I DAILY EVENING EDITIOH Illy; ,,,, rADVERTISb EASTERN OREGON WEATHER. KMr tonight end. Tl..ir..r, probably ik tn Irniit Inexpoeoif rim-,., tonight. Warmer thiir,lni "ro"' maRK TMI? rni PKNDLETON, UMATILLA BOUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1901, NO. 4107 .th, ild, rar ind eta . ing '4 uh rra roprn tvin, The Columbia Lodging House wPWLY FURNISHED 'r V CONNECTION RENTER OF BLOCK Sff.ALTAWEBB HTH pXSHEMPP. Prop. Now for the Fourth Of course you are going to celebrate in Vendit ion. If you are or if you're not, you'll bf intnvstt'd in our preparation for our nation's birthday. A suit of clothes, a dress, a hat, a ptnol, a pair of shoes; perhaps some dainty Lit of mrkware. 1 pair of glovt-s or a pieo of uftdtrwMU', or maybe iomt other wants may lind you an prepared, We ve thought of just the have them htrejtlsl to suii you in added delay lilies you'll need and Pendleton Ukiah Stage Line nuitonft Carney, Prop's. Lear Pendleton BTtTJf day t 7 o'clock jgtShj, to nU Roj-k, Nye, ?,.' Ilk anil 'kill.. Oood ( map, "'" freight and nrnnnioi'iv SJ mmnnltiono. MHM rate. Ily office t TmIIhibii ttor. A Co' drug Our White Fair Will continue this week Alexander A Hexter The Boston Store WERE TOO BUSY Selling Summer Goods Cheap to write an ad today. Pendleton's Big Busy Store. G.NBRAL NIWS. Pebiit .leiit Jsereened 17,::!7,::m June. LaM year M,6U name were to thi- peniou roll. Secretary Hitchcock nfue to Ihe Open lag of i tklnlioiita latidx. BolomM mid ineiirgent OtBoera have taken tin' oath of allegiance in Hainan. -I'll Chaffee i preparing to otaoh the Insurgent chief Valvar In Booth' em Luitoii. Persia need all her grain end American exporter Bre not ifi.tl to keep ttn ir hand nil. OUjty hit M counterfeit note have been p I need in circulation in the lat twelve month. , The draw ing cheme of the govern infill lor the net t lenient of the Kiowa MM OueSBnohS country will be con tooted. A giant trnct ha heeti formeil, with a capital of t'.tl.iHKl.tMH), to control the output of the bI tit M- of PoDthf.lt em Minmmri. Report from Mtllb, in KtirdiMan, nay the Kuril are plundering village anil have killel 14 Arntenianp in con sequence of the lielief that the latter nnrdered a RardlBh notBhie : .. . sheriff of Aghan. DEATH LIST IS STILL INCREASING 0 In New York So Far Deaths 465, Since Midnight 100. o KKLIKF SKEIS NO NKAKKK TODAY o Police Headquarters RfcelrlnK Messages Kvery Wompnt More Loss of Life Re ported tl I'lllshuty Washington, July ;t. the weather bureau oneleli Mated thin morn lag that no indication bad appeared any where in the country of general paraMUMBl relief from the heat wave, it was explained that veMcrdai 'b thnmleretormi were partly loeal and hi ! , I . n i n i,i, i i' in tii. .it . If... I I'.... The KB I en agencie in Cleveland of ! , ml hi.l, iu'mi.,,.i , mJ i......i lllmniM -i,.H company, the n,.n .,, .lei. .it r,...l n, ...... ..t the territory affected by the recent torrid i t v. Celebrate the Fourth. Going Home Loaded aflgt 3c ado to S5.85 lsn ' alvvays a plaaaanl experience tach. Roman candles ioc 1,L" " IS u,llu:" ss',n whan you pur a dozen Skv W t 'k t ' ''as' lt our slor'' ils Wl' nertivei all 2 -2C tn LU t 1Me 01 (-"lr;, anu fr""U'i'N VaWll. I WO o i, ml ttr ult.r ic ..... I " ii' 11 wi vn iv vi. ill atui v - vva-- 2C pack.s Tire - . , l ... . uvnbl o nunilrui - , M(it'lllL'S in "reworks one cent up. Bicycles. with good things in all the delicacies 1 of the season. For high grade fancy j and staple groceries our prices are lowest in town. II r . oner a Ui.OO meeil tor Sc wheel, fully C. ROHKMAN. the lllmoifi Steel company, th. can Steel Hoop company, the National Steel coinpanv and the l.trraine steel company have heen coiiKolhlated with that of the ('iiriieitie Steel company. .fockev Oebarii had bit w broken while at the potl for the Marl at Waal. ington park, Ohieaga He had the mount oa Keitna I.. and Kdncate whirled suddenly cnMhiug the boy'l feet between bet body ami that ol (he horne he wa riding. Whoa No. 1' pulled in at QlejUl'l Kerry vemertlay a hoho called out, "Hold 011 there; a man here with lux leg cut on. Wtien he rrawle.l out from the truck it wa found hi left font wa crtihed and entirely off from Mm Initep oat. it wa la horrible condition. He aaid In- name wa John Clark and wa from Montana. PACIFIC NORTH W 1ST NEWS. A creamery ha heen Martcd in Arlington, Wah. HarveM hand at Walla Walla will ileii.Hiid from fj to f.'i a day. John Sullivan' temporary appoint ment a chief of police of Seattle wa made permanent. Loreu'.o Kcch, a 7.1-year-oid man, wa downed at t'olville, Wah., while Lathing in the river. I he l ourth v ill he celehrated at the penitentiary at Walla Wall lor the latnefit of the convict. Su.aine, aged 7', the only urviving daughter of chief Ye cue of the Molalla lu.liaiip, wax horned to death at Ore gon City Monday. Frank Tow unci., I wa run over hy a train at Shoehoiie, Idaho, ycMerday. Ilia ankle wa dillocated and hi head. hack and ki rut. H. I., iirigg haH juat returned to Walla Walla iron, the John Day coun try with a pint of gold ingota which he Mad melted and run together from dual procured in placer opratioiia. Hon. Tho. Hetiev premoited a large nuuilwr of pet 11 1,, up t,, the l.laho atale nardou hoard t(lay in the intereat of raul Corcoran, who wa neultmctid to the penitentiary f,,r participation in the Coeur d' Alene murder caau. The trial ot Char lea I'e France wat comii.ei.ee, 1 at Walla walla. al. , yealerdav. Ie I rame wa arreated at Colfax for the alleged emlwxxleii.e.it if li,iHi I.iiMicIn of wheat from the Shawnee WHreliolIKe, where the grain had lH-en tored. A uutulwr ol the hright ligh'H 111 the legal urofeaaion were preeont. laaac llantian, olherwie known a NaiMileou, i one of the promitieiit characlera on the treet of North Yakima. He claim to he 1 J W year of age. Tardea who have Iran-, 1 tna Ina- tory hack into the pioneer day a of Canadian horder hie ay he la over 1U0 vearn o.il. lie clalliia to U a uephuw of Napoleon lionaparte aim an heir to the e.tale of In- father, Joaeph liona parte. lie wan among the early pioneer- I i in gon aiet V. alni.gloii , and l.a fought many Indian haltle He aay hi mother wa deaerted hy oaeph ltoiiaparte almul HID vear ago, and he waa kept hy a family named Beet lea. Special. tootapieki 5c baai ink 38c Hammocks. m 741: to 3.60. Stationery. "lie ..in v I WOMAN'S WEIGH Doea out alwaya keep an w th woman 'i will. Therr are rnrrgrtn , home -loving women who hy alieer force of will B000 Uicniarlvra going, and fancy that kUeugtu ot will oea take the place of atreugth of 1 New York a Morgue. New York 1 July The tornd wave 1 Mill here. At I ,,'1 lock Mill MOM' ing the teiiiarature wa H7 , The tor tore of humidity in added to hy hliMter- nig heat today. Hanldlts la the one thing that ha heen teareif atnee the hm nell hegan. It ahenre eJOBO Ml hbv. iI the city from the lirt heat calamilv in it i.itorv. It wa predicted early j tin morning hv the weather harii 1 that the eventO day of the hot wave I might )h the wort of all. Fight le.it I - have heen reported from mid night to o'clock. The total rSti 1.1 Hr of death hi nee the hut "pell hegan m ggft, A oon a the tin mounted high an, I lociixeij 1 1 h hot taM,,i. the cilv, the rcnrt of death fmui the heat imply ihiiimmI into police headiptar (era. Co to III:. to thi morning fio death are reported ince midnight. The death roll from midnight to I o'cliH-k tin afterm in near the hun dred mark. Brooklyn ha aafleted alit dee thi tietwocn thoae lioiir. The humidity . almiMit uuhearahle. At Plttibura. Plttebarg, July J. -Six death, a'Ven eriou iiroatratfon reaaltod in PltU luirg hetween midnight and H thi morning mi account of the heat. Uomex Seei Preildent. WaHhingtou, July S, Uea (lomei, Bi'coinpaiiied hy the secretary of tale, nilled on McKinlev Una inoruing. The Oebee hen. wa reeolted In the red room The interview wa hrief, con lting chiefly of mutual felicitation. (oiiiie wa profue in hi expreioi of gratitude for what the president and American had done lor C.ihaua. OOBHM Hrt calli'd at the war depart ment. While waiting to nee the mere tarv. Gen. Milea.who had heard of the Cohan leader' arrival, BBBMI in. The greeting liclween the two mihlier wa IBOCf cordial. Secretary Iomt then gave liomex a private interview, after which lie encurted bim in peraoli to the White lloue. After the meeting hetween the preMldelit Bod (ioinex, lto.it a id th uilerence had no poli tical aignitlcaiice. kalmon Louiblne. Chicago, July :i. -Chicago owner of the I'acliic-American Fmherien coin pany were notified tixlay of the cloaing ol uegoitatioiia tor the trauafer ol that plant to promoter of the Paelle C in mug and Navigation .oiiipanv. the tiropoaed aaiinoti Irtiet wl.nii the Chicago la-ople refuned into the deal except on a Mraight aale. They named their own price and 11 wa accepted The I'acific-American "iahorioi com pany wa organised in 1806 with a capital of f.r),0O'i,i"H The i omhinat ton Will include Willie At companlea, and will control uiiie-teutlia of the aalmon packing hiiaine of the I'acific coat. Aiilitaat Secretary to MoKlnlev. WaMiinglon, Jail Ii Major I'm, leu today remgned hi eOeUBlilBUNI a pay. i. otatcr of the army and wa reap pointed aaaiatant aeiretary to the pr i deiit, the peeltlea he held lor a niiio-U-r of yeara until thi aprtng. He ntati-N hi pofeooel prefereaee to nerve the preident in the White Houw I he late Adelhert Hay wa lated for aaaiatant aecretarv h ip THI; NUW YORK MARKET Reported by I L. Rar a Co.. Pendl ton. Chteaeo Board of Trade and New York Stoek axrhanaa Broken. New- York. July It. The wheat mar ket wa very Itoadjf today and Iho OltMNJ at New York w . 14 over yeaterdav. The hot weather in the eat continue" with no Immediate proa pert of a change. Liverpool etoggd 54 higher, I 0'. New York opened 7J 4 to 7'i :t-R and elOatdi 7'.",. There will he go OaitOfg market tomorrow, the I onrth. Wheat : Cloned yesterday, D 7 H OtJMM today, ,: HI 7'J Kange today, 7:' l-.-t to 7i 14 Oloai ti"lay, 7'."4. Stock: Sugar. 144) aleel , . st. Paal, i7:i', ; v. v., urn r Wheat In ( htoago. Chicago. III., .liny I, Wheat, 'it', to 8ft, Wheat in sn rranelieo. San I rat.ciniii, .lull :!. Wheat. liKl1., to l.Ht 14. i lo.ed lor Holiday, N,.w Yora, July II - The Mock ex change, bet ettie Ol the holiday tomor row, will he chmed lor four da", the governing committee having decided o leee Ihe exchange I rtday ami -atur-dav, a well ii" tomorrow. MSCHAMED SOLDIER BOYS SeatlerliiK I heir Shekel! In tlie Had Land of Portland. t it i hi t July 8, - I hi city, or al leant the Had Land dintrict. in over run with aoldier, who have heen ilia charged ill the Phil tppinen and wi le landed here Sunday frmn Hot traiinrl I hy a the per capita Ol I he reliirnei noiitiern in itiioiif fll , alt liougl. miitiv are aliuo"t iieuuile lliroiigh galnhliuu "leu who ariiveil mi the traimiMitl tell many tale of the game that were con ducted on hoard without inter. eret.ci The game heuan when the fhvra lei Mm. tin an I continued until I'ortlau. wa reached. there are a few ex nohlier who were particularly lucky One lauded here with oyer $11110 which he had won ii in hi fellow paeliger during the voyage. Ilther, while not a lUeoeeefeli have uug hank at count. A aoldier ntate that he aaw RUnbef f player hme an average fat cacti in one .lay to a mngle lor innate piaver. r.ven tleme who an iiroKe iieciare that tin- ai.ie wen OOOd noted mi the munre and that then rover wa" anv attempt made to cheat. in the Had i.and ti.e preeenee of the ohlier i io,it i.ntahle and in a cor r. "ponding mi autre the liiiniuc of the police court ha litrreaaed, th.e nohlier wan heaten "i rionnlv with a liug-hot and then rolihed hv tough, who found him intoxicated. Women of illHHoluti Oliarecter are reaping a harvent ami do not herniate to ml. their viilora of al the have Beferal lirrenl Were mad and . onvictlonn necured on tin a, nun' I'riiuken MoMier are a couiiuoii Night III the tough region, where tin w,,r Ie.ne.it on hoard the traimport i. I ick ty giilliereil. Although coinparativelv well ui idled with cah the linninenn men find few ouetomen among the neweeotere. lor the aoliliern we.e paid III the I'hll iiipine and iM.ughl outfit hefore atari . t . .. . . tug n.r nonie. I lie low naloona are coining money, however, and will do o for Before day to come. Portland flr.l trem. una. Cortland. July I -The lirat crema tion in tlie North WOefj wan made ye torday at the new cremator .inn in Sell. Band, a nuhurh of thin city. The alfair wa- private, I, tit l aid to have heen Lilly an tu, a . .p.-. i.-.l Then a a a i.uiuler of t od,. - in aulta here watting to he cremate, I Thene were -hipped to I'orl'aiid from yariou polnte in Oregon, Wanhingtou ami Idaho. FIRST DAY OF THE HENLEY REGATTA o Weather Conditions Ail That Could Be Desired. ENGLAND'S FAMOUS ROWING TOWN - o Drew riiotintts m pfopi. to Witness Rtres FeuosvlitDiins Given I RuiisloK Reception the I he I eander crew heat from the new I tHBO Praatleally Win, WeMiiiigton, July .1 Preeideel ll'Couiiell of the International ao elation of Ma, hi. nl natd thai In- re garded the HMKbinlete' Btrlke a prac tically won. ''Kvcn if an order I he inil a! thin time dire ting all men out lo return to work 00 the old hai the n tue hour day would la. won " Con tinning. he aaid : "The li.ineuie.il ha heen attended with every aucce.a and in many reoecla i the mon' re markahle ntruggln on reiord. Fhera are now only Hikjo men out. and agree ment are helug nlgned every day re hieing thia BOBlber. 1000 "Wte mat. Ui P'nt baaford Um i t 10 "O-N IIUX IMlii'i 1 i o s ir ...... - . j. .y u. iiv .,er mx . Ji and tiaaua K paper, etc. paper, draw We hay New. Ve an i.v.. l i . t """lagerer, 101 OI tUv hJJe certificate! ioc up. See Wl sell Fishing Tackle. arriving weekly la. U I i r I,. , "'ikes Koo.ls "'- finest Iiouerial trmit K'Ves i;t)0(i ariina a,,,l y" a luceaauf..! ..n t0rfiWwo,a. redericK No ad4Uurni for office sup p,lcNhlank book a, tichuol tupplica. ant BYERS' BEST FLOUR To make giaai hread uae Byera' Beat Flour. It took tirM prni. iiuin at the Chicago World' Fair overall competi tion, and ijivea excellent aat intact .on w herever uaed. Kverv aacl ia guarantuod. We have the heat steam Kollod Bailey, Meed Uye and Beardleaa Barley. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. BYERS, Proprietor. "See Dem Freezers J have a full line of The Peerless Ice Cream Freezers from one pint to ton quarts, will 1'roeze omani in from 1 1 1 rue to Ii ve- minute; alao have a full lipjt of Kahing tackle, haiinu.x ka, etc. .Sue my line hefore buying T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man. f I boay. Hut it fi waaraaaa v Jkfik aBBLBBBBBBm wBBBBBiaBBBBBV JWfjaMtk Kvery day will a 1,-s.s ol atreugth, and t h a t loeawill be indicated hy a lofta of weight. When the weight lgm to fall helow the nrjruial it u ttlue to Why i 111 general, ill health in won., n may I tiuied to thoae womanly haeaacii which kup the atxeugth and uudermme the vitality. Dr. Men Favorite l-"re-icriptiuu drie eulrehl i n g draiua, heala o.ii.oji uuttiou and ulceration. cure female ar.li.iru Where the diaraee ia marked hy loee ol lieah, there ia a ateadj regain iug of weight eoiocMeal with the cure which provea the renewal of bcaUUi to be tlnurouh and permanent. Three )c. eg"," nm Mi John Grehapli "I MjiH Plumb Mrccl (frnukfurdl. flnUdrluliu huiii "I had a very tnul utUuk ul diup. ... I. ... U -A .... 1 1 k WUr( ,r...il... . I..I .Iv. vrtv weak beck At timei I vu mu bad that I did uut kuciwr what tu do with myerlf. I ouuf i tu i'ln:udclpbin two year ago. and lacki.! ai ..at ol you. little buok. uur itmy bcgttu tu read : wliMt your ' i- . mi iic hi . i lotion 1 had duuc Um i iithtr. 1 detc. mlucd to t.v it mvnclf 1 look . m-icu buttle., aud to-day f am a eOroue wci woman iluua io. uwiink iiavc aauicd , tniiiid eioc. I u.rtcil to uc your Favorg. 'rcacriutkiu ' Women Privilege. DaBfOffj July i. -Judge I'aliuer to diy decideil that under the cmmlitu lioaal privilege of voting granleil wo men hy Colorado, they have the right to pat ron ite bare. Bud aaloouiMl an not la. puuiahed for aelling them liquor. He alao decided that reelau rant have the eonetltaUoaal right to aell iMaOf Sunday. heiitlble View by Cai.adlaui. Vancouver, B. C, July i. A gnaalaj from Ottawa aaya: The aecretary ol ntate, acting for the mininter ol BOeV tun. ha iuil order to Cue- tome Transit UtBeer n ' at agw directing him not to luaiat on the din play of the Britih liag contrary to popular feeling there, lie had no order iron, Ottawa to ho. at the llag. laken Into Cuelody. London, July I, F.arl Kuaaell, ac- mupaiiied h Couuteea Mra. holiier v i lie, drove to Ihe houee of lord vea terday and apoeared at the bar. lie waa formally taken into cuatody on a charge of bigamy. Karl KuMeelJ re tjuakUai that the trial be uetponed be-j rood July 18 iu order to enable him lo prepare hi defeuae. the earl wa releaaed on bail. KiebeMfd, Va , July . -The big lloiueatead hotel at Hot (Springe waa w,,.i t Ueklroyed by rue. Ihwlon, July g, -The wharf property f the Metropolitan Coal , on. pany wa h-''oy. hy fire Ihia liioruing. Loan, half a million. Henley, July I. won in their trial college crew . t he Pnlfi r it v of I'eniinvlvania crew won it trial heal in the raca for the grand rhellengo ran today unite aaeilji rhe l ondon city crew wa ita Competitor They were . length behind al the Bniih, Henlev. Lily I The lirot of the rvgetta dam n I , .ear and warm and brought Ihnneanda, Ineladlag manj tmerlren, In KnglBttd'n lanooe rowing toon. It ease foregone con rluBlon "i' Penneyltaala wooM hat Ihe I Ion in the trial heat and the principal leMtlnj wa on the race for the i up 1 1,1,1 of to I were laid that the II. Id would defeat IVnnavl renla rhe PennBylvanlene were given a rXNtelng reception while rowing to the starting point, The i ondon crew wa berdll noticed, The Londoner wen- big, hulking fellow, and under trai i u.ere wa little Honoring along the eoarea while the race waa la nig rowed, a it wa too eany a win (or the American" Their tima wa neveu BreoO.il faetOf than that made in the race hetween the Leamler crew and ihe new col lege crew. the two fchamroeki Raea. Q largo w, inly i Ualua'i two Bbaairoekl hegan their trial Nptna to day over a 41-mile courae, from t.arroi k head to Holy laic and return. The old in, a. won, iaating tlie chal lenger home hv a minute and a half. Columbia Con. tltutlon Raea Off. Breatoa'i Reef, K. I., July i. -Juet a the Oonitltut ton and Columbia -tiried out for thetr rate t 'nn morning, the Ciilumhia carried away her il and the (el wan de. land off. Olieharge of traveling Uen. M nineapol in, Minn , July I. A a r. ai.lt ol the plow con.. I nlatloll It feg peeled the) nearly III! north Weatern travel lag ...en will he forced to i,,k for new poHitli.li. In, .it "I o tneae veatorday traveled oat of If Inneepolla. the relea i theaa Mleaaaen will aoa tllnta tin- Urgent w holeeala dlaebarge nin.e the toliaico trimt aa f , ,rm I Hig Plrea In Amona. Pboeoll. Am., July it. The mining town of Ol iIh- i HO milea eaet of I'h, e. hi ha he. .. almost totally de- etroyed by lire, rhe lo i very heavy. William, Am., July J. -hire da- ntroled the l,lllllen p. ft inn of the town. I he lona in enlimatwl at gl .000. - Ohm I emboli on Vaeatlon. Wahjugtoii, July l. Ainhaaaador lamboe ol lnWeS preparatory tn a a atlon of M.me month in Furoa. made call upon the preaidetit and eatd good!.).- Ih. .u,il,aa,,,r aail oil I'h1 redat, going lirt to farm to . .infer with the official there and later travel lag in Hwllisrlaad Yokohama, July Keia.rta here frmn Ht I -a that Corea ban nmhieii reqoaetad lapan Ul loss the latter "latothce In Cores and withdraw all lapaiie-ie nliiciall Ih. I In, leaning the iii. hi betveea Ihe enaatrtoe. rhe new pai, -m iiuitatn I.-.l alliiaimi to nsnlen intrigue. Huer. gUlieg Barkly. London, July II Ihe eichailge tele- g.aph ha received Cape town die- pad he reporting that the Ih.ere had i.iaile a hold Bitot k mi Laikly weal ol Cape Colony lot were drnen ,,t t.v the llritlnh ..arnnoii I hey hiirnnl the.r von vol i j reveal Ika falling into the hand of the llritlnh. Plood in Buttle. i,le- a Inly I DiseOtrOUS i,,.an are ragm in th.- i rimea diatrii t oi Kuaeia. t" feared there I, ta P.-eli reat loee life. of Beauty is Health. Wain ,, l ata. Ail . Juu.l IMS u f,.r Ibo I., i.i in I ra. !. -. I from aail tti Wn... of i ardu. I took la . ii Uy hi .u ao i'Iowui. i 1 hm Of ao u.u b, aaj body ir ad. lee en I uia.liviae I It a,. I i aan in in..,li:.lr tu a waa no haul of life uor any i There pan I, Saleone TaBaeaS. 8au Frncieo, July a. I'reaidenl liayee today iaautal a geoeral order abolihiug aahan l ar on all hoata on the .Southern I'acific eyalt in Or. l'u ros'l l lcaaaait Pclieta cleuae thi bowcJa aiwi atiiiiulalr the aluggjab livoa Sardeu atot III. Paris, July The report that Hardou, the great drauiatiel, waa eari oualy til, prove untrue. I thank your ad Uiy terrible to ui at all am Aflor rwei.iut euuiiiiein il lal.ii. .. cam al ihooorreel tnar. o..uUaut Ihraa day. I liava aa'uad ttri.th aud uiy eelakt ha. luureaaod Uy liu.iia.nl mf ihe ma.llulue La. uiedc lua licttar fc ua than var balura Mr. Iuim afkajraaix womanly heeiih uk.iu Brlafu tyee, reay cheeiu, ilea loaasieaio and thuOait ef Iwai Tklt It the youUl uii.acaMired by ycin the aaauty ol pert.O womanhood. Beautiful u men are happier aad get at are awl el Ufa Skea tfielr altltrt who facet kedkaet .ullenwe Wlae of (WWul made M Mtaatll beUer leo4 few" ead keftealely luppaw Iiiibii a tmUkv of taktee laaTiMaBeiaa. aedatkeleaetetiaMta. WINErf34RDllI It giving tfMMitencU of woaaea heaJtii, beauty aad , gggj (rue Um dree flag aeiat wni.n mad. irx.r l... ,w mlMebk W.h faou. haaeard tywt .i..ii m mi w.a raaufM Ol .Ul.crm. pare wMh Uu torturt of irrteuler awattruelion. the womb I Beauty fleet uuiikly before the revee.t f tueh Muvp peuu ol (ailing of the woiah dee pea the craw eretlt hi eke aaea. Mtmlruel Irrcguieraliet rob the eye af ita fare and the toayaialaa af to lerupercaiy. Uuiorrhoee dreiiu the body af lit tBwagSB. bad Vaa f t ardui rt.lurc. th natural beauty, brlghleaw the eve, cieavt Be oa round, uul the figure end briagt beak the vigor af at tab Meaty a Ot. city headlct gl.OO bottau f Wme ef Cardea. far ad viva aad la. Ilia I, , DavalliM.nl. " Tea CkaUa what .uO.rUie can aaev Uuvurrhuea mi failing af tee. The