East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 08, 1901, Image 1

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, ALV . t(,re,onii"""nlI
rlr lOwlgfel MM TiianUy
: ny .iDk mi."' '
NO. 4170
The Columbia
Lodging House
I . SCHF.MPP. Prop.
Pendleton Ukiah Stage Line
riuiton 4 Carney, I'rop'a.
JwiiMindw, fr Pilot Rock, Nye,
ffi Alba' and I"""1'- .
;.,;.,Ut...nH. Reasonable freight and
'cHytto at Tel linen A Co' irU(i
Them Out
The annual summer tale entera its third week this
woek. Compare unv oral! of tiwMringtwe make
with the hest offered at the other siurns. You'll
find it worth your while.
Alexander & Hexter.
Harvest Shoes
Camping Shoes
Hoy's rubber sole fhoee.
Men's rubber sole shoe
Men s canvas, leather Bolt shoes.
Men's extra good canvas, leather sole shoes.
Men's best leather working shoes.
The Douglas Shoes are Always Satisfiers.
Closing out
Ladies' CHflPQ
Children's OlllCo
The entire Wes-el s-tock of Ladies' ami
ehildnn'e shoe- to be closed out at once
to make room for fall goods.
Great Reductions to Close
Ju the dry goods we are making prices
to close out all lines of strictly summer
30c Washable Dress Goods Now 22c
This is the bon-ton line of tine dress
goodl tor 1901 and all left will go at
this low price
The big AX is now at work cutting
prices to close out.
Harvesters' and Campers'
Outfits of Wearables Complete.
The Boston Store
MM School Books
Bought or Ex
changed at
J er a $ J5 i00 whce, fuU
'-11a it, t. .. . . .
2r h'Cydt' ever of-
ere in Pendleton
i l , ' Liiiii 1 1 1 1 1 1 l l r
a ucsi inK 30c.
I irn.
Lirf!e line fancv l.,.v --
' '4- '9 to 35c per UOJ,
CrPc and n .
fin " v- I tl kil l . 111,1 v
UK llln, I I
n rpcr, etc.
We have-
nave an . 1 1 .
NewFi8hinK TackIe
v. .. Koods arrivinv w. .,-LU
ySh fiM"1 IprW trout
. JvU ,1 1 l ...... i 1 r 1
1 1 01 11 v Home Loaded
isn't always a pit-asant experience
hut it is 1111ne.cess.uy when yon pur
chase at our store, as we deliver all
goods free of charge and promptly
when ordered. Our store is loaded
with good things in all the delicacies
of the season, tor high urade fancy
and staple groceries uui pfici Iff
lowest in town.
mi No
Tu make good bread use ByerH' Bunt Flour, li took first
premium at the Chicago world's Fair overall competi
tion, aud given excellent sat infect ion wherever used.
Kvery Hack in guaranteed. We have the bent Steam
Rolled Bailey, heed Kye aud Beardloee Barley.
W. S. BY ERS, Proprietor.
"See Dem Freezers
I have a full line of
-4Uirirs ..vr ..Hi. , uin.
" blank books, school
The Peerless Ice Cream Freezers
from one pint to ten quart, will freeze cream
in from three to rive minutes; also have a full
line of halting tackle, hammoekb, eto. See my
line before buying.
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man.
Hot wpatlier in the t i hrokon.
Thp French law o( AMoriationti ii
condemned hv the kw.
V. I, Kittridtfc ip niipointed nenalnr
from Sonth ttakota to MOMM WtHtOI
Kyle. deceaMd.
In Saturday's rare the Constitution
heat the Colombia nine minutes and 1
the I mlepenili'm'e seven minutes.
t'oe, liiiify, Kraeiuleim, Levy and
Baiter. ire the MMOWftwl American
contestants at Hoddeflficld, Fnglamt,
capturing all the atlilei ic events hut
The strike in Tellnride ia settled.
UOV, OnBtB rclused to send troops to
the I ii ion-Smuggler mine, ami the
mine owners aceeeded to some of the
terms of the miner.
Fdward i'arker DMOOIIi memher of n
wealth Boston famih, prominent in
society some enrs ago, and who wa
(iriucipal in a sensational shooting
afTrav in Paris, is dead
Mr. J, W. Watts, whose yote bs
preshh'iitial elector from Oregon in l7l
made uiithirforil B, Naves president
of the URtad States. ,ied' at 10 o'clock
this morning, ageil H years.
While herding sheep tt utiles from
Alhmp)eriiie, X. M., Seriernio
.fariimil low as attackeil hv a large hear 1
ami her two ciiIim. Ilis head ami luslv
were crushed so hail I y that he died
soon after aid reached him.
Idaho's tlax crop this year will reach
110,000 hushela.
Baker i ity will have a school house
to cost f U',4"7. Contract ia let.
Sherman county, for area, is Ore
gon'! greatest wheat-producing section.
Nearly the full quota of Chinamen
to work in the canneries at Fairhaven,
Wash., this season are on the ground.
Manny Howard, convicted of horse
stealing, whs sentenced hv .ludge
Kakin, of Baker Cit, to seven years in
the pen. An appeal was taken.
Senator Teller of Colorado ia in
Lewiston. Idaho, where he will remain
a few days, gona- thence to Spokane
and the Cncur d'Alenes, where he has
A tir log from Washington will lie
shipped to Buffalo in sections. It la IS
(eat " inches in diameter at the stump,
1M) feet to the first limh and will scale
75,000 feet of lumla-r.
Judge .1. C. Brady of Kootenai
county, Idaho, was fatally shot by a
cra.y man named Henry Wilinbuay.
I oi r years ag" .lodge Brady adjildgtd
Wilmhuay insane.
Petitions for and remnnstrancea
against the pardon of Paul Corcoran,
rotivictel in Wallace, Ida., for the
in order ol James Cheyne, are pouring
in on the state pardon board.
A panther measuring eight Let waa
killed hv Fd Horton and Doahe
Winkle, mi .Marv's Peak, near Cor-
va Ilia. The animal was discovered
and shot near the top of the meiintain.
On the trip they caught ISO one trout.
James Wasson, a achnnl teacher at
lilenwooil has heeu arrested at I.ew is
ton for criminally assaulting his !)-year-old
punil Maatia Fisher, id Whit
man county. Wash. Wasson admits
his guilt and fears lynching if taken to
Jessie Morrison, convicted of man
slaughter in the second degree for the
murder of Mrs. tiara Wiley t astle
June Ti, IHUo, at Kldorado, Kau., haa
lieen seiiii in eii ti five e,trs iii the
iM-nitenitary in cloae (ontinemeut at
hard labor.
An extraordinary stream of immi
gration is pouring nit Washington.
In a single dav the arrivala numlier
Irom 1000 to Jiksi, and a majority ol
them are seeking new homes In a new
land and oipportimit les of investment
hmed Oiem in the older states.
An old man of mo was found dead on
the roadside near deiser, Or., and a
four-horse team standing near the
iiody. He is supposed to tiave fallen
from the wagon, 'I here was nothing
lo militate tool plat Ills uaiiie is
supposed to hae l.een Kole-rt lintel, in-son.
In ldule, the value of manufacturing
products is 14,0310.0311, as against fl.
Mi.OtNl in IV.si, or a gam ol Ins per
cent in ten years. The uutulsur ol
estaldisiiiin uts increased Irom Mo to
0U1 in the same time. The average
mi iu In-r ol wane-earners in I'sS) waa
Kilbourne Has a Cincti on the
Gubernatorial Nomination.
inii VVllWlll u llVil
Joboson s Abssnc Meios Victory for the Coo
serratives Crowds Are Pouring Into
America's Fx-Porkopolls.
Coliimhus, July 0, Helegales and
visitors who are assemld nig here tor
the democratic state convention, whnh
hegins tomorrow, are disanuutBtad he
cause Tom Johnson and John l. Mc
Lean will not he here. Tom Johnson's
absence will mean a victory for tin
BQnatrvativa element la arbleti MoLaan
helongs. In the matter of the plattorm
all concede that James Kilhourne will
' nominated (or governor.
Tobacco Manuraeturar Dlas In ttaa fifth
Avanua Dotal.
New York, JnU I, -Pierre l.orillard
ia dead at the Fifth venue hotel,
where he was taken from the DMtaob
land when that steamer arrived from
Klirope Jul- 4. Meinliers of the
familv present at the taslside when
the end came wre Mr. For i I lard 's
daughters, Mrs. T. S. Talor ami Mrs.
William Kent, and their hushamls ami
Pierre l.orillard, jr., ami w ife and also
Pierre l.orillard, third.
Mr. I.oril lard's recent severe ill
ness dated from June 'Ju. He was in
Kligland and went to his lodge at
Ascot hoping to see his horse, Mavid
Oarrick, win the (odd Cup He was
stricken with a uraemic chill aud was
sick for a week. He was adviaad to
come to America and Istarded the
IVutschland, hut his condition he
came graver each moment His ilii
cian, I r . Kilrov, told him that he
did not think he would live to get to
New York, hut the magnate uisn-led
that he would It has never lieen
thought ho could r ver since his ar
rival. The funeral will he at II o'clock
Wednesday from (irace church. The
interment will he at ireeliwoisl .
Itaportad by I. L. Ray ft Co.. Tandlston.
CMaaao Board or Trada and Haw York
Stock Bxertania Brohara.
New York, July H. -Wheat waa
weak all day hslay and closed at the
low iHiint a full cent under Saturday
Liverpool closed H-5, compared with
r c on Saturday New York opened
at 70,, and clusod 70 1-H. The visible
supply shows a decrease lor the week
ol 1,100,000.
Stocks weak.
Close Saturday, 7 I 5-H.
pen today, 70 ' ,
Bimge t lay, 70 l to 70 7-K.
Close ttslay. 70 I N,
stocks: Sugar, MO; steel, 1 ; St.
Paul, toa 141 1 V, r., lot,
Whaat in Chlcaao.
July H -Wheat. n to
ii, leaf
3 00,
BfhMI In
Sao I raucisco,
The New Boat Shows Her Tail
Feathers to the Others.
To Ibe SurprlM ot itie Yacbt Sbtrki tb Nov
Defender I i lirejhotiod of PbeDOiDMil
Speed independence Not in It.
Nun raneneo.
.1 tit v N. Wheal,
I'.unt, Jaa M Weather
ennditlnna were anythinf
Capture Ninataan Hosri
Burn a Town.
Klleushurg, lirange ftiver Colony,
July N. Itemiiigton'a guides on Julv h
ocTUiied the liner position here. They
capture.) nineteen liners, including a
commandant. The Itoer causal! les
were one killed, and two wounded
Boars Burn a Town.
Cape Town, July 8. - Commandant
Schisiper'a force has raided the iiu-
garrisnm-d lown of Murravshurg in the
central part of Cape Colony andhiirned
all the public buildings and some
uropaan Custom i signs Aaalnit
Arnariaa'i Comn,arelai Invasion.
Vienna, July M. An extra of the
Post asserts that the general outline
for the Kuropean customs league
against American commercial invasion
of foreign markets has tii-en decided
upon hv Austria, liermany and Hun
forolgn Osroratlonii Racoinmamlad tor
Captain Blyart.
Washington, .lnl H.--The Mt) de
partment has received an extract from
the Ofllalal report of the (ierman
minister at Pekin in regard 0 the
ainpaigii of the allied forces which re
sulted in the rescue ol the legal loners
at Pekin, in which a high trihute is
paid to Captain John M J ers of the
t inted States marine corps, who had
command of the marine guard during
the siege.
"if an exception could he made (,,
the rule that Amen, an suhjects can
receive foreign decorat uuia, " said the
Herman ambassador, "then hi mi
opinion of those, not (iermaii, who
look part III the siege of Peklll the
American Captain Mcrs should h. the
lirst to receive from us an order of dis
1 1 ii t mil. According to the universal
opinion of all participants, t aptani
NFers, Willi the American detachment
under him. worked from the baginoini
to the end in liarinom with Count
Sodeli for the defense ol the southern
wall which led to the legation quarter.
IK means of frequent proofs ol Ins
personal fearlessness and hraveri he
cnutrihutcd in no little measure tow anl
keeping up the courage ol our own
people. ' '
la like the (otistricior which dropa ita
coils around Ita victim and slowly tight
CDb tlicui until lite is cxtniguialieil
(Jin the coiln arc
drawn tight there
4k cat ape. The out
hope A aafety is
to hreak loo- at
the beginning o
the attack.
Thow- who are
showing aytup
tOBal of lung df
eaae ahoulu in
atantlv hegin the
uae of Df Piari a'l
(.oldm Medital
Ouruvery. It wilf
cure (Aattinate
iia, bromhiti.
hleoling ol
the luaga. It iu
craaaes the nutri
tion of the body,
aud ao raatorea the
tuaciatad form
to health aud
There ia mo al
cohol iu "Golden
Medical I'Ucov
aud it is entirely free froui opium.
cocaine, aud all otnev iun utlci.
I feci U my duly Iu gt my Usttuunlal is
briutir of your giral aiedi. lur writes Mr
Joha T. MerJ ujedkrsiM,, JcMtnou Cu Ark
'When I commenced Ukiug Doctor Hararl
Ooldeu McdK.l Uiscovery I wu very low with
l eouglc uiai would at time, .oil blood. I was
-tble to do suy woik si nil. w .c,l sud
Crand Jury or Indianapolis Invssllgs
Ins Halnouk Crimes.
Indianapolis, July M. The grand
jury today hegan an invest igatiou of
the Indian. i, "insanity trust". It
is charged that of the hundreds com
iintttsl to the insane asylum from this
county iu the last two years, fuiI- ll
per int are erfectly sane.
Spanish Franchises itueaiioned.
Wasliingluu, July n. -An iinporiant
decision affecting tlie Irauchisns
granted during the Spanish regime in
Cuba, Porto kico, Philippines and
l main was decided by the war depart
liient this week when the decision, it i
expected, will la- rendered in the cast
of the Western I lllou which seeks to
have the I'oatal company prohibited
from doing i aide business between ti
Culled States and Cuba. Tin- postal
claims the monopoly under a lr.n i-.
granted by Spam.
Pittsburg, July N. The dismissal ol
twelve luembeis of the Amalgamated
aaaociation at the Wellsville plaut of
the American Steel sheet company
may seriously atlect a s.-i i lem.-nt tin
wink of the roll and steel r,trike
President Shatter announced this
morning that he would not enter tut
a conference until the men liad been
re I Beta, tod i
Siupraioe Court UesUlonx.
salem. Julv - Ibe supreme court
datliliooa today I Farmers' and Traders
National hank vs. Wisslell. on rehear
ills', the former oiiillloU was adhered
slate vs. loy Toy, reverend.
Htate vs. Coluiuhiaeeorge. reversed
Huuaar vs. Weal, petition lor rehear
liig, K-rrul.-.l
my bead wu. illuy The flii Ixatut J took did
mc so tuuvh good that 1 had luill. iu 't sud eoa
tiuur.l uulil Iliad taken twelve buttles. Now J
do aofl Uaik like uor feel like lac seme man as I
waa a year ig People were aatooiahed and
ai,l lary did uia thiuk Inst I could Hire. I caa
thaukhiily ay that I am entirely cured of a dia
eaae from arku h had it out been lor your won
deilul ' ltao.'ver ' I would have died.
In I 'us ecu Common benac Medical
Advu. r, pa pat cuvers, aeut fii on
receipt of li one-cent stamps to pay
i Luenat ol muiliug only Afldreaa Dr
K V. VWKK, hunado, N. V.
Coal TraoseorlaMon Corralled.
Philadelphia, July The North
Am. m. an eaya today the aulire aoal
trauaportatiou eaal of the M'aaiaaippi
haa beer, amicably dividad by the rail
road kiugs. The Morgan mads ara to
doinfuate tha aulhracite flelde ol
Perinavivauia. while the VenUarbiit
lines are to coutrol tha bitumiuoua.
Muntana Bandits Again
Anaconda, Mont , July H. A special
to the Man, lard from i.lasgow, (be
county seat ol tun couiin in which the
i .real .Northern tram roliberv OOMffOfJ,
"Hoi that it is r..Mirted there that the
bandits are surr,,innl'-d in the Little
RoskloBj IU miles from Malta, In
Sberilt Qrifltfa With It) men on the
south, I'mler-Sherifl Cane ami I". m. u
Dti the north. A special from Malta,
sit miles from the scene of the train
robbery, sets that near there Friilav
night two men held up a herder who
bad charge of UNI horses, the proper i of
It. M. Tralton, and took nwa tin
entire band. Mr Traftnu is trv ing to
organ ie a posse to pursue these rob
bers, who, it is believed are friends of
tba tram robbers trying to disorgaiiue
the other posses or at laoel divert a
portion of their forces toother direc
tions. This second robbert baa inlen
silled the excileuient at Malta ami the
eit) marshal baa notified all persons to
conceal their mono) ami valuablea.
Shot by a Poltaaman.
I.eadville, Colo., July . A. L
I anl aaa almost insiantH killed
os l oiiceman .viciioneii. t assnl was
on the wat lo jail to answer a charge
of breach of the ace, when he started
to run aws . The sd Iceman called tu
him to halt, hut he BMl Inue.l riiunlug,
and the ollicer shot him down. Cassidv
came here from Cripple ('reek last fall
ami has a wife living at t'olorado
Bit a I orpado.
UwBjVwf i Colo., Juh M. After care
ful investigation the sd o n department
has aaoartainad that the death of
Fslher Oliver, the t-toar-ohl child,
who was a IU . I k) the eiplosiou ol a
I r .i do, was due to an accident. The
i i, ild bod loninl a torpedo in tlie v ard
and had I, lien into it, eauaing it g
expbsle. Her father, William Oliver,
a surveior, was in (.'ripple Creek at
the time
Christian Kndsavurart.
Ciiiciuuati, O. , July a. Preliminary
millings ot the Christian Fudeavor
convention ia over ami tislay the dele
gates got down lo the business ol Ibe
gatherings. Iiiiriug the day aud even
lug there will lie a variety ol services
and a number ol meetings, devotional
ami evangel ii al . At ins, u eeaogeHath
services were held in all pails ol the
Big Cans Veel.
New York, July I, A. J. Casaatt,
Senator llannu ami rn rpout Al rgan
belt! a consultation iu the lalter's
ollice tislay. Ibe meeting is prcauma
bly iu connection wllh the bituminous
coal combination now iu p ol
Inrmsl n ii
Uov. Wood a. a. lu Ba Believed.
Washington, July M It is learned
that Oovernor lieneral WismIs haa
asked Ibe president lo relieve bllu
from service.
and wr.ter
but beautiful for thri Kei on I rare liei-
twe.n tha Conitltotloa, olumhia ami
Imlepenileiii c tislay. A light ilnky
breee came fftMB the South Condi
tlODI did not lOfOt the Indepeudence
and her i rew in ,un tlmig but a happy
frame ol mind The n urse tislay waa
an eipial triangle, ten miles to each
The start was made at noon. The
Const it ut n n hod ten seconds the better
of I he start, while I he Coluuihia crosaetl
the Una tw,' aaCOBOjl ahead of the In
depemletice Ibe Constitution aatle.1 splendidly,
-mil widening the gap between heraell
and the other boOOl 100 I ndependeiice
ponDdod heavilv in the choppv sea.
I In- race is virtually a profession,
the Constitution leading the Columbia
ny aeveral minutes, while the old
deled lot in turn is well ahead of the
I ndependeiice.
At I 18 the Constitution is a winner,
barring accidents Mhe leads the t 'ol
umhia hv about Kt minutes ami the
Independence hv at least ift minute
at this lime. As far . it,.- ltnlepeM-
bine ia concerned, today 'i race proves,
ailliotlt lioObti she was Over estiuiat.sl
ami does not class in anv parluiilar
witli either the Cnlnmhia Of Constitu
tion She will probably be beaten by
an hour and a hall in tislay'a race.
The Const nut missed the line at
I iQg, the Columbia Lit minutes astern
The Independence is just turning the
aecond mark
thamrook Hull foul,
tilasgow, luly I . Shamrock II
docked ami her hull nxtinined.
examination shows her bottom
very foul. TI. in. it is believed.
counts for her recent deleata by tha old
Hoah. Oar Kalaar.
New York, July H. -Cary South and
liarbey, naval arclutecta hare, tislay
panel red an rwdat for a 110 (srt yacbt
Irom Kaiser Wilbelui of liermany.
Nothing is said about the coat.
Powdar Mill Bsplotloa.
Santa t rim, Calil .. Julv a. I he
Cora i Of Hill powder works blew up at
IU o'clock this morning. Tha two
wheel mills were also destroyed. W.
II Marling, an employe waa killed
It is not known how much powder waa
destroyed 1 in walla ate standing,
hut the roof is blown swav
Do Your Peel Hurt?
Do Your Peet Burn?
If so imi want tu come
tu 71fi Mam StTMl uihI
Im litttul to u
cany Ahoc.s
iniik( your
U'f lit
pttir of
that will
fejdjt k'u,I
All Kinds of Peet
Thtt'l UUI btttlaMaffft
ilic Peoples Warehouse
I hti UTTliHS Or- FKHT.
7 1 , Mam Mm t. I'cutllcton, Or-
Tewa Oa.no. u by Fire.
Oreeuville, Ohio, July 8 i'be towa
of Veraaillee was entirely deelroied h
Urn, which starUsl lu the gralu eleva
tor ol J. ti. Ziber at Co. Tha entire,
husiuaaa aectiou aud thirty-live resi-
den.es were destroyed.
Beldlere Orewoad
KeplbaJeu, July 8. While
Teal Beea Comajlsalea.
Salem, July H The text hook com -
mission . l.-i led Mai n y Ncoti presldeul
aud frank liavey, of naloui, aecralary.
ItU.uuu Kirs
, i.. i t.....a ki tl i,.iu a Vl ....
' ' I n ' ' ' ' 1 ' , ... ., w. . . "
lay destroyed eighteen biialneee build'
ugs. Loss, Ksl oiki
rae rege Coavaleasem.
Home, July 8. The pope 'a phyjlciaii
stated today that bis holiness was prac
tically well again.
"I wiab to truthfully slate to you
ami the readers ol these lew lines that
your Kodol dyspepsia cure la without
ouestioii the best aud only cure for dya
nepsla that 1 have ever come In contact
with ami I have used man. other prep
uratiiuia John ll.iarn Wait kilddlasat.
I" J""" mm e .' w T" , ,
OfaM day and uight.
St. George
Under new iiidnageiueajt
Regular Meto 23ets
m U) rt;
ing today on the Khiue, a boat con- urei digeaiauls . II sill J,J Cgi Prnnr ixtr
lain.iig siataeu atddiera waa cipaiaad i ol food ai.d can 'I help hul do yon goad. I fJUQ. MOII, I rUiriClUr.
aiul rauvaui uiau. .IrowruaaJ. lallurau (JO. I
and aeveu uiau drowtuxl