsu im awa niftKlstloDt aU uo or ad drew APaXt tan. Hd.los Ortmm . a. CAJ llgRHgAD. G. P a. Walla w wssk. JUST THINK OF IT! riirse-lourtha ol the peopM la ( ftft-ua'. ur harussa sad mW a at k other Inurtti ha just rntawtasst a W I"l - bf.M .....ft. II ft. ou-- M . riK-i ift-.oi Pi.irtftK. jit - eonip.r'. aux k of Collar, "son, Irata Wkipa. sweat pa. la. peek aad l.M. " rsi leather ISWM waguD MiTfra anm IS I JOSEPH ILL Leading Harness and Saddtwy Farmers Custom Mill red alter. I'reprictsr Capacity, lto barralt a day. Floor excoa-gftid tor wksal. Floor. HUI Feed, l oopsed FesS ftk -W TRANSFER x A V w x v a a e -i storTg! CROWNER & TJOAftFUONS M II GOLDEN M SON- ukN a Us UOWSiaL A r luKN k Ye AT li:k their wind. Tbe wolf caiih.it efteu with Mheri.iau zu ini c sa The acic-hrr o( ilogologv tlligbt sol Vi lli.- iMbleDi, nut the average mat ha in mean of knowing josi why the greyhouati aeiiu back one of their juuuiherto bring uy Phil Mheridan. i Ae a matter oi iact, the grevliiiuuil. tbe have learheal that the bulldog is an actual aeeeasily when it cmn.-r to sah- l a sai ll-.,.. v.- ghinarv ehciuuters. A they watch ' ' " Ibd woll with a close guard, one ,,f the siren aoug of that luiiuurUl thuir nooitaji goes back t.. ic- Hee, old as the presidential chair, is Sheridan to the batllegroiintl faa raelod.oeely huniniiug. It is a lad . I greyhouiui iuioiiger diecover t aaie aiubitlou to will, to he uFeaidwi.t V"' -rr.'or' lvm " ,lmM " J ul rttcogoitioh and eiicourageuitint. of theae UuHwi hlate There goes. The imlidog snni.ly aaddic ... with this posit i ou a whole aasortmeut i creasmg his a heed percrptih y as he Geo. Stoll, Proprietor. Oregon's Most f amous Resort. The Hotel Flavcl or the aeasoa T. O.HA1UCY LAWYKR. of Kit' IN Judd Mut.dlag Feaduo oreguu N BKKkfcl.KY ATTORN K Y AI O OS ID kaa.- a il... a rsa d. u( oj tot ipiraiioL Juruutx not taut lieada he JiZ-illttbt or H uti .ah .u. auont . Kt lMlc Jut I. D. BOYD, ATTORN KY AT LAW Uairt si IU la now orcn Kiomii eajuipped rxauri uurtb ul Muiileray kftsr iftuni elseirlc lighted aud auoi beaUr: rtassi bathing (-... h ou Nurtb Paeia. uaai. Luxuriofti i tub Huns inrludiog bowling al ley, billiard ksU sod side bars Teooi xuru and Basil) cacslUul aiirsciluos. due liundro. ruuoaa grusae: car pa.w.1 aad o.Dtaiu iug beei lurniiur. iuu--. ,uuld buy Luug lUlau. v lelepuuu. 1 1, ufllea Muisl an er rasBageiusai ol Col I. F. Hat rey For rata eu address, Huul Fla.el r .e . orvsuo. or addrsa J L Mitchell, sas reiary.o: Mar.,uau. Bulldiug. foiuana Oregon IL. B. RKKUKR. ATTORNEY AT LAW. rwadletoe. Oragoa. . JAMBS A. KBB. LAW oYkK'B IK JVDV Buhdiag I KTILLMAN A HlERf ATToKNE Y8 1 st law. aooau u. I. u sad U so- cog b alb aa axcMANfig. A NBW SIX HORMK KOWRR UASO liue engine sad ail Bi lures uuatptslc. lauka, pipiug battery and eisclrU auarksr al a lo prh : .ir wil r. haugt lur cofdauud J (.o.a ceniUetub uragoa IN KolN a. r,uwd al Ctty Marskal ul Urn dajra Iu On. . oar right sal bra uae .' year ( right car, bra haled Jul. I .tt.. ' V i ad u.. abuui ax uuusda. . '.mi. etlBATMUB. Uiy Marskal. I'-Tti KOLLOW ha bvftrb la.r D INti UK. P by tke expiration t up of 'up ufl M UkAlUMAh. eti, aarskal. pu .n.ns. ..i,11. tur Old Newspapers u."S? iUE a..a o; purp Auk fur it. hult2 Brewing Co. T.laphoo 72. " ALLEN BROS., Wood and I'obU. nlosaaa drg. aTfrT ilk '-T VtfAt lrTTsfF ' ar l rtL ' ' JVHrWiw l!W- fS"(.'Tal L Cor. Court and Joho5tt PENDLETON. ORE n learn heat Kleclric Ugku. a,JM aiucniau riau, raw - a w.. 1 ' Tic, . tMCial rate Frwc Hum riewU aHTt C-faacrrial Trade Flaa &aaxat He -.pacW Attaertkta 0 " Caary Trad. ' falNBtn -olll IK fa-1 1 ni i r nv va -