TI ESDAY. JULY 9. IfBU Very Stylish, SEE Tm' -HIS TRADE MARK IS BRANDED ON EVERY SHOE. Light Sole. Medium Heel. For Stre-t Of p-ja Wear. el Rcpradanian ( Ihk SrtU $3.00 iw, lngli rs ! Iramwl ; lalrt H m OhMvw Wall UT lit Wi. iii- There art- other shoes at this price. The diffwri-n is in the shoes The dii ferrncc has made Queen Quality Shoes world famous. All sixes one price 3.00 CLEAVER BROS Practical Boot ami Hhw M -i BREVITIES. Buy vour window shades at Murphy's. Jar. rubh-rs, jar hips, all kiml- (4 frox at Hawlrv's. Io not forgot that cutlee at Hawlev's. llavi vour pir-lnn- atylee at Murphy's. II siiirt waist, now 4U Hroa. Dry ttooils (Y ! iluck SIUI. EMM Hroa. Iry Gonils lY Now tirwiKiis in Murphy's immi BtBM Wail taxi - A a-mxl girl at tin- Isjenliog Iiuumi. Uood wagea. At Kailer'a furniture stun- it lbs finest line cf rugs and niattiriK. Automatic relng-orators anil a .it- eoulra at Heeler's furniture store. Firat claaa wheat pasture lor cattle 1 and horaea. Inquire of Ivter Weet. Window ahadea. curtail) pole, niir rora, etc., at Kader's lurn ttur- stnri We will cloae out our entire liue of, etael range at coat. Baker (ft PolCOfB. &c an miner goods la i-loee at par yard. Cleaver Bros. I'rv 'ii-.d-Co. Midsummer tale of waali I half grioe. Cleaver Bros. I'ry ' lOOlll Co. Fioeet liauia and lard on law Home product; try it, iis guaranteed, gebwara A Granlich. Loet -Hetwoen Pendleton and Hock, a pair of fine shoe Kinder pleaae leave at tbia orti lee cream (or parties and aociablee at apecial prieea, quilt" guaranteed. Candy Ihi:m Fine lunch and pii'iin gooda. veal loal, chicken loaf, obit) potatoes, olivea, imall cheeee. at Hae ley's. Creecent bicvele cn the laatmllsaei plan at the Crescent Bfeaej n tbe Oregonian building, payments II a week, no internet. A 18-font header and four header, beda, all in good toadition, for sale. I Inquire of Pierce A Twaedy, or at: Zelger'e blaekamitb abop north of cmi'i iiuuae. Hllae it. Hoole, profeeeionai wjm toner, fn Houle Hr..a.' Arm of POTS land. 1a stopping at tin Ht Qeofaje hotel. Leave order at Tallinaii A C drug store or hotel. Harveet la coming ou and you vlll want bread. Ott Hobbacii 1a turning out tbe beat breed in the city. It do not get drv ai.d bard. Call up tele phone Main so ami ry it. The Htandard Grocery ronipauy naa received AO bozee of oranges ami iemoua from t'lia. 1'ierce's mnw larm 111 Southern California Th- are the Hue: '.bat ever came to I'm illetou. Call and order aume belore they are all goue. hlandard Grocery comiauy, 'phone, main tit. Tbe bomelieat man in Pendleton un wallas the handaonieat, ami Blhevi are invited to call on any drugit and get Iree a trial iiottle of Kemp balaam (or tbe throat and lungs, a reuie.lv that ia gua-iitHl to care .. relieve all chronic ami acute coogli aatbiua. broucibtia gad UOBSJSlSSption, Prise aar and 60c. For sale by Ta. man A Co.. aole ageuta. Come and Celebrate the Fourth of July. Make our store your headquarters W have a nice line of stationery and toilet articles. All the latest books and magazines TALLMAN & CO All the latent magaxinea Ml l-ratler's. Ha by huggie ami go-carts. NoK'a. Baseball good anil fishing tackle at Frailer'. Salmon are scarce in tbe river M Wallowa countv. Oregon, tbia year. The Heppner, nr., (louring mill has cloned down for the rammer on account f low water. Ten carload of all aorta of bones wee shipped recently Iroin Flgin, Or., to tbe Kansas City market. C. X. Gordon, sentenced lor live veers lor assault, encaped from the Vancouver Washington, jail. By using the legs ol a table as levers he prieu open me neavy siewi uoor m me cage and by the same mean tbe one inch iron bars ol tbe window. Patrick Hughes one of the bent known and most influential resident ol Currv county, re.-ently met with a serious accident at Port Orlor-t, that terminated fatal It. He pent fnrtv-ttiree veers of his life near Cape Blauco. and acquired large ami valu able property there. I A. Humphrey, lorenian at Byers' tloiirmg uiilis, state tna' ome one fired a bullet from a rijle in Byers' grove on Minday. July 7. It isaeil through DM ol the Imards of the fence surrounding Mr. Humphrey ' home , then UtJBsJh an eight-inch peacti tree and oa through Ihe side o: the chicken bouse, where it was found on lbs I -or. The bullet a n( steel, ami looted BS tbOSatb it uiiuht have ei. I; r .in . r l tie The ufaltea of lirmu ofl ong-ditanre tirearui in that portion ol Pendleton is dangerous and shoniii lie discon tinued, Is tbe opinion ol Mr. Humphrey, Tin- FOB) sella baseball club of Port luud paseed through Pem'.leton on Momiav ofonlog. .'uiv 8. after haviug deleate-l the Walla Walla team on Sun day afternoon bv a score of U lo 8. The io'nt'-llaa and La QlSSOt teams play at tas lirande on Tuesday. Weilnewlay and Tnursiiay, July 9. lu ami 11. ha QrajMBS baa playetl nine names tins vear without a single defeat. The Fontellas have won II of the l" gam en plaied The deleat of the Fontellas in the one game lont wa at Walla Walla on Friday, -Inly 5. when the score imm1 4 to I aguinst thetti. ED LINSNEk's FUNERAL It Ooeurrad Krom Hit Lata Hoain Tuaa da. Afternoon. July V- The funeral of tin- late i.dwurd LlEej1 ner iii-i-urre.l .111 Tilesdsv alterno-itl Julv tf, Irom the Umily residence in Went Pendleton, two io.., k- norti, ,.: Dr. Cole's hoapital. There was a inrae uiimher (M Irienil ami relatives preetit iii-..rge l.MMiier, a brother of the deceased, ami Frank Parka, a stepson, arrived Monday afternoon trom near Bulge 111 resonse to a t -ifoiioue mei-ai." . Nei- Park-, an other stepson, who was m-ar Pendle ton, also waa present, as well as the immediate (aunly The service were conducted bv Kev W. K. Potwine, oi tbe Church ol the Kedeemer. Many bluight and Indies of the Maccabees ere present. The Maccaoee- were organued in Pendleton six year ago ami this is the first death of a Knight ol that order. A further investigation into the cause of tbe death ol Mr. Linaner led the physicians to the Irel iel that the deceased had not taken morphine in any shape or manner, hut that it hail lie-1 4 used by a rupturi- m 1 .110 ol the stomach. A Journalistic Gem. Any 1.1 rant citisen who lielieve tin Hero is not doing its lull duty in holding up tbat county ami town to aa bJU gate should ue cuirtmart is I ed and drummed out 01 the county. Here are some of it efforts: ' ISM Of our new subscribers (his week ia Sels Qualley, the popular and efficient assistant foreman of the Ked Bov mine. j. 11. Barry, the North Fork placer miner, started in this week lore year's college course by subscribing lor this great geasih newspaper. Mrs - Pi Bow'! mirae and buggv. O blab had lieen lett at her old home in (.ulliam county for a year, was brought to ' iraii ite last week by Crawiord't boys Inut bauiug 111 tbe mountain streams hereabouts is tbe order of tbe day. Joe I'itniars ami John Oovlo bagged a couple of boabels of speckled baa Mil it Moaduw creek the tirst 01 this weak. Anion- the prounnen' visitors to tbe Uranite gold tielda tbia week was Mining F.ngineer M. richitlpius oi sumpter, who believe this camp will outrival Cripple Creek in the near luture. Jaot Hinlon, who owns one of tbe rirlieat placer claims in this district MOJ AiiDiii, was in town aeveral days Ai ith his pockets ao lull ui nugiieis tbat tbe weight made him oo 1 lotted . Vii-.'d iiave ever thought there were an many handsome ladiei and pretty dresses in this neck 0' the woods? Arrival at Holal PandUloD W I) leaver Portland. H Heckaith, Portland. 1 J kauluian, Portland, a R) under, Portland. Viator r JooBaoa. Pag "lato T a I 1 . .Join, lieDuoaldi Adams. I: lUirt LotiM, Portland. li if UrO) and wile. La (iramh- 1 H ira . La liraude iiu. H Weill,, l.a lirandn. 1. I IJirallBS, Walla Walla. S K Kurti, Portland T V. Filzgerald, Louisville, Ky. s 11 Paiiou, Hpokaae. 1 1. Utllfi MB F'rauciac M I. Hamlin, Hallnnori- II A derrick. Miilon ! 1 ' Saoinler-, M lion T F.arhart, I'Kiah. 1. MmIO) . Omaha. .1 M Trowbridge. W ii F, Fortlaud Harrlaa at Omaha. Tin- marriage of Misa Add ie L Mi -lot eh and Cuarlee M. Mendell, jr., mvurrnd al the home of tbe bride at 'm aha, Neb., on Tuesday, July 2. Mr and Mrs Mendell wit! u- at DOOM ai Miaaoiiri Valley, Iowa, after July 8. Mies Mcintosh was highly esteem ed hy mauy Irieuds in I'matilla c iiiuiy, haviug taught school lur aev eral years both at .'.dams and Pendleton. THE INDIAN MURDER CASES Supreme Court Deelsien Will savo ' Umatilla ceaniv Oreat lapens. The opinion handed down b the - .,! ,W Oraifon IB the c-ases ol Colnmhia '.enrge and loi Tov is ol pneoliar Interest to attorneys, as wen d irreat imimrtam m the laipavers of 1 raotllla eoonti It dooisjoa that imlians must be tried in the I nlted -late ooirt lor the crime of murder when committed b-- one Indian upon another Indian on an allotted reserva tion The BttorOOyi lor the defense in this case were W.Iiiam Parsons. R J. Slater, am! Carter A Ralev, to whom padlt ta log for a reversal of the case from the judgment of tbe circuit conn The mandates ol the supreme rnnrt will come to Hepnty Clerk Law MoorbOwM within two weeks and the dnlendants, Columbia lieorge and Tov Tov, who are at present in the county jail, e ll m releaaeil Irom custody Ml OOl fa a 'ew minutes. It is presumed that ('nlted States Marshal Hons." or one of his deputies will be present SB again take them into ens todv. Then-alter they will have a preiiminarv bearing helnre John Hailev, r., rintn! Htaten commis Slooor. who will hold them to the t inted Slate circuit court at Port load, I el re Judge Bellinger. The Question nt expense. The trials o Columbia Ueorge and Toy Toy in the circuit court cost about t'omi .., !, Thw rulinn of the supreme curt in those esses a ill have the sflect of having similar esses tried in the Dnllod state courts, whi'-h will take a eoSsshlorahlc eapenae of! the shoulders M the taxnavi-r 01 umatiua rouinj. iDCHTIONAL cuhv DAMAGE Sevara: Bia Farmars or Umatilla County Exprais Tnemialvaa. Within the past lour dsy the opin ion regarding the extent I f the damage to the wheat crop ol I'matilla county hat changed wonderfully. Mel von BbOtfOB ha a fection and a half of wheat near Fullon station, on the boats (arm. several davs ago be tiiouiit it woiiitl range imm 2o to bosbols l-er M re. with an average vield ol m hushels. This morning be stati -I V a reporter of the Fiast Hre g'iniau that he had changed his n ind, and estimated that it had been dam ...l .-. eant He had several sam ple -if .the head, both ol club snd r. di-hsft, ami it certainly did not look m ,.l The heads were short and blighted ami tbe grain shriveled. U II I,,,... bus I'JXUI ai-res ol wheat. tin- 1 1 1 e; held Iwiug one mile north of Pendleton Mr. Jones staled mat he was counting ou aft bnsbele to the acre, hut is aatistied now that it will M v go aliout lr) or inMsihly IV bushels n, the acre. Hia chauge of opinion hat oeen caused by an iuanection ol the held within the past lour days. Mr. Jones livee in Pendleton and waa ior merly 111 the farming implement busi ness. W. P. Temple, ol the arm ol Temple A Whcoi. vuiied his 12A0 aerosol red chaff wheat on Saturday. He stated tha' hi prospects were never better thai, two weeks ago lor a vield ol 35 bushels to the acre. Without any quel itication of language be abated : ' The damage to niv wheat will be ( nt." Mr. Temple's fields are uorthwaet of Pendleton about aeven mile- . is the neraoli who committed the crime He will probably be arraianei! before Justice FitiHerald this after ooon, bot his preiiminarv hearing will not take place ontil later to give Mr .Johnson the opportunity ol obtolofasj a witneee whose presence he deems neesnarv to making out a case. TRIAL OF THE CONSIDINES State Will Try to Preva Shol Wat fired MBBBj aleeadlth Foughi Seattle, Jolv H. The preiiminarv hearing of John W. and T001 Conai- ; dine, charged with tbe murder of ex- 1 a, 1 1 1 n.. 1 ; l.lln, 1 1 l.tiini,. V,nie- ' "urr .'inwirni, . - i The i IK 'boned its band plainly in -- - 1 . 1. J.. f. t nrtilenf tnn roome "i me o. . - the state will try to prove at the trial ; tbat some one. not vnt named, began the latal affrav bv firiog a totnl shot at Meredith in the stree before the latter fired nnon John Considine. j The sixth shot theory is a new one, as heretofore it has been agreed by all witnesses that but Hve ?h"ts were! fired. WALLA WALLA'S NEW MANOR 6. W. Babrook Meetad Ovsr Jaeob Beti nv 101 Blaloni. Walla Walla. July H - After a biltOf fight at tbe polls yesterday 0, W. Babe'" k whs elected msvor over JaeOO 0.1 k snwiaelM ol 101. The ne men: ers nf the cnnncil a ill be M. A. f ams, irom the hrst ward: 1, '.. I Smith, 'mm tbe second ward, and John kirkman, Irom the Third word. I In the fourth ward the present council I men hold d r another year. H 1 BloOufotd as ele. tel city attorney and K. P Reynold; cUy clerk. I marout Act Cinunn ti July Mrs. Philip Anmi-.r id t ho. wo. through her at- Ion , declined lo take BOB LoM ol the etate oi her brother Frauk Ogrten. ho recentlv dieil in Cincin uati. Ogden left an estate, winch M his will was to be equally divided between hi wile and Sister, Mrs. Armour. Bv tbe letter's generosity the whole estate will now go to the idow. Clear Causea ureal Ptee. (treat Band, Kan., July 9. Fifteen thousand acres of wheal went up in Hamee here veeterday. The tire was started bv an unkuoan man throwing a lighted cigar into a Held of wheat stubble. the loss in wheat will ag gregate 'n si, its 1 busbela. appointed Attlilani. Man Francisco, July H F;. H. I it. bugh was today appointed aaaiataut to the president of tbe southern Paella avatem, with otbee at San Francisco. stTjoestore W e ire offering Groat Bargains In all departments of our store. Save Money by Trading With Us. l IBOBST stock ,, co. sn , SFxr.CTrKOM. LYONS .MERCANTILE CO.. lMMBBMMM..,.ansananssanssawana lid A Summer Snap it ia, indeed, to supply your bot weather nessJa from our array of eool, light and handsome (ootwaor. Fery shin- waul of town and eouuuy, buai net and pleasure, in and out ol doom, 1 uiet in this smart diaplay ol tbe season 'a novelties. Mauy aearoalv know what to lake irom such a pru fusioo of lirai choice.- at melted prioas. tioting si. es lor Ldiea al 13.60, etc. Pendleton Shoe Co., WM. FHi6iiKKAl.l, Manager. KILLBI) BV AN ACCIDLM Sol Rothsnild Olsd a: Billon Tuaadav Foronoon, July B. Sol Rot hcli i Id, wbo lives in the mountain ont Irom Milton -met with an or ' 1 lent on Monday ami died on Tiieedav, Julv 9, at his borne. Mr. Kothebild w is pnttug up a bunding and was beug assisted by some neigh bors. Him of tbe timbers they were handling slipped and fell upon him, resulting in bis death the following day. County Judge Hartman was tod of the accident and asked his opinion in regsrd to the necessity of 1, - dlag a coroner's inqnsot. Tbe iUitiouer wss referred to Justice of the Ivace Miller ol Milton, who de cided that the case waa so plainly an .1 lent that there would be 110 neces aitr lor en investigation. PERSON At B Eh T 10 S I'uaries Bean, oi the Boston Btoro ia visiting at Pocatello, Idaho. Miss Lillian Cochran of Heppiier is the gusst of. her cousin, Mra. Fid ward Ebeu. Mra. Kllen 0, Bond, Charles aod Wi.iard have gone t- Meacbaui to re main tor UlO weeks i. K Watson, who has heu station nd at WilOOf looking after bah matters, is in town on business. Df. A I. li-atie has returned Irom a trip 0 Portland, called there by the meriting ol the Oregon stale dental board. ftfiaj Margaret Lee ol the Peoples Warehouse has gone to Portland to visit lor tun days with relatives and (rieuda. Mi-. Alice Smith has returned Irom a trip t Baker City, where she was quite suciessful in her work as organ -i4er lor the I.ady Maccalieea. Frank t'lrn-h went to La Oraude ou Hoadar and playetl shortstop with tbe team there against the Baker City team. La lirande won by a score of J3 f 11. J. H Raley it absent at Cauyon City and oilier places lu uraut county 00 boaioaaS counected with milling matters, He adl ins buuin about July IS W. I. Bowlaby, a stock aod dairy man Irom the Cama Prairie country, ia a visitor in Pendleton today and a ill leave for home Wedueaday morning Henry shorter has returned from his trip to La tiraude ami ia ready to re sume his aituation as mascot ol the Pendletou baseball club it he can gel on the payroll. Mra. Sluaher, Miss Kdith Hluaher and Mr and Mrs. Waller Carter of the olden Rule atore will leave for the .iioiiutaius un an outing on Wednssday morning. July 10. Frank Myers, clerk at the Orhee, has gone 10 Ihe summer home of h'M Tbotnpaoa, Fid lleethoru and himself in the mountains near Meacbam. He a ill be aaay a couple ol aeeks. .Mrs. Anna Clark, in charge of tbe cloak department of tile Peoplea Ware house, li lt on Sunday morning lor the Last via Spokane. She will visit at the Pan-American exposition, altar ahich she will continue her trip to Boston, Naa York, Philadelphia and other eastern cities tnat-lst akSIOBMCB RUBBED. Awaltlas an Uavn id Jan An alaaaieat. Tbe reaideoce of Burr Johutoo in Kaal Puiidleton was rubuad raoeatly, I reauinably about the Fourth ol July, of large iUaut Hies of Household aluft .in Hiding a great many dishes Tbe house was uuuccupiad at tbe time. Charles Davis was arrealed and placed in tbe couuty jail ou suspicion that be Piepare for the Fig Tournament Julv 4th Holsl Burnsd Stockton. July Is. A telephone re port states the V ictoria hott at -niiurt waa destroyed by tire this morning. No particulars. Inereai.ng Donation. Alameda, July A letter from Carnegie ha been received increasing bis librarr donation Irom I.' ".' 1 to ;l6,0oo. Notlee to Water Contumen. Water consumers are notified to have uietera nut in by Julv In, if nut al ready using them Meter mai he obtained at the city recorders' ORBO! By oriler ol J. T BRoWN . Water loaasrinBaWdoSlt. Wagon for Sale. A light second-hand mountain wagon lor sale cheap. Inquire at Cleaver Bros. HhiM store. Washington authorities are now i- bdent tbe Pan-American espoi will be a success despite the eflort for its defeat by Peru and Bolivia. OWL High Grade Baking Powder makes NICE BISCUIT Owl Tea House. Firecrackers LOANS on WHEAT LANDS At lowest rates J. K. DICKSON, hast Urogosuaa hull dm Pendleton, Oregon. LOT FOR SALE IN BLOCK 81. l ur sale, lot 4 lu block Si, fine residence lut at a low price. Ap ply lo C S. JACKS Help or Situation Wanted. C F, look's Eraplojinriit Afeocj Corner Main and Alia Mreei. PENDLETON OREGON rj llssSai i rssMst tar Blest EmifSoa aaS Basawai iMtra 1 IB a MOUBS Csss Est IWiJI J est sag Bsasasr Itesasav Pv pnMwtittf one of our up o .lat, DinHtf Koom Sets Th. v are of choice desmn. tine finish, weil made and offered at prices below competition Seeing is convincing. Step in and see the fine line of mattings, ingrain carpet., window shades, etc . A. RADER, Main and Webb Sts. MORROW (OASTEF BRAKE The Morrow Coaster Brake is the parent of u'.l HMter brakes. It us the fits'. ; it is the le-nt. The oio.v coa.-.tcr hrake that has Ix-c. pi '. chough , ' neti !;o change. It IncTtfMMM the Utilitv of the Wcy ch ; it decreases the eflort m-oessary Q iro;. ! it. More pleasure ; less exertiuu. A '., your dealer to get it for you. Never put off until t morrow when you i .:; buy a M' V.- ' tjday. sii.: f ir our I'.lustrattil liooklct. Ltlijikr MmiuLuturins Co., fcl antra. N . Y. Do Your Feet Hurt? Do Your Feet Burn? If 50 you want to oomt to 716 Main Street md be fitted to a pajr o easy shoe that m make your ffet gjfj We tit All Kinds of Feet That's our busine. The Peoples Waiting THE FITTERS OF FEET. 716 Main Street. Fendletoo. u, The Place to Buy:: w w Is where you ran sn qD;,-t ami rhenp prirss Put ia your orJer lor header bsra water tanks ami feed racki. Bi-t line of Luiulver. Lath, Shingles, Build ing pfevptr, Tar j.iajK'r,Lime and cemt-nt, Tirkets Platter, Brick, Sand, Moulding Screen Doon 1 Windowi, !Suh A Doors, Tern Cotta Pipe. IVndleton Planing 1 Lumber Yard. R mRSTFR. - NORTffl Xwb) DAPICIP RUNS Pullman Sleeping Can, Elegant Dining Can, Tourist Sleeping Can CRESCENT BICYCLES The Wheel that la ky High In Quality Prices From $22 to $60. Road wheels; - $35. Racers, .... $50. Chainles8 Crescents $60. Boys and Girls Wheels $22. 1900 M idels as low as $15. $20, $25. Crescent Wheel supplied with apring frame and Morrow oou.ter hrake or witli either. Tenue of paymeut to suit fustomere, with BQ LntafHst. "ttll and p a i-atalogae. CRESCENT AGENCY. East Oregonian BuiMinp;. 4MEUCAN PLAN. $3.00 per l)a and I pwards Fiocst Hutel in the Hacilic urthwet Pjii t "s EsssssZjEsssKsCaVLsL 1 i itfcsMaV" ' 4 katHn. JaLit i bbbbDIebbUJ i3Pl ! wBMflZTTQ fEsssV Esfc SaW yfykHUsffi EsNfflEt Jl fi PMW-- "ar m4 atsVaEs ssssa. " EsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbUesbbBb V aEsssasar p V.Jv' --7sV&m To T. PAUL vivshpiiLS ifn.rTH lAKud if K I I r ICKOiiKfTO WINXEPKi- HILDA m om THROUGH TICKER jBA chicaoo IWABHIIiOTOf PHI1.AIK1.1'UU , - NEW YORK " BObTON and all puiuU East sad MU Tlintiiah llrkeU ID JSDSO SSS la 1 arums suit Xnriusru tVlIc anil Aniarlcsa Has. TIME SCHEDULE- ji rum irate rruu.riuu ..; ais-uuii ui fur furlbsr lolurmsuou. tit ii.i. Umx n, A Li I'HAsIW 1 uira auu suinm . . m atssssaa m nun nil iui - .. - , M W nun tin fourll. ul JU'J '"'" 0 isV put li in Al siJsr lor "u isi priix- Our war i t'r" c4" l.roiuui sua uuuuk NEA8LE B- THE PORTLAND "OKTLANU. rwBasa.. . "iir.!,!! kales to baa tarn it, F it I Is slass V tmiaaaetii g MBW sm4 u auursf moiscisasl .0 -M Ev ' - A piidc Vfllidar .A l.---j lll,2i Z a. wtfbt r l . 1. 1 IA HI. 1,1 KrvalU SSS " .....ia. . . . . ....I iiais. v- u.,nun i n i- rnui ...... - - MJS W in win . ris-hl ri iMiits as , Cii Uar.l.Al rn.li ol leu days for cosu sud tir Ursud uol ''jBS1 , r ..Id Uriu.lk- .kOH1 III cr. Ursuil uot I niuU- J"' l '..,uy...CI aa h a a i ii aw -. lor flil Ml Subscribers to sr. j or aw. suf.tas.isavw u dasuv..-J Bavi il suul Ui you iid ajswsj..1 bulU trouble sud risk I r-.rasl Ml III! &WI V" "J , dxtu.-l tan uar USUI lnB ss w- rnmi im;.i Add rasa EABT otUMrOHlAJ'