East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 05, 1901, Image 3

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just Half Price.
5 Sit 7icoryard.
15c good" 10c d
SLl.torlo.eat 15c per yard
J5U clow at lc per yard.
Ly Dollars worth of Summer
Goods must be closed out
by Jul 4th.
leaver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
Wlinlnttr awe.
l?Cr for the lollowing
lldnn, l"
Dmm a tenner
III t Tl' I'll irillll v.nnmi-
i ,.d..r I, t nrnnertv III-
id nfiuhhiifH ""'i irii'ini".
met of two years. ,
lrc and family, I' '
hwtillc, Willi., Iiav. located at
P i iiit-itiir thi .1. rv
httlsr Wi dance on ui.iiei
Irw) Mr. Jiuore " "
ft I'rOinlllHI I'l aSBIFl HV II in
mil imnlelliellt Store.
mtp htruiin'in 'nine up Monday
ftnillttioil, imvuiK ..iv.i.. -
. . . 1- (... .it ll.r.irki
I turlMiiun if""' "in , ...
fjlMM Ml imDIIloui nwin
I a.. I will
"SIIOlI liU'l Wg"""'i
. T-a ul -. a I i ntifit.i fur
IK Dl -" F.
linmMUml in tin- Paradise country,
Mm county.
Bjoa, ire eiis.te,t to negin rntiay
h work of uiovini! the Mvuggart,
Bill IDU Hill IHIUliea l ri in, mi- ii"iiiii
site to ni locutions. 1 hey ire
(ill to have u coin pi i'ti ciiiipineiit,
1 1 ,.. tlim mmiowlittt tedious work
kitti unuiael speed.
UMN MUMf ' brol Ml 01 JODII
.i Mm Heamer of tit in vicinity, Iihh
nmi ii Whuiihi frinii wnm Bounty,
i'smIiim, Hcciiiiiiiin icil by li in
iili-tml it family of eight children.
it. Beunar will locate littr, and b-
'n Oregmiian ! adoption. He
iilirmerliy occupation, lint II un-
Btsl m vat to western itlioniH, umi
Mm Mktstl if lie had ever "ranched,"
iplieil with Mailed l""k in the
Nm Kiliore returned Suntluv (rotn
HUv of two months in the northern
art ol Willowa cntintv. Me ban tiletl
I homestead command nig a tine
Mr Hilil llltHllils to embark III the
Millies in a NMll H lie
iTiWmton and Athena will mum see
tin no more (or tin- period of live
wr,. iIumik which tune he InineH to
0 op with the country and count
I lueei. Upon H Hi hi. and lull-. Him
plrnikf Wdinwa one of the or." h xt
You ar not prepared ltr
nit you have bovghl a s i r nf our
Colored Glasses
25, it, H ami 75c.
piUl.ES. White or BOlONd 10, 40
ami Ht,
Eye Protectors
IaLAKI CLOCK v Jajal the kfcUtjlM
lh cook wagon. 75c, $1. ,,, $1.50.
nU)or wud uml we will till your
Jeweler and Optician..,
l"lt Jl)Uf Alexander k Hextor'i
and most proRperniifi regionf nut nf
The 13-year-old daughter ol William
Heckel, of afOfMMI county, waft
drowned Friday in Khen creek, a
omall Htream in which the little iirl
and tier hrotlie,r had tieen tiahiiii. The
former slipped upon the liank ami fell
in, ami the hoy jumped in after her.
hut wbh uiialde to rescue hin HiHter and
wan compel let! to ol intr to WOQI FUOtl
to enve hiuiHt'lf from tlrowninu. II -HcreaniH
lirou((lit neiKlihora to the
HCBiie. hut they arrived too late. Tie
many friend of the prentn at Wentoii,
where they formerly maided, will he
Wry It) hear of their bereavement .
The funeral wbh bold SHturdii at
Mm. Sarah McPougall, a 1
remdeiit of Wnfttnn who in known to all
1 trt people an "Aunt Sarah," wax niir
prined Satnrtlay morning at the chaotic
condition of her renidence. She hail
been viaiting Mrn. Rotbroek ,aml panned
the night at the latter'n home, leaving
her houne vacant. turf.'larn took ad
vantage nf the opportunity tn hreak in
and ransack it thoroughly. The joke
in on the hurgarn. Mm. MoDoonll
keepn her money nafely in hank vaultn,
hut had f.'lfi in the houne for occasional
om. Thin amount wan winelv tucked
away amongnt kitchen utenniln in the
cupboard, where DOM but the cleverent
thief would think of looking. TbOM
feliowa were lonlinli "tiougli to leave
the cupboard unmolentetl. It will be
too late to come back again, for the
money ban been reinovetl. and indeed,
no auin above a dollar or two will he
available again for pluntlerern at the
.Mt l Kigali reaidence.
Vou can never cure dynpepnia bv
dieting. What your both needn in plenty
of food prunerly digented. Then (IfOOr
itoTAMb Will not tligent it, Kodol !
Htpni Cure will, it containn all id tin
natural digentantH, hence munt digWf
every clann of food and ho prepare it
that nature can une it in nourishing
the body ami replacing the wanted tin
auea.thua giving life, health, ntrength,
ambition, pure blood ami healthy ap
petite. Tallman k Co.
Groearlai for Harvait.
K. Martin ban made big prepara
tion to supply harvest OUttitH with
groceries, lie ban bought in large
uuantitiea ami never letn anv ntore DO
dome 1 1 him. He never has any die
aatinfied cuHtomera becauae he given
i them the beat itooda in the market.
Marti,, - ntore ha Hi If 11 f '-claw
' bi k' -v tlepartuieui .t til' eget-
abioa, fruits ami berrien lrenh every
day. "I wiah to truthfully atate to you
and the readern of theae few linen that
your Kodol Iyntepnia cure m without
ijueatiuu tiie bent and only cure for dye
lie pit 1 a that I have ever come in contact
with ami 1 have uaed many other prep
aration". John llearn.Went Middlesex,
l'a. No preparation equals Koxitd 1 ' b -pep.-iii
cure an it containn ail the nat
ural digestauts. It w ill digest all kinds
uf food and can't help but do you good.
Tallman A Co.
Auction Sal.
Will sell, oil Saturday, July h, eix
head ol work horses, on corner ol Main
and Alta streets, sale to commence at
1 o'clock p. III.
J. M . BENTLEY, Auctioneer.
Prom Early Morn Until Lata at Night
tha Rasldanit or Umatilla County In
Pandloton Aisomblod Colabratod.
Ten thnunanil noonl., u nr., mmmmJ .
. . r " r-" 'iT-m-ii. in,
duly Fourth to celebrate the national
birthday. There may have been six
or eight more than that, but for the
purposes of this article the number
will be placed at exactly 10,000.
r,ariy in tne morning firecrackers com
menced to crack and the musiciana h.
gan to toot. F.xcursion trains arrived
at 10 o'clock a. m. over the O. R. A
N., and a few minutes later on the W.
A C. R. The circus band hail previ
ously thrown out a few strains of
nolle, but that wan not a marker to
what lol lowed later in the day.
The Hsppner Contlnaant.
At 5:15 on the evening of Julv I the
Hoppoor brans band and the Heppner
baseball club, accompanied hv about
M) satellites, arrived on the 0. R. A
N. train from the west. The Mavton
baseball club ami people from Walla
Walla. Weston. Milton an, I all ul ,
the line arrived the same evening on
me train at DUN, winch hail been
tlnavoiilnbl v ilwlavu.! Tl,.,.. .)!.. .
tions started the ball rolling and made
it look UKe a celebration.
Ths Nomina Parade.
The morning parade started at 11
o'clock to the dot on schedule time.
The Athena, Heppner and Pendleton
brass hands furnished the music,
which was nf a high order. The pro
cession was led by more than a score
of veterans of the (iraml Army of the
Republic, followed by the fire com
panies, engine and engine company,
liberty car, orator, reader, carriages
full ol latlies and gentlemen, business
llnats, the Athena, Heppner, Dayton
and Pendleton baseball clubs and a
platoon of citizens composed of Krel
Stbmeer, Fnnl W. I.ampkiu, Roy
tilt tier, John S. Heck with and Charles
At tha Pavilion.
Having gone over the prescribed line
of march the procession wound up at
the pavilion on Court street, where the
exercises as adveitised were held, in
cluding the rending of the Declaration
of I ndepende by Mrs. William
Kitgerahl and the deliverv of an ex
cellent address bv Hon. ('. M. Idle-
man, ex-attorney general of I he slate
ol Oregon, of Portland. Vocal and in
strumental in rounded out the
pleasure of the exercises. Then came
the mad rush for refreshments and the
enjoyment of a breathing )! i prior
to the baseball games.
A Doubla Header.
Led by the bands a .cession of
baseball players and entbuniantn was
formed shortly after 1 o'eock and
marched to the grounds on lower Alta
street. Here a crowd of 'J0Mi, approxi
mately, assembled and enjoyed nearly
four hours of baseball excitement. II.
K. True, ol Pullman, Wash., was in
troduced by Manager M. A. I. ..dor, of
tfie Pendleton club, as the official
umpire of the neries. Promptly at 2
O'olooh Mr. True called out that the
time had arrived to play ball, and at
it they went.
Athona 13, Happnar 3.
I in first game, commencing exactly
at ' o'clock, wa between Athena and
Heppner, and was ragged in fielding
from a number of causes. The sum
mary of the game follows:
Alliens. AM K. IB. N, A. K
(i. Drown as 0 0 1
Willard.lb I I 1 1 I
nana, b li 1
K HniHU, lb I 0 7 0 U
Ciiriano, 'Jb i 2 4 t I 0
.autidra. p I U 11 0 i 11
I.leuallea. i f 1 I 1 0 0
Doll. 11 I I i I i
Kruucli, rf i U u 0 I U
Those tumoua little pills, DeWitt's
Llttl Karly Risers compel your liver
and bowels, to do their duty, thus giving
you pure, rich blood to recuperate your
body. Are easy to take. Never gripe.
Tallman & Co.
A auite of rooms lu the Kast Ore
got, iun building, hot and cold water,
bathroom, for $11 a mouth during the
summer. Apply at the Kast Oregouiau
1 is tin tune and here is the place to purchase your sum
mers ca'"P outfit while 1 have a large stock and am selling
cheap $uc, articles as camp stoves, ttnts, wagon covers,
oldmg chairs, cots and tables, camp stools and many other
"iclcs necessary to enjoy a summer's outing.
Joe Basler,
Tho Main Street Furniture Dealer.
1 In place to buy
Harvest supplies, Granite ware.
Anti-rust tinware, stoves
and ranges
Opera BMM UooIL
I i -( -1 -
Ilurrut, as
BpaiildiUK, VL
UaMitiK. in and Jb
rila in, e
Morn., If
PuiiOar, rl
Hiel.. U. u
Hrmi.u i ler, an ana 10
butt, of
11 a
tb M
1 1
M i
By Innlnis.
M lu is
Bicycle race R. W. Fletcher, Hrst
Joa Wlttook, Mcond ; I2.50 and 7.5n.
190 yard hurdle race Mcintosh.
first; K. PinVerton. se-ond 1 It.M and
1 ,0V.
lleiipuvr 0 3 0 I u u 0 o - :i
Atuaiia 1 1 0 -i 1 s 1 a x-is
truck out by Sauuders. 17; by
Biebtll 10; stolen bases Willard I,
Hell, Barret; two-base bit, Cartano;
time ol game, '.'hours, 5 miinitee,
uuipire, H. K. True, of Pullman,
rendition 16. Dayton 6.
After a few minutes of in'eriniwion
the Pendleton-Dayton game wascalle.1.
After Pendleton bad lieen retired
without scoring Dayton started their
ball with three singles, a lorce-out at
second, another single, and a home
run by Phillips, netting five earned
runs. It is well they did hit Mr.
Mai .me ill the first inning, for they
could not touch him thereafter, and
eight goose eggs were chalked up in
rapid succewiou. The Pendleton play
ers were 111 excellent trim boih at the
bat and in the field. Kvery man 011
the team except Marquis made a
afe bit, and 011 account uf it beiug
a national holiday Clarence Peulaud
rapped out two doubles and two
singles. The pitching of Marquis alter
the hrt inning, ably supported aa he
was by Claude Peulaud behind the bat
and the entire niue, made It impossi
ble for Haytou to win. The score fol
lows: Tba Summary.
PnMJaV A" K 1H PO, aj r
tlriili.lib S 1 1 '-' 1
1 oruoll.ll 6 1 1 0 0
i.i..,.- . ..1, . 6 1 11 1 u
1 aa ..6 I I 1 2 I
HenUinl. C'lareucs, ab A t i 0
Coi. 11 1 I 0
kku rl I 1 0 U U
u.. r, ft O 0 U
11.1UU.U ib..'.'.'.. a 1 t 0 0
iouU 4 II la V 10
b.yiuu a b a lb fi A I
VMckur.liaui, cf 1 1 1 a 1
I .1. 1 11 w
nurkbart.rf 0 1 1 1
II. Uudile. 3b. 1 1 1 0
K lla 1.1, u .411111
fbllllpa, II and p .411001
uburu.t 4 0 0 I t I
yix.L A 0 0 s 1 1
L.uu.. 1, .0. If 0 1 I I
r II
By lODlnas-
l iS4867S
.0 4 0 6 a 0 0 0 3-16
U)l.uB 6 0 0 0 U 0 U
Two base h.le, Clarence l'enlaiid 1,
1 Coil; home run, Pbillipa; atruck
out, b LoyM, , by Phillips, 4; tiuie
of game, I hour, 30 minui.e
niuire. 11. irue, 01 ruinii.u,
. .
Ill Crowds Saw tna Baaas ou Court
and Main Blraau.
The footrace, hurdle rauea and
bicycle racea U-uk place at ti o'clot'k
aud thereafter ou Main aud Court and
were witnessed by immeuae throng-,
kept back from the course by police
The reeulta ol the different events
were as follows:
100-yard footrace-R- Mcintosh
Brat; 8. K. Brooks, eecond; 12.60 and
Ricvcle race, bandican
scratch . first : Kv e Long
Joe Wittoeh
10 feet
second , I in and 15
I ree for-all "Hl.nr.l (,,,ir I., I.
McIntOah, first : Jim Unnnis. second .
112.50 and $7. 50.
Illumlnatad Parade.
The 1 Humiliated parade in the even
ing wan righilv named. The princi
pal float was a magnificent white shio
of the St. Joe itore. There were
probably 40 bicyclists in line, and Ro
man candles and rockets threw their
weird light, with occasional hot
sparks, upon the paraders and the
thousands of pe iple who lined the
streets anxious to nee anything in the
nature of a display.
Thousands at tha Danae.
It Is roughly estimated that ?000
people assembled in the evening at the
pavilion on West Court street, some to
watch and others to participate in the
. I un e that had Iveen arranged free for
all. The music by the Pendleton
orchestra was excellent, while Arthur
UlbaOO an prompter performed hln
ariluons ilutifs gracefully ana with
satisfaction. The platform was en
tirely too small tn accomnnxlate nil
who wished to dance, but the jollv
crowd present didn't seem to care for
trifles and all joined hands to hae a
gOOu time. The order wan excellent
considering the number present. The
lances both afternoon and evening
were two of the moat satisfactory
eventn on the program of a dav full of
1 xcitenient.
No iccldantt to Mar.
No accidentn occurred to mar the
ph asures of the dav. A runaway team
at 10 o'eloek 111 the forenoon daebe,!
up Webb to Main, thence Court and
east on thai street into the country.
The sidewalks were crowded with peo
ple, but the team, like goisl poinillHts.
kept 111 Hie middle of the road and
never hurt anyone, although thev
caused great excitement as thev
hurried along under full steam, with
no one at the helm.
i a
Bewars of Ointment lor Catarrh that
Contain Mcreury
a. mercury will surely destroy the lense of
HMD hii I oetaplately derange the w inds -
1. in , 111 -1 1 eiiti-riiig 11 uinaign uie iiiiit'uii ur
lace Sin h arllclea should never ! used ex
vepi 1111 liresi rlilluns Irmn reputable physi
cians, a- inc .ininnge 1 iivt wui uu is ii-n umi 111
the good veil cHll s,ssljy ilenve Iroia lle'lil
lialPs t'alarrli t'ure. maiiula, liirvd by K. J.
Chene; ,V Co., Toledo. ()., containn no mercury,
and l taken Internally, acting directly upon
tlie uIimmi an l inncoiis .iiriacea ni t tie ny.iein.
In buying Hall's Catarrh fun Is- sure ynu Ret
the genuine It 1- taken inlemalh . and made
in liiledn. 1 Hun. I,) K J Cheney Co le-tl-ninnials
Hold hv all druggists, pries .V, ier botlle
Hall's i s Pills are the beat.
- a
New books, latest btsiks. Nolf's.
Shsapmsn In tha Wallowa Valley Want
a Reduction In Salt.
A. R. Flanders returned from a trip
Wall :. VSjH"V II.- slain. Ihi.
wool din o' that section was sold at
an average price of 10'4. Mr. Handera
was instrumental wh lie there in organ
izing the sheep men of Wal low a count y
into a nheepgrowers' association, about
one-third ol whom met at Knterprise
iH-t Satnrtlay and elected I.. R. Howls-
by iirrsitlent, ami Jav H. Iiohlmi sec
retary aud treasurer, lu a communica
tion to the Dregoinan the gentleman
has this to say on tin subject ol salt
for sheen anil how the raisers of si p
are affected by Jhe rise in price of that
commodity :
"One thing that the organi.ed wool
growers will lirst '.ry to bring about
is a reduction in the pi ice ol salt.
Sheep consume large ijiiant it lea ol salt
when kept in a healthy condition, ami,
since the formation of the salt trust
prices have tsnen sailing skyward.
Last year salt was selling for 1'5 a
toti, ami this year tor $40, laid down
in the Wallowa valley, within the
past week dealers have been notified
that stock salt has advanced 'J a
ton ami tine salt I. 05. To the man
who only uses salt on the family table
the difference does nd count for much,
but the sta:k owner feels it. This
matter of salt prices is bothering the
woolgrowers of the entire country, ant!
thev leel that it must be met, even to
the extent of bringing in shiploads of
salt Iroin Kurope and paying the duty
at Portland. "
a mm m
"I am indebted Ui One Minte Cough
Cure tor present good health and my
Ille 1 was treated in vail) oy uta-iors
I,,.,., ir. . 1,1,1m fol btw i Ha la iiriiiiie. I
took iie Minute Cough Cure iiid re
covered my health." Mr. K. H. Wise,
Madison, (ia. rallman A Co.
The wool clip of Wallowa coiinn,
Or., has laeen sold fur I0I4 cents.
aud ngbtdiaaalDfs 1 f cc 1 n 1 e. 1 " ' aaMl
Ucoi lllocuisi Takl t"s f alii" b.u , iiBusal
.,1 . anil d.li.lrufl, uil. . li. 1 it- '1.
I! I utf .nilacs, allmulstaa tba balr li.lllrlaa,
aubpbM lhr rela wit SaafWy ud leurl.!. liiant,
ami laakat Ua bir S'" spaa twaat, ule-la-m
11, , li. lthy ae.lp bau all 1 it (alia.
u - J VrtltM. a., A.. 'XV
, ... 9,. I.i i. 10 1 ai 1. I".
as.u :t .' ' . a uw. wiM.,w,
It Gives Some Bxeallonl Frae Advertls
Ina to Oregon Towns.
The I'nion Pacific, in connectici
with the O. R. A V, issued last
month a new edition of a foltlei en
titled "The Pathfinder," which is
superbly arrangist and written, the de
scriptive work leing done by P
Honan .
From pages 75 to R2 are sketches of
cities, towns ami stations on the O. R.
A N. I uie. in Oregon, Washington and
Idaho, among them that of Pendleton,
aa lollowi :
Pendleton, Ore. -Count eeat ol
Umatilla county, wblcb, with ecarcely
30,000 population, produce! 1 v r cent
ol all the she-' raised in the United
MUtes. Its crop in 1897 was 6,000, 000
bushels, worth at that time 18,780,000
in gold, or 1880 for every man, wo
man, ami child in its Isinlers. ' be
assessed valuation of the countv is 7,-355,2-or
nearly 8800 for every in
habitant, obi and young It is in the
very heart ol the famous wheat belt,
where from three to five harvests are
gathered from one sowing, ami w here,
according to the editor of the Pen
dleton Kast Oregonian, from 40 to 80
bushels to the acre is not an uncom
mon yield, anil Hi) bushels to the acre
have been pnsluced. Pendleton is .'!
miles east of Portland. It has 5500
population, an increase of :W1 since
the census of 1900, It has broad, well
paved streets, a splendid electric-1 igbt
system, water-works that cost 76,0UO,
two flouring mills with a dally
capacity of 1100 barrels, and wool
scouring mills with a capacity of 80,
000 pounds a dav. The town handles
from :t, 000, 000 to 8,000.000 pounds of
wool a year, ami one of its woolen
mills manufactures the fliHWM "Pen
dleton Indian Robe." It has churches
of all denominations, three ,'iiblic
schools ami two inadeiiies. alive
daily newspaper, the Kast Oregonian,
two weeklies and a monthly devoted to
livestock interests, ami many hand
some public and private buildings.
There are three tine hotels, "team
baa tad ami ilactrin lighted, besides
numerous restaurants and rooming
houses. Three dairies and creameries
cannot supply the demand (or their
products. The two banks carry de
posits running II .JOO.OiH) to ,800,000,
All lines ol business are represented
am) flourishing, money is plentv, itml
people contented. Newcomers nrc
assured of good chances ami t urd in I
These folders are now issued ami
distributed by the llarr iinan am!"r
bilt system, including the DolM
Pacific, Southern Pacific, Chicago and
Northwestern Chicago ami Alton,
Illinois Central, Oregon Short I me
and Oi R A N . It Is a fact tba' these
mads distribute of this advertising
matter 880,000 t" 800,000 copies a
month, or from three to nix million
copies a year.
This is better work than can be ac
complished by state immigration
board-, or local Isianls of trade or in
an other wav, and vet it is done free
bv Ibis railroad combination along
with much other work which is ad
vancing the development of the three
slates o the Pacific Northwest
Has the following bargains
ISO acres Al wheat land.
.'.' acrtn Al wheat laud.
2 lot.- well located $26U.
1 lot lower Webb utreet $JO.
76-yard lootraoe- U. K Brooks, first ;
K. Mclutoab, secoud ; IW aud 6.
Also a big list of town and
county property cheap.
Uatly feast Oragoouu), dcMvaisd by
! rarria. only f 5 WJ
Soft pleated bosoms in
Helio, Ox-blood, Pink
and Blue, all solid col
ors, separate cuffs, soft
bosoms in new stripes
with detachable cuffs
$1.25, $1.50, $2.00
i iothiuri uixl I '.it 1. 1
Ice Vita, trcr , tin, prescription of a I an 1 et 1 in, will qnlc. r.cijr. yoi, itjJI
98l "- ' 11 1. v ,., , ,,, 1 v , ..... in, riaaaVwa
I o , ... . , .. tt ., , , 1 ii ,,. 1 1 . 1 ..... ,. 1 . . , ..... 1 . I ..IImIIm,
bBbB '1 -i "i '-4 iii 1 liev,..- i 1 1 iv or 1. 1 tit.. I'fi x 'ti 1 u kit . t I .1 s 1 1 1' ii ', w lid h if niitobaamafl
VX . mm ' lo HM.rni..rrl ho.1 ml t te I r r I r WW i-ltsnkia Vm9
ii'4 rfitiri'wjwimn niink , .
W. .1. iEWELLsj Manager
it 1
Yard on Webb Street
optsisite Hunt ProigbtJDopol
We are prepared to furnish anything
in the lumber line ami can guarantee
prices to be as cheap, if not cheaper
than others. We also carry a large
Inn- of llisirs, Windows ami Moulding.
Partiea ouulemplatiiig building will do
well to mm us liefore placing . 'nor
orders. We alao carry Caaraile Ked
Kir wood. Phone Mam H
Tlinrcssoii suirrri-n, ar i.ni 1 nrr.i hy IVw iem I. Iwesnve 40 per eent art, tmuhifid with wa4a4Hla
trttriDKNK Ilia in, ly kiiutsii r , to. irw wrlihi 1 1 .1, . . Iriw l,Un ... a rltt.a
a usrsnuie kIvi ii aim mnm reMriH a it it atli s,. ,-ii.a 1 n,vl a . inianain cura. UI a iMUt BM Mej
0 lli'lll Si I fur rtlkic 1 tn-nlur tin. I ti-.tllunlilula,
iililmai l VOL BtatOICIMat 4 4K, 1: ti. Uoi arm. Han r'rancaawaCal,
roil s i s hv I'ai.i.man . i.. DNItMlarTM, I'Mni.ttTn. nHMIW
Bborl ami long hevntllo piioh lurks,
BoytlitHs, oneAthf, I" 1 4 x i 1 I hIitI oiavblet, pnlltyi, ropfxi,
in fjll si.i'M.
Hansford Si Thompson,
"The Leading Hardware Men."
Annual Clearance Sale.
To make room lor p. ill Stock will givi lou di 't unlit lot
Caifa oi- i v t r thin 111 tin-store. Cop ts, Rttfjli I'm
inis, I .ate Curtains, ( iiitain I'olrs, Sliatlci, Wall l'.iirr,
I .itiolt'iiiii ami I'vcrylliinn yon ncnl in liouse liirnishing
A lew leathoi t out In s and km kt is 1 hoop, Bowigsj ma-
chines ami supplies tm all mat limes I ' tblertaking a
spet 1.1 1 1 I'hulle Main .
Jesse Failing,
Hotel Pendleton
Call up: :::::
No. 5
and Sand.
Under New nanajfement
Strictly First-Class
Kxcullent Colsioe.
Kvery Modern
Jk I tjJmWX
jpra JjgPJ ULjegga
m Us 1 Trill.
Hales $! 00 1 day
Special Rates by
Week or mouth
Heavy Hauling
K.MM-ial atlcutiiiu gl.u
Laatz Bros.
Where to Ifmi the Sumiiier.
A Natural Maattti Raaart.
84MMI FUhing and Hunting.
All kiuda of Mporie, Hm'tiug gall.ry,
Hi.wliiiif alluv. CrtMiuet aud llaiicing.
Teleohoue en ion to all polute.
Mail tlirtw time per wtsak.
Endicott, Warren & McFaul,
Bar and Billiard Uooma H.adouart.ri for f raveling Men
I he Beil Hotel In fcait.rn Oregon.
Van Draut Bros.. Prop. Successor! to J. E. Mooro
Tlitiibilav nt cadi mrk 1 will I..- .11 Lh rMrtl National Hank
olHoa tn raoaivo stalad bidi uu lota ol nv..mi Not. I. 18 aVBd
I7( about 600 aaoka, now tiorad In the ndapaiMMai war
qoum; alao about ( laoki of tiii- ytan oflu, I ivaafva
tlin privilaca of rojootinfl any 01 all bida. Addraai dm Pao
tJlotun or Pilot Rook. Telephone t'endleton r ranch tm
IW Creek. J B SHITH.
luH i
mm mm r
Mil 1 George
11 'i nimti. Hrwa
fi'JisMotly Furflbiml Steal Healed
I m usen HU11
Uiucfc mm4 a half I.
Seaapl. K.uw I. iw
Koom Kate aV, 7St.
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink : : :
nmi nnriirni nrm I
1 1 1 1 nw r uu rao rir 1 n 1
bMM- I II I I I III I I II I Iff I ffl I
Ul J f UllUIUU
! s n
Polydore Moeos, Proprietor.