East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 06, 1901, Image 1

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,,aa- J
fair lontKlii Mil iindT
rooter rnuictit
ea .;
NO. 4K.9
The Columbia
Lodging House
adleton Ukiati Stage Line
Muiton Carney, Prop' a.
,,-Pfndletont'verv.lay Ht , (. r ncl
1 i... i... ii Lit linck. Nve.
Ft .,i i i'1 ... , ........ hi--
iutionf. RmwmdIi freight MM
Egtoatlallmai Ooi drag
The Best
The Largest
A great harvest
of grocery bargains
...Will be here for Harvest...
Whatever you want in inn -i-ries you can ount m
getting them here for as little a Anywhere else
Alexander & Hexter.
The Lowest
We Want
Your Trade.
The Boston Siorr
Selling Summer Goods Cheap
to write an ad today
endleton's Big Busy "Store.
School Books
Nfkf or Ex
changed at
; otter a ir ...i. i . ..
knr . 7 r" "u wnoei, tuny
LT '7 J I his is the
ovoi oi
Ime 74c to $3.6y.
"J bM papertr.es
'3' '9 10 35c Mi b,x
Knel.,,SM'L' Pa,,C-r' drw
hivp ....
K Carrie T" Ur-- lot of
L Urtlhc u up, See
1( 'VMC,
'v Kuod service and
5iCW, Sherman
Going Home Loaded
isn't always a pleasant experience
lut it is unnecessary when you pur
chase at our store, as we deliver all
goods free of charge and promptly
when ordered. Our store is loaded
witli good things in all the delicti UM
oi the season. For high rade l.uicy
and staple groceries our price ate
lowest in town.
ericK No
res. hu . 1 UI5 sup
book8 hool
Tu make 1 bread uae Byur' Beat Flour. It look Ural
premium at the Chicago wQrId'l Pair overall cumpeti
t ion , and (i vmm excellent satisfaction wherever uund.
KvMry Hue is guarantuod. We have the host Mi aiu
Rolled BarlMy, Kond Kye and kleardlua barley.
W. S. BVLRS, Proprietor.
"See Dem Freezers
J have u full line of
The Peerless Ice Cream Freezers
from one pint to ten quart, will freeze cream
in from three to ftvg minutes; also have a full
line of fishing tackle, hammocks, etc. See my
line hefore buying
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man.
John Fike, no(tl historian ami !--turer.
in dead.
A trot hot 110,000 bloeh .it Careagto'i
1 1 1 ..... I money Went to Covington tu
help ln i lit an indil num.
lienrge tiardner knocked ml .lark
Mnffatt at San Francisco and Sailor
Brawn p cpfpattd by Kd Bltnehard
at Santa Oral, Calif.
W J. Bryan, while in NMbtlllt)
nnid. in talking M tin Fourth of July,
it would ti n nlandiT OB tlioni who
wralt Mm I'l'claratinn of Indi-nendi'iiii-to
ny it wax pfOBWtfAted iip a t.-m-P
irnry UDMiMt.
I'rofflnpor Franklin Fiokt, for 40
fun ooBMetcd with tin ObhiMO
riicological seminary, and i:i yearn itn
DNtiMBti oni of tlu inofit widulv
known tbeolngians and I'dncntorn of
the Weft, if dead.
I Gov. Ornian of Colorado han an
pointed a eo n i ii i it tee of t hree prom men t
rltizenp to ifo to Tellliride Hlid rep
NHHt liiin in an eftort to lirin alxmt
an adjilHtiiient ol the trouble hetweon
tlii nwiierH of the Bmvfjgltf'Unloo
BtlM and the Itntttag miner.
I-rank Ta. lo , an aeronaut, a
killed at Hstkagoni Mich., while inak
Im a rannon parai hute dfop. Wban
the halloon had rancbad a he mb I of;
lOitO tet t the rope holding the camion
broke, and the lily; gun OOBtSiDIIUJ
Tun-Ion drappwi Into Mmke(on Lake,
While a do! and pony wan
Hiving an exhibition at Orand llland,
Neb., a I'lU-mib'-andionr wind itfUOft I
the tent, blowing it ilown and In I
priaoning the crowd, a imv, A I barf
IHtaTanaoa, wn fatally injured, bio
bead bring crm-bed by a falling pole. J
VictOf Kiltbveii, the ai'DKMlk. wh
on March I drew a revolver to protect
binaall avtamt an Inlvriatad oobl
that nttackad bin at Mhanklui, lala oi
Wight, while be wan delivelii.g an
ami Catholic leiture. ami who wan
cl.arged with intent to kill, ban been!
MMiteiiced to nine tlioiitba iBBflaM
0. R. 1 N. and S. P. Offices
Will Be Combined.
Rumors Thick In Reference to Change Hirrl
man Properties to Hive Headquar
tm in Portland.
i uituu "vviiifiinuil
Afbland in hnring for oil.
Idaho if gathering vegetable lor the
liufialo ibOW.
An aotafpriaiag firm in Antoria will
mooii introduce an antoiuidtlie delivery
Chicago capitalintn are interested in
l(oik,. ntreet car line, and the road in
being extended.
Victor, the infant KM of Mr- Mobol
Biicbanan, fell into a well at Baker
City on the -1th ami wan dfOWBOdi
A lone highwayman held up a xtuge
near Baker City on the 41b, factoring
a vtatch and I I nun the driver.
i s. stmw hmige, o Fraano, Calif.,
uitN i iir-tmit I v killed and hi brother,
B. M . Btffoa bridge, bmllv injured by
the I'M-rtiirning of the Xillatnook ami
North Yamhill rtage.
Capt. I'aylmi t, UafidtOB, principal
oh in r of t he l.i in t l.ake I.um her Co. , at
liiM.d Biver, Ore., iliml Middeuly at
that place I hi-I Saturday. Capt. Dtfld
hon Ha- . I vearc ol a!e, ado i auie In
II I Biver from l.a A i, on-1 n ,
a I. out two vefrn ago.
Several nnncm in the emplov of the
famouH (iolcoiida mine in the Cracker
lintrict, Oregon, have been .1 incharaed
for the alleged theft of Mcveral thou.
and dollar worth of rich r-pecimcii
ore. The valuable ore were inir-
loilied, it in Maid, from the loner
level of the mine where an BBOfBMNW
ly rich lead a a uncovered a lmrt
time ugo.
I re.l II. nvi, ileputy mineral cuin-
iiilloner III charKi ul the Mtate ex
hibit baiog tmagad for the interna
tional mining emigre at Hoi-, arrived
at I.eHirtnu 'i u. a triii to nutb
'i -I, -ii... mill f.lllill. ! ill Ik I ie. ..here I. II
c illec'ti'd IO,iOQ pound of ore. Speci
men Here MOO tod from M NBf00OBtOa
tiffO pro parti aa, ile report that be
encouiiti red live feet nf mow ill place
in the Hump ditrict,
'i'hat the mtuation i decidedly eri
on on the l-ram r river I evident inl
by the action ( the FiKbermeii' grand
lodge in refuHiiig the otter of the
caniiervuieri which wa 15 cent until
July 16, IBM cent to Auguat II, and 10
ceui u.cri alter ootil tba eloaa of the
aaaoo. rtta Bihar wan wdi refue to
go out fur the prill ofb-red and a five
union and the lieiiau are aating in
concert Heriuii i niiiplicatioin are apt
to follow.
Portland, r., Jaiy m Toliowing
the annoonoamoBt that Bicbard
KoohiOf i to he retired an manager for
the Oregon line of the Southern
I 'ae i lie com pain, comes the well de
liued tumor that A I.. Mohb r. pre
sident of the Oi B. V Ri will he hi
lOCOaaaOT) or rather, that Mr.
Mother Hill become head of nil the
lliirrtman railroad pTO partial in Ore
gun .with Portland a hcadqoartOfli It
is nraMnod that the counting oir.ee
of tba 0. B..V. V ami Southern Pacific
companies will le combined, and all
department joined, with a Mingle head
chosen for each from the olliccr now
in ahargja ol the business of both com
panies. President Mohler, A. L Craig,
general passenger agent of the . B. A-
.V, ami several other othcer OOODi ted
with the llarriman nropertie in Port
land will leave next week (or Salt
hake, where the will u t President
May of the Southern Pacillc WBpanV.
railroail man who in on the iiihi.Ih
declare that at tin conference the de
tail of the aalfloation ot tin prop
erties in Oregon will be formed. I'hat
eiimething aMBMMtOQI will come ef
the meeting I tint doubted, a it i a
well known fact that Important
change in the management of the IVI
tetn nave been iiemling for some time
The matter was discussed when PrcNl
lent llav and President Mohler, w ith
other llarriman oilieial. maile a tour
of the Oregon line about h mouth ago.
The Southern Pacific ha been in
tending for several mouth to shake oft
Manager koehler His connactiofl
with the company during man year
has been insured by a contract, which
guaranteed him a large salarv, ami
which ha only recently expired. The
OppOftSBity to break with Koehler luis
come with the transfer ami harmoniz
ing of interests, and is expcctc.1 to
now take place
Raporled by I L. Ray Co.. Pndlton.
l hlearro Board of Trad and Naw York
Stoek Rxrhans Brokart.
New York, .fitly 8, -The wheat mar
ket was lower today on good rain in
the NorthwcM and generally cooler
weather. LlfOfpool elo'ed I I lower,
ft -8. New York opened at 7'J l-H and
declined to 71 ." X, but Chicago de
clined V more after New York clo c.l
The shipments for export for the week
were 1,700,000. Corn wa trong Bl00
nig IM hig!er, ".01,. (fa stock market.
Wheat :
Close NYediiesday , Waji
Open today, I-H.
Bange today, 71 r H to 7'J I S.
Close today, 71 .VN,
Wheat In ( hlraao.
Chicago, Jo If 8, Wheat, M to
Columbia, Constitution and In
dependence Compete.
Shores Lined With People Columbia and In
dependence Pass the UnMilulloo.
Yachts Bunched at I 30.
Mri. MrKlnlay Reaohei Hoin mid the
Tarty Haartlly WalcnmstV
Washington Jaly . BofoN leaving
for Canton last night Mr. MaKlnloy
gave to each of the Sail Francisco
nurses, who have been attending her.
a suitably Inacrihed gold ring. One of
the nurses, Kllen Hunt, started for
bOOta, while I he other, Sarah lavlor.
itccoin pan ied Mr- Mckinley to Can
Ion. aKlatOyi l noma.
Canton, Jolji II Pho tram baaring
: he praatdantial party arrived here
shortly alter 10 Ibis inorniiig. I lie
presiilenl ami bis wile had a formal
welcome home by several hundred,
who bad gathered at the depot. Mr, j
McKinley supported by the president
walked from Ilia train to the Mi Kin
ley family carriage smilingly recngni.
ing her friends. Tha city was .lecorated
this morning with ilags ami hunting a
a mark ol honor to the prcsi.leot's
With two ta. ( a ; one fai r tirighl with
health, the oihci fm pinched urnl drawo
by illuesa. Many woman can lake the
portrait ot lit rarif made but a lew year
ago, and holding it by her face in the
luixior realize a minilar change.
Behind this change in form and fea
ture i alwiiys diaeaae, and generally dta
eaae winch arte, ih tin wsQUiaul) Ofwafl-
iam The li.ul.uhe and lA-allllg-down
pain put a heavy atrain on the nriwua
ayateiu. There ia loaa of alcep, lack ot
app iite, ami, .i i natural result, loaa of
atrenxtli ami II. ll
I... tm 1'ieice'a favorite I'reacnj.i ion
curea diaeaae of the womanly org ma.
It eaUblislieh reguiiUlty, due eiieebJiug
drain, heala inflammation ami ulcea
Uou and curea female weakneaa.
Word. . 11 in ii tell irhat I ujffer.1 for rhirUau
yCMl. trlln wjiub trouble aua iimfjpua Uoira
paiu. tkraufk mv hi ana back " writ.. Mra
Johu LHcJuou. ul C.l. ufcll, AmAuiU'Ia KUl . H W
Tar. "I cau l draiiibe the nilariv it waa to tie
oa my feel loog si u time I cou'd not est uor
alecp Oftt-u S wishrd to die. Then I aw Dr.
Fierce', medicioe. u.tvntUed aud tbouaht f
would try theiu Hsd not taken one bottle till
I waa feeling urell After I bad taken are
bottle of ' Favorite Prescription ' aid one of
'Gold, u Medical liacovcry ' I wa. like a new
wouiau. Could cat aud sleep and do all my
own wtk 1 would eutreat of any lady .iiTIef
tua tioiu Ilu.u.. wcakiica. to give Hi fierce'
BvoriU l a x riptiop u fair trial for I know the
bandit .be will icceive
Dr. Fierce Flcaiant FelleU cut
Impraiiiv Lait Sad Rlte Over the
Remain, of gx-Uov. f ngrao.
I'etroit, July 6, Flic remain ol the
late inventor I'mgree were removed
from the city ball to the Filigree resi
lience at midnight. Karlv tlii morn
ing train began pouring visitors into
the city, showing the great feeling for
the .lead governor that ia shared by
the w hole stale.
Impressive funeral aervice were
held at (be residence. file remains
were accompau lad to the oaaotory by
nearly twenty thouainl memlier of
military and civic organ i.al ion, I be
Oaakoi rested mi a gun carriage ffou
Fort VVanve, which wa draped in the
tar ami itrlpaa. Flags wavtsl at half
mast over the door ways of closed !,:ii-ni-Ms
bouses, ami black draped portrait
of the dead predominate. I along the
line of the funeral procession. From
the moment the process on Marled
till tap rooadad at the loanb, tba Bra-
hell ot the city tolled a soleo n
Friiice Huberilutie la Head In Switar
land Ilia Fubllo Career.
bWroO) latitiar land. July n. prioaa
Hobanlobo, hamellor of tieruiMi y
died last Bight M( Kabat, where lie
bad boon lot some time taking the wa
ter with a hope of baaraAting bia
Frim e Uohonloha wa lairn in IMIU.
lie entered public lif at Si, and al
most BOatiaOOOaly up to the time In
health lailed wa prom ineiity Idautlttad
with the oilieial life of tiermany Id
waa governor of A lace-Lorraine for a
numher of vear, and in I O wa un
poiotad chamellur, which pOaitiOD be
relgned III
Waraboute, H laekunilh bhop and Huial
Hurried fire bull HumiIii..
Wilbur, July H. - A liru broke out in
Hay's general mefcliamliist) atom laat
night, duatroying two MOggJj earl)
hour tiiia morning. The fire ia stilt
burning and Names Mprnad I ng. The
i a il e wa an eiploaion of oil in the
baacmenl. i'bu .moke wa an lieuae the
firemen could not enter the building.
1'he only DfOtOOtion wa the huiket
brigade. So Io-m ol life, bill Mineral
injured. The principal loam-a: Hay,
$100,000: fiobortaoa, blackamilh, ttfroO;
I'urpenter, ahsin and hotel, tiMM).
Mostly loaa rod,
( apitulata Willi a Tbuuiaol Men and
.Manila, July . i'be --lath cavalry
t.a forcad tin- Miirrender of thu force
of Kellarmilo. which fiave been on
isivim il,. in in liie province of
..rlgeii Ii. II .mill. -., Willi a llioiiaaii.i
n. and twtuily-four guua, t;apltulalel
alter hmng cham-.l over tio mOUillaiul
by the cavalrymen. The
ii.ok jdace at Alhany.
Meaded by in J(oiUbaaa.
Manila, July An Kngl lalimari
naiuisl ifoward. loruiar ctilel ol
tierouowo'l artillery,! in command of
the inauraeiit lore - in Mlliilnro la
laud. They are eet mated to uumlier
100 men armtsl with rillea, including
m-viral American deaertera. They oc
oupjl strong eritreuchuiefita at Sd.au
and Nagan.
Hp in a Mo. i. Ruoiii and tire
inn's the Real.
Plttabarg, July 0. -Four Italian
miners were I mi ml dead in an ahaii
.lulled coal mine at I'atshurg. Ihev
are Steve Koskey, ndiew I ictsl insk i ,
Mike Maiiokt and I'rauk Vankv
They attended an Italian dunce at
Momutgahela lat night ami alter the
danoa it andWatooa tiik a keg ol
I i and went to one Oi I be room ol
the mine. Tin' wet weather caime.l
accumiilat ton of lire damn in the room
ami all were sullocated
Cuntldent of Wlnniiitf.
SI. Lamia, July il. -The striking Fast
St. Funis Ireight baudler are till
c. . uml. -ul o winning their strike
riirougii tne eii-operat ton oi otner men.
Ih. it afforta to call out men ill treigbl
house on tin Hide oi I be rivei wa
only partially occeiul, Iimm than loo
answering the call.
A Vuulhrul Murderer.
AlbaajT, N, V., July 8, -Itayiuond
Albert, a ll-year-old lad, last 'night
Hind and kilbnl Kmauiiel kochlnr, a
boy of g years, and then banged him
self. The bov were playmates ami bad
tiarreled some day ago.
bnglUh Alarinltli.
London, July 0. h'nglish linnm iers
sen in the Kussiau ami ' riniiii iodfll'
trial depri'HNion and iiauk failure a
pafiod of bard limes which w ill sooner
or later alfect the whole world.
Killed by an K.ploilon.
Cincinnati, July ii. Four were
latally and three other seriously injur.-.
I hv a natural ga explosion in the
series of shall of the new wuli-r works
al lorrence road yeslenlay
Uawei' .... iur.
Wa-hliigtoii, July g, Ono. M. Koto
ert, director of mine, is being llnpad
Psl.iy as the prohalile successor to
('has i. ft.iwes as loiuptroller id the
'Urrimcy .
Hoot to Vint Nurttiweil.
Wanhiiiglon, July Ii. Secretary Lis. I
aipactl soon to make .m extended trip
of Inspection of Iha rariOOl military
poMiM ill loa northwest.
kduoatiunai Caatoattoa
Uotfolt, July ti. The advame guard
of the National l.dui at tonal aaaocia
Hon i mi vent inn ha arrived here. The
convention open Monday.
Appointed Hacelver
V .ishingloii, July I.. I he appoint
ment oi Arti. oi swam, as receive! ul
public BMNMH at S'ialia, Calif , waa
auaouaaod today.
What Our rUg Maud.
Aherever the Ameruaii llag ia raised
.11 token ol Miiveri'ignty, it -tamls for
lllsufty, independence and eiiuality.
What mi r llag il to the nation, llos
letter' Hloniacll F ilers i to the in
dividual, I aaa bi nidi ai il aoi omIv give
von fr.-isloin Iroui voiir atiinOMta, bOJl
protOOtl rOOl yteui ia such manner
lhaltbeyiani.nl return Wb.-u your
stninai h get mil ol older, causing you
to belch allei eating, or when V'.u are
ro nervous that log Ion alsuil all
li ght, unable lo slei ;., you should
eariaialy try n, haaaoaa il will
treiigthen your stomach, steady your
nervuM, and uiducu round, healthy
. iee,., ami for IndiaaatioM, nttwaHimlifm
and biliouanagl there ia nothing to
agOal iti hheumatiMiii ta alno coun
t. rai ted by ita direct action on tbukid-ueya.
Itronton Point. It. I.. July tl.- I he
aroathnr today all that aasM i
wished lor for the t hree-rornsrisl varht
race batwaan Colombia, Oonatltotloa
and lndasBndanCO The yacbta came
out of the barhor loon alter III o'eba'k.
The shores around BfOOtOB Feint are
lined with pennle and the hay ia alive
with Cfafl of all sorts
stalling lianal was tired am ri after
noOQi "ha I tide e leu... croRmsl the
line at leH't a mte after the t'on-
ItltOlll il ami Columbia, the former
boal jumping into the lead almo im
modiatol) and going al such a rapid
coil lli.ii ti e taagoina lug had a hard
time keeping up with her. The Inde
pendence hung on hravelv ami hiniii
closed in with the leadrr. The Oil-
nnlda paaaad the Oonatltotioa half an
hour after the start ami then the In
dependence passed the Constitution
At I iM those poaltloai were Itn-
In all probability the race ha been
declared oil, a several torpeilo I ...at
and steaui'ihips have returmsl from ml
lowing the races. While the wind I
Iresheriing some, there IN little. ir no
probability of tha i e- tlniahing with
in the lif.honr limit. Yacht are not
in sight.
I ii.. shanirui Rnlgmai.
I. ..ml Inl) B, "Uatll the Sham-
rocks have baM sent armind the full
lacing course in a forma manner,"
says I be I'lme, "it Will never tat
known whether tha heat- are really
racing or experimenting . but lodging
on I be evidence available, the chal
lenger's erformanee are diatitirtly
tlianppoiiitlng, although u a--ni.te.iiv
the ox -challenger is now faster than
when she met the ( 'olillulua. "
Cloud Hunts lii aoalana.
Helena, Mont. ny n two cloMjd
hursts bota Milaa City and vTlabMa,
mi tha Sorthern Facile vesterdav ,
cause.) iIinhIn that wahis nut live
bridge and aavaral daam I i.ree work
tralni and imio man .ir. rafkaring the
Oawas tor the Senate.
Waabington, Jnly H Uomittfollof al
the t in rency Oawes has tendereil bia
rwalgnation lo the praalooatta take
ell., t II. (..her I Mr I awi resign
bis oihce in order lo enter the aenator
ial contest in Illinois tin tall.
lorrillard Low.
New York, July tl. -Pierre l.urillard,
the tobacco millionaire, i alill alive
Ibis morning, though several tlmra
during the night It wa thought the
-ml was iinar.
Do Your Feci Hurt?
Do Your Feet Burn?
If m you w inl lo oonii
f 71i Main Sfn-ff it ml
bi tiffed tu a pair of
eay shoe that will
Oaiki your IWit F'tutl
VVtt lil
All Kinds of Feet
Timt's ottf hull noil
I lit ill rWM O. FFI I
jib Main Stint. i't nvlJclon, Oi.
"Nerve Waste.
( .cii day an. i night
Mump lo Industrial.
iierliu, July 6. A panic waa bare, ,
averted on board 'veeterilay. The an
nouncement of the bankruptcy of
f reler, Frock nung A Co. cauaed a
j heavy alump ia luduatrials.
I'. p. i.l II. c lll.lal ImlpTuI la.-.fc. III! UvrVO
avakiiuas iwinsl Is dial .i.iniu.l "Narve
Wa.t. ." try Hi Hawer ol ani finu I n uuw
In il. rirtl. lu.iufciiel r'liia v.n ' ol .in aaaar
alirn-nder I uriun. ail and rt-puialilu i-liy.i.l... i. in agnw-
ul.ls OMtraM iu il." raal .un. nf .. Ulug
a lo. Ii pruralla nn Ifel. Inl. o .ling autis I It
ats'ilii'la II. carululll . ou-I.K o .1 and . la. Ileal
advl. e. ami tia. luu lau grsal uiorll uf !-
doui aie I slin crily
ii i Mganag o is, Hi ia reUgiaai ana
aiular pruss. 11m i lilcagu A.iv.iiis .ay.i "A
pc-iu.al ot ilic iMjuk aud luv applKaliou ol us
prlui IpUa will pul lieulll,, Pup aud Peart lulu
luouaauds oi Ilia IPat aru uuw nu0urlu(
tinougii uui you. lu.paiuiu.ul."
luu book lii p, Ly mall postpaid.
line ol I lie uio.l niUira.ilug i bspiei. . Iiaplar
ii, ou Ncivo.ua au.l Nsrv I ..no. Pas Pane
i Kparalsl) as a sauipls iipapter, aud
will tsiasut tosey addrass lur statau P Ute Call DnVMalatAe
puwisu.r.. iu vavivic l eauaMino ou.. jsy. lUII, f I "IM IIIUI .
m w
St. George
Unilt i new nianagagMQl
Regular MeaJs 25 ct.
soo.s , i n irt.ijj
IVI-voi. iAIJIMi
Hoatia a to Csrt
1 'W: .Sa
Hit ass, aau JTraiuaauu