I We are Going to Celebrate; Are you? The Fourth of July will soon b- Ik'p and if you liavf not yt DUrchMtd your holiday attire it will bfl to your advantage to do so at once. Remember, delays are dangerous, and the prettiest goods are being sold now. Get your dress while you have an assortment to select from. THE MAGNET CASH STORE Clements dt Wilson. Court and Cottonwood THURSDAY, J QUI --'7. mi. It was to lm egpeetil that ynimir llnv would die early, lie smoked i-ia-arottes and won- pajamas. TtMM are annti(h to IhrMlM tin- IH of any man, ynnnu or old. Tli now I'nitfil Mut.-s mini in Pbiladtjlpnla has n storages eapcolty ior 1 100,000,001) illvtf dollan. Why balM in intH in which to coin ami lb N silver dolhirN, when "silver i- n I issue. " Ttu- new wnnian'n hotel in Now York is laid to be liruprool It wnnl.l well to make it mouse proof, al si, and puiuiiily it should also he man prii, but it i- not reasonable to bopt- lor the iinattaiiiatile. lawbreaker, in -hurt, n criminal, and no better than the KiimhlSH from whom he "eeke redress. Hetweeli tlie Inn I i ami knave it is ever hard to distinguish. II there were no fools there would he it'' knaves. The best medicine in the world for a fool is to be hail liy their associating with knave. It is the undid if natural law. it the center ol hospitality. The day after she accepted Washington she planted in the garden a yew tree, I which is a symbol of constancy, and baa stood there as a mute witness of the w idow's devotion all these years. The weridinp took place on the 17th of January, i;."9. at HI. Peter's church, at New Kent, followed by fl reception al the Dandrltlga mansion. The cere motiv was pwlortnad by Rat. Mr. I.ang, who preached there for otref fortv vears, and was one of !he lineal typM of the Virginia parson. The old church is standing, and ia atill nad (or public worship, although it was built in I (":;. nearly two cen turies ago. ami cost only M,iM) pounds of tobaci'o At the time of the marriage Wash ington was attending a session of the bouse tif hiirges'pg, anil upon adjourn ment took his wife and her two little rhiltlrei. kO Mount Vernon. In the fril -lowing September, in deel Inina an in vitation from his conn in Richard to visit Kngland, be aaid : "I am now lixed at this seat with an agreeable BOMOfl for I lie. and hope to find more Happiness in retirement than 1 ever experiemiil amidst a wild, hustling world." lint the great desire ot bis heart wa unsatisfied, and in letters to friends and in the confidences of his dtM) In- expressed frequently his pro found disapnointutent that he bail no children ol bis own. ITOIIU Or WASIII-.I.IUN CKRSON. sND JEF- Three circuses and two dog "how.' are veiling Oregon this year. What lias Oro)(oii done that it is to he pursued.' It has already gone to the Ihi explannd, dogs or, it had better to the two dog shows. Koports come nl short crops m Kurope. Souiehisly is preparing for aomethiiiK "spectacular" in wheat. Iterant I y refsirls have come of short wheat crops in I'.nglainl I'russia am franco, ami in the lace of these re ports it lisiks suspicious that tin' prin ol wheat sbould fall instuad of riae The s ulators nun turn Lfl wheat now that dealing in stocks base U-. ui. dry ami tinintorustinu'. The school management nnnm itte the hoard of education of Chicago LuM followed the uxample set bv Omaha and other educational centers and re oinmended a partial proscription against married women teachers. If this thing keeps on it will he ilitlnnli (or a woman to support her husband in anv kind of de cy. It simp v discourages a man from marrying an able I'islied school teacher of position V, . .1 . Ilrvati, over bis signature in print, aays he ia "nut a candidate ( anv omce" nor has he "in muni anv candidate for anv ollnu" ami any in tereat he has "centers in principles, ami men are important as they aio in carrviug out these principles". This declaration should put an end to all report and rumors concerning him and the presidency in I'SH Hr .in ¬ capacity lo take care of himself ha- i . t suffered very much in his two defeats (or the presidency. A Virginia editor is timling fault he cause Oeneral Joe Wheeler refuses ti lay in retirement, but must "i . i . on all occasions, whether secular . .r spiritual, with the agility of a siippie jack." Tin- criticism is a rilbtUMI one. Joe Wheeler has made hiuin'M ridiculous since he got pattnl on tin back fur climbing that tree in Cuba. It is high time that he retired to eover and stayed there. T' u people were iniliiemeil to in ink more of hi in than be deaerved. lie ha- l.-elope,l into tlie only living iuiman .'lea ami it Mi Kinlev cannot furnish linn a dog In get on be is oil) of luck if not ,u( of sight. Mark tlanui is said l. kg Mill Dm Lose in Ohio politics III spite ol (lie pai I la I smashing ol his slate by the stale convention, in session in Colon, uua a low days ago. Ilannu is entitled to b buns. Has he not been aucceas lul as Ihiss, uiu rupiiloiis and irre--i"'i, a he may be ill tiie Use ol money in politics' Hanoi) i- a as bis partv and be knows it, and that It was m Williamsburg, Vn., that (ieorge Washington and I human Jeffer son lound their wives, anil both married widows named Martini. These eminent slates n and patriots were hot lovers. That seems to have la-en a characteristic of Virginians then as now. Bo til were in love several tin and proposed to more than one damsel. I. 'ii were jilted. Several proud ma tron - in alter year- were able to boast that thev bad refused the hands of these two uit famous men in all the couutty. Washington was "thrown down very hard" on at leas two oc casions, and Jefferson's heart was broken and hi- pride wounded by a girl nannsl Itelinda He was "awfully" in love with her, and her mime ap pears mi almost ever) page written by him when he was a student al William and Man college and bad the privilege of dining at the table of ISOfMMW laripnar, the Chctf rlichl of the colonial magi-Irate- Jefferson was a gay young spark. Washington was more - .1 lie. serene ami setitimeutal hut his ultert Ions, like those of Jell -r son, had great recuperative powers, am both ol them were no sooner off witi an olil low II, .in they were uu Willi a new. When Jellurson was plavful he used to spell his sweethearts' name "iiee Illl-'I.IV , sometimes he wrote It backward "Adnileb ;' ' sometimes he inscribed it in i reek characters, and often used a combination of French words meaning Hell-iti-l'ay. Not long after Melnida threw him over he tisik up with another young woman named UelsH'ca, and we know she was sensi ble by the way the treated an extra ordinary proposition from her lover Jefferson was a very conceited young man. He was inclined to think him self of great importance because tlie governor and the otiier colonial ollicials, the faculty ol William and Mary college and oilier people around the place, made much ol linn. He told Eta bMM that he loved her and oft ens I her his heart and hand w ith a string to them. He explained that it would mil la- auviaable lor them to enter into a formal engagement at tn.it moment, because he was exssctnig to make a visit to Kurope ami it might interfere with his social prospects over than. When be returned, if he till (ell the same, be would loruially ask tier to marry him and announce the fact lo their friends. Hebeccu scorned this practical proposal and sent the vain young student about bis husiuest. He was building a Isiat at that time on the James river, and the next thing he did was to paint the name Keh.-i ca in the Hern. He afterward married the daughter of a prosper, ai- planter named Way less, who bad a handsome place called 'The h ureal," a mile and a hall Iroiu the center of Williams burg. Hhe was tlie widow of John bkelton and one of the greatest heir eases in (ieorgia, bringing her hus band over ltl.is.si aires of land and sev eral hundred slaves. thick sklliueil a- .1 sine ol bin mastery is why lm is as 'inn. . . io ami as as au ignoramus. The Manufacturing club of I'bila delphia Ueprtcjaleu any revival of political agitation over the tariff, be cause it is perfectly satisfied as things in that line are. The club is eiij. v iug the 5:1 per cunt average duly, which gives il and its friends a UMMUDa oly ol the home market ami enables them to sell at lower prices abroad than the get al home, which ia a privilege with a decided advantage, although their countrymen who con sume tiieir goods may not see it iu that light. a ..ling man nan in.- money at a gambling table in I'eudletun ami now be is attempting to get his money back with one hundred per cent prolil, with the aid of lawyers and the statute. Wonder what tlie young man would have thought in the case he had won aud his opponents had lost if they had attempted to recover their losiuge aud one hundred per cent ad ditional V To sen ourselves, it ia well to put ouraelvea iu others' places. Thia young man attempted lo win It was a caw ol love at tint sight, but Martha Custis bail been a wiooa only aix months, and she made Wash ington wait until her sense of propriety was satisfied Whether she kent him dangling all ttna time we do not know , lUt while he was al tending the bullae ... l ... tiFin: ir. , oi ourgesse- si iiiiauisou rg sue ai ho ways lemai.ied there, oocUDVina the mostey ol others aud lost. He ia a"Hix Chimney House" aud making The resilience of Martha Custis at Williamsburg, called "The Six Chimney House," was one of the lines! mansions in the city, the state in -ane asylum now mciipits Ms -it, lor l! was burned several years ago. AH (here is leit of it is a cookhouse, when we van imagine portly "old mammy,' Willi hnghl plaid turbans ol scarlet ami yellow and imrpie, fry ing chicken and making "pone" for Ininer w hen Major ieorge Washing ton came il. ot n tn court the widow. Her ti rat husband , I i.nnel I'arke Custis, had a line plantation in the neighbor hood of the city, and when be .1 , ; at the age ol Ith, she hurled him In the dooryard. John Haudridgu, her lather, lived on in .Sew Keul county and cul tivated a vast estate of tobacco with several bun. In, I slave- II, Hi lather aud husband were rich, and Widow Custis was without a pour (or htuutv aud graces and accompl islnucnls iu all Hit colony. When WtthlMtOH returned Iroiu the liradilock campaign he went in Wil liamsburg in military dress, attended In an orderly. While crossing Wil liams' ferry on the I'amuiikey river, a branch of the York, be was accosted by a venerable gentleman named Chain herlayne, who, learning his identity, invited him to rust for a while Iron his journey a! his house in the neigh borhood Washington declined because ins business was urgent, but liuallv couseuied to slop for dinner ami feud his horse. Al the hospitable uiausion he was introduced to the i.iniily aud io a neauuiiii wiiiow ol .'ii, who was a guest, instead of departing immedi ately after diuuer, Washington re mained through the aftariioun aud over night and on the nior:;ing pro ceeded to Wiiliamsburg. Having transacted his business witli the gov ernor, he returned to Mr. Cbainher layne's pleasant home and remained a week. Two ol the young women who jilted Washington lived In Williamsburg alter their marriage. and both ol them, Irom (heir windows, watched the triumphal progress of the continental arm v as il followed him into town after the surrender of Cornwallis, when he was the greatest man in America, and one of the conspicuous tigure- ol the world. Wash ingtnu rode a oeailliliii, tnnmughhreii chestniii, and was surrounded by a glittering stuff of French ami American oflicers. laif.ivitie riding at his lelt and Ifo' liainbeau at his right. He carried his hut in his hand ami bowed in a tllgiilricil, stiff mid grave manner to the enthusiastic people As Mm procession passed dnwn I I, .sell nveiuie to liiki"of loin ester street, on ils way to the palace, we are told that "a pale and slender wo. mail came to the door of a bouse with her blinds pressed close above her bosom and her tears blurring the wist ful eyes bent so eagerly upon the MOM, liarclic aded ligure sitting so masterly ipofl the dancing chestnut Washington -aw ami knew her in one keen glance above the heads of the shouting crowds, and, checking bia im patient animal, he hnwed until his powdered hair mingled with his hore'- mane. The woman attempted a courtesy, bill nature could bear no more, and w ith a gasping sigh she tainted and was bWM within, a i.op... less, ncnotis w n . k : while the man whom her father lunl scornfully turned out of doors riHie on I. his destiny . his riatoriottl aruiv at bis back, the cheer ing multitude al his leet. Till- was the wile of Thomas Adams of Williamsburg, formerly lletsy laiintlerov, who married for money in stead of love, and wa.- sorry for it. Her father was rich and proud and bad a tine plantation at Savior's Hole on the KappithauiiiH'k river, almut fifteen miles from Wakefield, where Washing Ion was born and spent bis bovl I. It I- Oelieved that she loved him, hut was persuaded by her parents that she could do lietter than marry a poor surveyor. After Wasliingloii returned from Karbadoes, where he bad al ien, led his brother Lawrence, who was in feeble health, be wrote Mr. Kami t -leroy a letter, which has Isseu pre served 111 the family, asking permis sion to renew his attentions to Miss lletsy, "in the hope," he says, "of a revocation of a former cruel sentence, ami see if 1 cannot tiud an alteration iu mt favor.' The reply to this appeal has not been preserved, but was evi dent It unfavorable. Thoroughbred Bucks.... Best stock on the Coast mi Telephone connection at ranch. Ad dnM Pilot Hock or Pendleton. Chas. Cunningham. lP- ABB Not Rival m Sight nr. Anywhore Hotel Pendleton Under New rianafcement i. Strictly First-Class Excellent Colsine. Every Modern Convenience 1 Give Us a Trial. Rates $2.00 a day Special Rates by Week or month Bar and Milliard Hooms Headquarters for Traveling Men The Rest Hotel In Eastern Oregon. Van Dran Bros., P-ops. Successors to J. E. Moore when the linen that has been done til . i...o.fii. mini rv is nsi "" .ith that laundered anywhere ii.,,n Thf beauty of our V. I rk makes os iiwtly proud and we feel like WOWing every time ai. in out tonerD we see ine uim-i.-..,. - , i . ...i it.,,. i, nn the shirts, collars nnd cuffs done up by our in.-thisls w ith . .. V. in rh elf v. the line worn Wf ii""' Domestic Steam Laundry. You get Good Beer. When you drink PILSNER BEER. Qu&r&ntood nd to cause headache or dizzinesB Ask for it. Schultz Brewing Co. MM other woman who uii(lit have been Washinictiin's wif and probably regretted it when Iik witnessed Ins reception at Williamsburg wa Mrs. Kdward Ambler, formerly .Miss Mary Carey, a sister of I.ady Fairfax and a diii)ihter of Colonel Wilson Cary, fur thirty-h hi r years collector of cuitoina at Uaniplnn, a. lie was a man o' ttreat wealth and aristoeratic connec tion-, and wa- ipiile indignant Unit h isenniless young surveyor, working lor wattes on the estate of l.nrd hair- fax, should have the audacity to aspire to the band of his daughter. Hishou Meade, in his "Old Churches mid Kainiliesnf Virginia," tells the story it ho ( oh. n, I ( ary turned the vniiiiir man dnwu with acorn and resenlmeut ami iiilorined bun that bis daughter Aits in the i. not nf - .ling in h coach. s I In young lady afterward married Kdward Auibier, wbn was a great swell among the colonial ristoi racy, being h graduate of Cambridge Kngl.iml I diversity and the owner of a large' I ii :. . I -.iii urni Jniiir-i.isii. ill- ilien in 17li8 at the age ol :to and bis widow who survived to see her rejected lover president of the linited Mates was an intimate friend of Mrs. Washington and a freipient visitor at Mount Ver non. It is a singular coincidence that Helm. 1. 1. Jefterson's faithless sweet heart, married a hrotber of Kdward Ambler. Buy Your House Numbers from W. J. CLARKE & CO. Hardware Dealers ( Ipera Mouse block, BYERS' BEST FLOUR To make Kood bread use livers' Heat Flour. It took drat premium at the Chicago World's Fair over all competi tion, and gives excellent satisfaction wherever used. F.very aaci is guaranteed. We have the heat Hteain Kollnd Uailey, Sed Kye and Heardless Barley. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. BYERS, Proprietor. au.it by JOHN MCilMIIH The Louvre Saloon t'KNIII.KTON UKKUON Wholesale dealer in . Ice, Wood and Schlitz Milwaukee Beer. Henry Kopittke expect people to know you have to sell If you what don't HOW DO YOU ADVERTISE? The new store can never be known unless It advertises. ONfc LINK I lira j Ilium I Ituisa h- tfseh IOC Ur -IX s Ira CLASSIFIED ADS. MOOT SKVIi.v WilKDe IO THK LINK. Oae l oi. or ia-ii (wr . .. st the rslaol l par litis in- lm.- or mure iter in, mom ' ue rsu- of 4111- iMr liu. whom IS Mil - 1 e "liwlaud lieauty" to VSasluii)!ton so tenderly refers I'useii in nave uoeu .Miss l.uev Oryines of Wesluiorelitud cuunty wlm married Usury l.ee oi Utratlofd Hall and be. MOM the mother of the famous live l.ee brothers who idaved sueh a i'oii- pleOOttl pari iii the revolution and the Kraudmother of Oenural Kuliert E. l.ee. Very little is known ol Washing ton's attention, to her although it is a ieaeud in the family that he was her lover. After the Hraddovk Indian eamuaixn Major Washington act'oinnauieil Cap tain linger Morris, a companion at arms, to New York, and visited the stately home ol Frederick P, I'lullinses on the banks ol the Hudson, near West I'oiiit, where he lieeame enamored of Miss Mary, the daui-htur ol hia bust. He nassed on to Boston, returned to New York, and then revisited the rbllllpSM, where lie proposed mar riage to Miss Mary and was frankly in formed that she was engaged to his iriend Captain Morns It was at this US that benedict Arnold was resid ing when he lietrayed bis country, and from these groilllds he took the boat which curried him to the British schooner that lay in the Hudson when his treachery was discovered, TlllthK LINK 1 tluie JUe J 1 1 lues. ... I ii hum auc lis- oai li sil.lllioual luseriiou . rOl'K LIM.s 1 tlmij . . .'.v; JUm Sic X It CUM Uc IV saeli aUdillijual lusertion KIH LINK 1 time lye J uinu. 404. 1 11 mo. aie JUe aari ail uional luaeriiuu eHYSiLianh. IMo LINKS I lime Ue t liuias . .Jue iii.i.-n ..iir Ml eaoh aura uissriluo. SIX LINKa i "me He i ..use I (nuut. ,4) Am- each aililuiuQal lUMrliuu BANKS AND UHOKKHV DU. W. ii. 0GLK. OKKIUK IN Jl'im uiildlna Ofliee batiri. le so li a. D , It". ! ui TalopkoiM TT. K. W. VIM KN r, H. 1. OFH K Kr.Alt of ITIrsl Nln ,.:a! Hank Ottlce ketUl WUU a. m. ; 1 In t p bi. THI FAKM KK'H BANK OK WJCHTON W eal.,11 l.i. ... . . . . i i . s... ani uiusto si.,1 .,i,t nlr LiU-lurs. !oU.' I ","uCl' lU-u.laJ u.. ASsirs Iu mutt i.i p. o-jsirieil ipou Ii uveitgali.iiieiiuimill,iolr.p..u.iljiBiUicii. DOlier. k Jameniu, iire.iUcui; (. V, 'XUlS fKr,cmr A allUTt. assuiaui caablsr; tlrei.,r O A. Marimau, It at. Johai, T J frtuJ i, t UKS. SMITH ,V HKNDKKrfON OKKU'K over I'suillsuni Bavtu,). llauW. lelvpliuuc reaeleiic,- lelepbuue J. H. 8. GAKK1K1.H, M. 1 , HOllb. PATH- ii : rujslclan and Suraaou OB-e In Jmld KIUST NATIONAL HANK Oh ATHKS' J I.. Mil. 1. 1. h . i HKSPAIS lll.ot'K. Kf'W HeT.ar inMU ul 4jtrocU . IrouoK .nirtrriiail ljul I T. J. Kirk, TU--Dri,l..ni tt i' Br? is.il.lt I l.tlia - ...1 t in i. iii. ..I I...- i . Ue-tt I ...liler Ur. ft. I as ' " ' ....... " " ' ' ' sbsmv I "V," - WMM Fvwni ins.-'i ior imi... , ir, ten UK. D.J. M'FAl'l., BOOM Hun block Telaplione (; plume blaek nil OtJTKOPATHIO I'HYuiciANB, HUB. K. . . - A Kayc. orotv, oue bliKk weal of Bus lull liuini Oregon Lumber Yard WOOD UUTTF.Hr ror barm and dwellings. Cheaper than tin. Lumber, Lath. Tur Paper. Paper' Lime and Cemeut, Moulding. Pickets, u , , Piaster, Brick aud Sand, Screen pom-, Windows, Sash aud Doors, Terra Cotta Pine. Borie ti Light, Prop'f A'ta St., opp. Court House. nip.ST SOB -JnuirrLu UNION PAC1HX Tim - I -sl 1 aBJ rhlrairo I'ortland Hprolal i M D. m. via Huvu-InKton nan Ike, D.nTe . Worth 1 Omaha 'ft ;hlamo and Kail01' Atlantlr Kxpreas 6:1A a. m. via Hunt-Inxton St Paul r' Mai: - ' m. via Rpokana. Halt l aka DsnTt -Worth n..i.""!rj.ri aaaa ..... u... uij Walla Wall. Hnnk.n. u. .;r. man. MlnnBnouiP!!' kaa. OblcMo.ndiSJ Ocean and River Schedule rwKTLANI) -Of. All salllns dates tnb ISSJ Ui rhanm rnr Han ttSBm Ball ererr 1 ttft. a Dally sxoapt Nil inlay 1 in Kalurilay 10 p. m. Willamette Columbia Ri,,r To Astoria and War baodlnp. ' Dally ex. snnnav 6 a. m Or. lr BB! ('itT, Newkan aTHa 'g'J 'llTi tlKlinyi r. a m. Tuea. Thra. hiiiI Kat 7 a. m. Tuea Tbra. Still si tlor-rallla and Way. bandliin ' i .-ii . Hlparla :i:ia. ni. bally mt Willamette andYaa llr..,mi i'ii. t. lialft ami H...ltaA.' .1 1 ii ".m.,iiiiV1 Snake River. Klparta to Uwliton r. W. Wtsitjt. Aeeatl Take the... Washington & Columbia River Railway For Chirago, St. Paul, Ht, LotH, J bks ni. us- UtMSS. M All Points East and Portland and poiati on the Sound. Arrises Mondays. Sednaailan.xi : i..v. a in luttsuara.ThDr.ii.aa.ssi alHA'i a. m. ..ii- . a . ,..,mi,s 11s.11, r.i mill, lay ai,0,K Knr Inlnrniatloii rtiaanlnia m. .J- uiiMiaiiuu. ran on or aoaraea W AIIAMI I 'an J i loo. o. . m 1 ir 1. 11 r. 11 u. r. A., Walla Walla, Waah. PRANSFEJ fRUCKINl STORAG CR0WNER & TKLKfllONL MAIN . Mil steal 17. ASSUl'U KIltST NATIUNAl. HANK OK I'KNDI K 5. , . uniu,-. iiii.h.,iM aud lalaar.i.hi, irau.ler. a.il.1 oTr-huiSS'S! . , If fe s I . I " 1 ,.,7 7. "'u,;'4r-1 fo'ui. Ui brail, hraatu uu Olnua Jan.. rrau.'lK'u Nuw Lie .Nurtli Meal Help or Situation Wanted. C. F. look's Eiiiili)jfini'iit italic) Uornur Main and Alia Street. I'l M'l.l TON . OKKUON. VBTBRIN ARY iiUHUKONS. UK. J. CHKlhTIK. VKTKkInaUY m u (uuu, giailuau- of ttii- liual VaU-riu.i I .... logs. aVIiubursli, Boullauil Laio suvrruutaui valsriuary 1 .( for Vela district, B C Uuuttativ aaiaaal. ol all kind, iraaied uu aci .nn:. priuiiploa. 1.. ... 1 al ........... .Ubloa, t'audlaiui.. Ore. lalepliuuu Main la. AttCHlTirCTS AND H u 1 1. uh M , X. It, HOW AUD, AB4JUITK0T AMI) 81 Isciluieudsni. makei. isimolu. ,n.t ..11.1.1.. lau. fur kulldlUfa Iu Ilia vilv or uiuuin illdlns and Kuruue. Maki . Z? " "' J': u rm. Ivl Ankenv ,,.,' 7., Z '.' ' . . " Mai...... caahiar M , rloe-praaldttni: B iiueruae) aaal.laut eaahlar IHk, PKNDLitTON HAV1NUH Hamit MlW llrgamUlkta rcl . ' PIU1, bOAVO. TnWnsilallntil!1' : lsj.ll- ,,.,.. h., .... .17. -li 11,.-. mi.T. iT -s.M,muu ... . i. li. Ml, W J lne-nre.'ilei. I L. Ray & Co., Buy aad sell t- a For Rigs To go Fishing or (or a call U inalie call teleiiioneMain 7V. Depot St 1 just think or it: Ttl.M.fi.llr(li. .,1 II... IMSID1. ill IS i.i. .. ,...,... .ail liu iillu r liuirlli lis ii.- . .iiniuru ilisin a II 1 l.i. I., .t.iia thai ow KlKet-DLABHauil I'KK'l- KI'.Ht 1 i.iiiiuibi,. .took of Collar, afaw M Iiiim, Hweat uail. uai k .addka "i leallier, leula, wagun corera, eaa" JOSEPH CLL l.eadlnjc harneaa and M. T.J Morrla uaahla. FOR hALB plau. t ji bin 1. 1 1 Boom 17 Jud.l bill 0" BXCH ANUS. POM KB A WAV Jl V II, ....... -. ...... r,,.,. ilr. n W 1.1.. nn, aiujliM au.l all Ukium. i-owpiju, Z pipiug. baliery aud si, !,, ..,i?'-.'4ul-- K.IIUtales flirill.lie.1 un ahorl a.v. r"'ile-uu, Urogou wi: 1. 1 THE NKVV8I Take the Kaat I Otwconian. Daily 95.00 a year by mail. Wooklv i.o. mad Stmi. Wtwkly ta.oo a yaar tempi, gamy f,M SilKKK A ,. . . , I . M .. . 1 . ... , . . . "'" aiuiuiif iiiriiutn-.i uu aliori uo lica. Job work a peciall. I ruoipi 1,1ms, auop ou Biiiff airtwt, naar Malu atreot IN POUND THK Kol.l.OWlNO UK- . " ' "lil.Wll k a a. . .a ... tl TlliH.l .111,,,. I .... 1 U..- A ' l ON TKAl'TOK AND i lly MaraUal auTi win 1 ii' l'u "P by the builder Kallioalo. lurui.tted ou all kiuda ol 01.0 00.1. 41 "Piraln. u ruaaourr oaaisiil si. Ik. .in.ii. '. lor l".l aud e.ucuaa. U. Ea'ai Oravgooiau Xj. rhTiudi. "raud'on' J Vf" u" J 1 ins re aad colt right shoulder of UMMT1BTI. I'ale.l Juue 21. 1901. OKKIOK K. A. VAUUHAN, DKNTIbT . la Judd Buildlug. A L. HKATIK, D. D. H. OKKIOK OVISH aarluga Bauk lias admlulawarod Old m 11 Bath man. nu. w.... - s.iuill. 10 em INIlHU pau, ou ,hlvi. wall.ro, Newspapers fetfs: S lor caah or on uiarglu. cZT Y0rt Slock Kaclunae. Ch lego Stock BmSSSgP' Cnlctco Board ol TradeV Court Mir at wa,llst,,n. 0-, Telephone Ti. K. A. MANN, UKNT1HT, IN AbbOClA at TUB Kaar oaanSi? nu . buudU Uoi lftUatt.orr.B.Uloptea'.oSI. 1 baa. Oi.af slBBuONlAN UHC, ALLEN BROS., Wood and loata. IUII at eoduio ana dry. PKN.rUrU'B4Vin,BU,k- MMlaHift, . 0BKlJ01( Cor. Court and John-1 PENDLETON. Mleaui boat. Kleetrii' LlghU- Auierleau Plau, rataalL"" 8Voial rates hr PrM Bus flosusll ' Commercial TraaW Pine Sampli Kooni Spockal Atuotloa OW" Country Trail.. Ba .Je WU iir N m cb Iu. an 5 CUNKAD K-OULE-t