East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 03, 1901, Image 4

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    . nMi mm mmmm BI"-,,B,,,!',,1 " ",BBBB'''''SSSftttfcJ
. i
Stylish. SEE
Light Sole.
Medium Heel.
For St""-1 ( -Veir.
Kurt krprmliu Hon . A i
There are cither ihOM at
this priii' The different
ia in the shoes The dil
ferriu:e has made
Queen Quality 5hOM
world famous. Al! ;ie
one price -t J,0O,
Practical Boot ami Hlio" Mm
J it 1 v
K.'v. I.
Klaice, fireworks, lull I In. Noll
All the Intel BMfMlDM l PrOil
Mra. Ilemleraon, modlom, I '
Buy your window nlimlff at
Murphy '.
ll.au bit 1 1 wool- nwl flailing Uekla B1
llv.ilqnarterH for ROHblor bloycl!
at Fraaier'e.
Blun aerg. euit, 010001 BrOB,
Dry i ...... 1-
I'.nta, $1 to fft a pair. Utonvor Broi.
I)ry ...... i - Do.
Jan, rnbhan, jar topa, all Win. I- ol
fruit at ll.wlnv'-
I0 not toruet Unit DOW, liitfli tfra.li'
coflee at ilawlny'a.
Hav your piatttfO Iramed I ft toil
etylea at Murphy '.
Fancy MHllMN Hiiit", Cleav;r
Broa. I)ry Qooda ('..
New dtwiKUH in Mil i-.ipor at
Murpliy'a paint store.
At Railer'a furniture etnrc It Um
fluent li.e of ruita ami iiiiittmn
Automatic Wlrbjer.tora and water
coolera at Kailur'a furniture etONi
Window ihadtti, curtain pol, mir
ror., etc., at lUiler'a furniture -t
Wi will clone .nit .inr entiri. lint' ..I
ateel rangea at coat. Maker V Koloott.
Oliltist place mid Iteil Mtuiili". al I
Kuy'a, cor. Court and Gordon itraaf
Fluent hrtiiiH and lard on the market.
Home product; try it, it nuarati i
Hcliw.ri A QranltOb
Fine lunch and pirnn njondOi veal
loaf, chicken loaf, tbip pofettOW,
olives, am. II 00000) ai ll.mi.-vV.
Crescent bicycler . n tie- ni-lalliiieiit
Slan at the Ofoooanl afjatMi In tha Boal
reKouian building. paymonta $1 a
week, no interant.
A l'.'do.it beailer mid tour header
betls, all in H'""' coiidition, tor mile.
Inquire ol fierce A Tweed; nr a!
ZeiKer'a blacknmitli nliui north ol BOOrl
llr. Cbrintie'n aiuli reiu.ily can l .
ubtaineil ai KotBfM'l drag hi. .re on
t'oun at root HorMOMD deoirloa aal.
and nure MHana ure had bOtiai pi
Ida, aa it will 00 lie work.
The UiiMiun Ural Dkmonil tow pan)
ban oil aale thlM week at Mr, l'ni
Itell'n iii 1 1 1 1 nor y atoru. on t'oiirl ttrwt,
a flue liue of Ural diamond, rum-,
earriuKn, fjr.Micliea.atuiln Mil pin
the diaplay au.) u"1 I""'-
rie Htandard llroeurv BOB 000 I
received 50 Imixc- 01 bran Mil
..in. .n- from Chat. Piaroo'a orangi
farm in Southern California They
r. the riueat tbat ever cauie t. ' . i
dietuu. Call and ofdoi KMDa bolor
they are all 0MM Htandard Qrooarj
company, 'phone, Mail M,
At bod tune 1 take a pleaaaut hem
drink, the next uiorniim 1 te.-i bflahl
and niv complexion ia bottor. My
doctor Hiyn it actn fnlh 00 the
tomacb. liver and bUooyo, and ia a
iileaaau'. laxative. It ia Otada frotll
her 1 1- and la prepared an i-il .
tea. It ia called LlM'i Madioioa
I. an. Family Medicine Diovoa the
bowela each day. f rice He and
F'or aale by Talman a Go, , BO la agoilta
Come and Celebrate
the Fourth of July.
an to Praalar'i nr your Brwofka
i,. ii. Praalar'i in Mm plaa to buy
lireworkn and ffoajl.
The Kant Oraponlaa will not iaaue Itn
daily edition on .Inly 4.
The Pioneer- ol the PaIB will ili-
ftnii oBoari tin- evenitm.
Firnt (Unn wheat iianture (or cattle
and BOtia. Inquire ol feter Wpat.
Wanted -A B0mpatnf Ifirl t. do lien
eral bOOasWOrk, Waife- ft 'ni ii week.
Impure at thin ..Mice.
('liken 'or mile, or ordern taken (or
loakaaat tha Art Rienanga on t.'ourt
nlreet, in l.altoA hlock.
Ice cream for nartien and lodga
aociablen lit npecial prieen, quality
gaa ran toad. Oandy Dttitoo.
.Inah Clark ban (liven Uind tor the
faithful performance of hi- diltifn a
aupervisor of road dintrirt No. 2o, at
A I ha.
The ire cream nncial which wan to
have baan ImM on tna Bplaeopal
church lawn on the afternoon ami
evcniim of .lulv t ban been poaipooad.
The Indiana Hre aalhcrlM at tin1
i,i, nir amnnda -hurt datane Irom tin
u,... II' V ami will hold B Fourth ol
celebration tomorrow, fba pata
take place ai :t o'clock p. in.
Ilarlev .1. I'iverett. of Walla Walla
county, and Vine Viola Bell Katun
wen- iinili.i Hi marriatii on iu".mi,
.lulv at tfta home of
Baton, mother ol the hnd
R, Vcrm.n dttalatad,
We wi.h to announce to thone M
lerete. in the advancement of drew
making that our rep'e.e ntative- are now
in roar citv to take charge ol the
w..rk ol the Nlnataanth Cantnry l)raaa
makina Sal I ami Warran raathar
koaa t ... Addraaa room M, Daapalo
blaak, Conrl itraat.
0otM9 indue llartmaii and Conimin--luimr
li. trace Walker held a nenaion id
eonntjl court to4ajl and adjourned until
Mondafi Jail I. a liquor liaaatM am.
arantod t.. Mfna O'Neill a Oom of
Umatilla a patltlon for a road wan
raaaltrad iron, Mra. Mollfa OrajrM i
and a n her of hilln were allowed.
Uutii William-, Httc.l three monthn,
baa haaii givat. ko tna Bojti ami tiirin
Aid Hoelatf of 0rj00 bv order of
Ooantjr Jodga Hartroan, upon raqoaal
.,1 Mr-. Martha Williatnn, the abltd'l
mother. Mm. Pi II Van ilmdall ban
been denimialed as the lady to carrv
out the order of the court.
Pendleton camp. No. II, WoodOMBOl
the World, inntalled the following
o iner- Tnoadny avoningi A. . Car-
.leu, retiriiin 00) 01 rommamler,
oflielatiaa aa (natnlllna oBaori Oonanl
Ooooutndar, A. B. HoloMas advlaar,
J.f. Kail; eacort, II. A. tJwena;
aratahman, J. 0. Hall) Mntrv, K. I).
Klrbpatrlek; manager, ti. W. Brown,
fj ther loo mmiagera, J. K. Kranne
ami V Strohel, Banker .1. K. Hean and
Barlba 1. P. waltar, bold over.
A Larua Altandanoo Upon tha Last Sad
The luueral of the late Melvin Kolh
o. ciirrud at 'J o'clock thin alterm.on
tr .in the residence of Inn mother, Mm.
Bopbia Kolh, KM Court street. There
4ili a large uathering of Irieudn, relative-
and fraterniiv pie prenent to
nay the laat nad trihute of rpl to
one whom in lile lln-y had loved and
reapected The nervice- acre conducted
hy the Bev. F. L ForbeH, preaideut of
the I'endleton academy, in accordance
with the deaire of the .1 anetl ami bin
relatlvea, aa previounlv exprenned.
Interment wan in ()lne u nietery.
Through a typographical error the
obituary notice in the Kant Or.goiiian
ni fiieclav contai I the atatement
that Melvin Koln hail been a nufferer
with aaaOOiaiptioa for U yearn. Four
teen monthn wan the length of time in
i,. mil. I t., he atated, lor when Melvin
Kolh came in Pendleton about 15
i itha ago from Rltavlltoi Waab., on
aaeonnt 9 Ih illnean ol hla brother
Mark he wa- 1:1 the he-t health apparently.
i, ai ,1.1.11. in randlaion.
The Pendleton ieople who
-tirted in to abolinb gmilblillg
tickled a prettv in: contrtct.
M.iIm oni stun mii
lieaibpiarters. W t
Uavc a nice line ol
atAttoowry ami toilai
articles. All tin bjtt ll
hooks ami oMUnainea
loaa tin town wan iiorn, many 01 na
I,,. mi aotaar atnata alllaaM have abilad
ti.. hapiiv hour- aw. iv at in.ker and itn
. lone aonaina( and foil that they had
.1 right t. l.. r.i, an in the meantime
their llockn on the Mfgjhboiing foot
ii i I h were producing wool in warm the
world, their wheal wa- growing where
none grew hi iore, ai d tin ir lunula of
atoak were Iqaraaaiiig and multi
plying. They have felt that they bad
a right to the excitement ol the indoor
national game and it will be dilhnilt
to eonviaoa Ibaai othnrvtoa ah thia
m alao true of manv of Pendleton 'n
neighbore. Walla Walla Hoatoaawn.
A Palnfni Aeeldam.
Fan Walla Walla laatnanaaa aaym
While walking dOta ntreel Uat Wd
DOadoy Mr. William Stimv acciden
tally turned her ankle, which alio
thought wan hut alightly apraiued ami
-Ii.- nai.l i. no attention to It. How
ever, the injury continued fo bothOf
her until Mon.lav night when the
.ain became unbearable ami llr '-haw
wan aumm. Hied, lne phynician pro
OMnoad the injury a aprain id the
aeiatk nerve and the patient auffered
cooaidorably all tbat night altln-ugb
.wrthui: H.e it. me for the la.lv
Mm. Mine in tbe mother ol Mra.
0i K. Kooaevelt, and many Iriemln in
Peadlatoa hope that the victim of the
aeeidanl will rapidly recover.
Hoobad lliu Houlana liama
tha roulette game III the Mint naloou
aaa akillfully aoaahad for early
Monday morning, July I. While tbe
,l tier weiii to the bar to lake a drink
aith a atrauger, another atrauger
quickly poatOU low iiuuibern over the
high number, an painted on the wluvl.
I'lic dealer and atrauger returned and
tbe latter commenced to play, lie
quickly won hack the ttt lie bad loat
mi the previoun play, bolore taking
the drinhi ami IX7 beaidea. The two
nlrangers made their graceful getawav.
Ulrla tor Llbarty Car.
All tbe girln and young ladiea wi n
are to appear on the Liberty car are
requested to meet at the home of M
K. (.. ihompwiii, on Water atreet, at
ii o'clock on the morning of the Fourt ..
Not all the atatea have reprencntativ. .
and a lew more vulunteern are needed.
M iaa I'earl l.urkey baa been aelecled
H the tiinldeaa of Liberty.
- ..J I
A Summer Snap
it ia, indeed, to aupply your hot
weather need from our array of cool,
I igbt and bandaome fotttwear. Fiver
aboe want of town and country, bual
nenn and pleaaurc, in and out ol doom,
i- met in thia amart diaplay of tbe
laaaon 'a uoveltieo. Many acaruelv
know what to take from audi a pro
luafon of tirnt choloaa at meltel pricea.
tinting hotm for Ladiea at $:l.50, etc.
Peodletai Shoe Co.,
PlrlnK ot Bomba on Main and Court
Straata Prohlbltad.
John llealbman, citv mamhal of
pearl laton, boa lam ad an eiiit prohibit
ID all pafwna from tiring boniba and
lirecrackera on Main and Court ptreeln
lima daring the morning, dav
ami night of luh Fourth. Thin mani
lento will hi carrieil out to tbe letter.
Anyone going contrary to the an
noonratmanl will ba promptly arrenteii
ami lined. It in trennme.l that there
will be B large crowd prenent in PoB
dlatnn lb Fourth. It in Ih deaire
that vlaltnra and roaidenla h alike
pi .. ted in their inalipnahln righta,
in, luding the pursuit of bapplOMI No
one winben to have bin bead blown off
by one of tha big barttlog bomba, ao
It baa been dernied lient to altogpther
prnblhlt and bar them from tbe above
mentioned thoroughfare". This action
of Pendleton! chief will be heartily
indnrae.l and be will he aaainted In en
forcing it. All who wmti to ur Domoa
mid irnraekra are advined to ateer
clear ol Main and Court atreetn.
Tho L w Will Lt Him i at Hli t'aka and
Have it too.
A young greenhorn from the eaat
natnod Oaorg T I'orter, loaf t-viti at a
Rpecnlatltr eWtOfOf tot known an faro
i, uliieh I- it win !-wit.ler. a I'emlleton
inuncilman and property owner, la
eitanalvaly lntoritadi ami now an
i Swit:ier ami bin partnern to re
cover $liaal. under an tlregoh atalilte
N blab pormltO lb recovery of twice
the amount loit Mt the Reductive gam
ing labia. Thin lemiirkahle piece of
bnalnaaa IntolliMnea ba- agitated Paa
.Met. m Irom hill to hill Councilman
Switler in ncarcely to he blamed lor
refuning to return the money that came
to him in the ordinary 1000 00 1 of
Inn lucrative buninean, yet the law
neemn to recognire young Mr. forter'n
right to eat bin cake and have it too
to raatora to bin pookal aa inventment
that he loat in a futile attempt to get
aODMtlllng lor nothing. Syniiathy for
Mr. I'orter bonld tint he very general,
pel I BMI "f the cane w ill be whole-
pome thou Id it tend to dlaeoorooja the
dut ingumlied I'endleton councilman
from I ii rl her piimuil of an avi cation
wherein the iirolitn are nithject 10 legal
m ol lotion Wenton Leader.
... an
J neper Manning, ol the Pilot Boob
country, wan in PosdlOtoa tmlay.
Rd 0 Allen in in fcndleton to re
main over the Fourth, when he will
r. tnm to l.awton.
Mr- K. I). Walton ban been vimting
at Walla Walla lor a week and in ex
pected home today.
Mm. Mollie Cranye, of Kcho, ia In
Pandtoton on buainean in i onnei t ton
with the county court.
ferrv llarvev came in Irom KiUville
on the W. A C. K. train thin afternoon
to apend the Fourth.
John tierman, the popular fireman
on tha W. A C. K. railroad ban re
turned with bin bride from Mieeouri.
Ir. C. I. Smith, who ban lajen viait
ing in the eaat for BOOM time will ar
rive on the W. A C. It. train on July
Mian Marie lludanii, of Meacbam, ia
a fUeef at tbe N . I'. Davia home and
will remain until next Sunday or
Allen and Dale Sluaher, who have
baan at the ranch on Itntter creek lor
a month, are home to apend Fourth of
July week.
Mr. Silaa II. Sotllu, prufeaaiuual
piano tuner, from lOSM Hron.' linn
of Portland, in atopping at tin- St.
i .dirge hotel.
Huron Tiniea-llerald : Mra. R, K.
furiugton, ol fcndleton, in here on a
viait to her pareiitn, Mr. and Mm. C
I . MuKinney.
(inv Wadu, who ban been otbeiating
aa m cowlxiy in the mountaina, 60
oiilen irom IVndJetuii, in home to re
main live or aix daya.
Joe Morgan apent aeveral dava in
PoodletuO and returned on the W. ii
Oi K train Tueaday evening to hla
home at Liud, Saah.
Jim Welch, manager ol the haaaiajll
team ol clerka of thin city, broke the
little fagOt of bin left hand while
practicing Monday evening.
Blaosaroh Roaaab wan atruck above
the foil '' and knocked down by a
batted hall while practicing on the
Alta atreet groiimln on Tueaday after
noon. He recovered in a few aeroiida.
Fred W. Uunaler.who baa been viait
nig with Max Moorhead and C. A.
Mask rev, Wit on Tueaday nigbt'a train
fol hi- h.une at Northport, Waaii., II
mlloa north of spokain- lie ia from
Mercer county, fa.
William Faiwarda and daughter,
Miaa May Kdwarda, of Martintowti,
Wia., are gueata of John Slmll and
family. Mr. Rdwardi m the father of
Morgan Faiwarda, of Hear creek, lie
ami In- daughter will remain in Uma
tilla county until next September.
Charlea fatlumon, of Portland, ar
rived tin- morning to play abort atop
with the PoudiotOa team during Hie
haaeball tournament. lie baa been
plaing thin aeaaon with tbe Stepben'a
addition nine, the pitcher and catcher
of which will be here with tbe ilepp
Her cluh.
Jim Mcaua, of I uiatilla, ia a viaitor
in I'endleton t.nlav. lie aaya taptaiu
McCook atopped all night at the I ma
tilla limine the night alter he lelt I'eu
dlotoa and tiid not get up until H:3u a.
in. lie did not atop lor breaklaat and
be did nut (tay for nil lodging. It waa
bollovod in Umatilla that he took the
VOatbonnd train.
Frank Farrin, who wan accidentally
abot in the lelt leg on riiuraday even
iug, Juue IT, in the Tucker lodging
houae in tbe rear of the Mint aaloon
baa been trauaierred to the lodging
bona on Webb atreet in tbe rear of tbe
Haodrioka block. The wound waa
reopened ami bled fur aeveral bourn,
hut Mr. F'arriu ia again reatiug eaay.
of tbe Multnomah Rod and Onn elnb,
opened under very fevorible ein urn
ItanOOI. With many entriea. There are
noted abotn from varioun point" in the
Northwent and it in OlpOCted that KtDt
rocorda will he amaabed. Tbll evening
lira plana blooka will he illuminated
and a band concert given
Hay Take In Oaaer City and Bolae
Hnt'tre Hnturiilrni
Portlnnd, July I, Wbll a rtrong
Bttonpt ban heeii tiiade to have tin
eonvraaalonal rlvaw ami harbnri t
mittee vinlt Haker Citv ami Bolatl
City, it in hardly probable that thin
rtqiieet will receive a favorable re
nlv. A delegation Irom Haker City
LW latOfl and other point" in the In
land Kniplre conferred with Chairman
Burton of the rnngreaaional committee
during the trip to the mouth ot the
Columbia river and prenented their
aOM in the beat pna-lblo term-. Chair-
man Rajfton, while not announcing
that tboae pointn will not be tmiched.
did not give too much encmiriig-ment
to hope. The CelHn obatruction I- to
he vinil.'d, neverthelenn. and the mm
mittee will journey down the Snake
river and partn oi tha Oprajr Columbia.
a bruit July H the eongraaanan will
return o Seattle after u trip to Alii-kn
From Seattle thev proOStd to Bpobane
ami Lewinton. It in the IntoOtlon to
go down the river If a boat la 0011
in., a,,. i tin. miter iieruut-. atater
Coiuren-man Moody, Who Urgnl Ih
deh'glltinn to vinlt the Upper rier.
Alter Celilo ami the DO 1 11 lh ""n
mittee continuen to Portland, Thev
will not leave here mi t i I the nigbl Ol
July '2.i. It ia among the thing! poeel
ble ibai a alitji-over of one train may
be made a' Maker City and again Bl
Rotoa Citv. Stteaking of the mat ten
Cbairman BUROn aoldl "While the
Mining Coogree i Boiaa I It II
rat her ouiRide the dutiea of i he river
and harbor rommitta, at III, we lake
an interent in auch gaiheringa ami
would like to attend if time permiln.
Aa we do not leave Port land until July
2li, the night of the cloe of the Min
ing Congrean ii will he, of courne, mi-
. I.. I,., t,.u.i.t,t l hut Mccilnion.
Theae iripa are fatiguing and ther. il
a let-ling among memuoia or in. com
mittee to go ntraighi through to tha
Flaal after leaving fori land ami mak
ing no unnecenaary atopn. Thin trip in
unolbcial, anvwav, and in merely
taken to familiarize ooroalOI wit 1 1
tbe needn of the nvem and harhom.
We can necure all tbe ..latinica wt de-
-ire at Waablagton.
Bid for Laadarantp.
London, July 'I. -Herbert II. Aaipiitb
loriner liberal home aecretarv ban con
aented after considerable beaitation to
attend the banquet tendered him hv
the imperialiat liberala. In a letter
accepting the honor he prominen to
deliver a apeecb at dinner, netting
forth the claimn and dutiea of the
liberal party and Inn view that "there
In an alternative to the exiating gov
crtimcnt." The hmqtiet i. reeur.ie.l
an a nevere retlection on the policy of
Sir Henry f ampell-liaiincrmaii and
Mr. Aaqilith 'n action in looked upon an
a bid lor the liberal HHadontolp. The
greatett effort- have been mad.' to pre
vent the project being carried out but
theae have (ailed ami a complete nplit
in the lilieral party apjiearn to be in
evitable. The great irritation in OD
nerved in the liberal rank-.
Halls Aro Haduaad.
PlltObnrg, July :f. The announce
ment todav that the aheet combliiiition
ban cut pricen occanioiied aome niirprine
a- il I- known tbat all tnilln have liern
buay and many onlern remain until led.
The heavieat cut ia on No. L'H, atamlard
guage, which in reduced Irom t:i..'al per
hundred pound- to III. 10. The lighter
guagen have been cut in price from f 1
to f;; per tun. Thin move ban puziled
the Amalgamated officialn and Pre-i
dent Shaffer aaid I
"It ban been done merely for the
i on of having effect on tboae lodo-
I lent aheet manufacturer- who have
aigned our acule."
Audltora Study Syatema.
Omaha. Neti., July The con
ference of railway auditom coiiuccled
with the Harriman intereeta which he
gan yeaterdav waa continued tmlay at
the office of KraRtua Young, general
auditor of the I'nion I'acitic. The 8Wa
tire audit alaff ot the Southern I'aciiic
mad are here and together with
aimilar ofRolnla of the Union Paeldc
are making an exhaitative atudy .if all
auditing deparlment- Ticket, fiaigbf
and dinhumciiienl ollicen are being
taken up aeparulelv and the avatemn i f
auditing the account- of both roadn are
to be made uniform, in order that the
big ayatemn may work In harmony.
Albert Johnaon Dead.
New York, July .'t. Allien JohnOB
of Cleveland, brother of Mayor lorn
I . Johnaon, died laat night at Port
liamlton, a liriaiklvn auhurh. .lolniaoii
died from an affliction of the heart.
Praildantlal Appointment
Washington, July ;i -Fred Martin,
of Atica, indit waa tmiay appolotod
com m iaaioner of immigration fur form
High Grade
Baking Powder
Walla Walu-Pandlaton Soael.l.
Irani No. II, due lo reach IVmllelon ( )V I 'PfM HftllWa
Irom Walla Walla S:S0 p. la aa- v ' 1 WUUBoJ
nulled for July 4.
A special train win leave nana
Walla at 7:15 a. m, Milton 7 I Wea
fon Mlit, Athena t), Adam JO, arrive
at I'endleton III a. in. Keturniug will
leave remlletoii at 10 p. m.
t ii v r acker-
Bxcuraloit galea In All Ulreallon.
Today and tomorrow July :i and 4,
the O. K A N. Co. will aell excuraiou
tiokaU go.l until July ti to any point
on their liue within a radiua of 200
unlet- at one ami one-third fare.
, e i
Tha Laat Chanee.
1 lie II. U A N. company will fell
ticket- io Ii troil and Cincinnati and
return any lime today or tonight at
171.26 end $ttt. 60, respectively. Kegu
lar rate after today.
Snooting Touraaaaaui
for Hand, Julv S,- The celebration of
the I north of July cumuieuced thia
moruiug. At Irviugtou a ahootlug
tournament, given under tbe auapicea
At lowest rates
tioat Orcgoatan Buildfog,
t'cuUiclou, Uregen.
A Constitutional aticuiu...
Ralve-. daadkated
Barmy, wanhaa, v"wt ' "ftmi Wabnontto
do not ere t a tar rli 11 f1 aJ enable
the tonammatkrn In the t "BJ, bot the mn-
yU 10 t,r. ,tl,e .non. I a .', M ' I krt.,K p
tinual rush of nt.titire l-n- t - tliea I , ,
Ulc irritation and ; ; ' figgm exceedingly
the gUnda, when tha f.P! frequently
offenalvean.1 neao.wn., ; (,N(,,K v,'r - ,.Unnn
rc,m ' ' ' 7 ' .,,,, . M
daaf in one ear, arnt all mo law.
aali.tlirti'M "H All" aj-."
" incurable. I determined to
III, aa . 1
a 1 at ...... mul
Catarrh mOB he a ntOOOOU eeee .
d'"ld .mi; 1 mnrovanmn from the Oral
UBjaStoa wollabl.w. l waa.
BON. Lare"r, Mieh.
Catarrh Is a con'.t.ttrttmtt. .uacnM - s r,,M,n, ,l,e her, ditary
inherited, and only B ' " l, 'V Have t n a" o. nM.lnt.t, ... lb lyBtent lor year.
taint, deatroi the hsoai ithat ,, .)lin. ennditioo. The toflamad
peruana, ami n mv tn, bloml to tm u Jnm blood which bcarriad
membrant in.l .1 d )'';'"' " , 'L "ml the tciiibh- headache and
to them and the off. oaW dhchargai o Ih m hMrmu apparent,
neur.up. pain. , -r c ZrSmS by the s. s S.
IV hopeleaa, h.. been i am completely mu- ( cheerfnlly anahd you
Ut pUv.m. ...n-lully at-mt vot.r cas, .m'ltmv
. i.,. . vy. . hei. nuthun: wli it' vcr '''''' "';'. ,
BJ "1"' '. Till SWIFT SPECIFIC CU., AltHiam, un.
annlitaUou. '
, In, ii r ,i n . L..,v.
try 8 8 8., ami lieaan ru
, , ft aenmerl to not at the aeat ot
...an... ami BlUr B r-w vaek.
,,,,., raj ant Irely ownM i. nt
roi mora than aeree yaari . hara hod
no abfu eft II aa Mr.b. Joai.-
PKIX1 rOt.HII.h, D Wnat, 8. O.
, blood disease whfcb i frcqucnUy
We are offering
Great Bargains
In all departments of our store.
Save Money by Trading
With Us.
LARGEST stock In tin C01 NIV to SELECT PROM.
Piepare for the
H Tournament
July 4th
H procuring ne ol our uptO
J data liiiin Room Sola, Tony are
of choice doOtgDi lint iinisli, well
I ..u I . I. ..i...
"i. on aini unuicu .u oii. s i.. iiik
competition. Booing ni coovinoiOjg.
Stop in attd see tin line line of mattings, ingrain artvi ts. window
shades, eti
Main and Webb Sts.
vw bay aboul 60 mitt ol elothaj in short lot-, of two and three
sitit of a kind, si.es irom 35 to y), winch we art noin tu push out
at ,1 N.n rilier ti make room lor other goods. Uuriiij; sale we will sell
$10 Suits at $8 8.oo Suits at $0.50
$i,t. 00 Suits at $1; on
and a corresponding reduction on all cheaper suits.
alio have a number of hoys' suits that will he pushed out at a
great reduction from th. regular prices. Don't tail l.. see these goods
before you buy your suit
We cut other men I. tnt'l prices every das, but Wc seldom cut our
own, and most of our CUStOMOn will understand what a reduction in
our own pi ues means
liusi'iiln'm M&t, Main Street Dennett & Tarkt, Ftm
The Morrow Coaster Brake is the
Jar..-m of all eoasKr hrakes.
It was the firat ; it is the 1-st.
The only coaster brake that has
been good enough to mm no change.
U increases tile Utility of the bu y
cle , it decreases the etlort necessary
to propel it.
MOM pleasure ; less exertion.
Ask your dealer to get it for you.
Never put of! until tomorrow when
QH cm buy a MORRt i lotiay
Sru.l fr our illusirair-t UaikUt.
clip Meintifucturing Co..
'...... N. Y.
ailTinM aV WOtOBt know., female reiuedv.
Do Your Feet Ho
Do Your Feet By,
,f 50 yxi ww to J
to Mam Street aJ
be fitted to a I
easy shoes that J
mtfet your feet J
We fit
All Kinds of Fe
Thst'l utir liusiness
7U I) L, 117 ,
iuc rcupies nanu
716 Main Street. PcndletJ
The Place to Buy:
Ih when- y.ni ran ((at aaJ
and I'lifiit. priici.. p0, j
y.uir itrui.r lor liiln ti,l
wati-r tankn ami (e raakl
Beat Mil. of
Lunilier, Uth,
Shingles, Baili
iug paper, Tar
paper ,LinM and
oement, 1 'iki-t-PlMter
Sand, MoakUM
Screen DoQRl
Windows, Sasli
A- IltiorK, Terr
( lotta Pun;.
Lombcr fart,
R. FORSTER, - Propri
A Bnd Ony tor Dr
.-ix . ikIIv II i.mr ehli lr lan't taaa
11. in Hi. Kiiurll, 01 lul) ial..i ,
lit. M...,.l..iti 1,111 II on. i&OQl
lirinir v.iiit mmuiiii arouii'l lo ti I
put It in Al oiuar tor ran t 1 1
prir.'. 0111 win 1- um '
iirnaii ami ..tiligiua.
$ NOfiTI
Ptilluiau SlecpiDjit
Eleguut DininnCanl
Tourist SlccpinK'
NKW you
Bt)M't ,,
..,,,1 .11 ixnntr hail w
Through (UOtaU H
Iioui auii noriui
ud Amurlcau Hue.
lr.tu lur eudlaun",
Kor further luiormaiwu. J
arid nekela, can on ui - cjj
ton, orcjou, 01 .Xjid I
Alr.l ud MorrWaa.
Hula or Sitm
W anted
t F.Cook's Empkm
f!,nr Main awl A'u ,
Farmers Custoi
Prod Waltera,
Flour exchaugeu lor Tigl
, ami aaaaa, oaaa.
hoi t rs 10
I'areuude.lriua m'u$f'
iii.u. . nr.t "'. 1
yi.Ioi. eod nwrouah aawi
. . ........ . . I .
, al minimi ' 1
rwiuireui.-iiw ' U
aii-lini ir, -" a
.Soo.i 101 i l"'"lui Aajaaroj
1 ' MM. I ION, OlttCUON.