East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 06, 1901, Image 3

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Summer Goods to Close at
Just Half Price.
10c gM
Kb to Hose
! 4 . x-.l
Lls to close at.
vnrr- - ,
KiDOdltOOOi at w
"J. tr. OiMIUP I" ' -
5o per yanl.
ic pr ywtl.
10c per yard.
...12o per yanl.
per vara.
. i i
1 I .... v .... ,
BfcfOOdltO OIOW ai rcl 7-
wnrth of Slimmer
'very uvtAD T . ...
Goods must be closed out
by July 4th.
;ieaver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
The Morning Score Wa 8 to 7 Kleien
Inning Ware Played Before Athena
Could Make the Winning Run.
Two well -played names of baseball
marked the second day of the tonrim.
pnt. I he morning anie wan won
oj neppaar irom Dayton, 8 to 7. The
game was remarkable lor the nuniber
oi airiKRontu, Miinhar having 17 to hi
credit an. I flump 111. Tlie score fo
loWS !
.in.v ii. linn.
,ior, of
KelRued to
ol bar
, gonareh Who
Wallowa County.
...n..v I'lintHiMN mail v
- Ik alu-m. mi a thousand
r" ' . .. t... ... . to mm
nil ii ni in -
I it onf time a i noiii.n ... . ..n. !
(bit VHrV. ITIMI K"'l
Z n wiMll r,,.VHl 81 ?'
Hi' throne wax nt native nr ;
HfMli.i-l.eil wiiii
from the rieveti
crown wax
,. i-.llll t-I L"' 1
kiuw rr - ...
. In III" evnrviiav 1 1 if. neiorr
..it-nation, f 0, McCulley eon-
.i j u u.. u - I liia
,,, II Hit' llllier I'-i'-nnr ...
i o lh bright thoinilit of setting up
ifiocipdlitr. To carry out thin un
liiint M rW for the legislature
i ,i. twiee elei'tecl. I liai wan tun
i: My main! lii choriHhed hope.
next MHi Wa l leirinutic me
MM rillev oat Ol Union county.
. " . t I 11.. !.. ... ....
I ' 111 aniiriliiniii-'i. io- .am n'v .-
sit'l'iiii ami made liii court at
Here lie rilled supreme iino
U, to iron hand. lint like most all
arrliii- rilled In an unrelentlliK
liii hold mi lux KiitijHctH wan re-
ma . J I . I
j.nr mere came a uav wnen wie
EE of Wallowa county wanted the
anf wat i-hangcil. An election waH
.. mil thr town of r.uterprise
lurceaifiil. Then hoiiic retails
at oier to Joseph, sei.il the
oitn, dragged the crown from the
Hi.- kum, dinimiled liia fir
i took Iiih scepter, and, after
him into the river, returned
knu-rpnae. Thin wan the (ute of
' tlQjt Ul Joiepli.
iThli piece ol iiintory in vouched for
a, K. rlandiTn, who han tieen on a
tuotnl tour amiiiiL' the aheepmen
I Willow coiiiitv, invcHtiKUtiiiK the
oi ilieep, L'nvdteN, LtrevhoniiilH
II biillilogi, and it in reanonaliUi to
lote. Irom Inn loiiu and liitimule
jumuiiie with llpie Keid, that hin
ir. : -1;. .11 Id lie nuahxtii lahli-.
I Wtirti Mr. Kandern landed in .lonenh
wuilht the otlice of the Herald.
MM od printed liy I.hu ('. iluuder-
lie lounil the eclilur very l)UHV
flintie, and ankcd the privilege
I luokuiK over the exchange. Wfiile
! read iiih a man came in and
fi il he had unv nlunk contraeta.
loung iiiiwerrd in the neitativu
he wanted I leuileraon to w rite one for
"No," answered the editor, an he
kept on picking np type. "(io to
mime iMMnaai man. 1 haven't time."
When the, man left, the. following ''"ti
v.THiit urn took place:
Flanilnri "Ian't there a lawyer in
Kiiitor "Nopa. " ami lie BOBtlBVad
piaklng typa.
"Never nail one?"
"Yea." cpiok, pick .
"What banana ol bimf"
"Htarv(l pick, pick ; he'n down
in the country pitching hay."
"Well, without a lawyer a mininter
miKlit to lead a contented life hern."
"Ain't any hare" ' pick, "pick .
"What' No Houl-aavpr in a town
whore there are ao many cattlemen
and ibaanbardaraT lid yon ever have
one here7"
"Yea" i pick , pink .
"What hecaine of him'."'
"Starved" pick, pick .
Then the editor atopped long enough
to give a hiatory ol the miniater'n
"The horae wan pour In uldn't
atalid up alone in the atall, and the
in I n inter had to ataiid liy him nightn
to keen him from falling down. In
time the mininter, irom lack of aleep
attending to the horae and mmning
tneala, hecaiue aa thin an the animal
and he had to aell him for ail bite.
Well, air, tiiat'a the tiurae atanding in
the ahade of that poleacronn theatreet
lle'a had aeveral good limuln lloOt bl
changed handn and you couldn't huy
him now for 7" - pick, pick, pick .
"Well, Bay, what do ttieae people of
Joneidi do?"
"Head my paper" pick, pick .
hurret, m
aaulalag, n
Slaxin, B
sunt, rf
il- .i II
Slen. lt, lb
BranmcHer, lb
Hunt.nr, .
Shall, 61
The Summary.
A R H lh
b 2 I
Total ...
Dayton ar
Hiirkhart.il a
Blgelow, rf a
R 111
II Kiel I
K. Ruil.le. .
Auburn. :t
WOMB, lb
Fix. a
MulMpB, B
IH loll .
. .ft
. t
. .!!
. .8
. A
2T 11
By Innlnfri.
t 3 8 4 A 6 ?
0 12 10 18
... 0 0 4 0 U I 0
-hy Innhar, 17
Umpire, II. K.
' -a
d game two hour
You .ire not prepared for
ou have bought a pair of our
Colored Hit ill!
25. i and 7.V.
and .Vii
or Mriojajj 10, 40
ve Protectors
litt the thing for
76c, HJa V50.
wok augui,.
"ior tend and we will All your
a to you, -"-faille-
Jeweler and omii ian
f to Alexander & Hexter'a
Cause Muat Be Removed, Same
Way With Dandruff.
Kill the germ that ran nee dandrtili.
falling hair and hul.lncne, you will
have tm more dandruil . and your hair
muat grow Ininriantl. Barpii Ida
not only coutaiun the dandrulT germ
deatroyer, but it in also a montdwlight
(til hair dreaaing for regular toilet une.
No other hair preparation in on thin
acientttii' liuaia of dent roving the dan
drutl germ than Newhro'n llerpn ide.
Uroeorlai for Harveat.
IC. Martin han made lug prepare,
tiona to aupply harveat otittitn witl
groceriea. lie han bought in large
uuaiititiea and never Iota any atore tin
deraell him. lie never han any ilia
aatinlled cuatomera becituae he given
them the heat ifoodn in the market
Martin' atore haa the ouly lirat-claan
bakery department iu the city. Veget
able!, fruita and berriee freah everyday.
Hawure of uinimenik lor Catarrh that
Contain Mercury
an luurcurv will nureli duniroy the em 1
mull auil coiuplululy deraiiav llio whole y
loin wlieii euturiUK it through the luueou aur
fauen. 8uoh artloluk nhutllil uovur be uau'l aB
topi uii uruai riplluun Iruiu ruputablu Mlat
iilaui, a llio ilaiuaae "' will do In luu lol l in
the auu.1 ynu can poMlbfy ilnrive from them
Itall'a l.'aUtrrh Curu, uiuiiuin oin. i by K J
llbeuey .V Otk. Inleilo. U., conlaluii uu mercury,
ami la taken iulorually, aeliua dlftJOthj upou
the blood nil. I luucoun aurlaeon ul tbo yl)iii
In buylua Hall'a Catarrh Out! be you
tli gouuuio. It in lakuu iulorually. anil uia.lu
tu Toledo, iiUlo, by K. J. Chouoy k Co. Tonti
uiuulaln free.
Hold by all Urmia I a la, price TV, por boltlu.
Hall'i l ...... PTUa ar Ibo bual.
Auulion Sale.
Will aell, on Saturday, July , nix
head oi work horaea, on corner ol' Main
aud Alta atreetn, aale to (MitBaMfMI at
1 o'clock p. ui.
J. M. MKNTI KY, Auctioneer.
A auite of rootue in the Kaat Ore
goiu.ui building, hot and cold water,
batliruiim, (or 11 a month during the
aummur. Apply at the Kaat Oregouiau
I I'ullmaii. Tinn
and live miitutea.
Athena Won In the Afternoon After a
Great Struaiclo.
The game in the afternoon between
Athena and Pendleton wan one of the
prettient and hardent ever neen on the
local grotindn. Kverything went along
pleanantly from a Pendleton ntatnl
polnt until in the nevetith innint,
when Claude Penland got a hot pitched
hall on the end of bin right tlitimh,
dlaabling him. That made a change
in the lineup. Wat em came (r..tn
rightfleld to catch. RI.ea going to
right. The ncore at that tune ntood "
to - in favor of Pendleton. When
Athena went to bat in the ninth nhe
needed four ruua to tie. Wtlliird
kuorked n alow toward lirnt which
llartmaii picked up, bol could not tvi
to the hag before Wtllard. Shea
tniiited and hy heating the hall to
lirnt turned it into a aafe hit. K.
Krown wan nafe at lirnt on a hard hit
which Patternon couldn't get. The
haaen were lull when Mr. I'urtatio
ntepped to the haae. lie knocked a
Wicked grounder hot ween lelt and
center tieldn, dealing the haaen and
landing on third. Satindern ntruck
out. I.ieualleli ntruck out. Mell
knocked the hall to Mariiiin, who
fumhled 1 1 el going to tirnt aud l artano
home with the tieing run. No more
runn came until the lltb Watern
pitched the inning. Shea got bin bane
on balln. K. Brown ntruck out.
t'artatio made another nafe hit, bf log.
iug Shea to third. With Saundera at
the bat a wild pitch came and Shea
croaned home haae with the winning
run and the game wan over.
The game wan full of aeuaatioiial
pluyn, Cornell, Clarence Penland,
Cartan. i, and Willard do great fielding,
while Watern, Cornell and Cartaim
carried off the batting hoiiori.
Here IB the m ore :
The Summary.
I'enitlet.'li. All. K.
i .it nci i ii .i. I
Water, rf, i ami p 4 .
Cox, of I
I'aliuraon, a ..6 1
I'oiiinini, uukraao. lb
PeaiaaOi OiaaaB, i
linen, rl ami C .' I
llnriuiau. lb ..... .4 c
Mnriiuli, p 4 9
Bailow, ri 1
w is tin tun,- U 'u;rc. js tj,e p'ace tQ purchase your sum
n'ers camp outfit while 1 have a larije stock and am selling
C lean .. .
r 3in.li articles as camp stoves,
'"lUlllg c .air .l l.l-
., ..uu aim taiiiu
Unts, wagon covers,
es, camp stools auu many oilier
a summer s outing.
'cles necessary to enjoy ,
Joe Basler,
The Main Street Furniture Dealer.
The place to buy
Harvest supplies. Granite ware.
Anti-rust tinware, stoves
and ranges
Optra House block.
t, Hriiwn in
W lllanl. lb
SBca, r
K Hrim ii. p
uriauo, -I.
namelvra. lb
l.ienall. a. el
IH-ll. II
ill IN). A E
0 - ii o
1 It I 0
a ii a i
"12 1
1 I o n
1 11. 0 I
1) II & 2
in U M
IB. I'll A E
12 2 1
2 2 8 1
I 10 I 0
10 4b
8 6 I 0
0 10 0
10 82 IV t
7 a I io ii
3 0 U 0 b -
o l 4 o I y
Murphy, rf 4
Total 47
By Inning.
I 2 I 4 & B
I .1.. ...ii . ii 0 0 0 I 4
Albolln 0 II U O 1 2
Struck out by Mariuia, 10; by K.
BfOWffj X ; by Watera, 1: three hane
lntn, Patternon, Watern, Cartano , two
Imne iiit, Cornell ; time of game two
bourn miuuten; umpire II. K.
True, of Pullman.
First Event Won by Default Ralph
Bollerman Won tlu Second.
Tlie wet tuat boae ruce laat evening
wan taken by Protection company by
default, the other companion winch
were to have contented did Uot have
their BMMM on liauU at the ncbeduled
time. Protectnui uoinuauy covered
the con rati, making all connection
properly and tiie judge nave the race
to that comiuny The judge were C.
K. liooaeveli, Q, A. liartinan and C
A. Kraii-r t uiiekeejiern, Thoa. Mil
arkey, Joe Talliuan and Thoa. Thoinp
aou , starter Horace Milltuau. Tina
give the nilver cup to Protect . hi com
pany, alao the canh print of I- I
FoltoVtBI the hoae race wan a very
amuniug race for the nuiall boya, la
ing a jwanut race. The youngatem
worked hard, the following being the
eonteeiauta: Ralph Bollerman, Harry
Hupuie, Niel llupum aud (iuorge Baker.
Kalph Bollerman succeeded iu aecur
ing the moat iMsauuta aud waa de
clared the winner.
Pollee Are Kepi buay Keeplnii Feaee in
the Menagerie.
Police autboritiea are having ao
much trouble with the circua people
that Oeputy Sheriff fletttwood'a ele
phant aeema like a poodle dog iu c nn
pariaou, aaya the Kepublicau. But
then Deputy Fleet woud'a trouhle la
over, lite elejiliant maile aireuuoue
objection, ao the wit about town aa ,
to having hia trunk altacneu, auu en
deavored to urove that he waa uot re-
MiHiimible. I.anl nlktht he took the law
ill tila own tieiiu auu aejierui mm-
out a check on the trunk, logcllier
with the uroitcrtv aud iMireou of the
But there are people enough left to
keep the police buay. Yeaterdey one
of the gra'tera came up to Jav Yont
who waa talk iug to .McDonald, and
without warning knocked him dowu
for hi alatemeut regarding them.
Later in the day two more of the
outfit were brought before Chief Kil
boum for tightiug. No complaint waa
made but the chief informed He in
that auother auch action would place
them on the alreet iu ball and chain.
Laic yesterday evening McDouahl
was arreated lor etriking (jeorge Can-
woo inane tun aoac.
eye with a diamond rihg. A warrant
waa innncd and olficera Hemple, Mer
rill and Ohinl Kilbourn went to the
OepOf to arrent him. Hia pal at
tempted to renint. and made fJanajnfOni
threat, but three drawn pintola 1
bronghl them to titan.
The circn people have been in Ibel
but they found
lo,al force.
hahit of runninu town and policemen,
their match in the
Athena num.
Athena PrnMI Mra. Aaron Keen, of
Pendleton, wan tiie gnent of rn.
K Iw in R, Cox thin week.
Third atreet. back to the alh-vn from
Main, have been graded and crnnlied
rock put on thi Week
Saturday evening W, K Talvor ac-
oompnnind by w. s. i ivnn, left over
the W. A 0. R. with a hand f horae.
which be will diapoae of in the eantern
The entertainment and ire cream
Bia:ial given by the member of the
Young People Society of Chriatinn
K.ndeavor, wan a aitcoee in every par
ticular. It waa well attended ami
every laid y bad a giwal time.
Athena will have a Mpd road leading
aonth from town. The new brldna
acrosaWild Horae ii complete!. The
county will Boon do ita portion of the
work on the portion of the road lead
ing eouth front the bridge, and the new
roadway from Main atreet to the bridge
will soon De completed.
of a
Tried the Gold-Brlek Racket.
Andrew J. Oovea ia the name
man who think that Maker City pen
pie Bre no tireen that green gran look
pink by comparison, aaya the Baker
Ulty Herald. He came in from Heer
tot I today with eotne npecimena of
rock literally covered with gold. He
offered a one-half interest in hia
claim to a man named Neitineygr, for
86. Hut Nan nay at wa wine, lie
took the rock to an annaver and aa noon
Bl the annayer looked at it, be naid :
"Wbv that gold han been panted in the
Inventignt ion showed that it had
been jianted in with mucilage. Il ia
junt thi clan of shark who would
la-little haatern Oregon's mining in
terest. It ia just thi class of fakirs
who prey upon honest people, and the
Herald takes pleasure in exposing this
man lirovea, believing that it will be
a warning to others of hie ilk.
An Earthquake' Energy.
In the great Oltn quake of 1HIM the
earth, beside dropping twenty feet iu
sections of forty to sixty mile at a
time, nhooU to-and-fr i wit h frightful
rapidity in quivering wave alamt a
io.it in width, navn Ludlow Krownell
in Lverybody n Magaiiue. There wen
an upward iuiHlun to the earth par
ticles alao, despite the fact that the
mirface fell twenty feet. Thil had a
rate of about four hundred feet a
second. One effect of it was that
hoilnen Weighted by heavv roofs sank
up to the eaves, and auother. that
gateposts without toji weights, and
therefore free ti. act. jumped about as
though plnylng leapfrog. A shock of
the fifth of the force of the lilfu ipiake
would demolish London iu thirty
aet'ondn. Wooden houses iu the
nuhurlai might remain standing, how
ever, for their construction afford
aoine play.
The Charleston earthquake la IHHti
wa" a severe one, and scientist have
estimated something of Ita energy.
Proleaaoi Milne Mya.apanklng roughly,
:M0,lkJU,(KJ,U0ll,kKi foot-pound (or an
area tell mile square. To produce a
shock of auch force, let any one drop
a 24,000 ton ball from a height of IH0
m w - '
Speed on Railroad.
Railroading has already la'eu a
prolific aource of profit to the inventor,
but before speeds materially higher
than those now used can lie generally
adopted, he muat la- called upon to
agatu improve the railroad in ita every
BMmbaf . The rail joint muat either
In- aholia'ied altogether, making the
linen OOOtinnOttl by welded joints, aa
n- done in the beat street-railway prac
tice, or a mechanical joint better than
any yet made must In- invented. Hut
in. .r.-' important than all will be the
melhinla of preventing folliaions
while despatching traius at short in
tervals. Since electricity will be the
motive power, it ia possible that this
mav lie no applied an to make it i in -ininnible
for two trains to iw run into
each oilier even by inteut. Kvery-
Innlv's Magazine.
I li
lt' I Li ' 'M V
"Ml N unci mpc4ti.ll mother.
it" M t tiinii'U-iit u uy
TI IK I'KA SOAI. ai.'l U dtntuver new Usi'i
tin it i m 1 1 Iu ivtuttrkublt aiuullltritt, U una
tgggf, 'H.'l punt vini .r.crtu tier., wi from
it nt ha, tin- fkin i ufL Mini pur:i I
flliull.i'Ut., V HIT U lit lt Ua 111 a I'M! TV Mil, lir1
' I iud. Ufflxu it. i utti4ttKloi rutii'U,
itll'l ll.lil, Ull'l 111 till' ful'lll I'f Wllehl - Uit nolli
Uuiui fr ul rrati rr mk in-net satio tiigi
Ii rii.ttl i - ui.'t i. .t r HjaTa. Umj frt i- tn i.ffi r.r v u
M)'i-l'ii utinti. aii'l for many BiuttWr nnrpo;
it- sImivi- i ii' 1 1 1 1jii t.tlti
I 11 LMA. Mill I.KAi Ul
riUeM )'1, flit.
I' 'in lHI l A - , h - at
fkulil t...l.'i.i fiejr.
III NMBf i'f ti
aim I tiliiftt u ili
bo tllhn.u rhmil Itm vorM
Cffci gajag KfaJSt litjnlot
Has tlie following Bargains
4H0 itcii-.-
i2(J acres
vv in at IgkUtji
win ul I. in'!
'I lots well Juc-Htod jSUXk
1 Jot Jowor Wvbh atreet $U0.
Off ror An Outing In the Wllda of l laek
amaa County.
Portland, July H. The Third regi
ment ol the OTBgOO National Hoard
tarteil off Friday morning bright and
earlv, headed hv it hand, and with
waving tlag and tandard, on ita
, prart ice inarch. The regiment ttaik the
ateamers Alton and Latona for Oregon
i City, whence the march starteo with
I out delay for the wild of Clackamas
OOnnty and the Sandv river. Conipanv
A. Of OtngOO t'ltv, fell tn with the
i Portland boyi at that place. The
freight train consists of ten wagons
and hi horses. The men are fnllv
pqnlppad as if bent on a march to meet
an Inamy. Private carry gun, tent
and blanket. Comtii issioneil otlicers
are each allowed 40 pounds of baggage
and thin is alnppi-d on the ack train.
Members ol Conipanv ft, who nearlv
to a man saw sirvu-e In the Philip
pines, were fairlv in it, ami it was
evident from their action that thev
fell right at home when the inarch
started and the bugles began to play.
The regiment will be absent about a
week .
Contract Let and Conatruetlon Will Bo
Commeneed Soon.
Portland, Or.. July tl. The contract
lor the Portland wiwilen mill has been
let, and construction will la- begun
within a month. The mill ia to be
erected at Sellwmnl, an F.at Side
suburb. Klcavatinu for the wheel pit
and tail race is about half completed,
and as soon as that is finished, con
struction of a MUM and wtcrav
from Johnson creek will be taken up.
That project includes the building of
a dam near the headwaters of Johnson
creek, which is to furnish motive;
power for the mill. The mill is to be i
modern and perfect in every particular. ,
The latent mach i nery w i 1 1 be installed.
The building will cover 200x1 Ht) feet ol
Six-Legged Sheep.
rba Hnppnnf liarette is responsible1
for the following: A freak that MM
shipped from tins cilv Saturdav was a
lamb with six leg. In Iron! it looked .
like any other sheep, but behind it
wa providctl with an extra pair of
well developed legs and felt, fin- lamb
w as apparent I y in good health and at
tracted considerable attention as it,
moved around munching bay and mak
ing six tracks with as much nam Bl no
ordinary sheep makes lour. The lamb
was sent to Portland, where it will be,
placed on exhibition.
Soft pleated bosoms in
lieliOe Ox-blood, Pink
and Blue, all solid col
ors separate cuffs, soft
bosoms in new stripes
with detachable cuffs
$1.25, $1.50, $2.00
is iiml
n:.a-i-i:ai'ibTt7AJi :.i'.i -i.-i
lormon D.'thjpa' Pitta I
. ' . ,. . ih. i-. i... ..f Uto
i a si .. t tM a
1 - Corn. LOS! kflanh
pobinr", Lo,t Pnwi'i, Nlahl LnM,, Spoon it irrhoen Insomnia
mvo urvii 1, i..nin,'ii mia.ic.na, . .iota unca, -varvo
in Mack
blllty, M
eam a.
ia, Unfit
or Con' in'H ion.
vou r witching c
'' '"" " v .
ulairt ih. b. iin anil ssemt.nl
I I. .Ilk UwB.fc i.U.ul4l I..
roil f.K II V I I I. vi A S
ne-.s to Marr
at.ipi Quleknn
. I .. "IH
, aloeh.
, Otoa War
AUOroea, aieliup Reniaiir tH aan riantieoo. Owl.
. ". rmifrMtNTi pnwiii rton, oiiaMnsi.
A. C. SHAW k CO.
W. J. BBWKLL, Manager
Sborl ind lonii haDtilu
Boythen, OMthi, Pldxiblo sIitI
in oil si.i-
pitlUyi, roptt,
Yard on Webb gfaeajl
t)inmite Hunt PrnigbtDnpnl
We are prepared to (iirninh anything
in the lumber line and can guarantee
pricea to lie an cheap, if uot cheaper
than others. We a I no carry a large
Ii f Iiisirn, Windows and Moulding
Partinn coulemplal tug building Mill do
well to see us iHifori placing their
orders. Wn alao carry Cascade Ked
Kir wiaal. Phone Main Bg
Call lip:':
No. S
Hansford i: Thompson,
Thi Lcadino; Mnntwurc .Mm
Annual Clearance Sale.
To niakt- Mnm fur l-'.ill Sim 1 will diva Lis! ditCOtsMl (r
cub on nvnrythiai In tin- atom Cnrpnta, Rngti Pol
tuts, Lnon CurtaitWi ( urtain lli-s, sh.nlts Wall Taper,
Linolt'iitn ami cvervtliinn vuti iiml in hmur Iiiriiisliiug.
A fnw Inathm couchna nod rucluin chunti Sewing ng
cbiona ami ittppliua (oi .ill 111.11111111-. UnUnftnltiof a
ipt 1 i.iitv Phoni Main
Jesse Failing.
and 5and.
Hotel Pendleton
1 mil r New nanaKcment
. 1
Heavy Hauling
Ka-clal aiuniilnn altrvn
U l oiniaionelila
. they
Mc Do
Also a big liat of town and
1 utility !ropcrly cheap.
...11.. tl.M 01..I.
...ant. It eetmiH that they ware having
u. . I in.nba aud McDonaltl
struck I
...ui tne
1'M.rc-nu dlriua hoiu lutlueacca, i..utilul
.urreuudlnaj evrlsti ulisaate, ..relul uir
vUlou aai'l inoroukTh uiuulal, inor.J aud physl
. .1 tr.lioim loi Ibeo Uijrs will Bod all Ilia
i..,uir. iiicuu lully 1111 at HulU's Ikliool,
M . i.U. Park, du Maicu Cuusly, Cal.
Sued for Catalogue
tlcculb yor begiu. fuauai Ulii
1 K A U. UOI1T. I'b. U , rrliMkltaU.
Laatz Bros.
Notary ami
$M.fS0 to vS liclivcrcd
Order of na and save money.
Orders for KuLbor Staiupa
aleo aolli llmd.
Where to Spend tk Siiiiiiiht.
A Natural Nnalta Ranart.
Quod l.lii.iu and Muntintj.
All kinda of Sporu, Hms.tiug galleiy,
Howling alley, Criaiuet aud liaitclug.
1.1. (.bone oouuttctlou to all points.
Mail 1 1. 1. tune par week.
Endicott, Warren ti McFaul,
Strictly Flrst-Cldbs
KxcelJeot CpIsiod.
Kvery Modern
Girt Us 1 Trill.
Kates $2.00 1 dij
Special Rites bj
Wee! or mooti
Kar and Itllllard Uooma lltadqu trtara for Travallng Man
tin Kcat 11 jici in taatern Oragon.
Vn in an Bros . i'i 'i- Successors to J. E. Moor
Tburfday ol eaofi wtok I will bl m 1 i - In-i NliouaJ Hank
oUaOt to ptotivtl MMllt)d IhiIh OH loll Of wool Nua 6, s, l and
17, tbout 600 Maokti, now tauid In th InttepMoWl wnro
bouat; liaO about ''0 igjtfki of Uii- Vaaffl Bull I rtniMrvt
tin- privilaJffl "I rajootinfl any or all liitU Atlilrt-se 1110 I'on
illot.iii nr Pilot Rook. Telephone Pendleton or ranch on
Uetu Creek. J R. SHITM.
fQg HuttJl Si. Georgfi
flfl Q l K,"l,y M Staw HeilnfJ
I ur !. 11 I'tail
Ulock ud hall 1
Sample k 00 111 la
Kouin Kat
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink : : : : : : :
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.
50c, 1SC.UM
i m m
- 'in- ""f--
him, iutlictiug a bad wound