East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 02, 1901, Image 4

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    - . m
Light Sole,
Medium Heel.
For Street or Dreus
Ecl Reproduction ,,( tl.i .
There art' otlmr ghoei ;u
this price. Tlir difforen
is in the .shoes. The dil
lerrnc.i- lias mailt:
Queen Quality Shoes
world famous. All liftl
one price $3,w
Practical Hoot ami HI..-- Men,
Another alilpnient of Hhk 'H Noll I,
Hny your window lliadi I
ileailimrli-rH (or Kmiii I ilr bicycle!
tit hrar.ior'a.
Blue Bergo Btlit, $!. (Meaver Urn
Dry Omnia Oo
I'antH, $1 to .' a pair. Ulaavai Bra
Dry (iuoda Co.
Jars, rnlihern, Jur topi, all kiml ol
Iruit at Haw ley '.
Do not forget that MW( high gratia
coffee at ffawleyV.
Have your nicturen ffSMad
ntyleH at Murphy 'a.
Fancy caHtitnerc Clf.ivi
UroH. Dry Qoodl 0o
New (leNixuN in wall pM
Murphy'fi paint itOMi
At liatler'a furiiitiirn itOfB ll the
fluent line of nibm ami nuittlog.
A ii tomtit i - refriKi-rator. ami vi.it''
coolerM at Kailer'a furniture -tori'.
Window allude", t nrtiim pub-. Rtlr
rora, etc., at Hader'n faraitura Iton
We will clone out n r entire line nl
steel rangen at coat. Maker t Folaofn.
Oldefll place mid U-t tumult. Bl I
Koy'i, cor. Court and (i.irdeu n '
Finest ham and lard Ml the market.
Home product; try it, il uuiir.ii I.
Sell war A (irelllich.
Fine lunch and picnir uuial. veal
loaf, ehliken loaf, chip DOtBtOM
olive, hiiihII clieece, at 1 1 tus i '
Koli W. Fletcher, the Raablsi
biejrola man, now ima blf liaadquart
era at I., ti. h'ru.ier' -t.it i '
Creacent bicycle on the in-lallment
plan at the OfMOBOl agaaaji In the Baal
OreKonian building, pajwaatfl ft a
week, no intereat.
A l'-'doot header ami four lira I, m
beila, all in BJOOd OOndlklOD, for aale.
Inuuire of fierce V Tweedy, or at
Keiner'rt lilackainith nhop north nl court
The Huaaian Ural Diamond company
liaa on aale thiN week at Mia. Damp
ImiII'm millluerv atore. on Court -1 r. t .
a tine line of llral OJUMMNldl. rings,
earring-, brooebaa,atudi and pint Baa
the diaplav ami get prii
The Htaiulanl ti rut-en rmnpunv i
received 40 boxea of orange- and
leuioua from Cliaa. Tierce'- oraiige
farm in Bouthern California. Tttej
are the fiueat that ever BUM to Pa
dletuli. Call and order BOOM helme
tbay are all gone. Standard Qraeery
oompany, 'phone, main 86,
Robert H. Palmer, an old pioueei
died at La (irande hiimlav, Jona
ttie ripe age of N II'' Mil I
vaniau by birth, lie leave- a wife and
eleven ciiildren, fortv-three ;r.u ,1
children and twenty rn t graB(tc)llld
i,'ii ll,- went In I .a (irande in glU,
where he Iiiin aint-i- reaided.
The hound lent man in I'endlel. n a
well a- the hamlHomeMl, ami utln-r-are
invited to call on any drilggltl
and get tree a trial bottle of Kemp'H
Balaam fur the throat ami lUOga, I
remedy that Ii guarantied to i
relieve all chronic ami acute uoagbl
aathuia, braMihtU and uoaunniption,
Price Ho and 00c, I'm aale hy Tall
man A Co., Hole agent-.
Come and Celebrate
the Fourth of July.
Make our store your
headquarters. W I
have a nice line ol
stationery and toil' I
articles. All the latest
hooks and nttggiine
Mr-. Ilemloraott, medium, De-piiin
Firni oleM wheat pasture for cattle
and bOTBBI, Import- Ol 1'eter West.
Filtv cent French dinner nerved at
the I 'it In afe on Court atreet . f,to n
11 a. in. to K p. m.
Wanted - A BOtBMtaaf girl tn do gen
eral hnitanwnrk. Wagee 4..r0 a week.
Import' at till- i. Mice.
Cake (or eal-, or urdern taken for
cake- at thfj Art KlOhBOfB m Court
street, In I. allow hlock.
Ice cream for partial and lodge
Mliblaj at Hpecial price, q 011 IT
guaranteed. Oandv Dutton.
The Parish Aid Society will give an
ice errata KMial tomorrow evening on
the Bpiaaopal church lawn from :l p.
III. to 10 p. III.
l ee BtoOf bOtUB, who returned finm
The Dalles mi MiiiuIiu sav- that eel
are .o noma root there that person
can crocs the C'dumhiii hy stepping OH
their hack- without getting wet. Pbaj
are rather ulippery tn walk upon,
I.a flrmule Chronicle: The I'.ndle
ton people who were here yt-lrr'liiv
state that the Indians are wnuryig the
reaervation lor wre-tler- to defeat
prof. Lawia on .Italy 8, rbay will also
hring all the money they have on
Notice is given t. all win are going
to participate iii tin- parade on the
morning ol July Fourth to he on Court
street, mar (he miirl ROOBB iu 10 '80
o'eloek, a. the parade In all its
giirgeuiih iplaodoi will move at Ii
o'lTiick sharp.
Train No, I panned throng!, Petldlo-
ton at I o'clock today, Hva houn lat
on ace ant of Imvmir I n del ixed h.
a freight wreck near Unci; Nprldgf,
WfOi lie Iraight ear were piled up
o tbal it was neoeeeary to lay a traok
around tfaani In order tbal the agonal
train might pM
I n ' .ran i. Ubroulclai I I 't dletoii
boya anordad a good Hgfttbltinn in
baaaball and a better eihibltion ol
gantlananl) eonduet, Baaaball would
lien pleasant thing to IM II ll ahvays
c mtaiiifd a- little Irictiuii as wa-
notleaable Honday,
Dr. 0i J- Whiiaker brosgbt bai ll
with bin H laj evening a few boxei
of straw hemes grown by IC. J, Wilbur,
at Wllbar,and Miay were mi eihibltion
al llrock .v. MoOomaa1 drug atnre. The)
attinct.il much (aronble commant on
Hcnuint nf their si.e and other good
ipialitiea, eonalderlug that tbay were
rown in aueli a mountalnoni place.
Mr. and Mrs. William Kerr, of
III I tOO, have had their petition
granted bj County Judge Hart man,
in which they asked lor the privilege
oi adopting A riot tie Bllloti an their
0 1 1 lit. Tne mother of t ie child is
deail and the ulher gave Ins written
consent t" the adoption. The inline i.l
the little one h.i- hecli changed by
order oi II our I from Arlottie KllOtl
t Arlottie Idliott Kerr.
'The residents of BBbOOl district No.
19, on Mckav Orae WOtb Ol Pendle
ton, rem I veil to btllld ii new school
house. W. P, Card, B. N . Smith. Dan
siiaw, .! iinlmaa and otbart were in
IVndleton today with their team- and
waoi'H and took out enough lumber
Iran the yard, bare tooonatraat their
new hillldlllg. The will proceed at
once with the work ol putting it up BO
to he in rendinnei lor the in 1 1 term.
Builnaai Man Aro Haquailad to Uac
oralo Tlwlr IhalP Sioraa.
One more day, and then the Fourth.
Pendleton will have a full quota ol
visitors, and right here it may he well
to remind merchants, I mm me men
and resident to have I heir hunting
ami llags in readme-- an thai no delay
lie made in deeorattng paibllo build
lugs, ollicea and private resiihmce-
rbrow old Glory to the brnuee from
everv housetop, statl and window. Let
even one atrive to ouldo his DWigb.
lair on this occasion, ao a- tn make the
Fourth of July, 1111, memorahle to
the people of IVmKetoli and tie' Ulna
tilla valley.
An all wool Sag tall laat la ilaa has
lieen receiveil hy Postmaster t,'. K.
Fell from the department al Washing
tOO I which will he used oil this oc-
1 IB iOO lor the lirat time. The poet
oSaa has long aaadad a iiag (or
deoorativa and pntrlt He purpose- ami
tiii- came in (he no ' of time in re-
iponai to the ran neat of chief Clerk
Waller Fell.
HIkIU ot Line.
Kit Caraon pot, No. A. Bi
will march in the parade on July
fourth ami will bold the right of line.
i in- pom of honor. All intending to
I urtlc jpate in the parade are tt QUBBtad
to be al the place of (OMMtlOQi the
court house, oa Coiirl -ireel al IDtSO
o'clock a. m., as the procession will
mora promptly at II o'clock.
Arrivals al Hotel Pendl-tui.
I- II Dolye, Sao Francis. 'o
Ham , Portland,
Andrew Nyiander, Cortland.
i M Braneh, Portland.
A V McCotte. Ne York.
W It KID- and family, lleppner.
Mrs Ueorge Bhornton, lleppner.
T W Ayres, lleppner.
K Burna. Walla Walla.
V II Wulff, Bail Francisco
ll tiarrett, Paudlatou.
B Hi. ninger, Portland,
s Uoaelay Woods, N V.
A I. Bodliu, Portland,
i) 1 1 Priaa, Bbalbv.
T l Baater, PoUlaud.
A 11 Campbell, 0 R N Co.
.1 A Allison.
it W Cameron , lloaooa .
Hen BlavenBi Spokane.
(Mias ll tiieim, Portland.
W K Kurt, Cortland.
A .1 Hall, xpokanu.
( ,1 Uaullmau. Cortlanil.
Qeorge 11 Pitlglhboa. Cortland.
a D lirabam, Detroit.
,i M Walker, Portland.
L b'. Mosaic.
"I wish to truthfully atate to you
ami the reader- of tiieae few lines that
your Kodol Dyapepma cure la without
iiicstioii the Uiatand only cure loril--pepaia
that 1 have ever come in contact
iwth and I have uaed many other prep
arations. John Beam, Weal lliddleasi,
I'a. No preparation ,,,n.i, K.nIoI Dya
pepaia cure as it contains all the nat
ural di(elaiils. It will die -! ill kinds
of in, i ami can't help but do you good,
lallmun A Co.
A Summer Simp
it ia, indeed, to aupply your hot
weather needs from our arrav of eool,
light and handaooie footwear. Kratj
shoe want of town and country, lui.-i
i,e.-- and pleasure, in and out of door.-,
i- met iu this smart diaplav of the
seaaon's novelties. Many acarcelv
know what In lake iroiu .ucli a pro.
fuafoii of lirat choices at melted pricea.
Outing alloc.- for Ladie at $3.50, etc.
Pendleton Shoe Co.,
WAl. I 1 I'tiKKAl.D,
A FlatiarlnK Showlnu by statltlloa or
the Recorder' OtTlae.
The recorder'i ollice loinmencid
operation- OH July 1, I'", w,ien the
not) law creating the office went into
effect, from Itaal tlma to tba present
the average hi-monfhlv receipts of the
oiii.e have been 844.40. Bhmonthly
Dtatemantfl are rendered to the county
hy the recorder. On March I, ItOl,
another Ian wenl Into effect, Inofaaj
log the feel ol the ofliea by ran eon of
the facl thai chattel mnrtgaffaa have to
be re ordadi Prttloni in that date it
wna only naeaiaary that thayba Rind
' in the Office of the county clerk. The
receipt- Bl the rnori'er's office during
March ami April "ere 1698,70 1 for the
mini ths ol May and June, US9.1S.
Ii iriiik! the months of May and June
.'iln Initrumantl were filed for record,
a- follows: Deeds, 190 1 real estate
m rtgages, 71: chattel mortgages, (III;
satisfaction- of mortgage, HO.
A comparison of the figures showing
the receipt- of the ollice for the months
I of Ma and June since the office
was created will be interesting, an
showing a marked increase of husineas.
For those two months in ln the
receipt! were 1388.65; for 188(1, tX18.66
tor 1897, 1846 TO; for IHHh, 1848.35; for
189V, t98 55i for PHH), :." : this
M-.ir. 501.16i
W. II. tiarrett ill I end the Fourth
in Portland.
D Mai lot k, ol lleppner, is a visitor
iu Pendleton.
, Gharlei it. tftaajm, 1 1 Portland, la a
gttatt ol no- liotM Pendleton.
II F. Stnilh, "an old limer," waa
In town today from hii home Bear
Ciloi Bowk.
Mr. and Mr- B. Waller-, ol Spo
kane, are gnaataai lha Kolb bona on
t o nt itraat.
1,. Kim-, picial agent al Walla
u .ii i.i oi tbi ii l:. e. N. company, is a
gm el oi the lloie! Pendleton.
T. W. A fun, sr , of lleppner, ar-
rived today anil will ha at the Hotel
, I , ., uh Ion until alter the Fourth.
Mr. Patterson iaexpecUd t- arrive
'in Pendleton on Wedneeday, to income
1 n member ol the looal baeuball elnb.
a. II. Wedlboff. oi San Franolaoo,
lias arrived in Pendleton and taken a
I i-il en in J. W. I'rivetl's harher shop.
Mis. m. K. Uoule and Brook Ulck-
BOD, her grandaon, left lor Cortland
tllll imiriiiiig to visit lor a week or
Mrs. Viator lluiuiker, of Walla
Walla, i- tba guest ol her aisler, .Mrs.
I.. Iliin.iker ami will remain until
alter ine Fourth.
Judge W. It. Idlls, wife and little
son, will arrive at 5:15 this afternoon
ami make their home al the Hotel
Ceiidleton lor a time.
Mrs. lieorge Thornton, wile of the
maribal ot finppnaf, is a guest ol the
Hotel Pandlaton and will remain lor
a v i 1 1 of several days..
I asse tean wa- in town today.
He mill Mi-. Mewart were on their way
for a two weake1 stay al Lehman
BptiltgS, no lllilea BOUtbol i endlctoli.
Uhea, Pandlaton'i baaaball oatebar,
leit tliis morning fur linker City,
when he plays on Tuesday ami Wed-
needny a- a nam bar ol the Weiaer
team against llaker City.
lira. Nora Yamlell and Miaa Nellie
Jay I lit Monday evening on the W. iV
0 B. train lor Victoria, II. C, where
t .iey h i.l I spend the summer flatting
villi relatives and mends.
County Couiniiaamiicr Horace
Walker arnveil on the W. & C. K.
"t'anuonhal I " at I- o'clock toiiav from
Halls, to in. iiere lor the opening of
county court on Wednesday, July li.
Ili Mi Wynck returned from Cms
peel 1 .1 rm on Monday, where be lias
1 an header- at work. He is waiting
lor repair- to his separator and ex
pei I- to hava ll in operation hy Wed
neaday, July 8.
Mr. ami .Mrs. W. F. Matlock, of
this city, who started for Skagway aix
weeks ago, to remain a month or ao,
may continue their journey to Nome,
Alaska, in winch case they will not
return until t-eptciuber.
Horrilla Jones, formerly a clerk in
the People's Warehouse, ia visiting
In. mis iu Ceiidleton, on ilia return to
llaker Uit) alter having been called
home In Walla Walla hy the acciden
tal death ot nil father.
Ban ford BtroUl and C. I.. Kreter are
in town today from the ranch of tile
hirmcr o mile.- smith oi Ceiidleton on
leUa creek, when, the latter ia
boring ior oil. 'I hey have great con
Qdanee In their ability to strike oil.
Bi 11. Caiderhead and W. A. Hunt,
oi Walia Walla, are guests ol the
Hotel Bt. Ueorge. Mr. Oalderbaad -ay-
lie n lieal in I'matilla and Walla
Walla counties w ill be of exception
ally line quality tins year, and that
barveatiug en Burelu ilat will com
menve uul Monday, July o.
Henry Davis, tin gentleman ol color
who has recently ueeii operating a
boutblm k .-lami iii front of the
Maaappa laioon. left tins morning to
taae in the Montana racing circuit.
He will go lirat to Helena, lie has the
i.ice program privilege and will be
awaj Irani Pendleton lor from tour to
six months.
Mr.-. W. P. Ivauch, ot i oildciidaie,
Wash., is tint guest of Miss .el ma
Phillipa and ill remain during tba
naak Upon her return home alio will
he aooompniad by Mian ciniiipa, who
Will taae a month's vacation Irom her
dotlai in the ojlice ol Aira. C C. Van
Oradall, grand guardian, PaciiioCirele,
Woman Ol WOodcraft.
licoek & NeCoiuas coiupan.
Article- oi incorporation have lieen
Bled with County Clerk Chamberlain
for the brock iV. McCoinas company.
tne incorporator! arc w. t.. i. , , h.
W. MoComai and F. Q, Mitsbeil.
The capital stuck of the new company
il ( I 1,000, Ira.) shares at a par value of
Ion each. The object of the new com
pany is lo conduct a busineaa iu Pen-
He), in, dealing in medicnied, drugs,
oils, glass, paper, alatiouery, etc.
Meaara. brock and Mi Comas have
been in partnership in the drug busi
ness at the corner ol .Main and Court
itreelB, While Mr. Mitchell lias been
clerking ior lliem.
t'Ul.1 IRIAN 010 Ti
Jumped Into the Water and Saved lour
Hereon from Drowning,
When a little girl, witli a saud-paii
iu her hand, fell oil the pier at ISoulh
lieach says Hie New York World, and
was drowning, her aunt jumped in to
eavg her. Then the girl's aeveii-year-old
aiater sprang in to save both, and,
lastly, the g amiuiother ol the child
ien iprang li to reacue all three.
the iuur knew nothing about awiai-
milig. Thev would have ioat their Hvea
beyond .pieatiuu bad it nut been for
tba pluck and preseuce of uiiml .of
Blunard V. Floml, a politician. ol
bayonne, iN. J., who bravely jumped
in and alter a bird struggle saved all
Mrs. Susan Cassidy, of this city,
took i. ei dauguter, Mra. Maggie
I leal. o, to the shore. With Mtt
Cassidv also were her grand children
Mamie Cassidy, aged thirteen;
l.orella Cassidy, aged seven; John
'Cassidy, aged nine, and a bnh. aired
two, all living at the same address and
Irom these were drawn the principals
of t he accident .
Ctn'l Be Olicrtamed by Order In Bank
ruptcy Proeiiedlnns.
Otie of the opinions handed down hv
the supreme court nf Illinois recent I v
was one of particular interest in ali
mony judgments. The case was that
nf Alta I Deen vs. Charles Ithomer.
Contempt ol court proceed Inge were
brought against bloomer In the circuit
iiiurt Ol Mercer county for relnsing its
mandate to pay alimony to his divorced
wife. The proceeding was nstainpd
and an appeal taken to the appal'
late court bf the second district, which
reversed the finding of the lower OOVft.
The supreme court reverse- the-opinion
of the appellate court and allirins
that of the circuit court.
Among the many reiiFon- Nl Up by
III. onier for nonpayment of the judg
ment was the fact that he had been
discharged in bankruptcy proceeding
from the payment of alimony. I'pon
4ht- point the court savs:
Alimnnv eannnl be regarded a a
debt owing from the busbar d to the
wife, which may be discharged h) an
order in halikrinitcv, whether ll"1 all'
mi- ii. -emeu I . (ore . r alter the bank
ruptcy proceedings. The dOtv Whlrh
the law Impoeae upon a haaband and
i,.ii,..r I., annimrl his wife ami children
is not such a debt as is MRfemplatfd
bv the hnnkruutnv act It la a mclal
ohtigation a- Well a a pecuniary Ha
blllty: it is founded upon public poll
0) and is for the gixl nf siciety."
The Women Are Now to Adorn Their
head gear With Mo-..
(rent cat-' Here is a fashion that
seem- to take the eboaaa Lad lee' hats
are to be trimmed with mice. The
mice are to he perched it hunt III lifelike
attitudes, with h-ady little artificial
eve- that are oe-inged to gllttao and
scintillate with every suiinv ray. No
doubt their dear little tails will he
curled, too perhap- into a semblance
of their owner's initial-. I hey are to
look so natural, in fact, that ladies
who are not familiar with the tie
fashion are expected bl leap on chairs
at sight of the mice trimmed hat- and
scream lustily. As lor the Ml8
peenmably they will follow the mice
hat wearer- about the street in patient
groups, waiting tl haute to get at
the sauov enemy.
Ami if mice" can be utllued as
millinery adornment-, why not rat-,
and ii oles, ami June bugs and Jersey
g arc offering
Great Bargains
In all departments of our store.
Save Money by Trading
With Us.
Pieparc for the
Vi Tournament
July th
Us proenrioi " ol "ir np tn
date Dining Room Setg, They are
ol choice duign, tint Bnieh, wii
mnda and oflortd g pricna lu-low
competition. Boeing is convincing.
step in and tea the Boa Use ol mettinga, Ingroio corpotg, window
shades, etc.
Main and Webb Sts.
High Grade
Baking Powder
Owl Tea House
At lowest r.u
hast Orexunian liuiiUinx,
I'endleton, Oregon.
W hve about 60 suits of clotting in short lots of two and three
suits oi g kind, lisog Irom 35 1 S9. winch wo are going to push out
.it .1 gacrifice to make mom lor other goodg. During sale we will sell
$10 Suits at $8 8.oo Suits at $6.50
$12.00 Suits at$Q.oo
and a COrrOgponding reduction on all cheaper suits.
VVt also bjtVC a number of boys' suits that will be pushed out at a
Krcal reduction from the regular prices Don't fail to see these (goods
befcre you buy your suit
We cut other merchant I prices every day, but we seldom cut our
own, and most of our customers will understand what a reduction in
our own prices means.
Dusenbcrn Boilte Main Street Bennett k Tarbet Props.
Notary and
$8.64) tt !S Dclivcrcti
Onlsi of ,i and aafn nione) .
ordera for liublxir Mam; r
alto mill. Ited.
Kt'lMiri oi the CnlitiN nt tie
Pendleton Savinp Bank
At gM t lnse Ol llllsillcss
J una i, 1 oi,
KES'll Kl K.1
LfiBttlBBd DlaisiHiaU a&l.IBo.30
Marruuu II.3IB.&2
aank galldtag and runiliura - 30,ooo.uu
Oaab ioj.h47.33
nil.- titm gaatH u8.48B.3u
The Whaal that ia
Sky High In Quality
Prices From $22 to $60.
Road wheels; - $35.
Racers, - - - - $50.
Chaiiiless Crescents $60.
Boys and Girls Wheels $22.
1900 Models as low as $15, $20, $25.
Gntoeal WIimIi lupplltd witli iprlng fnam
mid Morrow OOMttl luakts or witli either.
Tormi of pftyiuanl to nuii finilnniajTi. with no
InUlVtt. Call ami get aVMltkafUi..,
Eaat Orjgonian Building.
Li vnn. 1 1 UH
BurBhiaBUil uuJWlUad pmttu
baa i" u.oik-
OUDSCriDerb - - - maaailnM or
uuwkpaporn in lie Culled
UK'1 ur Buriiji', reum ,
0 by Hiatal ueu clie . ,
aaau ui iuv t..
M:... El IB piibllUri
ri(IPUZII16S ,'i. if ilia pubUcaliou
Bl you .lone aad will I
liavr It Milt in y.ni anil aasuuiu all ritk of the ;
uiouc bvlua ,i'M iu the iumIU. It will save fuu
Isilb iriiuble uil ribE. II von are a -.. -ni.fi
tu the !--.-' i inr...i.. iu reiuilliua jou can
ileiluci if n is.1 , em inn . it..- niibli.bf ri' uruie
A.lilreM KAH'I' (IKKOONIAN ftH. CO., Caudle
Ion Om.ii"
Best Babbitt Metal
For line shafting and all
bearings of machinery
of the mill or factory it
cannot be surpassed : ; :
Made from Type Metal.
East Oregonian Office, Pendiet. ,
mum yii'JB
SiUniMrd remad, tur Glt.
uuaarriiuia na nunnings luirw
i nor aad BlaBdar Icuubla
Farmers Custom Mill
Frad WBlUra, l'.pri.tu, QJJ
I HUHi'llV liO l,nl. .
riuui aacltauaixl lor wheal
VI.... - .. . , , a .
lur or
--. .. iiuruoeeii
Will IIHWHUHlu,,. I,.
ine nace to Buy::
Ih wherp y,i ran
aad .h.-a,', prleai VJ,""
ynnr ordai ir i,,;0' ;
wntur kanki Bnd C r.T
Ratlinof ".
Lttmber, uth
g Pptr, Tar
paper,LiaM and
oernent, l'ickeu
' iMter, Brick
8nd, Moul(iin
s''-mi DoonJ
Windows. ShhI,
cV Doorg, Terra
v ottu Pipe,
Umber fart.
V 4V -
v TiW: T2md l
a aaasan . 0 Ji j .
A Bad Day lor DrlviM.
II, i , , l.r ....I.I..I. ...... 9
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oi ancldonta. buj n on .imuii
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LIcKHnt DiuingCars,
Tourist SlecpmnCan
..... .....
inn! all munis halt ami
Im, ,,,,, Mi.il P. 1 . r I I .. r . 1 li ni H
ami American Hue.
rg icttvi'f f in if 01 1111 t 11
atfinwi) 111
Mir ur ii.t ihi.irmmnm nmr
anil I h-BtiHai , ,,i, ()r wriu- W. AtllaU
t.ll. ....... .,: A ll 'Hi
Third ami Mortlaoii riu.,
I -.v.. I Dpot I ifth aad I StraaU
lieWSnirWrt '"' ''ewpM)r In l.r-
wr,vl 0 uuu.n., 0i uue UuiiiUZt
I wuu .- - f If ll 1 IA ......... , At"
uliiftAMI IlkMl.okll .u STi"'' " Wll'lll'
rWlll Mill M iih , HVTTC
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i IIBIIillB I A VI na..
,un u. 111.
t:.. m.
1 1 " c in
1 iv-mnui Kinnai
SaJflii, llnsfburK, All
Uuil, Mairamriiui
,1.-1 .-.,.11 Kraueltcu,
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roue. Alao .laiwii. t'liiua. b
l( Kli klrtiut, Tlckel AKriil.TW
roniaiw, or.
To ami from
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Solid Trains
New EquipuitfBt
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Hiiiuuirt) BBOin w.
- .... 1 , I ' I 1 IMHU"
O. H. mm' -
14. 1 lliru
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1MI. Uivguu
urriuB, feudlu