DAILY EVENING EDITION rADVBRTK- nniUb-'.'' ;.. it is read EASTERN MBtiOH WEATHER. ;j ProMMf Mi toolfkl aA NMlf, j HiM!,""riii...iiintTPPl- 5- THIS FACT. I V iijiTniM hi PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1901, NO. 4K.4 j0mwm I 7z - BEST and MUM COMPLETE : : : : STOCK STAPLE Mr ' AND FANCY GROCERIES : : I in Eastern Oregon You want a CHICKEN? Nice size spring fryers, ;)ressol or alive. l adies Muslin Underwear. Nowhere alne tOMMl the lai ,m city Slciri'H will yoll Drill MUCb H stocl, ii ours. Table linens, Napkins and Towels TtM must MgnllflSM line of thrar grsult ever M In tin' city. I ace Curtains, Curtain Swisses and Ruffled Swiss Curtains. We 1 tii give yoll ., clinlee nf ii lot of real new Ml iM'Hiitiful Htyli-i. A special invitation is cxtend ed to the ladies and frentlc men of Pendleton and I'nia tilla County to visit our store and see Our White Fair The time has come for White Goods to go and RO they will if prices can do it. Special tfchib.tion In I very Depart ment. Spec ial Reduced Prices on rverything White. Sheets and Pillow Cases. IN MM IM "MHMNV line ready-made slieeM and cutns iiml -! I iheni hi k low price. White Spreads. A must t ha hsiiuiierl MMMM HM, excellent valae Full s fil MM Iltd of oilier values up to I mbroideries, lares and Handkerchiefs. There Is unusual IwAiity kikI style In our linen M these pHMii, arid remark ably lew prices. G. R. Demott. Alexander &. Hexter The Boston Store A lyiid-Summer-Day's Dream Realized. Pairs Ladies Fancy Hose Strictly Up-to-Date Styles 00 Regular 75c kind closing out at . - "-JC Cl pair June White Sale Still Continues. Pendleton's Big Busy Store. GBNBRAL NKWS. Oreat anxiety ia felt at the Vatican concerning the pope's illness. Ilia physician doea not leave hla bedside. Minnesota and the Dakota will aend Mlt 300,000,000 bushels of wheat this season, as against 175,000,000 in 1898. DOB MOO BMM, an Italian, ami three Mojava Indiana were drowned in the treac herons Colorado river at the Need les, Cal. "William I,. Meredith was murdered by John Considtne, assisted by Tom Ooniidlna, " was the verdict ol the cor oner's jury in the Seattle killing. Many prostrations from extreme heat are reported in the east. At I'ittahurK yesterday the thermometer reg i store, I M, causing six deaths. The iiiter-iiniveraity race at New London, Conn., waa the event of the year, and was won by Vale's 'varsity crew from Harvard. The race was never- MOBilod M the Thames. Ten millionaires, headed by t, V. Morgan, chartered the promenade doeki of the Dratochland. which sailed from Southampton today for New York, for which they paid Si,O0O. Congress will he asked assistance in building a 21-foot canal across the state 01 HOW lork. It will require an ipradttON of 1900,000,000, and we-t-ern states will assist the tmuect. Grant Qilbort ilohenwart von Dtf" Inebttoln has boon appoint! Anttfo Hungarian minister to Mexico. Dlplo matie relat ions between A ustria-II un itary ami Mexiro, interrupted since the vear Fmperor Max itn 1 1 1 tan was shot, are thus formally re-established. Jot l.adue, the founder of Dav.son Citv in the Klondike, is dead at his home in Schuyler Falls, X. V., of con sumption. Mr. l.iiilue ha- not been well since hi return trom Alaska, and spein last winter at Colorado Springs in vain search for health. Mr is survived by a wife anil one son. It is rumored King Kdward haa won over i lOti.Ooo since the racing acason began. He was a big winner as the result of baiking Mr. Whitney's horse Volodyovski for trie derby. He was so interested in the result of that that he had a private w ire run Kpson llowns to Marlborough hotisi THE PENNSYLVANIA R. R. TUNNEL CAVES IN. Train Slopped Just in Time Avoid a Catastrophe. to TUNNEL UNDER A BALTIMORE STREET Water Mains Burst and Torrents of Water Rush in Cave in Is Extending and Houses Near ny Id Danger. Haltiniore, June 'J9. With a great roar the Pennsylvania railroad tunnel beneath Hoffman street caved in earlv this morning. An extra train waa juat going through but was stopped in time N avoid disaster Immediately after the rave-in the water mains laid about the tunnel burst, and torrents Of wutet swept against the sides, increasing the diameter of the hole. The cave-m is still extending. Kvery house near the tunnel is threatened and people are moving out. The gas pipea have also broken ami life in the vicinity is al most unbearable trom I he escaping gas. The tunnel is nearly a mile long. NEW YORK'S DEFUNCT BANK THE NEW YORK MARKET Reported by I. L. Ray ft Co.. Pandlaton. Chicago Board or Trada and Naw York Stoak Bxehana Brokora. New York, June The wheat market waa verv steady today, closing prices being alxitit the same as yester day. The export shipments for the week were 4,:lftO,(HH compared with 114,000 for the same week last year. Stocks all strong and higher, St. Paul and I'. V. leading Wheat : Close yesterday, V'J1,.. . Open today, 72 '4. Range today, 7'.' 1-8 to 72V Close lotto) . 7'J Mi stoi III Sugar, 1 I.V4 . tohacc, 1 10 steel, 49k I St. Noli 178; Atchison 80 4) 1 C. P 111 I--; Krie. 43 V Whoat In ( lilt-aao. Chicago, June 39 Wheal, " I lift "-8. CUT DOWN BRITISH JACK loiquln Millar, Patrlotle ( rsalei ( nnitarnatlun at Marquand A Look Much PUIHt NORTH WKST NKWS Celebrate the Fourth. era Drv Pnnfiv! lnpa' 1) 1 uUUUo 0 M. million uniBAA m vunuits UK uozen. Skv l, J "X'V lV I.-. I'3C to 20C each T.. Cks fir.' - , , . l l, - lutaEis Sv,, pundreds nf m,i.ui : . M -v rsonet-" nats oet iviarcninfi: orders oicycles. tei K , ' 3 1 U,s ls tlie K ever of- - 1 1 1 1 t m Special. DlB : w "xwpicki Sc. 'P'hQford's best ink 38c. narnmoclf K1,u74c to $J.6y. Stat ii.i . I 9 tO Ur ,f.r New. have an . tfli ecficte ,OC up. See I Cshn... f lNew "6 CKW. I' l!00,lo l sell the ; drr,v,,1K weekly. hh.ch , "PrUJ trout ' "'woman nsller,l,a" A band of ti7 head of horses are ad vertised for sale at North Vakuna to day (or the delinquent taxes due on the animals. Die horeea are the property of Henry ' iamhle. Franchises have DOM applied lot and a compauv incorporated with a capital stock ol .'."0o,iio 1. to tin 1 11 a railroad from Sumpler to Bourue, lire. It la stated the road will Iw built thia summer. Lumbermen of Oregon, California, Washington and Kritish Columbia, wbo met at Vancouver, Wash., failed to agree on a uniform selling rate on account of the various intereata involv ed and the different conditions prevail ing in the territoriea represented by t he aaaiiciati on. Ofatoi Inspeet ir I Mini) of the immi gration department of the Pacific coast haa decided to rei oiniiieml that MMM lal commiasioners be sent out from Wash ington to take steps toward stopping the enormous amount ol smuggling ot Chinese and gisaJs across the boundary line into the United States. Four in spectors at present guard 400 111 ilea of territory. An Aatoria diapatch aaya one of the largeat timber ibala aver tiiadt) in this pari of the country will aoon be clotatd, and the deeds, abstracts and other nereasary papers have Isneu aent eaat for approval. The purchaaora are rea ,li-nts of AshlamJ, Win,, and the laud comprises between ,riMtU and tiOOO acres of very choice t imher trihiitary to the ( latskanie river, about I'J miles toiitli of Aatoria. Policeman Albert Hateinan was at tu k) bv a crowd of auidu-ra on Main atreet, in Vancouver, Wash. Friday night, and a soldier whom ha bad ar rested for creating a disturbance in a saloon foicihly taken from him. BlttmBl was struck in the face by a rock, klokod in the head and other wise roughly handled. He mUhmI the crowd oil with a revolver for a tune until he was knocked down. The trouble ia said to have ariaeu over a statement 111 the papers to the ettect that an eftort ia being made by citi zens to have the pay days of the sol diers post poncd until after the 1st of Jnlv, Co'a. ".' ' Brlahlar. ROW York, June 19, -Wall street an ticipates that the airing of the Seventh Nato mil hank allaira In I rt, steps lo that end having been taken by local newspapers, will show the hank scan- face j aU greater than those for which I'res- frolll 1, 1,. , I isli nf I he Minna alloliul bank was tndicteil. Fiab, it will he rraioniboNu, was noonood ol over Mr. (living checks lor Kerdinand Ward. The coiiiplaint brought by the MWt paper against the president and several officers of the hunk waa examined this morning by United States commission er, but it was decided the complaint does not warrant arrests, as it d'd not contain autticleut evidence. The coin iniaaiotier said supplementary evidence wonni ne enieriaineii inn until mat was offered 110 attention would i- paid to the complaint. Looki Brlajhlar. New York, June 20. Frank Hc.llivau Smith, assignee of the defunct firm of Marijuami A Co., aaid this morning that the situation regarding the llrin'a affairs today looks decidedly brighter. Hothinn definite concerning the firm's true attaira can he detennineil until the experts now at work on the books complete their examination. That may Ite a week or ao. (Smith declares the report that the firm's liabilities are 8.0O0,000 is incorrect. He also aaya the linn's creditors need not (ear loss. AUTOMOBILE RACE ENDED Tha Barllu trill No Md4urtti, ok bunks, school iDhew l, 'or onice blip- Every hat in the stock must GO during the next week. They're not hats "put together for a sale" but every one this summer's style. The styles are too varied to allow of newspaper de scription, enough lot us to say this is the biggest and most important sale of millinery ever known in Pendleton. HATS FOR LADIES HATS FOK MISSES HATS FOR CHILDREN AH at Surprisingly Little Prices. The sale on shirt waists will continue until the last one goes. Don't overlook this opportunity HURRY UP! Everywhere our htar that ciprcwioa "hurry up!" It ia a geuuiac Auun laaairai 1 1 f if 1 vr of the "rub" in which wc Ur Nothing la ilt cuuugti for u Wc iatr against a team and lightaing and hud the 10 slow We grudge the time given to rat tag and rush through meal- at though life depended upon our haalr Life does depend oa our haale, but not in that sense 1,00k at the obituaiy (olamna ot the papera and aee how many promi nent men are earned away by 'itouin h trouble, " "acute iudi Keatiou " and other re lated diaeaaea Their lives have in general been aacrinced U the haatr and rush of buaiueaa which over looked the fart that food can only nourish the body when diaeat ed and aaaimifatcd and that the dmeatrve and aaeimrlative proceaars cam' I b hurt ltd Dr. Pierce's (ioldru Medical Discovery, cures diseases of the atoenach and the asso ciated organs of digeadon and nutrition. The aource of all physical atreugth is food, Sroperly digested and perfectl y aaaimitated. y enabling the perfect digestion and assim ilation of food "Golden Medical Discovery' increase and enriches the blood supply aud sends new strength to every organ of the body. I was at uuc nine as I (bought almost V l fC" Kranenman Dailies Into Ahaad or Hli Coinpalllor. I., rin, June 'iM. The Krenrb ehaf eur, wbo lias led in the I'aria-Herl in antomobiia race since the start, dashed into Berlin at II tM thia morning, covered with duat. lie waa tirat to liuiah in the long race. A big crowd and several hards awaited the arrival of the autos, and as loiirnier poll! into the city, the bands atruck up the Marsel laise, " while the crowd BbOOfOd long and lustily Kaiser Wilbelm was not present at the arrival of the Frenchman, but be will meet the con testing MtOtnoblllttl later 111 the day ut u hamuet given in their honor. Deaths and frustrations from Haat. Xew York, June 9, In tiie grasp of a fearful hot-wave in the past twi-n-ty-four hours, eight deaths and scores of prostrations are reported. It is in tensely hot this morning and no relief is in aight. Thousands of pOOOlO spent the night on it., roofs of hotiaea and along the beach. The hospitals ri port today that they have all the haat cises the; 1 an handle. Weather nropheta aay next week will break all lira! reeonla. Three additioual deaths and many I roatrat 1011a are reported this morning. No Immadlaia alarm for tha Popa. Home, June 0J, The pope's ohyai- 1 lau, illacunsiug liia holiness' Illness tins morning, said tiie MM was weak but there waa no cause lor alarm II a intellectual activity la unimpaired lie needs complete real during tin aiminer The pope, it ia learned, haa ceased altogether to holher with slate attatrs, t'ardlnal l(auiolla attending to these ilutiea. tonarilonal Corarnlltaa'i Jaunting. I 'or t laud, June 2M. The rivers and harlaim congressional lommittee arriv ed this morning. After their return from Alaska, Chairman Hurton aiei tlii olovofl IMn bftn will visit the "in land hmptre," inspecting the Colum bia and Snake rivers from Portland to l.ew islon . Won Union Macnlinsts Importad. San Krauciaco, June ) The I onm Iron Worka ia preparing ouartera with in the worka for twenty-ova non-union import,. 1 inacbiiiiata, who will b aet to work Monday, uudar ttiw protection of armed guarda. It ia feared It will cam., tha tirat violeuou of the strike. Brother of Hi KL Ml 1 I 1 Sksaway. Vancouver, It (' , June 19. I he steamer Islander from Skagwiiv brings news of an exciting Hag eptsiste Skagwav. K. H, Itiishv. ('anadian t tistoms agent there, acting on instriii (ions from Ottawa, hoisted the Hntixl llag on a pole above his office , 'norge Millar, tin attornev, formerlv ol Ku gene, tire., and a brother of JOMUio M' o r. the poet, cut the flag ilown !cgarding bis act ton. Miller said I cut tlown the nrttish (lag on mv own authority anil bf virtue of the rights resting In every American cit urn. " The Skagwav paper sava: " This in ridant, which has caused no end comment, has been brewing for sever al days. ben (lie flag pole was pot on Hie depot liiiililing the matter was called to (he attention ol 0, L IH drawn, united states deputy collector of customs. Vudrews investigated the matter and found nothing in his ail ll'orilies which he thought would ins tlly the t'aiiadlaii supervising ofheer in railing the ilag of ins country unless the Mara and Stripes waved above it He aicordiuglv called upon litiah and had a talk with him in regard to tin proposed Innovation. BMbf show f 1 1 1 1 1 a 'otter from the chief customs othi ml ol Canada which stated in sub stance that as the American customs olhcers operating on Canadian soil in Condition! corresponding to his litis by's OfltflO, were permitted U) H the flag of their country, be waa en titl'd to the same rigjit and to gi ahead with the llag raising "On the hypothesis that the t ana diaii ofliclal would not go 011 record with stub a slat nt if it were lint true, Andrews concluded that Mushy was within hia rights and accordingly took no action in the matter CARTER KNOCKS OUT ROOT Bafaraa Olvas right to Root spaotalors Not Satltltad Sun Francisco, .lone Jl. -The tight livtween Jack Idsit of Chicago and Kid Carter of llrooklyn tonight waa a hard 1 mitest with an iinsal latactory ending. In the l.dh round both men wen- fight ing strong, with the advantage in Root's favor when Carter swung a hard left on Ilia opponent's body. Knot went down in a heap on his hack, hia features contorted with pain and bis hands clutching his groin. Keferee Vtaml gave the light to Knot, saving that Carter had struck Knot a foul blow. The foul, if there was any, waa not apparent to the siieitttors. I he decision ol the referee caused the wild est excilemel t and the ring was mi me. I latcl) full ol seconds rlamnriug wildly. The police entered Ilia ring and put all except the lighters out. Carter was cheered wildly by the crowd. Jutlgs Wood Orups Dead. Indianapolis, June gB, Judge W. A. W In, of the Coiled Slalen district court . dropped dead at IflW thia morn ing at hia home in this city. About midnight Judge Woods spoke to hia wife and declared that sharp pains had attack! bii leit broaal moment after Mrs Wotsls went into tin- adjoin llig rOOn to gel something which her husband had asked for. When she re turned to tli bed Judge Woods was dead Angina MstOTM caused hia death. Shaap and (stttlsinsn at Out. Cheyenne, Wyo., June ft, A report of a clash between sheepu.en and cat tie raisers 111 the Sweetwater country has reached hen-, Ufll notMug delluite 1 an be ascertained. I he Sweetwater country is where a dead line was re ported established hy calth ineii a few weeks ago. The ranges I here are great ly overstocked with sheep and the llocks have been threatening to invade erritorv hitherto held exclusively to attic ASTORIA'S REGATTA AN ELABORATE AFFAIR, o - Will Rival California Fiestas or the Mardi-Gras. PORTLAND WILL SELECT THE QUEER o Preparations for KntertalnlDft tht Rims and Harbors Coinmltlw Honda -Got. Gmtr Will Attend Astoria, Ore. . Jan Bj -toria'a eighth tinti'ial regatta will he held this vear uB ViikiiiHl 5 t, and I, at which tune he Mdal fUM weath.T nm- ilitiotia art expactod to ba asdesirl. When the storia regatta was llrst in BUgliratod it was a purely lis al affair, with Bah boat races heing Hie princi pal (aatnre It has now outgrown this and is rccog n 1 'ei I as the leading event ol the kind on tha I'acillc coast, earning witnit all coast champion shins for oH, suien and w.ill this year Mud "cullers and crews nresent from California, Oregon. Washiuuton ami llritish Otdnmhia, With tha growth of tha regatta tl ie social features have multiplied, while the ceremonies sur rounding the oiieen will eoual thosn in paOtnnnlar interest ol the llestas of California or the MnrdlsOru ol N"w Orleans This vear tin, exri'Utlve commitlee has decided to Ualfnll tlia cii laani oi Portland to nlai t the qnoan. and she mi l her 111,11, Is of honor will be the guests of the cilvdorinii I Iim arnival. last vear Aatoria snent 1 1 0,000 111 preparing lor tiie regalia, and doiihle 1 hat amount will Ih avail able this Mftf if necessary lo make it a greater success than in the past. l"i and Harbors t ornmlllaa. Astoria. Ore., June Lit On Mnti lay, .In v I, the punt committees ap silnled tt V the I It am Iter ol Cummer, I ami the Progressive club will entertain the mambera of the rivers and harbors uuinlttee ol the lower house o con iraOB, their wives and about tlltv prominent men fiom Cortland and ither parts of the state, 1 nclinl ing 1 ov- ernortieer. 'The party will arrive 111 the city on a special Isiat ami will spend the ifMfMM in viewing the government improvements 011 the low er Columbia as well as the new fort i - Bantioni and a trip out over the bar is nroNised on the II. H. S. Columbine. pon returning the party will be en- tertaiued at the Hotel Havel at lunch eon where the local committee ha ar ranged for an elalsirate spread. The arty will leave by special train at V I'clock lor the sound. tian. Shatter Bstlra Tomorrow. San Francisco, June :l tieneral shatter retire, from the army at mam Sunday, after 88 years' aervice. He is succeeded in command ol the depart ment of California hv tieu. S M Young. Bakar City Boy Uati Appolntmaat. I'ortlaml, Ore , June 'St. in comiie- titive exaiinuatioii tiatay Krueat Iturr, I Maker Citv, was selected as cadet to the l ulled Mates naval academy at Annapolis from the sra'ond congres sional district. II. C. Ilellmger, o I'ortlaiel, waschoHcn alternate rirat Maaro Bulalda en Basord. I ,ou ia v 1 1 le, June W. Probably the spiritualists' lainpniastii. Portland, June BJ, I s tl Spirilual- ista deparled this niorn 1 1 g hu niegou City to attend the annual natflpUIBel iug of the Oregon spiritualists. This milling will oiitinue in setaion till July 16, and ia regardssl as a vacation by those attending A dally program Is outlined which embraces religious services as well hk ll.'M aiinin 1111 ills for rsjaxatiuu Btout Oowi. for Thre Waakt. i'ortlaud, June JV. The Columbia Kivar laigjiur' aaaociatiou today daaid uil to ahut down for Ihrw weuka iu Jul and Augual. Thia abut down will reduoa the output ..Noil umi foot. Do V our Feet Hurt? Do Your Feet Burn? If HO you want to 001114 In 716 Main St i ret iiml lot littitl t :t pair of easy .shoc.s tlmt will uiakt" yoUf ltt g)td W. lit All Kinds of Feet Thtt'n our buainetat, The Peoples Warehouse rati i n it ks of 1 1 1 i 716 Main Sin t t. I'ciitileton, tr. M Ol I to l! Goods m, death's dour." writes Mr J 8 BU. of faodo. Vau Uureo Co.. lows 'I was cououed to uiy house sud part of the time to my bed. 1 hal taken quantities of medk-iuca but they uuly seemed to fee,) the disease ; but I must aay that 1 Goldcu Medical Discovery ' has cured me, and to-day I aiu stouter than I nave been lor twenty years. I am uow iorty-threc years old. KsJta. Mr. Puree Medical Adviser aent res to you on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only Bend thirty one uuc cent stamps lot cloth bound book or twenty one stamps fot paper covers to Or. K V Piaroa, Buffalo, N. V. first negro suicide on rooorJ was on, ; uiitUsJ bar tbia uioraiua. Or. Hamuei Turner, a leader of his race in Louia- nie hanged iiiuiaalf to a down town park, h- , ause be bad hecn iudivtad for aalling lottery tiokata. (ioiux Hum; I traded raagai'aaJ Cainpinealiag. indupeiideuce, Or., June 28. The c aujnueetiug of tha United Kvaiigeli cal church, Willamette district, ends tomorrow. flat cauipmeetiug haa prov , l a sticoss since it opened ten daya ago. LlMbtoIng Kill Ao Biaphant. Kau Claire, Wis.. June . -Ligbt-iniig today atruck the animal tent of the Wallace circus, killing an elephant aud atuuuing tba autira tueuageire. Many pereuu war aavereiy shocked i mi t always a tlleasgllt expcrit in but ii ia unnecessary when you pur cliaae at our store, as we deliver all OOila i'ce of charge and promptly when oi.lt i it (Jitr store is loatied with good things in all the iK lit at tea of the season i in iugli grade fancy ' aud staple groceries our prices are lowest 10 town C ROHUMAS. WHTf.l iMW tf y AJrfaW lfWf auPplics.